Is there a place to listen to a recording of your new show? I cannot find the recording on the link you gave

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I don't think the shows are archived yet, but they are working on that. Thanks.

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You're nothing but another low energy Trump hater and I hope that vaccine you took kills you in your sleep you miserable faggot

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Glad you too the time to read before commenting. I am often accused of being a Trump supporter. Certainly don't hate him. And I never took the vaccine. I wrote the most shadow banned book in the world- "Masking the Truth"- about all that. I am a life long heterosexual.

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Wanna know if Babbitt was really murdered? Watch this video and also read Miles Mathis’ analysis. https://archive.org/details/everything-wrong-with-the-capitol-shooting-in-21-minutes-or-less


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