It is everything you think it is in those circles. There are no morals, no empathy for others, most of the folks who run in those circles are true psychopaths. I am pretty convinced now that the more depravity they engage in, they can become possessed by demonic forces. I never used to think that was a possibility until I last saw one of my “family” members in 2016 who literally had morphed into looking like Jack Nicholson in The Shining so I had to reevaluate what I believe is possible. The pedophilia is real, Freemasonry and other secret society stuff is real. I have been told that I am a “conspiracy theorist” for talking about trafficking in HollyWeird. I would just like to say, “I told you so” because the Diddy stuff finally came out. I talked about sex blackmail in DC….again, “I told you so.”We, collectively, should stop referring to this group as “elites” and refer to them as the Apex Predator Class.

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You're right, Elizabeth- "elite" is too flattering a term. They aren't "elite." They just have power. Thanks!

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Correct. "Elite" misses the mark by miles. "Privileged" comes closer, and it is time we took away their privileges. Every. Single. One. Put them all in prison, and execute the most egregious practitioners of their sick "privilege". They, after all, committing murder.

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These "people", altho Im not sure how much human is left in them, are nothing but satan worshipping homicidal psychopaths & sexual deviants! Period! No redeeming qualities! Evil never repents, it must be destroyed.

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Thank you.

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The odd thing with Diddy is the video recently released of him beating up his much younger girlfriend in a hotel hallway was actually filmed in 2016. So literally covered up for 8 years! before coming to light. It shows either Diddy is a genius at hiding 'bad press' or he was protected...... until recently.

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Mark Devlin wrote Musical Truth: Exposing the mind-control manipulations of the corporate music industry and how to take back our power. In it, Diddy is purported to have escaped a number of “scrapes” shall we say, including a NYC club shooting and subsequent car chase. The author proposes he may not have been arrested due to Freemasonry status. Who knows? I doubt we will get all the answers. I suspect people are offered up as chew-toys after a certain amount of time. Your protected until recently hypothesis holds up and rings true, though. The book was published in 2016. I have only read the first of the 4 volumes.

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It would make sense- they draw a short straw and hold one of them accountable to us to give the appearance/ illusion of fairness .....

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I agree, keep the lid on, so to speak. Until we can operate out in the open with impunity. Like Beria in Moscow when he would be driven around, select a girl he liked, take her home, rape and sometimes kill her. Until he got crossways with stalin.

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Beria was instantly shot after Stalin died.

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thanks for the correction.

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Heard he wanted "out" of those backing him with drugs and position... so they are ruining him...

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Protected by the "D-eletes"

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If they are all in on it, what did Diddy do to be arrested?

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Good question. Why was Harvey Weinstein finally arrested and actually convicted? Maybe they just stage this stuff, and the Weinsteins and Diddys, like Epstein perhaps, are just whisked off stage, to a quiet private island. Thanks, Pelicanus.

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Could be. They may also have outgrown their usefulness to the monsters. Or maybe every once in awhile they throw one of their own to placate people. Look, there is justice, Maxwell is in prison, ignore the list.

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I suspect that, too. The occasional chew-toy is thrown out to placate the masses but it is to protect the ‘hierarchy’.

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You remind me somehow of Anne Heche, who "wasn't quite dead" as the Python crew might have put it, as she was being forcibly stuffed into a body bag...

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That was creepy.

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It's true!... She was calling for help as they forcibly wrapped her up!

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She was quite alive!!!

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Oh my goodness

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Publicly making an example of Weinstein gave Hollywood an excuse to overhaul the movie industry into the feminist woke mess it has become.

I think the crap they churn out is meant to cause more bickering and demoralization. Ignoring what they put out is best IMO.

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Harvey like Jeffrey, was a "limited hangout"... if they're whisked anywhere it will be the (semi-) Sweet Hereafter; as they put it in an old James Bond movie: "terminated as a routine security precaution." 🤔

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Did you see the recent video of Joan Rivers on a night out?

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Maybe she's not dead?

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I always wonder if Jeffry and Ghislaine are in a underground city or island or Tel Aviv. Is Diddler REALLY in jail? It is reported that Diddler and Sam Bankman Freid are cellmates! Too ridiculous for me to consider it being true! Were Drumphs "trials" REAL? Yea, I'm cynical and jaded!

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I definitely think Epstein is alive and well. Same for Ghislane--they just give the public photos, so they can feel like there's justice in America. Israel controls America, so there's no way that those two who were running the blackmail operation had anything bad happen to them. Both probably on a beach in Tel Aviv, enjoying the bombs being dropped on Palestinian babies. I also don't believe P Diddy is in any danger--I think they "went after him" to make the whole thing go away. There's a guy on x, Ian Carroll who went over a lawsuit that some musician brought forward against Diddy and his whole crew, I think even the powerful Jews in the industry. Ian said the lawsuit was going to expose all of them. So, IMO, that's when the govt gets involved, trying to make it look like they are bringing him to justice. I don't buy that BS story about Diddy being w/Sam Bankman Freid either---I think they are laughing at how stupid Americans are for buying into these BS stories. I highly doubt Sam Bankman Freid is in prison. I think they probably did a switcheroo before he went into the court room. We only get sketches from inside the courtroom, and that sketch didn't look like him (same thing happened when they supposedly had Epstein- Russ Winter did an excellent post on that). And I think it was Zionhedge that had a story about SBF, and it said that he looked different in the courtroom b/c he lost weight and got a haircut. I'm not buying it. The chosen are protected in this country--they control the judicial system.

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I suspect that, just like with Epstein, it boils down to the feds wanting to get their hands on more blackmail material for themselves. The more of this stuff they have, the more control over the politicians they have.

That's why we haven't heard a single peep about all the hundreds of people known to be involved in both cases. And we never will.

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Im inclined to think youre right.

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But most of the time the regular person is the loser in all this

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The rich and powerful have fights with each other, they are not monolithic

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Perhaps the bill became due and Lucifer had to be paid according to the contract he accepted for his fame. Everyone thinks that at the last minute they can cheat ol' Lucifer. Only with direct and divine intervention by the Lord can this be done. And rarely.

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Attracted the Hoi-Polloi's attention... 🤔

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Good question.

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they think they are the apex predator class.

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They are.

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Funny how what all these creeps have in common is riches and power. This throws off a lot of moral conservatives who cling to a just world fallacy and love the idea that you get into a position of government authority by being just and keeping promises. Or rise to become a billionaire CEO through hard work and customer satisfaction.

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When you dig into the "Conspiracy" literature / The Occult and discover those grotesque stories about "the Global Elite" being involved up to their eyeballs in Satan worship, black magick, child trafficking / sacrifice and adenochrome consumption are all true... 😱

It's... sobering... to say the least...

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When I see or hear that term I always relate it to the stuff that rises to the top in my septic tank!

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Excellent reply!

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Those pizzagate emails only make sense after you translate them using the FBI pedophilia dictionary.

The fact that the press dutifully has no curiosity about this is one of the prime examples that they are sociopaths.

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It is a case of simple curiosity, Al. Real investigative journalists would be drooling over the potential in this story. Thanks!

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Perhaps journalists considering pursuing this route also reflect upon the difficulty of investigating it, especially online, without creating a paper trail--actually a digital footprint--that could be used to frame them. Who would be a more vulnerable candidate for framing? Such framings can be imagined to be especially vicious because of the cynical irony involved in sending a "goody two shoes" to prison to be raped as a cruel reward for their virtue---or maybe the targeted person will simply be tempted to commit suicide [an action never to be recommended, accepted or normalized, by the way, because of the grave spiritual hazard that it represents]. Even if the journalist attempts to work "off line," then they will need to visit places and talk to people. Cellphone cameras and "hot mikes" are nearly ubiquitous in this total-surveillance state. Without some shielding (a badge) or someone running interference and protection, this could likewise be tricky business---but maybe this all is merely evidence that I am not clever enough, or perhaps I am too timid, for this line of work.

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And I think it's important to remember that it's not just for they themselves as reporters that they fear but for their family and friends who would also be slain when their work became known.

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You make an excellent point. And there are a lot of items on the rather continuous scale of harassment short of assassination/suiciding, especially in this age-in-coming that we are living in: a digital one. It depends on how much of a threat the principal target represents. If mere control is desired, bribery and low-grade disabling of the features of thriving may be enough, are sufficient, and bring less attention and leave less circumstantial, cui-bono evidence that--along with other direct actions--can cause third parties and other investigators to put puzzle pieces together. Of course, if the principal target is an important, immediate and non-influencable threat to the Controllers, then depending upon their position and power, they may opt for simply eliminating that factor in the extreme from their strategic board. And as you point out, one's loved ones are secondary targets, or anticipated targets, that the principal target can be expected to think about. Controllers increasingly have at their disposal a number of means of achieving political and social control of pricipal targets. I am glad that I am not burdened by seeing these things as permissible, moral actions. This may disadvantage me on earth, but I believe that it is a big plus towards having a better afterlife as well as providing the Good of a better-lived, philosopher's, life in the here and now.

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I am reminded that Saint Paul, one of the great workers of the true Christian faith, shared that he wished that everyone could be like him and unmarried. When we do not have family, we can be far more brave because our actions have consequences just for ourselves.

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Quite true. Single men and women are, in this hyper-sexualized, homo-eroticized culture, devalued or suspected within parishes and Christian culture, albeit in slightly different ways depending upon whether it be a Catholic or Protestant in nature. To the degree that I want to promote marriage and family (and larger families at that) for most people (as did St. Paul), I suffered this difficulty. It can be quite infuriating, however, being dismissed in such off-handed ways when trying to influence one's local or wider culture.

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Stating the obvious, we have very few investigative journalists anymore. Now, most so-called journalists are PR departments for the Left and the globalists.

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Sad & true.

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some of the talking heads and print talking heads with a bit of conscience, (there has to be a few) are scared. Any organization can eventually be captured by psychopaths given enough time and the right circumstances.

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Naw. The problem is they are a part of it because they are paid by these perverts.

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Good point.

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Pedophilia is inextricably entwined with incest as the majority of incest victims start receiving sexual abuse as young children. Most people erroneously think that incest is not so frequent and confined primarily to the lower, socio-economic classes. Nothing could be further from the truth. Incest cuts across all economic classes, from the richest to the poorest and across all races, ethnicities, cultures and religions. Further, it is far more prevalent than supposed as the therapists, psychologists, and clinicians who treat the victims conservatively estimate that for every known case, there are at least 20 unknown. Simply put, it is ubiquitous on earth. The vast majority of victims will not come forward out of fear, shame, and the social ostracism that inevitable follows revelation. When I was still working, I made the acquaintance of a former CEO of a large corporation. He told me, "In Europe, sex with children is not considered such a big deal." I told him it's not such a big deal in the U.S., provided you belong to the rich, ruling class or the Controllers. This was shattering and incisive, Don, thank you.

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Exactly right, Hereticdrummer. It's a "big deal" for the common riffraff. Many an 18 year old boy has been sent to prison for having sex with his 16 year old girlfriend. The public still hasn't seen the list of Epstein's high profile clients. Thanks!

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"The rich man makes the laws, the poor man breaks the laws." You're welcome, Don, and thanks again for your great work.

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Pederasty is intertwined with Satanism. The Satanists perpetuate themselves by "grooming" victims by abusing them when very young, as was apparently the case with Eugenio Pacelli.

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Very true, as so often the abused grows up to be an abuser. Pederasty is also entwined with satanic transsexual androgyny. As this Kali Yuga proceeds, these two abominations not only grow exponentially but come more and more out into the open. Freemasonic mockery: The making manifest of things previously hidden.

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Wealthy people have lots of time on their hands and, with access to a nearly infinite supply of sex, drugs, and assorted other perversions to pass that time, they also have exhausted adrenal glands, leaving them in a state requiring increasing levels of kink to satisfy their lusts. Hence pedophilia...

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I remember hearing that in his later years, Hugh Hefner had to watch gay porn to get aroused enough for sex, just being with his Playboy girls didn't do it for him anymore. I'm sure the real truth is even more depraved.

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Its about the power.

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I heard they are making a movie about powder puff diddy called....Sorest Rump

we are ruled over by satanic pedophiles who also sacrifice kids. the slaughter of 100K kids in Palestine is more sacrifice to the devil

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Right over the target.

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Oct 21
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jews are not sacrificing their kids.

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aipac and adl along with most of the establishment do more than shame anyone who criticizes them.

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Right they destroy them. They are Destroyers.

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There is a dreadful consistency that runs through the programs of our rulers. They openly want to reduce the population of useless eaters. Consequently, they advocate abortion to kill the useless eaters in the womb and dangerous vaccines and diets to kill them if they manage to be born.

If they can't kill a child, they advocate sterilizing and mutilating him or her through "gender reassignment" surgery and practice pedophilia to permanently scar children emotionally.

Of course, the pizzagate emails suggest they also practice old fashioned child sacrifice.

If Western White people won't actively rebel against these psychos (and they won't), they won't rebel against anyone.

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So True. This is a world of sheep led by a small pack of wolves. Cowardice prevails until an Alpha Male comes along. Today's Alpha Male is Donald J. Trump. Who shall follow him to destroy the wolfpack? We will soon know the answer.

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The idea of Trump being an Alpha male is laughable. You obviously watch too much TV.

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Are you certain of that.

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So true!

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Evil exists and the devil is winning. For now.

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the devil has never lost

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The devil ALWAYS loses.

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I guess you do not read history going back 3K years. if you did you would see indescribable death destruction sickness starvation torture wars for 500 years etc. right in front of your eyes 100K kids are being blown into protoplasm in Gaza. the foreskin chewers are the devils disciples for 4K years. the jews god in the OT was the devil. make me a list where the devil has lost.

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I know.

I believe God/Creator’s Will is not always done on Earth. We do not know the ways of the supernatural world, or reasons for the evil of souls.

Perhaps man (eGO) is suppose to LEARN…the soul is suppose to go back to the unconditional Love of Creator.

I don’t profess to know anything. I do love God/Creator…that I know.

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Here's your list: I exist along with every piece of beautiful art and music, adventurers and discoverers, leaders and followers, heretics and savants, and all those who see that your poison is the devil's potion. The devil continues to fight because he always loses, I'll give him that - he's a stubborn bastard.

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yea tell me about you old useless boomer. so if a mother is Gaza loses her husband and 5 kids and then listens to a song everything is OK

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The Devil has already lost.

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legally, yes... in real life, no . he still runs all over, causing evil & indescribable suffering. That is very hard to deal with.

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finally some one that does not live in a fantasy world

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tell me how the devil is losing. tell a mother in Gaza how the devil is losing

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Yes, my heart bleeds for the Mothers in Gaza, and anybody supporting those atrocities has blood on their hands. Meanwhile, there was another Mother two thousand years ago who beheld the body of her dead Son taken down from the wood of His crucifixion, and Her Immaculate Heart held the sum of all sorrows, of which the combined sorrows of all the thousands upon thousands- a half million???- of widows and orphans of Gaza are but a shadow or a puff of wind.

And the Wrath of God will be terrible, not just upon the perpetrators of Gaza, but upon the whole world, for its lies, thefts, impurities, and heresies. The Four Sins that Cry to Heaven for vengeance- Murder, Sodomy, Oppression of the Poor, and Depriving the Laborer of His Just Wage- are now enshrined into "Law" in the form of Abortion, "Gay Marriage", and "Income Taxes".

Woe, woe, woe to those who continue to benefit from the Evil Economy the Satanic Pederasts have foisted upon us. And even worse will be the fate of those who profit from it.

Meanwhile, God is Infinite Mystery. His Ways are beyond our ways and our concepts as the Stars are high above the Earth, and anybody who thinks otherwise is of the Spirit of the Antichrist, which prowls the World seeking to devour.

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The first time I ever heard of this awfulness was years and years ago when the late Judith Reisman fully exposed Alfred Kinsey as a ruthless pedofile who was protected by the so-called "elite" in academia, the media and even Hollywood. Then I started hearing about and reading other accounts such as the Franklin Credit scandal and the whole thing makes me sick to my stomach!

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Yes, apparently they made Kinsey look as palatable as possible to the masses, Brian. Thanks.

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As it should.

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This is where it has all been leading. This is what we are being slowly nudged into accepting, little-by-little. Past public nudity, past "living together," past open-marriage, past gay acceptance . . . their supreme pleasure ---sex with children.

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Revolting. I don't doubt a word, having read a similar report years ago on unz.com. It included that picture of the little girl taped to the table....

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Thank you for telling us about unz.com. I watch Candace Owens, reposting her Kamala exposes on Facebook. RT revealed Facebook shadow bans all negative Kamala fact. Had not known what Sony/Tommy Mottola did to Michael Jackson, and agree the industry is DEEPraved.

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You're welcome! My favorite on unz.com is Ron Unz' "American Pravda" series:


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What did Sony do to Michael Jackson? Was he a victim of MKUltra?

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Follow Capt. Roy’s link.

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I remember hearing that Chrissy Teigan (John Legend’s wife) deleted LOTS of postings regarding “pizza”, etc.

I read a couple that she had posted. Extremely disturbing…

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Yes, I recall that, Renee. I'm sure she wasn't the only one. I don't know if those emails contained coded messages, but it certainly isn't natural to use the words "pizza" and "pasta" so often. Some internet sleuths went through the emails, and added them up. Can't remember the number, but they were used an unbelievable number of times. Wouldn't we expect the hoi polloi to be referencing lobster and caviar or something? Thanks!

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Im lost in all these comments- sorry but heres another link re- Franklin Graham https://pedophiles107.rssing.com/chan-60098680/article63.html

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And may I say that it's especially disturbing that she as a female was seemingly participating in these things? I always expect more of the so-called gentler sex and I'm greatly disappointed when they fail-- especially in this way.

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Replying to my own comment here, I remember that there are two people that are probably the most famous in the Bible for their evil. The first of course is Judas Iscariot for his betrayal of Christ. But the second is Jezebel, a woman, a worshiper of Baal who would have participated in such things as Donald's article mentions as rituals in this worship. So yes, women do participate and when they do their evil seems to often exceed that of the men.

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Yes her & others but is anyone calling her out?

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"it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea"

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Thanks for reviving the article, Don.

The Podesta sculpture you mentioned that resembles the Dahmer victim's 'pose' was conspicuously

similar to the famous "spider walk" which was displayed in the first Exorcist movie. I wrote a long post on the LOP about this when the Pizzagate story first broke. The pose can be the result of severe abuse, resembling an epileptic seizure, according to the medical sources I researched. It seems a little

too coincidental that Dahmer, the makers of the Exorcist movie, and T. Podesta have some kindred interest in this pose.

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Thanks for expounding on that, Scott!

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The upshot is that perhaps The Exorcist was about child torture and sexual abuse.

Such a child (as Regen) would fit the description of being demon-possessed.

Since nobody in the general public was aware of such atrocities as MK-Ultra trauma based mind control and pedophile sacrifice of small children at that time, they could

market the demon possession cover story for what must be happening to actual victims of such abuse. Wouldn't such a victim look just like Regen in the movie?

Look at the background of the author, W P Blatty.

He fits the profile of someone who may have been CIA.


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Perhaps I am misreading events with an overly friendly eye, but I understood William Peter Blatty, creator of the Exorcist (particularly the first one), to have fought a good fight against his Alma Mater, Georgetown University for what he (and I would agree) considered its digressions in its Catholic mission. I would not particularly want to number him with Messrs. Dahmer and Podesta.

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That movie contributed to the depravity & fear that keeps everyone silent about all this to this day!

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Yes, I think they know more than they let on.

Try to imagine that we go to Don's house for a party, after he is rich and famous, and we see that he displays a sculpture of some young person in the Dahmer/spider pose. We'd be like, I saw this in the Exorcist, and I we saw this in the Dahmer reports,

so why does Don have a sculpture of this in his foyer?

Why ?

Same with Podesta. Why would he know about this epileptic seizure caused by murderous trauma? Nobody knows about this except physicians.

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I can assure you that any party happening at my house will not feature any "controversial" artwork, Scott. Thanks.

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Are you familiar with the work of Devon Stack, Don?

He's a very insightful young man. He does a program called The Insomnia

Stream. Very good work. (And it does cure insomnia too). Might make a good guest for you. Btw. loved your last show.

Here's one about the FDR administration. (All of them are good)


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I didn't think you'd catch that, Don.

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That's an interesting perspective. I must say that I do not see the mechanism of how the movie, "Exorcist," contributed to "depravity," "fear" or "silencing." Can you elaborate a bit?

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Did you see it when you were young? It traumatized me. It has to do with the way our brains work, making associations later down the line whether you want it to or not. Having knowledge of something even if it's evil brings a certain familiarity for whatever it is. Then there's "exorcisms" supposedly only done by a catholic priest, so we are powerless to stop evil, that kind of message.

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Yes, I did see it. I also had read the book. Yes, it was frightening. Shouldn't it have been? But the movie the Exorcist' I think is unlikely to have unleashed, or to have promoted, what was to happen around the world. I think the grand evil that befell this generation had deep and long standing roots. How far back do you want to go? Generally, as I hinted at in another "Reply" here somewhere, I think this concept of "trauma-based mind control" is overdone. I am not saying that there are not such disgustingly evil things that secret societies, occultists, criminal organizations and espionage agencies do, it is just that I am suspicious of attributing too many things to them when other hypothesized explanations may do. I do not get the statement about the "poerlessness to stop evil" simply because it is Catholic priests who--under the authority of a bishop--can do an exorcism. First, it is rare that demonic possession is the basis for a whole range of evil and sinful activities. Second, Catholic priests who are competent and authorized to do an exorcism are not impossibly to locate if such a situation is that extreme and so indicated. Third, a Catholic in a state of grace can effectively pray the St. Michael prayer as well as the Church's rite of exorcism in a sort of spiritually prophylactic manner to assist in warding off threats and temptations. So there is a LOT that can be done to combat evil. Building up one's local neighborhood, parish and the culture of the nation are also good works. In fact, I think you just did that by being engaged in these topics online and commenting in various places! There are opportunities to make devils flee all day long.

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Yes, I saw it when I was about 16 or 17.

I thought I was a tough dude,,, wrestler and track star. I actually had to get up and

leave for a few minutes. Being raised Catholic it terrified me. No other movie had that effect. (well, we'll leave out the Legend of Boggy Creek. that was sort of scary too! LOL!)

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I was abt that age, on a date with someone I REALLY liked, too embarrassed to get up & leave, I sat there with my fingers in my ears & tried to keep my eyes closed & hoped he didnt notice, haha! So silly! I should have left, it was utter garbage.

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That may be true, and I should apologize for assuming otherwise, but if he knew about trauma based mind control and church abuse of children, then he shouldn't have cast the

evil onto a Middle Eastern demon named Pazuzu. Of course Regen was a fictional character. The book may be about a child from St Louis? He was insinuating that the church is fighting demons. Only later did we learn that fighting demons is a double entendre; much like a person with 'issues' can be taken in two senses.

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Here is the sequel to the comment below [this is a peculiar idiosyncracy of Substack that places later replies above the earlier reply.] I find it important to segregate the notion of the eternal, indefilable Church (my perspective, you are free of course to have yours) from the humanly corruptible (and corrupted in many examples), worldly--as I spell it in my personal writings--'cherch'. I do this not to be cute or degrading, but indeed for clarify and to preserve what I choose to believe is worthy of defense in the former. As for Mr. Blatty's literary decisions, I can see many artistic reasons for attempting to develop interest and an open channel as he did with what he judged to be his audience. I believe that he achieved significant good with the film, but--again--I do not mind if your disagree. Concerning the array of demons, there is the potent scene when Fr. Karras, also a psychiatrist, wants to elaborate on the different demons manifesting in the girl, Regan. Without disputing the reality of many presenting devils, Fr. Merrin--recognizing the ultimate coherence of a commanding Evil of evils--quickly retorts, and sternly corrects the younger priest: "There is only one."

Though not necessarily making the task easier, it does simplify things.

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Thanks, Scott. See, once again, after I am nearly finished with a comment that I have put energy into, Substack erases it. Near the end of that comment, I simply suggested that we always include other groupings and identifiers along with bad acts by Catholic clery and laymen, specifically Hollywood's culture destroyers, certain Jewish organizations, bad systems in the military-industrial complex, abusive policing, debasing educational and libray systems, corporate, banking and advertizing mechanisms that have destroyed the moral character of people and businesses, and so on. [To avoid the last event of an erased comment, I will partition the rest of my comment in another box, following.]

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Dear Mr. Jeffries, Scott and m comeron, I must say that I really find this to be nonsensical, over-reaching thinking. Bending victims backwards to a miserable degree is something that is not unknown to the vicious minds of torturers. I do not know whether the sick mind of Dahmer took its inspiration from this scene or not. I will agree to the degree that I believe that too much is done for dubious entertainment of the public. On the other hand many found the book, and then the movie, to wake up and pay attention to the reality of the demonic, and Catholics have always been spot on in not only identifying it, but in countering it. This is why it was so important to the cause of evil to penetrate and erode the Church. Freemasonry and protestantism were diabolical tools enough for accomplishing this. That Blatty was a CIA operative is not a strong hypothesis. Infiltration of Georgetown University--as if it needed more malevolent infiltration--which he actively fought (however imperfectly) seems to be to be a stretch.

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I didn't know Blatty was CIA, David. But I think "The Exorcist," while perhaps gratuitously graphic in places, emphasized good and evil, and put the Catholic Church on the side of good. I've walked those steps in Georgetown several times, by the way. Thanks.

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I do not think Blatty as a CIA operative, either. Someone else suggested that. Re: the Catholic Church, I distinguish between the Church, and the bureaucratic, corruptible shell, the part that has to be sloughed off, and which for purposed of distinguishing I refer to as, 'cherch'. Thus, yes, I would put the Catholic Church proper on the side of The Good. When one has been stripped of a proper moral theology, then these other elements of evil come to loom too large. One begins to spin tales of how founders of an institution like Georgetown envisioned plots of evil explaining things today in too much detail, such as CIA schemes that double, triple and quadruple and more back over itself to produce--well--any outcome one is trying to explain current events. Do not get me wrong, I think well all would be agreed about various general categories of evil people, works and concepts afoot in the present world. We would be agreed about many corruptions of institutions nd governmental entities. For my part, I find nothing to provide better clarity about these elements, their source, their coordination beyond--but including--human depravity--and how to combat these evils. Thanks, as well, to you. This turned out to be a vibrant thread.

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Another great article...but Donald, I am so thoroughly disgusted by the "elitist" view of OUR world. How sick must you be to abuse children? We seem to be majorly divided by "we the normal" and "they, the freaking perverted ugly abnormal."

I come from a NJ Italian town (so you can well imagine that pizza is my favorite food group). I am truly sick of living in Sodom and Gomorrah redux!

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Pizza is my favorite, too, FLSherri. I hate having it associated with this kind of filth. Thanks.

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Me too!

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I heard about this when Alex Jones brought it up and thought he was crazy. Then I watched that documentary about Boys Town. Yes, rich people bored to tears with sex, drugs, and money so they turn to this vile and disgusting type of enjoyment. I wonder what my parents knew, both long gone now. It becomes more understanding to me why they bought an acre of land out in the country to raise us. If God would give me my way, I'd dump these pigs in the bowels of that mess in NC and leave them there with no amenities.

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It is almost impossible to comprehend the level of this evil, Fran. Thanks.

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Certainly, to any human, animals, but small children? It is so appalling I can't even imagine the what or how a person can reach this level of depravity. Glad you wrote up this article. Saving it for future reference.

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They are soul-less demons.

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Don't do that to the good people of NC.

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Fab idea!

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Let’s not forget Obama’s $65,000 “hot dog” party. He apparently likes “pizza”, too. Thank you, WikiLeaks.

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That's right, Cat. Thanks.

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