I keep reminding people they better be very careful who they worship. Trump won't be able to be Prez again, so that could or could not be a good thing. Either way, I've witnessed this country going down the crapper since I was an unknowing child. I see how those benefits haven't reaped us poop. Only made things Mega Worse.

People also forget Trump was big on imminent domain. Look it up, folks. Its not a good thing and all these fires plus storms is more proof of their intent.

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Yes, Fran, Trump worships law enforcement, including eminent domain and the horrific asset forfeiture laws. Thanks!

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At this point, just what laws are the boys in blue (black) enforcing? It certainly isn't arson, assault, retail theft, or vandalism.

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When Henry Thoreau's friend asked him "What are you doing in there? Because he was jailed for opposing the Massachusetts pol tax, He countered "What are you doing out there? Enforcing bankers "cuz law" is what they do. Why are you arresting me? Just cuz. Jails, prisons, hospitals, black sites and other state sanctioned kill boxes of warehoused humans seems to have become so inured to "Civilized" society, that individuality and independent thought must be attacked at every opportunity, for the "Greater Good" of course.

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Thoreau was great. There is a real profundity in his "simplify, simplify" solution. Most solutions are simple. Those who profit from chaos have convinced people that they are hopelessly complex. Thanks, Clyde!

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Yes, exactly, Don. Unfortunately, it worked, too. Alot of people believe that "oh, it´s so complex, we normal people cannot understand this and better leave it to the "experts" to "solve"."

But when you actually look deeper, you find out that it is quite simple - but also devious and inhumane and destructive, and very profitable for the PTB - maybe that´s why people usually shy away from looking deeper.......

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Months of coercive detentions, being gaslighted, mocked and mimicked by "Credentialed" children who all share in the stolen booty can be pretty persuasive. Modern dungeons might have electricity, and the trappings of guilded cages, but they can and do bury people alive, and only God would be the wiser. They have the resources to make the impossible, possible because the general population ignores the operations of Satan and his minions, and are dismissive of those painful truths that barbarous perfidy sells like porn, and the Gospel truth is always omitted in their Truman show/Star Chamber "Proceedings".

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I miss my simple stick shift '88 Toyota pick up. It got great mileage and never broke down. Our two newer vehicles have both had major problems due to complex computer controls. Meanwhile most vehicles today don't get much better gas mileage than a 1940's vehicle, with none of the style. Same with the old train system. Such style and beauty all thrown away.

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Oh you got that right. The enforcers are now on the wrong side of everything. But I guess they are only going to figure that out when they see themselves falling into the Pit of Hell.

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Kill box is the operative phrase. That is spot on. I learned what that means this year. A lot of people are being killed off at this point. It’s crazy.

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John Whitehead with the Rutherford Institute writes and speaks about the police state we have lived in for decades. It’s out of control. Law enforcement forces their own rules more often than not now.

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John is great, Elizabeth. I've had him on my podcast, and we both write regularly for American Free Press. Thanks.

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That’s fantastic. I do not know what else has to occur before people realize that Rome is falling. I had no idea until I saw for myself what an absolute crap show our judicial system had become. I finally bought my own law books, learned the law and began to handle matters on my own. My Kool Aid days are far behind me.

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They just make it up as they go along.

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I flattened one after he got in my face, yelling about women having sex with horses. Then he said, “hit me, hit me, hit me.” So I did. I said n court record that I’ll call Ghostbusters before I call cops. I’m not paying for people like that.

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You and me both. I would not call the cops on my worst enemy.

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They work for “elites”, not for the people.

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Yes, and they don't make a move unless it's approved by the operator on the other end of their earbuds.

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Exactly. We are on the same page. Not going to tell you that I did not laugh at the idea of him having to explain to his cop buddies that a former fancy housewife kicked his butt, though. He was arrested by a sheriff. Bye bye…..

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I'm amazed the sheriff did not arrest you. But maybe there are a few sane counties left on the Fruity Planes.

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I think you mean Eminent Domain. Of course, imminent means something is pending within seconds and unavoidable, as in the imminent collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge after its pilings were hit by a drunken container ship, that was inspected so damn well its power failed ten minutes after leaving the dock. So maybe you are talking about the imminent domain of the clowns. But I digress.

At this point, the MAGA Hats are more retarded than the passengers on the Biden Bus, and I never thought that would be possible.

The Empire has reached peak stupidity. The politicians have no metaphysical clothes, but the goys think they are dressed in tuxedos.

God help America.

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Yes I did, thanks for the correction.

Perhaps this is why Old Joey once said, "God Save the Queen". We haven't stopped bowing to England in since forever. He may be mostly demented, but he is stupid enough to blurb out the obvious. Some of the crap he has said, the level of what our (s)elected government officials is like taking a course in DumbDumb 101. Well, the way out young are turning out to be, its almost a natural thing now with whats taught in schools and the parents lack of parenting skills.

What really pizzed me off was that doofus giving Hitlery a Medal of Freedom. And I reviewed the list of other recipients. Bill Nye, the fake science guy? I know folks who actually do good for society. They deserve that far more!

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At this point, I am wondering if things might have turned out better if King George would have won the war. At any rate, things would have certainly turned out better had Jefferson Davis won his war.

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Of course you know that Robert E Lee said that he would not have surrendered had he known how things were going to turn out.

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Mr General Lee, when you consider the behavior of Generals Sherman and Sheridan, was either very naive or in on it. Take your pick. In my view, those brave lads who fought under the Stars and Bars were like those who fought the Bolsheviks in operation Barbarossa. They were fighting the right enemy, but under the wrong leadership.

The MAGA Hats would do very well to learn those lessons of history, before they follow The Donald on his damned fool idealistic farcical crusade.

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I would not be surprised to learn that General Lee was in on it.

It was one heck of a population reduction production.

Hell, this thing has been going on for thousands of years.

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We will know shortly what our designated savior is about. Things have begin to change in the wake of his election. Zburg allowing free speech, many companies eliminating DEI, The Eskimo imbecile deposed up North.

Even the resurgence of conservative leaders in Europe.

One thing is sure if Trump is hornswoggling us we are doomed anyway.

Get the popcorn and enjoy the show.

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It is definitely a show, Walter. Thanks.

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And how. A Three Ring Circus. Barnum and Bailey would blush.

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Agreed, because Bush, Clinton, Busk, Obama and Biden were all horror movies. Carter put many of us out of business with his FEDfuckery interest. Before Carter our small town of 9000 had no empty buildings to rent and after Carter there were 53, and it wasn't cause Mr Peanut built any.

My two best times of business since were Reagan and Trump.

Biden stole Carter's IDIOT Trophy from Obama.

At 77 years I can only thank God Kackula missed her chance.

Now I Can grab my popcorn, listen to fiddle music and watch reincarnated Rome burn!

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You left out Carter's reported invention of Climate Change and solar farms,which scam he was greatly praised for in his neverending Eulogy.

Trump is right about McCain and he is right about that goofy Peanut Head.

He also gets a lot of adulation for his Sunday School years indoctrinating young children.

Personally,I think less of an adult who cannot count to seven accurately...

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I wrote about Carter in my last Substack, John. I think I covered all the legitimate criticisms. I wasn't a fan. Thanks.

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It was a good one,but I didn't see anything about him inventing Climate Change,which was news to me literally ,ABC News, to be exact.

So it may be fantasy as much as fact...

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Yes, Jimmy Carter presided over the first stages of the dismemberment of the American Empire with his expanded government regulations and taxes. It was during his tenure that the exodus of American business operations overseas became a full scale flight.

Of course, The Donald will be the excuse for the Big Banks to pull the plug. Start raising chickens and plant a garden so you can survive at least until Blackwater and the thugs foreclose on you.

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It's a three ring circus. Raw materials/ shipping/ production of goods.

Shipping is the critical part of the circus. They make bank on shipping raw materials and finished goods. A good example is the production of nat gas

and expansion of infrastructure from port to port in order to replace the cheap Russian gas. Once they have built up a fleet of tankers and expanded port facilities they can't ever stop shipping. It's all more expensive, which is the end goal. Russia still sells gas to Europe and was paying Ukraine pipeline transit costs.

Try to imagine Russia selling gas to Europe, so Europe can build weapons to give to Ukraine to kill Russians. It seems like the conflict is more about making money on war for all sides.

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first thing the "right" does in Europe SA and US when they win is to pledge their country to israel. the German party AFD the "hard right" the woman (lesbian) who heads it just said protecting israel is top priority not getting cheap NG back from Russia or deporting millions of non whites

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That because they are not deranged drooling Loony Lefty Luciferian fools.

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You made me laugh with your reference to the "Eskimo imbecile " but I truly hope you don't think we live in igloos in a land of ice and snow. Other than that thanks for the laugh.

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All the leaders of Europe are conserving are the revolutions of 1848. But since it appears the Warsaw Pact is about to get all its land back and then some I suggest the smart people start packing and head for the Sahara. It might be hot and dusty but at least you can die with your boots on.

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Psychotic is the term for one so out of touch with reality,that they give credence to Scientific American.

Most truly evil people are just Luciferian,and it really is not more complicated than that.

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Another rolling-on-the-floor-laughing masterpiece here, Mr Jeffries! Especially guffawed at the "obese Black lesbian" meme.

Thank you for highlighting the absurdities of our day with a healthy dose of hilarity. What else can one do but laugh?

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I appreciate hearing that, Teresa. Yes, all we can do is laugh. Thanks!

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Besides laughing, keep ridiculing them.

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Yeah, it was a great send-up of the freak show that America 2.0 has become. I love the image of the grinning chucklehead lesbian firefighters as the symbol of national futility. I'm bailing on the freak show in three weeks but will watch Trump Act 2 from abroad with continuing interest. I've paid careful attention to the guy for nine years and still don't have the slightest idea who he is or what he wants to do. That's consistent with Q stealth war tactics, and also with an unprincipled megalomaniac who is clueless on policy matters. The latest musings on territorial expansion fit rather well with choice B.

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Gordon, unless you enjoy not having the slightest idea what is going on, I highly recommend you go over to The Good Citizen substack and read his recent post Plotting Retribution Kayfabe. It really should clear things up. I think there are free access or very low cost options if the post is behind a paywall.

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DEI rhymes with die in a fire.

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Yeah, I was somewhat confused as well when "The Don" started talking about Greenland. The gulf of Mexico and other nonsense that he never spewed our of his sideways mouth when he was campaigning. He's not talking about ending the Russo/Ukraine war in 1 day. He's not talking about mass deportations etc. I often wonder if after someonee becomes President if they aren't sat down by PTB and basically told. "Here's what you said you were going to do but, here's what you're really gonna do."

Trump, like our congress is Israel's lap dog. Israel, is a terrorist nation.

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Trump is a Deep State asset, the same as all presidents since November 22nd, 1963, to an increasing degree.

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You can go all the way back to 1860 at least. Washington and Hamilton doused the bill of rights in kerosene. Honest Abe lit the match.

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Yes, Lincoln did this country no favors.

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President Lincoln was worse than the caricature of the Austrian Painter we see regularly portrayed by Hellywood. Donald Jeffries does a deep dive of "Honest Abe" in his second volume of Hidden History, and the truth is stunning. Lincoln imprisoned dissenters of his "War to Save the Union" to an extent that would make the Gestapo blush. One Naval Captain who came back from a two year tour at sea was whisked off to prison without being charged because he recoiled at the idea of bearing arms against his "Brothers in the South". When his wife was able to see Lincoln the president's behavior was like that of a little child caught stealing cookies and not wanting to admit his crime. He also had the son or grandson of Francis Scott Key imprisoned in the very fort whose repelling of the British Navy inspired "The Star Spangled Banner".

Of course, Lincoln was not the only tyrant. On board were all the usual cronies in the military, local politics, and business. Well, at this point they are all rotting in Hell, which will be the ultimate fate of the current crop of Satanic Pederasts and their cronies.

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He was our greatest despot, WW. Thanks.

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Toss up between him and Roosevelt. At any rate, most of the damage done by Lincoln passed. That done by Roosevelt still endures.

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As always, thanks for exposing him and all of these other criminal frauds, DJ. Precisely why Rushmore needs a makeover ;-)

~~ j ~~

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It seems likely that the more power a person acquires, the more they are open to demonic possession. The voice of the demon becomes so ingrained that they can't tell it from their own consciousness; even moreso in cases of multi-generational abuse. It raises the question of whether an exorcism could free the trapped soul.

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Yes, an exorcism can free a trapped soul. But you are so correct that Pride goeth before the fall. it always does.

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Excellent. My only (very minor) reservation is your quip about Putin. Regardless of the overall developments, he didn't "invade" Ukraine like the British Empire went over halfway around the world to colonize India or Trump "taking Greenland." Or did I miss something, and the government of Greenland authorized attacks on Americans in northern Maine like Ukraine did against Russians in the Donbass?

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My point was that this is the way our government sees Putin's actions, Howard. I can see how he felt justified, given the possibility of NATO putting missiles on Russia's border. Very much like we were concerned with missiles in Cuba in 1962. Thanks.

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I guess I didn't see the context. Thanks for the clarification.

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He could be saying these things to throw his critics off guard so as to neutralize them. Let's wait until January 20th before we pass judgment.

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I'm just commenting on his antics, mike. As I've said, I want him to succeed in draining the swamp, deporting illegals, etc. But first he has to really try to do that. Thanks.

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I won't hold my breath....

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If a man deceives me once, shame on him; if he deceives me twice, shame on me.

Edgar Allan Poe

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So you won't let China Joe baffle you any more?

There hasn't been a liar like Biden since tfe Satan invented it.

This contrasts sharply with Trump,where the lies tend to be tfe allegations against him.

I'm totally serious,I researched and time and again,it was the accusation that was the lie.

For example, Fruit Loops McLefty posts on Quora and says Trump has lied about an Obama flunky in saying he worked for Obama for five years.The others are very impressed,this is the crime of the century!

So I researched ,and the guy served in Obama's White House for... Four Years and Seven Months!

When I was in elementary school,I learned that in estimation,anything more than half is rounded up.

And that is very typical of Trump's "Lies".The most that can honestly be said is that they are inaccuracies,and rarely are those inaccuracies significant.

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John, I wrote about Biden a few Substacks ago. It's pretty clear that I couldn't have a lower opinion of him. Or any Democrat in politics today. Trump remains the only opposition we have, and our last hope. Thus, I pay close attention to what he says and does. Thanks.

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Res Ipsa Loquitur: Donald Trump: 'The Vaccine is one of the greatest achievements of mankind' 'All three vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J) are very good' 'The vaccines work - If you take the vaccine you are protected' 'People aren't dying when they take the vaccine' pic.twitter.com/fU8q1sdMda "He is too illiterate, unread, unlearned for his station and reputation."

John Adams

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Makes sense.

The 40 year old honey locust tree in my yard might just be coy. This year I think it will produce cantaloupes and avocados. 40 years and I've only seen thorns but I'm not a black pilled pessimist so I always wait for my vegetation to bear fruit not in keeping with its kind.

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One of your best, Don... But, I am beginning to doubt that we will see ANYTHING positive emerge from Act 2 of the Trumpenstein Project.

Han Solo pretty well summed it up near 50 years ago (can it be that long?): "I got a bad feeling about this."

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Obviously, I'm skeptical, too, TnDoc. Thanks!

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Reading and hearing about these made-for distraction far-out ideas really makes me wonder what is going on behind the scenes and how long before Trojan Horse VP Vance will take the reins to bring in the cashless economy, his friend's Palantir, bio-digital IDs, and the lofty sustainable development goals of Agenda 2030. Trump does not appear, or sound, at all well. Upending the USA is coming soon. Imho it's all a set up.

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What a dystopian nightmare we are living in! I believe Trump has fooled the masses! Just like the so-called assassination attempt. Who in there right mind if they were just shot at would think of standing straight up and shaking their fist in the air and then a few weeks later bring his grandchild up on stage at a rally and hold him in his arms. I know that’s the last thing I’d do, but I’m just a little peon! Christ is coming for His true followers soon, because the only truth in this world says so…Gods Word!!

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Good points, Brad. Thanks.

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God said that satan is the God of this world.You only have to look around

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How many big dikes does it take to fill LA's water hydrants???? More than three. Sorry just couldn't resist.. Brilliant piece Donald. The last two votes I cast were for Trump (16 and 20) and as one of the fellow "he just can't fix everything because of the swamp" Trump defenders" let me say I have no idea what he will do this time but I suspect those that survive intact until 2028 will have seen an amazingly horrific Shi^ clown show. Hoping maybe more people will realize we are nothing more than a flea circus or an ant farm in the hands of sick bastards holding teh magnifying glasses. Our chickens have come to roost and they dont lay eggs but carry another "deadly virus". These dudes are all evil, underneath the fresh splash of patriotic cologne to get your pheromones engaged over time you see that they are controlled piles of evil demonic filth. And I too agree more likely I'll be without a job in 2028 then the Tren gangs will be deported. Just curious has anyone asked AI how we fix this mess????

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saying trump couldnt do nothing cause of the swamp but vote for him anyway his defenders say. same insane logic is applied to cops when I say they just stood there while white hating blacks burned 40 cities. cop defenders say... well they are ordered to do that when in reality they are just cowards. and in the same breath they say we have to hire more cops?? so they can be ordered to do nothing when it really counts? WTF?

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Agree 100%. As a reformed, recovering kool aid drinker, this is all horrible theatre that we keep paying and dying for.

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Getting out of WHO,getting out of tfe stranglehold of the Climate Accord, cutting off tfe Fakestinian Murder Bomber payments,putting tfe tarrifs on China,and that's off tfe top of my head.

He did more than any President in our lifetime against the greatest opposition any President has seen since Kennedy.

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yea what a difference that made. Cali still pursued the suicidal fire non prevention programs of not clearing brush not building any reservoirs appointing DIE-versity people

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What a pointless comment!

Why on Earth would you expect exiting the suicidal Climate Change scamfest to change California politics?!!

Your post makes no sense,except as a TDS diagnostic.

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so what good did it do? EV's still being rammed down peoples throats all over the world millions of solar panels and wind farms built AFTER rabbi trump got out of the climate accords. the war on ICE motors continues unabated. they are making chevy full size pkups with 4 cyl turbos. so is toyota under EPA mandates to squeeze another .5 mile per gallon. show me a new coal or nuke plant for electric. only things trump did that made a difference was for israel

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I can't help you.You need a trained Psychologist to help you with your TDS.

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Thanks, spnbb!

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Just getting out of WHO and tfe Climate Accord makes Trump tfe best President of our lifetime.

That said, I perceive a sea change in Trump since tfe assassination attempt and Biden's " véry nice" phone call Now recently tgeysaid Trump met Biden and was told not to go after his enemies.

Weird,and disconcerting.

What also concerns me is the involvement of Musk and Swampy and this all started post assassination try.Never heard him mention Musk or Swampy before.

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then the next guy gets in and rips it all up. trump getting out of the climate accords means it was good for the jews. period.

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Your post means you are a drooling half wit gullible chump of a poorly raised ,ignorant as dirt Jew Hater,screwier than most because there is zero connection between Trump ,tfe Accords and Jews.

Is this irrelevant comment day,or are stupid people with no discernment simply out in force?

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thank you I take it as an honor to be called an aunty semight by a suicidal person. yes you are right there was never any connection between trump and the jews since he went into business up to present time

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The Three Stooges were Larry Curly and Moe. The Pep Boys were Manny Moe and Jack. The California Firemen are Dike, Bibb, and Karen.

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Dream on. Betcha not one of those good things happen.

V P done said that the "Violent" J 6ers should not be pardoned.

I turn 80 in a few days and have watched this avalanche since I was 19 years old.

i saw the lies about killing J F K and was in the John Birch Society by the time I was 21.

Nuttin helped. We in deep excrement.

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I read about Vance saying that, too, Jerry. You have been at this a long time! No one can say you didn't try. Thanks!

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If you don't have American bases in 150 countries, then how are the oxymoronically-named 'intelligence agencies' ever going to efficiently manage their drug distribution network? You obviously need to think these things through a bit more!

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If the ridiculous "assassination attempts" weren't amateurish enough to scream "false flag" I don't know what might do it. Those were for us.

To me, it's just a question of how far? Obviously, the vaxx daddy is entangled to some degree, just how deeply and for what reasons will be crucial. I voted for President Trump (winner of the 2020 election) and hope for the best, but it's certainly going to get fascinating.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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If the U.S. government were to try taking over Canada it would likely be an even bigger disaster than Los Angeles. Not only would you have to contend with all of the gun owners in Canada who are passionate patriots he would also have to contend with the many more true freedom fighters in the U.S. who I doubt would stand for aggression against their northern neighbors. This would likely spark a civil war that would tear apart the very foundations of the U.S. There are two million of us up here who would not hesitate to form a very robust resistance. In the end it would not be worth it. In all honesty I doubt very much that Trump is doing anything other than baiting our reprehensible Prime minister Turdeau which is fine by me as he is totally unworthy of the respect of any true Canadian.

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it is ludicrous to even talk about annexing Canada. Canada is a sovereign country. this nonsense is just another bait and switch distraction. Or as the Trump fanatics say, a troll. But why, what is the point?

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I think it is another tactic of divide and rule. The only other option is that it is a well crafted WEF move to lump the whole Western hemisphere into one of their zones of control. If so, I think they once again made their move too soon.

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Unfortunately Canadians really believed the Covid scare and took the vaxx as if it were a new sacrament. (great resistance from truckers notwithstanding) It wouldn't take much in the way of threating jobs, cutting off bank accounts, and even as far as making vaxxed people suddenly sick (with weaponized 5G) to degrade and disable the resistance. We can't put anything past the NWO in terms of population control and reduction.

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Don't believe everything you read about us. There are far more of us unvaxxed up here than you are led to believe. The vaxxed were gullible, Not so the rest of us. As I said before there are a solid 20% of us who are unvaxxed and quite likely more. It would be a grave mistake to under estimate our determination

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this is how dumb trump is. annexing canada is like adding a state like california. 80% against guns 75% against all the fake right stands for. all for gay agenda drag queens etc. most are communists. is he that dumb or what game is he playing?

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Probably the same game they are all playing. Sow dissention to divide people. I believe this is what their bullshit diversity and lbgt whatever the current alphabet is designed to do. I know several gay people who have told me they had finally achieved acceptance before they started pushing this nonsense. Now a lot of people are again at each other's throats over it. Personally it is none of my business who is sleeping with who but as they push their twisted narrative they again divide people for their own gain.

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I want to be divided from homos drag queens non whites jews muslims etc. only want to be around White Christians. if you want one big happy mixed" family" you paradise exists in columbia brazil venezuela

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Canada should be embarrassed over what happened to the Truckers' Convoy. That was the last gasp of sanity North of the Rio Grande.

I wonder if I should start rooting for the Mexican Drug Cartels and the Mafia. Maybe they would keep things in line if only to ensure the coffers don't empty.

As for the crop of politicians I would not trust them with half a dozen alley cats.

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I am embarrassed and shamed. I have a very deep burning anger over the injustice. I drove part of the way with the convoy but could not afford to go all the way. This "Fringe Group" had people stack along the route in the thousands cheering them on. It is not over yet. The amount of resentment and smoldering hatred for this government may yet get ugly.

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I do hope you are right. They should have burned Ottowa to the Ground that winter. If I could find ten good men I would do the same locally until they came after us with fighter jets and Sherman Tanks. Then we could go out with those boots on.

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