A lot of dangerous people are not sociopaths on par with Bill Gates, Elon Musk or Klaus Schwab. They are just cold and indifferent to the suffering of those around them. They don't plot to hurt others or actively delight in destroying lives.
They just follow orders for the paycheck. It's not their fault if standard care doesn't help. They…
A lot of dangerous people are not sociopaths on par with Bill Gates, Elon Musk or Klaus Schwab. They are just cold and indifferent to the suffering of those around them. They don't plot to hurt others or actively delight in destroying lives.
They just follow orders for the paycheck. It's not their fault if standard care doesn't help. They won't be held accountable by those they work for.
These people enable what is going on. It wouldn't work without their help.
Not sheeple so much as machines. Heartless, remorseless, indifferent. The same sort that broadcast their "empathy" on SM every day.
A lot of dangerous people are not sociopaths on par with Bill Gates, Elon Musk or Klaus Schwab. They are just cold and indifferent to the suffering of those around them. They don't plot to hurt others or actively delight in destroying lives.
They just follow orders for the paycheck. It's not their fault if standard care doesn't help. They won't be held accountable by those they work for.
These people enable what is going on. It wouldn't work without their help.
Not sheeple so much as machines. Heartless, remorseless, indifferent. The same sort that broadcast their "empathy" on SM every day.
The world has lost it's soul. This is what comes from it.