The election process is a total fraud as it is government that never changes. We are always confronted with the evil concept of the masters and the slaves. No matter who is elected, the government remains the evil authority.

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Andrew Anglin wrote 'Trump is running for president.......of Israel'.

My contribution - in essence, all candidates are running for president of Israel.

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liked. of course. we are a zionist occupied people. since Balfour and Woodrow Wilson. it's just gotten worse since Christianity is on its way out, due to jewish influence in every lever of government and extra-governmental life.

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Enter exhibit A, commenter John.

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It's more like they are running to be Israel's Viceroy for the United States of Goyim.

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Anyone with the vaguest most tenuous grip on reality has at least the sense to realize it's our fight as much as Israel's.

Exactly how many times do the clueless need to hear Death to Israel, Death to the Little Satan, Death to America, Death to the Big Satan to finally get a clue?

And no one but the slimiest, most repugnsnt snakes among us suicidally support the Fakestinian Scam.

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The conversion of a 'dispensational pre-millenialist' A what? Wha'dat? And does it matter? The chronology of why and how it happened. - 7/31/2011

(I wrote this to my email list back in 2011 - it will be filed in the CAP Lessons -Please excuse the fact that most of the book direct links are out of date, but the books should still be available. - CL)

Howdy folks,

I recall the response of a man in answer to the news of a world event: “I guess it’s time for Christ to return!”

That response was from me – in 1981. The comment was somewhat in jest, but not totally. When the return didn’t occur, no problem, I just watched for the next ‘event.’

Now don’t get me wrong, I was not running around and yelling ‘The end is near!’, but it was usually in the back of my mind as something to watch for. Why?

Because that was what was taught in my church, so I believed it and behaved accordingly as a spectator to world events. Terms like anti-Christ, rapture, Armageddon, end-times, etc. were commonly used and are used to this day in many or most Christian circles. But is it biblical? - https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2019/06/the-conversion-of-dispensational-pre.html?m=0 - and BTW - Matthew 24 is about what happened in 70 AD - with finality!

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Ignorant BS. God's promise to destroy the Jew Haters and forgive any blood guilt Israel may accrue and to forgive the people and cleanse them and the Land is a constant theme throughout the Bible.

The most clear narrative also narrows the prophetic time frame to the immediate period following Israel's prophesied re birth, which fact alone destroys all that 70AD BS.

Tanakh Joel 4/Christian Bible Joel 3 is a short chapter in one of the shortest books of the Bible.

Otter direct references include The Song of Moses, and the Dry Bones prophesy in Ezekiel.

70 AD has no bearing on it.

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Read ALL of the references I posted - plus ALL of the related material in DaLimbraw Library and get back to me in 6 months - otherwise forget it - I don't do pissing contests.

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Daffy halfwit!

You are the one starting pissing contests, you disputed me with your decades old crapola.

How thick are you?

Did government have the ability to digitize and control buying so without the mark no one could buy or sell?.

Were doctors mutilating children for perversion?

I became familiar with the drooling nonsense you espouse decades ago and if you don't want a pissing contest, quit Trolling.

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IOW Romans 2:28,29 is not in the Bible:

For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:  But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.

Israel was exiled for unbelief at the time of Christ and things haven't changed much now. Could they? Yes, but until then, it behooves believers to be wary of any blanket endorsements of Zionism.

The national land promises really centered in Christ and outside Christ, are pretty much null and void per se however much the sons of Isaac think they are owed all the land from the river to the sea, contra the sons of Ishmael.

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"call out the inoculators, cause there's something in the air..."

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Utter nonsense.

Zionism is God's plan and always has been.

You are spewing nonsense against the Children of Heaven and barring repentance you will be punished for that.

No one can be a friend of God and a enemy of His People and you are wacky to imagine such a thing.

Your own Paul warns you explicitly, you are merely an ingrafted wild shoot, Israel is the Root, not you, and you can easily be out grafted and a Jew Grafted in your place.

You better get right with God while you can.

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Snicker. That isn’t a substantive response at all to Rom. 2:28,9 moreover faith in Christ being required of all men, Jew or Gentile, whatever the land promise of the OT, which again was not of the essence of the promise.

There is only one name under heaven by which men can be saved. Plumping for the Old Testament promises which were secondary while ignoring Christ, if nothing but Judaizing in essence which the New Testament condemns repeatedly.


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So, let me get this straight: God, the creator of the universe and everything in it, The God of love and all things good, He, who smiles upon Ben and Jerry who introduced to the world Cherry Garcia, an unfathomable contribution to the well being of all mankind, chose a small tribe of contentious wanders (who are now mostly comprised of Kazarian imposters, a very nasty bunch) as His people? What about everyone else, are we just yesterdays shoes in His eyes? That Truth was only revealed to this motley crew squatting on a rocky strip of land on the eastern Mediterranean and to no one else? Who comes up with this stuff? Oh, wait, that would be the Catholic Church.

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How many times have they heard Loose-Loafers Graham say that the USA must attack Iran?

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You must read history to understand what is going on with Israel and Palestine, Iran, Iraq, the US. It's big, but Robert Fiske's "The Great War for Civilization." covers it all in interesting first person accounts, with some beautiful writing. He was a war correspondent for the Times of London.

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Kamala is actually the perfect President - mouth agape, shit-eating grin, non-thinker with no moral compass - a fitting end before the breakup of the USA.

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Yes and no...the460jewdevil minyan ..is her boss. .see also...emhoff.fink.schwab kushner ..satanyahoo..rothschild..yellin..schmidt...... muskrat..chertoff...adelson Geffen thiel..hicksteen.altman..ackman..samantha powrers. pritzker.schwarsmen.blinken nuland..mayorkas..soros..etc.

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Look at her ads, they got down the pursed lips Obama determination. She was practicing overtime for that. She could be his doppelganger!

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This country's a sick joke. You have to be a conscienceless narcissistic psychopath in order to succeed as the bulk of the population remains idiotic as they continue to lick the asses of Orwell's pigs. Funny how Trump became the star of his very own "fake news." But everyone just loves a big, fat lie almost as much as they love the big fat liars themselves.

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Remember how Animal Farm ends? The animals of the manor look in on the pigs who have taken over the farm. They're smoking and playing cards with farmers from the area--discussing how they can get more work out of their animals and feed them less. The farmers decide the pigs are just like they are and help keep their farm afloat financially. The other gloomy, hungry, overworked animals look on and realize they can no longer tell the difference between the pigs and the men. They are all the enemies of the farm animals and life will go on---badly.

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Yes exactly love this comment!

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Like Pogo said, "We have met the enemy and he is us." So many of us have forgotten the connection between "liberty under law' and "peace and prosperity."

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it's called "reaping what you sow" and it's worldwide baby....

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What a fucked up thing to write....

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So I can vote for Kamoran or Trump the mass murderer or RFKJ. No thanks to any of the above Zionists.


We don’t have real elections. It’s all political theater. There's strictly limited ballot access. There's no real debates on the issues. Candidates must support the military corporation complex to be allowed in the process. D.C., the District of Criminals, is basically occupied territory. Every POTUS is a POS tool of globalists. Elections are controlled by private money, electronics and voter fraud. Every four years we’re fooled by some personality telling us what we want to hear. Trump did some good things, but in March 2020, he turned into a mass murderer instigating bio warfare against humanity. Until we have zero private money involvement, zero electronics, hand counted paper ballots, very limited mail in ballots and same day elections, we’ll keep getting unprincipled scumbags acting as dictators, oblivious to constitutional limits of the federal government running this country.

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I can't disagree with you, Mark. Thanks.

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Ka-moron (typo above)

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What would happen if they held an election and no one showed up to vote? I'd like to dream about that a while.

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That would be great, DogsLife. But I think they'd just make up voting numbers. Thanks.

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Exactly, but they wouldn't have to work as hard. Pennsylvania is already telling its voters not to expect results until days afterward...they might be able to share the bad news that night and get a good night's rest.

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What's the value in that?

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Sarcastic relief

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What if they had tax day April 15th and no one paid their taxes? Wouldn't that send a message?

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The NWO would party like it was 1999 all over again.

I can't grok the thought process that decides giving up is a winning strategy.

How do you conceive that as a Blow Against the Empire?

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After Bwack Obongo's 1st term as puppet in chief, a political observer did a detailed of analysis of his first two years in the Oval Orifice compared to Dubya Bush's last two years of his 2nd term which immediately preceded it. Lo and behold, he found that very single foreign and domestic policy for both of them was exactly the same. No, "Change you can believe in", as Obongo used to bray like a jackass in a pepper patch. The only difference between an alleged conservative Republican president and an alleged liberal Democratic one was the rhetoric penned in their idiotic speeches by their kosher handlers and goyim sycophants. These despicable featherless biped "leaders", who couldn't lead a boy scout troop on a routine hike through a local park, are as useless as tits on a bull and much more expendable. The Controllers absolutely love elevating morons, perverts, liars, and criminals above the herd as an acute form of Freemasonic mockery. Even unadulterated evil has a need to laugh every now and then. The fact that an overwhelming majority of people still fall for this mind control/mind fuck, puerile game is beyond comprehension. Epitaph for America: Started out with some promise, an oligarchy from its inception notwithstanding, and ended as the world's biggest open air lunatic asylum. Thank you, Don, this piece cut like a razor.

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Great analysis, Hereticdrummer. Thanks!

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Thank you, Don. Keep slashing with your razor like eloquence and bleeding the Beast.

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Absolute correct reply .people should never forget gay falasha Jewdevil Barry soetoro .whose preternatural schadenfrauds continued long into the Biden junta failures ..oddly..it is rumored that mulatto Stalin soetoro doesn't.."like"cackling word salad commie Harris...we corroborate Mr.Jefferies reportage also on the one pound of horse semen extracted from walz stomach...there is no sewer too low for these "characters*..noticeably..all i of " them" are verifiably in service to the Synagogue of Satan**Great article Mr Jeffries *God Bless

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"Surely, with over 350 million citizens in America 2.0, we ought to be able to come up with a presidential candidate, once in a while, that isn’t evil."

But I believe you know that is not how it works. The citizenry does not pick the candidates; the Deep State does.

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It’s been 21 years since I was last suckered into voting by The Terminator. My abstinence is finally old enough to drink!

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Imagine that...some fool running for the second-highest elected office in the nation believes that a law against the militarization of government "goes too far". That is an example of a person who is a permanent butt-hole, whose skid marks provide a permanent stain upon anything he wears, who has demonstrated that he is too mentally lacking to hold any position of authority within the borders of our great nation. If our nation operates the way he wishes, he would have been hauled off to the whipping post, where he would be tied for the balance of the decade, or until the beatings improve his moral character.

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Well, he at least should be nowhere near any public office, where he is sworn to uphold a document he doesn't believe in, Kevin. Thanks!

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True; he would be better off being a straw rag underneath a wooden rod. He's already the modern-day version of the straw man from "The Wizard of Oz". The only thing that would improve upon him would be a torch.

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Nah, just another Luciferian errand boy for The Crown.

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I agree; which might explain my anti-British Empire rants.

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The Black Sun that Never sets.

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Great overview. We live in a representative "demon-cracy", where they don't represent us, they represent their owners. It is written right into the constitution- but only if you squint.

Here is a very good reason why it is war and chaos all the time:


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Thanks, Tall!

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I'm 2024 the American people finally get the election they want and deserve.

Democrats are mainly women and the party provides them with the hysteria they thrive off of. As a bonus the party lets the paperwork Americans of color know that the white man is a thing to be scorned and they have a green light to bring over all their family.

The Republicans are more masculine and optimistic. They want to have a good time by feeling they are winners. Trump has understood this since 2016 when he started holding wildly successful tailgate parties where Republicans can go to cheer their team, boo the other team and have a grand old time.

Issues? How boring.

It has been interesting to watch Trump's campaign strategy evolve. He first ran in 2016 on issues that people want to pretend they care about but were banned by the uni party. Once in office he found it was a drag to do anything about them so he turned his MAGA movement into a cult of personality. After 2020 he understands that you win by sucking up to our overlords not the voters. Make Israel Great Again!

I have been waiting most of my life for this moment. I grew up during the Vietnam War and was against it starting when I was about 13.i was shocked to find that none of my friends' parents cared about it. The war was just a reality TV show they watched but didn't have much to do with their lives. Everyone thought it was comical that I was strongly against killing people who posed no threat to us. Finally kids my age became against the War when it became cool to be against it. That was my first experience with offline virtue signaling.

To think, politicians used to feel the need to keep the charade going through talking about issues no one really cares about and the politicians had no intention of fixing

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Almost no one is against war now, Al. My friend Cindy Sheehan talks about that all the time. Thanks!

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I think it has been a long time since a large number were against war. Probably WW2. Roosevelt had to let Pearl Harbor happen to get most Americans behind the war.

The last big "anti war effort" turned out to be partisan politics against W. Once Obama was in office it became racist to oppose the Empire's wars.

When I think of the Empire's morality and rules based order I think of Madeline Albright telling Stahl that they felt it was worth killing 500k Iraqi kids through prescription medicine embargo of Iraq. What kind of monster do you have to be to kill vast numbers of kids because you don't like the leader. I just have to look at what the Israelis to see the answer. Not coincidentally Albright turned out to be Jewish

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"To think, politicians used to feel the need to keep the charade going through talking about issues no one really cares about and the politicians had no intention of fixing"

Haha. That line made me laugh. How quaint, those old days of issues theatre. Let us remember them fondly.

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Lots of people who will vote for Trump are doing so out of desperation. "Our country cannot stand another 4 years of Bidenomics!"

I foresee a lot of trouble ahead when their Only Hope lets them down. Glen Beck keeps predicting trouble, "Unless we get Trump elected again we are doomed!"

Of course, when you point out the reality of our situation people angrily demand solutions. It seems someone should write a book of solutions in withstanding the globalists. But it will require sacrifices and admitting our country is no more. A lot of patriots would rather die while clinging to their rosy illusions. (Sigh.)

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Mr.Jeffries, thank you, your insight into all things nonsensical always makes me smile.

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Thanks, Rhiannon!

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Let me be the first to say, I don’t particularly trust Trump anymore. That being said, I am going to do my VERY Best to somehow get him in there (if that’s even possible). The Conservative Right best get smart and put their incessant whining to bed for a spell. Donald Trump, whatever he may be, has earned my respect.

After the rumble in 2016 I had become exhausted from trying to help get him across the finish line. When he was sworn in I decided to take a break. I needed to focus on my career and let him do “what he’s going to do.” This was my failure and I think a good deal of Conservatives made that same honest mistake. Now we MUST try and get him elected and then hold his feet to the fire best we can.

I encourage ALL of you to read Simplicius piece “Dark Surrealism.” Just in case you do NOT understand who we are fighting. Here’s a hint, it ain’t the migrants. It will probably end up that way but the force moving them around is much darker. It’s as many of suspected. “The elite” are indeed replacing you.

At this point those of you who are constantly bashing DT telling people he’s just another Globalist are walking on the fighting side of me. You are pushing the bounds of traitor and treason. Yes I just said it. I don’t want to hear about your love for your country. At this point, I no longer consider it an honor to be loyal to an evil entity that wants me dead. In the long road they absolutely do. Thank God they’re not ready yet tho. Who would fly Klaus around in his airplanes.

The reason I use that term is NOT because I think you are being disloyal to your nation. It’s because I think your are being disloyal to your people. In many ways that’s much worse IMO. LOOK at those people at the Trump rallies. I have never been to one but every time I catch a snippet it seems those people are my folk. Compare that to a Harris/Walz event. Not even close.

Anytime I have a chance to try and avoid calamity for people like me I am going to try no matter how remote the chance. ESPECIALLY when I have NOTHING to fucking lose.

Sorry for the rant Donald, but we have a job to do. There’s no guarantees it will work but better make damn certain we try. Again, I highly encourage you to read that piece from Simp. A big shout out to Liz Truss for verifying a few things for me. My friend said we have known about this for years. I said no, many suspected as much, NOW we know for certain.

Excellent piece as always Good Sir!!

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Thanks, Luke!

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I love the populists. I'm sick of hearing honest, hardworking laborers maligned as bumpkins, fascists, Nazis and deplorables by the snobs on the tube. I'm worried about their survival in facing what lies ahead.

It's possible to both vote for Trump and do other things just in case things really are as bad as Jeffries surmises. That's what I'm trying to persuade my neighbors to do.

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Absolutely, I would say giving your immediate family a couple month buffer zone of food/water/medical the most pressing concern. You also sound like you may tinkered with the thought shit might really go to hell. It’s plagued me since early covid. It’s a horrible feeling as you can see the cause and effect play out in your mind.

Not too many people see it am confident in saying. Including some of my very close family and friends. It used to frustrate me. Then I questioned what it was that I was really trying to accomplish by infecting them with my fear. Even lost a girl I loved over it.

Well since we can see how badly things might get it’s should be on us to try and avoid it all costs. Because if SHTF it’s probably going to get ugly fast and most of those people are going to die painfully. That included most of us as well I suspect.

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Love it. I have the same [insane?] addiction: politics/The Greatest Show on Earth.

I'm still going with Trump [but would settle for Kennedy]....yet, as I said in my old video, the real power and really dangerous rot is in the Congress....a rancid dangerous collective we must purge. --D Morrisseau Hi, Donald!

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Thanks, Denny!

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Kennedy is lifelong Lefty goofball who says he would sign legislation to ban "Assault Rifles" if sent to him, still supports vaxxing generally, and has campaigned on espousing alleged beliefs directly opposing long held beliefs.

I would not elect him dog catcher.

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Please spend some time listening to Mr. Kennedy and not to what commentators say he says.

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Oh Mary...!

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howzabout 'Bear-Catcher'...?

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And has stated that climate change deniers should go to jali--yes, hes so reasonable -according to Rogan

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That is not an accurate quote

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Pobably Ai or deep fake --apologies

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Climate Commie ..............

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