Thank you for this. When I was a young woman I took a typing class which began with the repetitious typing of one sentence which was so drilled into me, I still remember it and I know most of us have heard it. "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." While I may not "defend to the death", I do my best to tolerant of our differences - and walk away from what I choose not to hear, rather than try to silence them. Now some of us would just as soon prefer to kill those who disagree with them. I am old and I think I've given up. Now I just hope if there is such a thing as reincarnation that I've behaved well enough that if I must be reincarnated that it might be to a planet with a more evolved group of sentient beings. It'll be funny if it turns out to be cats.

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Damn you’re good!!!!

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Jan 4Liked by Donald Jeffries

Alex Jones, Trump, etc. are just NWO actors, standing in for us Truthers. As you've stated so many times...they are making examples of these actors, to try and scare anyone with an audience...to watch what they say. After seeing such a huge majority roll over for the scamdemic, I don't think it matters much anymore what Truthers say. If one can not discern the constant lies coming from authorities by now, no free speach from any source will be able to help at least 80 percent of Americans. No, there is no "Great Awakening" ..."they" are no longer hiding their actions against us...and still the majority are blind to what is happening. As for America 2.0...its already lost , and I predict broken apart by the end of the year.

Shadow-banning is now so ubiquitious, that it's trickled down to Youtube comments and Amazon reviews (Masking The Truth, being an obvious example). The reason. for the SHADOW part, is that people would stop participating in the charade if they were seeing outright bans.

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Jan 4·edited Jan 4Liked by Donald Jeffries

The internet of things, including everything you and me write in it will be used against us at some point, so yeah it’s free speech until it ain’t….

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Jan 4·edited Jan 4Liked by Donald Jeffries

Notice the severity of silencing war critics before and during the wars. Notice the same happening today. War is at the door, folks. Hide your children.

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Jan 4Liked by Donald Jeffries

Great article. I've been cancelled in the town where I live. The City Council no longer responds to my emails. The local paper has banned me from making comments on their website. My letters to the editor are no longer published. Only about 10% of the people in our town think like we do.

BTW; my Mom (92) went to Patrick Henry High School in Minneapolis. Mom was very upset that the school board in Mpls. just renamed her high school as Camden High. It seems that Patrick Henry owned slaves so he's being cancelled.

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Recently I have dropped several alt news sites over their content. I did so because I was nauseated by their portrayals of the Israeli genocide. Am I guilty of blocking free speech simply because I don't support the murder of women and children? I don't believe so because these so called freedom sites are advocating for murder an absolutely heinous act. I honestly hope that they leave them up as most people reading these sites are hopefully as appalled as I am at their turn around about "freedom". Maybe they will inadvertently shine a light on the evil they are promoting. Who knows? I, personally feel shame for them as they spout their support for this blatant genocide.

Now we live with the climate change fraud which is just a way they have found to tax the very air we breathe. We live with the blatant corruption involved with the vax mandates. However it seems that lately people are waking up to these scams. Maybe they will soon wake up to the fact that Palestine sits on a trillion cubic metres of natural gas that the Neocons want to take and realize that these demons are murdering children under the guise of righteousness when in reality is is just good old fashioned greed.

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The Alien & Sedition Act was blatantly unconstitutional, proving how useless that document is, even way back then. You can thank that disgusting mongrel, Ape-braham Lincoln, darling icon of the Cryptocracy, for the Iron Heel dictatorship that crushes us now. Once when FDR was warned about the communist infiltration of the U.S. government, he casually dismissed the admonition saying, "Why some of my best friends are communists." (and scumbag, lying criminals, like he was). Here is a great quote on that idol of the blight-wing, con-artist-servatives, J. Edgar (transvestite) Hoover. "Bryers was investigated for trafficking child pornography in the 1970s, whereupon his stable of male hustlers began coughing up the names of frequent flyers at his bordello, the most notable among them being super freak G-man J. Edgar Hoover and partner Clyde Tolson." ( who was also Hoover's fagot lover). A noted jurist of the, "Nine Swine" (U.S. Supreme Cult), whose name eludes me, said that it is the most reprehensible speech that must be protected. The reason is obvious. The System will continually contract the parameters of what is reprehensible until even mild criticisms of the government will be construed as a threat and prosecuted. Like what we have now. "Truth is an absolute, affirmative defense to slander and libel." - 50 AmJur 2d, 268. Like with everything else, there's what oughtta be and there's what is. The Alice in Wonderland courts in the U.S. are Freemasonic playgrounds. All of the judges and court personnel should be placed in occupations commensurate with their character, like digging sewer trenches and the court buildings transmuted into enterprises of higher moral caliber, whore houses. I think the criminal Covid hoax with concomitant tyrannical oppressions and callous destruction of lives should put to rest for all time the alleged protections of the hallowed, Bill of Rights (Bill of Wipes- use instead of toilet paper). This article is the epitome of profundity, Don, thank you.

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Jan 5Liked by Donald Jeffries

I worked with many of the engineers who built the Moon landers and the other space systems. The "never happened" and flat earth people are fun to be around. Lots of good conversations. I published a book with my friend Bad Quaker Ben Stone about all the ways you can not only prove the Earth is spherical but also estimate its diameter. Of course, I might need to teach trigonometry to the experimenters.

Jefferson said that if you don't trust people to govern themselves, the path forward is to inform their ignorance, not take away their freedoms. But Barack and Michelle actively hate humanity and want to enslave mankind.

When I was in college 40 years ago, Barack was on campus to investigate the anti-war groups on campus. He hated us for our protests against nuclear war. He published his foul lies in the Sundial magazine in 1983. You can look it up.

We are in a spiritual war against wickedness in high places. God is with us to save us. Amen.

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Jan 5Liked by Donald Jeffries

Not at all disagreeing with you Donald. I would like to say though that under contract law the Constitution was never actually binding on anyone who did not personally sign it. It certainly is not actually binding on anyone not alive at the time. For your edification you can read Lysander Spooners brilliant essay: https://brandfolder.com/s/6pjtbg65pxfqpm5f76fkct7f

For another eye opener you can read this: https://brandfolder.com/s/jt3fs8txwbpggwjvj4n94fgh

I think expecting the government, no matter who is in charge to follow the rule of law is like pissing into the wind. Government is all force nothing else. They don't need no stinkin constitution. That's just a farce for the little people to believe there is something to protect them from the criminal gang in charge. VOTE HARDER! Hasn't worked in 250 years but I'm sure it will work this time.

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Jan 4Liked by Donald Jeffries

Since Patrick Henry refused to attend the Amendment negotiations, it is doubtful that they would have made the Constitution any more palatable to him. still smelling a rat.

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Jan 5Liked by Donald Jeffries

The reason the Establishment wants to ban Free Speech is because they are running out of options. How do you debate a "Holocaust Denier" who has conclusive proof nobody was gassed at Auschwitz, and the holes on the floor of the "gas chamber" are where the toilets used to be in the bathroom stalls that were all removed? (Imagine, using the restroom while waiting to be gassed.) How do debate a "911 Truther" who brings up Building 7 and wonders why a 47 story building collapsed because the furniture was burning in the lobby? How do you debate somebody who questions the Warren Report because film was taken of Lee Oswald standing outside the Union Deposit Building 7 seconds before he allegedly shot JFK from the 6th floor? No, you cannot debate these people, you have to silence them. In the old days the only way to do that was a knife to the chest or a bullet to the head. But in the 21st Century, when the vast majority of the Sheeple walk around consulting their Fondle Slap from minute to minute, they have developed algorithms that ensure that, in Cyberspace, nobody can hear you scream.

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Jan 5Liked by Donald Jeffries

Two things you said made me smile #1 It isn't easy being a true supporter of free speech in a society that doesn't value it....Millions of Americans don't believe in God. So they don't value the rights our Founders said come from God. #2 Democracy isn't threatened by any speech. But we are threatened by those who don't believe in freedom of speech. Some speech is not more equal than others. Good stuff my Man!

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Jan 4Liked by Donald Jeffries

Thanks Donald for reminding us that “there is no new thing under the sun.” I keep threatening to go off the grid as I don’t know how much more gaslighting I can take, but people like you give me hope.

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Jan 5·edited Jan 5Liked by Donald Jeffries

100%, Donald. This has always been the hill I'll die on. On Twitter and other sites I have defended what anyone says, whether it's AOC or the Harvard president or Alex Jones with, "They can say what they want." But obviously, and as you stated in your article, it really hasn't been true for a long time. In therapy, there is the concept of the family scapegoat, the one everyone else turns on, often because they're the truth tellers. The person who asks why Aunt Marilyn has bruises on her face every holiday or why Grampy drilled a peep hole in the shower. I was that truth teller in my family and because of that, I no longer have one.

I, and most here, objected to the vax and the lockdowns, and the totalitarian bent of our government, until people no longer listened and worse. Those that stand for free speech, which is actually "truth," are rarely liked. We are the Cassandras of history, cursed to warn the doomed masses who refuse to believe us, watching as they march blindly over the cliff.

We still do it anyway. There's really no choice. Great article, thank you.

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Jan 5Liked by Donald Jeffries

Guess what? If any government was on the up and up and truly cared about all of its citizens, we would never need a constitution. Of course, that is pure fantasy as all government is the anti-thesis of life, liberty and happiness.

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