Jul 18Liked by Donald Jeffries

The surest way for the globalist tards to depopulate the US is to have the government tell the truth about everything for one hour. 80% of the population would die of shock.

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Jul 18Liked by Donald Jeffries

One would think. I and Churchill agree: "Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened."

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...probably running away as fast as possibe.

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I put the figure closer to 95%- 100% for those who got the jabs.

Even a lot of "Conspiracy Theorists" are going to be slack-jawed when they get to the parts about Roosevelt and World War II.

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Don't give them any ideas for their depopulation agenda ......

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Jul 19·edited Jul 26

New International Version

The LORD said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.["]

They imagine more than we can.

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Jul 18Liked by Donald Jeffries

You forgot to mention Obama and his peace Nobel price in your summary of wrongful rewards.

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I wasn't listing unearned rewards, Helga, just a few examples of the outrageous Profile in Courage Awards by the Kennedy Library. Thanks.

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Jul 18Liked by Donald Jeffries

Just think, HRC would have lost that election hands down - and we would never have had to suffer her lawlessness. BO camp got rid of his senatorial competition too, just in time to take the win. Imagine how different things might have been...It just shows no matter how much we seek representation, selections happen instead.

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Of course that was one of the reasons JFK was taken out. Of course, Hillary could have just picked Pennsylvania or something. These politicians change states just about as often as men change their socks.

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Q anon says JFK Jr. Is alive and waiting to become president.

Maybe he will appear at the convention.

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We can only hope, Bard. Thanks.

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JFK would make a Great Commander for WW3. I can just see him leading Delta Force to the gates of Moscow.

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Jul 19Liked by Donald Jeffries

Paul Wellstone's plane crash was eerily similar. Maybe the President and cabinet members of Iran were eliminated using similar methods. It's strange how headlines can be so suspicious but the public moves on so quickly. All these examples you list, need no convincing.

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Yes, that was very suspicious, Varin. I covered the Wellstone case in "Hidden History." Thanks!

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Jul 18Liked by Donald Jeffries

Thank you Don. So many purposely unsolved mysteries remain!

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Thanks, J.R.!

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Once you get close to the bottom of the rabbit hole- suddenly everything makes sense.

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Jul 18Liked by Donald Jeffries

Great article Don ! Thanks

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Thanks, Greg!

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Jul 18Liked by Donald Jeffries

You can always tell who the good ones are because they are all dead.

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Jul 18Liked by Donald Jeffries

Like many of these "events," you'll hear lots of factoids just after the event that are often forgotten. I remember a lady on the shore being interviewed saying they heard what sounded like and explosion in the air. A guy fishing in a lake said something similar.

Good article.

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Yes, there is always a gold mine of information in early reports, that are thereafter shoved down the memory hole, Photon. Thanks.

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I have said this before. anything bad happens in the US can be traced to the tribe since WW1. mossad would never allow JFK jr to dig into his fathers murder. Junior might have been the only decent one out of them all except for the old man Joe Kennedy.

bolshevik jews hated Joe with a passion cause he was a diplomat trying to stop WW11 and blaming the jews for instigating it and was friendly with Hitler. the kennedy curse was the kosher curse. Ted who was the worse of the worst kennedy lived the longest and he was the gentile face put on the suicidal immigration reform act which 2 jews authored sen jacob javits and emanuel cellar. could not have the old 2500 year trope of jews being called nation wreckers being reinforced.

RFK jr another degenerate "former" heroin and sex addict wants slave reparations and jail people that dont believe in Gore-bull warming. also RFK jrs wife found hanging in the barn. you know he kennedy boys have a knack for getting rid of troublesome women like Marilyn Monroe JFK and RFK's girlfriend

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SPQR70AD, Marilyn Monroe was definitely murdered. I think she was probably murdered because of the Kennedys, not by them. I doubt very seriously that RFK, Jr. staged his ex-wife's hanging. The Kennedy Body Count is unique among all of them, because it consists not of their enemies, but members of their family. Thanks.

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yes they would not do the job they subbed it out. remember Hoover had both the kennedys on tape while being intimate with Marylin. I dont put nothing past rfk jr. I wouldnt doubt he burned his throat out freebasing coke

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Keep in mind that all the allegations against the Kennedys, going back to the myth about Old Joe being a bootlegger, come from CIA or Mafia sources. We have yet to hear any of the Marilyn tapes that supposedly exist. Thanks.

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Jul 19Liked by Donald Jeffries

I believe gangster-"plus" Micky Cohen also had the info on Marilyn/Kennedys. I'd just as well look there for the possible source of the murder, perhaps done to blackmail/set up or whatever the Kennedys.


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It’s refreshing to see someone else who truly understands who is behind the agenda. This is the main reason why voting has never mattered as you always vote for a jew first gentile last Zionist shill. Have you seen the 12 part series called Europa - The Final Battle? If anyone with half a brain is not awakened to the agenda after watching it then there is no hope for them.

Here is a link just in case you or anyone else needs it. I was able to watch at 2x speed and still understand as it’s lengthy.


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I'm sure you must be right. The world would be a perfect place if only there were no Jewish people in it. The Christians and Muslims together account for close to 50% of the human population and try as they might to do good in the world they are invariably stymied by the less than 8% that comprises the Jewish population. Must be our brilliance! Funny thing is if there were no Jewish people, there'd also be no Christians and Muslims since both religions arose out of Judaism. I suppose you're also planning the re-crucify Jesus if he dare show his face around here again. After all, the God you worship, also was Jewish. If he's actually a God and listening to your toxicity, I'm wondering what he thinks about mindless bigots..

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

after watching for 9 months the whole federal govt and the rest of the West including the arabs bowing to bibi satanyahu while he pisses on them so he can continue the slaughter and t RNC convention where numerous people ordered the crowd to worship jews you got the gall to make like your people are powerless. your tribe had Jesus crucified and in John 8:44 he told the pharisees their father was the devil. do you get wargasms over the 35K dead kids in Gaza and when they clear the rubble that number will double. if you were not a jewish supremacist you would see how I ripped the kennedy clan

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As you know, I don't shy away from this issue. But it is ridiculous to suggest that all Jews are part of some conspiracy. Most of my cousins are half or quarter Jewish. None of them have ever been in a synagogue. They were raised Catholic, and like most Catholics, eventually fell away from the Church. It cannot be denied that a very minute portion of Jews hold wildly disproportionate positions of power in important industries, especially the media and entertainment worlds. Jews are only 2 percent of the population, and these powerful figures are probably only a tiny fraction of that 2 percent. The reason why this belief continues to so widespread, especially in the alt media, is because you are called anti-Semitic if you simply question why this small Jewish elite continually has such power and influence. I don't generalize about any group, or hate anyone because of skin color or religion. But these are legitimate questions, and they are more powerful if you ask them politely. Thanks.

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DJ I never said all jews are part of the controllers. but I will say this you could be friends with a few jews for decades and say to them...I think all aid should be cut to israel then see what happens

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Jul 21Liked by Donald Jeffries

There is a difference between Zionism and Jewish religion and culture.

Most people seem ignorant of that fact.

One can be a white christian zionist.

Evil is evil. In all nationalities.

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How are we powerless? We are less than 8% of the population as compared to your 25% and look how scared of us you are. Funny how you blind yourself to the multiple of non-Jewish psychopaths in order to better serve your anti-semitic agenda. There's enough evil to share among all people.. There is no particular group that has a monopoly on either good or evil. I just have a very low opinion of those who base their beliefs on ignorance, hatred and bigotry. And how dare you presume that sharing an ethnicity with a nation indicates that I necessarily share that government's agenda. Or that I in anyway am responsible for the agenda of any government, even that of the country in which I live. If your concern is I might not realize what an incredibly stupid person you are, don't worry, your first comment already proved that. And if American, do you then assume the guilt of the American government in all of its 80 something criminal invasions of foreign countries? How much guilt do you feel over the deaths of what must amount to ten times the holocaust caused by the U.S. government?

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It is Israel that has now made it "official" that you are not a Jew if you don't support it. That you are not a Jew if you are "anti-Zionist." Unofficially, it's been that way at least since 1967. From 1948-1967 it wasn't that way, certainly not in the United States.

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Nazi Germany did not start with the murder of the Jewish people. They started, I believe, with the elderly. Sound familiar? And of course the indigent, the handicapped,, mentally and physically, As I recall, Hitler wrote a letter of thanks to the American Eugenics Society, whose membership was predominantly WASP with English roots. Hitler thanked them for giving him such good ideas about how to get rid of "unwanted" populations. Should I assume you're a big fan? Believe it or not, there was a long, extremely brutal history that long preceded the existence of the State of Israel which I hear is about the size of the State of Vermont. The purpose of ALL governments is self-preservation and they have always used any means necessary to achieve their goal. The only exception that MIGHT exist as far as I know, perhaps was Libya under Gadaffi until he was murdered by Obama/Clinton, two (non-Jewish and quite as vile as Netanyahu) who all should be occupying prison cells, not mansions. Let us not forget Sacco and Vanzetti, HUAC, the "cold war", the Monroe Doctrine, the espionage act. As that great Rabbi, Jesus is given credit for having said, "remove the beam from your own country's eye before worrying about the beam in the eye of someone else's country, escpecially if the beam in your own country's eye is about the size of the beam of every other country combinedz" -or something like that.

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As an American, I do not assume guilt for the American government's criminal invasions of foreign countries - precisely because they were instigated by and for the benefit of your fellow Jews - who control America for the benefit of your people, despite the fact that you personally might not be directly involved.


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Maybe you’re simply not aware so this may help.

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I am not scared of anybody chubby dove

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I could add a few other troublemaker groups. Don't take it so personally.

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I was under the impression they split/revolted from the "Jewish" god to a belief in a universal divinity. Is that the same as "arising from?"

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If there were no Jewish people, there wouldn't have been Jesus. He was born, lived and died a Jew.

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You strike me as a contrarian like Groucho Marx: I wouldn't join any club that would have me as a member.

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Jul 18Liked by Donald Jeffries

The assassination of JFK Junior has always mystified me, the way they can just boldly lie. The weather at Martha's Vinyard was crystal clear that day, and I do think there are some photos of a wedding that took place toward the Evening Twilight showing a clear sky. The weather forecast for the general area- don't try and get forecasts for the vineyard- they've all been hacked- was supremely uneventful. For a haze or bad conditions to developed, the temperature would have had to have fallen dramatically in just a few hours after sunset- and they were not even spraying chemtrails back then.

Back then. Local News Outlets and papers usually had one or two good investigative reporters to keep up appearences. If they would have had the lame Pravda-like reporting from today with accounts only from largely unnamed "official sources", readership and viewership would have plummeted like a brick from space. That four hours of unedited videotape must be jaw dropping. But more to the point, I would have loved to have been in the control tower ten minutes before until ten minutes after the assassination. They were probably getting instructions from players very high up in the dark world of the intelligence agencies, and I would have loved to be a dog behind the wall.

I don't know exactly why they chose that date- feast of Our Lady of Mt Carmel- to off JFK Jr.

But we will know all come Judgment Day. (Which might be a lot closer than many care to imagine...)

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Good points, WW. Thanks.

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The truth is rather boring: he wasn't a very good pilot.

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Actually, God is Truth, and the Truth sets us free.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion. But for not being a good pilot, he certainly had a lot of flying time, and was instrument certified, if I recollect. There was no dramatic or eventful weather that night. So people are entitled to ask questions.

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Yes, people are entitled to asked questions, WW. The Deep State hates us and is entirely capable of the worst acts. We now know that many official version of the truth are wrong (e.g. the Gulf of Tonkin "incident"). I also have questions about the downing of TWA flight 800. However, in this case, I don't think there is any conspiracy. It was pilot error.

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Jul 19Liked by Donald Jeffries

I think that this is the first time I have ever heard that Ted Kennedy was not in the car at Chappaquiddick. Do you elaborate on that in your upcoming book American Memory Hole, or one of your earlier books?

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I covered Chappaquiddick in "Hidden History," David, and go into a bit more in "American Memory Hole." It is a magic bullet level of fairy tale to accept that the big, bulky, and probably drunk Teddy managed to get out of that car (while the young, athletic Mary Jo couldn't), and swim across the channel to boot. Thanks!

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Jul 20Liked by Donald Jeffries

Sorry, Donald. Poor phrasing in my previous post. I really am asking about this, as I hadn’t heard the theory that Teddy wasn’t even in the car. Considering the many reveals by revisionists and others that what we call “American history” has in fact large elements of false about it, this too wouldn’t surprise me. Curious to hear the true story here.

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I understood you fine, Rob. I know I'm in a distinct minority on this, but then again I'm used to that. Teddy may not have seemed like a threat as he became an often laughable mainstream liberal in the Senate, but the elite knew who he was related to. They've read Hamlet. Thanks!

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Jul 21Liked by Donald Jeffries

I watched a short video with John Judge just the other day on the Chappaqudick event.

Judge stated emphatically that Kennedy was not in the car.

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I never knew Judge, but it seems we looked at things in the same way. When former Rep. Cynthia McKinney first contacted me about my writing, she said that I reminded her of him. Thanks, Judith!

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Jul 20Liked by Donald Jeffries

The suggestion here then is that she was murdered -- i.e., it was not an "accident" and did not occur via drowning in a car -- and that Teddy was in no way involved (or only indirectly)? In other words, all of Chappaquiddick was entirely made up, with Teddy acting as a convenient scapegoat? Thus, the only "true" part is that Mary Jo was "killed" (i.e., murdered, but in a manner that was covered up). That's what I'm intuiting from this.

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Yes, pretty much, Rob. Teddy's story was ridiculous. It isn't remotely believable. The morning after, Ted was seen chatting and laughing normally with a group of friends. Then his cousin Joe Gargan and Paul Markham came up and whispered something in his ear. He turned white as a ghost, and rushed off. I don't think Teddy had it in him to murder someone, or even leave them behind to die, without summoning help quickly. I do know that it's hard to believe that someone of his size, back condition, and probably drunk, was able to get out, while Mary Jo couldn't. And, of course, his chances at the presidency died that night, too. I think it was a political assassination. Thanks.

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Jul 20Liked by Donald Jeffries

OK. Interesting. Thanks for this.

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Jul 19Liked by Donald Jeffries

Ok, I will look for that. I have “Hidden History”, but so far I have only read about half of the book, even though I have had it for 6 or 7 years. I have a quirky way of reading (nonfiction) books, where I start reading from a different random point in the book each time I pick it up. I never finish the books, and don’t even have any way of knowing which portions I haven’t read yet because of my quirky method.

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That's one book you can read that way, David. Thanks!

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Jul 19Liked by Donald Jeffries

I remember reading of the possibility that JFK Jr. was waiting at the airport for his instructor to arrive, as he hardly flew without one. Also the found wreckage was apparently missing a second front seat where the instructor would have been .......... but at this point anything that could confirm that has been effectively memory holed. They needed to portray JFK Jr as reckless and/ or inexperienced (having over 300 hours, my 18 year old son soloed with 40 ...) for the narrative and to cover up the hit and the addition to the Clinton Body Count. It had been mentioned that JFK's magazine title was a hint to whom he thought killed his dad........... George Herbert Walker Bush ..........

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The surveillance footage from the airport has never been seen, Wade. JFK, Jr. supposedly made a last minute phone call to someone. We still don't know to who. You'd think the last person to talk to him would have come forward. Thanks.

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Jul 19Liked by Donald Jeffries

great article again, it is so maddening however to realize how deprived of access to truth the "freest and bravest people in the world are" in the freest country in the world to boot. I mean how many times do these killings take place and such a minute handful are so numb just sitting and chirping for the bald eagle of information to vomit some conviluted BS regurgitated propaganda into their brains? Truth and seeking truth has been a crime punishable by death for far too many (mostly unknnwn) young and old. Maybe one day we might value life and the pursuit of happioness for all people enough to really pursue and protect it and not just yap about it at a bogus political convention. Find teh connection between the Bush family and the Kennedy's fascinating. That is worth people researching, look up W wherabouts after the "reckless" mishap of JFK jr. I suspect both George's saw both Kennedy Father and Son die.

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Thanks, spnbb!

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I remember seeing a picture of Bush Sr and Jr clubbing baby seals to death on their holiday in Alaska.

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Not sure if its a joke or serious/ But honestly they prefer to abuse human children, the whole family is evil. Of course you can question and cajole but more in a long series of coincidences and connections.

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It was a joke, Spnbb. I get it that our "leaders" are pretty evil, but also get annoyed at the constant round of conspiracy theories.

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Jul 18Liked by Donald Jeffries

I figure that it was widely assumed- by his dad's killers- that if John John wanted to be President, all he needed to do was say so. DIPSTATE could certainly not allow that.

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Yep. He was fine until they learned of his political ambitions. And especially how he'd been obsessed about his father's assassination behind the scenes. Thanks, Mike.

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Jul 18Liked by Donald Jeffries

I fear there are things that we will never find truth in. After all, we are the incompetent little people who only grease the bearings of the lever puller machines.

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If only we had a free press, Eric. Thanks.

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Jul 19Liked by Donald Jeffries

We can continue to pray for the best but prepare for the worst! Be well.

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