Delusion defines our society.

Everyone lies to themself about history, the facts of what politicians ostensibly do and the results of their actions. They lie to themselves about the lies their preferred fake wrestling huckster has told, and they lie about the consequences of those lies, even as they live daily with the consequences. They intentionally refuse to do the math and put one and one together. In the end they will never blame themselves for facilitating and making possible their own entrapment, enslavement and destruction. That r vs d team koolaid hit is still just too good. Even after all these years. That sense of belonging. That sense of having done something. Winning! Such is the nature of a society that subsists on self delusion and lies. Destruction will be its appropriate reward.

Humanity suffered massively for the first Trump presidency. Anyone who denies this is a liar or fantastically ignorant or some combination of the two. Leaving the botched abortion of domestic issues of the first Trump presidency aside -

The U.S. invaded and militarily occupied Syria under his leadership as he bragged the U.S. was there to steal the oil. The U.S. continues to occupy Syrian territory to this day, partially to steal resources, partially to interfere with Syrian agriculture, but all of it to engage in war crimes against Syria and make sure the nation can not recover from the devastation the U.S. visited on those people, for no ostensible reason other than the Greater Israel Project. Trump owns the distinction of being the first president to provide offensive weapons to Ukraine, as he increased facilitation of the slaughter of ethnic Russians there, and did everything possible to be certain Russia would be provoked to deal with the burgeoning security crisis on its border, resulting in the proxy war the U.S. wages there now. As a small side note, his abandonment of the nuclear arms treaty (inf) ensures every American is now that much closer to experiencing the profound maga benefit of incinerated obsolescence. Trump ordered the murder of an Iranian general while on diplomatic mission, who was perhaps the most loved military and political figure of that nation. Coincidentally, this man Trump murdered was also the single individual most responsible for defeating the U.S. proxy army shock troops in Syria and Iraq, also known as ISIS. If not for the tremendous restraint of the more civilized and circumspect Iranian leadership, this reckless crime easily could have begun a third world war, and plunged all of humanity into the abyss. This is just a tiny sliver of the sordid history of the first presidency of peace candidate Trump, all occurring quite recently. If I were to list all of his presidential war crimes, lies, betrayals, displays of abject ignorance and or incompetence, contradictions, and appointments, decisions and policies that continued and accelerated the destruction of life, freedoms, autonomy, prosperity - leaving aside his burning down of the tattered remnants of this constitutional republic, it would require a book. Yet the self deluded r team faithful can not allow themselves to contemplate these things.

Or, they may fess up to all of it and just go with the time honored, fail proof, iron clad classic:

Lesser of two evils.

This is the argument ending, 100% completion rate hail Mary, to be broken out when nothing else works. These 4 words finally dissolve responsibility, morality and logic into a warm bath of comfortable delusion. Lesser of two evils. So nice.

All our owners have to do is put an image up on the screen of whichever r or d team marionette is the villain of the day, put the corresponding nazi, or marxist trigger word there, and all fall straight in line and hurry up to get out the vote for the soul of the nation, at the next fake election.

Weren't we told that Pavlov did his experiments on dogs?

The ruse works.

Every single time.

Cycle after cycle after cycle after cycle after cycle.

Lucy. Football. Charlie Brown.

Over and over and over again. The glazed eyes mantra mouthed mindlessly ad nauseam. Decade after decade. Lesser of two evils. Lesser of two evils. Lesser of two evils. And who could have guessed? Evil kept growing. By my estimation, this society, and what its government accomplishes in the world, is defined by evil.

Then, during the presidency of the zog selected ham sandwich, the respective r or d team winners, whose fake wrestling champion adorns the seat of glory, reliably weep and wail at the naked disregard for their stated wishes, the instantly abandoned campaign slogans, the betrayals, the harms, the entrapment, the enslavement, the destruction. They loudly proclaim, I will never vote for him again! Sometimes they even wax apostate, and proclaim, I will never vote r team (or d) again! But come time for the big presidential 4 year show, they prove themselves liars. Again.

And again.

And again.

The koolaid still hits. It's just too good.

Even after fake elections are conducted out in the open in front of the entire world and the nations nose rubbed in it for four years with a fake presidency demonstrated through a man who can't walk or speak, doesn't know who or where he is, when it's time for the big presidential show, the intoxicated electorate cries out - vote harder! We saw it on Fox news and MSNBC and Dan Bongino and Newsmax and Rachel Maddow and CNN and everywhere! This is the most important election of our lifetimes! Vote harder!!!

We must vote HARDER!!!!!!!

What a tragedy and farce this nation is, with its self deluded people.

The dustbin awaits.

I have to give our owners and their father Satan credit. This system is absolutely brilliant. Stunning in its simplicity, longevity and effectiveness. Their system will certainly outlast Western Civilization itself. But I guess that's the point.

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Good points, Jody. Thanks.

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Well said. Yes, the same plays over and over and over. The people want cartoon fantasies, not buzz-killing reality. I would hope that those who vote for the poison B messiah, once again, at least hold their nose this time. They won't. Vaxx daddy says he won't get bad advice anymore...right.

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“Such is the nature of a society that subsists on self-delusion and lies. Destruction will be its appropriate reward.” That is one hell of a good line.

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Tour de force!

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After clown Trump had that Iranian general assassinated on orders from his kosher handlers, Iran struck back. It got literally no major media coverage, but Iranian missiles severely damaged several U.S. military bases in the Middle East killing many. Trump's uniformed politicians at the Pentagon had assured him that if Iran tried to hit back. the U.S. missile defenses would protect the bases. They didn't. They failed to knock out one single incoming projectile of death and destruction. These are top of the line Russian Iskander missiles and they have the range to strike from Iran any U.S. military facility in Europe, from Spain to Scandinavia. Iran has thousands of these toys of mayhem and the U.S. is defenseless against them. This really shook up the Pentagon pussies and Trumpowitz along with his kosher cabinet creeps allegedly leading to a unanimous consensus that war with Iran is out of the question, no matter how badly "Its-a-lie" (Israel) wants buckets of American blood shed at its behest. We will see.

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So the Bolshevik media covered for Trump .....................?

I knew the 86% negative media coverage was 4D chess.

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Iran also shot down a Ukrainian commercial airliner 5 days after the assassination. (I recall seeing a video of the shoot-down, meaning the videographer knew exactly what was planned.) Frankly, I'm not sure what to think of that as a "response." That some response was perhaps warranted by the Iranian military, OK, sure. But...a commercial airliner? With 176 civilians aboard? (All killed, of course.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukraine_International_Airlines_Flight_752

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Unfortunately Rob, "our" side, which has as its nexus the U.S., Israel, and Little Britain, routinely slaughters innocent civilians in the name of liberty, equality, and fraternity so its just payback. The kosher mass media covered up Iran's response that blasted U.S. bases over there, capping many U.S. military personnel (and many civilians as well. On most U.S. military bases the civilians outnumber the Servicemen) because the Controllers have a vested interest in maintaining the myth of American military invincibility. The sheeple need this. Its one of the things that keeps them waving their red, white, and blue Masonic dishrags. Of course it's just another lie. If anyone thinks it is not, just ask the Viet Cong or the Mujaheddin in Afghanistan.

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No doubt. HD. The ante is always upped as to who can kill the most, with civilians, as you say, usually representing the real victims, even if ultimately not by total body counts. I did not know (in the style of Johnny Carson) that Iran had targeted U.S. military bases after the assassination of Soleimani, as I assumed it was just a (single) eye-for-an-eye event: one general for one downed airliner. Thanks for that information. Good to know that “we” Yanks had our lunch handed to us.

But it used to be – back in the good ol’ days of, say, the ‘80s, when war was more honorable /sarc – that civilians were just “collateral damage,” accidents as it were, even if only declared as such. Today, by contrast, civilians seem to be directly and openly targeted, as was the case with that downed airliner in Tehran. And not that Iran is the sole guilty party here. Far from it. One need only look a little further west to see regular examples of how OPEN genocide of innocents is conducted, where the Zio f-s have it down to an art form (e.g., currently pausing the actual bombing of Gaza to administer “polio” vaccinations with the assistance of the Zio-run WHO and UNICEF; so death quickly or slowly, take your pick). And of course, the beloved U.S. military/NATO has been conducting legalized terror campaigns against civilians for 100+ years, the ones THIS century being particularly noteworthy (Iraq War, @14,400 civilians killed; Ukraine War, 10s of 1000s (although not fully clear whether it’s NATO or Russia that’s mostly responsible for the decimation of that country); and, finally, the DOD-orchestrated “Covid War,” millions dead via vaccination, my own father included).

So taking that whole lot, it would seem that ALL military combatants don’t seem to care nor even much disguise the fact that innocent civilians are not only killed but even targeted, thus making them the real victims of these “military” conflicts. My latest thought: all modern conflicts are entirely manufactured to decimate populations, that is, kill as many innocent civilians as possible. Or perhaps I’m stating the obvious.

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You are right on target Rob. This prison called earth is an extermination farm. I'm of the view that humans are not at the apex of the food chain, there are entities that feed off of our pain, agony, suffering, and misery. Hence the proclivity for human sacrifices to appease and placate these archontic demons. It wasn't just the ancients doing this, it still goes on. My father was a combat infantryman in World War Two in the European theater. He would never talk about the war but once when drunk he told me that the American military regularly shot civilians in that war. He said that he and the other troopers who objected to it could not stop it and the experience of that combined with the fierce battles he was in scarred him for life, ultimately drinking himself to death. Funny you should mention polio vaccines, vaccines being another instrument of culling the herd. Tonsils secrete an enzyme that obliterates whatever it is in the body that triggers polio. The criminal psychopaths of the medical racket went on a tonsillectomy scourge, removing them from kids and adults without justification. This caused the polio epidemic. Their solution for this was the polio vaccine, the toxicity of which caused cancer to spread like prairie fire. These monsters get us coming and going. They make billions of dollars as they depopulate the planet, a win/win situation for them. When Ragnarok hits the point of impact, they will quickly learn that payback is a motherfucker.

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polio was caused by toxins, particularly DDT in the 40's. Viruses have never been proven to cause disease.

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You have very good analysis and observations. I cannot agree more. (Can the Trump Supports say "John Bolton"??? Move over Germany, we have our own Moustache Man now.)

However, for the record, Ukraine Theatre was in the works even before Trump. It was the Obomination that set the stage for that one. Also, Iran and Israel, believe it or not, are on the same team. We might get another round of Iron Dome Theatre. The last one was better than the 4th of July.

WW3 has been part of the script for a long time, and will proceed irregardless of which candidate is S(elected).

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Very astute perspectives. Not many people know that Israel and Iran cooperated covertly to strip mine and exploit Iraq when Israel had its U.S. puppet state attack it. However, that by no means excludes a scenario wherein Jews and Iranians will wind up slaughtering each other. Think of nations as mafia families. They will frequently lock arms and work together then suddenly go for each other's jugular vein and spill blood.

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The Jews in Tel Aviv are no higher on the totem pole than the Muftahs in tehran or the Catholics in Rome. For the real elites the minute you stop being an asset you become a liability. The hierarchy in Tel Aviv is enjoying its little adventure and fetishes in Gaza. Little do they know they are probably next on the chopping block. When the Masters give the cue, Tehran will probably Light Up Tel Aviv. That will kick off a major escalation. If you understand the history of both Syria and Ukraine, you can see the coming Grand Convergence. Not for nothing did Isaiah write about the coming annihilation of Damascus.

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Yes, the Jews at the top of the Talmudic totem pole have no qualms about annihilating huge numbers of their lesser brethren. Just like their Goyim counterparts and collaborators.

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That's exactly what happened to the Poles in the Katyn Forest. They gleefully persecuted the Germans and took over that part of Germany given to them by the Treaty of Versailles. They thought they were benefiting from the "victors" of the First World War. They were just useful idiots. After Hitler and the Soviets partitioned Poland between them, Stalin (and the "Allies"), knowing he was going to come out on top after the dust settled following the war, did not want these people telling their story, because then it would be apparent that Poland had been set up to do the dirty work.

The Useful Idiots on all sides of the coming Globalist Takeover- whether they are in the United States, Russia, China, Ukraine, Israel, Iran, or Japan, should mediate carefully on what happened to the Polish in the Katyn Forest, because that is going to be exactly their fate, if they survive the battles.

And this time around, entire nations are going down. The victors of World War II are about to learn that what goes around comes around, and that the proverbial chickens always come home to roost.

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The Bolshevik media is owned by the kosher Controllers and they always cover for their own. If Trump didn't belong to them, he wouldn't be where he is. His persecution is just more nauseating theater by the Cryptocracy and another weapon of mass distraction out of many.

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Absolutely correct. Why the deluded Trump supporters refuse to acknowledge that the lying MSM made Trump the candidate to the exclusion of anyone else long before there was a primary or a convention is amazing to behold. Trump was the anointed one from the very first day of the media "election season" hoopla.

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So their blatant bias against Trump- was them working for Trump ....?

Explain ....

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So hold on, if there's no difference and Trump is in on the r vs. d scam, why didn't they just let him win in 2020, with 16 million more votes he got then he got in 2016 .............?

It's an honest question ........... please give a rational answer .......... (not a canned you must be a Kool-aid drinker blah blah blah bullshit....)

If there's no difference in the teams- someone needs to tell the media- they all seem to be ganged up on one side ...............

Enlighten me ....

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Fair question Wade.

There are a lot of different ways to answer it. To do it properly would again, require a book . A lot of history would need to be gone over. A lot of narratives would need to be deconstructed. Much of Mr. Jeffries work may benefit you. Any of his articles with Trumpenstein in the title, I recommend. Maybe buy his books.

But I'll try to answer you as best I can in a substack comment section.

Although I have what I consider to be reasonable speculations, I cannot tell you specifically why zog decided that for this last cycle of presidential theatre an invalid would adorn the seat of glory. How could I? After all, zog itself is not a perfect monolith, carrying out finely detailed, concrete, step by step plans. It is guided by Satan. Irrespective of individual members explicit knowledge or awareness of him, he guides them. They are possessed of a hive mind. In other words, zog itself does not necessarily know why it does what it does. It doesn't need to. It merely does what it is led to.

This is why people that deny the supernatural dismiss the possibility of things like a new world order, or the beast system, or agenda 2030, or any other overarching scheme for the entrapment, enslavement and destruction of humanity. They rightly understand that humans alone cannot orchestrate this.

While correct about the impossibility of a grand conspiracy, solely of human origin succeeding, they are wrong about supernatural evil not existing. Hence, their denial of the supernatural causes them to discount the possibility of dark forces guiding men to that end, even as they contribute daily to the construction of that very prison.

I'm sure you agree that in order for a con to be effective, it needs to be plausible. The most effective lies are the ones that are mostly true. Limited hangouts and controlled opposition are demonstrations of this principle. A media that genuinely hates what Trump espouses while promoting his political success is another.

The media isn't ganged up on one side. I know this for a fact because I am hammered every day with pro Trump propaganda. It is accurate to say much of corporate and legacy media are ganged up against Trump. Or it may be accurate to say that the media you don't like is ganged up against Trump. But it is factually false to say Trump does not get massive media support. If you have been observing American politics for the past 4 decades, you know it has always been the case that the r team gets cast as the villain by most of corporate media. Each 4 year cycle the rhetoric becomes more shrill. But this phenomenon of major media demonizing the r team is quite standard. And of course, many of the psy opped, propagandized people have been engendered with very real Trump derangement syndrome. I'm quite sure many in the federal government and media are legitimately affected with TDS. And one of Trump's defining characteristics is his penchant for childish, but still effective insults. That likely incurs some very real wrath. Again, effective lies need to have an element of truth to be convincing. As political observers, we need to get beyond the binary thinking we are programmed into. Just because TDS is real does not mean the fake election show is. Just because the election theatre is a zog production does not mean that every single person in government and media is in on the act, or that real people aren't going to occasionally suffer real harm in the making of said production.

Most importantly. I hope at some point you will allow yourself to understand the unhinged, over the top, anti Trump media you mention targets you as its audience, even more than the other side. This is because every time the media maligns Trump, the more you believe in him. In the same way, the media that glorifies Trump is designed to activate and enrage the other side, even more than it is designed to benefit you. It's a really nice tool. Dynamic. Multidimensional.

Review your own statements about media persecution of Trump if you doubt me.

Every day, Trumps supporters become more enamored of him, not because of one thing he does, but because your enemies (again, very real) give you the perception that they hate him. It's another highly effective psy op. Trump can betray his supporters 1000 times in a day. But as long as the media can keep you focused, only seeing Trump as a persecuted martyr, you will overlook all of those betrayals and make excuses for him, that even he doesn't attempt to make for himself.

In a nutshell, teevee (various media now) creates reality for Americans.

Trump was loved by all of the people that now purport to hate him for his entire NYC real estate con man, abortion zealot, Clinton family friend, democrat life. He wasn't a republican. He wasn't a conservative. He wasn't a Christian. Both in word and deed, he mocked all of these things. His entire life. But then, one day, out of nowhere, as if by hasbara magic, he became all of these things and more, even Hitler. At precisely the same time, to exactly the other half of the country, he became the invincible knight of righteousness, here to restore us to year 1950, and 25 cents a gallon gasoline.

Of course none of this was true. The media created this reality.

But how do I know that Trump never changed?

I ignore the media narratives of either side and I observe his actions. I was 99.9% certain at the start of his presidency that he would turn out to just be the con man he had always been, just on to a much grander grift. But I held out hope he would prove me wrong. I knew for certain I couldn't go by his words because his words are consistent only in that they are schizophrenic. He was always this way. If you don't like something Trump says, wait five minutes. He'll say the opposite.

Long story short, he had a presidency already. His actions told the tale.

Trump, the political WWE action figure, is a media creation. For you, the media created maga jesus, eternally hung on the cross of deep state persecution. For the d team, the media created orange Hitler, a madman intent on throwing sodomites off the top of the capitol building and putting blacks back in the cotton fields and declaring himself Fuhrer of an American theocracy for life. In reality, he's niether. Just an obnoxious, childish, con man with a keen sense for opportunism and to know where his bread gets its zog butter.

He serves a purpose for our owners, as do all the federal level politicians, as they have for all of my life and probably already were by the turn of the 20th century. They achieve, maintain, or lose their positions at the pleasure of zog while providing political theatre for the masses, in order to keep them divided and distracted, so they are never able to perceive anything other than the fakery dangled in front of them, never to become aware of the demoniacs behind the curtain, that are actually running things, to ever more nefarious ends.

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We can't enlighten you if you refuse to do your own research. What is going down has been planned for 2000 years. Trumpenstein is playing the role he was born for. Some of us have been studying this stuff for 30-40 years. We can't get you up to speed in a comment section. America is toast... because that is the plan. 1-2-3 punch...you're out. T to light the fuse, B to tear it all down, and T again to finish the job.

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It's all scripted theater, courtesy of the Chozen Pipple.

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Nicely thought through

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If you differ from the accepted meme & think critically outside the box, according to the ruling junta (& its lackeys in the media) you are a “threat to democracy.”

The Founders hated democracy because it is mob rule which always ends in dictatorship. And the whole “white supremacist” schtick is another BS strawman argument (like “Russian Collusion”) that easily falls apart upon examination: where are all the “white supremacist” marches/rallies? IMHO it was an attempted set up (like Jan 6); they were hoping to drive the Bubbas to pick up their guns & then bring the hammer down.

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The January 6 rally was the closest thing to a right-wing protest this country has ever had, at least since the Civil War draft riots. The "silent majority" never marched for anything. You don't even see pro-life rallies now. I'll be waiting for all these dangerous "White Supremacists" to gather in a show of force. Thanks, Dutch!

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Quite frankly I think if the Bubbas would stop LARPing at the firing range and get serious both the cops and the military would be resigning in droves. neither has the mettle of their forefathers. What frustrates me is that the current exercise of power is largely and illusion. Witness that cop in Florida who shot up her cruiser because a squirrel dropped a nut, or that SWAT team in Houston that got mowed down by one man and a semi-automatic pistol.

During the 2020 lockdowns, in places where the local militias stood guard outside barbershops and churches they were never molested by any covid cops. Quite frankly, I do think the worst nightmare of some of these municipalities is the posse comes to the aid of a harassed motorist or shows up in force at a local school council and demands the Drag Queens be evicted from library storytime hour.

This country is full of limpid cowards who are afraid of a showdown. We have already crossed the point where we have anything to lose. (I am not advocating violence, just a show of force. It worked on the Bundy Ranch. It can work again.

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Excellent, White Wolf.

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They're such cowards out here on the Left Coast if ChiCom paratroopers came over the top, they would probably say, "Please don't shoot at them."

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ChiCom paratroopers might actually be an improvement over the buzzards Commiefornia has masquerading as politicians and law enforcement. At any rate they should not bother looting the banks unless they are looking for toilet paper or kindling.

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Hey, I like that!

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All going to the plan of the protocols of the elders of Zion. Every time I read it I am reminded of who actually runs this nation and the entire western world. And most importantly who their enemy is and that’s white Christians. Bolshevism 2.0 and the real holocaust here we come. History always repeats itself.

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they say the protocols was a forgery by the czarist secret police. Of course they say that. They never say how if it is a forgery, why is it so accurate?

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Right. It describes reality regardless.

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which is exactly what Ford said about it.. 100 years ago.

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Even better than the Protocols is the Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita. Like the Protocols it is entirely fake and ghey insofar as it forgot to mention germ theory, the Big Bang, evolution, and all the other lies foisted upon Christendom, and was meant to be "discovered" so that they could laugh at us while we discussed our demise over Tea and Crumpets. But the Alta Vendita has the added bonus that it exactly chronicles the moral decay we have witnessed over the last five decades or so. Back in the '70's who would have imagined Purple Trannies at the Opening Ceremonies? If something like that would have happened in De Gaulle's France the Grandmothers would have drowned those Perverts in Holy Water.

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Freemasonry is simply jewry for the goyim.

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"Freemasonry is Kabbalah for Gentiles". Albert Pike

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a lower branch of the same tree.

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As I see it, the enemy in the eyes of the "elders of Zion" is Christ and His followers, regardless of their race. The current assault on the White race is a divisive strategy and is a sideshow meant to stir hatred.

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Yes all gentiles aka goyim.

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I agree with Ben Franklin- Democracy IS three wolves and a sheep deciding what is for dinner. Because of that, I am a threat to democracy. Democracy works very well in the small cantons of Switzerland. Fifty landowners in the whole canton- one hand one vote- and everybody's vote really counts, and there is no way of rigging a show of hands. But in anything bigger, forget it.

Popular Sovereignty is also a Freemasonic Concept I am against. A body of people does NOT determine the law. The law is written in Heaven, and all Authority comes from God. Which is precisely why there can be no separation of Church and State, and why peace and security are always best obtained in a confessional state with virtuous leadership. If Mexico, for example, had a good Catholic King, they would have to have armed men manning the borders to keep the undesirables out.

The reason why the Sheeple are so easily controlled is because they are neither virtuous or industrious. Rather, so long as they are well fed and entertained, they will tolerate whatever tyrants want to rule them. Most of the people prepared to vote for Trump do not want Truth, Justice, and the American way. They want meat on the table, an easy solution to all that ails us, and the opportunity to land a cinchy job in government, medicine, the courts, or the service sector.

We did not get here overnight. We got here because the heroes and watchmen were asleep while the enemy marched through our institutions, particularly the schools. And meanwhile, ambitious and corrupt men captured politics at all levels. Oh, and did I mention that the majority of men and women wanted the easy way out of Abortion on Demand rather than accepting the consequences of their stupidity and lack of self control?

What is about to befall this country befell Israel many times in the Old Testament. And as for New Testament Times.... Rome, Byzantium, Gaul, Austria... just to name a few. (The Popes have not been bad at being their own worst enemy either... it's just lucky for Holy Mother Church that we had St Bernards, and St Francises and St Anshelms and St Catherines for those times the Popes almost did us in.)

Well, Our Lady of Fatima did guarantee that if nations did not get their acts together, then several of them would be annihilated. Let's see, since 1917 there was World War One, where General Pershing and the Gang made the World Safe for Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, the Cristero War, where we sent Plutocrat Calles 80 billion dollars (in today's prices) of military aid so he could slaughter 800,000 Mexicans. Ten there was our slaughter in China in the 1930's, which made the Far East safe for the Yamato Dynasty. And then World War II, where we slaughtered something like 6 million Germans during and after the war. Then there was Korea, Vietnam, and Cambodia. Add another 3 million or so. And then, of course, we have Iraq, Libya, Mozambique, Somalia, Syria... and another 3 million lives. Oh, and I forgot Serbia. And then- how many unborn babies slaughtered? I think 10 million is a conservative estimate. So, do we have this coming? And how!

Both Trump and the Cackling Camel support the ongoing genocide in Gaza. So pull the lever and have the blood of more innocents on your hand.

These people make King Herod look like Peter Pan.

Head for the Hills and don't look back. (You might turn into a pillar of Salt.)

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I appreciate your typically astute analysis, WW. Btw, I'm sure you know that there is no constitutional provision regarding the separation of church and state. They just took a reference to it from a private letter Thomas Jefferson wrote. So it's based on myth, not law. Which fits in perfectly with today's identity politics. Thanks!

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I heard American Memory Hole has been delayed again. Now no release until Sept 11th? It must be a Freemason thing.

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I haven't heard that.

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It might just be my locality. I will let you know when I finally have my copy. At any rate I have another volume on the Politically Correct History of the Catholic Church I have to slog through but American Memory Hole is at the top of my bucket list.

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Just got it in the mail today.

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Great. Thanks!

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Tucker Carlson had a fascinating conversation with podcaster, Darryl Cooper. Apparently, Cooper has spent his life examining history, reading incalculable amounts of content outside official history. In this interview, they touch on several subjects, including WWII.

I have concluded that everything I think I "know" about WWII -- everything -- is likely false. Cooper goes into fair detail on Churchill -- a "psychopath, drunk, and childish" is Cooper's conclusion. Cooper also talks about Churchill's incessant push to get into another war with Germany, something Hitler absolutely did not want. Hitler's deep concerns -- and actions -- were focused on the threat from the East. Our Lady talked to the children's about "the errors of Russia" spreading across the world...

At any rate, the British started a bombing campaign over Germany. Cooper calls this campaign the "greatest terror campaign" in history. Churchill wanted his war in Europe and he was going to have it.

Meanwhile, the Germans march toward the Soviet Union resulted in millions of prisoners -- prisoners that they had no means of caring for or feeding. (They had no plan for this???)

I recommend giving this a listen if you have time/interest. Be prepared. Both Tucker and Darryl are "white supremacist 'Nazis'" defending Hitler, in case you hadn't already guessed.

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I'll take you deeper down the Rabbit Hole. The Licence Plate of the car the Archduke Ferdinand was shot in reads "A11II18"- that's armistice Nov 11th, 1918. The Satanic Pederasts knew this incident would start "WW1" and they knew the day it would end. In my opinion, the Blood Red Sky of January 25th, 1938 was Our Lady's broadcast that the Satanic Pederasts had given the Green Light for "WW2". Hitler, Stalin, Churchill, Roosevelt, Mao, Chaing, the Yamato Dynasty... just so many puppets working for the cabal.

The whole British Army simply retreated and marched to Dunkirk. Hitler could have captured them and ended the war- instead, he let them escape. Operation Barbarossa could have been in Moscow by August 15th 1941. Instead, the blundering German Armies- supported by troops from EVERY country in Europe, and England, Ireland, and Scotland, by the way- wasted months on the siege of Petrograd (Leningrad). Stalingrad was obviously a trap, calculated to produce maximum carnage on both sides.

One trap that Awakening People have to look out for is the "Hitler is a Hero" theme. Yes, I would have supported Operation Barbarossa to liberate Russia from the Bolsheviks. Yes, I would have held my nose and supported Hitler as the lesser of Two Evils. But it should have become obvious to the Carlists and etc early on that they were being played, and should have bowed out.

During World War II, the Germans were evil for invading Norway, but they were merely beating the British to the punch. The British had already invaded Iceland, which was pro-German. (The United States invaded Greenland to set up military bases in anticipation. The Japanese were evil for their surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, but I'll bet you never heard about the British surprise attack of the French Fleet in Africa, which was more costly in terms of lives lost, while the British lost only three planes.

Yes, there is a LOT about the "Good War" Americans have never been told. I don't know about Darryl Cooper, but Tucker Carlson is a big time shill. But it might be worth a listen. Thanks for the heads up.

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Thank you for this. You're right -- I had not heard about the British surprise attack on the French Fleet in Africa -- but that doesn't surprise me. Nothing, it seems, is beyond the British...

Tucker is starting to grow on me, but boy, does he have a long way to go. He has admitted he was an a$$ wipe (my words) over Sep 11, but he has never really apologized for his horrendous conduct. In particular, his despicable treatment of Dr. David Ray Griffin is almost beyond description. He still, IMO, needs to apologize for that.

One could spend a lifetime trying to get through the mountains of garbage and propaganda that stand in for an actual factual, truthful account of the madness of WWII. My mother lost her brother, whom she idolized, at the Battle of the Bulge. His death there came less than a month after his 20th birthday. My grandmother -- who'd lost her husband in April of that year -- was never, ever the same. My mother was left to work and support her mother (who took six months just to get our of bed due to her sorrow) and her younger (12 years old) brother.

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That is truly heart rending. The Battle of the Bulge really need never have happened. The "Allied" High Commands were perfectly aware of the German Movements, but did not bother to tell their Field Officers, because they wanted yet another Satanic Holocaust.

The same tragedies occurred on the German side. And after the war, Eisenhower had 2 million Germans die of starvation and exposure to the elements in the Rhine Meadows. And Cardinal Alfringes was perfectly aware of what was going on, as was, I am sure, Pius XII. And a million desperate letters to the Vatican from German mothers and wives went unanswered and unheeded.

And meanwhile, the Pacific Theatre was nothing but a Gold Heist. If you can, get a copy of "Gold Warriors" by Peggy Seagrave. It will totally blow your mind. And Peggy was not at the bottom of that rabbit hole, because the purpose of all that Japanese theivery was to fund the black ops of the fledgling CIA after the war...

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Sep 4Edited

A pleasant surprise is as rare as a dodo bird these days...but I got one on Monday when you were a guest on the David Knight Show, Donald. A double dose of DJ on Monday!

Today I listened to a BBC podcast. Yes, the BBC is the worst kind of global elite parasite propaganda ...but it's the only podcast that will download to my sleepytime phone. I have an old dead phone that I use to go to sleep with, so I don't have an active phone in my bedroom damaging my sleep. This show featured what has happened to women in Afghanistan since the Taliban retook the country. The women and the moderator all were strongly implying that the "global community" needed to help these women "regain their freedom". How can we do that when regular folks in the Western World don't have any freedom either?

Where were the Afghans during our lockdowns? Certainly what we suffered in 2020 and 2021 was a thousand times worse than anything the Taliban could dish out. I personally think those women should be grateful that the globalists were kicked out of Afghanistan. I would rather be forced to see woman covered in burkas, than be forced to see screeching, purple-haired, tattooed lunatics every day. Btw, my views on this have not changed in the last 23 years. In 2001 when the idiots were saying: "they hate us for our freedoms" I would answer: " those folks have more freedom than we do."

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Great point, Kris. Thanks!

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At least Burkas leave something to the imagination.

When he says "I only have eyes for you" it is almost literal. " only have eyes of you"

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Everything you write is "a threat to democracy." Thank you for fighting the good fight, and please don't stop.

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Thank you, Leara!

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The real name for every government system is Evilarchy.

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Arch villains, Archyarchy . Beyond reach.

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AT least for every one since 1776.

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Sep 3Edited

All Democracies leads to tyranny...we need (America) our Republic back and our constitution along with our Bill of Rights...I could be wrong but I think it was after the Civil War when the Central Bank was instilled here in America that we because a democracy... Fuck Democracy Long Live the Republic!!!

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Well, right now we're in an oligarchy/plutocracy. But no one wants to admit it. Thanks, liam.

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Thank you for this. I used to write a blog entitled Oligarchy Now, a play on Democracy Now. I don’t even know what we are now…kleptocracy, pathocracy since psychopaths are in power, oligarchy, plutocracy, The Lunatic Fringe? The Hunger Games? I have had to become very comfortable with the phrase “I don’t know”, because I don’t and literally nothing makes sense anymore. Everything is based upon death and debt. Thank you for yet another excellent essay, though.

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I'm unable to give thumbs up...so thumbs up in the written word!

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right you are!

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The United States was founded by a bunch of Enlightened Freemasons working for the British East India Company. But they were great at keeping up appearances until after the "Civil War". Then they threw down the facade and admitted that the States were just administrated districts, not sovereign entities. Long Live Tyranny and Irreligion. (Just kidding, but that is their motto...)

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Not a fan of tyranny, that’s for sure. All I know for certain is that everything I was taught has proven to be lies and reality is pretty much the opposite of what I was taught.

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My grandfather was a member of the Odd Fellows freemasonry lodge. It is written up in his obituary. I don’t know a lot about it but it doesn’t sound like a particularly wholesome organization. Obviously I am a black sheep. I’m ok with that.

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My Dad's brother was a ne'er do well for a long time, then moved to North Carolina and suddenly became a big business executive, and transformed into a courtly southern gentleman. When he died, I read in his obituary that he was a 33 degree mason. I think that might explain his sudden success story. Thanks, Elizabeth!

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You probably understand why I trust your information more because you are a “community college dropout”, right? I no longer trust the Ivy Leaguers.

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Yes, when I was a blue collar worker, those guys were some of the smartest people I've met. Not "book smarts," but street smarts. Horse sense. The more "educated" one is, the more difficult it generally is to wean yourself from the programming. It's like kicking heroin. Thanks, Elizabeth!

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That would explain why all the PhD’s at work I tried to convince not to put an experimental concoction into their arms did it anyway. No reading the books I doled out like candy, no absorbing what I used to do for a living….just did as they were instructed. A lot of those folks are dead or spent their summer having pacemakers installed or going for embolism treatment. Fun stuff. Anyway, I like your book so far. Take care.

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There is also something really disgusting, literally repulsive, in the amount of butt-kissing that goes on in those circles that I was never going to be ok with. I watched it most of my life until I left in 2012. It made my skin crawl and my stomach hurt. It’s a relief not to be in “it”…whatever “it” was. Just….yuck.

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I've seen it also. It's actually a bit sinister, so many willingly sell their soul for money and power. This will not end well for our society.

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A butt-kisser I am not. I’m glad someone else has seen it aside of myself.

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No, I don’t think it will.

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You can say that again. That is why I left the education racket. The bootlicking was totally obvious and totally disgusting. People would sell their souls for a chair or an administrative position. They used to compete with one another how far they could shove their noses up certain posteriors.

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Yeah, it’s pretty much my new goal in life not to be a part of that. The department heads at the universities that were my clients were pretty egotistical, as a rule, with few exceptions. The good news is that American Memory Hole arrived today and I am already deep in it. Since everything I was taught was a lie, I expect I will learn a lot. Good for you for finding your way out of nonsense, too.

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Oh, sounds familiar.

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Most Masons are what my dad used to call the "knife and fork" variety. They are not privy to the grand design, but, if they go along with the program, get to enjoy many perks. They get mid-level government jobs, maybe some notoriety- of the good kind- and maybe even run for a political office. At least in the Middle Ages the bishops, dukes, and counts used to award benefices openly. Now it is all done for the chosen under the table.

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my mother and sister, hitting into their 90's were in the


Independent Order.

says it was just a girl scouts thing.

sure. Eastern Stars more like it.

Buffalo on my father's father's side.

deep and far and wide it has been

then again, after TV, we are all, in a sense, freemasons now

brainwashed to buggery.

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If Elon Musk was actually for "free speech", he would remove the censorship of "hate speech".

He is more of controlled opposition. Imagine having your account censored for hoping that somebody gets bone spurs so they can understand just how bad they are. LOL Look at me, I am giving out bone spurs, I must be a magician. Musk is a PHONY!

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Yes, but even his public statements about the importance of free speech have angered millions. He may not be legit, but their opposition to free speech is. We are outnumbered, Landon. Thanks.

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Controlled opposition absolutely. But it's worse than that. He's a DARPA invention. If you remove his federal government subsidies, promotion and backing he doesn't exist. Again, delusion or profound ignorance of the man's history is required not to see Musk for what he is.

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Yes, Jody, but like Trump he is being cast as something else. And millions of Americans who aren't in on the production react by hating him, simply because they think he wants free speech. Thanks.

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Conversely, millions buy the other side of the con and love him for what he's pretending to be.

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Yes, I always wondered why it doesn't matter how many of his car batteries catch fire or how many of his unmanned EVs crash into other objects, and other things, that the stink never gets on him. It's just "Tesla, Tesla, Tesla" not the guy who owns it all. So controlled opposition yes.

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Teflon Testla Man.

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The mission of Elon Musk was to make Twitter safe for Tucker Carlson.

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Bingo, WW.

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Thank you Don,always a great read thanks bud,you have a gift for sure. So many people are deceived and delusional it's so sad,our government hates Americans who love God,truth,life, liberty, freedom,Bill of rights,free thought,and living lives freely w out government. God help us, I love my country,but our government is a sespool,if Democrats and Republicans cared about it's citizens,which they do not, wouldn't they secure our borders,lock real criminals up with real justice and consequence, wouldn't they put every person away who was involved with Epstein, wouldn't they put Minneapolis, Portland and Seattle rolioters and violent criminals away for years after destruction instead of mostly Peaceful Jan 6 protesters and tresspassors, wouldn't they end human trafficking,drug trafficking,child porn, arrest terrorists,cartels,violent gangs,put corruot politicians away,wouldnt they be held accountable for unconstitutinal lockdowns and warped poison, would they abolish abortion like slavery,wouldnt they protect the sacred-innocent defenseless voiceless precious babies,wouldnt they protect our chikdren from mutilation and confusion? God have mercy on our wicked nation America is sinking and will not recover,we are worse than Sodom and Gomorrah and God will destroy this wicked nation. Psalm 2 Psalm 9 17 Psalm 33 12 Psalm 118:6-9 Jeremiah 17:5-7 Acts 5:29 2 Timothy 1 7 John 5:24 John 14 6 Romans 5:1 Romans 6 23 Ephesians 2:8-9 Titus 3:5 Titus 2:13 John 3:16, blessings

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I appreciate the kind words, Manny. Yes, if we were being led by "good guys," then they'd want to hold the "bad guys" accountable. Obviously, that isn't the case. Thanks!

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Superb state of the union post. I am glad I read it when I got up rather than just before bed.

Reminds me of a study by researchers comparing public opinion and official policy over a 100 years. They found no overlap between what the public was concerned about and what the government focused on.

The left and their masters always project. Whatever they are planning to do to you, they claim you are doing. You can see that with chants about threats to democracy or Israeli and American Jewish claims about Hamas. Even the supposed climate crisis fits that with the "green" agenda unleashing dangerous chemicals into the environment that have the added bonus of lasting pretty much forever.

Alas, the true competencies of the Western regimes are destroying normal life and preventing a real opposition ruler from emerging.

To make matters worse I can't see how most people even care what is happening. America has a consumer mindset (not one obsessed with rights and freedom) and the country is now a marketplace not a country. Show up and you can participate with government funding and special rights.

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Thanks, Al!

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Even if the government stopped doing everything wrong right now, it would be years before many things stopped getting worse. They will not stop doing everything wrong right now, nor likely in any of our lifetimes. If Trump is elected, and allowed to take office again, we will still be deindustrialized, spending far too much money, supporting genocide and trade wars, and have many millions of people who see no alternative to having government (and insurance) involved in nearly every part of our lives. Not to mention the billionaires and giant corporations who want things to be even worse than they are. Many years of standing up to them, successfully sueing them, and replacing their businesses and schools, will be necessary to even to stop things from getting worse.

I for one, am leaving and not coming back!

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It’s a process. A drastic one. But emergencies (actual ones) require drastic, life saving/threatening measures.

Can the experiment America have even be salvaged?


Should it be? Can’t give a definitive “yes” on that one. It’s got more of a karmic debt than economic, and the latter will never be balanced, short of a Jubillee.

I left.

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Great points, Edgar. Thanks!

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You have written a brilliant commentary.

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Thank you, wilson!

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Funny when one side says Trump is a threat to democracy, and they've installed a candidate by the most undemocratic way possible. It's all smoke and mirrors .....

As an aside the Kackalin' Kow Kamala might be the dumbest person I've EVER heard speak .....

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If I had to say which one was dumber, Kamala or AOC, well.... I'd have to sit down and think it over.

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During discussion of the bankster bailout in 2008 our Congress Critter said his messages from us fell into two categories: No! and Hell No! yet he voted for the bailout anyway. So much for representing democracy.

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Yep. Taxation without representation, Mike. Thanks!

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Excellent Piece!

"However you look at it, our system of government is much closer to an oligarchy or a plutocracy than a constitutional republic or a democracy. So Thought Criminals like us are not a 'threat to democracy.' We’re a threat to oligarchy or plutocracy."

Yes, we're a threat to their continued plundering/total control of society, which they maintain by limiting our ability to act/speak freely. Corollary: they never censor lies, only truths that must not be made known. lest they lose power/control.

Ergo: assume everything they tell you is a lie until proven otherwise. Their dictates are never in your interest, only theirs.

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Thanks, aka!

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The only thing I have ever really been a threat to is the pesky mosquitoes that make it through the screen door, and the only thing I will be threat to in the future is any home invasion team.

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