This post really hit home for me. First, the ex-hippies turned war cheerleaders...I experienced that up close and personal. It was when the Gulf War I propaganda was being ratcheted up, that I woke up. I was a youth of 19 during the Iran crisis, and in 1990 I realized that we were being presented with another boogyman in a turban. My boyfriend was an ex radical anti-war protester, and he swallowed it all. He laughed with glee when the Iraqis were hit by the energy beam and called them cowards. I wasn't buying the story. We argued ...and kept arguing for the next seven years, because we held no beliefs in common. I should have walked away then.

The cop harassment leaves me scratching my head. I am about as clean-cut as you get...I would say the word "bland" fits me well...yet I have been hassled to death by cops in my car and on my bicycle. Once at a traffic light I saw a cop car, so I turned on my bike light. The sun had not yet set, but I had come to fear cops...so to be on the safe side ...well that cop followed me for a half mile and then turned on his lights. When I asked him why he stopped me, he said "when you turned on your light I thought you were hiding something". Another cop pulled me over as I drove to work at 4am. for driving too slow...which I was doing purposely to avoid cops. His excuse was that my slow driving was a danger to other drivers...on a deserted road with a passing lane?

I have always thought that parents of disabled children are the biggest heros of all. My dad died of the vax last January and left an estate of four million...but he was a chronic complainer. I used to remind him of how fortunate he was that his five children grew up with robust good health...and point out families we knew struggling with a sick child.

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Thanks, Kris!

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I'd say you're pretty much dead on here. I observe Memorial Day to remember family members and friends who are gone and just ignore all the military crap.

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brilliant piece, Donald....if more of this real history could be brought to light, many would possibly wake up to reality....but, of course, most folks prefer ignorance and servitude...the courts martials of general short and admiral kimmel focus an interesting take on the pearl harbor debacle...the leaders really know how to manipulate the masses and history is written by the victors.

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Thanks, Marty! I went into the scapegoating of Short and Kimmel in some detail in "Crimes and Cover Ups in American Politics: 1776-1963."

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I am sure we'll have another 1,000 years of useless wars and Memorial Day will be with us for many more centuries. Too bad so many have died so that the US can become a leftist hell hole.

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Yes, died in vain no matter how you look at it. Thanks!

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I already sent a quick compliment, but I want to add that the whole "first responders" mantra is one of the most tiresome fantasies the media-government nexus has pushed via local and national outlets. The cops and firefighters and EMTs rarely respond "first" to anything. Civilians are the first, and this push to create Heroes out of people who get our tax cash whether we're satisfied or not, and who are subsidized not only with that cash but with unconstitutional federal cash serviced by generational debt enslavement -- this push, I think, shows how lockstep and childish many people can be. Thanks, again, Don!

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I appreciate that, Gardner, especially coming from someone as astute as you. Thanks!

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And it creates a system of dependency because less people pursue the knowledge to save a life. Like you said, first one on the scene is you, how can you help?

Funny how school doesn't teach that but we understand gender and egalitarian utopianism by age 7.

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Thank you for putting into words what I have always felt. I respect those who fought/died believing they were serving their Country in the past. But there is no excuse now. Nothing noble about these recent conflicts. My one disagreement with you is that you label Snowden, Assange, Manning, etc. as heroes. They are nothing of the sort. Do more research. Start with Snowden, whose "whistleblower" lawyer received funding in part from one of Soros' Foundations & the Rockefeller Family Foundation.

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You crushed it on so many points here brother. I think what stuck with me the most throughout was just repeating to myself "It's always been like this." in reference to history revealing that nothing has really changed. The polis lives at the top of the hill and most of us live on the filthy side beneath. Our servitude to them is present in our phrases, our symbols, and our days off (or lack thereof for the less fortunate).

You did offer something more optimistic in that in people's original intentions, if good going in, are succumbed to the corruption of the system they have to live in. I find it optimistic in a sense that those good intentions still exist. Maybe with a little education from some great writers those well intentioned kids can find their way out of the system?

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I guess that's why I bother to write. I am, perhaps naively, hoping to trigger those good intentions. Thanks!

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The real problem in this country is just how ignorant the masses are.

The following quote has been attributed to Adolf Hitler.

"How wonderful for governments that the people do not think". There it is in a nutshell.

The people have been brainwashed stupid in the government edjewcation system.

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I cited that Hitler quote in "Crimes and Cover-Ups in American Politics: 1776-1963." Thanks!

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Superb! Thank you, Don.

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This is on point and awesome. I respect your views and was led to your writing after hearing you with Jeff Rense. My condolences for your brother. I listened to your description of events this past winter while I was plowing snow in Westerville, Ohio. I went through the same EXACT scenario with my 70 year old Dad in the same time frame, St. Ann's Hospital. Thank you for bring the truth into the light for all to see.


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I appreciate the kind words, Scott, and you have my condolences as well. Thanks!

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And of course you know ALL about the LIBERTY right??? You know the Navy ship, LBJ saying he wanted an American flagged ship, sunk "to the G-D bottom...what an atrocity to our own service men and women. .Lying Lyndon, yes that statue, should be moth balled, worst President... Washington, our finest, my humble opinion, at least he fought on the lines with the men he was leader of... Zelensky, is he on the front lines, any line at all? Oh, that's right, the cocaine line...sick. If you really believed wholeheartedly in your cause to take your people to war, than you should be out there, NOT after the fact with "hands in pockets" and new "battle rattle" truly disgusting...I call Memorial Day "MEMORY"ALL Day to remember the just and unjust things that have been done in war...man"kind" at his worst...lowest vibrational frequency!!! I try to stay in 528 Hertz frequency...the one of Love. Remember, I don't think anyone died in the Gulf of Tonken incident of August 2 1964...I could be wrong,idk. August 4 1964 if course, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER happened. Vietnamese were justified, actually, August 2nd since I believe we were in there territorial waters...love ya Don...stay strong, keep the faith. More people died in the USS LIBERTY attack than the Gulf of Tonkin... pathetic, shameful, disgusting, deplorable, wretched...

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At least the Liberty incident has finally gotten some coverage in recent years. My friend Joan Mellen wrote a good book on the subject. Thanks!

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One who had his fair share of regime change, Smedley Butler, I believe captured the whole spirit of war in his book "War is a Racket" the "sold"ier follows the flag, and the flag follows the "doll"ar. Nothing pretty or "civil" about it...period!!! I don't know if you know,(you probably already do, Don) Smedley was going to be given a 200,000 man army to March on Washington, to take us over in a coup d'etat, but he said he loved his country too much to proceed with it.(This would have been NOTHING like January 6th, some rioters and trespassers at most. Granted laws were broken, I disagree with tactics used January 6th.) I agree mostly with your well written perceptions and factual basis...thanks Don, can't wait to hear you over at Rense(Jeff Rense). If Smedley were successful, you know we would be heiling Hitler and speaking German, no thanks, not me following Prescott Bush funded Hitler, just saying...

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Thanks, Dave. I wrote a lot about the great Smedley Butler in "Crimes and Cover Ups in American Politics: 1776-1963."

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Mr Jefferies

I about to turn 57. GEN X year one. RENSE tends to lump us with the Mils and that is no correct. At least for the Early X'ers aka Alex Jones born 1974 with " family what was "awake to the NWO".

My theory is the shots starting with POLIO in 1957 and after started "denting" the male cans quite a bit. All sorts of mental disorders many vague and some pronounced and progressed through the decades.

Families who had No vaxx home school had their "boys" recruited quite a bit for NWO positions and purposes.


I used to work one job 6 A TO 12a AND SLEEP IN THE CAR only to do it again.

Can't maintain a "normal" life whatever that is/was.

After years of a few failed relationships and marriages and a years of THERAPY I got the AUTISM diagnosis at age 55-56. I said only little kids get that right? Right? UH NO.

I think of your brother with his issues and how he was in the system to survive all alone. And did "the shots" do that?

There are so many EMOTIONAL DYSREGULATIONS and the AMYGDALA IS LIKE THE GATE that all life has to pass through before executive function CAN EVEN START TO WORK.

DID THEY KNOW WHAT THEY WERE DOING? Are we, Especially boys, being destroyed by design?

We there "KILLING US SOFTLY" as the song goes? with his song?

IDK and if anyone does they won't tell. Even AUTISM in adults is a relatively "new" diagnosis. HF and LF. hey why not a MF and not medium IF IT WAS DONE ON PURPOSE.

I remember YOU talking about the loss of your brother. I truly felt your pain.

A judge split my younger brother and I due to divorce back when there were "no rules". and if you were 9 you had to be an "ADULT".


Take Care.

PS After 20+ years earnestly trying to understand and for all I know....I know nothing and hope to ask THE LORD GOD why and what's of life.

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I don't know your name, since you posted anonymously, but I'm very moved by your comment. Thanks so much for taking the time to share your personal story.

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You're a rare man and even rarer American. To live in the belly of the beast and speak so much truth as here. I couldn't agree more with any of this. As an Aussie and former digger, I call ANZAC day dead soldier day and do not do anything to "celebrate" it. I can't stand seeing people who just do their jobs without risk, or happen to find somebody in trouble and call help, being called heroes. I saw one the other day. A woman who'd been kidnapped and abused, tied up in an abandoned house for days and a bystander heard her cries. He didn't even enter the house, just called cops and he was being held up as a hero for it. Hero has become a meaningless accolade and a joke more often than not. A fig-leaf to hide the truth in its shadow.

A soldier is not a hero because he got sent off to act in a brutal war based on lies, he is just a shield to hide the brutality and deception. A cop is not a hero for saving a life, stopping a violent criminal, but if we call him one we can avoid discussing the base actions and poor performance of police overall. Heroism takes courage and usually sacrifice or preparedness to do so. Doctors and nurses aren't heroes because the follow the establishment, they are heroes if they stand against it for their patients. If they're awarded hero status though then the truly heroic ones can be put down out of sight.

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I appreciate the kind words, Rabbitnexus. Someone has to say the Emperor is wearing no clothes. I obviously agree with your other remarks. Thanks!

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My "ah ha" moment was when I saw Ford engines in WW2 German tanks (thru verified images).

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So Don, thanks for your SERVICE to man"kind" continually exposing lies and leading people to truth/light...I would rather die in TRUTH, than to have lived in lies...keep safe, be well my friend, you show GREAT courage and testicular fortitude. Thank you, for YOUR service...PDS

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Thank you, Dave, for the kind words.

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