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Dear Donald, I'm very sorry about your friend Chris, in USA the medical system and social services are inhuman, that's why I came back to my country Spain, where we have free health care, and free medication .

Why people there tolerate such an inhuman system...?? They wouldn't do that here, everyone will be out on the streets fighting for our rights, first of all doctors and nurses.

In this cases like Chris, God is the main provider of help, so he should be praying a lot and all his friends do the same, find some good priest to help him, God never fails I assure you.

I recommend you this video, it's scary but it's the truth over there:


I Will pray for Chris too.

Many blessings

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I will pass on your kind thoughts to Chris, Ketina. You'll certainly never get me to defend our Medical Industrial Complex. For all I know, voodoo is better. Thanks.

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It wasn't my intention Donald, for you to defend the criminal medical American complex. I just don't understand why in the States people never had free healthcare. Not only in Spain we have free healthcare, but also in Canada, Scandinavian countries etc .I prefer Holistic medicine which I'm a practitioner, but sometimes you need a doctor or hospital care ,and it should be free. That's all , you get it ?

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It sure is interesting, isn´t it that America is portraying herself as this free democracy, the greatest country on earth that every other country should model itself upon.

But once you take a closer look something else intirely comes to the surface.......

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I really can't understand how Americans didn't demand ever,to have free Health Care which is a government responsability , to use tax money to care about the people.

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I obviously agree with you, Ketina. Thanks.

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We can't trust our government to do anything responsibly. That's why we don't want them doing health care. We'd be paying even more for less. By the way, it's NOT FREE healthcare, you do pay for it. Look what they've already done to the world with the coof. I don't want them doing any more.

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