In 1967 I saw Harold Weisberg on the Joe Pyne TV show, speaking about his book on the JFK assassination, "Whitewash". He was consistently heckled and interrupted by guests allegedly there to challenge his views but in actuality they served the same purpose as internet trolls. At one point Joe Pyne got so fed up with their harassment tactics he threatened to throw them off the show unless they let Weisberg speak without cutting him off and changing the subject. The reason they did this was obvious. Weisberg argumentatively was skillfully destroying these assholes. Weisberg was a good man but it was his fellow tribesmen, the Israelis in collusion with Jews in the U.S. and their goyim sycophants here that "capped" JFK. This truth is forbidden to be mentioned by the mainstream. Like Oscar Wilde's catamite, the love that dare not speak its name. This is a real gem, Don, thank you.

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My father used to watch Joe Pyne regularly, Hereticdrummer. "Take a walk!" Thanks.

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There is credible information, by Dr. Charles Burton, that JFK suffered from adhesive arachnoiditis, which causes intractable pain. I've had this myself since a near fatal skydiving accident, landing on my sacrum at 70mph. The daily pain from adhesive arachnoiditis - comparable to that of bone cancer, 24/7 - taught me humility, grace, and God's will. I am therefore not surprised that JFK promoted peace. Intractable pain brings an awareness, through suffering, of the frailty and strength of humans. It can lead to humanitarian insights, and that mauling and murdering humans is wrong. Wounded in action soldiers, children losing limbs, their parents murdered, means real physical and mental suffering. JFK perhaps understood that through his own severe neuropathic pain. I sure do. My first book is "The Queen of Ketamine, How Comedy and Ketamine Saved my Chronic Pain Life," but my second one will be "The Queen of Kindness: How Being Sweet Saved my Intractable Pain Life". I've been able to hold on to kindness, and never became bitter, for 30 years now. And it's too easy, and lazy, to paint JFK as "taking too many meds", instead of honoring his dignity and humility, and enlightening the world on what he accomplished, despite intractable pain. The best way Trump can honor this extraordinary man is by releasing all documents. It would also help to promote peace and ceasefire, with more awareness of why he was killed. They, whoever they are, didn't want peace. Peace doesn't make the MIC any money. Thanks Donald, you're one of my fav writers!

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he went in battle dint have to as rumpty dumpty bucheney et al injured went back in not influenza or affluenza as brother kids drugging me after nearly saving their two siblings

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Me too. I was inspired by The World's Greatest Hitchhiker, who Pyne's show introduced me to.

Years later, I actually met the WGHH, hitching down 66,tfe main road of our town.

Then, as a 14 year old, I made my first trip to California, and criss crossed the country across the next six years, until I got my traveling partner pregnant and we went home and I got a job and an apartment for us.

But my favorite was a guy who had exquisite, unbelievable muscular control and could make pretty much any muscle in his body dance, like some guys can do with their pectorals.

He inspired me too and I can still roll my belly and belly dance, which made it easy to get a laugh through the years.

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You're welcome, Don. Pyne was a Korean War Veteran and was disabled due to a combat wound on one of his legs, I think. Thanks again.

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they left dubbyah dubbyahoo2 weapons in bushes in Vietnam Korea for planned future events

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Sure. It could not possibly have anything to do with him threatening the CIA, his brother threatening the Mob that enabled the Administration, his signing an executive order to end the Fed, or anything suggested by Donald or any other researcher, nope, it has to have been those dastardly Zionists daring to obey God and redeem their land from the 'Slime Devils seeking to usurp them

I guess all along, I should have expected it would take someone blinded by Jew Hate Propaganda to finally solve this mystery.

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It's no mystery at all. Their god is Jehovah/Yahweh/Satan a.k.a. the Demiurge or Yaldabaoth as the Ancient Gnostics called him. The anthropomorphic, murderous psychopath of the Old Testament. The evil asura, creator and lord of the inferior realm of base matter. The soul-trap, matrix prison. That's why Jews do so well, prospering and thriving here. This is their turf, bequeathed to them by daddy Demiurge. The vast majority of Jews, the shot-callers in Israel (and in the U.S., "Israel West",) are not indigenous to anywhere in the Middle East. They are descendants of the Khazar/Pechenegs, a Turkic/Mongol tribe from south of the Urals near Russia. No hate, just facts.

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jfKmlKrfKillerjr2same bul-let kissassassingernations worldwide Benz Bhutto on bush 911/22 outing at it again this times false prophets in full profits sports Nuremberg us /them bio psyche0p branching coviedian complex General Mind Control fly overs truxflux

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Wow, you really are a wack job with no tangential connection to reality.

I mean seriously, you must be utterly insane to believe that a God who demands moral decency is evil.

You have similarly disconnected peers who don't accuse God of being Satan, instead their delusion is that Satan IS God, which is equally all the way past illogical and into the realm of Insanity.

Tell me, are you also deluded enough to believe Fakestinians are indigenous or have any vague claim to the land they occupy?

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A god who demands moral decency? The god who commanded his Yid kids to slaughter all the inhabitants of the lands they coveted, including women, children, old men, and even all of their animals and also exterminate those who refused to bend the knee to that psychopathic, asura, cosmic, asshole? You can stick that "moral decency" where the sun don't shine, and your warped version of reality right along with it. By the way, fool, anyone with two brain cells to rub together (that excludes you) knows that the Palestinian Arabs are indigenous to those lands along with the Sephardic Jews with whom they are genetically similar and lived with in peaceful coexistence for centuries until the Turkic/Mongol Ashkenazi Jews came along and the death, destruction, and dispossession commenced. The Ashkenazi Jews treat the Sephardic Jews in Israel like 2nd class citizens, blatantly discriminating against them and calling them, Kooshim, which means "niggers". There's more biblical "moral decency" for you.

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john liar as ex brothers sicker follower key veins follower of other by for evil

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BTW the biggest "mob" in the US was "The Company" run by Meyer Lansky and it was Jewish. 33% of the Warren commission were Jewish. So was Zapruder and Ruby. But go ahead and play the victim card again. One more BTW>. Moses was an invention of the 4th century, so the whole "historical" basis is BS too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjOW7vfPILA

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It makes not one iota of a trace of a ghost of a difference what Meyer Lansky did.

Are you also racist slime enough to believe every Italian is responsible for the crimes done by the Mafioso he serviced.

You Jew Haters are abysmally stupid and gullible.

Do you also believe in Fakestinians?

That particular fantasy requires a full on ignoramus to swallow such obvious nonsense.

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Ah, John, how's the resident Hasbara troll today?

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nazionsists wrong DNA

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...or like "Vietnam" (started only days after he died...)... imho that's a bigger elephant than the nukes... plus Israel NEEDED the US fer support an' nukes aside, JFK was not at all a hater...

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ps OR the Nazis--entire OSS later CIA was all Nazis an' Dulles who brought 'em in was in charge / JFK's arch enemy--I read one theory that JFK was gonna spill the beans that we not only let all the Nazi's go--we hired 'em! (Paperclip would not've gone over well with the American public whose "good will" wuz needed to invent a war in Vietnam)

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LilBJ Liberty cover for false positive Vietnam repost in press, as DQ Hoovers FIB

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...nearly got'cha decoded but not ketchin' yer drift 'bout the DQ??? (DQ means Dairy Queen ta me!)---also, ya mean that the Liberty attack covered fer LBJ over fake Gulf of Tonkin? (i.e. LBJ ordered it/ Israel complied as payin' a favor?) 'er something else? (lol, I know there's LOTS else!)

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well doesnt investigate Liberty mossad.CI press give good false Vietnam reports to my understanding queen dragger MI6 daggars she admits they with CI moSSad take out Mossedieghs oil nationalization see movie Queens Coup 1963 same year Frank Olsen Wormwood Netflix as JFK was surely to do sextillions spread amongst billions now spread amongst non prostituting masses better transport growth as poorichest truly more bill EEEE yon heirs

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Laurent Guyenot thinks it was the Jews. He lists their motivations. https://substack.com/home/post/p-151975269

> Zionists daring to obey God and redeem their land from the 'Slime Devils seeking to usurp them

Sounds like a friendly bunch arriving late but just trying to get along.

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'Guns Oil DRugs' as soldiers ans Smedley Butler knew

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baby patsy ploy dupe white 0p jonjon Cummulative dis-Information Access block cocked

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"In 1967 I saw Harold Weisberg on the Joe Pyne TV show,..."

Joe Pyne, now there is a name from the past...quite the character. You, like me, are no spring chicken.

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You are quite correct. I am no spring chicken. I prefer to think of myself as an elder eagle.

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Good one.

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Thank you.

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Not me. I am sticking with Eternal Teenager.

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Well, I was # 34.. almost didn't want to to like as learned last year ,all in Dallas including city was first, the wormhole running through all agency's and as individuals /groups , were indeed 33rd Deg masons I was told by Ted Turner in Bozeman, Mt at his restaurant ,from to Dealys of (Plza) to LBJ , Hoover ,Hunt , Mayor Earls Cabal as fired Gen brother with Allen Dulles, ans Gen Bissil at BOP incident AF Gen Lemay Gen Lansdale, Walker CIA ZR1 Rfle assassination team named 'Executive Action" Bill Harvey Warrens omission to my neighbor cover up media mans Time Life Magazine asn Dallas Cowboys Clint Murchison both had places in Ridegfield Ct with an LBJ pilot and oil oligarch Schlumberger's Demenil

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I had the opportunity to visit the assassination sight/ book depository about 23 years ago. At the time, we were permitted to enter the 6th floor and stand by the window directly next to the one where LHO supposedly fired 3 rounds in about 7 seconds. Considering the "accuracy" of at least 2 of those shots, this would have been quite difficult even if a semiautomatic rifle had been used. Bolt action - not a chance!

The events of Nov 22-24, 1963, cemented the deep state's control over the US gov't....right under the noses of a gullible US population. The unprecedented amount of false flag events since then has only tightened the grip on power.

Thanks Don

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The official story is impossible, Robert. Thanks.

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The official stories of the JFK assassination and 911 are ridiculous as well as being impossible. It seems to me that their goal of making us afraid has been abandoned in favor of making us feel helpless, by openly insulting the intelligence of those they target with their poorly constructed lies.

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indeed found prewarning from prior nights closing morning of on 911 when store first opened on BBS bathroom wall Lincoln Cntr as put Jack in to carry 'n whack to meet Abraham at grassy Knoll-edge Bar 'n Kill

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i was there 911 found pre patsy warning ans was cheap replacement of Operation Northwoods by 911/22now bioweapons a s JFK warned in SS speech 4/27/61

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Another great post, Donald. Kudos for keeping the Kennedy assassination psyop alive. I was wondering as I always do come November 22 whether there would be any coverage or remembrance. It seems to be really is going down the memory hole. I clearly remember the moment I found out. I was in elementary school. A classmate had entered the classroom, went to her seat and there was murmuring around where she sat. Our teacher, a disagreeable taskmaster who was feared by all called her out. What was so important, she asked, to interrupt the class? To which my classmate replied, the President has been shot. The fearsome witch emphatically said, that’s ridiculous. In those days TV had just been installed in every classroom. She turned it on to find the news was true. That pretty much shut her up for a minute or two before she cracked the whip to get us back to our lessons. I also remember a few days later my mother watching live coverage screamed out that Oswald had just been shot. She saw it live on TV. Heady days. My first experience of questioning the official story came about with Mark Lane and his book “Rush to Judgment“. One of the best reads I’ve ever had was James W Douglass‘s, “JFK and the Unspeakable“. Michael Collins Piper spoke and wrote out the Israeli connection. From JFK to 9/11 to Covid and many more in between, the Deep State’s hand is pulling the strings. What’s next?

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I appreciate that, Danny. Yes, the remembrances get smaller every year. I found out about it from our school bus driver, as we boarded the bus to go home. Thanks.

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And I at afternoon recess when the principal (another wicked witch, fwiw) came out and announced it. You were 2 hours ahead.

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I was either home sick or was sent home from school- you know back when everybody walked. The news media still to this day spew the lone nut theory and we know the media never lies...

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We probably heard it at the same time about 10 miles apart. I was on the school bus heading home from Walt Whitman Middle School and was told by a friend whose father I believe worked for the CIA.

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You’re welcome, Donald. Thank you for keeping it alive.

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"Yes, the remembrances get smaller every year". This year almost no one mentioned it. It really pissed me off. No one seems to care. Same with NawnLeven. No one gives a damn. I suppose it is rooted in human nature where one has to move on to survive without damning themselves to nostalgia.

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I was 8 years old, in third grade. I remember our principle, Mr. Stevens, opening the classroom door just far enough to stick his head in. He said to our teacher, "Class is being dismissed immediately; have the children line up for their buses." Nothing more was said. When I got home, my mother had the television on. I was too young to understand the import. I remember the black and white images on tv all weekend long, asking my parents, "When will my shows (cartoons) be back on?" No one was informing an 8-year-old what was happening.

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i was three remember patsy being shot as Henry Luce got Zap film kept in my hometown 12 years til released under pressures they had made changes by then needed capable of

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I was 4 and when JFK’s coffin was lying in state in the Capitol my mother and aunt were crying at the kitchen table. This upset me, so I suggested putting on cartoons to make them feel better.

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2 white swan event by women at WHO/WEF announced ... how to have name for unknown as i brought down FIB director in NY On Fl 800 at Marien conference for preschool drop out failed cub scout

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Yes, the military was involved big-time. The JFK plot was basically the Northwoods red-flag exercise rewarmed with JFK as the MacGuffin. Ed Lansdale got to start out the pretext for Northwoods using JFK instead of a few Cubans and Floridians. Ready-made were double-crossed JFK enemies like the CIA, mafia, LBJ, and Texas oil. Only too willing to help without being asked twice.

On November 22, 1963, Air Force pilots discovered their B-52's had no code books that would permit attacking the Soviet Union. Had there been an enemy attack that day our B-52's could not have defended the United States. Because General Curtis LeMay didn't want the assassination sequelae to get out of hand and lead to some lone pilot deciding to take matters into his own hands. And, neither Lee Harvey Oswald nor the mafia had the clout to get the Air Force code books out of the cockpits. Only Curtis LeMay could do that.

When JFK was shot, LeMay was pretending to fish just inside Canada, with his trusty single sideband radio at his side. When the hoped for news came he was off to Washington DC to gloat over the autopsy. The other Joint Chiefs of Staff were at a Pentagon meeting with their West German counterparts. An aide stuck his head in to announce JFK had been shot, and they pointedly ignored the news. The West Germans were astonished, as desired. A few minutes later when the aide returned to announce JFK was dead, the West Germans were even more astonished there was no reaction and the Americans kept on with the meeting as if nothing was amiss. But the American brass had made their point. JFK's death was no kind of problem for the United States, and it was no kind of surprise to the Joint Chiefs. They were in it up beyond their eyeballs, and made sure people like Fletcher Prouty were out of the way so they had a free hand to move conspirators around. Like flying the real Oswald out of Dallas on the CIA C-54 flight witnessed by Sgt. Robert Vinson.

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Good points, Jackie. Yes, only JFK saved us from Operation Northwoods. Everyone else at the top of the government approved this mad scheme. Yes, LeMay is certainly high on the list of suspected conspirators. Thanks!

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Bad blood all around. At the end of the autopsy, Admirals Galloway and Buckley ordered autopsy doctor Humes to castrate JFK. Humes refused, but was threatened with court martial, brig time, and loss of retirement pay. So he complied under protest. Rumor is that LeMay ended up with a pickled bottle of the Kennedy family jewels. Another rumor is that the Z220 shot into the throat, which was intended as a forehead shot, was made by a rifle that LeMay owned personally.

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OMG... no, really? gotta link ta share on this too... (I heard 'bout the body switch theory from "Rich Man's Trick" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oVpt_I9iQQ ) but NEVER this tale of the fambly JEWELS...egads!)

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ps https://rumble.com/v5sbdf8-milton-william-bill-cooper-on-jfk-assassination.html

Bill Cooper also sez brain switched (just like Rich Man's Trick)

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Downstairs at Bethesda, Ed Reed and Tom Robinson saw Humes use saws and pliers to make JFK's seven head bullet holes (entrances and exits) into one big hole explainable to suckers as due to one bullet. The V-cut in the skin above the right eye was to cut away the bullet hole from the Z286 storm sewer drain shot. Look at a good copy of the Mary Moorman photo and you can see the two-inch exit from the Z286 bullet at the top of the occipital bone. In frame Z286 is Babushka Lady's shadow. Half way along the shadow, flying up and to the left, is a two-inch piece of JFK's skull and hair. All this plus the Bethesda lateral skull x-rays points back to the storm sewer drain opening.

The irregular white curve at the bottom of the wound in Mary Moorman is JFK's skull thickness as just blasted open. Humes had an extensive brain collection, so he could use them to tell any story demanded of him by Adm. Burkley and Galloway. When the body was wheeled in to the make-believe official autopsy upstairs at 8pm, Jim Jenkins could tell right away a brain switch had been pulled because he saw the cut carotid arteries. Next week when Humes gave Finck a private brain autopsy session, Finck could tell the brain had been in preservative formaldehyde for at least 10 days and therefore couldn't possibly be JFK's brain. This due to the discoloration and hardening from natural status conditions.

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oh my! Whatta'bout the theory that they switched heads (bodies) with the policeman J.D. Tippit who wuz a dead ringer fer JFK? Zo they made him dead ta do the swticheroo... (in that case no "formal-de-hide" would'a been needed but I heard they messed up that'un too--sumthin' bout cuttin' on the wrong side... an' it bein' done on AirForce1)... or is that bunkum?

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saved with Khrushchev & Vasily Archipov 7 times whey as we'd al be dead 62 plus years ago

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--------------- List of At Least 37 Bullets Fired in Dealey Plaza on Nov. 22, 1963 ----------------

01- Z143 to pavement in front of Phil Willis, commence fire shot

02- Z155 to pavement at left rear of limousine, commence fire confirmation shot with colored sparks

03- Z206 to JFK right shoulder, in 1.25 inches, fell out on Jerrol Custer x-ray exam table, underpowered. Purpose = make JFK flinch up for the Z220 shot intended as forehead.

04- Z220 to JFK throat via windshield from southern grassy knoll, intended for head, underpowered to hopefully send JFK to neurosurgery intensive care for delay period.

05- Z250 to area of external occipital protuberance, ended right of vomer bone, underpowered, to put JFK in coma by Z251 (yes, dropping hands) for neuro intensive care and John Liggett dummying all wounds to appear from behind. But Umbrella Man signalled for unnecessary blaster shots so body had to go to Bethesda for cover-up,

06- Z286 to upper right forehead from storm sewer drain, exit visible on quality Moorman photo at cowlick

07- Z313 Harry Weatherford shot from Central Records, in back of head out as right temple flap wound with hinge down. JFK head flops left side down, accumulate blood.

08- Z342 In at right temple, out at site of Z313 exit obliterating it. Trick shot leaving one hole from 2 shooters. Massive blood fountain to rear from accumulation since Z313.

Zapruder frame 413 (Costella, low) and Z475- distraction con men at fence line making smoke and noise, just right of tree with yellow leaves. Also on Mary Moorman photo

--------- prior shots in time sequence, following shots at unclear exact times ---------------

09- hit windshield rim above and left of Kellerman's head. CE399 is fake substitute for Sam Kinney bullet

10- found by Jesse Curry slightly south of south curb in grass, angle suggests another commence fire shot

11, 12- into Connally from third man on sixth floor, from west end of TSBD. There was no lone sniper

13- Harry Weatherford shot from Central Records to concrete pad near manhole cover south of grassy knoll

14- bullet stolen by Deputy Buddy Walthers for his own personal curiosity

15- Jean Hill bullet hitting grass at her feet, as related to her by Secret Service

16- another colored pyrotechnic signal shot, this time for cease-fire at grassy knoll, but largely ignored

17, 18, 19- and maybe more past heads of Jean Hill and Mary Moorman, standing near yellow curb mark

20,21- and probably more past head of Malcolm Summers as he dove for the grass

22- ricochet off curb into right cheek of James Tague

23- found in limousine night of Nov. 22 by Mills & Martinelli of the James Young crew, denied by Gerald Ford

24, 25, 26- shell casing found later on roof of Central Records Building under A/C, bullets on several roofs

27, 28, 29, 30- impacts heard by Malcolm Summers and Roy Kellerman (WCR 2:66) slamming inside limo

31- gouge into sidewalk west of book depository covered by police car Nov. 22, Penn Jones, Robt Groden

32- embedded in bubble top arch = holder in front of Connallys, Arlo Childers at Hess and Eisenhart repairs

33- stretcher bullet as JFK entered Parkland halfway between earlobe and shoulder, nurse Phyllis J. Hall

xx- fake = Paul Landis claimed loose bullet on seatback top. If true would require second hole in JFK shirt

34= Barbee specimen, rooftop near Stemmons

35= Haythorne specimen, roof of Massey building

36= Lester specimen

37= Dal-Tex specimen, brass shell with crimped edges, from roof. Likely a custom sabot preparation.

The Walder and Belmont bullets have disappeared.

CE399 was a fake substitute for the bullet Sam Kinney found in the limo when LBJ's henchmen had him washing away blood evidence outside Parkland Hospital. The true original was copper FMJ full metal jacket except the pointy tip was lead. When it was noticed the CE399 fake had six grooves and lands, while Mannlicher-Carcano rifles only create four lands and grooves, yet another fake was switched in with the "correct" four lands and grooves. It also was magically 0.125 inches shorter.

The dent in the windshield edging, above Kellerman's head and to the left, was due to a ricocheted bullet spinning clockwise as seen from above. Airport photos from the day before show it wasn't present then. This may have been a seventh contact bullet that bounced off the top of JFK's head and flattened on its side when hitting the windshield edging. cf #9 for identity and cf bullet #32 from list above for trajectory type.

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Yes, I remember hearing a witness state that he heard "shots falling on top of each other." Not possible for the Carcano.

Meanwhile the FBI stated that you heard "Echos, Echos".

Dealey Plaza is a very small place. It is possible that you could hear echos, But....

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Three shots were made with regular rifles. The other thirty-plus were made with silencer rifles, which have different levels of silencing from one example to another.

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yes why John Judge(killed with 2 weeks of Mike Ruppert in '14 thorn killers side to long" who grew up in Pentagon with 5 levels above top secret mother attrition body count projection i cant stop speaking truth t since found a's in Dis-tory should be F's at 30 of Stones throw at rocky fellas pebbles boulderization

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"On the Trail of the Assassins" – Jim Garrison; "JFK: The CIA, Vietnam and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy" and "The Secret Team: The CIA in Control of America and the World" – Leroy Fletcher Prouty; "Best Evidence" – David Lifton. My experiences. You taught a course in it, I just read and thought about it for all my adult life.

What took over the US government on Nov 22, 1963? The ones who honchoed the Vietnam War. The ones who had the power to make Lyndon Johnson complicit in the Israeli conquest of Gaza and the West Bank. I met a young man in Sept 1967 who told me that the IDF were slitting the throats of women and children that summer. THEY HAVE NEVER LET GO! If they are not stopped they will cause a nuclear war. This isn't history! It's NOW.

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All good books, James. You make good points. Thanks.

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Thanks, Don.

Once again just recently a YouTube creator replayed this footage from the Church Committee. I recall the late Fletch Prouty saying (I hope it is still on his posthumously available website) that he was advised of, and was demonstrated, the gas propelled dart gun which Barry Goldwater is shown handling while on the Church Committee panel. I am sure the revelation of that weapon, and the further revelations of course, was what got William Colby murdered. Fletcher said that the gun he was shown fired a steel dart. He related this system to the speculation that what “Umbrella Man” on Dealey Plaza had opened and deployed was a gas propelled dart weapon in the form of an umbrella, that he had shot a dart into the throat of JFK and that this dart carried a poison which had the effect of almost instantly paralyzing Kennedy so he would be still and ready for the fatal head shot.

I don’t recall the source of the details about this poison but I do recall that it was said to have been invented to be carried in a dart which would be made of a plastic gelatine material which would melt and dissolve in the warmth of a target’s body to leave no trace of itself and only a tiny entrance wound. The poison was designed to be shot into a guard dog and it would instantly paralyze the animal so it could not raise an alarm. The CIA “black bag” break-in would be accomplished and next morning the dog would revive and its owners would have no way of knowing that there had been a burglary done.

Prouty wrote that he was fairly certain that this dart weapon system was operational by November 22, 1963. No more than a dozen or so top CIA people would have been privy to it and to the range of poisons available at that time, he averred.

In the most practical sense, I would say the significance of this trail of evidence lends great support to the theory that only a “Black Ops”, CIA honchoed operation – from “hired men” on the ground, directly supervised by “General” Lansdale in my opinion, to US ONI officers and the head of the Secret Service – can explain the JFK assassination.

L. Fletcher Prouty was sent (anonymously in a plain manilla envelope) prints of all the original photos taken of the “Tramps” who were “arrested" (apparently and very demonstrably) on November 22. In the series were several shots of a tall man in a dark suit walking past one of these “tramps” while never showing more than a 3/4 view of himself from the left rear as he walked away. Fletch suspected that this man was Ed Lansdale; he sent copies of the pictures to his old boss General Krulak without comment and Krulak independently confirmed his strong suspicion that this man was Lansdale. I believe Fletch was sent the photos and that he was advised of the existence of the dart gun system in order to inform him of what he must not reveal “or else”.

Prouty never did write about these things publicly – except in letters and partially in some articles for men’s magazines in the 1970s and 1980s, which should still be available on the L.F. Prouty website – only saying that the mechanics of the JFK assassination were irrelevant compared to the bigger picture he revealed in “The Secret Team” and even more fully and profoundly in “JFK”. Prouty only talked about these details after his former superior officer, and near neighbour, Ed Lansdale, was safely dead. Lansdale was the officer who had shipped Fletcher off to Antarctica to observe the installation of a compact miniature nuclear reactor power station so that Fletch would be out of Washington on the day and unable to supervise the VIP protection details which he would have been responsible for providing to protect Kennedy in Dallas. Ed Lansdale had regaled his subordinate Prouty with his tales of laughingly throwing screaming Vietnamese prisoners out of helicopters, which was Lansdale’s idea of a jolly good old time.

Why would the CIA be even hinting at these details, ever? Why would L. Fletcher Prouty be left alive? Prouty’s book “The Secret Team” was almost completely destroyed by the mid 1970s [I found and skimmed through one paperback copy in the library at UBC, probably in 1973. I now have copies of both books] but “JFK” was not destroyed and Oliver Stone was permitted to make his movie. Why was that permitted when obviously complete secrecy “from inception to eternity” would have been possible, or so you’d think?

For one thing Jim Garrison had been able to subpoena and copy and distribute hundreds of prints of the (partially altered, but hastily and incompletely so) Zapruder film because he brought Clay Shaw to trial. And ultimately the most arrogant “Covert Ops” CIA cowboy types (pathological scum like Mike D’Andrea who honchoed the murder by drone of General Soleimani and General Al-Muhandis on January 3, 2020), these types, are proud of themselves and want their noble and sacred mission to conquer Russia and China and the World Island be known to posterity. What’s the use of being the Black Eminence that really rules Washington (and London and Tel Aviv and Berlin) if nobody knows about it? What’s the use of being a lawless terror if nobody knows enough to be terrified of you?

Terror is the whole damn point!! Secret Terror, "the Name that must not be Named”, the reality that must not be known even though it is known. The reality of the true extent and true purpose of the “Intelligence Community” which Donald Trump, and his class of wealthy elites in business and media and politics are professionally and usefully ignorant of. This “open secrecy” is, in my opinion, a good explanation for the all-but-pathological idiocy of American and European political leaders concerning the wars in Ukraine and Palestine.

So the “Dancing Israelis” are arrested and the FBI file on them can be Googled and downloaded, as I have done. That way, dumb old cranks like me can bore people to death with all this “ancient history” and in the process contribute to the mythos of the absolute mastery of the Shadowy Government. And what else is Seymour Hersh useful for? And what else has Noam Chomsky been doing all of his long career from the mid ‘60s until now?

And so the Western “Free World" continues to be propelled along the assembly line of ignorance, decadence and stupidity which terminates finally at global thermonuclear war because everything is a game and a bluff. President Putin is not a dealer in bullshit, but there’s nobody in Washington, including Trump – or so I fear – who is capable of knowing the difference between lies and facts.

Is it possible that Trump who got his ear clipped and even Bobby Kennedy Jr still wonder if the JFK assassination story is nothing but a “conspiracy theory" and the CIA is nothing but a loyal agency? I can hardly believe that they could be so ignorant and blind but Trump is capable of saying he believes that Iran is behind the attempts to kill him.

This is why I am left cold by his landslide victory. Who is going to stop the drift to nuclear war?

The CIA's Scariest Weapon - YouTube


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Donald, excellent article.

Yesterday was the sixty-first anniversary of the CIA blowing JFK's brain all over his limousine trunk. This was a milestone in the attempt of the Deep State to gain control of this country. All presidents since have been titular to an increasing degree. All through the 50s, the CIA (the muscle behind the Deep State) worked toward two major efforts. One was a concerted effort to gain hegemony over small countries, such as Iran and Guatemala, and two was efforts to control the U.S. government, with a significant step on November 22nd, 1963. Over the last thirty years, the main effort has been total world hegemony.

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They have been successful, Realist. Thanks!

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as Smedley Butler soldiers say 'Guns Oil DRugs" performed 'Jesus Frotutious Kindness 'ass-ass-i-nation(s) MLK Malcolm Medgar RFK B Bhutto Hampton...was to out bussh on al gore rhythm's dismissal on 911

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Didn't Lyndon Johnson have a mistress who gave him a son? Johnson and his wife, Lady Bird, had two daughters. I also heard - no pun intended - that Johnson liked to expose himself in The White House. LOL. Just random thoughts in my head. I remember the day JFK was assassinated. I was in second grade at Catholic School (which was tuition free back then, not $5K or more per year nowadays) in California and recall the nuns reaction which was shock. My dad, who was a staunch Republican said on the night of the assassination to my mom and her parents "I bet the media will flog this for days." He was off by half a century! So many crimes to dismantle. Thanks for this post.

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Yes, Madeleine Brown. She's the one who claimed that LBJ said, on the night before the assassination, that "after tomorrow, I won't have to worry about those damn Kennedys" or something. Thanks, Lynn.

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I believe Johnson said, roughly, 'After tomorrow, those bastard Kennedys will never embarrass me again.' He had just exited a private room, off a party, when some men had showed up late and they all went in there. It is speculated that this was a confirmation meeting, it concerned the "green light" that the assassination the day following was a "go."

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My mother despised the Johnsons. She always pointed out how "Ladybird" inserted herself into photos, often craning her neck to get her face into the frame. LBJ's egotism was astonishing, making sure that his wife and two daughters all had the same initials as he did.

He remains one of the most widely despised presidents in history, despite the fawning media.

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LBJ was a sociopath - the evidence is overwhelming. (Actually, politics harbors far more of those as a percentage than the average populace). He supposedly had his own hit man (Malcolm Wallace) who dispatched many people in service to LBJ's political protection.

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cant say that at Austin Library even if liberating true I have. away to finally make Texas bigger than Alaska but it'll cost em the truth or the hoover FIB?

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met step relative to this year Dallassassins

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I was listening to a podcast with Congressman Tim Burchett who literally stated his beliefs that lone nuts are the problem “like Oswald’s killing of JFK”… I was gobsmacked, how a representative of congress could still fall for such an astonishing government manufactured controlled myth! Do they not read?

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That doesn't surprise me, Maureen. There are only a few rare examples of public officials willing to say that JFK was killed by a conspiracy. Thanks.

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Thank you Donald… good article… Happy Thanksgiving 🦃🍁🦃

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Even though the 1971(?) senate hearing concluded more than one shooter.

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"I was gobsmacked, how a representative of congress could still fall for such an astonishing government manufactured controlled myth!"

You apparently are living under the illusion that members of Congress gained their position through merit. Congress is made up of some of the dumbest bastards to walk this earth.

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They say whatever they have to say to stay in office and keep the gravy train running.

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maybe he meant lone nutter butter spreading beLIEvers in falsity

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The entire Congress still falls for the ridiculous 9/11 myth.

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the same rogue element is in charge, and infects EVERY governmental and even non-governmental institution. Read Grant Smiths’ ‘Foreign Agents’ https://www.irmep.org/fa.htm

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Trump just refilled the swamp

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Half swamp, a quarter to give some crumbs to the Evangelicals and a quarter of totally loyal "yes" men.

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looks like end of worlders of UsS Titpanic militell says Rome for church/taxation British for Banking JFK to end FED 15 years and as US for AI last empire collapse 91122 convidian bioweapons

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Yeah, right. No Chinese, no Congressman Swallowell, No China Joe, no Indians, surely no Scamming Swampy Ramaswampy, no Elon "CIA" Musk, no Arab 'Slime No Go Zones, no Arab' Slime governmental infiltration.

Nope, it's all those dastardly Jews...

And the tragic thing is, to actually believe this severe twisting of reality and I would not be surprised if you imagine yourself Christian, absurd though that would be or an atheist, which logically should be a requirement.

I would not be shocked if you were daffy enough to believe in Fakestinians.

Just tragic.

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Not Judaism, but *Zionists*, atheists and degenerates of hollywierd vanpire cults

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Not insight, utter delusion on the part of knucklehead, abysmally ignorant, easily manipulated Jew Haters.

Such idiocy as: claiming God is such a Chimp, he has been tricked into restoring the Wrong People, believing the darkest non Negro population on Earth, the Turkish Khazars Magically turned Jews white!

That is some kind of Stupid with a Capital S!

Then there is the ever popular Liberty BS, in which the comeuppance of the World's Most Advanced Spy Ship for brazenly betraying Israel in the midst of their Battle for Survival against the 'Slimes by transmitting Israeli troop movements to the Arabs forced Israel to eliminate the danger, is twisted To believe the laughable crapola, that Israeli military didn't find taking on the entire Arab world enough of a challenge and so decided to also take on the World's Most Powerful Military, just for funsies, to make it more interesting...

And why was the World's Most Powerful Military Spy ship anchored across the world, off the coast of Israel in the middle of a hot war?

Do you clowns think they parked there for the fishing? To take a Skinny Dip?

Here's a free clue : Spy Ships spy.

It is literally " what they do".

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John, your hateful comments point out the need for an "ignore" feature on Substack.

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I had heard the US "ordered" Israel ta "do in" the Liberty ta trigger the Arabs... INTRIGUED by this:

"World's Most Advanced Spy Ship for brazenly betraying Israel in the midst of their Battle for Survival against the 'Slimes by transmitting Israeli troop movements to the Arabs"

gotta link ta share? velly curious / NEVAH heard this angle...thx

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gave jews lessons they had/have nothing on beaten (they never were) Irish cat-holic guilt quilt kilts I charged 'em an extra rocky fellas dime at my lemonade stand..still do they love the inferior superiority ws slame in JAMAcia why my dance the best truth release #!multiversestopIrish0cuntrydancer

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I don't give links wasted too much time fir people to say they aren't credible links.

I will give the the site, you can search it yourself

Its called Mosaic and I have subscribed so long I don't recall if it is. Com or. Org or what, but their stuff tracks a lot more logically than the drooling BS of the Jew Hater brigade.

Including on this issue. Once more for emphasis : Spy ships spy, it's what they do, and this narrative is the only one that makes any sense.

The One you offrred, about somehow illogical ly doing it to freak out Arabs makes no sense at all, typical Jew Hater Drooler stuff.

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...er are you replyin' ta me or ta the other fella? I said nuthin' unkind...I repeated the quote I found of interest (jus' curious ya know)

Just asked fer more info on Israel bein' BETRAYED. Is that not OK ta ask 'bout that? If not so be it.

I know Mosaic--good site, lots under a paywall tho--

Soitenly I myself offered no joo hate (how so?) bein' a joo myself an' 100% for Israel's existence (guess I'm an anti-anti-zionist lol) an' I'm 100% against Israel bein' blamed fer stuff they DID NOT DO... THAT SAID...

The "Liberty" always remained a mystery in my mind--I know there's more to it--both the US an' Israel clearly knew/did stuff we're not privy to! Allies don't blow up boats like that an' imho there was no accident. But this implies that the "allies" were not behavin' as such...

Hence. My. Askin'.....

In spite of my support fer both nations I'm also fully willin' ta admit that there are puhlenty of covert OPs that took place 'tween Israel & the USA that could fer sure show one or 't'other or both misbehaved ('er worse)...

It's not a crime ta ask 'bout stuff I dunno... (at least not yet ;-)-- my inquiry contained a QUOTE from the prior COMMENT -- not my own words...

I'm'a gonna look on Mosaic in all good faith--again, it would be GOOD NOOZE if one cannot "blame da jooz" fer the Liberty--I'm all ears.

peace out... an' sorry if my jus' askin' gotcher goat... not intended...

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Thanks for this, Donald. I was, however, surprised that you did not mention "JFK and the Unspeakable" by Douglass. I am by no means a scholar on this subject, but the book by Douglass also proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Oswald did not kill JFK. The evidence is redundant, unarguable and thorough. The assassination and coverup was the beginning of my education that there is a deep state made up of the MSM, central bankers, CIA, judiciary . . . . etc. The deep state was going to have its war, and the only way to get it was to kill JFK. Just to make sure, they also killed RFK and MLK. None of these murders were investigated except to cover them up. And many more followed.

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That book is valuable, Jim, but in my view overrated. It always gets mentioned, and Douglas really didn't add anything much to what was already produced by the original band of critics like Weisberg, Sylvia Meagher, the forgotten Shirley Martin, and Lane. And Marguerite Oswald, Lee's mother. She was in reality the first "conspiracy theorist" in this case, and fed the others a lot of valuable info. I talk about how she's been treated unfairly in "American Memory Hole." Thanks.

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Thanks. I interviewed Jim Douglass on my radio program. If "JFK and the Unspeakable" is overrated the others must be superb, indeed. I've seen Bobby speak about the assassinations of his father and uncle. I get the feeling that he is still seething with anger, as he ought to be.

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I agree Don. I read it and was a bit underwhelmed. I stumbled across Jim Marr's book 40 years ago and it was the first time I had any idea that we'd been sold a pup.

Enjoying your work.

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but Forbes Mag threat to sitting Pres on steel price freeze ans other patsy dupes as many who flies from DC to loop south pick ip passenger walled Oz double in triplicate at Trinity River Red Bird DH Byrds airport

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We didn't need Douglass' book to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Oswald didn't kill JFK. The ballistics and physics prove this beyond a shadow of a doubt, unless Oswald was in the Book Depository and somewhere in front of JFK at the same time.

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True. I speak not as a scholar of the JFK assassination. I respected "JFK and the Unspeakable" because the evidence was backed up, and there was nothing in it that I suspected as being slipshod or compromised. I confess to having my eyes opened by parts of it, but that which I already new was confirmed redundantly.

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Thanks, Don. I just read Dr. Mary’s Monkey and then saw the now disappeared episode number 8 of the History Channel’s The Men Who Killed Kennedy. Also saw a good, more recent interview with Judith Vary Baker, now in her 80s and reminiscing about how much she loved Lee Harvey Oswald and knows he did not try to kill the President. That whole sordid mess in New Orleans with Dr. Oschner and poor Dr. Mary Sherman, just chills me to the bone. And now, after all these decades of our government and intelligence agencies and scientists working on cancer viruses and the recent revelations of the Simian Virus-40 promoter/enhancer gene sequence contained in the Pfizer mRNA biologic injectables, otherwise known as “vaccines”- well, let’s just say, it’s the worst horror story of all time. This country has some mighty big comeuppances around the corner for their crimes against us all.

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Yes, the New Orleans group were instrumental in manipulating Oswald- who I think was on assignment to infiltrate them for either the FBI or CIA- into being the patsy. I covered all that in detail in the book I wrote with William Law, "Pipe the Bimbo in Red." Thanks, Mel.

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Just bought and began your book “Hidden History” and also bought your newest, “American Memory Hole” Thanks so much Don; I so love reading your essays. They’re always funny and even comforting, in a strange sort of way.

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If the Jews, the mafia, the Cubans, the Russians or any other outside group killed President Kennedy do you really think the Warren Commission would have covered it up? Hell no, they’d get to the bottom of it. The cover up shows who did it. It was a deep state operation.

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They were instructed not to investigate, John. Their record is padded and full of junk. Thanks.

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deep state op, 100%--they might've had a hand--one of the mob guys spilled lots (sammy the bull?) an' said 5 shooters 2 of which were mob guys but they MISSED! (it was the 2 young hicks in the ditch that supposedly got'im when the car slowed around the corner)... it's like CLUE imho, lotta fingerprints but only one (main) whodunnit

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Are you naive?

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Maybe. Why don’t you point me in the right direction.

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Nov 23Edited

The Mother of all Conspiracies though is more likely The Holocaust, for which there is zero credible forensic or historical evidence for. NOTHING makes logistical or mathematical sense.

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Which one? That during the Roman Empire when they killed six billion Jews? (According to Kevin Barrett. I have no documentation of this allegation, so best ask him.)

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The recent Covid debacle and the Ukraine misadventure are clear examples of the same perfidy - our own government is not be trusted - for anything - let’s hope Elon and Vivek get out the pruning shears and have at it - no mercy.

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Inside the Assassination Records Review Board by Douglas P. Horne (5 volumes)

The 7-hour lecture has been scrubbed on YouTube

These volumes reconcile the inconsistencies of the medical records from the US Navy.

It’s worth looking into whether you can get these copies.

Great Post... Remember our history! Our true history!

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I have some of those very valuable volumes, liam. I also have interviewed Doug Horne on my podcast. Thanks.

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Outstanding Donald! I'll look for that interview!

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YouTube has gone the way of FarceBook. You really shouldn't upload anything but cute pet tricks, impressive scenery, entertaining (but nonthreatening) fringe science presentations, and the like.

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The only use I have for youtube is the automotive how-to vids. Youtube stopped being a source of credible commentary years ago, IMO.

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Donald, you have unfolded a good outline for the subject matter, stipulating conspiracy. Charles Drago colleague of George Michael Evica (A Certain Arrogance) stated anyone in possession of the facts who does not conclude conspiracy is deficient or complicit.

Oswald could not shoot anyone from that window as he had descended for a cheese sandwich lunch. He had no GSR on his cheek--in Breach of Trust, Gerald McKnight presents the test of seven actual shooters of a Mannlicher-Carcano, all of whom tested positive. The paperwork for the purchase is faulty at ten points identified by Gil Jesus.

The ballistics are finessed in David Mantik, JFK's Head Wounds, and his work with Jerome Corsi, Final Analysis: 1) occipital; 2) right forehead; 3) right temple. No less than Secret Service agent Elmer Moore pressured surgeon Malcolm Perry to recant his entry designation of the throat wound. Even presidential physician Admiral Burkeley located the back wound at T-3, the third thoracic vertebra, not Gerald Ford's "base of the back of the neck".

As you note, with Kennedy, no Vietnam War. With Johnson, war with a half million US in country, and self-defeating limits of national boundaries and sanitized target lists providing great comical relief for Ho and his generals. They knew Kerry and Jane would win it for them.

Vincent Salandria said it was no rogue op but a whole-of-state action. That's the policy of Ike's psyops brujo in war and piece C.D. Jackson who pasted that Frankenphoto on Life's cover--White found no fewer than fifteen (15) fatal anomalies.

Comedian Bill Hicks joked each succeeding president was shown the real Zapruder (see Doug Horne, Inside the ARRB Volume IV pp 1100-1300 approx) to stun him into compliance. CIA popularized "conspiracy theorists" in its 1967 memo to heads of station advising methods to counter critics of the Warren Report.

With Dulles directing, how good could it be? And Curtis LeMay directed the autopsy through Bethesda brass. And the HSCA hidden hand pulled Sprague and put in CIA party doll Blakey, just as the agency dispatched ten moles to torpedo Garrison.

And now they won't let go of files to Biden or Trump. Where's Jack Bauer when you need him?

e.e. cummings said i won't salute your f---ing flag there is some s--t i will not eat

Apply that to the next time a spook chief says we're investigating and so can't comment--

I posit Cutesie Time Is Over--Give us the files or go straight to Gitmo. Here endeth the conspiracy theorist rant.

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You know this subject as good as anyone, Phil, so I really value your input. You may or may not know that, while I agree with his position that you quote, Charles Drago really dislikes me. Not sure exactly why, but the last time I read anything he wrote about me, he called me a Nazi. Gil Jesus has done great work. Gerald McKnight's book was very good. Vincent Salandria was one of the earliest, and most effective critics of the Warren Commission. I don't know why he never wrote a book. Thanks!

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Donald, Vincent Salandria is transcribed extensively in Michael Morrissey, Correspondence with Vincent Salandria. You might ask Charles Drago about his characterization of you; we've been inundated with the Hitler/Nazi hyperbole of late. Reading now in McBride, Nightmare, and am concluding the JFK Richter event is at last personal. Chokeholds by DiEugenio et al is a useful bullet-point indictment--but is not targeted toward sponsorship. I stipulate we ought seek the same hierarchy--Evica's (and Drago's) Sponsor-Facilitator-Mechanic then proceed with cui bono and just read the news. In '72 Nixon and Kissinger had tea with Mao and Chou and U.S. leaves Vietnam. Helms stabs Nixon with a McCord sword and as spook Woodward twists the blade the Democrat Congress deliver the country to the Communists. Truman protested (December 22, 1963) but DCI Brennan could still orchestrate Hillary's Russia chimera to shackle the Article II President. The grand cabal is at war with The People and its populist leader throughout time.

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