I was just four years old or so. But I do recall all the hubbub. And things have never been the same since.
The JFK Presidency was manufactured, and the unsuspecting public were riding high on the roller coaster. And those disillusioned with Post WW2 America especially were riding high. The whole affair was targeted primarily at them.
I was 18 years old almost 19 when they murdered J F K.
In no time at all, I became a conspiracy nut job.
As Gore Vidal said, we are conspiracy analysts. Thanks, Jerry!
I was just four years old or so. But I do recall all the hubbub. And things have never been the same since.
The JFK Presidency was manufactured, and the unsuspecting public were riding high on the roller coaster. And those disillusioned with Post WW2 America especially were riding high. The whole affair was targeted primarily at them.
Mission accomplished.
Ditto! Had just turned 22.