Dec 29, 2022Liked by Donald Jeffries

I believe the very first of your articles that I read was that concerning your brother, very heartbreaking to say the least.

I kept a watchful eye for further writings ever since.

Very unfortunately, this recent article is spot on...not much, if any momentum in the right direction to end this year.

Plus, we have the very real prospect of widening war in eastern europe to contend with moving into '23.

In the last week, i heard of two more souls lost to heart issues, and of course, they took the you know what

further, our youngest daughter and of her several girlfriends are convinced they are male -- quite certain they were brainwashed thru the such as Tik Tok in the pubescent years, and thus I shoulder blame

and rare to come across many, other than on the Net, that seem to care about it all

on a somewhat positive note, my wife definitely caught on to their tricks, somewhat based upon recent public interest commercials on internet TV that seemingly bait the various subgroups against each other based on alleged inequities of one sort or another -- in her words, they are trying to turn us all against each other

godspeed to all moving forward

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I appreciate you sharing your personal story, jwslaw. I'm glad my children aren't in grade school or high school today. In one county close to me, the number of "transgender" students increased incomprehensibly over the past few years. That's bound to continue, making things seem even more surreal than ever. Thanks!

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Dec 29, 2022·edited Dec 29, 2022Liked by Donald Jeffries

"...Members of the House of Representatives may now order beer, wine, and spirits and have them delivered directly to their offices, a new development that could help further lead to discombobulated late-night budget “solutions”..."


We would be better served if only cannabis deliveries were allowed, but arrests for same are up 25% under the Biden/Harris Regime... Nothing breeds corruption better than a bunch of alcoholics.

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Great find, TnDoc. As you know, they are above the laws they pass that the rest of us have to obey. I'm sure no "Karen" will complain about them drinking on the job. Thanks!

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Donald Jeffries

Pelosi's greatest accomplishment - other than hoarding ice cream and looting millions from the peasantry, of course.

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Michael Correleone: If you can get them drunk and keep having them drink non-stop it will kill them both!

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Dec 30, 2022Liked by Donald Jeffries

Oh, Donald...your losses are so sad. I keep listening to all of my patriotic "America First" sites and hope that people will "wake up"...but I wake up every day only to learn that the "covidians" are still masking up and getting more shots. I am despairing of making any progress with this segment of the population. Then there are my friends who think things are just going to "go back to normal." Honestly, I am at my wits end...

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I hope they will go back to "normal," too, FLSherri, and I certainly complained about that "normal" enough. I appreciate the comment. Thanks!

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Dec 30, 2022·edited Dec 30, 2022Liked by Donald Jeffries

...Another year of tyranny and corruption...to be followed by at least 10 more desperate years of skullduggery and misery. They will continue because too many people are living in fear and panic and are in stealth mode awaiting to go into their shells at the next siren call of another silly fake pandemic.

However, there are those of us who have rescinded the fumbling of psychotic megalomaniacs and their irrational nonsense that never quite seems to connect the dots in any manner that can be deemed as to make much sense or express a hearty truth.

2023 will be the year to either find you own way and disavow the tyrants or accept their terrorism and die.

Stand your ground and know there are many others standing beside you.

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Can't argue with you, Gorgo. Thanks!

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Jan 3, 2023·edited Jan 3, 2023

I like your statement Gorgo. Whether it be 2023 or by 2025...the goal should be self-sufficiency away from the system. I've always wondered how long the majority of people not collecting a 40 hour paycheck and there not being anywhere to do such; would last in a true survival mode. Start preparing yourself, teaching yourself, building things, doing things to starve out parts of the matrix. Grow one vegetable plant. Anything you can do to STOP your reliance on these freaks that think they run our lives. Born free, stay free, shove it freaks! You may already be doing this Gorgo, but perhaps, this reaches someone that hasn't started anything yet.

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

I can't wait. How exciting. Another year of people sitting around watching T.V. and continuing the end of civilization by doing nothing. Another year of crooks, scammers, and con-artists thinking they run our lives. Well, they can run others lives but they won't be running mine. Another year of more bullshit, more fake pandemics, more fake this and fake that. Oh hell yeah, Happy New Year.

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Despite it all, try to maintain some hope. Watch one of Frank Capra's film. Thanks.

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I'll check it out. Thank you!

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Careful Don, you're starting to get as radical as I am though you still have a ways to go. Not only is there no virus known as Covid 19, there is no such thing as a virus, period. Check out the video, "The End of Germ Theory" (predictably, YouTube banned it but Bitchute has it and perhaps some other platforms). The facts, documentation, and evidence presented are irrefutable. Virology is one of the greatest and murderous scams ever perpetrated on mankind. No virus has ever been empirically proven to exist despite thousands of attempts to do so. All so-called viruses mandate vaccines and the people the toxic vaccines don't kill get so sick and maimed they stupidly go to the same allopathic asshole doctors who vaccinated them to get prescriptions for poisonous pharmaceuticals which get them sicker and ultimately kill them. Globally we are talking about a multi-trillion dollar racket. Nothing will get you banned faster from any mainstream media or internet communications vehicle than the questioning of the existence of viruses and the concomitant validity of vaccines. One doctor whose name eludes me said that vaccines have killed more people than all of the wars in history combined. The people behind all of this, most of whom stay in the shadows, are demonic, sub-human slime. This world is truly owned lock, stock, and barrel, and run, by monsters. On that cheery note, Happy New Year to you and yours Don. I eagerly await the release of your new book.

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You must like what Andrew Kaufman has to say, Hereticdrummer. I had him on my show "I Protest" back at the beginning of the Plandemic. Happy New Year to you and yours, too!

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Yes, Don, Dr. Andy is the real deal. Special mention and salutations to Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Amanda Dawn Vollmer, & Dr. Sam (Samantha) Bailey (who is not only brilliant & courageous but also drop-dead gorgeous). There are many others as well. Keep punching, buddy.

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One I should have definitely included is the honorable Dr. Stefan Lanka, a German Biologist and former Virologist. He quit the Virology field asserting it is based on complete fraud and has been at the forefront in proving this despite vicious and incessant attacks by the vulture/parasites of the orthodox, allopathic medical murder racket and their despicable, criminal, big pharma wire pullers.

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Jan 3, 2023·edited Jan 3, 2023

You can be my wing-man anytime. Join me when I one day command the armies of the North!

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Ragnarok, here we come!

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Do you realize if everyone believed that how fast the Medical Industrial Complex would fall?

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Dec 30, 2022Liked by Donald Jeffries

Dear Donald we are the chosen ones,witnessing the destruction of everything ,before something new is born. So just sit and watch the show. Last I heard is that now trans genders can have their period, it's so freaking absurd that all we can do , is to laugh loud everytime we find out more signs of the general madness,while we keep breathing . Life is still wonderfull ,flowers will keep blooming and I will smell the roses while everything falls apart. Many blessings to you brother 💖 Peace & Love to all 🌹

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Blessings to you, too, Kiran. We do have to laugh at it. That does help a bit. Thanks!

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Donald Jeffries

It helps a lot and give us power ,never forget to smile 🌟🌲☃️🥰🌞😀🌻

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Dec 30, 2022Liked by Donald Jeffries


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Dec 30, 2022Liked by Donald Jeffries

I woke today with the exact same words in my mind. Goodbye 2022, don't let the door hit you on the way out! But I immediately realized what is coming will likely be worse as they fiddle with digital IDs and currency, and continue to promote their deadly poisons, and instigate wars and rumors of wars. I have to remind myself to live in the moment and find as much joy as possible, thanking God for His creation, protection, and provision in this world. I think we are living Biblical prophecy - so stay well, stay near to Christ, love those we can, pray for those we cannot, and believe God has it all in His Hands. May God bless and keep us in this coming new year.

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Great minds think alike, DogsLife. Thanks!

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Jan 3, 2023·edited Jan 3, 2023

Interesting DogsLife! About 20 years ago I was reading the Book of Revelation sitting in my driveway. I read the verse about what I recall as The Great Whore or also The New Babylon. The way it was described my very first thought was this is referring to the United States. Then, I thought about N.Y.C. Does the whore refer to the Statue of Liberty? New York City is the capital of the United Nations as well or was where they always met back then too (NEW Babylon (NEW) York City. I forget what verse made me think about the United Nations in New York City. Co-Conspirators 19 didn't change my mind this is not that place. Yet, to me, that was more proof this is the Great Whore Babylon of the New!

Think of the Old Babylon and what it was like from what we, well, are told anyway. Then, compare to what the new one would be like. Seems like a match!

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Dec 30, 2022Liked by Donald Jeffries

These days, even before covid quackcines, obituaries almost always leave out the cause of death. I suspect correlated with noosepoopers charging by the word. You'd think they all died of suicide, AIDS, drug overdose, quackcine, or something else as embarrassing. Demand the first couple hundred words be free on condition of including vital statistics.

Emily Osterized still is hysterical, and I don't mean as an entertaining comedienne.

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You're right, of course, SaHiB. Thanks!

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Dec 30, 2022Liked by Donald Jeffries

This made me burst out laughing. BRUTAL:

"But from what I observe of human beings, in this almost ended year of 2022, they don’t really need to rig much of the vote. A majority of Americans are stupid enough to keep reelecting the Nancy Pelosis, and Lindsey Grahams, and Chuckie Schumers, and “the Squad.” I see the political signs in my neighborhood. I have talked to people, although I try to avoid it now. The stupidity is everywhere. It can’t be stressed enough- we are really, really outnumbered."

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I try to use humor as much as possible. It's the only way to deal with such a nightmarish situation. Thanks!

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by Donald Jeffries

Excellent as all your articles Donald.

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Thanks for all your support, Felix!

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

I will however read your book

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

with this beeing said Mr. Jeffries 2023 will get better as they are out of time now. Wish you and yours a very Happy, Healthy, Successful and Free New Year

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Thank you, Karla! Same to you and yours!

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Jan 1, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

According to the following post COVID is all a DOD operation begun in 2012. Good luck on seeing any justice in the future.


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Yep. I will have something about the DOD asking for "COVID" funding years before the "pandemic" in my upcoming "Masking the Truth" book. Thanks!

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Thanks for your support in 2022 Donald. I spent the first morning of 2023 watching Roadrunner cartoons with my granddaughter. A bright start. We bravely continue on.

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It doesn't get any better than that, Mike. Happy New Year!

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