It's grade 2 forever. You're my friend, now you're not my friend. You can join our treehouse fort club, now we don't want you.

And so it goes....

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Perfect way to describe it, Gwaihir. Thanks.

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I think you overestimate the current generation. Grade 2? Most of these people never left the cradle. I don't know what they'd do without the Nanny State singing their twisted version of Rock-A-Bye-Baby.

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treehouses! Now THAT brings back memories. Also whiffle ball games in the back yard.

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Forts, bridges over the creek and curve ball in the street.

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Don’t forget igloos - I also grew up in New England & I’ll never forget the blizzard of ‘78 where school was shut down for 2 weeks & my ice “fortress” lasted months!

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Gwaihir: That's what lighter fluid is for.

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At this point,I understand dogs and horses more than I understand humans so I stick with them in my free time. They are enjoyable and predictable, thankfully. Without question, the injections have effected cognition in many people, as I suspected they would. The data is out on that so we can expect more deterioration.

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I have noticed that as well. The cognitive levels, the lack of critical thinking, overall rudeness. I too would much rather be around animals, or outside fooling around with my flowers. Zombie Apocalypse is in full regalia.

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Fran, My wife and I live the life of Hikikimori and avoid social interactions. We have almost everything delivered to our home. We rarely talk on the phone to people. We type, like this, to communicate. We work in the garden.

Is this the future of humans?

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I like to be alone, but also enjoy speaking with people. Those who can be pleasant, open minded, down to earth, and at least, reasonable. People who aren't looking for anything other than a kind word.

If I didn't own a city lot where a psycho neighbor didn't constantly spy on me, I wouldn't need to get in my car to get away. I'd probably do as you and your wife do.

Maybe it is the future of the human race. You don't even need to have sex anymore to get pregnant. Or why bother with that when you can buy a test tube baby.

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last man on earth here, paying the penalty of home deliveries of all but petrol (and that could, for a fee, be arranged) . last time human face sited. may 20, for petrol. but I do have the internet derived materials most of the day. listening, reading, some watching. after that goes, it's the bible and the birds and these voices in my head that get through the tinnutus. but sure beats worrying about the people out there, shedding and all the rest of it. no need to get away last 20 years as I am living away. oh, and the welfare dependency etc. and the planes etc. lockdowns were even better. Children of Men book/movie.. when the country people got the quiet they always wanted (English countryside post collapse).

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It is. But people do not know we brought actual Nazis to our country and installed them in our “scientific institutions”. I saw a lot of things in labs from coast to coast in a previous career establishing the overhead rate for federally sponsored research that explains a lot of what we are living through currently. The mind control stuff is not “conspiracy theory”. Some of the freakiest things I saw were in psychology labs, honestly. People don’t know we have had a super soldier program, which is open source information now. I think some of that has been used on the general population via the oh so mysterious injections. The work of David A. Hughes validates what I saw in our “institutions of higher learning”. The science we paid for via tax dollars has been weaponized against us, that’s for sure. I am really glad I left that job well before the “pandemic”. I would not want to be responsible for massive destruction, not even for a ton of money and perks.

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I am well aware of what we did after WWII. It did not make sense to me in my younger years, but my light bulb has been on for a long time now. No, most people don't want to look at reality. I can't even bring it up in a conversation, much less the polio BS or any of these fabled diseases. I am nothing more than a fruit loop. So be it. Let the crap hit their fans..

How do these educational institutions call themselves "higher learning"? They need to relabel that as the next phase of brainwashing, only for those ready and willing to succumb.

Glad to hear you followed what was in your heart, regardless. It was the right thing to do.

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Fran, Yeah, let the crap hit their fans.

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The "Nazis" are a Brand Name for one of the Bankster's creations. That "Nazi Research" was largely funded by Prescott Bush and the Ford Motor Company- just to name two. The more one digs, the more one finds that the criminals are all joined at the hip, and the politicians are just so many actors to keep the sheeple in line. We all get to pick our particular flavor...

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Thank you for the information. I literally am having to unlearn and relearn every single thing I was ever taught. It is taking a very long time, a LOT of books and people like yourself, Sarah Westall, Catherine Austin-Fitts and many more.

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I have a lot on my substack. My articles on WW2 might interest you.

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I am really sad and horrified for children….more than for people my age. They’ll live in a dystopian hell, that is if we are not nuked. No one in my area seems to care, which is even scarier. I am supposed to simply discuss golf…

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Yes, it is going to be a frightening world for our children and grandchildren, Elizabeth. Thanks.

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Sarah Westall with Business Game Changers is doing a whole series on the history abd solutions which begins on June 29 on Brighteon University if anyone wants to know more about it. I saw more than I wanted to see, that’s for sure. In person so I am skipping the documentary but I hope a lot of people do watch it so they can guard against it better.

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Sarah is a good friend. I've been on her show many times. She does great work. Thanks, Elizabeth.

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I used to listen to Sarah Westall a lot. But she sort of got sucked into Q-World last I checked.

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Newsflash- I don't know where you have been, but I was born in 1958 and my world has been more or less a dystopian hell from as far back as I can remember. I think I spent half my time time before seven in the doctor's office, and half of the rest in a dentist's chair. My poor parents were thoroughly brainwashed by Dr Spock and company and I was the lucky one to be the Guinea Pig.

Only by the Grace of Almighty God was I able to find my way out of the matrix- and then I liberated my parents as well.

I never thought that the leadership of some of the institutions would allow the decay to get this far.

Good grief, even Isaac Asimov's Harry Seldon Plan never anticipated this. We are on Trantor squared and then cubed.

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you are now entering , beyond the twilight zone.

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To infinity, and beyond.

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Well, you’ll really hate my answer. I was an elite, born and raised. I am an elite defector now.

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I was sort of a quasi-elite myself back in the day. Just play the game, and I was virtually guaranteed a cushy job, such as being a school superintendent, or maybe a chief master sergeant in the Air Force. Now, maybe you are saying you were one of the "elites" as in a member of the Pederast/Satanist Club? Well, we all have sins we need to repent of, and those with greater sins, as Our Lord said when referring to Mary Magdalene, will be more appreciative of His Mercy and Forgiveness, which has no limits for the truly humbled and penitent.

But whether we are pure as the wind-driven show or our sins be as scarlet, we can rejoice with being on the winning side.

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Yes, that is my family. I felt my soul dying and I left. Jumped without a parachute. Got my butt kicked. So, I look like crap on paper now but I won my soul.

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Wow. I understand if you don't want to share, Elizabeth, but I'm sure people would be interested in some of the things you saw behind the scenes. Thanks.

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"What would it profit a man to gain the whole world for the loss of his soul?" But it sure does profit a man (and woman) to rebuke their part of the world and regain their soul. And how.

I too, have lost much because I rebuked sheepledom. But my brother, who has more money than he knows what to do with, resents my rather carefree existence, even though my big meal of the day is a baloney sandwich.

The thoughts of many hearts are revealed.

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It all looks awesome until one is in deep and finds out what really goes on. There’s nothing awesome about that group. I’d really and truly rather hang out with dogs.

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I was talking about God, not what passes for the Institutional Church. I too would prefer the dogs.

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What I don’t do, though, is couchbmy experience in a bunch of religious terms as a lot of the group I was once with pretend to be “good religious people” when in actually, churches are where they go to prey upon people. Prey…as opposed to pray. So I’d love to tell you I had some big epiphany, saw God or whatever. But that is not true. A Strokes song on my car radio in the parking lot of a fancy store I can no longer shop at began my questioning. Go figure. No big story, unfortunately. These days, I am suspicious of those who claim big stories, though so I suppose that’s good, for me, anyway.

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Oh the churches are full of predators all right- and how! That is why I fear I may never darken the doorstep of one again. Our Lady of La Salette said that Rome would lose the faith and become the Seat of the Antichrist. In SPades, as they say.

Meanwhile the world is a far bigger place than I can fathom and just hope that people are of good heart.


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I don't know much about horses, but I will never understand dogs, especially my dog.

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There is no longer any decorum or dignity in America 2.0. We have evolved into a ghetto culture, in which brawling rules the hour...small wonder when Jews in charge of the media made ghetto culture cool.

I can't understand this childish impulse to get into word fights online. It's important to state one's disagreement, but who cares who has the last word? Because you "win"? Win what? It's part of my moral code to always admit to it, if I discover I have been wrong about something, and to apologize as soon as possible. I have tracked down people I have lost touch with, just to apologize. Yet, only three times in my life have folks admitted I was right (no apologies) and it was said so grudgingly ... beginning with: "I hate to admit you were right" Why? Why do you hate to admit it? There is no shame in being wrong, but there is shame in being a jerk and having to get the last word.

I first remember that Nazi thing going back almost 40 years now. No one else seems to remember this (just like no one else remembers how the weather has been totally changed by weather-control). In the eighties the Oregon State House quietly passed a law enshrining gay folks as a protected class. Some very awake and aware folks saw the camel's nose poking under the tent, and formed the Oregon Citizens Alliance, in order to fight back. It turned into a battle royale. The liberals started with the Nazi name-calling. Oregon voters were presented with several ballot measures...both pro and con (if memory serves). The leader of the OCA turned the tables on the name-callers, and wrote: The Pink Swastika, detailing how many of the top Nazis were actually gay. That really set the liberals into a frenzy. Now all of this is largely forgotten...in a country with an attention span of about 60 seconds. At any rate, the OCA turned out to be spot on . We went from: "we only want to to visit our dying partner in hospital" to: "We will seize your child, and cut off his genitals, and you can't stop us". I would bet there is more than one person who voted "no" on OCA ballot measures and actively campaigned against them, who now "remembers" how they "never supported this craziness". When one has a super memory like I have, one sees how often folks will change their personal history to fit the current narrative. It seems to be something deeply ingrained in human nature.

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It would be a much better world if more people were like you, Kris. Most people have trouble apologizing, and even fewer will readily admit they're wrong. That's why I've said the millions of Americans who have bought into this COVID psyop, and demonized those of us who tried to enlighten them, will never, ever admit that we were right. You've been more fortunate than me in regards to people saying you were right. I recall one guy who worked with me many years earlier calling me when Oliver Stone's "JFK" came out, and telling me how right I'd been about the JFK assassination. But that's it. It's even harder for people to say you were right than to say they were wrong. Thanks!

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One of the reasons I was popular at the steak house was because I would apologize if I did something wrong, and I would admit if I made a mistake. A mature man can admit his mistakes, and his mistaken opinions, and move on- it is also the way one accrues wisdom.

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i like to readily apologize also, there is a freedom to it. also, it is a civility, a way to function more smoothly in society. haven't lived in NYC for awhile now and don't know if it still goes on, but people would say "Im sorry," a thousand times a day if they were doing any moving around through the hoardes of people, in the street, in the shops or wherever. good on you for knowing the ease of a simple apology.

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NYC is its own culture, its own world, its own language, and its own destiny.

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yes. liked.

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White Wolf, When in doubt, I just lay the blame on myself. It's easier that way. Then I hit the "AVOID" button regarding the previous encounter that put me in such a position.

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good policy.

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liked your post.

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Kris, i liked your post very much. it is a curse or a blessing to have a superior memory, and also hard work, because i'll expend a lot of energy trying very hard to get people to remember things, or having to review for them over and over what they should remember if we are trying to have a conversation about political events or even just regular events. also, people do not believe what you're trying to tell them happened and do the usual gaslight. it's also a bit lonely. and what i'm seeing is even more memory loss in people. to have a superior memory includes endless associations attached to a single event which can be internally entertaining or a curse. it often feels like being a stranger in a strange land but i wouldn't trade my superior memory for anything.

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I can identify with everything you wrote...except the loney part. I WANT people to leave me alone...my tolerance for BS has completely fled in the last four years. Every memory is connected to another memory. A memory will jog another memory, and I'll have to pause and try to make the connection why the memories are connected. It is usually because the events were close on the timeline. I once took a test for Hyperthymesia (superior autobiographical memory) and there was big section about how much you argue with family/friends. Even the people who put the test together, realized that correcting others about bogus memories would cause friction. I've come to believe that most people hate and fear the truth, and they would rather be lied to, and lie to themselves...than face difficult truths. So it stands to reason that being called on the lies they tell themselves, would not be popular. I find it bizarre that I remember the past details of my associates lives, when they have completely forgotten these details.

I would call hyperthymesia a curse. I would not want to shed it completely, but it would be nice if I could tone it down a bit. Sometimes the memories interfere with daily life. I also don't believe hyperthymesia is as rare as the "experts" claim. How on earth would they know how many of the general public have it? Most of us are completely off the radar.

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thanks Kris very much agree with all you wrote here, i can relate. in a management job I once had I would repeat back everything verbatim that was said in a previous meeting even months before where the others either wanted to forget things said or legit did not recall. the look on people's faces when you verbatim say back to them their own words is the look of extreme discomfort. that was handy for that particular situation but in family or friend situations, it can cause stress. people resent people who can total recall events down to what the person was wearing that day or a hundred other associations with the event, they simply do not believe you. that's where it feels lonely, but i am not complaining. i do believe hyperthymesia is curse but i do think it is rare or i would have met more people with it, and have only known a few in my life, and you are one. i also have very early memories, starting around 15 months. do you?

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Jul 1Edited

I think the earliest I can go back to is around the age of two. My childhood memories are very vivid. I find it humorous that people will argue like hell, that you are wrong, and that your memory is not any better than theirs... BUT when they really need a date for some important paperwork, they will bury their pride long enough to get the date out of you...before they go back to denying your super memory again. I used to wonder how people could live with themselves after doing terrible things to other people...until I finally realized that these folks were actually erasing their past bad behavior, and making up new memories. I also have PTSD, which is a terrible combination with hyperthymesia.

The part of the brain that controls long-term memory, also controls planning for the future, delaying gratification, and self-control. I have more self-control than anyone I have ever met, and am obsessive about planning for the future. How about you?

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that's amazing that you have more self control than anyone you've ever met. id be very proud of that. i have good self control and can get control of a situation if i find myself off in some way. i never planned for my future, ever, am a risk taker, finding it exciting when i was younger to get into jams testing fate and land on both feet. as life went on, my landings were more or less on one foot and wobbling. but i still possess the instinct for derring-to but to a lesser extent. the memories keep coming and the associations with the slightest object never stop. i was compulsive in college and grad school and nothing less than summa cum laude would do. excellent artist but never good enough in my own eyes to promote myself. i envy people who are more average, will do a painting that's amateur and begin selling immediately or writing immediately. i love the egos of average people. it's incomprehensible to me. they achieve.

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I once had some phony psychic tell me: "you don't like to take risks"...two months before all of this happened: www.searchingforfernando.wordpress.com

I made sure she knew about my website later. She was very unhappy about my mentioning her (and including her photo)...but she asked for it.

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Yes, a lot of the upper eschelon Nazis were as gay as the day is long, even though their party banished the sodomites from Berlin. Meanwhile, legitimizing the "gay lifestyle" was really the last nail in the political coffin of this country- the next to last nail was legalized abortion.

People are not born sodomites. As St Paul says, sodomites are those who gave into lust when younger, and then became bored with women. Like the drug addict who needs a bigger and bigger dose to get the same hit, the person bored with normal expression must resort to "kinkier" and "kinkier" behavior to get the same arousal, which typically descends to the level of sadism and cruelty. That is why the line between pederasty and Satanism is quite thin.

The Lavender Mafia is now everywhere, and their Pedostocracy has completely infiltrated and undermined the culture.

Woe to this nation. I don't think a more corrupt "culture" has existed since before the Flood.

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There have been several studies that show people who begin viewing rather pedestrian porn, need bigger and bigger hits of whatever chemicals their brains produce viewing porn...until eventually only beastiality and snuff films will produce what they crave. Porn actually destroys the brain. It's been reported that at the end of his life, Hugh Hefner could only be aroused by gay porn.

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I heard that about Hefner too, Kris. I guess he had too many playmates lol. Thanks.

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I totally believe it. Meanwhile Anne Barnhardt claimed that Adolf Hitler was arrested in Vienna when he was 14 for solicitation of sodomitical sex, but I cannot find any references. Have you ever heard anything to this effect?

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according to his flatmate, Hitler warned him about the poofters 'over there' . the more I read, even 1950's stuff, the more I undo all those easy lies. eg Goering, he was shot 16 times in the groin in WWI. I can aford him some weight problems and some rouge issues. (maybe his lips went white, or Uber Aryan, lol) in any case Hitler was pragmatic, far right, literally I suppose is a jew commander of a U Boat. see cooper at rense.com https://www.renseradio.com/sharkhunters-73/gallery-images/23.jpg'

shit, how many poofters in the English aristocracy.

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I've come across the idea that Hitler was a male prostitute in his early days, over my years of research. But how do we know It's not just more controlled opposition? Anne Barnhardt seems to be correct a lot of the time...her discernment seems pretty good.

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Kris, all those slanders and libels about Adolph Hitler are kosher contrived lies. There exists not one scintilla of factual sufficiency to support a single one of them.

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Yes, everybody likes to dump on the Austrian Painter. He is always the easiest and most convenient target. Personally, I think that Hitler was a bankster puppet like Roosevelt and Churchill, though not nearly as bad. He actually did many good things for the German people, and did not bomb any cities to rubble.

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Jun 26
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Anne Barnhardt seems to be losing the plot as of late. I don't think she wants to admit how many pederasts are masquerading as "Traditional Priests" in the various groups that are so many honey pots for Traditional Catholics. Nor, as a convert, does she understand the overall dynamics of the Holy Catholic Religion. But I still do listen to her. (Her sidekick, Dr Mazza- is totally out in space.)

Anne seems to thinkthe whole problem is Pope Frantic, just like the neocons used to think the whole problem was Saddam.

I just wish she would give her sources when she says something really incredible like that.

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Agree. I used to visit her site regularly, but have not been there in a while. She does not seem to grasp the totality of the problem. I only tried to listen to her podcast once, and I found her style of speaking irritating, so I never listened again.

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That makes sense Kris, being that all of Jew Hefner's "Playboy Bunnies" were male to female, transsexual androgynes. Hefner also said, "I see nothing wrong with White women consorting with animals". It's a safe bet that if Hefner was witness to such an abominable perversion, he would have jumped right in and done a threesome with them.

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Kris, One of the kids in our elementary class at Holy Family was gay (three gay guys in class of 40 kids and one lesbian).

Jerry was very handsome and went on to have a modeling career. He worked for Playboy magazine in Chicago. Jerry was the only male to grace the cover of Playboy magazine (it was the back cover).

Jerry went on to become a successful realtor in Washington DC. He lives on Dupont Circle and is doing very well.

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White Wolf, Women are many things, but boring doesn't apply. Men are boring, but predictable and have better senses of humor and storytelling abilities in my opinion.

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I never said women were boring. But a person can get tired even of ice cream.

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Gelatto? never!

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The truth is, despite your disdain for settling things outside, the next time the Jews run cover as Antifa and BLM run amok, 6 million ( no more, no less!) of us need to show up, and invite them to "punch a National Socialist." The ragged discourse is symbolic of a power imbalance. The 25 million, sub 70 IQ, brownish invaders as well. Wars have begun over much less, but cucked Whites would rather be killed in the knockout game, than be called names. I want war. Violent. Bloody. Decisive. Win, or lose. I hate The Left, and the jewish central bankers who enable and indemnify them. Hail Victory. Hail Testicles.

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Well, I can't argue with you too much, Anti Communist. I'd like to think we could still get sufficient numbers to protest nonviolently, but that appears very unlikely. Thanks.

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I'm sure the coming war will be bloody and violent, but I do not think it will be decisive. Might can never make right.

Dare I say the best recourse is to head for the hills and allow God to work things out.

Our Lady of Fatima did say that "various nations will be annihilated".

It's not very hard to guess at this point who is on the chopping block.

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Brother Wolf, perhaps these travails are indeed, both endemic to species, and indelibly etched in to us all. And while I respect all who wish for a better place, with less evil, I feel God (your depiction) and my own, also created Arch-Angels for a reason.

Passivity is hard for me to digest. It is why my flights with three different versions of Christianity (Catholic, Baptist, Eastern Orthodoxy) have been punctuated and rung by Pagan and Manichean spurts.

I was born to revile Evil. It might just be God, gave humanity polar opposites with good reason. Hail Brudder!

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The Church Militant is anything but passive. We just fight with better weapons. It has been said that the pen is mightier than the sword. And the Most Holy Rosary is mightier than both.

In the meantime, not all of us are called to be hermits. So if your conscience be clean, go out and slay some dragons. Just beware of Damned Fool Idealistic Crusades.

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I lthink maybe 2% of the world population have any idea of what genuine spiritual warfare is all about...how it's always going on; how exhausted mere mortals can become fighting an enemy that never gets tired; how the forces of evil will throw everything at you, including the kitchen sink, to keep one debilitated. Discernment, or the lack there of, is what makes or breaks a spiritual warrior.

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Kris, we are unable to conjure anything "spiritual" in these mortal vessels. So, (as I am not saying it does not exist) when confronted by vessels that attack us spiritually, most humans historically resisted in physical fashion. Christianity is not growing. Far more militant "religions" are. While I will always hope that religions favored mostly by Whites "win," I would contend physical warriors are de riguer. Hail Victory. Hail the White Race. May it find its spine, and I care not which book helps us do so.

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Just because it is a spiritual war, does not mean it is not a physical battle. In the last 12 months I've had a gun pointed in my face at point-blank range by a stranger in a bird refuge, threatening to blow my brains out. I've had a car blast through a red light (going around the car in front that was already stopped) up onto the sidewalk, and back into my lane to miss plowing into my door by mere seconds. Angels fight beside us...if not, I would have been dead years ago. I have witnessed would-be attackers crumple and flee at the loud proclaiming of devine protection.

I'm sure few understand this...but it is important that it be stated publicly...whenever possible. Purity as training for battle, used to be common knowledge in the dim distant past. The forces of evil know one's weaknesses. Once they gain a toehold from your sins, they have you debilitated.

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2% of the world's population? You are so wildly optimistic. I daresay that if just 50,000 people in the United States were truly devoted to Our Lady of Fatima, the darkness which envelops this country would dissipate like morning fog.

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ask the 25K women and little kids killed in Gaza whether god is working things out

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You think only 25 thousand women have been killed in Gaza thus far? I think the number is at least ten times that. And when you tally in the men and children, you have an atrocity that easily surpasses Dresden, Hamburg, Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. We are probably talking millions.

Yes, I am well aware of the ongoing massacre/genocide/harvesting operation ongoing at Gaza, and, yes, this country is going to have one of hell of a price to pay, on top of what it did to the aforementioned cities during "WW2". A hundred William Tecumseh Shermans are coming to make the whole North American Continent Howl from the Redwood Forests to the Gulf Stream Waters.

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yes I have heard death toll in the 100's of thousands. I hels back cause I get thrown off social media for outing the jews

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The people still left on "Social Media" are clueless. Pray for them.

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I was in with a good crew on X many real smart women a lot of people against the slaughter in Gaza. but the tons of animal videos and other videos where really excellent

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and hail Mary, full of mace.

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liked post. i find the cowardice of fellow Whites, their apathy, and their purposeful ignorance to be very extremely annoying and complicit in the things that you outline.

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Bad news, though I'm sure you know: It's war. There's no room for "nice" during war, which is why it's all the L.A. lefties like Ellen Degeneres and Rosie O'Donnell constantly imploring us to "be kind," "be nice," all that inverted advice that wallpapers over the fact they actually want to kill us.

I tried being reasonable and kind and patient with a lot of my ex-friends during Covid. I sent them scientific studies and prior history test cases mRNA warnings. Only my blue collar Union buddy listened to me. But another pal died days after getting the vaxx. I wasn't invited to the funeral. Another's kid has been in and out of hospitals. One guy's gotten Covid at least four times, I see on his social media.

How can anyone respect these people? The ones who insulted us and try to chuck us out of proper society? The ones who refused to look at facts? They don't deserve "nice" or "kind" or, frankly, to not be cursed. They would've killed us if they could. It's war. When the war's over, if it's ever over, we can start marching back to civil society. Maybe people will turn back to Jesus Christ.

Sorry. Hard Truth.

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I understand what you're saying, Tom. Hard to argue with you. Thanks.

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the hard truth will set you hard free. rock of ages. Peter principle.

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What would the blowhards of the con-artist-servative Blight Wing and their control cage counterparts of the commie, pervert, Woke, Cleft Wing do without those evil "Not-Sees" to constantly beat up on and blame for everything under the sun? Funny, how on the millions of documents, texts, and papers recovered from the bombed out ruins of 3rd Reich Germany by the purveyors of, "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity", not even once was the term/word, "Nazi" found. That pejorative was concocted by the Tribe, part of their psychological, word use warfare. A Nazi is not a National Socialist, and no true National Socialist hates anyone strictly because of their race. But since when does the truth have to do with anything in this degenerate, kosher, dystopia? Great piece, Don, but be careful. Ever so gradually you are getting as radical as I am.

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Thanks, Hereticdrummer!

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You got it, Don, be well.

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I believe the general incivility of which you speak of has a direct correlation with empty pews and preachers who emphasize prosperity over parables.

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Great words of Wisdom. Thanks! By the way, whenever I walk by some kids kicking a soccer ball or playing catch I truly hope the ball comes my way. That way, I can show them that this old man can still kick a soccer ball or throw a baseball back to them.

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I know! What adult wouldn't find it fun to kick or throw a ball to a child? Thanks, Steven!

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You didn't mention "Godwin's Law" -- the longer an Internet discussion goes on, the higher the probability of its devolving into Nazi/Hitler name-calling.

Also, the USG did bring a bunch of Nazi scientists home after WWII. Maybe that collective memory hangs over everyone.

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I never heard of that, but it seems like a sound observation, CSJ. Yes, without Operation Paperclip, NASA could never have developed the fake space program. Thanks.

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yes they used German realism for jewish fake movies, which won the war, and the space race, and the covid rollout. fake rulez, until God turns up In Protest (if I may)

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If you are using common sense you will automatically realize there is no true left or right. Both "sides" have valid points. Both sides have massive gaps in their philosophies as to what is right or moral. This is why they don't know how to deal with people like us. Common sense is non political and usually immune to persecution although in these times where insanity appears to reign supreme it is sometimes difficult to cling to sanity, reason and our own integrity. Eventually these power mongers will find a way to attack you. Archbishop Vigano of the Catholic Church is a perfect example. A totally fearless man of impeccable integrity has now been attacked openly by what can only be described as the Satanist controlled hierarchy. I believe in the end he will emerge unscathed from this inquisition of evil. This is why they steer away from some of your (to them) controversial opinions. They know you will emerge stronger should they attack too aggressively. It has taken over 50 years for them to create the chaos we are in now. Too aggressive an attack on your and like minded people could bring their whole horrendous agenda crashing down. Indeed they may have already pushed those boundaries to hard and we may be seeing the beginning of their demise. One can only hope.

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Good points, Peter. They have no argument against common sense. They don't know how to react when someone doesn't resort to mindless partisanship. But I'm pretty sure they'll keep someone like me at the "first they ignore you" stage indefinitely. Thanks!

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"...you’re never going to see a demented activist convicted of punching someone he or she categorized as a “Nazi.”"

Yep. See Lina E. and the hammer gang: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-65785592

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That's interesting, JayBee. But it's not in an American courtroom. And the judge seemed distraught at having to find violence against "right-wing extremists" held accountable. She'll probably win on appeal. She definitely would here. Thanks.

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It's really a vindication of what you said. Most sane people were outraged that she could walk away free after the verdict. She crippled that person with a hammer and showed no remorse. The judge was indeed defending her motive, the even bigger scandal. Germany is toast.

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life under jewish rule whether it is Germany or US

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or Palestine under the Stern gang. wonder if it was a 'smart hammer' that screams in pain as it hits you. Germany so far gone, I could not spot the usual jewish names. Internalising the commands of their oppressors.

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Germany is still 80% white. US 56% which means the US formally a white country is now has the least amount of whites of any European country. americans get me sick when they call Europeans cowards while Europe is over 90% white. so look in the mirror blowhards. Europe is fighting back more then the US. the US is the one that is gone

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good article Don. american society is beginning to devour itself. what a weird time to be alive.

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Thanks, Kyra!

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If only Hitler had had four testicles.

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in the land of the blind the one eyed man is King.

and if Germany had won, and surely not taken the clot shots, the one spermed testical is king.

arne berkhardt, testicals and spikes not sperms (though fertility Australia is only down 10% so far).


and Hiltler had two, and allowed his doctors to inspect.more lies. 'counting the remnants of a lawns bowl now deflated hydrocele on top of Mr right, I have four. (not kidding)

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The point of my comment is that four testicles would be equated with having no shame. So it would have been nice if, because of that, people without shame were demonized. I wasn't talking about fertility or winning wars or anything like that. It's so lame having to explain something. Thanks a lot.

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I'll note that just in the past week some Antifa clowns, formerly known for calling everyone Nazi, attacked some pro Israel protestors. And promptly got the shit beat out of them while police watched but didn't intervene. Most notable were their surprised looks when the police don't help them. A stark change from police passively letting them storm their stations and attempt to light them on fire, that we saw only a few years ago. Because it's all a script. To be played out by NPCs and useful idiots. Complete with surprise plot twists and regular revisions towards whatever is playing best on TV. People talk lowbrow because that's the level of education they have. It's representative of the fact that they can only conjure simplistic thoughts in the face of big ideas. That, and the bigger lie that everyone keeps deluding themselves with:. That the facts or truth matter to anyone at all. Hahaha, I hope you're not still harboring that delusion. Everything is a giant psychological mind fuck and logic and reason have no role in any of it. They just set the bookends and everyone organizes themselves between them based on whatever they deem the most compelling disingenuous emotional plea. And more and more people aggregate at the two ends while the rational middle is nearly vacant. I doubt the moon landings and definitely believe that NASA fakes photos, but I don't believe the idiotic nonsense about the earth being flat. I believe we do too much damage to the environment, but know for a fact that Climate Change is complete scientific fakery. I think Biden is a compromised criminal and also think Trump is a compromised criminal. I think COviD was a fraud, but find the assertion that it was a 'bioweapon' completely comical given that we've never isolated a single virus ever, much less engineered one. But there is no part in this theatrical production for someone who rationally evaluates the slogans from both sides against the verifiable facts. Truth is not, nor ever was relevant to any of it. People have opted for a TV knowledge that is only as deep as what can fit between the Pfizer commercials. Anyone who can nudge and suggest things beyond that limited understanding can make people literally believe anything and devote them to it beyond all that is rational and logical. Unlike the author, I boldly assert that for a fact it's because everyone is dumber and less healthy, especially mentally. And as such don't have the will or fortitude to challenge the things really keeping them down. So they adopt random ideas that give them an outlet to their anger then get addicted to it like a drug. Salty Cracker has called them Anger Addicts for years and he's spot on. Being dumb and addicted to your dumbness is quite a pickle, but it's where we are now. It's gonna be a long road back of we ever make it all all.

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Nice summary, Deuce. Thanks!

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mind you I have not taken the time, nor have the skills, to ascertain for myself.


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You gotta admit, as deranged as the leftists are, they are a laugh a minute. That's if you can stand to engage with them for an entire minute.

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They can be humorous, but only from a great distance, Crixcyon. Thanks.

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Professional and college sports have sunk to new levels - they are always screaming, taunting and fighting each other after a tackle, shot or hit - it makes it difficult to watch (but only for me I guess).

Even the gentleman’s game of golf has turned to fist bumps and gyrations after making a putt.

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They reflect society, Unsteady. Ghetto culture certainly rules sports. That's why Caitlin Clark is being attacked so much. She is a throwback, with her humility and sportsmanship. Thanks.

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steve inman video meets caddyshack on steroids, or meth. or just good ol boy kentucky


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