Apr 15Liked by Donald Jeffries

We had a beloved magical mulatto in the White House no to long ago :-(

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Apr 15·edited Apr 16Liked by Donald Jeffries

Donald, as someone who has studied astrology for the last 35 years, I must inform you that the effects of an eclipse last from one lunation to the next...so the effects of the April 8th eclipse will last until the May 8th new moon. We all know that the elite use astrology and numerology, but I certainly wasn't expecting anything on the big day...that would be too obvious. The most dangerous time this month, are the last twelve days. While ignorant Zionist Christians get their knickers in a knot over Halloween, the actual big satanic clambake of the year is Walpurgisnacht, and Beltane (April 30th and May 1st). The last twelve days of April call for blood sacrifice. Look back and count all the bloody false flags that occured the last week of April... particularly April 19th/20th...because those dates are the big blast...when the countdown begins (Waco, Oklahoma City, Boston bombing lockdown- 04/19; Columbine, Deep Water Horizon- 04/20). In 2019, when Easter weekend fell on April 20/21, I was expecting something really big. That was the year they burned down Norte Dame in Paris during Holy Week. Then, on Easter Sunday, three churches were bombed in Sri Lanka.

The lunatic culture we now live in; where Whites cower in shame, and Blacks run wild with a sense of entitlement and massive self-confidence...did not just happen by chance. The Jews have been at it for 2000 years...their end game is eradication of their ancient enemies...White Christians of European descent. That's why there is no solution. My guess is that at least 95% of Americans are completely clueless of the Jewish agenda. You can't fight an enemy you don't even know you have.

Your last paragraph was priceless. This is one of your finest.

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Apr 15Liked by Donald Jeffries

The eclipse was real here in north GA, with a sundown type effect and some squirrels and birds freaking for an hour or two. Strongly recommend the "popcorn" get thrown in the trash , where useless carbs belong, and free time spent preparing for what is to come, including some time at the gun rage sharpening self-defense skills.

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Apr 15Liked by Donald Jeffries

"Could there be a more absurd premise, one that is more contrary to demonstrated reality, than that a secret group of Blacks is orchestrating things to make Whites more comfortable?"

Maybe it's true they are so secret and stealth we can't see or know them or their works ....... because the non secret ones apparently want to terrorize us (and each other)!

The poor box office showing will be blamed on racism, because it can't be the ridiculousness of the content , it just can't!

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Apr 15Liked by Donald Jeffries

Ye gods, Don, this was one of the most hilarious articles you've written! A great big,"HAR!" is in order. Thank you, this was great work, as always...And I do look forward to your articles every week, and appreciate it very much. I'm like you : unless I actually *SEE* it, on the ground, in reality, I take ALL that I hear with a grain of salt and a massive dose of skepticism. I always wanted to find someone to ask, "What do you do for a living?", to hear them reply,"I'm an Expert!"...*That* would be very funny, indeed

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Apr 16Liked by Donald Jeffries

"White girl in the woodpile." LOL! A lot of people won't get that joke.

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Apr 15Liked by Donald Jeffries

"......but Whites, dominated by Christian Zionists, accepted the creation of Israel passively....." Yes, yes, and yes! Yes, indeed!

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Apr 15Liked by Donald Jeffries

Thank god for films made before the 90s. I'm an 80s kid, so that's my go to for films if I'm in the mood to escape.

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Excellent point, Don, about the anti-White agenda starting to work against, Israel. So ironic as the Tribe has always planned, directed, and financed the anti-White onslaught. However, these "Slaves of Atlantis" are too dim to realize that white skin in and of itself does not necessarily constitute a White man. In fact, pigmentation or skin color is the least significant racial difference. By any honest biological, psychological, and spiritual criteria concomitant with cultural and historical backgrounds, the Jews are not white. Thanks for a really great one, Don.

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Apr 15Liked by Donald Jeffries

Yes, they're in a dilemma. Israel basically invented (modern) identity politics.

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Apr 15Liked by Donald Jeffries

We're beyond repair.

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Apr 15Liked by Donald Jeffries

“Ironically, our dystopian reality is far more entertaining now than anything Hollywood can come up with.”

Ain’t that the truth! I finally quit berating myself for spending so much time reading Substack posts instead of focusing on my vast collection of novels and NF books.

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Thirty plus years ago Nelson Mandela sang a song extolling the imperative and joys and urging his kith to Kill the Whites. He did it right in front of reporters faces, switching his mask with his tongue - with no outcry. Today they pack stadiums full to sing it in glee. Then they do just that. They go and gruesomely kill the White farmers whose genius and hard work feed them. The mob gets its blood lust sated and the black ruling class take the land and assets of the murdered. America is worse with Jamie Foxx bragging on SNL how he got to kill all the whites in Django Unchained.

We hear anti-white genocidal messages constantly. That nobody showed up to watch this anti-white vitriol is a good step. However, it is a baby step and not nearly enough. Whites must organize as a distinct racial group as a matter of survival.

Here is Mandela: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKiePbTcAfY

Here is another of many predations on our young: https://www.foxnews.com/us/michigan-teens-suicide-nigerian-brothers-plead-guilty-planning-deadly-sextortion-scheme

It is time to organize and take peaceful but coordinated action to look out for our interests, defend ourselves, our children our civilization and take active measures to safeguard and ensure our future.

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Apr 16Liked by Donald Jeffries

Grand Wizard of the KKK: "What's this you say? There's an American Society of Magical Negroes? Well, maybe they'll make themselves disappear."

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Apr 15Liked by Donald Jeffries

At any rate, I think it’s safe to say that most movie theaters are largely empty now.

>100% true --my wife enjoys the movie theater and so do I -- just not much to watch these days, so she usually goes with our youngest kid. But when we do go, we are two of about six people in the seats.

and whatever happens in the middle east....,

It is of interest to hear the modern 'left' now reverting back to an anti-war posture, propounding that Israel remain calm and not retaliate (this morning extrapolating on the radio that this is not the same situation as Ukraine and the republicans best not tie the two State's war funds together ).

While on the other side of the hand, the modern 'right' clamors for blowing up the Persians.

I just certainly hope they have plenty of those triangle shaped craft on this side of the pond that seem to shoot down missiles --- that is, if they are even willing to use them to protect their own citizens when the missiles start flying in this direction.

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Apr 16Liked by Donald Jeffries

If the Vikings ever saw the modern, non-Slavic, cucked Caucasians, they would surely turn over in their graves. The Khazarians, who are in denial about their pigmentation, have managed a culture of hate toward White, Christian, Heterosexuals. Especially males!

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