Aug 30, 2023ยทedited Aug 30, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Superb piece of writing, Don ๐Ÿ‘ I'm embarrassed to admit I spent the last 15+ years of my life duped into believing that a pole shift was literally just about to happen (I still think it is plausible but I no longer view any content related to this subject) due to a giant rogue planet transiting through our solar system. I saw all the signs and believed that the apocalypse was imminent every single year. Of course it hasn't happened and I lost all credibility among friends and family as a result. Also, I never bothered to apply myself in any real way in life or to make any future plans. So now I'm 40 and have no idea what I should be doing with my life, having wasted most of it thus far already. Anyway I forget what the hell point I was making. Sorry for the rant. Thank you again for your writing ๐Ÿ™

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I really appreciate your support and your kind comments, Smoke. You are still young. I didn't get my first book published until I was 50. The fear porn works- that's why they keep using it. I know so many people your age in the same situation. The leaders of my generation- the Boomers- really screwed over the next few generations. There used to be jobs for those without college degrees (like me, a community college dropout), that still paid enough to lead a decent lifestyle. I wish I had good advice for you. I hope you have support from your family. A lot of people don't. Again, thank you!

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Thanks very much for the kind words Don. I certainly don't blame Boomers for my generation's situation - we've all been screwed over by the same powers sadly. Thankfully I do have support from my family even though we are hopelessly divided on the covid scam and much else. Like you said, a lot of people don't have any support and I feel for them the most. Thank you again for articulating what we're all feeling.

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Aug 30, 2023ยทedited Aug 31, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Smoke, no you have not wasted your life. You did the correct thing, because you have not invested in the system, so the system can't manipulate you by withholding your "goodies". I totally understand your position. I woke up in 1990, immediately dropped out of everything because I thought the end would be in 1998/1999. Then in 2000 I became deathly ill (from a yellow fever vaccine) and it took four years to fight my way back to health. Next I was sucked into a bizarre drama that took up several more years. By the time I finally regained my equilibrium...the scamdemic had started...which by the way, was merely a blip on my radar screen because I had exited the system decades ago. People probably look at my life as a waste, but I consider it a huge success. I survived things that would make the average normie curl up into a ball and die. By the time I had a lunatic point a gun in my face and threaten to blow my brains out two months ago, it amazed me how cool I was. Why on earth would I care about the opinions of idiots who just failed the greatest Darwin Award test ever planned? Do not regret your path. It happened the way it was supposed to. You'll outlive your doubting friends and family. You merely got sucked into some controlled opposition. It can happen to the best of us.

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Thank you so much for this, Kris. I appreciate you taking the time and effort to share your experience. I guess you're right - I just gotta presume that everything has happened as it's meant to. It's just frustrating when you're starting to understand reality at a level that you never have before, but your mind just can't retain anything much anymore. That's my current state anyhow. You've had some incredible experiences by the sound of it. I admire you for doing what you needed to survive and sticking by your guns. Total respect for recovering from the vaccine also. Are you seeing any signs of positive change in Oregon by the way? I'm struggling....

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

You have got to be kidding me? Positive change in Oregon? The only change I have seen, is that those who mocked me 30 years ago for being a conspiracy theorist, are now dead, dying or sick. Because I knew it was coming for so many years, I have completely hardened my heart to this needless death. I do miss my dad, though. We were the only rights in a family of leftists.

My advice is to read, and re-read, and read some more, the Book of Revelation. Memorize it. I feel so thankful that when I woke up to End Times in 1990, I did not reject Christain prophecy. Back then, in my crowd, every kind of prophecy was embraced, EXCEPT for Christian...which turned out to be the closest to the truth...probably because a lot of prophecy coming out back then was controlled opposition...and yes, I'm embarrassed to say I fell for some of it. The Holy Spirit gives discernment. Discernment has saved my life on more than one occasion. Jesus is the anchor which will deliver you through the coming storm.

Another thing is to purge your life of pop culture. It was designed to contaminate your soul and demoralize you. Read OLD books, true stories, every life story that you can get your hands on. Most have good life lessons. And purge your life of normies, who will only drag you down. Since you live with them, I know that will be almost impossible.

The only thing you wrote about that I feel was a waste of time was playing the video games. I played Pong once in 1979 at a tavern. That was it for me. Real life beats fake every time.

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Ha ha yeah I can't disagree with ya about Oregon. Just wondered if you'd seen anything I'd missed ๐Ÿคฃ

I'm sorry about your Dad.

What you said about the Book of Revelations was interesting. I too feel so strongly now that we're in these times and I've been meaning to revisit that particular book of the Bible. Is there a certain version of the Bible that you use? I keep wondering which version is the most true to the actual Word. Keep hearing different things in that regard...

Totally agree with you regarding the shedding of pop culture too. It's mostly toxic now anyway. Like you, I only read books that I feel will tell me something useful now. No fiction, only truth.

Re: avoiding normies - you're right it would be difficult to avoid them seeing as I'm living with the alchemically processed. I guess it helps that I lost all of my friends during the past few years - makes it easier to avoid unpleasant conversations anyway ๐Ÿ˜…

Video games are a terrible waste of time. They were a lot of fun I gotta admit, but I wish I had put that time into something worthwhile.

Thank you again for sharing and keep fighting the good fight ๐Ÿฟ๏ธ

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Well, the best version the Bible would be the original Greek, which is beyond most of us. Christmas 1991 my former boyfriend's mom gave me an It Is Written Study Edition. She was a staunch Seventh Day Adventist. IMO, Adventists are far removed from the truth, but the Bible has been an ok study edition, all these years. Perhaps reading the story of my years of struggle might prove helpful to you. There's a link on my substack profile.

I just had an interesting conversation while unloading my groceries. A neighbor wanted to know why he hadn't seen my dad in a while. He used to chat with my dad a lot. I had to tell him my dad died of the vax. He then launched into a spiel about chemtrails, how he would never take the death shot, and how the weather was being controlled. I warned him to expect Project Bluebeam soon, and he knew what I was talking about. I thought I was the only conspiracy theorist in my neighborhood. That gave me a ray of hope.

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Definitely going to keep an eye out for a good accurate Bible. I hope to be drawn towards the right one. I plan to read your story this weekend when I have more time. I've read a few paragraphs already and it's drawn me in. That's really cool you're into astrology. I've been into it for around 20 years although I'm no expert in any sense. I find it extremely useful.

That was indeed a fascinating talk you had with your neighbor. I didn't think those kinds of conversations were even possible in Oregon. After moving here, I was shocked by how indoctrinated the masses were - even worse than Chicago. Just after the scamdemic began, I headed into my local dispensary expecting to hear lots of conspiratorial ideas and whatnot - instead the dialogue was all completely centered around the consensus belief in establishment lies. They fell for it hook line and sinker. I thought potheads were supposed to be more paranoid than everyone else...not so seemingly. That blew my mind ๐Ÿ˜…

I'm sorry I must have forgotten that your father's death was linked to the vax. The same thing happened to my grandad - died within a week of receiving the vax in his nursing home in Kansas. Horrible. The world feels so different now. Seems to happen every time they pull off one of these mass rituals - everything goes DARKER. Even the damn daylight doesn't seem the same. Happened with 9/11 as well...

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

You're only 40? Its not too late, believe me. You can start by making changes today. Best wishes to you and don't believe everything you hear. Use common sense and think for yourself! God gave you something powerful - Brains!

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

You're too right I need to start using my brain more lol. Thank you for the encouragement. I hope to make myself of some use for a good cause that's for sure.

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

I just started stocking up on freeze dried food last year. A ton of it that I can use to barter if necessary, and survive. Can't eat gold/silver. Connect with local farmers/ranchers. Those will be my go-to folks. Buy a bunch of self-help books, things to stock up on, gardening, medicinal - nothing like Mother Nature. I placed an order just yesterday. Wish I would have paid more attention to all the canning my mother did, but I was a little "brat".

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

It sounds like you're doing all the right things. I hope to emulate your example. I just presumed for years that I would die in a huge earthquake/tsunami situation and so didn't bother stocking up or learning anything useful. That's all changed now, but it's slow going. Mind isn't what it used to be. Like you, I wish I would have bothered learning canning and gardening from my older relatives, but I was too busy playing video games. I wish I could do it all over now - my decision making would be the exact opposite of what I did in the first place. Anyway thank you for sharing your experience.

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We all have regrets, but don't let them overtake you. Go and read the lyrics to "Carry on my Wayward Son". Peace!

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Thank you Fran ๐Ÿ˜Š Peace to you as well.

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Fran: I've done some canning. It's time-consuming but not difficult. There are videos online about how to do canning.

I used to make my own salsa using Serrano peppers that I grew. People still pester me for more salsa.

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I work part time so its rather difficult to do canning at this point. Plus working on the house to sell it next year. Plenty of Amish people around where I can buy food from and their stuff is pretty good.

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Fran: Canning salsa was just a hobby for me. I'm retired. I don't have the strength to do it now.

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

I think the point you made was that buying the fear card meant you forfeited 15 good yrs of your life. Now that you're not playing the game anymore you are feeling at a loss as to where to begin anew. Those years were stolen from you but as an old prophet said - God will restore the years that the locust has eaten.Step by step, you will find your way.

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Thank you for this. I appreciate your comment a lot.

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Great minds think alike, but Iโ€™m seventy ๐Ÿ˜.

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Don't fret it...in my early 70's I have no clue what I should be doing with my life. The experts want us to have a purpose, meaning and follow some path. Giving up all that gives you peace of mind. That is a wonderful path to be on.

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I tend to agree with you. We tend to force these ideas onto ourselves - i.e. that we need to be useful, productive, etc. Definitely trying to follow your lead in giving up the quest. Thank you for sharing your thoughts :)

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Smoke Signals: I was 38 when I went to the Amazon and learned what the world was really like. That's when I started writing. You are about the same age. No worries. You will be fine. Don't worry about credibility with friends and family. They are mostly brainwashed Pod People. You will be fine.

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Hey Timmy thank you for sharing your experience and the encouraging words. I appreciate it a lot :) Looking forward to reading more from you ๐Ÿ‘

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A pole shift? First off, there is no such thing as the "Solar System" or even "Outer Space" for that matter. Think about it for just thirty seconds. If the earth was surrounded by a high vacuum, would not the atmosphere dissipate into "space" in a matter of hours. Gravity cannot keep the water in the glass when you suck on a straw, creating a 20% partial vacuum. So, it is going to keep the air near the ground next to a 99.9% high vacuum?

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Yeah I hear what you're saying there White Wolf. Trying to keep an open mind on this. I appreciate your input though ๐Ÿ‘

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Magnetic pole shift? Tell me how to arrange a rotational pole shift short of another Theia. (Talk about an ELE!) But yeah; reduce obliquity to about 10ยฐ!

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Aug 31, 2023ยทedited Aug 31, 2023

I'll take your word on that, mate ๐Ÿ™ƒ

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โ€œThe whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed and hence clamorous to be led to safety, by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.โ€

H. L. Mencken - Decades ago.

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One of my favorite quotes, by one of my favorite writers. Thanks, ursel!

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Mission accomplished- and how!

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Excellent blog. They screwed up their plan, though. I don't think they counted on so many of us saying, "No, thanks!" to the jab, so they are killing off the compliant at a greater rate. The non-compliant, in the meantime, are the ones mostly having kids (because we also don't comply with the climate change mandates). They are going to be in for a huge reckoning in 30 years!

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Do we have thirty years? Do we have thirty months? I sure do hope we have thirty weeks.

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White Wolf: I'm hoping for 30 hours. I don't even buy green bananas anymore.

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I can't find green bananas any more. The freshest ones I see only have dark spots on one side.

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White Wolf: Amazing. Sometimes the bananas are so green at the store here in town that they never seem to ripen. Has banana boat technology disappeared?

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The bananas don't come in boats. They come in airplanes in crates right next to the cocaine and sex slaves.

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Thanks, CovidWidow!

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Ye though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil.

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Anticriminals: ... and then I got a letter from the IRS.

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Non-filer since 1979. Seek the truth, the truth shall set you free. Also non-taxpayer since then. Beat wilful failure to file, before they could charge me, with a simple affidavit.

Here is a clue: they are the criminals perpetrating a fraud against the American people. Google The Great IRS Hoax.

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Anticriminals: I was making a joke. Most Americans are more afraid of the IRS than they are of God.

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Sep 1, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Americans have good reason to be afraid. Their enemy is their ''government'. Because of their lack of knowledge they don't understand that it is war by deception. It is a war by Satanists against the world. Americans, out of ignorance, are funding their own destruction.

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Ain't that the truth. I have said for years that I would prefer they burn my tax dollars instead of what they are doing with them. ;-)

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My only real fear always and has been being consigned to the pit of hell for living an immoral life.

So how did you miss those "duck and cover drills"? Not that hiding under a wooden desk and holding you hands in front of your eyes was going to do anything in the face of a five megaton hydrogen bomb 250 times more powerful than what allegedly scorched Hiroshima. Some years later they had a scurrying to the fallout shelter in the basement, which made more sense, but was just a tad uncomfortable with all the other children being packed like sardines. I can only imagine what the place would have smelled like had we been there 5 hours, let alone five days.

I do miss so much not watching the news. Spy balloons, imploding submarines, crazy plane ladies, Trump indictments (Still have not seen the mug shot.)

Get back to me when we have a new pope, a new country, and all the pedos are in jail. (I suppose that would be a pretty big jail- heck, why not just give them everything north of the 83rd parallel and they can have at it with the arctic foxes and polar bears, who might avenge themselves of all the global warming the pedos caused.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!

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White Wolf: The Pit of Hell has nothing on a Memory Care Ward. I'd rather be frying with Satan than in Memory Care.

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

In 1953 I was in first grade at Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception Grade School in Michigan City Indiana. I was always in fear of the windows being blown in from a Russian Atomic bomb. 13 years later I was a grunt in Viet nam and wounded in March of 67'. The ONLY thing that I now fear is that the American public does not have the balls to stand up to the scum that rule us. Those that we vote for are the puppets of the scum that rule us. I have no fear or despair; "They" are inferior to me and those like me.

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

I look at it this way - we're all going to die one day, so I may as well go out with dignity and love for God. They can't take that away from us!

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Fran: I wish that were true. Memory Care taught me that there are worse things than even governments.

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Sep 1, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Yep, some nursing homes. I sure don't want to end up in one. A shame how the elderly get treated. When my mother was in a rehab center before she passed away she caught one of the workers trying to steal from her during the night. Its really criminal. Pathetic how low some folks will go. God sees everything.

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Fran; My wife's parents lost almost everything while in Memory Care. Even the wedding rings were stolen. We'd give my wife's Dad a nice hat and it would be gone the next day.

When I was in the hospital for my hip surgery, the nurse locked up all my valuables in the hospital safe while I was in the Operating Room for 2.5 hours.

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Sep 1, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Sorry to hear about your in-laws. This is how the elderly get treated. Very tragic.

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Great points, Stephen. Thanks!

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

I hate to add to your anxieties but I have been reading/listening to an amazing neurosurgeon named Jack Kruse. He says that taking melatonin supplements will thin your eye retina. "Never take a supplement for something your body is supposed to naturally make as it will shut down the pathway the body uses to make its own." Instead, he says the key to making more of it is to look toward the rising sun every morning for several minutes, which shuts down the sleeping phase of melatonin and signals your body to begin storing up melanin from UVA and UVB sunlight that then releases it during sleep. Artificial blue light (especially at night) from our laptops and phones at night is causing so much damage (depression, insomnia, and worse). There is much more to this but he stays in the sun as much as possible to increase the melanin which lines the walls of the mitochondria. Raised in New York, he now lives in Florida and is thinking of moving to Central America. It is all about maintaining our circadian rhythm. Something we had for thousands of years up until the last 100 years or so.

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I'd add that to my list of things to worry about, wrw. lol. Actually, I don't have to take melatonin very often, because I fall asleep fairly easily now. It's staying asleep, not waking up constantly, and getting more than 4-5 hours that I struggle with. Thanks!

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Aug 30, 2023ยทedited Aug 31, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

I heard about that sun gazing thing for eye problems about 18 years ago. I did not try it until 2018, when I was having some problems with my retinas . I did it around noon for about a year. I worked my way up to being able to stare at the sun for several seconds. It did heal my problem.

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

That's a cool idea. I'd heard about this in India. Certainly don't buy any crap about the sun being harmful. I sit out every day I can for as long as possible - I think you can prevent most illness that way ๐Ÿ‘

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wrw: "Look toward the rising sun for several minutes." This would get you a good laugh in Seattle. LOL.

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Great article Don. Thanks for sharing your personal life. Not enough writers do it. I grew up very poor so I always feared not having money. What a trap. Getting terminated for refusing the vaccine freed me. There's a loud sucking sound coming from my savings account. I don't fucking care. I've almost completely checked out of the money system. "Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the Kingdom of God."--Luke 6:20-21

I'll take it.

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Well, Donald, take heart. At least in the FEMA camps, or gulags, all the best people will be there.

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Yes, HUMDEEDEE, that is definitely true. Maybe they'll let us socialize....Thanks!

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

What helped me the most in shedding irrational fear was eliminating TV from my life, especially TV news. I came to regard TV as "The Fear Box", since the entire aim of TV programming was obviously the instillation of fear in viewers. In 2015, I was in a nursing home, supposedly getting physical therapy after a car wreck caused some severe injuries.

The week that I was supposed to get out to go home, a hurricane was threatening the Eastern Seaboard. I was getting weather reports secondhand from other patents who flocked into the TV room to watch. One of my fellow patients who took as dim a view of the news as I did, rolled past my room and stopped to tell me that the latest news was that the hurricane wouldn't make landfall anywhere near us, but that we were supposed to be afraid anyway.

TV news addicts always seem to be scared of something new every day. I'm glad I don't subscribe to their habit anymore, though it has taken me 20+ years to recover from that addiction.

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Such a good point, Ed. You might like this little essay I wrote on the subject of TV ... "Playing with Rattlesnakes"


The best way to watch TV is with the power Off. It can be a little boring but at least it's not spewing lies into my atmosphere ;-)

~~ j ~~

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A true wordsmith. Thanks.

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Thanks, matt!

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Extremely well written and completely To The Point! I clearly remember the "fear" of the Commies and a nuclear explosion while attending the Catholic grade school. We were supposed to hide under our desks like that was going to do anything? As a child, what did I know? My father built a bomb shelter next to our basement and we never used it. Looking back over my 68 years has absolutely shown me that Evil is pulling rank, for now. What will it take to stop it all? History doesn't repeat itself? Sure does and it just keeps getting worse! I have never taken any jabs and they can all go straight to hell because I see this as you have so eloquently described, Fear Porn. Our government didn't take in all those Nazi scientists for nothing! They should have been hung!

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Our Lord said there would be signs in the heavens. I wonder if he was talking about chemtrails.

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Actually the Hopi prophesied "Spider webs in the sky"

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Aug 30, 2023ยทedited Aug 31, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

And boy did I see that in April of 2017 when I was on the Hopi Reservation. I read the Hopi prophecies in 1990, and made a trip there in April of 1992. Did not return until April of 2017, and when I saw the chemtrails blanketing the sky, I thought of those "cobwebs in the skies". It was like they were purposely attacking the Hopis.

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LOL! Perhaps they think the chemtrails will obliterate our vision of seeing Him arrive!

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Thanks, Fran!

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For the Boomers with half a brain, that whole hiding under the desk thing was so ridiculous as to be priceless. It was our First Clue that we were being lied to on a grand scale.

"Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway." ~~ John Wayne

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Fallout shelters didn't need doors, just something to prevent the fallout from falling in.

My sister and I used to sit on her bed and laugh at the neighbors that ran into the fallout shelter in the backyard of the next door neighbor every time a tornado warning was announced, knowing that if one touched down there, we would get to watch them get sucked out of it.

When a tornado touched down in the employee parking lot of Denver International Airport in 1999, after everyone in the main terminal had been sequestered in the underground spaces that are still not admitted to exist, I watched it from the ground transportation holding lot, a mile away.

While almost all of my fellow, mostly immigrant, taxicab drivers were driving around on the airport's vast road system in terror of what they didn't understand, I moved from the back of a 300+ line of taxicabs to the front of the line, one of the first five to go to the terminal when it reopened.

The terror of tornadoes, in my experience, has always done more damage than the tornado.

Just like tornadoes, most natural disasters are best planned for than suffered through.

The same situation will apply to the Great Recession when it finally arrives.

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9 months ago I fell in the parking lot of the local grocery store. I smashed my hip to bits. I spent four days in the hospital last Thanksgiving and was in surgery for 3.5 hours. It has been nine months now since then and I'm still gimping around and using a walking stick sometimes.

I was afraid to go out into the world so I went out into the world. I went to the pizza place. I even went back to the grocery store a few times.

What's the old saying, "If the horse throws you, get back in the saddle as soon as you can."

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Good on you for getting back out in the world. That's awesome to hear. Really sorry that happened to you, Timmy.

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Smoke Signals: Thanks for your good wishes. Wishing you well in return.

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Thank you my friend ๐Ÿ˜Š

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Don, thanks again for your excellent work. I enjoyed this piece. Fear is everywhere. I have finished reading Masking the Truth. Great book. So many facts to show what really happened. Everyone must read it to prepare their mind and soul before act II of C19.

By the way, concerning sleep, I use vitamin B1. Right before bedtime. Amazing results for me.

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I appreciate the kind words, Marty. I will check out vitamin B1. Thanks!

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Oops. Did you mean vitamin B12?

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Hi Don, no, vitamin B one.

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How many mg? Thanks.

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Hi Don...I take 150 MG capsule. On the box it's called Benfotiamine. If you can tell me where to find your email address, I'll send you a pic of the box it comes in.

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That would be great- authorjeffries@gmail.com. Thanks!

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Gee Don, i don't know what to say. I am so sorry for what you went through.โคโค

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I hope it didn't sound like I went through something awful. My mom was a saint in most ways, but she was cursed with irrational fear of so many things, and it was inevitable that her children would be influenced by it. I came along so late in life, when my sisters were fully grown, so I'm sure her fears grew much worse as she became older. And I was also a product of being six or so during the Cuban Missile Crisis. That scared the hell out of America, and when you're that young you're going to be more scared than most. Phobias are just part of my makeup. At least I know enough not to be fooled by their fear porn. Thanks.

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