Thank you for this. When I was a young woman I took a typing class which began with the repetitious typing of one sentence which was so drilled into me, I still remember it and I know most of us have heard it. "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." While I may not "defend to the death", I do my best to tolerant of our differences - and walk away from what I choose not to hear, rather than try to silence them. Now some of us would just as soon prefer to kill those who disagree with them. I am old and I think I've given up. Now I just hope if there is such a thing as reincarnation that I've behaved well enough that if I must be reincarnated that it might be to a planet with a more evolved group of sentient beings. It'll be funny if it turns out to be cats.

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I doubt that subversive sentiment is used in any typing class today, dubbydove. Assuming they even still have typing classes. Thanks!

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True. But if people are actually taking typing classes in this age of technology that in itself might be considered subversive.

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Right behind what they do in speech class:-)

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They call it keyboarding now.

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If Donald Jeffries is truly, genuinely, authentically 'Intellectually Honest' (as I really *do* believe he is), he will let this comment post (I usually get shadow-banned on most sites), and he might even follow-up on the information provided below. I definitely respect Donald, so I'm hoping & trusting that his heart & mind are aligned with Ultimate Truth.






I had a highly unexpected life-changing Spiritual experience on April 6, 1994. (I thought the date was merely random, and it took me several years before I realized how significant April 6th was. I'm *NOT* going to argue that point with *anyone*. Believe what you will.)

Two exceptional (and "Scientific") books I would recommend to *everyone* with objective, 'Intellectual Honesty' about this subject are:



May you all . . .

Bless & Be Blessed!!

~ D-FensDogG

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I hope I'm intellectually honest, Stephen. I certainly try to be. I let people post what they want, unless (as in a few cases), the vulgarity or name-calling was over the top. Thanks.

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I'm not here to be preached to about religion. This crap is WAY OFF topic and should not be posted in these comments.

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I'm a free speech purist, I let every comment stand unless it is way over the line (extreme vulgarity or personal attacks, etc.). Thanks.

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Jan 5, 2024Edited
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Thanks, DAISIES!

One thing I really appreciated about Dr. Stevenson's work was how he went to great lengths NOT to sensationalize any of his findings. Like a real scientist would, he considered every single possible alternative explanation in all of the cases he studied, and then let the reader decide for himself / herself.

Most publications on this topic are sensationalized and/or approached with a preconceived bias in one direction or another. But Dr. Stevenson took a "scientific" approach as much as humanly possible.

I didn't even know about his book 'OLD SOULS'. I will be buying that one within a week! Thank you for mentioning it!

~ D-FensDogG

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Jan 5, 2024Edited
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There's nut'n special about me, but I still sincerely appreciate your compliment.

This particular subject -- Elijah and John the Baptist -- is addressed briefly in my 4-part series about The Holy Bible & Reincarnation. But below is a conversation I had about it with someone and which went into additional detail.

A little over two years ago, in a YouTube comment section, someone posted this:

>>... he [*John the Baptist*] was elijah, the bible says all men shall die once then judgement, elijah didnt die and jesus said this is elijah who was to come, could god have reincarnated elijahs spirit in a new body, he can do anything

I replied:

>>... Yes, Elijah and John the Baptist were the same soul.

Then someone else - a very orthodox or "mainstream" Christian - entered the conversation and wanted to debate the idea with me. Here's what followed (edited for brevity) :

Mainstream Christian: This contradicts Scripture, so no. Not correct

Me: Where does it contradict Scripture?

Mainstream Christian: Hebrews 9:27

27 And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment,


>>... "Hebrews 9:27 And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment"

To paraphrase Agent 86, Maxwell Smart: "Ahh, the ol' Hebrews 9:27 trick!"

You see, this is what happens when Christians get all of their Biblical understanding from seminary and Bible college-trained pastors, rather than allowing themselves to be taught *primarily* by The Holy Spirit, just as Jesus and Saint John told us we should be (see John 14:16 & 26; John 16:13; 1st John 2:27).

To begin with, in Genesis 2:17, God told Adam & Eve “but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” They DID eat from the tree, but did they die on that day? They sure did! Not a physical death, but a form (or perception) of Spiritual death. A type of Spiritual separation from the full relationship with God, their Creator.

That was the first "death" mentioned in The Holy Bible -- a type of Spiritual death. And that is the *same* type of death being referred to in Hebrews 9:27. It's a type of Spiritual death that we perceive to be suffering from as a result of being born into a fallen world resulting from Adam & Eve's transgression, which brought on a Spiritual "death" on the very day they disobeyed God. The whole world and every man and woman has been living in judgment in this fallen world ever since then.

And, THAT is the *true* meaning of Hebrews 9:27 -- as taught by The Holy Spirit, rather than pastors who have graduated from seminaries & Bible colleges with framed pieces of paper showing that they have learned to regurgitate all of the "acceptable", "orthodox" theological positions.

But, just for kicks, let's pretend that The Holy Spirit's interpretation is wrong and YOU have the correct understanding of Hebrews 9:27. Even if you were right, you would STILL be wrong! Why? For TWO reasons!!

1) Hebrews 9:27 says: "...it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment"

Elijah was a man, and yet he did NOT die. In 2 Kings 2, Elijah is essentially "raptured" into Heaven via a chariot of fire, and thus he never physically dies. What happened to his "appointment" with *physical* death? Elijah missed his appointment.

2) In Matthew 26:52, Jesus said that "ALL who take the sword will perish by the sword".

In 1 Kings 18, Elijah executed the false prophets of baal. But Elijah did NOT perish by the sword. In fact, as just stated, he did not perish at all! He escaped physical death by being "raptured" into Heaven.

And THAT is the real reason John the Baptist was killed by the sword. Because John had been Elijah, and Elijah had killed with the sword and thus he still had an appointment with 'physical death via the sword'. Elijah's rapture into Heaven only delayed his eventual appointment. Jesus could have saved John but He didn't because our Sinless Savior had not yet gone to the cross to eternally atone for mankind's sins, and therefore the statement by Jesus in Matthew 26:52 was still in effect.

As always, the final word goes to King Jesus Christ:

Jesus (Matthew 11) : “For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John. And if you are willing to receive it, *he IS Elijah* who is to come. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!"

Jesus (Matthew 17): “But I say to you that Elijah has come already, and they did not know him but did to him whatever they wished. Likewise the Son of Man is also about to suffer at their hands.” Then the disciples understood that He spoke to them of John the Baptist.

I recommend that you pay less attention to pastors, read your Bible more, and pray that Jesus sends you God's Holy Spirit to teach you what The Word Of God is really saying and to help you understand what you need to know. The time is extremely short now.

Mainstream Christian: I don't feel like addressing your exegesis, but reincarnation is still not Biblical.

Daisies, this is a good example of why I no longer waste my valuable time arguing with anonymous Internet people at YouTube, or anywhere else. (He claimed I was wrong, but he didn't "feel like addressing" my explanation any further. Right! Got it!)

~ D-FensDogG

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Jan 7, 2024Edited
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Jan 5, 2024
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Jan 5, 2024
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Your link still is not working. I don't think it has anything to do with Donald's Substack. Perhaps you could try it again?

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I have no control over that, and I don't think Substack would censor a link. Thanks.

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Thank you, Kris.

It suddenly dawned on me that I could simply post the URL and it would automatically transform into a link. At Blogspot, one must include some formatting which is not necessary here at Substack. It appears to be working now.

~ D-FensDogG

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Huh? "Link" and "URL" are different? Is Blogspot like AOL, where one must "embed" a URL for it to be "hot" (clickable}? They tell me, otherwise one must copy and paste it to a new tab or window. "Sir" Tim Berners-Lee burn in Abaddon! (Bring back Gopher Protocol.)

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SaHiB ~

I'm not familiar with AOL but, yes, in order for a URL to become a clickable link in a Blogspot comment section, one must use this sort of formatting:

<a href="url">link text</a>

Otherwise, if one just posts a URL, a person would then need to copy and paste it into their browser in order to go to that site. I was utilizing that same format here in this Substack comment section, and that caused the problem I was encountering.

~ D-FensDogG

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" I am old and I think I've given up. Now I just hope if there is such a thing as reincarnation that I've behaved well enough that if I must be reincarnated that it might be to a planet with a more evolved group of sentient beings.:

Hell, yes to that.

We know there is life in the universe...now the question must be: Is there intelligent life in the universe?

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"Is there intelligent life in the universe?"

hope so, cause there's bugger of it down here on earth / Monty Python

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Well, we already know it's a big rarity on Planet Earth. It's here though. Just not in any positions of power.

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" It's here though. Just not in any positions of power."

That's for sure. However, the concept of intelligence is relative. When one is considered intelligent it is in relation to the mean. But one can conceive of cognitive ability well beyond what is found in humans. After all, some dogs are more 'intelligent' than others, but I would be loathe to describe them as cognitively superior.

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We assume we're the most intelligent, but are we? We'r4e the only species with the ability to make pesticides and WMD's. But few of us can really communicate with animals. I am not at all religious but I have considered that the real meaning of the Tower of Babel punishment was that our abili9ty to communicate with each other non-verbally was replace with verbal languages which can often be a block to real communication. I think other animals still have that and we're unable to access it with each other or with them. Perhaps they're communicating with each other about our complete lack of wisdom or appreciation for the earth And maybe that's the real superior intelligence instead of the one able to blow up the planet.

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Try critter whispering.

MOST pesticides are other than man-made. E.g., Bt toxin, lectins, whatever toxins some grape bacteria use to kill competing yeasts, etc. Dunno about "natural" WMDs other than cataclysmic events, though molds degrading lignin and thus ending the Carboniferous may qualify.

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Yes, that's why we can't just eat any plant without knowing what we're eating. Apparently plants are remarkable chemists.

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I, too, am fond of animals. It is terrible how some people treat animals.

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Definitely not much of it is left on this planet.

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I don't think there are any cat planets out there. (I heard there is a dog star.) Meanwhile, fortunately, the Powers-That-Be have made the sheeple easy to spot. They wear masks, have pink hair, are overweight, and usually quite oblivious to their surroundings. It has become easy to avoid them, and they generally don't like my haunts anyway.

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I died my hair pink with beet jujice a couple of times, but I've never been good at obedience. Didn't even wear a mask when it was popular to do so and every grocery store cashier who couldn't tell a turnip from a rutabaga had become an authority on the necessity of wearing masks and how to do so correctly. I'm holding otu for a cat planet. A planet of felines where no one obeys!

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If the more evolved species is anything like the Klingons were in TOS, I'll stick with the angels.

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Not bonobos?

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Jan 4, 2024Edited
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Thank you. I'll look into those authors. I am Jewish, but like you, not big on religion. However, whether or not he existed, I have no problem with Jesus. It's his followers that seem to be the problem. Maybe we'd do better without so-called leaders - they always seem to be leading their followers over the nearest cliff. I've been regressed to a past life which, at the time, didn't make sense to me, but since then, I think a lot is hidden from us for the benefit of patriarchy. I regressed to a life in which I was a man and a teacher but could only teach boys as I lived in a matriarchy. I recall thinking what bad timing I have. But it was an isolated life. I recall the building in which I lived and taught was round. Since then have been introduced to the idea that patriarchy is top down, with those at the top crushing those below them. Matriarchy is round, buildings in which all are inter-related, looked in each others eyes, an open consensus. When I was18, I left home and moved to the "Y", $50.00/month for a room and two meals a day. I used to have a steady stream of girls around my age coming to see me and telling me how they grew up in Catholic orphanages and the abusive ordeal that their childhoods had been. Not the best way to gain love and loyalty. None of it is about anything that can be proved in fact, it's all faith-based and depressing how each sect or religion hates everyone who believes differently and just some of those who believe the same. I have my own take on the whole thing which I'm sure is even more unpopular. I'll check the writers you mention. Didn't know about Ellijah incarnating as John the Baptist. I read both the Old and New Testament but many years ago.

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"None of it is about anything that can be proved in fact, it's all faith-based and depressing how each sect or religion hates everyone who believes differently"

Exactly. Funny thing is, "faith-based" must actually apply to literally to *everything*. For example, all science, even properly conducted, even heavily replicated, even when endorsed by 99% of the approved experts, is *still* subject to revision at any time. I happens all the time, and for hundreds of years now, else they'd be able to shutter most research of any kind. Why? Because humans are, unavoidably and perpetually, limited and imperfect.

In other words, it's all belief. There is no such thing as unimpeachable "knowledge". Nothing can be *proved* at all, it can only ever pass a minimum bar for wide acceptance. Seriously. (Conversely, to "know" something is possible only by being one with it.)

I realize this is a radical opinion, and one that depressingly few people are willing (able?) to wrap their heads around. But our accepting it, and regaining this *humility* in politics and all other aspects of social life, may be our only way out. Because that's the dirty little secret that allows groups of intelligent sociopaths with ever-increasing technologies (of all kinds) to successfully propagandize us to infinity, and in recent years, with a smashing successes that have gobsmacked us.

This from an atheist pre-Marx-Leftist here, one who also believes the Christian Bible and other religious texts may have been able to include texts (written by who knows who/what and how) that predict the future, simply because humans do not understand the time-space continuum and how it works. The Bible can, and does, also lie, of course. It's certainly a commonplace since the late-mid 20th century that "men of God" do.

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Jan 5, 2024Edited
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Thank you, but I'm just trying to survive one more day jmust like everyone else. I suppose Palestinians could be reincarnated from WW2. But what's even more tragic and more ironic to me is that there is a genetic connection between the Jews and Palestinians. When the Jews were exiled for resisting the Romans, not all the Jews wee exiled. Only the ones who resisted wee exiled, the rest remained in Judea which the Romas renamed Palestine to spite the Jews. That means that many of the Palestinians could be desceded from the Jews who remained in Judea. Which doesn't mean they couldn't also have spent a lifetime in Germany. If you're interested in my philosophy, read my Substack "I'm a Full-Time Enki-ikst All the Way" I think it's called.

Also, many Arabs did support Hitler too ignorant to understand they would have been next in line.

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Clever, since he was allegedly taken up into heaven without dying. How does one reincarnate without dying? They have some substitute for that in heaven?

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Yes, I use that Elijah/John the Baptist verse all the time, as an example. Hell is real...but so is reincarnation. With enough study, the two can be reconciled...quite nicely...with no loss of critical thinking. Buddhists and Hindus believe in hell realms. Hell will be : "thrown into the lake of fire"... after the Final Judgement...which is after the Thousand Year Golden Age of peace, with Christ Jesus as earthly King. Btw, I don't go to any church, either.

I have read both Newton and Weiss. Newton I know to be a dis-info agent from the New Age psy-op. I don't know about Weiss...but his alma maters (Yale and Columbia) both being global elite training schools, gives me pause. I don't trust anyone who comes out of the establishment to tell the truth.

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Well, first off, there is no such thing as Reincarnation. "... it is appointed unto men once to die, and after this the judgment..." Elijah did not die. He will return during the Reign of the Antichrist, which I expect more sooner than later at this point. I too am into chiliasm, and looking forward to that millennium, which I think corresponds to the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart. (When I get up there I will be sure and ask Pius XII why the Millennium "cannot be safely taught" but "evolution" can.)

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Jan 4, 2024
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"Added"? Sheol and Abaddon are well represented in Tanakh. Lose the rudeness hat.

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I sense a former "Christian" Zionist here...who has graduated from passively hating Christ Jesus, to full-on hatred of Him, and his followers. "Christian" Zionists just need to come clean and admit that their love for Jews, is what they live for...not Our Lord. They are in for a shock when their Jewish overlords turn on them, and behead them...according to their Noahide Laws. All goyim are Amalek...and Amalek must be wiped from the face of the earth. Or she could just be a garden verity Jew, looking to stir the s***.

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Guess again. Quotes bracket the wrong word. You claiming hands of the Eternal turn on people?

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Jan 5, 2024Edited
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You blew your second chance. While Donald is a free speech absolutist, even for libel, slander, and gross offensiveness, I'm not. Bye, terrorist soon to be pushing up daisies!

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Although reincarnation is a provable fact, much New Age propaganda exists, including Newton's books. Those who lack the discernment of the Holy Spirit will always be fooled. A book came out about 30 years ago porporting to be past life memories of Jews who died in gas chambers, who were now reborn as gentiles. There were no gas chambers. Auschwitz had babies born (some still alive today), marriages, clubs, a movie theater and a soccer team. There were only work camps, which my father was forced into, and escaped three times. Those naked bodies in the propaganda films were GERMAN SOLDiERS. They were naked because the uniforms had to removed before filming. The starvation deaths were caused by the "good guys" bombing the railroad tracks and stopping food from entering the camps. Zyklon B gas was used in the showers for delicing. Most who died in the camps died of starvation and typhus (spread by lice). Funny how Zyklon B gas was used on humans for delicing those crossing into Texas from Mexico in the fifties. As far as I know, nobody died in that instance. No gas chambers, means that book was invented out of whole cloth...like so many others. Jews never miss a trick to push their holohoax propaganda.

What you believe matters nothing to me... but Donald provides a platform for free speach...and I will use it.

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Damn you’re good!!!!

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Thanks, Steshu!

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Don is always good. That is why he has the most shadowbanned books in the world and 99.99% of humanity will not appear on "I Protest".

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Totally agreed on this one especially, he's practically 'asking for it' . / joking

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Alex Jones, Trump, etc. are just NWO actors, standing in for us Truthers. As you've stated so many times...they are making examples of these actors, to try and scare anyone with an audience...to watch what they say. After seeing such a huge majority roll over for the scamdemic, I don't think it matters much anymore what Truthers say. If one can not discern the constant lies coming from authorities by now, no free speach from any source will be able to help at least 80 percent of Americans. No, there is no "Great Awakening" ..."they" are no longer hiding their actions against us...and still the majority are blind to what is happening. As for America 2.0...its already lost , and I predict broken apart by the end of the year.

Shadow-banning is now so ubiquitious, that it's trickled down to Youtube comments and Amazon reviews (Masking The Truth, being an obvious example). The reason. for the SHADOW part, is that people would stop participating in the charade if they were seeing outright bans.

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Well said, Kris. If Americans don't care about overt censorship, and accept Orwellian concepts like "Hate Speech," they certainly aren't going to care about any of our shadow bans. Thanks.

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"Shadow-banning is now so ubiquitious, that it's trickled down to Youtube comments and Amazon reviews (Masking The Truth, being an obvious example). The reason. for the SHADOW part, is that people would stop participating in the charade if they were seeing outright bans."

Yes, shadow banning is ubiquitous. I believe The Unz Review is fond of that type of censorship.

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Shadow-banning is not even honest censorship...it is censorship by stealth. Any site employing shadow-banning, must be suspect of being controlled-opposition.

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All any of us can fairly ask for is a level playing field, Kris. I'm confident I can compete in the marketplace of ideas with anyone. But not if the process is rigged. Thanks.

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More and more sites have disabled comments on articles, or disable them once it's obvious they aren't getting the response they desire. Yahoo banned them for a long time, but has brought them back. They must really weed through them, however, as they tend to be a long more establishment-friendly than they were. Thanks, Realist.

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I have Rense to thank for discovering your Substack. I've been reading it about three years, and I have noticed that your comment section grows more robust by the month. I believe this is due to your policy of absolute free speach. Once readers realize that they can have their say, they want to participate. It works wonderfully well. We police ourselves. There have been a few name callers and trolls that have tried to stir up trouble , but they don't stick here... because reasoned dialogue drives them away. Donald, your comment sections prove absolute free speach works the best.

People who flip-out because someone disagrees with their comment are very weak-minded, insecure children. They are unable to defend their ideas, so they resort to name calling. They are so intellectually lacking, they believe a challenge to their points, is an attack on their egos.

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I appreciate that, Kris. It definitely is growing, which is very gratifying. I'm trying to walk the walk. Thanks!

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I agree about the UR. Unz seems to be a control freak as the comment limiting system illustrates. Comments are limited to three per 8 hour period, though I was often stopped by the message "Too much commenting" after my first or second comment in several days, while certain other commenters, who agreed with Ron, seemed to post an unlimited number of comments daily.

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Realist, why do you believe Unz Review shadow bans? Are you referring to the articles or the comments? I've read some over-the-top comments on there and find it hard to believe there's censorship going on.

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"Are you referring to the articles or the comments?"

The comments.

"I've read some over-the-top comments on there and find it hard to believe there's censorship going on."

That is for sure. No matter how over the top the comments are...as long as you stick to the narrative, you're good to go. And that narrative is Jews are evil. And it is delivered as all-inclusive. The strange thing is Ron Unz, the proprietor, is Jewish. If one tries to explain that not all Jews are evil, one is met with much derision by what I believe are house trolls and sometimes nasty warnings from Unz himself. One of the favorite 'insults' is you are a Jew or some such comment. I am most definitely not Jewish.

My stand is there are good Jews and bad Jews...just like any race or ethnic group.

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"And that narrative is Jews are evil." Yes, I've seen a lot of comments (and articles) there with that sentiment. I've never try to debate with those commentors so I haven't experienced any censorship. I'm not sure if they are trying to provoke people or if they really hold those extreme positions, and I don't feel like wasting my time trying to find out. I like to read the contrarian articles published on Unz to get a diverse prospective on a issue, and then form my own opinion.

"My stand is there are good Jews and bad Jews...just like any race or ethnic group." Same view as mine.

Thanks for responding.

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"I'm not sure if they are trying to provoke people or if they really hold those extreme positions, and I don't feel like wasting my time trying to find out."

Since Ron Unz is a Jew, he is either self-hating or an agent provocateur.

A while back, they threatened to curtail my 'privileges' so I just said the hell with it and haven't returned, nor will I ever. I was there for quite a long time...too long, but I did like the format.

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The commenting siteware at the UR is good and it's very conducive to discussions, but his relatively new comment limiting protocol defeats any attempt at discussion. The pet trolls hold forth at will and others have to wait 8 hours to respond.

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Yes, I know my YouTube comments get shadowbanned, which is why I don't even bother posting on any video with more than a thousand views. Like you I have very much given up on America 2.0... It's like we're standing on the beach waiting for the tsunami to come in. On the plus side, all of those going to Gaza because it is open season on orphans and widows had better realize that the Snakes are not going to let them live to tell their tails. No, once the deed is accomplished, they will be put against the wall and stacked at the top of that mass grave. The same goes for a lot of people who think they are going to profit from this, and end on the right side of fortune. Guess again.

When Our Lady of Fatima said various nations would be annihilated, I am sure she was referring to all those Deep State wind-up toys like the United States, Modern Britain, France, and Germany. Buckle up- the next five years are going to be a wild ride.

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The internet of things, including everything you and me write in it will be used against us at some point, so yeah it’s free speech until it ain’t….

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Yep. I have years worth of material out there, documenting my history of Thought Crime, online alone. Not to mention my nine books (will be ten this spring). I've made myself unemployable. Thanks, Eveohtse.

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What we have is controlled speech, not free speech. Or perhaps approved speech.

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Exactly. The controls are in place, approval is predetermined by the control method.

Don, imagine you giving this speech in a university or a pubic meeting. You would be canceled or arrested. Another thing about the internet of things, it creates anonymity which is great, but our current version is filled with controlled opposition.

Thanks for being one of the sources I believe is true.

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I appreciate that, Eveohtse. You are right. Virtually any column I've ever written could get me arrested in this tyrannical, authoritarian climate. Thanks!

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Absolutely. When you combine the "Internet of Things" with "Artificial Intelligence" you have the Beast I think Daniel and St John were talking about.

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Notice the severity of silencing war critics before and during the wars. Notice the same happening today. War is at the door, folks. Hide your children.

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Yep. No yelling fire in a crowded theater. Support Uncle Sam! Thanks, Phil.

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Might be a real concept. My 2nd grade teacher related she'd been in a theater where the nitrate film caught fire.

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Well, it was used to support the notion that free speech doesn't permit you to protest wars. The government never cited this horrible precedent during the Vietnam War protests in the 1960s, which should make everyone wonder. Thanks.

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She suggested, you have no right to panic people into a trampling riot. Wars are often trampling riots if nothing else.

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C'mon all you big strong men, Uncle Sam needs your help again/ Got himself in a terrible jam/Way down yonder in Old Iran/ So put down your phones and pick up a gun/ We're gonna have a whole lot of fun!

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1, 2, 3, what are we fighting for? Don't ask me, I don't give a damn. That song could have been written about any of our senseless wars. Thanks, John!

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Oh I think we're in it already.

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Yes, war is at the door. I have heard it knocking for some time. I fear it is going to kick it open.

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Great article. I've been cancelled in the town where I live. The City Council no longer responds to my emails. The local paper has banned me from making comments on their website. My letters to the editor are no longer published. Only about 10% of the people in our town think like we do.

BTW; my Mom (92) went to Patrick Henry High School in Minneapolis. Mom was very upset that the school board in Mpls. just renamed her high school as Camden High. It seems that Patrick Henry owned slaves so he's being cancelled.

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I appreciate that, Timmy. You are experiencing the equivalent of a shadow ban, but in real life. Sad to hear that about Patrick Henry's name being removed. But no one seems to care. Look what happened after a relatively small group protested the removal of Confederate statues in Charlottesville. Thanks.

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I used to go by this Confederate monument on Ward Parkway in Kansas City all the time. My folks lived nearby in Kansas City. It's a very large stone monument.

Loose Park in KC is just south of Country Club Plaza. This was the location of the Battle of Westport which was the biggest battle west of the Mississippi in the War of Secession.

A nearby large two-story mansion was used as a hospital for both sides during and after the battle. The amputated limbs of the soldiers were thrown in a pile on the lawn. The pile of bones and flesh reached the roof of the house.

General Price, Rooster Cogburn's (John Wayne in "True Grit") cat was named after the Confederate General in the Battle of Westport.

The Battle of Westport was lost by the Confederacy when a local farmer showed the Union troops a narrow path that outflanked the Confederate battle line.

It's very sad that the statue, in honor of the dead of both sides in the battle, was vandalized and then removed.

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I appreciate you sharing that, Timmy. What's even sadder is that our leaders are allowing it to happen without a peep of protest. Thanks.

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The "Free Press" has stopped commenting on all the local papers.. Commenting used to be my platform to reach through the narrative but they figured it out and ceased it. Media is only one way now and commenting verboten.

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That's why they are coming after the blogs next, including Substack, which is the largest free speech platform left. They don't want us to have a voice. Thanks, Kokitsum!

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Like so many things; If you don't use it, you loose it!

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I agree. The days of substack are definitely numbered. wordpress has already surrendered.

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Kokitsum: Yes, you are right. We aren't even allowed a cat-call from the Peanut Gallery anymore.

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Welcome back to the 1980's, when they had a virtual monopoly. Meanwhile, the best way to censor the news is simply not report it.

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Get with the program. Put on your mask, get jabbed, and set up your holiday tree- but no blue balls- that's racist.

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White Wolf: LOL! In the middle school, Junior High, that I attended, there was an underclassman nicknamed "Blue Balls". No idea how the shy skinny kid got that nickname.

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Do a "mel from Chesterfield". When KSL.com pulled this stunt, he learned how to create a new email and its identity in 30 seconds. City Council might be even easier. Just borrow identities from their dead and otherwise fictitious voter pool. Do I smell a rat in Minneapolis?

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SaHiB: LOL! That's a good strategy but I want the town to know the messages come from me. There are people in the town who share my opinions.

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Recently I have dropped several alt news sites over their content. I did so because I was nauseated by their portrayals of the Israeli genocide. Am I guilty of blocking free speech simply because I don't support the murder of women and children? I don't believe so because these so called freedom sites are advocating for murder an absolutely heinous act. I honestly hope that they leave them up as most people reading these sites are hopefully as appalled as I am at their turn around about "freedom". Maybe they will inadvertently shine a light on the evil they are promoting. Who knows? I, personally feel shame for them as they spout their support for this blatant genocide.

Now we live with the climate change fraud which is just a way they have found to tax the very air we breathe. We live with the blatant corruption involved with the vax mandates. However it seems that lately people are waking up to these scams. Maybe they will soon wake up to the fact that Palestine sits on a trillion cubic metres of natural gas that the Neocons want to take and realize that these demons are murdering children under the guise of righteousness when in reality is is just good old fashioned greed.

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I obviously agree with you, Peter. Everything they promote is false. Thanks.

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Worse, far worse. The Gaza Genocide is an offering by the Satanists to their god Moloch. The "official numbers" are a cosmic joke. The dead have to number the better part of a million by now. This is like bombing a packed stadium after all the exits have been blocked. What I have seen is truly horrendous- and trust me, there are a lot of fake videos, just like during the first part of the Ukraine War. You really have to sift but you can tell what is genuine.

The United States has an ocean of blood on its hands. This will not end well, as surely as God is in His Heaven.

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I quit listening to Megyn Kelly for the same reason; her support of the slaughter in Gaza.

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I dropped Fred Child's Performance Today for his portrayals of the Donbass and Israeli genocides. He and they are well aware of the gas and oil.

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The Alien & Sedition Act was blatantly unconstitutional, proving how useless that document is, even way back then. You can thank that disgusting mongrel, Ape-braham Lincoln, darling icon of the Cryptocracy, for the Iron Heel dictatorship that crushes us now. Once when FDR was warned about the communist infiltration of the U.S. government, he casually dismissed the admonition saying, "Why some of my best friends are communists." (and scumbag, lying criminals, like he was). Here is a great quote on that idol of the blight-wing, con-artist-servatives, J. Edgar (transvestite) Hoover. "Bryers was investigated for trafficking child pornography in the 1970s, whereupon his stable of male hustlers began coughing up the names of frequent flyers at his bordello, the most notable among them being super freak G-man J. Edgar Hoover and partner Clyde Tolson." ( who was also Hoover's fagot lover). A noted jurist of the, "Nine Swine" (U.S. Supreme Cult), whose name eludes me, said that it is the most reprehensible speech that must be protected. The reason is obvious. The System will continually contract the parameters of what is reprehensible until even mild criticisms of the government will be construed as a threat and prosecuted. Like what we have now. "Truth is an absolute, affirmative defense to slander and libel." - 50 AmJur 2d, 268. Like with everything else, there's what oughtta be and there's what is. The Alice in Wonderland courts in the U.S. are Freemasonic playgrounds. All of the judges and court personnel should be placed in occupations commensurate with their character, like digging sewer trenches and the court buildings transmuted into enterprises of higher moral caliber, whore houses. I think the criminal Covid hoax with concomitant tyrannical oppressions and callous destruction of lives should put to rest for all time the alleged protections of the hallowed, Bill of Rights (Bill of Wipes- use instead of toilet paper). This article is the epitome of profundity, Don, thank you.

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Another erudite comment, Hereticdrummer. Thanks!

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Thank you, Don. Keep punching and be well.

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HD, as I get older and learn more, I am astonished how brainwashed I was. Learning the truth about Lincoln in the last few years was astounding. As a little girl, the St. Lincoln narrative was all we heard. A funny thing is when I was little, I used to watch Shirley Temple movies. The Littlest Rebel, 1935, took place in the south and portrayed the Union soldiers as monsters and the slaves as family members. The main slave character is "Uncle Billy." Considering half my family is from North Carolina and had slaves, I was very interested in the movie. I realized it didn't jive with the Southerners are monsters and Northerners are angels mantra I was taught in school. My Grandmother's mother died giving birth to her, and she was raised by slaves who all stayed on the farm after the war. None of these stories can be told now, of course. Even in The Littlest Rebel, only so much "truth" is allowed. Lincoln pops up in the end and releases Shirley's Confederate father from prison, because Shirley asked him too. Guess that's how she became an ambassador later in life. She had the gift.

Anyway, your comment, "Like with everything else, there's what oughtta be and there's what is," is perfect. I think it's my new life slogan.

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Cindy Lynn, "History is a trick the living play upon the dead." The Matrix raises us on a foundation of lies and obfuscations. If a people are kept from their true history, culture and heritage, they are toast. There were many black slaves who fought for the Confederacy of their own volition without being forced to. Many white southern men who went to war left their wives and children alone on their farms and plantations with black slaves and no harm came to them. In fact, the blacks would give their lives to protect them. There were many white slaves known by the euphemism of Indentured Servants. As it was possible for a black slave to be granted his freedom, you had the anomaly of free blacks owning white slaves. Granted it was not common but it was a reality. All of this has been consigned to the Orwellian memory hole by our Talmudic spin masters and their goyim sycophants. As a rule of thumb, those who the System glorifies and sanctifies are scum, and those they vilify and condemn are the real heroes. You are a very perspicacious lady, Cindy Lynn.

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Thank you, HD!

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You are more than welcome, Cindy Lynn.

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Such sympathetic treatment of Confederates seems to have ended in movies and TV for the most part since the early '70s. One exception is the film "Ride With the Devil", a treatment of the novel "Woe to Live On". That film is about the Missouri Guerillas, and even has a few black Guerilla members, one of them is played by Jeffery Wright.

Look it up on IMDB.


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Will do - thank you!

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When FDR said that some of his best friends were communists, he was speaking the plain truth. In fact, his whole administration had more KGB agents than inside the walls of the Kremlin. Perhaps only the Vatican exceeded Washington at the time.

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Well said, White Wolf.

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I worked with many of the engineers who built the Moon landers and the other space systems. The "never happened" and flat earth people are fun to be around. Lots of good conversations. I published a book with my friend Bad Quaker Ben Stone about all the ways you can not only prove the Earth is spherical but also estimate its diameter. Of course, I might need to teach trigonometry to the experimenters.

Jefferson said that if you don't trust people to govern themselves, the path forward is to inform their ignorance, not take away their freedoms. But Barack and Michelle actively hate humanity and want to enslave mankind.

When I was in college 40 years ago, Barack was on campus to investigate the anti-war groups on campus. He hated us for our protests against nuclear war. He published his foul lies in the Sundial magazine in 1983. You can look it up.

We are in a spiritual war against wickedness in high places. God is with us to save us. Amen.

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Jefferson said so many astute and timeless things, Jim. No wonder he's been condemned to the "racist" phantom zone by the court historians. Thanks!

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You are going to have to tell me about those space suits, which could not have handled a partial vacuum, let alone the alleged high vacuum of Outer Space. The "moon landers" were damaged by the soft sands of Florida. They were totally destroyed on impact with the basalt of the California Low Desert. And none of the astronauts could land that thing in any of the simulations, but they got it perfect every time on the moon. Give me a break.

While I am not a flat earther, I do know that there is no way to prove the earth is spherical. If you are referring to the experiment of Erostosthenes, you and he need to stop assuming light travels in straight lines.

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All those perfect photos they allegedly took on the moon are a masterpiece.

A masterpiece of deception.

It appears that the multitudes of lies and corruption are finally catching up with the

ruling elites and so the reset and genocides are perfectly timed for their benefit.

All we have is truth, a mustard seed of faith, and maybe an army of angels.

I'd rather be on the side of truth and justice than be a wealthy man right now.

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Do recall that God is Truth. We have the Truth. That is really all we need.

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Not at all disagreeing with you Donald. I would like to say though that under contract law the Constitution was never actually binding on anyone who did not personally sign it. It certainly is not actually binding on anyone not alive at the time. For your edification you can read Lysander Spooners brilliant essay: https://brandfolder.com/s/6pjtbg65pxfqpm5f76fkct7f

For another eye opener you can read this: https://brandfolder.com/s/jt3fs8txwbpggwjvj4n94fgh

I think expecting the government, no matter who is in charge to follow the rule of law is like pissing into the wind. Government is all force nothing else. They don't need no stinkin constitution. That's just a farce for the little people to believe there is something to protect them from the criminal gang in charge. VOTE HARDER! Hasn't worked in 250 years but I'm sure it will work this time.

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Can't argue with you, Van Joerger. I love Lysander Spooner. Thanks!

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With all due respect to Lysander Spooner, yes, it is. Oaths are ubiquitous. Political office, military enlistment, voting, Social Security, etc. IRS went them one better, requiring one confess being under penalties (yes, plural) of perjury.

I do not intend to imply the so-called "income" tax be constitutional, but will save that rant for another day.

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Ahh...the immortal line of the late, great Alfonso Bedoya. Now THAT was a great film.

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Spooner may have missed the obvious fact that the Constitution was never binding on private citizens, but instead upon government agents and that it is binding upon all who swear an oath to the Constitution regardless of whether they were original parties to its enactment. Those swearing an oath of fealty to the Constitution are no longer private citizens, but agents of the government.

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Not too often do I encounter a post by one wide awake. Yes, honest men can persuade. Criminals can do nothing but intimidate.

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Since Patrick Henry refused to attend the Amendment negotiations, it is doubtful that they would have made the Constitution any more palatable to him. still smelling a rat.

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You're probably right, Vonu. Patrick Henry embodied the spirit of the independence movement. Thanks!

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He saw the recreation of the British Empire in the Constitution.

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I think Patrick Henry was the only true patriot who actually believed the rhetoric. And maybe Samual Adams. Maybe.

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What rhetoric?

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The reason the Establishment wants to ban Free Speech is because they are running out of options. How do you debate a "Holocaust Denier" who has conclusive proof nobody was gassed at Auschwitz, and the holes on the floor of the "gas chamber" are where the toilets used to be in the bathroom stalls that were all removed? (Imagine, using the restroom while waiting to be gassed.) How do debate a "911 Truther" who brings up Building 7 and wonders why a 47 story building collapsed because the furniture was burning in the lobby? How do you debate somebody who questions the Warren Report because film was taken of Lee Oswald standing outside the Union Deposit Building 7 seconds before he allegedly shot JFK from the 6th floor? No, you cannot debate these people, you have to silence them. In the old days the only way to do that was a knife to the chest or a bullet to the head. But in the 21st Century, when the vast majority of the Sheeple walk around consulting their Fondle Slap from minute to minute, they have developed algorithms that ensure that, in Cyberspace, nobody can hear you scream.

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Good points, WW. They can't debate, thus they censor. Btw, what film of Oswald are you referring to? There is the Altgens photo of the TSBD doorway, with a figure there that resembles Oswald, taken simultaneously with JFK getting shot in the throat. Where is the Union Deposit Building? Thanks.

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I was referring to the School Book Depository. I don't know which specific film it was. But it was most likely being taken from one of the press cars to the rear of the motorcade, as everything is scrolling past at low speed. You can see Oswald just a few rows up and over from who I believe was a young George Herbert Walker Bush. He looks unkempt, like he had been working hard and was taking a break.

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I think you must be talking about the Altgens doorway photo, WW. Thanks.

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In the 20th Century, when the vast majority of the Sheeple walked around after having consulted their TVs and radios, anyone daring to question the official media version of events would be subject to a beatdown by the idiots who automatically believed anything Walter Cronkite said. That same mindset was common during the past century as well.

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Yes, it has been around for awhile.

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Two things you said made me smile #1 It isn't easy being a true supporter of free speech in a society that doesn't value it....Millions of Americans don't believe in God. So they don't value the rights our Founders said come from God. #2 Democracy isn't threatened by any speech. But we are threatened by those who don't believe in freedom of speech. Some speech is not more equal than others. Good stuff my Man!

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Thanks, Kokitsum!

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"Millions of Americans don't believe in God. So they don't value the rights our Founders said come from God."

See my comment to Donald below.

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People use the word 'God' often in the sense of 'natural' law in regards to where our rights originate. Natural law vs artificial construct. When we were little we had to raise our hand in class to get permission from the teacher to go pee. Our right to go pee originates with the teacher in the artificial environment of a classroom. It's the same with our right to speak in the classroom and express ourselves, likewise later in life while at work. Our rights originate from secular authorities in these artificial spaces. But there is another source of law -the universal laws of nature. If teacher doesn't give the child permission to pee, then he will pee his pants. Instincts are a kind of God(s) which they haven't

managed to corrupt or eradicate entirely quite yet, but they are getting closer every day.

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Nicely put, Scott. Thanks!

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Well, I wish it were that simple.

We're stepping right into a legal quagmire;

over-simplification helps us to float over the philosophical quicksand.

Pure instinct as the voice of God is the Garden of Eden state. Humans no longer can

exist in that barbarous condition. Women no longer have an estrus cycle like animals for just one example. But we feel that women who protect their babies out of natural instinct

represent our highest virtue; willing to give their own life to save the life of the smallest and most fragile of us. We see this in nature too. I once was hiking on a trail and came across a mother quail and her flock. She pretended to be wounded right in front of me to give her little babies time to flee. A fox might have easily snatched her. So, there has to be a poetic and balanced trade-off between all the elements. instinct/individuality/culture/artificiality.

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Most Americans do believe in God. He speaks to them daily via their notifications.

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Thanks Donald for reminding us that “there is no new thing under the sun.” I keep threatening to go off the grid as I don’t know how much more gaslighting I can take, but people like you give me hope.

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Thanks, Michael!

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Go off the grid. It's better for peace of soul. At any rate, I do think the days of the internet being useful are numbered. Soon we will have to sift through a ton of bots, in addition to the shills and trolls.

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100%, Donald. This has always been the hill I'll die on. On Twitter and other sites I have defended what anyone says, whether it's AOC or the Harvard president or Alex Jones with, "They can say what they want." But obviously, and as you stated in your article, it really hasn't been true for a long time. In therapy, there is the concept of the family scapegoat, the one everyone else turns on, often because they're the truth tellers. The person who asks why Aunt Marilyn has bruises on her face every holiday or why Grampy drilled a peep hole in the shower. I was that truth teller in my family and because of that, I no longer have one.

I, and most here, objected to the vax and the lockdowns, and the totalitarian bent of our government, until people no longer listened and worse. Those that stand for free speech, which is actually "truth," are rarely liked. We are the Cassandras of history, cursed to warn the doomed masses who refuse to believe us, watching as they march blindly over the cliff.

We still do it anyway. There's really no choice. Great article, thank you.

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Truth telling has never been popular, as you unfortunately know all too well, Cindy. If other family members resent someone for exposing abuse, then why would they not resent whistleblowers exposing fraud and corruption. Thanks!

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Guess what? If any government was on the up and up and truly cared about all of its citizens, we would never need a constitution. Of course, that is pure fantasy as all government is the anti-thesis of life, liberty and happiness.

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You're right, Crixcyon. The Bill of Rights was intended to be an acknowledgment that government had no control over rights all human beings are born with. Thanks.

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The only good government is what we get from Godly parents when we are a child. It is all downhill from there.

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