It's easy to get sucked down those rabbit holes, and believe that it's all scripted. Sometimes I can't help thinking that, too. I've tried to get Mathis on my radio show. He says he never does interviews. Years ago, he coupled me with the late, great Dave McGowan (for which I was immensely flattered), and basically claimed neither of us were real. Well, I did write a novel called "The Unreals...."
It's easy to get sucked down those rabbit holes, and believe that it's all scripted. Sometimes I can't help thinking that, too. I've tried to get Mathis on my radio show. He says he never does interviews. Years ago, he coupled me with the late, great Dave McGowan (for which I was immensely flattered), and basically claimed neither of us were real. Well, I did write a novel called "The Unreals...."
Miles Mathis should have retired after his magnum opus, which was his Lincoln Paper. He does great on older events, but I believe his huge ego gets in his way of analyzing current events. He has repeatedly shown he can't admit that he has been wrong about something. This is one of the most serious character flaws one can have.
I think he trusts his own judgment more than anyone else's. I guess he has pretty good reason to. But he'd be smarter to be less sure of himself and listen more to others' views.
It's easy to get sucked down those rabbit holes, and believe that it's all scripted. Sometimes I can't help thinking that, too. I've tried to get Mathis on my radio show. He says he never does interviews. Years ago, he coupled me with the late, great Dave McGowan (for which I was immensely flattered), and basically claimed neither of us were real. Well, I did write a novel called "The Unreals...."
Miles Mathis should have retired after his magnum opus, which was his Lincoln Paper. He does great on older events, but I believe his huge ego gets in his way of analyzing current events. He has repeatedly shown he can't admit that he has been wrong about something. This is one of the most serious character flaws one can have.
It's pretty easy to see that he does have a really big ego.
I think he trusts his own judgment more than anyone else's. I guess he has pretty good reason to. But he'd be smarter to be less sure of himself and listen more to others' views.