Aurora Co. police released a statement today saying that the Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment buildings was not true, but their department did have 663 requests for Police service at one "certain" apartment building in Aurora,. Over 100 arrests of gang member have been made there. Hmmmm...cops called there over 663 times in one month. Sounds like there could be a small problem there.

See what the PR writers did there? They poo-pooed the rumor and sprayed perfume on the entire foul-smelling reality. The good 'ol non-sequitur fallacy, a conclusion that does not logically follow the premise.

BTW. Venezuelan gangs have taken over HUGE apartment complexes in Dallas and Chicago. And the gangs are well armed. Extorting money, throwing residents out on the street and shooting building managers. "Uhhh Houston, we have a problem. Roger that."

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Well, who am I to argue with any police department, Liber8or? Gangs are our friends. Stop irrational racist hatred of gangs! Thanks!

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I guess we thank all of the "sanctuary city" lovers and politicians for this stinking mess. Did they actually believe that unruly people would contribute anything good to society? Seems to me that opening the door to flood nations with criminal immigrants was part of the plan all along to destroy every civilized society around the world. Everyone should know that people who are too poor to feed and house themselves don't have money to buy guns, cell phones and pay for cell phone service..

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"Stop irrational racist hatred of gangs!" I immediately wondered if there was a phobia for such a thing. Here's a list of just about every possibility: https://www.verywellmind.com/list-of-phobias-2795453. I nearly stopped at 'fear of peanut butter' but had to keep reading as I found myself laughing, a nearly forgotten feeling..

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1945 Normandy D Day .. gung ho

2025 Houston B Day .. gang ho.

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Gee, I wonder where these gangs got these weapons from. Could it be from Barack's Fast and Furious program? But lets take weapons from most of the civilized Citizens who have the right to bear arms. That'll solve the problem. Kackles wants to implement her "buy back" program. She'll turn full Dictator. You can almost see the blood dripping from her fangs.

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yet who can cackle and spray(or suck) blood at the same time?

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Wow - I just told my family we cannot trust anything that the mainstream and/or owned departments say. Always use objective thinking. Just like you did there. They are deny, yet over 600+ proofs point to the truth

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But, but.....the food!

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The fat lady has sung and it appears to be over for Whitey. (Disclaimer: To all sons and daughters of pox riddled whores who work for so-called "Law Enforcement", federal and state, what ensues is fictional fantasy. I do not advocate the harming of anyone, extant or deceased.) If Whites don't realize by now there is a protracted and meticulously planned war of extermination against them, they never will, up to the last White man butchered and the last attractive White female used for sexual sport by sub-human, non-Whites. I think that if every night on the mass media news, it was announced that all Whites will be exterminated or enslaved for life, most of them would barely look up from thumb fucking their I-phones. The only solution against such a determined, entrenched, and powerful enemy is lone wolf, leaderless resistance warfare. The enemy fears much more what they cannot see or track clearly. First, the political puppets and bureaucratic administrators for the shadow rulers should be "capped" with extreme prejudice. This would be tantamount to castrating the Cryptocracy. Then, go after the featherless bipeds with a vengeance. Their obvious intentions are to kill us anyway so why not make a fight of it and take out as many of the slimebags as possible? Tis far better than being docilely led to the slaughterhouse. Brilliant piece, Don, you're getting stronger all the time. You were terrific on the Kim Iverson show, by the way.

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I appreciate that, Hereticdrummer. Kim is great, and her huge audience certainly helped book sales (and Substack subscriptions). Thanks!

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You're welcome, Don. Incidentally, if there is any truth to Vladimir Putin endorsing Kackala Trannis for Puppet-in Chief, it is because he knows that it doesn't matter which lying, criminal, moronic pervert is selected for the Oval Orifice. U.S. foreign and domestic policies are made and effectuated by personages whose names the populace does not know and whose faces are unfamiliar to them.

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url link to Jeffries / Iverson show?

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Exactly what happened in South Africa. Whitey was slaughtered. The rest of the world looked the other way.

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yes but they were all Nazis , I know , cause U2 sang about it. Achtung Baby!

( nobody was paying attention to the white right)

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plus 1 - "thumb fucking their I-phones", hell, plus 2

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Hell yes! Mesmerized in a digital death-dream trance. Traipsing toward perdition.

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or thumb humping, in polite company, of you can find it.

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Isn't that priceless? Love it.

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Who do you think is behind the anti white depopulation effort?

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A certain Turkic-Mongol Tribe that practices what Louis Farrakhan called, "A gutter religion." Many of them have beady eyes, hook noses, and a rodent-like countenance. Can you guess who they are?

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all of us are in the gutter, some of us are looking at the jews.

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What say we broaden the perspective by asking questions?

Why is this happening?


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Yep Crush...there is a reason why the name is: The Babylonian Talmud.

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Right on, Kris.

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Great reply, Kris

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Yes I’m aware. Just trying to see how many others know what’s going on. It’s Bolshevik revolution #2 and it will repeat.

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Can you post the video clip of Spectre saying these words? It's been floating around the internet for some time...I see it a lot lately. Hearing her say these words might actually have an impact (although we are pretty much preaching to the choir here).

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Thanks for this. I've written a novel about it called "RACK." The more I learn, the more material there is for a sequel. The characters in the novel know that the constabulary won't take action, so they take action themselves. And, by the way, in 1978 my stepson's bicycle was stolen. When I found it and took it back, I was accused of stealing it by a black elementary school principal. Note: 1978. Shortly after that I had squatters in my two-family house. I changed the locks when they went out. Sometimes you have to do the right thing no matter what. "Liberalism 2024 is the nagging fear that the countries of Europe and the US Constitution will survive." Jim Hogue.

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liked, heretic. i agree that the the "lone wolf leaderless resistance warfare" is the only resistance left, i do not know how powerful it is (but agree it could be) because very few seem to pursue the way of quiet unobserved stealth. but the idea that more and more people go quiet, less sharing our beliefs on social media (which the powerful installed), refusing to talk about the powerful, refusing to vote, refusing to participate, all in a positive determined act of giving them no heed whatsover because we deny they even exist— would terrify the powerful, and i believe collapse them. the PTB do not want to be ignored, they must be acknowledged and in acknowledging them even in outraged complaint is basically upholding their existence, upholding the state. if we are honest, we all consent in some way to upholding the very State that is seeking our demise. am i too harsh?

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You're not harsh enough, Kyra. With the unspeakably evil enemies we face, one must turn into stone and become beyond ruthless. This is war without mercy, no quarter asked for and none given. Years ago a fellow who had spent his life in law enforcement, said that the only unsolvable crimes were those in which the perpetrator told no one what he was planning and eventually did. Not a spouse, lover, family member, relative, or close friend. Absolutely no one, because as this guy said, even confiding in one person will eventually get you caught. A secret shared is no longer a secret. The resistance must emulate the communists modus operandi when they were vying for power. Numerous, small cells acting independently of each other yet all united by goals and purpose. Each cell had no knowledge of any of the others, not even knowing who they were. This way if any cell member was captured, he or she could not reveal anything, even under extreme torture. This game is played for keeps and there are no higher stakes.

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HI Heretic, i believe you are completely right, one must become very controlled within oneself with extreme discipline without emotion, one has to be a silent warrior. when i wrote 'quiet unobserved stealth,' i asked, is this too harsh. but i see that it wasn't, that the way thing are now, it's the only way to resist. I really liked what you wrote here and am going to save it.

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Thank you, Kyra. We are in enemy occupied territory. Be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove. Always strive to fly under the Cryptocracy's radar. My best to you and yours.

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The Trump-Cackling Camel Debate... totally, utterly scripted. They made Trump look like a whiny 2nd grader and Kamala look like Mrs Sophistication. (She was most sophisticated when she just kept her mouth shut.) I don't know who was on the panel, but they all sounded like they were straight out of George Orwell's Ministry of Truth. The only thing they quoted was sound clips from the Lamestream Media- and where was Trump yelling "Fake News, Fake News- it's all fake news." ??? Certainly the Trump team could have quoted from some of the witnesses being overrun by the Mad Haitians.

Meanwhile, for the record, there are no native Haitians. The people that currently occupy Haiti are from some of the most Satanic Animist tribes in deepest, darkest Africa- you know, those parts depicted in Looney Tunes as people shooting poison darts through Soda Straws, and holding hands while dancing around a cauldron with Dr Livingston and his peerless aid Morgan in it. (Not that Dr Livingston did not deserve such a fate, but I digress.) At any rate, they were all taken to Haiti to serve as slaves for French Sugar Plantations, but then they got a mind of their own, slew all the French, but Napoleon decided he wanted Haiti anyway until he decided that granting them independence and also selling Lousianna to Jefferson- or was it Madison- I forget to make America Great Again.

I don't know any Haitian could think that moving up in the world was emigrating from their straw huts in a land where banana tress grew in their front yard giving them delicious fruit all year long to immigrating to being in the front yard of of an octogenarian where it is darned cold four months out of the year. Yes, there will always be plenty of feral cats, but walnuts are just a tad more work than simply peeling a banana. But I guess I just don't understand Haitian things. Or maybe they don't have Amazon or Netflicks in Haiti. (Is that a bad thing?)

Yes, there is cannibalism in Washington, and on Wall Street and at the Vatican too. It's what happens to all those children whose faces we used to see on milk cartons.

But I will welcome all the Haitians to come here. Not in my front yard, but they are sure welcome to all the wooded area down by the Creek that the Feds just turned into a Nature Preserve. After they have skinned and barbecued all the cats they can start on the squirrels. Enough squirrels around here to keep a whole community of Haitians fed. And they can invite all their distant cousins from Liberia and Congo and Equatorial Africa and Somalia. And the Somalians cannot be all that dumb- they had enough sense to resist benito Mussolini bringing Freedom and Democracy to the Dark Continent- complete with bombs blessed by Vatican Bishops.

I did finally get my copy of American Memory Hole. I was not aware there was conscription in Massachutetes. "We liberated you from those British who were not bothering you now grab your gun and march into Pennsylvania and shoot at 'dem Redcoats or we will throw you in jail!" Let Freedom Ring!

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Great comment as usual, WW. Thanks!

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I like the idea of them eating squirrels. They have infested my yard, so have the rabbits, that totally destroy my flowers. Dig holes looking for what, I can never figure it out. But to me, once they feel they can camp out on your property, good luck in getting them to leave. Cops or the government won't help you! So in essence, you're just inviting more rodents on your property.

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That's a good way to describe such illegal squatters, Fran- rodents. Large, illegal rodents, protected by the law like an endangered species. Thanks!

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or gophers, gopher welfare, gopher your (unlocked up) daughters, gopher gopher the pets, and finally gopher the guns they have been given and gopher us. rats!!!!

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Fortunately I have never owned property in this country. And from very early on I decided I never would want to own property. Actually, people only think they own property. The real property owner is the government/plutocracy and as soon as they think your property is more valuable as an interstate highway, strip mall, or Sheeple Suburb they will get you out one way or another. I figure I will end up under a pine tree somewhere, probably next to a quaking bog full of Yellow Snakes. (I heard they taste like dogs... er... chickens.

As for the illegals, I don't paint with too broad a brush. I have helped many an illegal who was working hard to get ahead- people from Mexico, Brazil, Argentina- they came here for a better life, not to take advantage of social services. Of course, that was a decade ago. Quite frankly, I think this the dysfunctional lot is being imported by the cabal. They became drug addicts in their homeland, and want more of the same here. I don't blame them so much as I blame our government. The REAL people controlling the United States are not nice guys. They make the Klingons look like Spanky, Alfalfa, and the rest of Our Gang.

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I well realize I don't own my home and can't stand the thought that you are 100% correct.

I also agree with you about the current stream of illegals. Yes, the Government is entirely responsible. They don't care. They have all the money, drugs, and stream of young girls and boys at their disposal, as long as they follow The Plan.

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I don't think the Illegals are going to follow The Plan. On Game Day they are going to cut and run. The illegals are just a distraction. The Main Event is they are going to persecute the just. Irregardless of who gets selected, this country is in for a world of hurt. Everything else is just theatre at this point.

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agree. liked

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We will see how this plays out. They'll eventually get chopped down too; I'm sure there is a Plan for them too. That is what the Elites do in this world, murder.

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They are of their Father the Devil, who was a liar and a murderer from the beginning.

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Back in the early 90's, I was living in an upper flat in a deteriorating neighborhood. My landlord lived below. He told me that the Hmongs across the alley who rented an upper flat were eating cats (I thought he was crazy). Yes, I saw the damn animals skins drying on their porch railing. So for anyone to deny that it is going on do not want to face facts. Like most politicians or Woke idiots want the rest of Americans to believe. They do not live in these areas of decay. They live in posh 'hoods or gated communities where their families and pets are protected.

I often wonder what happens to all these missing children. Yes, sex slaves. Or perhaps cannibalism? Laugh now, but its probably more than true.

Trump should not have brought up this issue. It made him look like total dope. If he happens to be the Mighty Selected Savior, then he could have dealt with it then (maybe). Our failing economy and mass immigration problem would have been enough; Citizens from both sides are having to deal with these problems now. All politicians are Traitors in my book. Supplying money and weapons for other countries to commit murder. Putting our future in such horrible jeopardy. They don't care! They have homes in other countries they can bug out to when the SHTF.

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Great analysis, Fran. Thanks!

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Poor peasants eating cats, and millionaires kidnapping and torturing children for sex and adrenochrome. Got any ideas?

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Yes, I do. It concerns the right to bear arms and the 2nd Amendment.

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Why am I in this thread, I'll have to ask my therapist. However, does anyone in this thread know about the folks who live in Appalachia? Anyone remember the Beverly Hill Billy's. Good ole Muricans, living right in our midst, skinning possums and eating them for dinner. Rich as hell, but Granny could barely make the adjustment. You all should check out some of the old shows. Maybe, just maybe it would help you understand.

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I lived with "the Mountain people" and they hunted and grew everything they ate. They believed in hard work and skipped the free ride, except for the young ones. They are all dead now but they all loved America. I don't know about the newcomers.

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I knew folks from the area. The thing about the mountain people is that they were in their "Natural Habitat". The thing about the newcomers is that they are NOT. But I think folks should really go back and watch some old shows, it might help them understand the difficulties "newcomers" have adjusting to a radically different lifestyle. Ole Granny was still making moonshine, LOL.

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Whites have a pathological need to be seen as good people. That wasn't as bad when whites turned to the Bible to understand what constitutes being good. Then again, maybe it was Christianity that fostered the need to be seen as being good.

Now, unfortunately, it is the Jewish media and social media that guide whites on being a good person.

That father who wished a white man had killed his child is a poster goy for peak whiteness. No other race would respond the same way to the death of their child.

That man is acting like a modern white woman. When the country was a real patriarchy men valued strength and bravery used to protect the tribe. Now that the culture is a matriarchy, the top values are to be compassionate and inclusive while welcoming invaders and siding with them against your own people including your family.

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Good analysis, Al. Thanks.

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did you see his skinny witch wife while he was speaking? having orgasms and happy that her son was sacrificed to DIE-versity. he is the same as mollie tibbets father

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She undeniably looked happy, SPQR70AD. Thanks.

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And we know exactly who has been saying they will "destroy Edom" with Third-World diversity.

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The men I know personally would have wished their children had not been killed at all. But my associates are decent men and good fathers.

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An ugly and bizarre America these days and maybe started with LBJ (Jewish mother) and immigration, which I didn't know about. I do monitor Zionists and Communists. Everyone in DC is a multimillionaire and has a Zionist handler or is a Zionist so don't look there for a solution. They have all the money and control is all that's left, oops left lol. A few White Christian Americans own a few things, but we control NOTHING! Study Communist overthrow techniques and what is happening here is obvious.. While we are trying to defeat the ignorant peasants abounding, the Communist/Zionist controlled owners have been building their power structure. Israel controls the hard lines of our military control so it may be compromised. When we get around to cleaning house, will we be able to? When Stalin died 2 top Russian generals shot their Zionist overlords and ended their reign of terror of the Russian people.. In 3 years the Zionists left but they were stuck with a raped country in a Communist form of government. A bullet in the head is the only way to defeat Zionism or we may very well find ourselves in the same situation.

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agree good reply. liked

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violence is the only thing the jew understands. all in the bible.

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Zombie apocalypse looking better and better as an option.

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Yes, The Walking Dead in real time. Thanks, Crixcyon.

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Well, thanks for writing books because the Colorado front range is now so scary that when I am not at work, pretty much all I want to do is stay home and read books.

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I'm thankful I left CO now but I was depressed when I did. It's such a gorgeous place to live! My new town is turning into a shitshow too so it seems no place is "safe". I read Jodi Picoult recent book... historical part is fun... entwined with "woke" recent story that was hard to digest. Why can't authors leave their virtue signaling to social media?

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I’m sorry your new town is headed in the same direction. I would leave the US if I could.

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I watched that show at least 3 times. (never again though).... but I came to see, as I do ALL jew movies and shows, which they all are, as the humans were the jews, the zombies the goyim, by the time they have finished with our minds anyhow. still, as Marx (Groucho ) said, you can learn a lot from Lyddia.

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I don't know. I would love to see a shootout between the Hell's Angels and The Haitian Nation. I think that would be better than Starsky and Hutch and the Dukes of Hazard County Combined.

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I like that idea. Hec, I'd even join the Hells Angels. Just watched a clip of how even now Jesse Ventura has gone Woke. Why should he even care? He moved to Mexico!

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I don't know which side I would be on. The Hell's Angels, beside essentially being a Branch Office of the Mafia, were easily the most annoying folks in town. Nothing like a Squadron of Harley Hogs roaring through the neighborhood during the Saturday Afternoon Grilling. Even the cops are intimidated by them.

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One has to admit that our Government is a Branch Office of the Mafia which is far worse than Al Capone ever could be. Maybe our coppers should be intimidated. Look at how quickly they murder someone coming at them with a knife or plastic gun, even a homeless person.

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The Coppers are Scared Shitless. They are paranoid and that explains a lot of their actions. But that's what they get for all their fake drug busts, fake DUI/DWI's, harassing people at checkpoints, harassing motorists, and escalating domestic disturbance calls. Poke the jungle enough times and then expect blowback. Moreover, when you murder the unborn, that cheapens life, and that goes around.

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They want their paychecks and pensions, thats what they care about. And most are bullys.

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Black on Bike. / white

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We already have that with the multitudes of humans walking around on opioids, meth, and God only knows what else in addition to the host of marvelous (dripping sarcasm) psychiatric drugs. Hey, and all of that gets excreted into municipal water supplies. Fabulous. Denver certainly looks like the zombie apocalypse. It’s surreal.

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Teddy Kennedy, the lefty, and the "conservative" Reagan, both helped destroy the fabric of this nation due to their immigration policies. Reagan basically turned California deep blue all by himself.

Cucked white people have lost their will to thrive in their own country. Even those who believe they're angry enough to rise up and fight will lay their arms down as soon they are threatened with no NFL or Netflix.

Suicide Of A Superpower: Will America Survive Until 2025 - Pat Buchanan.

Thanks Don

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Yep. To his eternal discredit, Teddy was right there with Jacob Javits and others on the disastrous 1965 Immigration Act, Robert. Pat Buchanan looks a real prophet now. And only 1% of Americans supported him for president. Thanks!

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I supported Pat Buchanan. "Go Pat Go!"

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At least under Reagan- not that I am any longer a fan of the Gipper- the main immigrants coming in were Koreans, Filipos, and Vietnamese. They were intelligent, industrious, and a boon to the country.

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But the amnesty was granted mostly to Mexicans

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Ronnie talked John Wayne and governed like John McCain

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but the cats were scared.

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Dear Donald

What kind of leaders welcome migrants from such a society?

Ones that are paid by the Jewish oligarchy to finish off the White race via the Kalergi Plan.

I will publish on Monday.


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Thanks, Mark!

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As a radio legend and wise sage has warned about the order of the destruction of a nation, "Borders. Language. Culture." I'd say we've checked all three boxes. I was shopping yesterday, in actual stores in York, PA, I immediately found myself in a strange land where I did not know the language of others in the stores, even the overhead announcement was in a strange tongue. I could not read some of the store signs. For an instant I really started to wonder if I was having a stroke. To make the total trip a bad dream, at the Lowe's checkout (all 'registers' unmanned) only one of the eight exits took cash payment. So as I left without the items I was going to purchase, (a little protest of one), I did mention to those nearby how eager the store seems to do away with our cash option, while those customers flocked to those machines, ready to comply with the coming digital ids. I smell toast burning.

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This s*** show just gets crazier and crazier...also entertaining as hell. I'm not a parent, but that Ohio dad's attitude is incomprehensible to me, as well. Anyone who has been in the conspiracy world for a while, understands exactly who is behind this.

Loved that you used a pic from : I Walked With A Zombie. A great film. I finally saw it in 2003. It transported me back to my days in Key West...a rare happy time in my life...so I loved the film. Voodoo and Santeria has been a part Key West since it was settled.

I had worked on a fishing boat, so when poor folks were offered an opportunity to take a seamanship course (paid for by the Florida government) I jumped on the opportunity. Being the only female in the class, I was something of a teacher's pet, of the two old salts who taught the class. We had two vessels, a shrimp boat and a line fishing boat named: Tanya. One night the Tanya was stollen, and was missing for a week. Then the cops busted a Haitian gang unloading bales of weed at a house that was on a canal. These brilliant high-IQ operatives chose to do this at high noon, at ground zero during the largest drug war in US history. One of the old salts described to me going into the home with the cops. It was filled with every kind of Voodoo paraphernalia one could imagine. If they were trying to protect their dope run...it didn't work. Maybe they would have had better luck asking Jesus Malverde for help. Being teacher's pet, one of the old salts asked me to help clean the vessel once it was released by the cops. I will never forget stepping onto the deck. Weed was covering it, like piles of drifted snow. We swept it over the side, into the waters of the marina. Nope, no temptation to fill my pockets...I was rare bird in Key West ...having no interest in getting high. We found a key from a Jamaican hotel room buried in the weed, so we knew where they picked up their load. The vessel was absolutely trashed. The old salt almost cried.

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You have the best anecdotes, Kris. Thanks!

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Thanks, Donald. Never been a normie...never wanted to be one. When I dropped out of high school I was often asked what I would do with my life...my answer was: see the world and have adventures. I guess I succeeded, which makes me consider my life a success...although I'm sure no one else would agree. Doesn't matter one wit.

The only opinion that matters to me is my own. Congratulations on the success of your new book. You're an overnight success after fifty odd years of plugging away.

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The way the relative of the 11-year-old kid reacted to his child's death being mourned by others sounds equivalent to saying, "I wish my wife was killed by a sober drive instead of that drunk slob that's in jail today."

Since I ignore pictures of Taylor Swift, all I can imagine is that her cat looked like Dr Evil's pet from the Austin Powers movies.

As for why Minnesotans would want to import so many Somalians: I don't know if they were given a choice. If I remember correctly, it was the Clinton regime that resettled them in Minnesota to establish a group of non-White people in an area that was about 99.99% White at the time. Keep in mind that the Clinton family had connections to John Podesta once they moved into the White House.

The officials aren't just doing the wrong thing; they're doing the exact opposite of the right thing. And the less said about the useless "fact-checkers", the better. But as it is, they're like Joke Briben's face being stuck in Kamala's butt cheeks.

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Good points, Kevin. Thanks.

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I live in Canada. I preferred it when it wasn’t Bangladesh.

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"Haitians have an average IQ of either 98, if you believe the same sources that lie about everything, or an alarmingly low 78."

Actually, the internet says it is 67, well below the cut-off for mental retardation, which is around 83, and just barely up to the legal standard to stand trial for criminal behavior.

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Well, I certainly trust the internet more than mainstream sources, Berry. Obviously, that's an alarming figure for any alleged First World society. Thanks!

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That just about covers it all. All I know is I am so sad and disillusioned about where our country is right now. We are swimming in a stew of lies.

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I’m rather glad that: (1) I no longer live in the USA; (2) I’m nearly 68 and my male ancestors didn’t live past 75. :-)

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