Pharmaceuticals are the only thing they can give to treat--T R E A T --any condition. They are evil and do never cure. (you learned the hard way.) Thank God you had your brains enough to get off of them. Many don't before their lives are consumed.
My sister was on 'free' health care and all they ever wanted to do was hack on her. I told h…
Pharmaceuticals are the only thing they can give to treat--T R E A T --any condition. They are evil and do never cure. (you learned the hard way.) Thank God you had your brains enough to get off of them. Many don't before their lives are consumed.
My sister was on 'free' health care and all they ever wanted to do was hack on her. I told her once..."You know just because it's free doesn't mean for you to let them do it". She was one of the sad cases that didn't have the brain left to stop it all. Sadly, she killed herself. I hate the medical system. I hate hospitals. I hate the fakery of caregivers. It is all BS.
And yes 95% of any and all practicing on humans are evil bastards. I do not have insurance and never will have. Why? Because if you are paid for by the state or own health insurance, the 95% will suck it dry of what is allowed, and toss you out. So yes, they are evil and have 0% soul. Soulless. The machine needs a pay check. That's all.
Sorry for such a long spill, but this really hits a nerve that people are practicing science as their God. Never thought I would be alive to see this happen before my eyes.
Pharmaceuticals are the only thing they can give to treat--T R E A T --any condition. They are evil and do never cure. (you learned the hard way.) Thank God you had your brains enough to get off of them. Many don't before their lives are consumed.
My sister was on 'free' health care and all they ever wanted to do was hack on her. I told her once..."You know just because it's free doesn't mean for you to let them do it". She was one of the sad cases that didn't have the brain left to stop it all. Sadly, she killed herself. I hate the medical system. I hate hospitals. I hate the fakery of caregivers. It is all BS.
And yes 95% of any and all practicing on humans are evil bastards. I do not have insurance and never will have. Why? Because if you are paid for by the state or own health insurance, the 95% will suck it dry of what is allowed, and toss you out. So yes, they are evil and have 0% soul. Soulless. The machine needs a pay check. That's all.
Sorry for such a long spill, but this really hits a nerve that people are practicing science as their God. Never thought I would be alive to see this happen before my eyes.