Wow. There is nothing left to say other than Every MAGA supporter is so in denial that their Messiah is actually A swamp creature with fantastic Zion supported propaganda. The MORAL of the story is; Voting is a pacifier of pre chosen evils. Pick your poison or Declare Independence some how.
All spot-on, as usual. But from recent conversations (initiated by others), I observe that most people are not ready to hear any of this. They are not skeptical of much of anything, and I have a PhD in skepticism.
Was Lee Greenwood actually there? I've hated that guy and his syrupy song, since I first heard him some 40 odd years ago. The political theatrics have now crossed the line from merely stupid and condescending... to outright bizarre. Truly bread and circuses. As I have said for a while, the plan has been Trump-Biden-Trump to destroy what is left of America 2.0...for a long, long, time. The fake shooting (with "dead" crisis actors) and the "Biden coup" is just more drama to muddy the waters and make people believe it's real. The real Biden has been dead for a how can he be forcibly removed? Those two (or more) actors just got their notices that the job had ended. Its getting more and more difficult to listen to Rense. He is pushing the totally fake shooting as real, pushing the Biden "coup" as real. He actually made the ridiculous statement the other day, that: "AI is now sentient". I remember how I briefly quit reading his page for all of 2016, because he was pushing so hard for Trumpenstein to win. He has now outed himself as well.
I read Vance's book when it first came out. My thoughts at the time: This guy is as ambitious as Lucifer. He wants a career in politics, and he is willing to thrown his dad under the bus to climb to the top. I said as much in my Amazon review of his book (dated 2012). When he was a teenager, his father, who now has a stable home with his second wife, invites Vance to stay at his farm for a week, as a trial for the idea that Vance will leave his mother's disfuctional home, and move in with dad. The farm sounds like a summer camp for youth...with a fishing pond and riding horses...yet Vance is a petulent brat...bitching because his dad forbids his heavy metal music, and his Dungeons and Dragons card game. Vance returns to his own personal HIS OWN CHOICE. Then, we never hear about his dad for the rest of the book.
At the end of the book, Vance gets really political. This was before the populist movement in America had begun. He distances himself from populism and conservatism... because that was the thing at the time. I was not at all surprised to see him do a 180. You're spot on, one EVER has a best seller...unless it is PLANNED and PLACED to be a best seller.
I've lost count of the rodeos where I sat on my butt through the Pledge of Allegiance, and then through Greenwood's annoying voice blasting out of tinny loudspeakers. Torture.
I've had Jeff Rense nailed as a shill for some time. He is basically an alternative Alex Jones. One thing I will give Rense credit for- he does allow some true believers to come and air their views. But the truth gets muddled with space aliens and lizard people.
If Lizards were running this show, things would be more sane. After all they would at least be looking to preserve their food supply.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!
Could not have said it better, WW. Sure wish I had figured this out in 2004, before I had pissed away 500 bucks on two of the gizmos he was peddling. He constantly pushes the space alien thing. Almost every show with Erica he states that he believes space aliens were behind the death vax. His pissy, petulent persona is starting to grate on me, the same way Art Bell used to grate on me. I give him credit for letting Donald speak once a week, and for faithfully (at least for the 23 years I have tuned him in) calling out the Jews...but maybe he is paid to do so? His mother's maiden name was Shearer. Maybe Rense is a crypto-Jew himself.
More than likely Rense is a "crypto-Jew". These devils know how to spin the narrative and construct controlled opposition. "The Greatest Story Never Told" is a Jewish production. Nothing in there about how Hitler started out as a Communist in Bavaria, before they recylcled him. Nothing in there about Prescott Bush financed the Nazis- best enemy banksta money could buy. No, rather, they trot out the same propaganda that they used on Eastern Europe in the 1930's, that Hitler was going to save Europe from Communism. And a lot of people who should know better are buying it. I am waiting to see how they are going to dovetail the overarching narrative with the Trumpenstein project,
Meanwhile, this country certainly is beginning to look like Germany in 1931, Russia in 1917, France in 1789, Austria in 1913, Portugal and Italy in 1848, and America in 1860... it is ultimately always the same playbook.
I fear the Trump Train may be the Auschwitz Express... all aboard...
By "Auschwitz Express," do you mean the train that takes us to a temporary labor camp where we’re given temporary and livable accommodations and paid a daily wage to produce war munitions for whatever war is currently being waged and at which labor camp we will have access to all kinds of normal facilities (swimming pool, showers and spa, theatre, gym, etc.) and full rations of food (except if and when the supplies of food to our camp are cut off by Western powers) and where we will remain (barring any diseases that ravage the entire camp) until we are later transported to a new land that we’ll then occupy (even if already occupied, say, Madagascar or...Palestine) and which we will immediately call our own (perhaps getting an international body to declare it a new nation for us) and where we'll then systematically and ruthlessly remove the current landholders there until the true nature of our designs are fully exposed? Or something like that?
I stopped listening to Rense a few years ago when he and Erica kept recommending that the unjabbed continue wearing masks (ie, plastic- and chemical-coated, oxygen-restricting petri dishes) to protect against shedding. Bizarre for someone who claimed to understand the Covid scam. I couldn't take him (or his supposed medical expert) seriously after that.
Yep. I have twisted my brain into a pretzel, trying to figure that one out. Is he being paid to say this? Or maybe it makes him feel vindicated to have others wearing masks when he suits up in hazmat to go into Ashland to the grocery store. Ashland is a very weird place, yet our man Intrepid must look like a kook...even in such a town. He doesn't just SUGGEST masks...he goes on a harangue that lasts for minutes when the subject comes up. I would love to have the answer to this. It is so odd. Because I have a really good memory, and I've been listening so long, I've caught Rense changing his stories over the years. I have caught him lying more than once.
As I write this on the 24th of July, there is an advertisement on BitChute for a "Trump Bobblehead" with bloodstained face, in the exact pose as the heroic "Iwo Jima" photograph. So this is just 11 days after the assassination. How long does it take to design the figure, get it into production (most likely in China) and then shipped to distribution points? This is just like the Beatles Album that came out four days after the concert. Right.
This whole thing was scripted, and the "Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump" was a stage production. So George Soros can make up for the Put Options he lost by selling millions of MAGA Figures. (I bet they have T-shirts and banners too. Total Shopzilla...)
Agree! Total stage production with WWE tricks. Here's video of the secret service tipping off the photographers that the show is about to start so they can get into position for their money shot photo:
I would love to know the source of that video. At this point, AI can produce pretty good stuff. But at face value, it certainly is damning. When did that video first get posted? Was it just hours after the event? Also, is anybody taking credit for the video?
All I see is a post on "Faves" It is not even a Facebook or Twitter Post.
We are at the point where every video, and every picture needs a "pedigree".
Our entire political process has become unserious, because 90% of the people involved are in fact, themselves unserious! Frankly, many of them are very stupid. And I mean, if you were trapped on a lifeboat with some of them, you'd hit them in the head with an oar, and throw them overboard, rather than split your food and water with them.
Also, obviously, corruption has run rampant, yielding hundreds of uninspired and uninspiring grifters, that are only there to accept bribes, see themselves on television, and act like they are important.
I just can't believe some people still buy into these psy-ops with no problem. At least have some healthy skepticism at this point. I laughed when I first saw it because it looked so remedial - more sloppy "Shock Doctrine." Tired of living in a cult...
#1. That was the year, you may recall, that the Clinton Emails came out, which documented the criminal activities of Hillary. No attempt by anybody to say all the emails were frauds. Nah, instead they went after the leakers. (I think one was Eddie Snowden, can't be sure.) Hillary certainly should have been investigated, and then prosecuted. But no, the Obamanation was already in Clown World.
#2. Pope Benedict just throws in the towel, and then we get the man I call, Pope Frantic, who has never shown any evidence during the course of his "pontificate" that he has ever cracked open anything remotely resembling the Roman Catechism. Even the most Liberal Pastor from a Suburban MegaChurch would be hard-pressed, after intense study, to answer a simple question: "Is the Pope Catholic?"
I don't do political speeches, or rallies or conventions or even like the circus all that much. If I even vote, it will likely be for RFK as a sympathy vote. No matter who populates the Black House, the DC Swamp will remain infested to the gills. You are right...Trump will have a bunch of useless twits surrounding him and even JD fills that bill. Kammy? The same parade of leftist retards that took over for The Dummy.
Something wicked this way comes...will be the theme from now until doomsday. I figure we have less than 10 years before it all blows up, possibly much less. I'll stick with whatever Martin Armstrong's Socrates says. At least he is impartial and it's not his direct opinion.
This article hit the state of the political clown show right on the money. It sure looks like we are on our own. The only cavalry coming over the hill is led my "Donald?" Custer...not good. Terrible, in fact.
History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a spiritual awakening to overcome the moral lapse or a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster.
Omigosh, I was laughing so hard, I started snorting! And yet, it's really sad. Our country has been in a lot of trouble for way longer than most of us really thought.
Donald. "It's just too much." They are doing "too much." You hit it out the park this time. I mean, the levels of desperation are manifest. What next? The public is clamoring for more. They NEED IT.
I appreciate that, Jean-Baptiste. Good post of your own- I started saying sports were fixed back in the late 1970s. Brian Tuohy beat me to writing the book on it. He has been on my show. Thanks!
30 years ago, Hulk Hogan would have been laughed out of a political convention- you might as well have had someone dressed up as Santa Claus. How times have changed.
There is only one certainty, Zionism will continue to flourish. no matter who is selected. I was hoping RFK Jr. would be different, but he might love Israel more than any of them. Besides his quotes supporting Israel, just look at his wife.
Wow. There is nothing left to say other than Every MAGA supporter is so in denial that their Messiah is actually A swamp creature with fantastic Zion supported propaganda. The MORAL of the story is; Voting is a pacifier of pre chosen evils. Pick your poison or Declare Independence some how.
They are, Just. But remember, the "Woke" Left is absolutely insane with TDS hatred. There are no good guys. Thanks.
"There are no good guys." Nailed it. Again.
Thanks, Leara!
Donald Trump will be president and the Pope is still catholic.
Anything goes in Clown World.
There are lots of people who don't think the pope is Catholic.
I happen to be one of them.
Some of them think he’s Jewish cause he wears a yarmulke.
Zion Don.
All spot-on, as usual. But from recent conversations (initiated by others), I observe that most people are not ready to hear any of this. They are not skeptical of much of anything, and I have a PhD in skepticism.
I know, CSJ. Most people have no tipping point. Thanks!
It’s easier to cling to anything that is served up as reality than navigate the onslaught of “facts” in order to tease out a bit of truth 🤦♀️
Definition of a Pessimist.....An Optimist with more information 😁.
The optimist believes we live in the best of worlds. The pessimist fears this is true
From The Pessimists journal Ca1992
So the admissions specialist did not find Adolf Hiters submission good enough so Adolf Hitler has to find another career path
What if Fidel Castro was singed by the Yankees?
It is because we have no one else that could win.
I am so tired of all the lies.
And that's all we get, Faithful. Thanks.
I am tired of all the cowards, and people in complete denial.
"Secretary of Ass"---ding ding ding
A Department of Ass couldn't be that much more worthless than most government agencies, sacky. Thanks!
No Ass Left Behind
Lol. Thanks, Steghorn!
The Democrats have an appropriate Mascot. The Republicans ought to change theirs to the Gooney Bird.
Was Lee Greenwood actually there? I've hated that guy and his syrupy song, since I first heard him some 40 odd years ago. The political theatrics have now crossed the line from merely stupid and condescending... to outright bizarre. Truly bread and circuses. As I have said for a while, the plan has been Trump-Biden-Trump to destroy what is left of America 2.0...for a long, long, time. The fake shooting (with "dead" crisis actors) and the "Biden coup" is just more drama to muddy the waters and make people believe it's real. The real Biden has been dead for a how can he be forcibly removed? Those two (or more) actors just got their notices that the job had ended. Its getting more and more difficult to listen to Rense. He is pushing the totally fake shooting as real, pushing the Biden "coup" as real. He actually made the ridiculous statement the other day, that: "AI is now sentient". I remember how I briefly quit reading his page for all of 2016, because he was pushing so hard for Trumpenstein to win. He has now outed himself as well.
I read Vance's book when it first came out. My thoughts at the time: This guy is as ambitious as Lucifer. He wants a career in politics, and he is willing to thrown his dad under the bus to climb to the top. I said as much in my Amazon review of his book (dated 2012). When he was a teenager, his father, who now has a stable home with his second wife, invites Vance to stay at his farm for a week, as a trial for the idea that Vance will leave his mother's disfuctional home, and move in with dad. The farm sounds like a summer camp for youth...with a fishing pond and riding horses...yet Vance is a petulent brat...bitching because his dad forbids his heavy metal music, and his Dungeons and Dragons card game. Vance returns to his own personal HIS OWN CHOICE. Then, we never hear about his dad for the rest of the book.
At the end of the book, Vance gets really political. This was before the populist movement in America had begun. He distances himself from populism and conservatism... because that was the thing at the time. I was not at all surprised to see him do a 180. You're spot on, one EVER has a best seller...unless it is PLANNED and PLACED to be a best seller.
Yes, Greenwood was there performing live, Kris. Thanks!
I've lost count of the rodeos where I sat on my butt through the Pledge of Allegiance, and then through Greenwood's annoying voice blasting out of tinny loudspeakers. Torture.
I've had Jeff Rense nailed as a shill for some time. He is basically an alternative Alex Jones. One thing I will give Rense credit for- he does allow some true believers to come and air their views. But the truth gets muddled with space aliens and lizard people.
If Lizards were running this show, things would be more sane. After all they would at least be looking to preserve their food supply.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!
Could not have said it better, WW. Sure wish I had figured this out in 2004, before I had pissed away 500 bucks on two of the gizmos he was peddling. He constantly pushes the space alien thing. Almost every show with Erica he states that he believes space aliens were behind the death vax. His pissy, petulent persona is starting to grate on me, the same way Art Bell used to grate on me. I give him credit for letting Donald speak once a week, and for faithfully (at least for the 23 years I have tuned him in) calling out the Jews...but maybe he is paid to do so? His mother's maiden name was Shearer. Maybe Rense is a crypto-Jew himself.
More than likely Rense is a "crypto-Jew". These devils know how to spin the narrative and construct controlled opposition. "The Greatest Story Never Told" is a Jewish production. Nothing in there about how Hitler started out as a Communist in Bavaria, before they recylcled him. Nothing in there about Prescott Bush financed the Nazis- best enemy banksta money could buy. No, rather, they trot out the same propaganda that they used on Eastern Europe in the 1930's, that Hitler was going to save Europe from Communism. And a lot of people who should know better are buying it. I am waiting to see how they are going to dovetail the overarching narrative with the Trumpenstein project,
Meanwhile, this country certainly is beginning to look like Germany in 1931, Russia in 1917, France in 1789, Austria in 1913, Portugal and Italy in 1848, and America in 1860... it is ultimately always the same playbook.
I fear the Trump Train may be the Auschwitz Express... all aboard...
By "Auschwitz Express," do you mean the train that takes us to a temporary labor camp where we’re given temporary and livable accommodations and paid a daily wage to produce war munitions for whatever war is currently being waged and at which labor camp we will have access to all kinds of normal facilities (swimming pool, showers and spa, theatre, gym, etc.) and full rations of food (except if and when the supplies of food to our camp are cut off by Western powers) and where we will remain (barring any diseases that ravage the entire camp) until we are later transported to a new land that we’ll then occupy (even if already occupied, say, Madagascar or...Palestine) and which we will immediately call our own (perhaps getting an international body to declare it a new nation for us) and where we'll then systematically and ruthlessly remove the current landholders there until the true nature of our designs are fully exposed? Or something like that?
Wishful thinking. No, I am thinking of the Sheeple's version of the Labor Camp, where millions were gassed by the Evil Nazis.
I stopped listening to Rense a few years ago when he and Erica kept recommending that the unjabbed continue wearing masks (ie, plastic- and chemical-coated, oxygen-restricting petri dishes) to protect against shedding. Bizarre for someone who claimed to understand the Covid scam. I couldn't take him (or his supposed medical expert) seriously after that.
Yep. I have twisted my brain into a pretzel, trying to figure that one out. Is he being paid to say this? Or maybe it makes him feel vindicated to have others wearing masks when he suits up in hazmat to go into Ashland to the grocery store. Ashland is a very weird place, yet our man Intrepid must look like a kook...even in such a town. He doesn't just SUGGEST masks...he goes on a harangue that lasts for minutes when the subject comes up. I would love to have the answer to this. It is so odd. Because I have a really good memory, and I've been listening so long, I've caught Rense changing his stories over the years. I have caught him lying more than once.
As I write this on the 24th of July, there is an advertisement on BitChute for a "Trump Bobblehead" with bloodstained face, in the exact pose as the heroic "Iwo Jima" photograph. So this is just 11 days after the assassination. How long does it take to design the figure, get it into production (most likely in China) and then shipped to distribution points? This is just like the Beatles Album that came out four days after the concert. Right.
This whole thing was scripted, and the "Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump" was a stage production. So George Soros can make up for the Put Options he lost by selling millions of MAGA Figures. (I bet they have T-shirts and banners too. Total Shopzilla...)
Good point, WW. Stay skeptical. Thanks.
Agree! Total stage production with WWE tricks. Here's video of the secret service tipping off the photographers that the show is about to start so they can get into position for their money shot photo:
Video here where you see the SS tipping off photographers that the show is about to start, so they can get into position to get the money shot:
And it looks like a number of the photos associated with this staged theater were actually AI produced.
I would love to know the source of that video. At this point, AI can produce pretty good stuff. But at face value, it certainly is damning. When did that video first get posted? Was it just hours after the event? Also, is anybody taking credit for the video?
All I see is a post on "Faves" It is not even a Facebook or Twitter Post.
We are at the point where every video, and every picture needs a "pedigree".
But meanwhile, it certainly looks damaging.
Our entire political process has become unserious, because 90% of the people involved are in fact, themselves unserious! Frankly, many of them are very stupid. And I mean, if you were trapped on a lifeboat with some of them, you'd hit them in the head with an oar, and throw them overboard, rather than split your food and water with them.
Also, obviously, corruption has run rampant, yielding hundreds of uninspired and uninspiring grifters, that are only there to accept bribes, see themselves on television, and act like they are important.
I just can't believe some people still buy into these psy-ops with no problem. At least have some healthy skepticism at this point. I laughed when I first saw it because it looked so remedial - more sloppy "Shock Doctrine." Tired of living in a cult...
I think a lot more than usual are questioning this one, Matt. Thanks.
I'd say "let's hope" but mine is shot.
There's no underestimating the intelligence of the American public.
H. L. Mencken
The World became Clown Planet in 2013.
In 2019, a guy on youtube called the upcoming years "The Clown Decade", and told us all to brace ourselves.
By the way, why 2013?
2013 for two reasons.
#1. That was the year, you may recall, that the Clinton Emails came out, which documented the criminal activities of Hillary. No attempt by anybody to say all the emails were frauds. Nah, instead they went after the leakers. (I think one was Eddie Snowden, can't be sure.) Hillary certainly should have been investigated, and then prosecuted. But no, the Obamanation was already in Clown World.
#2. Pope Benedict just throws in the towel, and then we get the man I call, Pope Frantic, who has never shown any evidence during the course of his "pontificate" that he has ever cracked open anything remotely resembling the Roman Catechism. Even the most Liberal Pastor from a Suburban MegaChurch would be hard-pressed, after intense study, to answer a simple question: "Is the Pope Catholic?"
Yeah. Makes sense.
I don't do political speeches, or rallies or conventions or even like the circus all that much. If I even vote, it will likely be for RFK as a sympathy vote. No matter who populates the Black House, the DC Swamp will remain infested to the gills. You are right...Trump will have a bunch of useless twits surrounding him and even JD fills that bill. Kammy? The same parade of leftist retards that took over for The Dummy.
Something wicked this way comes...will be the theme from now until doomsday. I figure we have less than 10 years before it all blows up, possibly much less. I'll stick with whatever Martin Armstrong's Socrates says. At least he is impartial and it's not his direct opinion.
This article hit the state of the political clown show right on the money. It sure looks like we are on our own. The only cavalry coming over the hill is led my "Donald?" Custer...not good. Terrible, in fact.
History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a spiritual awakening to overcome the moral lapse or a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster.
Douglas MacArthur
Thanks, Crixcyon.
In this insane world in which we exist, your writing style helps keep many of us sane, or at least less insane. So, thank you very much for that!
Thanks, J.R.!
It's a Don Jeffries' thing, and we understand.
Omigosh, thanks (for the sarcastic laughs). I needed that!
Am still aghast at how many supposedly "awake" and "aware" people have bitten, chewed and swallowed this "attempted assassination" story.
Thanks, An Observer!
Hopium is a most potent drug. But that light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming Trump Train.
Light at the end of the tunnel? We don't even have a tunnel; we don't even know where the tunnel is.
Lyndon B. Johnson
Omigosh, I was laughing so hard, I started snorting! And yet, it's really sad. Our country has been in a lot of trouble for way longer than most of us really thought.
I'm glad to hear that, Susan. Thanks!
Donald. "It's just too much." They are doing "too much." You hit it out the park this time. I mean, the levels of desperation are manifest. What next? The public is clamoring for more. They NEED IT.
I appreciate that, Jean-Baptiste. Good post of your own- I started saying sports were fixed back in the late 1970s. Brian Tuohy beat me to writing the book on it. He has been on my show. Thanks!
30 years ago, Hulk Hogan would have been laughed out of a political convention- you might as well have had someone dressed up as Santa Claus. How times have changed.
Yep. Picture Haystacks Calhoon at the '68 convention, WW.
They are throwing in everything, even the kitchen sink. Throwing spaghetti on the walls.............hoping for a "stick."
“Politics is the entertainment division of the military industrial complex.” - Frank Zappa
There is only one certainty, Zionism will continue to flourish. no matter who is selected. I was hoping RFK Jr. would be different, but he might love Israel more than any of them. Besides his quotes supporting Israel, just look at his wife.
Holy Moly......this is spot on.......
Thank you, my friend!
I'll second the motion!