May 7, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

If the MAGA movement was held so near and dear to the freedom loving,clear thinking conservative majority of this so called republic, why do they have to wait for more politicians to fix the problems we all face? Political circus is for entertainment purposes only. Anarchy is the only answer to this tyranny, but it's way too inconvenient for a populace that is totally addicted to convenience.

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There should have been millions of Americans in the streets a long time ago, Dan. When the unconstitutional lockdowns didn't do it, I realized probably nothing will. Thanks!

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May 11, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Historically, revolutions start when 3-5% of the population can no longer live under the circumstances. Most often, that's personally felt extreme injustice or hunger. We're a long way from that, at least compared to Argentina and the like. But when the mighty fall, it's usually blindingly fast...

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May 9, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

The only things that those "conservative" republicans work to conserve are democrat achievements.

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Yep. There is nothing worth conserving in America 2.0. Thanks.

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It’s certainly amazing. In the fall of 2016 I was doing a research project on Trump not for voting reasons. Fuck that. I gave up on US politics decades ago and see nothing in the future capable of luring me back in. My research led me to believe Americans are F-d. It’s possible he may just be the set up guy for our little genocide. NOT HUMAN. Don you write the book and I’ll buy it. Thanks my friend.

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I have considered writing a book about Trump. My friend Tony Arterburn came up with a great title, "Right on Q." Thanks!

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That's great!! Let me write the chapter on him being an alien.

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I would buy this book instantly. Please write it Don. I witnessed some otherwise I thought anyway commonsense people get taken in by Q. Great article. Only thing that worried me about it is your hope about jfk jr. Rethink that maybe. Otherwise, ty for a truly great read.

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Very excellent article again. Sad but true.

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Thank you, Norman!

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May 7, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Agree 100% Norman. Excellent article Donald. So much disappointment after, as you point out, that amazing inaugural speech. And yet….many people I know still believe fervently in Trump and are hoping for 2024. Boggles my mind.

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Thanks, Cynthia!

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Cynthia Bowers: As P.T. Barnum once said, "You never lose money betting on Boobus Americanus."

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May 7, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Beautifully written.

There is a glimmer of hope for a leader; not a herder, for a thinker, not a talker, for a man who has surmounted suffering, fear and adversity. Look at the fast growing crowd....near the quarters where the ragged people go. There is a man on the move, "managing the small piece of real estate in his own shoes" and channeling anger into an empathic determination. He carries 3 torches, one of his own and two from fallen kin.

"Anger is a potent spice

A pinch wakes you up

too much dulls your senses."

From "The Queen's Gambit"

Be well, Mr. Jeffries!

We're going to have to stay sharp.

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I'm trying, brother. As always, thanks for the support!

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May 7, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

I didn't know much about Trump, having worked diligently for the last 40 years to keep pop-culture out if my life. I had never voted for a Republican or Democrat for president...always voting third party. However, I voted for Trump in 2016 out of desperation. The idea of Killery as president terrified me into voting main party. As much as I despised the Bush Crime Family...the silver lining of 2000, was the end of the Clintons...or so I thought. I remember naively thinking : the last eight were hell, but at least we won't have to hear about the Clintons anymore...ha, ha, ha...

It is clear that the take-down of America is in the latter stages. I always knew partition was coming...but it is shocking to me how fast they put their plans on "warp-speed" in 2016. Trump clearly played his part...the part he was groomed for... probably raised for.

A few weeks before the 2020 election, I was approached by a woman in a grocery store. I have never worn a mask. In 2020 I would loosely tie a bandana on my face, and rush-shop for my needs in ten minutes. I always wore a sign that read: Safety Theater is Tyranny. This woman told me that she thought I was brave to wear such a sign (I never thought it brave, it just seemed common sense to me, not to comply silently) and she asked me if I knew about Q-Anon. Since I had Q pegged as a psy-op from day one ( as I had the scamdemic), I responded, yes, I knew about Q...but said nothing else. She told me not to worry, it would all be over in a few weeks, and all those terrible people would get their just desserts. I often wonder if that woman is still making excuses for Trump.

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I think many voted for Trump because they feared nothing could be worse than the Queen of Corruption. Thanks, Kris!

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This is true. I wanted a bull in a china shop, willing and intent on destroying everything.

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You were certainly ahead of the curve in 2020. Yes, a lot of good people fell for Q-Anon. Good people are still falling for it. I have followed Jim Willie, the Golden Jackass, for years, and he still believes in Q-Anon. White hats in the Pentagon? Are you kidding me? I would sooner expect to see white hats in Hell. (Are there any white hats left in the Vatican?)

I despaired of any political solution for the USA in the mid 1980's. The Pro-Life Operation Rescue was the last great gasp of American ethics, and it was smothered by George Bush and his RICO racketeering. Since then, politics, government in general, and big business has been nothing but pond scum.


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Donald Q Chump did not have me fooled for a New York minute. It really was quite pathetic how they rehabilitated a "pro-choice" democrat who went through enough women to make Henry VIII look chaste by comparison, to an ultra right, pro-family Republican who promised to stack the Supreme Court and overturn the infamous Roe-versus-Wade decision. They ALMOST had me buying it, when in the spring of 2016 Trump was talking about the need to balance the budget, demote America from being the world's policeman, and slashing taxes and administrators. But as the summer progressed, Trump had tailored his campaign for the vacuous "patriots" of the Pentagon and the more liberal business managers of middle industrial America (what was left of it, at any rate). By the time the colors of Autumn arrived, it was clear Trump was just a Great Bandstander, culminating in his inane promise during the debate with Hillary Clinton to have her sent to jail.

Of course, that did not mean that the lamestream media was not going to sabotage the Clinton Campaign, while all the while pretending to be her devoted admirer. Anybody with two functioning brain cells can see that the timing of the whole series of "PizzaGate" revelations by an "Alternative Media" on YouTube, chock full of government shills masquerading as "researchers" was craftily calculated to derail the Clinton campaign. By the time the dust settled, only the career liberals and establishment kingpins were supporting Hilary. The numbed sheeple, rarely with a memory longer than the two-week news cycle, dutifully pulled the lever for Trump, resulting in what I had been expecting for months.

The entire Trump fiasco was nothing more and nothing less than a prolonged effort to identify the opposition and demoralize it. In many ways, at this point, they can proclaim with Baby Shrub "Mission Accomplished". The culmination was January 6th (2021), Feast of the Epiphany, when Donald Q Chump plunged a collective dagger into the back of his constituency and allowed the Communist Police State to harass their opposition, scatter it, and keep it in a state of intimidation ever since.

Meanwhile, the Biden Show (as the Golden Jackass calls it) is the Conspirational/Political equivalent of the receiver spiking the ball in the end zone and taunting the opposition.

My greatest disappointment in 2017 was that the whole MAGA crowd did not hold Trump's feet to the proverbial fire, and force him to follow through on his campaign promises. Simply defunding Federal projects would have had a profound effect. One of the biggest reasons for police corruption is the Federal grant gravy train. If such agencies had to rely on local funding, they would be forced to comply with the wishes of the local citizenry, who in many cases don't want speed traps or people being arrested for smoking a joint, but do want investigation of serious crimes and dangerous felons apprehended. The same applies to urban renewal projects which see rampant waste while failing to address any relevant issues (and in some cases actually exascerbate them). No, the MAGA crowd turned out to be just a bunch of Live Action Role Players whose seriousness ends at the local shooting range.

But we can thank the Conspiracy for a rare glimpse during the Autumn of 2016 into the deep, dark pits of their somber iniquity. Apparently, a little too much truth got out during the whole PizzaGate affair and the censors had to "jump the shark", so to speak. Hopefully, somebody had the printer working overtime before a lot of truth vanished down the memory hole. Meanwhile, enough truth persisted to doom Jeffrey Epstein. Regardless of whether the man is dead or just lounging in a Jacuzzi, he was definitely outed, and damage control parties had to work overtime. The Conspiracy will never be able to walk that one back, and we can savor the little victories.

Meanwhile, with each day that passes, we are one day closer to the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart. One can see, through all the smoke, the dawn on the horizon. If we live for eternity and not some sort of worldly, communist workers' paradise, we will ultimately never be disappointed. Regardless of what happens here below, God might seem asleep, but He still rests Mighty.

Viva Cristo Rey!

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Your spidey sense was working better, White Wolf. It was worth a chance, casting a vote for him that they probably didn't count anyway. Thanks!

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May 7, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Excellent analysis! Don't think I found a single sentence that I disagreed with.

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Well, I can't ask for more than that, Michael. Thanks!

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Thanks again for the clear thinking and expression! One thing is clear to me, if we're going to be spared judgement and shown mercy people need to wake up and engage on the local level. Even if Trumpenstein was who he claimed to be we'd still have to restore the Republic to Constitutional governance. I try to encourage people to remember their kids and grandkids and forget the notion we're just in a cycle that will self correct. Thanks to the uniparty and deep state it will not.

At the end of the First Amendment we are guaranteed the right to petition any level of government for grievances. We've been dumbed down since Woodrow Wilson and have the task of learning the Constitution and how to use petitions to restore Liberty. www.ReclaimingTheRepublic.org contains a treasure trove of information. with original sources. 3100+counties must be restored to a Republican form of government 1 at a time by enlightening 1 person at a time.

Of course we need to petition our Creator for Wisdom, Discernment and strength first! God is good.

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Words of wisdom, Henry. Thanks!

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The "insurrection" on Jan. 6th was preventable. The U.S. is an occupied nation, run and controlled by our enemies. Those idiots should have known something so glaringly obvious. Would a sane, unarmed man stroll into a camp of cannibals who haven't eaten in 3 days? This is the United States of Amnesia. Back in 2012, the charlatans David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford were saying the same things Q Anon says, even using the same term, "White Hats". If Q was real, the cryptocrats at the NSA and NRO could have easily tracked them down, identified them, fired them, and had them prosecuted, regardless of any blocking technology they employed. More blatant shadow government theater and distraction. Mencken was right, you'll never go broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people. There will be neither remedy nor justice from the courts for any criminal outrages perpetrated by the System as the are firmly in the enemy's camp. A devious trick prosecutors use is duplication on criminal indictments. They tell a defendant they have him on 15 counts, but if he'll plead guilty to just 3, they'll dismiss the other 12. What these scumbags are not saying is that there were only 3 to begin with. They just word each one of them differently, 5 times each. Legally this voids the indictments but I have yet to see a defense lawyer petition the court to call the prosecutors to account for this. Those swine should be criminally charged. Of course they never are. I grow weary of people complaining that we are living under fascism. It is not, it is hard core communism that has us under its Iron Heel and no, they are most definitely not the same thing. Just ask the fascist black shirts who under Mussolini's leadership fought the communists to the death on the streets of Italy and prevented that nation from falling to Bolshevism. Fascists and communists are blood enemies. The tranny movement is fueled and driven by the most powerful and evil forces on the planet. Silicon Valley, Big Law (the largest and most influential law firms on earth), and the monstrous big pharma/ orthodox medical racketeers. These 3 entities have locked arms to transmute the globe and humanity into a satanic, dystopian nightmare while making trillions of dollars in the process. Thus far, they are steamrolling all opposition which is weak and ineffectual at best. Trump's rape accuser is an obvious transsexual, androgyne. If he did indeed rape "her", "she" was cornholed. But what can you expect from a "man" who hung out at gay bath houses in NYC with cross dresser Rudy Giuliani and the flaming fagot, corrupt Jew lawyer Roy Cohn? Babylon marches on. Thank you, Don, for another barnburner.

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Insightful as always, Hereticdrummer. Thanks!

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You're more than welcome, Don. Keep landing those haymakers and stay strong.

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May 7, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Beautifully written succinct piece - thank you Don.

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Thanks, Smoke!

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May 9, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

If anyone considers the alternative to Trump in 2016, his Presidency was not so bleak, and the 2020 election debacle revealed a broken system to all. There is a vast and ruthless conspiracy against a Constitutional Republic involving much more entrenched players that Trump. Also, the article kind of lost me when it states Donald Trump's message to go home was pre-recorded based on a hair color change, thus proving Trump was in on the Stop The Steal counter propaganda as an agent provocateur himself. I need more proof, this sounds sketchy

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May 9, 2023·edited May 9, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Sadly I think the revealing of "a broken system to all" is just another way to infuriate us with the feeling of helplessness. My sister after our talks always says "so what can we do?", and the answer, sadly, is very little. I think the audaciousness of the situation is meant to goad us into a reaction, so they can counter the reaction much like on Jan 6th ..... They would love nothing better than to label all free thinkers, anti-vaxxers, Christians, status quo opposers and talkers of fiscal conservatism, as domestic terrorists, which gives them the onus to punish as they please.

Somehow being directed by the capitol police thru the capitol is a larger crime then the 'mostly peaceful' burning and looting of cities.... Apparently it's not the action that carries the consequence, it's the side of the political spectrum you support that dictates the punishment...

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Yes. Identity Politics considers verboten opinions, or even words, to be more significant than the most violent of actions. We are Thought Criminals. Thanks.

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All I can say is look at video of him making the speech, and then look at the video he released after, telling people to go home. Sure, it' s far down the rabbit hole, but his hair went from his usual fake golden or whatever to white. I agree that there was no better choice than Trump. Thanks.

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May 8, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Incredible. I hate that you’re sooooo right, but we all saw it and are living it -I truly believe you are right on the money.

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Thanks, Karen!

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May 8, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Don, another excellent post as usual. But, as I have said before, I find it impossible to have any sympathy for the January 6 prisoners. Anyone who was stupid enough to still be a Trump supporter as late as January 6, 2021, let alone be dumb enough to travel all the way to Washington D.C. for an event that would at best be a huge waste of time, is too stupid for me to care about. (And the fact that there are STILL Trump supporters out there is truly mind boggling.)

But I wouldn’t be so sure that Trump will not be “elected” again. The presidents (and most other major politicians) are selected, not elected. And in hindsight, that obviously includes Trump in 2016. I don’t know for sure if there was election fraud in 2016 to ensure that Trump was selected (although I suspect there was), but I do know that if fraud was necessary for Trump to win then there was fraud. It just wasn’t as obvious as the fraud in 2020. Trump was selected for several reasons, but the main ones were to neutralize the Right so they wouldn’t effectively resist the scamdemic tyranny, to sell the kill shots to the Right, and to fuel the hatred and fighting between the Left and the Right to keep them distracted and to give Trump an excuse for not keeping any of his campaign promises so that the Right would not abandon him (although I don’t think there is anything now that could cause his remaining supporters to abandon him). I don’t know what the elites’ plans are for 2024 (I will have to reverse engineer those plans after the 2024 election) but I can easily see where they might want Trump back in office for another term.

P.S. If I was you I wouldn’t waste any time arguing with irish. He is either a troll or a bot. In fact if you have the capability on Substack to ban commenters you should ban him. I know you believe in free speech (as do I) but that doesn’t mean you need to let him clutter up the comments to your post with mindless drivel and ad hominem attacks. He is still free to post that nonsense in other places. He can get his own Substack account and post it there.

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I appreciate your support, David. Some really good people fell for Trump, and some good ones continue to inexplicably believe in him. When I had Ashli Babbitt's mother on my show, I was stunned to learn she is still a Trump supporter. People are desperate for some hope. I don't argue with Irish. I think he has said some positive things here before. At least he's reading. Thanks!

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What makes you so confident that everyone in D.C. on Jan 6th was there to just support Trump? A huge number of "Trump Supporters" are really folks looking for anyone to take down the corrupt system. 80 million people saw a stolen election. I think THAT is what the protest was about. How many agree with me or only were support Trump is up for debate, maybe doesn't matter.

In the end, we need to burn it down and restart locally. The corruption is too deep.

Don't think even that will work though. I think the economy collapses and the empire implodes, much as most of them do eventually.

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Outstanding analysis, I was MAGA until last year when I saw the following YT video proving Freemasonry symbols on Trump Tower, pyramid hand gestures and Zionist allegiances. https://youtube.com/watch?v=m-F3FOkZsog&feature=share

Scripture tells us to live by Faith not by sight. Is God done with America? Only He knows for sure. Plead daily that we'll see mercy instead of judgement and the sea will be parted so the captives will be set free.

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Thanks, Henry!

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May 8, 2023·edited May 8, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Dead accurate on all points, Don. I agree 110%. I, too, voted once for DJT as the thought of Hillary in office was more than I could take. I still think it was the lesser of evils. At least, it did delay nuclear armageddon a couple of years... Thanks for your voice. Trump was and is part of "The Plan" and, IMO, has been "in on it" from the start. For some reason, HIllary was not wanted by the Ruling Psychopathy and the Orange carnival barker was shoe-horned in at the last moment. In all elections in this failed state, TPTB control BOTH/ALL sides of the political spectrum. I know this after 70+ years of experience, but inevitable get persuaded to vote for the "lesser of evils" - never again.

BTW, I seriously doubt that DJT ever read your book. Anything that Stone says is a lie.

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I appreciate the kind words, TnDoc. To clarify, Stone didn't say Trump read my book. I'm skeptical that he's read a book in his life. He just told me "he knows about all these conspiracies." Thanks!

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May 8, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

How could a genius like The Don NOT know about everything? LOL! Greater than mere mortals, he can play infinite dimension chess with one hand tied (and, no neurons even engaged)...

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A fascinating and well written article on where we are in the Fourth Turning.


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