And the majority of 'Murricans would scoff at your "socialized" system, Ketina. Americans seem to be just as addicted to the hopelessly corrupt and ineffective system itself, as they are to all the Big Pharma products it produces. Thanks.
And the majority of 'Murricans would scoff at your "socialized" system, Ketina. Americans seem to be just as addicted to the hopelessly corrupt and ineffective system itself, as they are to all the Big Pharma products it produces. Thanks.
I can understand someone being addicted to something that give them pleasure,like sex, alcohol, drugs etc. But I don't understand why anyone can be addicted to something that cause them pain , do you have any answer Donald..?
Yes, that really is the irony of it all, that so many Americans have been brainwashed to believe in the "American dream" and if they don´t make it, it´s their fault for not trying hard enough and then being adamant about "not taking charity". Many simply won´t question the corrupt and utterly unfair system.
And the majority of 'Murricans would scoff at your "socialized" system, Ketina. Americans seem to be just as addicted to the hopelessly corrupt and ineffective system itself, as they are to all the Big Pharma products it produces. Thanks.
I can understand someone being addicted to something that give them pleasure,like sex, alcohol, drugs etc. But I don't understand why anyone can be addicted to something that cause them pain , do you have any answer Donald..?
Yes, that really is the irony of it all, that so many Americans have been brainwashed to believe in the "American dream" and if they don´t make it, it´s their fault for not trying hard enough and then being adamant about "not taking charity". Many simply won´t question the corrupt and utterly unfair system.