I couldn't agree more with your assessment of the Kennedy's. I'll never forget the day JFK was murdered. My 3rd grade class was sent home early. It felt like the world became very quiet. My dad came home from work early and as we were watching TV, a picture of Oswald came on the screen. My dad looked at me and said "Oswald didn't shoot the president." He was right, Oswald didn't shoot the president. I often wondered how he knew.

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I just don't get the hate for the Kennedys, Mark. How many of them have to die suspiciously before people realize that they must be a threat to those in power? Thanks.

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Yes, it keeps to amaze me what people are willing to believe. I guess they have to cling so tightly to their world view because if that should collapse, their whole lives would fall apart.......

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Or Carolyn appear on TV to confirm their darkest suspicions.

Some of the coolest people I have known have produced asshole children, it's really quite common, especially among the affluent.

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Some researchers in social psychology have noticed that children of the very rich have the same outcomes in many cases as children of the poor. They looked for reasons and found some commonalities in the way rich and poor kids are raised:

1. Constant change of caregivers whether parental partners, low-paid daycare workers, or nannies. Either way, the change is hard on kids.

2. Lack of adult supervision, the poor because they may work long hours and be unable to afford quality care, the rich because parents have busy social and work lives and think it is okay to leave their kids alone because they live in a save neighborhood and being alone teaches kids self-reliance. Or else they are foisted off on indifferent caregivers.

3. This article about Ethel Kennedy reinforces the above points. She was emotionally and often physically MIA. People might look at her offspring and think "spoiled rich kids" but really they were neglected rich kids.

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My take is not theoretical.I was a latchkey kid in the early sixties.At 8 years,I had my own key,and ate TV dinners when I came home for lunch that I wore pot holders to retrieve.

My Mom walked to her secretarial job through winters in Michigan to Dave bus fare to hand me as my allowance,so I would never be tempted to steal.

My classmates were children of Doctors and Lawyers and executives .

I was the only well raised one of us,and I was independent and self reliant.

My close friend was the son of factory owners with three branches in three countries. Among his childish antics as an adult were neglecting to close the gate on his horses,and them trampling the golf course and causing many thousands of dollars of damage,taking his collection of exotic birds into his shower for a steam bath ,a ten thousand dollar loss.

Once,we were parked in front of the library his Grandfather built at the local university,drinking beer and smoking pot.

A local cop rolled up and demanded ID.As soon as he saw the surname,he began falling over himself,apologizing for his intrusion..It was disgusting.

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Many children of affluent people end up becoming assholes, or, at least people who are unable to cope with reality? Why? I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that they don't learn the same life lessons that those who have to work for everything would learn. Being born into a wealthy family is a curse in my opinion to those children. They grow up feeling entitled and better than everyone because of their birth but in reality they have done nothing to earn it. Deep down I think these people know this. That's why so many of them turn to drugs, debauchery and can't maintain a long term, healthy relationship.

Humans weren't designed to have so much wealth and prestige. They can't handle it.

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The current generation is clearly deserving of nothing but contempt.

They are Jrs primary opposition,no Luciferians are opposing them,they are clearly the Deep State's flunkies at this point.

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I also was in 3rd Grade, Mark. Its a day I will never forget. Also, when LHO stated he was a patsy, I believed his comment. My father said LBJ was behind that murder.

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I was in the fifth grade. I remember how solemn everything became, a friend in class sobbing with her head on her desk, the look of shock on our teacher’s face when we came back from lunch, and my mother crying on the floor holding my little sister later that evening.

I remember LBJ gave me the creeps and Jacqueline trying to open her own door to get in the limo when she left the hospital.

My mental picture was that LBJ stood behind her not helping but in re seeing footage I realize that picture is based on my feelings….

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LBJ one of the most traitorous Presidents in history...possibly THE most. There's a lot of competition.

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LBJ was a pig. But then again, these Presidents are just a figure head for who is really controlling the world. They don't care if they sell their souls. I'm quite sure Lyndon is burning in Hell where he belongs.

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LBJ was a 33rd degree Freemason. So was J. Edgar Hoover. Allen Dulles was Skull and Bones. Secret societies, so...

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They're not so secret anymore are they?

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Well, we know their affiliations and that's all we know for sure. But you will never see any "direct orders", even if they release all of the JFK assassination records.

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I was in the 2nd Grade, to all you older folks, Catholic school, Sisters of Notre Dame teachers.

I was seated on the hall side of the room with windows, I watched a nun walking down the hall crying. She came into the room and announced to the entire class that JFK was dead. Our teacher began to cry as well. There was not much class after that and I do not remember if we were sent home or not. Just too young and do not remember any more details.

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My mom used to tell us when we were kids that FDR allowed Pearl Harbor to happen to galvanize support for the war. She never said how she knew that, either.

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Your mom was right, Kathy. I covered the Pearl Harbor psyop in depth in "Crimes and Cover-Ups in American Politics: 1776-1963." Thanks!

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Probably a lot of people - those with common sense - knew.

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Nicole Shanahan has vowed to end the careers of the two Democrat senators from Georgia who she helped get elected if they vote against Kennedy. For any given solon she can probably outspend Big Pharma and Big Food. A couple months ago Trump allies were putting it out there that Musk will fund a primary against Republicans who vote no. This is a pivotal vote. If Congress is so corrupt, so outright evil that it can't vote in favor of children's health, and Americans are too oblivious to notice, then this country is hopelessly, irredeemably lost.

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If Trump doesn't dump CIA Psy Op Musk and Swampy soon,we will being darker trouble than under China Joe.

Musk is the original wolf in Grandma's bed,and Swampy is the wolf in Sheep's Clothling.

Musk made money from the Death Jab and publicly promoted it until he didn't.He still bans people for posting truth,he is a WEF alum and so was his first censorship chief at X.

He will not allow criticism of Trans.Someone recently wanted to "correct "me on that,saying he has a trans kid.

What a genius! How do you suppose it came about that the world's richest front man's kid was transed?

I can tell you this...it wasn't because of a public schoolteacher's manipulation behind Musk's back.

He, like Bill Gates,is a Generational Luciferian,he is not a good guy or a free speech absolutist or anything like that.

The most effective propaganda is that which passes unnoticed.

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Elon Musk is a frightening individual and gives me the heebie jeebies. There is something not right with him. I believe he is evil. Why does a man who has more money than god want to work in a government agency? The answer? Power. Lust for power. He has everything money can buy, except, power. People like this are the ones who should be kept as far away from the levers of power as possible. The dude is a godless, evil man.

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Funny about Musk. Why would he change the name "Twitter" to "X"? The ancient symbol for Nimrod was "X". It also denotes witchcraft. When people use X as in "X-Mas" it really means celebrating the feast of Nimrod. Of course, the double X has always meant to mean double cross or betray. Nimrod was a butcher and his penchant for evil and Satanic practices was unequaled in ancient history. Strange times we live in.

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Who is "swampy?"

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I have the same question.

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Yeah, Musk scares me, though on the trans kid thing he was supposedly so outraged when he realized that the boy had been completely destroyed by the process that he moved his company offices out of California. Let's hope Trump is suitably suspicious, and in the meantime just gains the benefit of anything useful Musk does -- like cutting government waste and helping good nominees be confirmed -- regardless of his long-term objectives.

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I truly hope RFK Jr is confirmed as HHS Secretary. Personally, I believe Trump owes the election (maybe) and the popular vote (surely) to RFK Jr and Tulsi Gabbard coming over to his camp and making not only a strong endorsement but a true partner type commitment to his agenda. This debt will drive Trump to call in markers within the Senate. Let us pray.

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You're right, Big- Bobby's significant support was at least responsible for the large margin of victory. Thanks.

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I'd threaten to NOT nominate another Sec HHS if RFKjr isn't approved. I'd leave the position unstaffed until the end of my term

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Would LOVE to see the portfolios of every RFK, Jr critic. Bet they are loaded with Big Pharma stocks!!

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Well, we know that Bernie and Elizabeth Warren, and probably every other Democratic and RINO member of the committee grilling him received lots of money from Big Pharma, Christine. And some reacted to Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg's despicable attack on RFK, Jr. by saying she had Big Pharma investments, too. Thanks!

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The portfolios of the Senators criticizing RFK at his hearings are loaded with far greater wealth than the $174,000 annual senator's salary. Elizabeth Warren is worth, I have heard, $14 million. Sure would like to know how she earned all that money. Corrupt assholes. They accuse others of doing exactly what they are doing or have done.

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That's what he said...

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Feb 4Edited

Breaking news: the MSM is now saying it looks like RFK Jr will be confirmed! Good news, indeed. Is he part of the Trumpenstein project? Probably. It's pretty clear he has a handler and they have secrets about him that they use to steer him, when the need arises...but just the public perception of him at the top of government making health decisions is a HUGE win. I have been very worried about a brewing bird flu scamdemic. With RFK in charge, if it happens at least people will not be so cowed as last time ...fighting back with results will be possible.

Watching the despicable screeching harridan Elizabeth Warren attack RFK was stomach churning. She must have extremely powerful supporters to keep getting away with her corruption for so long. An example: her illegitimate claim to be Indian (I use that term because the "Native Americans" I've known say they prefer it) resulted in a genuine Indian losing out. For at least 20 years there have been several groups of Indians publicly calling out and shaming fake Indians. Why have they never raised a stink about Warren? It was White conservatives who made the stink.

I saw Caroline Kennedy making a public condemnation of RFK Jr. She is really looking aged these days. Who knows what she has been threatened with...but it shows in her face. Has she been terrified of being murdered her entire life? The statement about the blender is pure fantasy. People who raise raptors feed WHOLE critters. In one case the owner of an owl got dead whole mice from a lab (the owl ended up dying of poisoning from these dead mice). You would want the prey to be intact, as in the wild. If old Joe could see his great-grandson, he would be extremely disappointed...to say the least.

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Great comment, Kris. Thanks!

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Feb 5Edited

One wonders why RFK jr.'s enemies can't come up with less ridiculous stories to attack him with. There must be better stuff. I've know a few guys really interested in nature...picking up road kill...raising wild birds (raptors are not for the squeamish)... bringing home weird stuff from the beach. It's not that unusual. Well, maybe it is for young folks these days who never go outside.

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Having RFK nominated is a huge win??? Are you kidding me??? RFK is more changeable than the weather on a Connecticut Summer afternoon. RFK will be to the Birdiedemic what Trump is for polticis at large. RFK has already shown he will back track and flip on a dime, and you think this buffoon is going to do anything to stop the medical racket? No, RFK will do for big pharma what Trump is doing to the DC Swamp, make it into a national preserve. RFK is the poster child that will have everybody thinking Trump 2.0 is no more bullshit and that the country is back on track.

RFK is nothing more than an extension of the Orange Messiah.

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Who would be a nominee you'd approve of, TW? If RFK, Jr. is a flip flopper and buffoon, then what are all the other faceless cabinet officials, who prop up and profit from the corruption, administration after administration? No cabinet nominee has ever said or done the things RFK, Jr. has.

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"Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s disclosure on Wednesday that he invested in a gene-editing biotech belies a years long track record of voicing concerns about a technology he would be in position to regulate if confirmed to lead the federal health department."

"On multiple occasions, Kennedy has commented on the potential of CRISPR, a potent and powerful gene-editing tool, to disrupt DNA in unintended and unsafe ways. The nonprofit that RFK Jr. founded and led for years, Children’s Health Defense, has repeatedly raised those same concerns. That track record raises the question of how he would regulate gene-editing research and drug development as head of the Department of Health and Human Services, a role that would give him power over the Food and Drug Administration and the National Institutes of Health, among other agencies."

Nothing like criticizing something while at the same time investing in it. Like Fauci and so many others, RFKJr is just another schmuck in the Revolving Door.

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Donald, if you would be so kind, please explain why Junior now says he supports the avian flu vaccine after saying the disease did not exist? Why did he also state Operation Warp Speed was an extraordinary accomplishment after besmirching it for the last 4 years? For the record, he volunteered that comment, no one asked him. Why did he also say he now fully supports the childhood vaccine schedule after denouncing it for decades? Here’s your first clue, you are not permitted to say, in order to get confirmed.

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Peggy discusses that question here:


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Feb 5Edited

You may be correct...only time will tell. It feels like.a win today. I know nobody gets in charge unless they are picked by the NWO, but just taking the vax-danger talk out of conspiracy circles, and out into the MSM...I feel like it's an improvement...tiny, yes, but an improvement.

Here's an example from 2020. I never went out in public that year without my sign (around my neck) that said: Safety Theater Is Tyranny. I expected to get a lot of harassment. It never happened. What did happen was, strangers came up to me to say thanks; that they wished they had the courage to do the same. To me, no courage was involved. It just seemed like the natural thing to do. I learned then, that probably at least 95% of the public will not speak out and make a fuss unless they get some kind of permission. Hopefully, if it happens again and RFK Jr. as Health Secretary...that will be the permission the silent masses need to finally speak up. I'm starting to get very worried that come Spring, I will not be able to buy chicks, due to some non-existent bird flu.

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Could be that RFK Jr. is being put in place to advertise the defects of the past vaxxines. That opens the door for a deluge of mRNA new and improved death shots.

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winning theater in the court of the crimson king?



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Escape The DemoRub / DemoUSA routine

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"Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s disclosure on Wednesday that he invested in a gene-editing biotech belies a years long track record of voicing concerns about a technology he would be in position to regulate if confirmed to lead the federal health department."

"On multiple occasions, Kennedy has commented on the potential of CRISPR, a potent and powerful gene-editing tool, to disrupt DNA in unintended and unsafe ways. The nonprofit that RFK Jr. founded and led for years, Children’s Health Defense, has repeatedly raised those same concerns. That track record raises the question of how he would regulate gene-editing research and drug development as head of the Department of Health and Human Services, a role that would give him power over the Food and Drug Administration and the National Institutes of Health, among other agencies."

Nothing like criticizing something while at the same time investing in it. Like Fauci and so many others, RFKJr is just another schmuck in the Revolving Door.

(I pasted this for Don, too. At any rate, if you can't see the horns and the tail on RFKJr, then you just ain't paying attention.)

To paraphrase Jeanette Rankin: You can no more win in the Trump Administration than you can win in a war or an earthquake.

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It's probably more Wrestlemania. In this corner is the big pharma Goliath and opposing the Giant is the little guy in red tights and black mask. RFK Jr. has the wrestling physique to make it an interesting contest. We know who Don's betting on.

I'm going with Goliath this time.

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The Kennedy family story is, indeed, tragic. But here’s a guy rising from the ashes doing GOOD for society.

The fact that the Dems denigrate him show how far they have sunk

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Yes, it does, John. Thanks.

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rises from the ashes?? what a joke he was born rich

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that's a point. I thought well of Teddy Roosevelt and still do but it is much easier to be heroic if you never had to be concerned about making a living.

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It's easy to be a self promoted poseur that way,too.

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exactly. making a living consumes you

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"Jack Schlossberg....[7] His father comes from an Orthodox Jewish family of Ashkenazi Jewish descent from Ukraine, and his mother is a Catholic of Irish, French, Scottish, and English descent. He was raised Catholic, but his mother would also "incorporate Hanukkah" in the family's holiday celebrations.[8]"

Being off the rails and unhinged, is a very common attribute in the Ukrainian Ashkenazi Jewish lineage. Apparently our boy Jack, inherited that gene.


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He is definitely unhinged, Myriad. Check out his videos. Thanks.

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Catholicism/Luciferianism is enough to drive anyone Batty.

Carolyn isn't vaguely Ukrainian , even though you are likely right about him,it could be two factor insanity.

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The so called "jews" we have today are descended from Khazarians (today's southern Ukraine), who converted to Judaism in 740 AD. They have zero DNA in common with the descendants of Abraham, (the real Judahites) who have largely perished. It's a huge misnomer to call anybody who stands against Zionists "anti-Semitic". Zionists have no Semite blood whatsoever. Fortunately, not all modern Jewish people think the same way as the Zionists do.

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You are a drooling halfwit to believe baseless bullshit .As if God does not know His Own People.

Tell your daddy Satan to kiss my Royal Irish Ass.

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Do they use THC? Alex Berenson (a "Jew") suggests that greatly increase the risk. They ought to eschew it more rigorously than bacon and cheeseburgers.

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That shill Republican Bill Cassidy has made a “deal” with RFK, Jr. You can read and hear all about it on X as I just did. Sickening. This HAS to be unconstitutional, bootstrapping him over exposing the grave harms of vaccines before he even has a Senate floor vote. You cannot hate these people enough, for what they’ve done and are doing to the American people. RFKJ is an American Hero. He always will be. Primary OUT all these turncoats, whether they be D or R, in their next elections. THE PEOPLE WILL SPEAK!!!!!!!!

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Yes, Cassidy was both arrogant and clueless, Mel. Thanks.

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Even if Kennedy is not approved, I also hope he would, he did already a lot of good, making people think about vaccinations and be more careful till we will know the truth.

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Exactly, Helga. No one else has ever talked about the problem of chronic illness, for instance, until RFK, Jr. Thanks.

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Chronic illness: a huge and lucrative revenue stream for the pharmaceutical industry. Their greed is so insatiable that they can’t abide losing one bit of it. A difficult concept to grasp, as it’s so unbearably horrific.

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The full Senate will approve him. He is sufficiently Israel-first, which is the primary qualification. He will also mollify MAGA, due to his previous anti-vax position. But he will forget that past position in a heartbeat after being confirmed. He will be all onboard with the Stargate mRNA vaccines, which is the second most important qualification for his job.

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Well, I hope you're right about him being approved, David, but definitely hope that he isn't on board with the Stargate program. No president would even dare nominate anyone to any position, who isn't pro-Israel at this point. Despite this, RFK, Jr. is still getting labeled as "anti- Semitic," and in fact was during his nomination hearing. Thanks.

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That is just the way that the Jews operate. They have to constantly accuse everyone who isn’t 100% a Zionist lapdog of being anti-Semitic to bolster their claim of being perpetual victims. The people who are controlling the puppet senators (i.e., the people who will decide whether or not Kennedy is confirmed) know full well that he is not anti-Semitic.

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David, I agree. RFK blatantly repeated he was not anti-vaccine, and in fact, encouraged all parents to follow the current CDC vaccine schedule for their children. He made comments encouraging "an uptake in vaccines" and supported the creation of a bioweapons vaccine for the fraudulent avian flu scam. RFK Jr. has revealed his true colors as another opportunistic politician with no backbone.

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If RFK Jr. was against it “all”, he wouldn’t be here right now.

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good article Don, unless I missed it in your writing, didn't the Joseph Kennedy family also have a daughter, not mentally well, who was lobotomized? When I read about this years ago, it was that they needed to disappear her, that she was a blight on their reputation, a liability to their Kennedy name.

I agree with you that the tragedies in that family are so numerous that you wonder, how could they cope with it all. there is a saying among the Irish maybe not well known, that the reason the Irish have so many children is to support each other when the other kids die.

I personally know very well an Irish catholic family that I grew up around, lots of kids. I knew this family very well and was quite close to them. When I have told others about this family, and the tragedies they have endured, all horrible, strange, and horrific including a bizarre and hideous murder, they can't handle even hearing about it. Now this particular family never betrayed each other, like the Kennedy's have done. I always considered the family that I know so well as having been cursed, but for reasons unknown to me. I think this also about the famous Kennedy's. Something happened, and the curse was laid down. If it is true, that Rosemary, a daughter of the old man Joe, was lobotomized then institutionalized for selfish reasons, that was the first betrayal, and quite possibly why they were cursed. Because from what I know of the Irish, betraying a member of the family is an unthinkable act, and no fame will ever fix it.

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I didn't mention their daughter Rosemary here, Krya, but have before. Joe Sr. wanted to make her "normal," not make her disappear. He paid a lot of money for what was thought of as a new, revolutionary procedure in Switzerland. It backfired terribly, and she became like a toddler for the rest of her life. But Joe gets blamed for that by all the usual suspects, as if it was something he wanted. Thanks!

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According to the Kennedy Center, JFK Library, they had somebody named Puttnam interview Kate Clifford Larson and her book 'Rosemary: The Hidden Kennedy Daughter.' I was not convinced entirely for her reasons why Joe and Eunice had her lobotomized although there is a lot of very interesting information about this very interesting Kennedy daughter. Maybe you have read it. I am convinced there is a coverup surrounding her, and not convinced by your stating that Joe Sr wanted to make this girl, whose intellectual level was at a 4th grade level, "normal." I think it's deeper and more complex. But what was good to read was that Rosemary totally affected the lives of RFK and his siblings, and it was thought that his sister added to his humanitarian impulses of wanting to help humanity. If Rosemary who was beautiful, vivacious and charming, lively and happy, was indeed at an intellectual and emotional level of a 4th grader, at 18, this would be a liability, a risk, because her hormones were at a mature level. By your omission, I have become very interested in learning about this Kennedy girl. Thanks.

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I thought the reason the Irish had so many kids was the Catholic Church frowning on contraception back in the day .....?

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That's true but it's more complicated than that. Growing up Catholic in a rural farming

community big families were necessary to run a farm business. It's also a kind of wonderful thing to see how each one of the children has a unique personality along with the family traits. One of the farm families had a huge family and all of the kids had

musical talents like their parents. They had three different rock bands along with the parents' polka band. That makes four bands! All of them could sing too. Many of the

talented would sing and play instruments in our church. Singing is a big part of the church mass. Also having a big family is the security it provides. Once there was a guy

or some 'thing' peeping into our mom's window at night. She screamed! We all woke

up, grabbed our guns and searched out in the dark. We didn't see anything, but we

stood watch. If anything wanted to get to her, it would have to get through five armed

farm boys first. My oldest brother let loose about five shots to make it clear that

war had been declared.

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I grew up in the 'burbs', so what I witnessed had little to do with the rural reasons, it seemed the Irish Catholics had bigger families then the Italian Catholics..... The largest I knew had 16 kids, I have 3 and it's hard to get their names right half the time, I could only imagine!!

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I laugh my ass off every time I watch the beginning of Caddyshack.

They have that huge Catholic family running around and the dad sees the

one kid, and doesn't seem to know if it's one of his!

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it's an Irish saying in Irish families, because the Irish have so much tragedy in their families. it consoles them as they console each other.

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We do all realize, of course, that even if confirmed as HHS secretary, RFK Jr. will then be “required” (pressured, then coerced), as a U.S. federal government office holder (ugh), to comply with the policies and practices of the medical industrial complex, yes?

I mean, to think that this “maverick” (as much as I like the guy and generally support almost any Kennedy past or present…Caroline being the lone exception) will suddenly work to overturn an ENTIRE CULTURE – i.e., entrenched beliefs about the wonders of allopathic (heroic) medicine in countering the ever-present “dangers” of killer “diseases” and “epidemics” ever lurking on the horizon (notice, btw, how future pandemics are always PREDICTED to occur, lol, as if the PTB is monitoring their approach on radar or something?) – is really to be living in some kind of bubble in the sky.

I mean, good luck with that.

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I'm not expecting miracles, Rob. I'll be happy if he gets anything positive accomplished. Having clean water and food alone would be remarkable. Thanks.

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Yes, we do realize that. But I still say that the symbolism alone, of RFK as Heath Secretary is huge for a cowed normie America. Even in my ultra-blue state in 2020 there was opposition to the out-of-control tyranny...but fear of being called "crazy" kept them silent. Therefore, I believe that folks will be emboldened to speak up, if it happens again with RFK Jr. as Health Secretary. That's the best we can hope for.

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It’s my guess that the Blob (big agri, big food, big Pharma, et al) will merely tweak a few of their toxic ingredients and pesticides, and not much else.

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Being lambasted by modern-day Pharisees is surely a feather in Bobby Jr's cap. Imagine if all of their sins and flaws were laid out for all to see? I believe that, even in America 2.0, it would be shocking.

While I generally abhorred Teddy's politics and behavior, it seems to me that Joe Sr was an Old Right America-Firster. Some of that rubbed off on John and Bobby.

Thanks Don

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He has the right enemies, Robert. Thanks.

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RFK, like Tucker Carlson, is controlled op.

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It was a nice thank you letter that Tucker wrote to Hunter Biden for Hunter standing up for Tucker's son during his College Admission .....

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Great article, by the way! I think too many people forget the entire Kennedy Family tragedy list, since so many of them are presented in isolation.

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Thanks, Myriad!

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But, I’m still appalled about Chappaquidick. Aren’t you?

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The Republicans will be under a lot of pressure to confirm him. All Senators are grifting from USAID and Musk/Trump hold all of the cards. Trump campaigned with RFK Jr. and has a mandate from the voters. Musk would fund primary challengers to R’s who vote no. I think he will be confirmed, I only hope he will deliver. I hope he’s not assassinated.

I don’t take too much out of the hearings, him saying he supports vaccination or whatever. I lean more towards his body of work over the last few decades, I believe that over a couple of sound bites in a confirmation hearing. DJT distanced himself from Project 2025 during the campaign but he’s running the script now. People sometimes say things to appease the opposition to get elected.

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We'll see, CK. I hope I'm wrong, and the Senate confirms him. Moreover, I hope my faith in him plays out, and he uses his position to push for all the things that have been important to him during a lifetime of fighting powerful interests. Thanks.

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Exactly! All of these nominees will say what they need to say, to get through the process, however, once they are confirmed... "It's go time, let's get ready to rumble!!" RFK Jr., if he does everything that we know, that he knows, NEEDS to be done, his work could be the most important achievements of the last century, irrespective of what Trump does too!

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I think that RFK, Jr. and Tulsi were both instructed to play this game, Myriad. I don't agree with it, but I also don't think for a second that RFK, Jr. now supports the dramatically increased vaccine schedule. Thanks.

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there has to be something nefarious about the child vaccine schedule. Common sense, reason and decency would tell you that can't be good for babies and children in general. Even if you believed in injections as a general rule.

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They are all suspicious if not dangerous but the one that really torques me is the hepatitis jab at birth. The jabs supposedly stimulate immune systems whereas newborns don't have immune systems that are developed enough to stimulate.

It makes as much sense to me as feeding steak and eggs to newborns.

It's evil.

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Yep. Rand Paul made some great points about that during the hearings, Goeff. Thanks.

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Donald, it seems to me being willing "to play the game" and betray your true convictions is not what we need in these perilous times. I think if RFK is willing to lie to gain a position, will he have the balls to take the vaccine industry head-on

after he becomes confirmed to that position. I don't think so. He had plenty of ammunition that all vaccines are harmful and should have let them have it with both barrels. I would have thought a great deal more of him if he had done so.

I'm so tired of giving these people excuses for their cowardly actions!


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It's a pretty sad commentary on our political system to say that the greatest achievement is to UNDO the mistakes of the last century.

It seems as though the elected criminals actually make every effort to make it so that their corruption can't be undone. They're making it election-proof. I can give many examples; take any edifice whether it's a 100 million dollar school, the huge NWO trade building on the place of the WTC, or new government installations like an FBI building,

NSA complex, space complexes, etc ad nauseum. The edifices are permanent fixtures

waiting to be filled by the witches and warlocks.

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They probably thought that way 2000+ years ago, too, when they put up those stone temples. This will last forever.

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You can't make America great again without making it healthy again

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JFK jrs running candidate has also threatened to fund primaries against no.voters

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Trump wants US to take ownership of Gaza Strip




Trump Leaps into Bed with Israel’s Worst Genocidal Maniacs


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He's absolutely ridiculous on Israel, Smack. Thanks.

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Hi Don! ;-)


btw,; does anyone here know what RFKjr.'s Gaza/genocide position is?

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I can't imagine he would oppose Israel on anything, Smack. Rabbi Shmuley is always watching him.

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Israel controls/owns the U.S. So "US to take ownership of Gaza Strip" means "Israel to take ownership of Gaza Strip." Just to clarify that headline.

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Trump Claims US Will Take Ownership of Palestine

Long-term occupation and reconstruction of the Gaza strip, for Israel.


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Trump has taken a harder line position than Netanyahu and the most fervent Zionists in Israel. MIGA.

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"This is Criminally Insane": Doug Casey on Trump's Latest Plan


Feb 5, 2025

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The downside is Trump’s support for Israel’s

destruction of Palestine. Associating with evil

does not make America great. But what else can

Trump do when so many of MAGA Americans are

Christian Zionists. The evangelical movement is

devoted to Israel. Is Christianity betraying us

and leading us into Satan’s hands?

see more:


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