Maybe you should move to Justin Castreau's Woke Democratic Socialist Non-White People's Republic of Canuckistan, where we have no Second Amendment. At one time firearm ownership was almost as free as in America.. I can remember walking into a hardware store aged 9, the rifles and shotguns were in a rack in the middle of the aisle, they weren't locked down, I could play with them, no-one gave me any mind... Castreau's purported father Pierre Trudeau and another committed globalist started the totalitarian tiptoe with his stupid Firearms Acquisition Certificate back in 1977; one of my high-school teachers opined the firearms legislation in effect at the time would be adequate for control – if only it could be enforced!

And that, my friend, was in 1977...

Since then? After 47 years of insidious, relentless roll-back of personal rights and freedoms by successive "Liberal" governments? You want to own a gun? You have to take a 2-day course and apply for a licence. Your criminal record is then monitored 24/7 by police computers nationwide; if you are apprehended for any reason, just so much as a speeding ticket, the police can come to your home, and they can take your guns away. You have a fight with your ex-wife... they can come to your home, and take your guns away. Point of fact, all it takes, is an anonymous phoned-in whisper! The police are empowered enter your home, they don't need a warrant, can be any time of the day or night, and they can take your guns away... You wanted (note the past tense) to own a handgun? Even more ridiculous! You had to hold a "restricted permit"; you were expected to keep that weapon in a locked case, AND in a locked gun cabinet with a cable lock through the action at all times, and every time you wanted to take it to the range to practice? You had to contact the Gestapo – pardon me, the RCMP – for WRITTEN permission to do so. EVERY F***ING TIME!

But Castreau? That sleazy despicable little globalist bastard / WEF bag-licker? Think it was June 2022 passed a new law, making 300 different kinds of rifles and shotguns retroactively illegal.. they were perfectly acceptable before: For the most part, thoroughly unremarkable bolt-action repeaters and pump action shotguns...

But not any more! As for pistols and revolvers? They're now illegal for a private citizen to own: Can't be sold, can't be traded. Any you now possess have been "grandfathered"; your estate is to turn them into the government upon your death to be destroyed. Even that Luger your grandfather took home as a WWII Souvenir, even your family's heirloom 19th-Century .45 revolver that belonged to your great-great grandfather! 😡

All of this nonsense of course effects the criminal element not at all and sneaking across that border as the Illegal Migrants have amply demonstrated, is no impediment whatsoever. Very, very soon, the only people to possess firearms in Canada will be Organized Crime — or the Government. Frankly I can't think which scenario is more horrifying.

So give the above some thought Americans: The Way of Canada will be the Way of America.. we're about.. oh... 2 - 5 years further down the path you're on... well, except for California I suppose.. They're further down the path than even we are...

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Well, Capt. Roy, I certainly don't envy you living in present-day Canada. Trudeau is truly as bad as our worst politicians. You also don't have a First Amendment in the Great White North, either. I wish Americans would consider those authoritarian examples you cite, and think further about "gun control." Thanks!

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Government gets its authority by consent of the people. Stop consenting. Recognize that government is your enemy. Government is a Satanic controlled religion. Seek the truth, the truth shall set you free.

Learn the definition of extortion. Every thing they do falls under the definition of extortion. That makes them the criminals! Criminals cannot represent government!

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I used to be a Canadian Nationalist. Not any more: Union with America can't happen soon enough! – Except you guys need a massive house-cleaning as well. A number of pontificators are predicting Civil War; with any luck there'll be a nice spill-over up here and a new, better and above all saner combined country will emerge phoenix-like, from the debris..

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Indeed. Castreau passed a law some time ago rendering "Holocaust Denial" a criminal offence carrying a two-year prison sentence... Never mind St. Augustine's observation: "The truth is like a lion: Set it free: It will defend itself!" If I want to make a fool of myself in public, surely that's my business? 🤔

My question is of course, what else, what next, are they going to forbid me to talk about, or think about?

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I thought the law against Holocaust "denial" was decades old. I'm actually shocked they haven't passed a law like that here. Thanks, Capt. Roy!

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You have "The First Amendment." We don't. 🙄 In America what happens is the ADL will sue you into oblivion. This may interest you: "American Pravda: Gaza, Jewish Power, and the Holocaust" https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-gaza-jewish-power-and-the-holocaust/

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This is how they roll- incrementalism. Like acid dripping on a rock. Imperceptibly, slower than the eye can see, they erode morals, virtue, and courage. Even before World War 2, they were eviscerating our manhood. Under Pope Pius XII, they started the long march through the institutions. That march was in full progress by the 1970's. They wanted to outlaw corporal punishment. They wanted to outlaw the disciplinarian. They wanted to outlaw all authority but their own. Like fat bulls of Basan, they encircled first virulent fatherhood, then true motherhood, tearing them like a wolf throttling his prey.

They told the virtuous man he was deranged, violent, chauvinist, and a fossil from the past. Move over dad, while we pour a bucket of luv from sea to sea and teach the world to sing. Your children do not have the wounds of original sin that need to be mollified, they are little angels that only need the proper environment and they will thrive. They don't need to be challenged, just coddled.

They took a man off his farm and away from his work and made him a serf on the new manor- the mass-production factory. At first they gave him rewards- free time, the promise of a pension, and a living wage, with some left over to hit the bar on Friday. They took a man away from responsibility and gave him a harness and a leash. it was not an overnight process. The undermining of society was much more subtle than boot camp, but psychological warfare all the same. The schools- both Catholic and Public- weaponized the children against husband and wife. And priest, politician, and psychiatrist told the poor man his virulence was a psychosis, not a virtue.

The guns were the last to go. Few complained, because the guns had just become trophies on the wall. Perish the thought that, like the Cristeros of Mexico or the Carlists of Spain or the Vendee of France, the guns might be lifted from the racks and used in defense of house and hearth against the encroachment of men following illegal orders.

Tyranny establishes itself like a tire going flat- just a slow, imperceptible leak. It is very rarely a blowout.

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I've gathered like the Canadian military, the American military has done away with Discipline in a futile effort to garner recruits... Should work really well for us in the upcoming wars with Iran, Russia and China... 🤔💩

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There won't be a war. Most of us are already captives and are totally blind to it. I bought a sheet of plywood today. I didn't notice until I was cutting it up that on the edge it is stamped "Made in China". In Canada where we have virtually endless forests! We have people in homeless camps en masse when we have endless resources and the ability to produce for ourselves. Our government has truly sold us out with the Narcissist in Ottawa speaking openly of his admiration for their "basic dictatorship". I fear that those of us who are awake will likely die fighting this abomination. I hope I'm wrong.

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You're not wrong. And lethal-injection-free though I am, I don't expect to live much longer...🤔 The trees that made that plywood were very likely felled in Canada, shipped to China, then shipped back to us as... Chinese plywood... 🙄💩 Stan Rogers sang about it yesterday (circa 1980) in "Tiny Fish for Japan" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRUSqO8fObU). Fucking sucks. And how this can be economically viable simply blows my mind. Driving around Victoria and there's tent cities all over Pandora – but now there's some new tent cities popping up like toadstools on Rock Bay Avenue – formerly the stroll for our lower-class prostitutes. Meanwhile The Victoria Film Festival delivered a cunnelingual documentary on Chief Camp Physician "Butcher Bonnie" Henry which I learned about February 11: (https://www.victoriafilmfestival.com/product/our-time-to-be-kind/). If it were up to me that evil bitch along with Reichsführer-ᛋᛋ Adrian Dix would be shaved and stripped naked in public like the collaborators that they are, then strung up in a gibbet and left there to twist in the wind.

But 95% of the Blue-Pilled Morons around me APPROVE of what they're doing! 😱 It is to stick your fingers down your throat... And you can't make them see it... Don't even try...

I'll leave you with these thoughts should you wish to take the trouble to read them; not written by me, but re-posted by me:

💣 "Repent" - https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/repent

💣 "Hommage to the Unvaccinated" - https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/homage-to-the-unvaccinated

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It isn't economically viable and that is the idea. It is not by chance that these socialist scum are destroying all commerce. I didn't realize you were in Victoria. For that you have my complete sympathy. I know how disheartening that is as I left Campbell River in disgust twenty years ago. Even though that was my residence I was spending most of my time back then on the North West Coast so I had some respite from the drug stunned dipshits that were overwhelming the place. I am in Northern B.C. but right on the Alberta border now. It is like a breath of fresh air up here. Most people here still want to work and are too busy to sink into the apathy that you see on the Island and the GVRD. I for one will never return. Come to think of it I might come for a visit to watch if you get your wish with those two evil demons. Needless to say I too am jab free, healthy and proud of it. As a friend of mine said this morning it would be nice if we could hang around for a few more years to see how all of this crap plays out but at our age nothing is certain. Here's hoping you stay healthy long enough too.

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You had issues with drug addicts in Campbell River?! 😱 I would have called Campbell River "The back end of beyond!"... apparently not.. 🙄💩

I moved to Victoria from Toronto at my parent's invitation when my marriage with my Chinese wife fell apart 2005.. They're gone now, so are all my siblings and I'm on wife #2.. almost 19 years here, a year longer than I was in Toronto but this one-trick-pony hicktown still doesn't feel like home, but the libtards running Upper Canada into the ground have declared Toronto a "Sanctuary City" and it's illegal in Ontario under that POS Rob Ford to own handguns, of which thanks to Castreau, I now have 2... So I guess I won't be going back there... a couple of lousy .22 calibre target pistols and just keeping them – after a year still haven't had an opportunity to fire them – is a bloody nightmare...

I'm 64 soon to be 65 and in good health; sure there's guys 15 years younger than me on dialysis or suffering from dementia, but I look at the fulminating orchestrated catastrophes they're working on – passage in May of the despicable WHO's "Pandemic Treaty" for a start and.. well.. all bets are off, aren't they? 🤔

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The "blue-pilled" will take the Mark and burn in Hell. Fools, cowards, and traitors to family and neighbors.

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Oh yes and how. Most of the "recruits" in the American Military are woke High School Graduates who never had a father figure and an absentee mom, were raised by pederast day care and trained to say "racist" in five languages. They will be given a set of instructions to accompany their foxhole shovel and army knife, and, if their superior officers are merciful, will be taught how to say "I surrender" in all the major dialects of Turkistan, Hindustan and Manchurian.

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As David Icke so aptly put it:

"The Totalitarian Tiptoe."

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I'm confused. You mention organized crime or the government. Aren't they the same thing? You maybe should also mention the first government to implement gun registration. It was the NAZI party under Adolph Hitler. The Neo Nazis running our country have put as in the same position as the German people were back then.

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Big Pharma is organized crime. They operate above the law because they own everything. We have the finest politicians money can buy.

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Under the National Socialist government of Germany, only those convicted of violent felonies were not legally permitted to own firearms. Adolph Hitler as a gun control/confiscation advocate is just another Jewish fable among the multitudes of lies about him.

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Thanks! I'll definitely have to research that one some more but I'm pretty sure he did bring in registration.

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You're welcome, Peter. Many years ago I recall looking at some photos of Germany from that era and Hitler was outside in a rural area, standing among German civilian men who were toting firearms. The scenes were very cordial and you could readily discern the looks of adoration and respect on the faces of the men as they spoke with their Fuhrer. No real leader need fear armed members of his own race.

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When I say "Organized Crime" I'm talking about The Mafia and similar / related entities like The Hell's Angels or Medellín Cartel, or the Chinese Triads/Tongs... Organizations that are considered entirely separate from Government, never mind they may have been created by Government via their Intelligence Agencies (the CIA apparently created The Hell's Angels) or were infiltrated by Government after their development.. and of course, it can work the other way round too, Al Capone pretty much owned Chicago and Pablo Escobar wanted to run for the Colombian Congress for example... 🤔

So while admittedly in reality the division between "Government" and "Organized Crime" is actually fairly amorphous, most of the Blue-Pilled Pinheads differentiate between the two; believe "The Government" is a good and legitimate thing while "Organized Crime" is evil and destructive; nevermind it's merely businessmen using extreme methods to make money in a fashion "Government" officially disapproves of ... 🙄

And actually I think The Bolsheviks – like the Nazis a wholey-owned subsidiary of the Rothschild/Rockefeller Crime Syndicate – achieved gun control in Russia a full 16 years earlier...

Hope this explication helps a bit.

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Capt, Roy: So, hide your guns and ammo. The Irish do it all the time in Ireland.

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I anticipate a burglary in my near future... 🤔

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Capt. Roy: In LA, if you have the money, you can buy anything you want.

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Capt. Roy: In Los Angeles people have guns even with the strict rules. They keep them handy. On New Years or some sports event, all the gang-bangers shoot off their guns. Police choppers fly overhead but can't do anything about it. LA sounds like a war zone. Spent bullets rain down on rooftops and cars. People in LA learn to stay inside.

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I guess the Second Amendment is too much even for that monstrous asshat "Gruesome Newsome".. 🤔 In Canada? If I was caught with one of pistols I'd be arrested on the spot, all my guns confiscated, probably a lifetime ban on gun ownership, and I'd probably be looking at serious prison time.

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Capt. Roy: The police are afraid of the gang-bangers in LA and elsewhere in the USA. They usually leave them alone. The people who shot up the crowd in Kansas City haven't been identified that I know of or even charged with a crime.

In the USA if you are black or Hispanic the rules are different.

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Things seem to be different up here... 🙄 We don't have "Hispanics" as such ; our black population as a percentage is maybe half that of yours -- and for some reason they're much better behaved by and large. There seems to be a much stronger respect for "Law and Order"... OTOH the Pinheads obey the government, even when the government is off the deep end!

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Jefferson said the 2nd Amendment guarantees the other nine. The "bear" in the 2nd means to carry on your person. Your weapon does you no good at home if you're attacked by scum on the streets. People erroneously think the militia is the National Guard. It really means every able bodied male between the ages of 18 and 45. In early America most women carried pistols on their person and would use them if the need arose. Police worship is a sick symptom of a dying society, akin to celebrity worship. The high courts have ruled that if you are the victim of an illegal arrest, you have a right to resist up to and including killing the arresting officer(s). What a joke. Try it and see what happens. If you don't get killed by the cops, you'll be beaten so bad you'll wish you were dead and have it topped off with a lengthy stretch in the Slam. In the Balkan states during the conflicts there, men willingly surrendered their AK-47 assault rifles rather than mix it up with army tanks, armored cars, and heavy machine guns during government weapons confiscation. Handguns and rifles are good and necessary for protection up to a point, but against the might of Uncle Saul and his uniformed henchmen, they don't cut it. The communist slime here know full well it's not the guns committing the crimes and that criminals will always have them. It is standard bolshevik modus operandi to disarm citizens and leave them helpless before predators, private and governmental alike. The Controllers have no compunction about murdering innocent people, that is a given. Yet I'm certain that at least some, if not the majority of these shootings that regularly transpire are fake theater for gun control/confiscation propaganda. This is a very cogent and vital article, Don, thank you.

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Great points as always, Hereticdrummer. Thanks!

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You're welcome, Don, and thanks again.

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At this point, I'll take my AK against the tanks, armored cars, and heavy machine guns. One of my beefs against Der Fuhrer is he was not among those making a last stand for the Reich. I will, like my Lord Jesus Christ, please God, write my testament with my blood. Sure, I'm going down, but I will take a few of them with me. And if more of us had that attitude, the goons would think twice about that next raid, or that next stop. Maybe they would tell their superiors: "I didn't sign on for THIS." And all the nonsense would stop.

The Christians took out the Roman Empire after three centuries without firing nary a shot. We could do better, faster, with a few well-placed shots.

One thing is for damned sure- like the Carlists of the Alcazar, I will fight to the last drop of my blood. No well in Hell am I going to one of their Pederast Internment Torture Centers. I have no delusions what is in store for the elect.

Viva Cristo Rey!

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I’m reminded of Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s words: And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.

Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

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I am familiar with those words, having read The Gulag Archipelago at least twice- very sobering reading, that.

Stalin's Russia was a Beta Test to see how a population would react to total tyranny- both those doing the arrested and those being detained. Sterling results all around.

The same thing with 2020- they wanted to see what percentage would comply, and I am sure the American Sheeple passed with flying colors.

And now, as they load this country with what are probably marauders and malcontents for the coming Mother of All False Flags, even the MAGA crowd is like the proverbial deer in the headlights...

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People can’t live in tanks 24/7, and tanks need fuel, repairs, etc., which are provided by people *not* in tanks. Guerrilla warfare is still a thing, and the reason *why* we un-assed from Afghanistan.

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David Orr: My Dad had a friend who drove a Sherman tank across France, Belgium, Germany etc. in WWII. The Army friend told my Dad that the most dangerous time for the tankers was when they shut down for the night and got out of the tank. The German snipers were waiting for them.

The Army friend got shot in the shoulder and survived.

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... and Vietnam. The logistical support personnel for tanks stay behind the lines when the tanks are deployed for a firefight. Ergo, if the System uses tanks to disarm people, said people cannot readily get to the tanks support network. Especially if one is parked in front of your home with its canon muzzle facing your front entrance.

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Try harder. There are a lot more people than there are tanks.

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So what? Even with a marked numerical advantage, in a fight between people and tanks, I'll put my money on the tanks.

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My sentiments exactly.

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Heretic Drummer: Guns have been hidden in the past from the state. Seems like Israel isn't doing very well against the Gazans even though the Gazans only have light weapons.

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Timmy; The Israeli soldiers, much like American troops now, are basically pussies and rely on long range, high tech explosive power. If these smoothies have to mix it up with real and determined men at close quarters, they piss themselves.

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HD: I agree.

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Fanatics are often quite determined. Go ahead, lead the charge, ubermensch.

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Aquila non capit muscas. - "The eagle does not trouble itself with flies". (untermensch)

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Don... Excellent article. Thanks for your voice.

As to relying on our police forces (the enforcers for the .001% who they actually "protect and serve"), one would be a fool to call them for anything.

You can track the daily carnage at IncarcerNation.com

The last thing we need in this country is more militarized police forces.

Sadly, white coats are even more lethal than blue lights - police only seem to kill off about 2500-3000 a year compared to the 900,000 or so iatrogenic deaths (pre-COVID - God only know how many is a good number today).

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Yep, as we say in the conspiracy world, never, ever call the police, TnDoc. Thanks!

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Well... At least they will put yellow tape around your body when and if they do arrive....

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I always read cops kill around 1100-1200 people. where did you get 2500-3000? I am interested in that

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Follow IncarcerNation.com and your will see... Someone near and dear to me created this and maintains. Every death is linked and documented.

2023 score was 2566. So far in 2024: 324.

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so they have been lying saying cops kill 100-1200 a year. knew that sounded low

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Yup. If their lips are moving they are lying.

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Nice piece. You have a very unique style and tone of writing that I enjoy, and thanks for taking us deeper than anyone normally goes on this subject. Oddly as I read the article, I couldn't get the image out of my head of the Australian Police pepper spraying any folks in the face who didn't have covid masks, which occurred after the Aussies lost their guns. Also, amusingly, I tried to google this article on substack, and the first hit was a PBS article from Dec 2012 that clearly has the opposite take, entitled, "How Conservatives 'Reinvented' the Second Amendment". Have a laugh if you must:


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Great name, Tommy. I appreciate the kind words- thanks!

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Australians 'lost' their guns when a so-called conservative government was in power. The trigger was ostensibly the Port Arthur 'massacre', which many think was either a total false flag or at the very least the recruitment of a mentally-deficient shooter. Just like the rest of the western world, there's really no choice in the two-party system. It's said both left and right parties are now centrist or left of centre, but I think that's the wrong metric to use. However, both are still on the left if you call it a fascism-freedom axis.

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I will never understand Aussies. Their Outback makes the American Wild West pale by comparison. Central Australia is the driest place on earth- much drier than the Sahara. You would think that would give rise to people tough as nails. What happened to you blokes? Were you all injected with a "Sissy Vax" in the 1970's? The Continent that gave us Foster's Lager raised nary a faint growl when they were told to turn in the guns.

And surely you could have whacked all those Covid Cops over the head with grandpa's walking stick, or had your Dingo chew them to a pulp.

Back in 2020 during the LockDown I was out with my dog and walking stick, daring any cop to make a scene. They would drive by every day... and keep right on gong.

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I was perplexed in the same way about the Irish response to the scamdemic. They fought 400 plus years against British occupation. Generation after generation, surviving outright genocide...until they won. Only to turn around and meekly line up for genocide again? What happened?

I had a friend (now deceased) who owned a half dingo dog. That dog was fierce.

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Kris: I subscribe to the Irish Times. The Irish seem to have been brainwashed into submission. Look up Chuck Feeney the Irish American Billionaire. He's donated $8 billion to Irish NGOs to change Ireland, and not for the better IMO.

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I've been listening to RTE Doc On One for about ten years. There's been some great shows about forgotten Irish culture, but one must endure a huge amount of globalist propaganda to hear just one good story. Kind of like those whales that must filter thousands of gallons of seawater to get one good meal. My favorite accent is Irish. It's vile to listen to propaganda in a voice that sounds like it should be coming from a charming leprechaun.

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Kris: I've been to Ireland twice. Lovely country full of people who are kind, caring, and never shutup. They also know their long history. And they will be more than happy to spend an hour telling it to you including their own life history.

My wife and I would introduce ourselves to someone in Ireland and then sit back and listen. Talking on our part was not required, wanted, or expected.

My wife and I went to SW Ireland, County Cork, for our honeymoon in May of 2004. We stayed in a cottage on Sheepshead Peninsula for 18 days of glorious sunny weather.

As the rental car driver took us to Shannon Airport we told him that we'd enjoyed our glorious stay of sunny warm weather the past 2 plus weeks.

"Where are you from?" He asked us.

"California." We said, "Maybe we brought our weather with us."

"Well, hope you hurry back."

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I think what did in the Irish were the popes. They always had a weakness for popes, and too many bad popes in a row spelled the end.

The other thing that did them in was Pope Paul's New Mass. Drained away the dignity and left only sissies.

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Is your dog a dingo?

Just kidding.

What's been peculiar to me throughout these covidtimes is how for some pushback a person can land in boiling tar, and then for some other pushback, whew, blow on, there's no resistance at all. And it isn't always obvious which is going to be which.

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Transcriber B: We all know that dingoes eat babies. Dingoes have been bred in a secret laboratory in central Australia by Bill Gates to depopulate Australia. The wealthy want the continent all to themselves for the minerals and the beaches.

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My dog is a train wreck.

Not Kidding.

I push back all the time. Have not hit the boiling tar yet.

But lots of nasty retorts from the masked sheeple, half of whom wish I would die of the disease.

They might as well wish I would die eating tuna.

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Thank you for pushing back, and thank you especially for standing against the mask.

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This is well put together article Don and a nice history lesson, as well as timeline. As a gun guy, I have to give a hat tip to you Brother. The idea of a well armed militia is the same as a local Sheriff and a Posse. It puts the power in the People's hands instead of an overbearing group of a few bureaucrats that get rich off the People's backs. Of course they will be oppressive given enough time, as the bureaucracy grows.

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Thanks, Jason!

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The key phrase here: "as the bureaucracy grows". The Problem is not only are we experiencing hyperinflation of the currency, but for years we have been experiencing hyperinflation of the laws. Go to any legal library. The amount of literature on just the interpretation of "Simple Trespass" is staggering. Our "society", for years, has been engaged in the hopeless endeavor of redacting every point of law into an ocean of jots and tittles, attempting documents that apply to all times and places, all persons and occasions. And, of course, the interpretation is going to be made by the person with the agenda- who hides behind a bevy of attorneys, judges, specialists, and educators.

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WW: When the colony of Georgia was founded by Oglethorpe, he outlawed slavery and lawyers. Do you see the link? LOL.

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Yes, I do. Smart Man. Too bad his experiment did not last.

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Oglethorpe took in the poor, jailed, and others that no one wanted in England. He was a good man. Georgia is my favorite state in the South.

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Perhaps that is why Sheridan made Georgia Howl.

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WW: I think you mean William Tecumseh Sherman. Gen. Phil Sheridan was responsible for the raping, plundering, and burning of the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia. In any event, both men were murderous bastards who went on after the Civil War to massacre American Indians on the Great Plains.

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Either we are going to allow others to murder us and steal or destroy our property or not. If we choose to not allow this to happen, then defense of the person and his property is paramount and must be allowed by any force necessary. All this piddling around does is give the criminals a leg to stand on and the means to do what they please to others.

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When I hear about another mass shooting, I automatically think its fake...so I don't even bother to read the msm story. I did watch your show, Donald, with the clip of the dad whose family members were "shot". What terrible acting skills. At first he couldn't remember which of his kids were "shot"... like the Texas parents who didn't know what grade their "dead" daughter was in.

When Civil War 2.0 begins, or just total chaos breaks out...it wil be UN troops we will be fighting.

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Thanks, Kris!

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I feel the latest 2 shootings were sponsored by MK ultra and were meant to cause much more bloodshed then they actually did: Trannie shooting at Joel Osteens mega church and thug shooting in KC - I believe these were government sponsored assassins who failed due to alert patriots called to act:

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Wouldn't surprise me, Brad. I need to look into the Osteen shooting. Odd how that particular shooter has been sent down the memory hole. Thanks!

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The Osteen shooting was weird. Osteen was way too calm and smiley in the interview about the attack. He also thanked the police for being so “swift”. I thought it screamed FALSE FLAG

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I tend to agree. I lived in KC for ten years and all the shootings I witnessed were drug or girl related. But most KC Blacks are Snowflakes now. Only the 40-year-old crowd would think about doing anything like that... but why???

People simply will not shoot at somebody they do not have a grudge with.

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WW: The police shoot people all the time that they don't have a grudge with. So does the Army.

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Well, yes. But I was talking about the other criminals.

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WW: Oh, you mean the criminals that get prosecuted. Yeah, that's true.

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We would have been better off if the Constitution had had a sunset provision to prevent a temporary patch for the Articles from becoming a justification for a federalist nightmare. Both of the major political parties began as anti-federalist and have gone full-bore runaway acts of malignant federalism.

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I recognize that it would have been far more difficult for a powerful central government to form under an Articles of Confederation, Vonu. But the Constitution was made palatable with the Bill of Rights. The problem is our leaders want to eliminate those rights. Thanks.

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The Bill of Rights have no enforcement clauses, so they are just promises.

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Well, certainly not in today's America. The idea was that they come from God, and government is not to infringe upon them. Thanks.

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Unless ... the Bill of Rights was actually a Bill of Goods sold to a naive populace in a successful effort to get them to accept the great centralization of power known as the US Constitution. Call me cynical. Call me Rothbard. Hell, call me anything, just don't forget to call me for dinner! Good essay, DJ ~~ j ~~


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Good point, J. Lee. Thanks!

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That is exactly was it was and for, by their own admissions.

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The provisions for enforcing them was left to those violating them.

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That which comes from a creator through its creation loses credibility thereby.

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You have probably heard of this book, but I suggest reading "The Hologram Of Liberty" by Kenneth Royce. It is a great book. Before you read it, read Lysander Spooner's thoughts about the Constitution during The War Between The States.

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I am not familiar with that book, Mrhounddog, although I very much admire the great Lysander Spooner. Thanks!

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The Democrats and Republicans are two sides of the same coin; two wings of the same bird. The only difference is that the Republicans are in slower motion.

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The two major political parties constitute a bipartisan dictatorship that is anchored by a shared guaranteed ballot access arrangement where both function as a controlled opposition for each other while preventing third parties from getting on the ballot to compete with both of them.

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You pretty much nailed it. They both operate to keep the voters in the game, always hoping things will change once "we vote the bums out".

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They don't care as much about keeping the voters in the game as long as they can keep them out of the third parties.

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"Both of the major political parties began as anti-federalist"

I don't think so. The republican party had a faction that wanted the fugitive slave provisions deleted from the Constitution, but the party itself was a socialist construct with the same mercantilist features as the British parliamentary system. The democrat party wasn't formed until long after the Constitution was enacted, and its core was based upon the federal system established by the Constitution. There was a sizable faction in that party which opposed the novel ideas of expansion of federal powers, but the focus of the democrat party was mainly strict adherence to the plain text of the Constitution.

The republican party was a radical organization, without which there probably would never have been a war between the Confederate States and the United States.

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The gun controllers appear to have come up with an alternative solution.

Tear down the buildings where mass shootings took place and they'll never happen there again.

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It is also destruction of the crime scene. Waco, Oklahoma City, Sandy Hook, Epstein's home, the list is endless. They don't want anyone sifting through the evidence. Thanks.

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Sounds like Gaza.

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They are tearing down the buildings after being closed for years, long after the perp is in jail or dead.

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The crime scenes I mentioned were torn down and the debris hauled away quickly. Maybe you're talking about something different. Thanks.

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Sandy Hook Elementary School had been condemned and mothballed for years before FEMA used it to stage the drill that we have come to know as a mass shooting before it was finally demolished and eliminated from the evidentiary exhibit options.

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I believe Mr. Jeffries may be referring to the debris from the twin towers.

As a civil engineer, the failures never made sense to me. My structural engineer mentor, who is 84 now, believes it was intentional demolition. But we're just conspiracy nuts...so what do we know, right?

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Have you ever visited the website of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth? They have thousands of members that agree with you.

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Soon they will have their cronies tearing down the buildings.

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Whose cronies?

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The cronies of the Federal Government. They come in all shapes and sizes.

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Every shape and size that humans do.

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I disagree. You must be only be listening to (enemy) MSM propaganda, or hanging out in the wrong places. Your enemy will never tell you how strong you are or how they fear you (unless you listen closely). They will never complement or tell you the truth.

As someone who has been advocating for the "radical" 2nd amendment movement since Ruby Ridge, the 2nd amendment has never been stronger. And each event you named has made the resistance stronger.

Ruby Ridge was the first sign or event, and even then there was huge crowds at the scene in opposition to the feds, and was the only reason that any of the Weavers got out alive.

Waco there was also a huge crowd there, and Reno said the reason they had to "end" it was because militia (including our group associated with Linda Thompson) from all over the country was headed there to join with the local militia (who were lead into a trap before we got there) that had already assembled.

There was a huge movement / bump over OKC and every event after that. Why do you think there has NOT been another Waco (because they are afraid of such a clear casus belli)? Why do you think they haven't dropped the hammer yet? BUNDY was a WIN. I guess you missed all the armed marches on capitals all over the country? I guess you have also missed all the push back over covid?

911 has been so debunked (some of us from day 1) and almost anybody with any reason ability knows the official story is BS.

Jan 6th was actually a win, because it showed the true face of the regime (remember the barbed wire?). Many a resistance movements have paid much higher prices for less return. Was it perfect? No.

But resistance movements are not made overnight, and they are certainly nowhere near the majority.

Even the war for independence did not happen overnight, and "was a long series of abuses." And the resistance were certainly a long ways from being a majority. But it took a clear casus belli didn't it?

Guess what? If there is no casus belli the militia is in effect doing its job, no matter what laws or policy the would be rulers proclaim.

I don't recall seeing you speaking out about any of things back in the day, and yes there was venues to do so (fido). Some of us have dedicated our lives to this, and it is a little aggravating when you say we have done nothing or have not made great strides.

Perhaps you should seek out new association, because you obviously have missed a lot of what has been going on, or maybe you are just part of the crowd who will never say anything nice? What have you done your obligation to be part of the well regulated militia (preparedness is a big part of that) and helped others to achieve in that duty besides saying how it has fallen (ignorance or lie)?

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I think you need to read the article again, goat. I'm on your side. I appreciate the work you and many others have done. They haven't replicated Waco, but the tyranny has certainly increased since then. What would you call the treatment accorded the January 6 political prisoners? The denial of all due process, abuse in jail, and draconian sentences? My point was that, even with the most armed populace the world has ever seen, state power has only grown, despite gun sales being at a record high. The lockdown would not have been possible with a concerted effort on the part of individual gun owners to not comply. Small business owners. Pastors. Second Amendment advocates concerned about such an unconstitutional overreach. We have "free speech zones" now. And "hate speech" laws. People are routinely "cancelled" from their jobs for politically incorrect views. As for me personally, every thing I write and say on multiple podcasts, radio shows, and the renegade TV networks that will have me, is a strong condemnation of what the government is doing. I put myself out there every day, either here, or on some kind of show. I have published ten books, all of them controversial and politically incorrect to the core. I have made myself unemployable because of my publicly expressed views. My Chinese-style social credit score will be about as low as possible. Exactly what else would you have me do?

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What about the Jan 6th prisoners? Do you expect to fight a war for freedom and not have casualties? How many have died for freedom in the past? How many languished and died in prison ships during the war for independence?

Did the British not enact laws and execute them the whole period of time before and during the war for independence? Yet the fight for resistance still continued armed. They didn't physically resist every abuse, because that is impossible. A long train of abuses.

You though didn't answer the question. What have you done to become a well regulated militia member? What have you done to encourage others to follow your lead in that endeavor?

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Are you bothering to read what I say? I think I've done more than the average militia member, simply by putting myself out there, in books, and articles like this one, my podcast, and all the other shows I've appeared on. I never hold back. I've been on Coast to Coast many times, and 8-10 million listeners have heard my dissenting views there. I have ruined any chance I had at returning to the conventional working world because of my views, which can be found everywhere online (and, of course, in my books). I have a pretty decent following, and am certainly encouraging others with everything I say or write. I'm sorry that you feel like I'm dropping the ball or something.

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I appreciate what you do and have done. I think I have said that in the past. However, I find most your arguments without merit that somehow the militia and the 2nd has somehow failed, especially when it seems obvious that you have done nothing in regard of actually being part of the militia.

Perhaps a better question would have been what would things be like without the 2nd amendment and those willing to actually exercise their duties as militia (being armed, prepare, trained, etc.)? Instead of, look what things are like with the militia, it has failed! Failure would mean we are all unarmed peasant or dead. So far as I can tell, no one has run up ether one of those flags yet as it concerns the militia (and we are all militia).

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I tried to make my feelings clear in the article, goat. For a variety of reasons, individual armed Americans face a daunting task. That's why I went into Jefferson's warnings about a standing federal army. We have a military industrial complex, and militarized police forces in every jurisdiction. I'm not sure how you fight those odds, but I brought up the small business owners and the pastors, because I believe in those instances, the authorities would have been reluctant to push things, if for nothing else than bad photo optics to the world. I'm a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment. I don't think many in the alt media mention the Bill of Rights more than I do. Thanks.

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Perhaps I missed it, but what are you actually doing.

Other than trying to start a flame war?

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Discourse to the mind as the whetstone is to the knife. Perhaps you should try it some time?

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I would argue that, "the guns don't matter" ... the possession of firearms cannot secure the Liberty of any man. I think that you demonstrated, that in your essay.

What REALLY matters, is men's 'Will to resist'. That is the deciding factor. You see, the State cannot directly control guns; because guns ARE inanimate; you can't frighten them, or order them around.

But, the State can control men. So, it follows that 'gun control' is really a human process, the aim of which is to make you incapable of resistance to that State's 'authority'. The power of this strategy, was demonstrated amply, in your essay. No-one resists.

One of the State's most effective tools, is the learned-adulation of authority figures.

If you are taught, from birth, to venerate the Soldier and the Policeman, then you are rendered psychologically-incapable of fighting those men. It becomes literally 'unthinkable'.

It's obvious that 'Policing' relies upon the wide-spread obedience and docility of the herd. Police simply could not operate in an environment in which even 5% offered serious resistance.

So, there's the current situation. A most strange paradox, in that American men possess a multitude of weapons, and yet are effectively unarmed ... having been rendered so, at the knees of their own Mothers.

How the Lords must laugh when they hear you chant, "Back the Blue", or "Thankyou for your Service".

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Great points, bogbeagle. Thanks!

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Thank goodness those Okaloosa, Florida cops saved their town from a falling acorn. Sure there was a handcuffed man in their cop car but the cops' lives were in danger! The threat from the cop car had to be neutralized! An acorn had fallen!

Good thing that the police are trained so well in the use of their firearms. I wonder if anyone will count the bullet holes in the cop car.

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Great article by DJ. The military draft was suspended at the end of the Civil War in 1865. All of the Union troops sent to the Great Plains to kill American Indians were volunteers. After the Civil War and the military draft ended, Americans looked upon Federal soldiers as bums. This was even worse in the South where the locals looked upon Federal troops as murderous bums.

Americans looked upon Federal soldiers and sailors as men who couldn't do the labor to get a real job.

After WWII Americans began to worship the US Military. Propaganda heavily promotes the US Military personnel to this day.

To me, the soldiers, sailors, and airmen are still bums who can't get a real job. They certainly don't know how to "win" a war.

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Thanks, Timmy!

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Another fine piece Don.

I cut my teeth on political / societal views largely as a result of learning about the post WWII Supreme Court decisions that eradicated and downright mocked the citizen's rights under the 4th, 5th and 14th amendments. From what I recall, the Rehnquist court particularly ruffled my feathers, but I am sure there were others.

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Yes, there were many other ridiculous rulings.

Some of the ones that come to mind was a ruling, in the 1980's I think, against a New York man who shot an attacker on a subway train. Ten witnesses said he was defending himself and warned the attackers he was armed. But the judge ruled he was engaged in "vigilante-ism" and "goaded his attackers".

There was another ruling in the 1990's where a woman was pulled over at a traffic stop and got out of the car against a cop's orders to tend to her distraught child. She was arrested and taken to jail while the children were also placed in detainment separate from their mother. The case went all the way to the supreme court where incredibly they ruled the cops acted badly but perfectly within the law.

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Yes, the Bernard Goetz case. Thanks, WW.

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It was one of the first times the msm was forced to address the long-standing tension between blacks and Jews in NYC. I remember how the msm tippy-toed around the issue.

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My first Vote was for Bush I in 1988, because my father always said to vote republican.. Then after learning of all these prior 'conservative' supreme court decisions (just what the the hell where they conserving? Certainly not the citizen's rights), and seeing the first gulf war begin on the TV in the school cafeteria, I leaned the other way until it all seemed to flip around in the Spring of 2020.

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My LAST Vote was for Bush in 1988. After the thugs in China overran the student protests and then Bush gave China "Most Favored Nation Trading Status", I decided enough was enough. Whatever George Herbert Walker Bush valued, it was certainly not freedom and human life. By the Time the First Gulf War rolled around, I knew it was all a mountain of bullshit. Completely disenfranchised, I have not supported any political party of candidate since. If somebody wants my vote, he had better go all the way for Christ the King.

Our only chance is to do massive penance, and cleanse this land of the denizens of the New Sodom.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!

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if I could, then I would give 1000 likes to your post!

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Thanks, jwslaw!

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The other area that really got to me was the expansion of the Commerce Clause. If i recall correctly, fairly recently used to justify the federal tax penalties for not carrying health insurance

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Thank you for all your tireless work.

I cannot recall the details of all these decisions that set our brains afire (been out of the criminal law gig for quite a few years) but the message was received loud and clear -- Police State.

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Thanks, jwslaw!

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Donald wrote:

“Now, please don’t think I’m suggesting that gun owners take up arms against the government.”

Sir that is exactly what you’re suggesting and that is exactly what happens when free people are forced to resort to the last “box” to assert their rights.

There is the soap box, the ballot box, the jurors box, and finally the cartridge box.

Many are confused about the jurors box. The jury has the duty to nullify bad law, by refusing to convict.

The police are out of control mainly because of the war on drugs, and the easy money that produces.

If jurors refused to convict anyone for any drug charge whatsoever, the police would not have gotten out of control.

But that is a topic for another day.

Likewise has the people stood up to the police over the mask, and I envisioned that scene in the western movie where someone told the bad guy he better have two bullets in his gun and the crowd began to say make that three make that four make that 5, 6, 7, 8 or so if I remember, if people in the crowd had said that when someone stood up to the police about wearing a mask or stood with the store, owner members, the congregation stood up or barred the police entry to the church the mask and lockdown issue would’ve fizzled.

Actually, if men still have the body parts, and the love of freedom and their wives were willing to back them up, they would never have been a need to stand up to anyone because none would’ve dared to have tried.

We had patriots in the military, and it’s clear that the police and sheriffs are nothing more than the military of the local governments. You would’ve never had any of them enforce such a tyranny.

If you see an encounter between the police and one of the people, it is your duty to stop watch and film and be a witness for the victim if needs be.

It is time to remember Benjamin Franklin‘s quote at the sign in the declaration of independence:

“We must all hang together or we will all hang separately.”

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Your point is well taken, Brutus, although I'd argue that, in that situation or any other I would envision, we are talking about strict self-defense against unreasonable authority. Thanks.

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Like at the village green and Williamsburg, and later at Breeds Hill?

How about an article detailing when the people should take up arms.

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