Wow. Donald, you encapsulated every sentiment, every atavistic anger I feel towards our cowardly nation and its inhabitants. July 4th, 2023 is a day of infamy for me as well, as we have abrogated every tenet of what I was taught to do, to be an American Man.
I recall in the earlier days of this "free Internet," circa 1998 or so, searching for "greatest Presidents." No matter where I searched, the list kept coming up with the traitorous FDR, Wilson and Lincoln in the top 5. Those I admired most, were bottom of the stack. Call me naive, I had not yet calculated the vast amount of control search engines and digital agitprop would have on tap.
Hail Victory! The only good note is, America 1.0, denatured and bereft of its best, is humming along on borrowed time.
Anti Communist: Is Calvin Coolidge even mentioned anymore? Of course not. Millard Fillmore is usually listed as one of the worst presidents but he was a brave guy who had principles. He enforced the Compromise of 1850 which held off the Civil War for ten years. But it cost Fillmore (he had to enforce the Fugitive Slave Act as part of the Compromise). It also ended the Whig Party. Fillmore burned all of his Presidential papers when he left office.
One of the worst Presidents IMO was James Polk. He started the war against Mexico in 1848. He was also a one term President. He didn't have a Vice President. Maybe he was afraid of assassination. Polk fulfilled his mission and left office.
I live in California and no one ever mentions President Polk.
I'm with you, Timmy. I will have more on Polk and the disastrous war with Mexico in the next edition of Hidden History. Even before Lincoln's psychopathic generals like Sherman and Sheridan invented the horrific "Total War" strategy, hints of this were apparent under Polk. Rape and mistreatment of civilians was common. Coolidge was a top president simply by holding his cards. Doing nothing meant he did nothing wrong. The top rated presidents all waged war. Thanks.
DJ: The San Patricos are famous in Mexico. They, as I'm sure you know, were Irish draftees in the American Army that invaded Mexico. The Irish soldiers were artillery. They deserted and sided with the Mexicans for many reasons.
The San Patricos did a lot of damage with their cannons to the American Army. When the Mexicans wanted to surrender in battle the San Patricos wouldn't. Of course, they were killed, captured, and hung enmass from the ramparts as traitors.
But the Mexicans erected monuments to the San Patricos. Tom Berenger starred in a film about them. Tom was proud of his Irish heritage.
I ask the local Mexicans in our town about the San Patricos and they all know and love them.
Yeah, Polk, and most of the rest of them for that matter, make the case for not having a president at all. That's not to suggest things be left up to a bunch of bottom feeders/lawyers who have slimed their way up the Ladder of Criminal Endeavor to the courts and legislatures. Government has proven it is evil. No debate, even. And Fedgov is well beyond the control of the people. It is coming down to the Individual States, which the founders knew were the final safeguard against total tyranny. DJ reckons the tyrants won't let us leave, but I would submit that the price of staying is far higher than that of leaving. Great thanks to DJ for another great historical message ... and for making the case for State Independence, again! ~~ J. Lee
J. L. Austin: I agree. My ancestors left tyranny (and hunger) in Ireland, Germany, and Scandinavia. If I was a young man, I would have to consider where to go to find the most liberty and opportunity.
Well said. Andrew Jackson too, was far down the stack. Ulysses Grant, who actually expelled crooked jews from the South during reconstruction as they were robbing everyone, is also vilified.
Andrew Jackson almost singlehandedly trumped the banksters. He called it his greatest achievement. In 1985 I bought a donkey that came with the handle Andrew Jackson. It actually took me years to put together the concept: donkey/Democrat/Andrew Jackson.
Anti C: I've always respected Ulysses S. Grant. I do wish that he hadn't sent Sherman and the other Union Generals off to the Great Plains to kill Indians. I think Grant always regretted that. I keep meaning to read Grant's memoirs (which Mark Twain published). Grant fought off throat cancer until he finished his memoirs (so that his family would have money after he died). I think Grant died a day or two after finishing writing his memoirs.
love the snark, Donald...i feel the same way...99.9% of the people who live in america 2.0 have nary a clue...not only about their history, but about the fact that we are about to repeat it...only a million yea, party on amerkan apathetic sheeples, as if there were no tomorrow...grab that burger and that beer and manipulate your pathetic lives for all you are worth...this too, shall pass...i think the only ones left after the coming big blowout will be the really out of the way farmers... with well practiced defense tools, of course...why?...because the ultra corrupt powers that be don't care about you at all...AT ALL...only the critically thinking practical folks will have a snowball's chance in hell to carry on their seed...the apathetic sheeple will go the way of the dodo bird, and all in a hurry to do so.
The Founding Fathers declared they ordained the Constitution to themselves and their posterity. The masses of denizens in this totalitarian police/surveillance state called America, myself included, are definitely not of their posterity. They were oligarchs, albeit of a higher caliber, but in essence the same as the oligarchs who lord it over us today. One of them, it might have been John Adams, said, "It is only logical that the people who own the country (himself and the other founders) should run it." And run it they did, as time evolved (or devolved) setting the precedents for running us all into the ground today. Anyone who has ever litigated in their Freemasonic courts can't help but observe that the judges frequently refer to the Bill of Rights as "privileges". Saying, "He (or she) seeks to invoke his (or her) 1st (or 2nd or whatever) Amendment privilege." I don't have to go into the marked difference between a right and a privilege. No piece of paper can ever secure one's inherent rights anyway. It must be done at the point of a weapon, that is the only thing tyrants understand. Where was the Bill of Wipes during the monstrous, criminal Covid hoax? As anomalous as it sounds, I've read in a DOJ document that the civil and constitutional rights of Americans cannot be abrogated, even in a state of emergency. (A real one, not a fake one). Why? Because the Constitution was drafted during a state of emergency, the Revolutionary War. However in practical terms, that is all eyewash and fantasy. Basic civics: In a true constitutional republic, the only power an elected official at the executive level has (state: mayors & governors. federal: the president) is to execute the laws properly passed and promulgated by the respective legislatures. These assholes can no more tell citizens they have to wear masks, stand 6 feet apart from each other, remain in their homes etc. than they can tell them what clothes to wear and what to eat for dinner. Executive orders by them can only apply to government employees under their sphere of jurisdiction, not to private citizens. What they have been doing is acting, Ultra Vires (how is that second word for irony?) meaning beyond their lawful authority. Simply put, they are committing treason and should be indicted, tried, convicted and executed for it. Has that ever happened? Where the fuck are all the DAs who took an oath to uphold the Constitution and bring forth charges, as well as the alleged constitutional and civil rights lawyers who should have filed massive civil actions against these swine? Nowhere, their silence was and is deafening. That is why I laugh when con-artist-servatives bray like jackasses in a pepper patch about, "saving our Republic". A little late for that, moron. In point of fact, we never really had one, just the cosmetic trappings of it to entertain the herd. Happy 4th to you & yours, Don.
Incredible, Don, I was going to use that very example. That is probably the only truthful and correct thing that imbecilic pervert ever uttered. Thanks again.
all them DA's are busy tending their own portfolios...the one with the most toys wins, according to the zeitgeist...i agree with you and i wish there were more like you...alas...the apathetic sheeples graze contentedly...the only advice i ever give out these dayze is prep prep CAN at least partially control your own personal well being after the SHTF.
Hereticdrummer: "One of them, it might have been John Adams, said, "It is only logical that the people who own the country (himself and the other founders) should run it." "
Owners care more about what they own than those who own nothing. If you own your house do you want someone else running it (like we have here today in California and the USA with all the regulations and laws)?
Today the oligarchs own the vast majority of the wealth, but do they own the country? I suppose they want to own it all. But they don't have it all yet.
The Founders were wealthy in the colonies but the real wealth was back in England at the seat of the Empire.
HD: Well, they don't own me. But if you think about it, pretty much everything I do "own" I have to pay taxes (rent) to the State every year to keep them.
With all respect, Timmy, that means you don't truly own those things. Even if your home is paid off, if you stop paying property taxes the government will seize it. You must possess Allodial title to it, meaning you own it completely independent of any superior landlord. How many people have that? You can probably count them on one hand and have fingers left over.
HD: That's what I was pointing out. I don't really own my house or vehicles. I have to pay taxes every year to keep the house or use the vehicles.
I hear that in Australia a home buyer pays all the property/excise taxes up front when they buy the property and then no taxes. Do you know if that is true?
I'm not sure about that, Timmy, but it seems strange. As property taxes are paid quarterly, year by year, how would the local government that assesses them know how many years the home "owner" is going to be there and therefore what to charge him? With cars, there is a document called the MSO (Manufacturer's Statement of Origin) that comes from where the car is made. That is true title. These are sent to the motor vehicle offices in the states where the cars are shipped to. The motor vehicle offices then send "Certificates of Title" to the dealerships that sell the cars. A certificate of title is just evidence that real title, the MSO, exists, which the state possesses. That is why if you don't renew your registration yearly, which is just another fucking tax, the state will repossess your car. This System fucks you 6 ways to Sunday.
is it not ironic?...the very oaths and pledges the ruling elites take to uphold the this or the that?those rulers really never had any intention, other than getting fabulously wealthy... the apathetic sheeple are standing in line for more of the same while they are being fleeced for all that they are worth...and yet, they are still too dumb to understand what is happening to them and their offspring.
To be "fleeced" is a "voluntary" act of "compliance." Like to drugs, the sheeple just have to say "no." (If only they knew, right? Peter Eric Hendrickson could help them on this matter.)
Thank you for the history lesson. As An Australian, I enjoy learning any and everything in history outside my own country.
I was quite horrified reading that most the men who signed the Declaration of Independence died so horribly. You make a valid point in regards to mush or zuckerberg. They wouldn't even get out of bed to help the People of your country, let alone die for them. The elitist of today are a greedy, lazy, self-entitled, shockingly unintelligent breed of people. Unlike your original men who signed your declaration of independence.
Thank you for a history lesson which was deeply disturbing, but we need to learn correctly otherwise, you only learn garbage. Shame such lessons could not be included in your history lessons at school. The children may grow to be more educated, rather than more self-entitled.
It's just not the same country. We're strangers in a strange land now. Any celebrations are forms emptied of content. Like processions around the church at holy days, people don't really know why they are doing it, or care. NPCs are everywhere.
I'm looking forward to reading the article. I read the first paragraph and DJ mentions Thomas Jefferson and how he's always portrayed as an owner of African slaves.
I was watching a very good video yesterday about white slavery. The word "slave" comes from "Slav". Thomas Jefferson built the US Navy to go over to the Barbary Coast (North Africa) to stop the slavers there from kidnapping American sailors into slavery. "From the Halls of Montezuma to the Shores of Tripoli" US Marin Corp Anthem.
The British Navy also sent ships to stop the Arab slavers from kidnapping white European Christians into slavery. The Horatio Hornblower books (the movies starred Gregory Peck) were about their navy putting an end to the Arab slavers.
Most people don't know that the free blacks in the uSA in colonial times owned African and white slaves. The majority of slaves in the American colonies came from the British Isles.
Slavery, especially child slavery for the sex trade, is still a major problem today.
My book, which I quote from here, goes into depth on the unfair campaign waged against Jefferson's legacy. The Sally Hemings story is full of holes. He was not a "racist," but perhaps the most enlightened man of his time. Thanks.
DJ writes another great article. I'm glad that DJ mentioned the signers of the Declaration of Independence and what happened to these brave and wealthy men. I see almost no bravery in politicians and the military brass today.
I grew up in Lincoln, Nebraska and know all about Lincoln worship. "Stinkin' Lincoln" we called our little city. It was actually pretty nice. As kids we could buy about any firework you wanted. We would have fireworks battles at night at the park. We'd put on winter clothes, goggles, gloves, and launch bottle rockets, firecrackers, at each other and then move in with Roman Candles for close in combat. Hahaha. Oh, it was fun.
In my twenties I moved to the Puget Sound area in Washington State. There you can go to the Reservation (Res) and buy any fireworks you wanted (and cheap tobacco).
Now I live in Sonoma County, California and in our small town of 11,000 you can't light a fart to celebrate Independence Day.
David Cashion: Yes. I fell and smashed my hip 7 months ago and have a bad ankle, too. My wife has health issues as well. We live in a nice small town as long as we stay away from the plaza and hotels area. The climate and soil are very good.
So true. Thanks for all the info on the fate of the signers. After the first gulf war, it took me eight years before I would fly the flag again on the 4th...and then I only flew it four more years until 9/11...when I knew it was all over...and that I would never fly the stars and stripes again.
When I heard about the proposed Musk/Zuckerberg cage fight I thought: so it has finally come to actual bread and circuses...after years of our conspiracy culture using that term to describe America 2.0.
I haven't flown the government's flag since the FBI flew it at Waco on the radio aerials of the tanks they used to burn down the building that held 24 children and their parents. That flag was stained to the point that I won't handle one today.
I totally agree with your thesis here. There are numerous movies though about the sanctimonious Abraham Lincoln.
A few years ago by chance I came across and article on Lincoln that was anything but favorable and it gave a link to a book a I did buy to read, it was called: The Deification of Lincoln by Ira Cardiff. This book shows Lincoln in a totally different light, it came out in 1943 and was pretty much buried. It can be found on Amazon. It is not a very long book , about 90 pages, but it makes its point about Lincoln. Basically everything about Lincoln in the multitude of books written about is and was based on the Myth Created about him. Much like the myths in recent history of FDR, JFK, Martin Luthor King and even Ronald Reagan. The real truth is forgotten and the Myths take over.
I think one of the greatest myths of recent time is about Dr, Martin Luthor King, Jr. and all the things ascribed to him and many never happened.
The closest thing to good story on George Washington was the miniseries of many years ago starring Barry Bostwick and it was pretty good from what I remember.
Read my work on Lincoln, in "Crimes and Cover-Ups in American Politics: 1776-1963." He said things that would curl the hair of a KKK Grand Wizard. He said he'd free the union without freeing a slave. He was exclusively responsible for the war- the south merely wanted to secede. Which was the purpose of the Revolution- the consent of the governed. They no longer consented.
Secretary of War Jefferson Davis started the civil war in Kansas in 1856. Lincoln was a private citizen at the time.
Of course Lincoln said "he'd free the Union without freeing a slave" as presidential powers do not include dictating law... only enforcing existing law which he did.
I will read your book, but I, like Abraham Lincoln, am strongly anti-slavery and anti-war. Did you read his anti-war for empire speech in Congress?
Read my writings- you're not going to find anyone who is more anti-war than I am. I don't know how anyone today could not oppose slavery, but somehow 40 million are enslaved at the present moment, and no one seems to care. Lincoln's speech opposing the Mexican War was great- but he didn't take his own advice a few decades later. Thanks.
My flag's flying. Not sure what people who see it think I'm flying it for, but my family and I know it's to honor the people you mention who sacrificed everything for what turned out to be a temporary bit of freedom.
The problem has become that for most people the meaning of the revolutionary war has become a
distant kind of abstract idea, believing that the statist government will love and care for us, and that we just need to
be more vocal complainers and then the PTB will deliver the goods.
But, in some cases we still see self-sacrifice. last night a fisherman fell into the Mississippi while fishing by a dam near Red Wing, Mn. His two friends saw that he was in trouble and both dove in to rescue him, but tragically all three lost their lives. I'm sure they didn't think twice before diving in, despite the
obvious hazard. Now there are three grieving families. They couldn't just let their friend drown, so they did their utmost to save him.
we just don't see self sacrifice in our so called 'leaders' anymore...we see greed, avarice, and gluttony...what a way to rule, aye?...i suppose any ol' hero when put in a position of power and wealth might well do the same...human nature, ya know.
Would any of them dive into the churning water to save their friend?
It's one reason why Donald and others considered JFK a Mensch; he risked his life for his
stranded sailors. It's kind of a big deal. Talk is cheap. My own nephew gave his life in the line of duty saving a young woman held hostage by a demented boyfriend. He escorted her out of the house when the guy was threatening to kill her. The guy shot him right in the back of the head as they went to the squad car.
2 or 3 thousand locals paid their respects. They got it. They respected that.
The odd thing was that my nephew told his mom that he had had a dream that he was going to die from someone shooting him with a pistol. That was two weeks prior to the event.
He was wearing body armor. While he was getting the girl out his partner was supposed to be distracting or disabling the guy. Anyway the perp died,,, some say he turned the gun on himself. In this case I'll go with the official story .
yea, body armor is great unless they aim for the head...there are lots of other fatal places besides what is covered by the body armor....any good soldier knows where...good that the perp is no longer in business...maybe that's why your nephew had to get that perp taken care he really is a hero and went down doing the right thing....nothing to be ashamed of there.
Wow. Donald, you encapsulated every sentiment, every atavistic anger I feel towards our cowardly nation and its inhabitants. July 4th, 2023 is a day of infamy for me as well, as we have abrogated every tenet of what I was taught to do, to be an American Man.
I recall in the earlier days of this "free Internet," circa 1998 or so, searching for "greatest Presidents." No matter where I searched, the list kept coming up with the traitorous FDR, Wilson and Lincoln in the top 5. Those I admired most, were bottom of the stack. Call me naive, I had not yet calculated the vast amount of control search engines and digital agitprop would have on tap.
Hail Victory! The only good note is, America 1.0, denatured and bereft of its best, is humming along on borrowed time.
Anti Communist: Is Calvin Coolidge even mentioned anymore? Of course not. Millard Fillmore is usually listed as one of the worst presidents but he was a brave guy who had principles. He enforced the Compromise of 1850 which held off the Civil War for ten years. But it cost Fillmore (he had to enforce the Fugitive Slave Act as part of the Compromise). It also ended the Whig Party. Fillmore burned all of his Presidential papers when he left office.
One of the worst Presidents IMO was James Polk. He started the war against Mexico in 1848. He was also a one term President. He didn't have a Vice President. Maybe he was afraid of assassination. Polk fulfilled his mission and left office.
I live in California and no one ever mentions President Polk.
I'm with you, Timmy. I will have more on Polk and the disastrous war with Mexico in the next edition of Hidden History. Even before Lincoln's psychopathic generals like Sherman and Sheridan invented the horrific "Total War" strategy, hints of this were apparent under Polk. Rape and mistreatment of civilians was common. Coolidge was a top president simply by holding his cards. Doing nothing meant he did nothing wrong. The top rated presidents all waged war. Thanks.
DJ: The San Patricos are famous in Mexico. They, as I'm sure you know, were Irish draftees in the American Army that invaded Mexico. The Irish soldiers were artillery. They deserted and sided with the Mexicans for many reasons.
The San Patricos did a lot of damage with their cannons to the American Army. When the Mexicans wanted to surrender in battle the San Patricos wouldn't. Of course, they were killed, captured, and hung enmass from the ramparts as traitors.
But the Mexicans erected monuments to the San Patricos. Tom Berenger starred in a film about them. Tom was proud of his Irish heritage.
I ask the local Mexicans in our town about the San Patricos and they all know and love them.
janet: The poisoning of the herd continues apace...
Yeah, Polk, and most of the rest of them for that matter, make the case for not having a president at all. That's not to suggest things be left up to a bunch of bottom feeders/lawyers who have slimed their way up the Ladder of Criminal Endeavor to the courts and legislatures. Government has proven it is evil. No debate, even. And Fedgov is well beyond the control of the people. It is coming down to the Individual States, which the founders knew were the final safeguard against total tyranny. DJ reckons the tyrants won't let us leave, but I would submit that the price of staying is far higher than that of leaving. Great thanks to DJ for another great historical message ... and for making the case for State Independence, again! ~~ J. Lee
Thanks, J. Lee!
J. L. Austin: I agree. My ancestors left tyranny (and hunger) in Ireland, Germany, and Scandinavia. If I was a young man, I would have to consider where to go to find the most liberty and opportunity.
Well said. Andrew Jackson too, was far down the stack. Ulysses Grant, who actually expelled crooked jews from the South during reconstruction as they were robbing everyone, is also vilified.
Andrew Jackson almost singlehandedly trumped the banksters. He called it his greatest achievement. In 1985 I bought a donkey that came with the handle Andrew Jackson. It actually took me years to put together the concept: donkey/Democrat/Andrew Jackson.
Anti C: I've always respected Ulysses S. Grant. I do wish that he hadn't sent Sherman and the other Union Generals off to the Great Plains to kill Indians. I think Grant always regretted that. I keep meaning to read Grant's memoirs (which Mark Twain published). Grant fought off throat cancer until he finished his memoirs (so that his family would have money after he died). I think Grant died a day or two after finishing writing his memoirs.
Thank you Timmy, I did not know that about him! What a noble race and nation, we used to be!
Thanks, Anti Communist!
love the snark, Donald...i feel the same way...99.9% of the people who live in america 2.0 have nary a clue...not only about their history, but about the fact that we are about to repeat it...only a million yea, party on amerkan apathetic sheeples, as if there were no tomorrow...grab that burger and that beer and manipulate your pathetic lives for all you are worth...this too, shall pass...i think the only ones left after the coming big blowout will be the really out of the way farmers... with well practiced defense tools, of course...why?...because the ultra corrupt powers that be don't care about you at all...AT ALL...only the critically thinking practical folks will have a snowball's chance in hell to carry on their seed...the apathetic sheeple will go the way of the dodo bird, and all in a hurry to do so.
Thanks, Marty!
The Founding Fathers declared they ordained the Constitution to themselves and their posterity. The masses of denizens in this totalitarian police/surveillance state called America, myself included, are definitely not of their posterity. They were oligarchs, albeit of a higher caliber, but in essence the same as the oligarchs who lord it over us today. One of them, it might have been John Adams, said, "It is only logical that the people who own the country (himself and the other founders) should run it." And run it they did, as time evolved (or devolved) setting the precedents for running us all into the ground today. Anyone who has ever litigated in their Freemasonic courts can't help but observe that the judges frequently refer to the Bill of Rights as "privileges". Saying, "He (or she) seeks to invoke his (or her) 1st (or 2nd or whatever) Amendment privilege." I don't have to go into the marked difference between a right and a privilege. No piece of paper can ever secure one's inherent rights anyway. It must be done at the point of a weapon, that is the only thing tyrants understand. Where was the Bill of Wipes during the monstrous, criminal Covid hoax? As anomalous as it sounds, I've read in a DOJ document that the civil and constitutional rights of Americans cannot be abrogated, even in a state of emergency. (A real one, not a fake one). Why? Because the Constitution was drafted during a state of emergency, the Revolutionary War. However in practical terms, that is all eyewash and fantasy. Basic civics: In a true constitutional republic, the only power an elected official at the executive level has (state: mayors & governors. federal: the president) is to execute the laws properly passed and promulgated by the respective legislatures. These assholes can no more tell citizens they have to wear masks, stand 6 feet apart from each other, remain in their homes etc. than they can tell them what clothes to wear and what to eat for dinner. Executive orders by them can only apply to government employees under their sphere of jurisdiction, not to private citizens. What they have been doing is acting, Ultra Vires (how is that second word for irony?) meaning beyond their lawful authority. Simply put, they are committing treason and should be indicted, tried, convicted and executed for it. Has that ever happened? Where the fuck are all the DAs who took an oath to uphold the Constitution and bring forth charges, as well as the alleged constitutional and civil rights lawyers who should have filed massive civil actions against these swine? Nowhere, their silence was and is deafening. That is why I laugh when con-artist-servatives bray like jackasses in a pepper patch about, "saving our Republic". A little late for that, moron. In point of fact, we never really had one, just the cosmetic trappings of it to entertain the herd. Happy 4th to you & yours, Don.
Eloquent points as always, Hereticdrummer. The Constitution in reality is, as Dubya said, just a piece of paper. Thanks.
Incredible, Don, I was going to use that very example. That is probably the only truthful and correct thing that imbecilic pervert ever uttered. Thanks again.
all them DA's are busy tending their own portfolios...the one with the most toys wins, according to the zeitgeist...i agree with you and i wish there were more like you...alas...the apathetic sheeples graze contentedly...the only advice i ever give out these dayze is prep prep CAN at least partially control your own personal well being after the SHTF.
Thanks Bro. I wish the best for you and yours. It is painful to see reality as it really is but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Hereticdrummer: "One of them, it might have been John Adams, said, "It is only logical that the people who own the country (himself and the other founders) should run it." "
Owners care more about what they own than those who own nothing. If you own your house do you want someone else running it (like we have here today in California and the USA with all the regulations and laws)?
Today the oligarchs own the vast majority of the wealth, but do they own the country? I suppose they want to own it all. But they don't have it all yet.
The Founders were wealthy in the colonies but the real wealth was back in England at the seat of the Empire.
Timmy; The Cryptocracy owns every fucking thing.
HD: Well, they don't own me. But if you think about it, pretty much everything I do "own" I have to pay taxes (rent) to the State every year to keep them.
With all respect, Timmy, that means you don't truly own those things. Even if your home is paid off, if you stop paying property taxes the government will seize it. You must possess Allodial title to it, meaning you own it completely independent of any superior landlord. How many people have that? You can probably count them on one hand and have fingers left over.
HD: That's what I was pointing out. I don't really own my house or vehicles. I have to pay taxes every year to keep the house or use the vehicles.
I hear that in Australia a home buyer pays all the property/excise taxes up front when they buy the property and then no taxes. Do you know if that is true?
I'm not sure about that, Timmy, but it seems strange. As property taxes are paid quarterly, year by year, how would the local government that assesses them know how many years the home "owner" is going to be there and therefore what to charge him? With cars, there is a document called the MSO (Manufacturer's Statement of Origin) that comes from where the car is made. That is true title. These are sent to the motor vehicle offices in the states where the cars are shipped to. The motor vehicle offices then send "Certificates of Title" to the dealerships that sell the cars. A certificate of title is just evidence that real title, the MSO, exists, which the state possesses. That is why if you don't renew your registration yearly, which is just another fucking tax, the state will repossess your car. This System fucks you 6 ways to Sunday.
Government is nothing more than a criminal entity devoted to destroying all freedoms. One must endeavor to be free of all government
is it not ironic?...the very oaths and pledges the ruling elites take to uphold the this or the that?those rulers really never had any intention, other than getting fabulously wealthy... the apathetic sheeple are standing in line for more of the same while they are being fleeced for all that they are worth...and yet, they are still too dumb to understand what is happening to them and their offspring.
To be "fleeced" is a "voluntary" act of "compliance." Like to drugs, the sheeple just have to say "no." (If only they knew, right? Peter Eric Hendrickson could help them on this matter.)
Good Morning Donald.
Thank you for the history lesson. As An Australian, I enjoy learning any and everything in history outside my own country.
I was quite horrified reading that most the men who signed the Declaration of Independence died so horribly. You make a valid point in regards to mush or zuckerberg. They wouldn't even get out of bed to help the People of your country, let alone die for them. The elitist of today are a greedy, lazy, self-entitled, shockingly unintelligent breed of people. Unlike your original men who signed your declaration of independence.
Thank you for a history lesson which was deeply disturbing, but we need to learn correctly otherwise, you only learn garbage. Shame such lessons could not be included in your history lessons at school. The children may grow to be more educated, rather than more self-entitled.
Thank you.
I appreciate the kind words, Trish. Thanks!
It's just not the same country. We're strangers in a strange land now. Any celebrations are forms emptied of content. Like processions around the church at holy days, people don't really know why they are doing it, or care. NPCs are everywhere.
any celebration in this country seems to me to be an exercise in ignorance.
why settle for less?
Marty B: Maybe the USA should have an Idiocracy Holiday. We can all act and dress like twits. Oh, wait... that happens every day in the USA.
yes, an exercise in ignorance.
A Month of Ignorance! Any "good" celebration deserves a month, and lots of festive trannies!!
The USA is a company, not a nation, anymore. Good grief
I'm looking forward to reading the article. I read the first paragraph and DJ mentions Thomas Jefferson and how he's always portrayed as an owner of African slaves.
I was watching a very good video yesterday about white slavery. The word "slave" comes from "Slav". Thomas Jefferson built the US Navy to go over to the Barbary Coast (North Africa) to stop the slavers there from kidnapping American sailors into slavery. "From the Halls of Montezuma to the Shores of Tripoli" US Marin Corp Anthem.
The British Navy also sent ships to stop the Arab slavers from kidnapping white European Christians into slavery. The Horatio Hornblower books (the movies starred Gregory Peck) were about their navy putting an end to the Arab slavers.
Most people don't know that the free blacks in the uSA in colonial times owned African and white slaves. The majority of slaves in the American colonies came from the British Isles.
Slavery, especially child slavery for the sex trade, is still a major problem today.
My book, which I quote from here, goes into depth on the unfair campaign waged against Jefferson's legacy. The Sally Hemings story is full of holes. He was not a "racist," but perhaps the most enlightened man of his time. Thanks.
well considered.
Marty Baum: Thanks. DJ mentions Jefferson in the second paragraph, not the first. My mistake.
Very well written and factual. I’m the only veteran in an extremely woke family. We’ll be spending the holiday at home.
Thanks, Bookoodinkydow!
Enjoy the 4th and take heart that you are not alone.
DJ writes another great article. I'm glad that DJ mentioned the signers of the Declaration of Independence and what happened to these brave and wealthy men. I see almost no bravery in politicians and the military brass today.
I grew up in Lincoln, Nebraska and know all about Lincoln worship. "Stinkin' Lincoln" we called our little city. It was actually pretty nice. As kids we could buy about any firework you wanted. We would have fireworks battles at night at the park. We'd put on winter clothes, goggles, gloves, and launch bottle rockets, firecrackers, at each other and then move in with Roman Candles for close in combat. Hahaha. Oh, it was fun.
In my twenties I moved to the Puget Sound area in Washington State. There you can go to the Reservation (Res) and buy any fireworks you wanted (and cheap tobacco).
Now I live in Sonoma County, California and in our small town of 11,000 you can't light a fart to celebrate Independence Day.
Thanks, Timmy!
Are you unable to move to a different place ?
David Cashion: Yes. I fell and smashed my hip 7 months ago and have a bad ankle, too. My wife has health issues as well. We live in a nice small town as long as we stay away from the plaza and hotels area. The climate and soil are very good.
Well, then your roots must be stuck with such good soil
July 4th, we just got the Missouri v Biden ruling. Cheers!
So true. Thanks for all the info on the fate of the signers. After the first gulf war, it took me eight years before I would fly the flag again on the 4th...and then I only flew it four more years until 9/11...when I knew it was all over...and that I would never fly the stars and stripes again.
When I heard about the proposed Musk/Zuckerberg cage fight I thought: so it has finally come to actual bread and circuses...after years of our conspiracy culture using that term to describe America 2.0.
I haven't flown the government's flag since the FBI flew it at Waco on the radio aerials of the tanks they used to burn down the building that held 24 children and their parents. That flag was stained to the point that I won't handle one today.
Yes, that was one of those crucial moral lines in the sand that we crossed. And very, very few Americans protested. Thanks.
Thanks, Kris!
I totally agree with your thesis here. There are numerous movies though about the sanctimonious Abraham Lincoln.
A few years ago by chance I came across and article on Lincoln that was anything but favorable and it gave a link to a book a I did buy to read, it was called: The Deification of Lincoln by Ira Cardiff. This book shows Lincoln in a totally different light, it came out in 1943 and was pretty much buried. It can be found on Amazon. It is not a very long book , about 90 pages, but it makes its point about Lincoln. Basically everything about Lincoln in the multitude of books written about is and was based on the Myth Created about him. Much like the myths in recent history of FDR, JFK, Martin Luthor King and even Ronald Reagan. The real truth is forgotten and the Myths take over.
I think one of the greatest myths of recent time is about Dr, Martin Luthor King, Jr. and all the things ascribed to him and many never happened.
The closest thing to good story on George Washington was the miniseries of many years ago starring Barry Bostwick and it was pretty good from what I remember.
Great points, Stephen.
Abraham Lincoln was anti-slavery and anti-war. He stood against the Confederate slave empire.
Read my work on Lincoln, in "Crimes and Cover-Ups in American Politics: 1776-1963." He said things that would curl the hair of a KKK Grand Wizard. He said he'd free the union without freeing a slave. He was exclusively responsible for the war- the south merely wanted to secede. Which was the purpose of the Revolution- the consent of the governed. They no longer consented.
Secretary of War Jefferson Davis started the civil war in Kansas in 1856. Lincoln was a private citizen at the time.
Of course Lincoln said "he'd free the Union without freeing a slave" as presidential powers do not include dictating law... only enforcing existing law which he did.
I will read your book, but I, like Abraham Lincoln, am strongly anti-slavery and anti-war. Did you read his anti-war for empire speech in Congress?
Read my writings- you're not going to find anyone who is more anti-war than I am. I don't know how anyone today could not oppose slavery, but somehow 40 million are enslaved at the present moment, and no one seems to care. Lincoln's speech opposing the Mexican War was great- but he didn't take his own advice a few decades later. Thanks.
My flag's flying. Not sure what people who see it think I'm flying it for, but my family and I know it's to honor the people you mention who sacrificed everything for what turned out to be a temporary bit of freedom.
yes, they were heroes, and yes, it was only temporary.
Yes, Dan, let us still fly the flag to honor those brave folks, but shouldn't we fly it inverted ... as a signal of distress?
There is still good in the American heart.
The problem has become that for most people the meaning of the revolutionary war has become a
distant kind of abstract idea, believing that the statist government will love and care for us, and that we just need to
be more vocal complainers and then the PTB will deliver the goods.
But, in some cases we still see self-sacrifice. last night a fisherman fell into the Mississippi while fishing by a dam near Red Wing, Mn. His two friends saw that he was in trouble and both dove in to rescue him, but tragically all three lost their lives. I'm sure they didn't think twice before diving in, despite the
obvious hazard. Now there are three grieving families. They couldn't just let their friend drown, so they did their utmost to save him.
we just don't see self sacrifice in our so called 'leaders' anymore...we see greed, avarice, and gluttony...what a way to rule, aye?...i suppose any ol' hero when put in a position of power and wealth might well do the same...human nature, ya know.
I agree.
Would any of them dive into the churning water to save their friend?
It's one reason why Donald and others considered JFK a Mensch; he risked his life for his
stranded sailors. It's kind of a big deal. Talk is cheap. My own nephew gave his life in the line of duty saving a young woman held hostage by a demented boyfriend. He escorted her out of the house when the guy was threatening to kill her. The guy shot him right in the back of the head as they went to the squad car.
2 or 3 thousand locals paid their respects. They got it. They respected that.
The odd thing was that my nephew told his mom that he had had a dream that he was going to die from someone shooting him with a pistol. That was two weeks prior to the event.
talk IS cheap, and there's a mighty lot of talk going around these dayze.
interesting that your nephew had a premonition.
your nephew was certainly a hero.
maybe he wasn't practicing enough safety measures.
it is too bad your nephew did not shoot the bad guy first, before getting shot himself...when in doubt, shoot 'em out.
sad story.
i bet the bad guy got a slap on the wrist on his way out of jail time.
don't give them the benefit of the doubt...keep facing forward with the gun aimed.
if they pull, you shoot to defend.
if nobody is watching, dump 'em in the dumpster.
He was wearing body armor. While he was getting the girl out his partner was supposed to be distracting or disabling the guy. Anyway the perp died,,, some say he turned the gun on himself. In this case I'll go with the official story .
yea, body armor is great unless they aim for the head...there are lots of other fatal places besides what is covered by the body armor....any good soldier knows where...good that the perp is no longer in business...maybe that's why your nephew had to get that perp taken care he really is a hero and went down doing the right thing....nothing to be ashamed of there.
You got it, Marty.
He was an Iraq vet with PTSD issues.
Probably on a fistful of meds for a long time and no longer rational.
We didn't any meaningful details.
Thanks, Norman!