You just beat me to posting on the incident. At any rate, I only learned about it from my Aunt. I am not even going to bother going down any rabbit holes. I'll just keep fasting and praying. That is what America needs right now. Here is a cut and paste of my substack:

The Trumpenstein Project

Well, it happened...


JUL 14

Usually this Wolf thoroughly ignores current events, as the whole world is a Clown Show. Alas, all too many continue to take it seriously, and anything this Wolf says is probably going to be like trying to fight a Five Alarm Fire with a squirt gun and paper towels. But, anyway, here goes...

Purportedly, the Democrats are already saying that Trump staged the event, and much evidence points to this being so. The BBC was interviewing an unidentified individual sporting a trump cap and a "Stick City" tee shirt who claimed he saw a man with a rifle- a man who was allegedly in a Black Rock Commercial a year ago- and tried to warn police, but they ignored him. Also, Trump's demeanor was surprising. Trump hardly reacted, just ducked down behind his podium, while the usual suspects were somewhat slow in reacting, while a sniper team nearby allegedly shot the assassin. Then Trump rose, raising his hand, and shouted "fight fight fight" as he was escorted off the platform. (He must have been fairly confident it was just a lone gunman.) As usual, many questions, few answers.

That this event is going to raise a firestorm goes without saying. The Powers-That-Should-Not-be have been using their Trumpenstein Wind-Up Toy to good effect lately. The "debate" was a disaster for Biden, and Trump has allegedly concocted a platform to mollify his fans, predictably softening his "Pro-Life" rhetoric to try and appeal to a broader base. All of that seems to have been a lead in to this obviously staged "assassination attempt". (The blood on the face was a nice touch- probably done while Trump was behind the podium and covered by Secret Service Agents.) And oh can that guy act- that performance deserves an academy award.

We'll just forget that Trump sponsored the Death Jabs, Bombed Syria after the most hilarious False Flag in history, signed the Biggest Spending Bills in History, made the Washington Swamp a National Preserve, nominated zany "Supreme Court" Justices, left his January 6th supporters high and dry, and did other thinks too sundry to list here. We'll also forget the 2020 election was obviously rigged, the Keebler Elves fixed nothing, and nobody was prosecuted or went to jail.

Trump is going to save America, dammit.

"Let's Go Brandon."

The Biden Bus and the Trump Train are both going over the cliff.

Now, is this the main event, or just a distraction foreshadowing something really, really big? For years, this Wolf has suspected that "Civil War" was on the agenda. And the proverbial trigger might have just been pulled.

Social media is going to light up like the Grand Finale on the 4th of July.

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Lots of people are weighing in on the Trump shooting, WW. It's taken over the alt media. Thanks.

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"Perfecta distractio", as those who understood such matters may have written centuries ago.

Who-ever the cause, may the predictable convulsions translate into something positive and useful. Ok, call me dreamer, call me Pollyanna. Actually, call me anything, just don't forget to call me for dinner.

Thanks for getting such a sharp one off so quickly, maestro. You're the bomb. Oops, I think I just got arrested 🤪 ~~ j ~~

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Great commentary

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I agree. This is meant to lead whatever remains of our nation into a costly civil war.

Are there any good pics of the ear injury? I see red stuff trickling down without concealing his defiant frown, but no good view of any wounds on his cheek or ear.

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I think the ear injury was fake and ghey, as was the entire "shooting". Also, none of the people in the background had cell phones, and not one of those persons lost it and fled for their lives? But I will leave it to Chris Graves to dive down all the rabbit holes. I'll stay at 35,000'. Over and out.

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Yes, as always at these events, where are the cell phone videos and pictures? Thanks, WW.

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That pic of trump on his knees between other legs was from a phone.... also... Lindell TV had a producer point out a woman to the right of trump, who had a weird half smile as she slid down and promptly started filming with her phone. You can also hear a phone ding right before shots... was that a signal? One thing for sure... we'll never know all the truth.

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Interesting, sadie. Thanks!

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Rumor is she’s FBI

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Supposedly, the assistant director of the FBI, Patricia. Why would she have been at a Trump rally? You know she's not a supporter. Thanks.

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That's always the $64.000 question. Also, the crowd reaction is strange. It is like they did not even hear the shots or richosheting bullets. It's almost like the shots were dubbed into the video soundtrack...

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Yep, the reactions looked a bit off. Thanks, WW.

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My wife and I’s first reaction after I pulled up a video — if we were in that crowd, then we’d be down kissing the floor after hearing the first shot

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Yeah, no one seemed to be ducking for cover, jwslaw. Thanks.

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AI will reveal all, but not to us.

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Not a natural response to gunfire. Period. People scurry, run and trample people trying to get away. I've seen it.

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Perhaps MAGA people are made of sturdier stock. I noticed the man in the "boonie" hat behind Trump to the left, surveying the field, left & right, from a crouched position .... obvious to me a combat trained patriot veteran.

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There is one dead man that could argue against the "fakery" but is not available for comment. Perhaps he is also a crisis actor ??? like in Sandy Hook ??? or do people actually die ???

“And yesterday what happened, I have no doubts in my mind that the shooter had help from somewhere within an agency, an organization, or the government,” Alexander stated firmly.


Being Nihilistic when conversing with Bolsheviks certainly wasn't successful in 1918 Russia or 1949 China, not discounting the Banksters putting those regimes into power.

You may very well be correct, I disagree at the 900' range level where people live & die.

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I am content to wait until the dust settles on making a determination as to exactly what happened. In the meantime, what is important is the narrative, and the political landscape. This is absolutely going to galvanize the Trump Train. That is what is important.

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As It Should. The propensity and actuality of violence and pushing violence comes from the Leftist Wetards.

I do not rule out CW at some point, as the democRat Bolsheviks in the Deep State do play a murderous vicious game of destruction and constant war.

I am discontented but will vote one more time for Trump, to alay any sense of Regret in the aftermath.

I do wish you and yours well.

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And the same to you. (Charity is stronger than death.)

I have not cast a vote since 1988. At this point I cannot believe I was that stupid to vote for George Herbert Walker Shrubbery.

Donald Trump seems to support the massacre in Gaza. Be careful not to have that blood on your hands.

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they had cell phones, White Wolf. one lady in a black cap calmly sat there and then took out her phone laconically filming Trump, others also had cells. then there was that Richard Fusca guy, the Qanon figure who portrayed jfk.jr in the Q thing about his resurrection and he took out his cellphone. all were calm true, but one lady appeared later on rumble saying she was in the back row and of course no one was excited or scared because they all knew their duty was to "protect President Trump."

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I was being sarcastic when I said none of them had cell phones. But I would have expected two reactions- either people running for their lives or people whipping out their phones knowing they are going to post a viral video. Let's face it- the Internet culture is pervasive, and lots of people would love to post something that gets a million hits on Twitter or Facebook. But the completely staid reaction of the crowd after the alleged shooting is way, way off. If there really were bullets whizzing around, most people are going to be ducking and heading for cover, not continuing to behave like zombies- especially the Trump Crowd. If they were Biden Zombies, this would be more beleivable. But, like Sandy Hook, it seems to be completely fake and ghey.

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of course should have caught that, WW, i was reading don's piece being up way too late after a big day. the thing with cellphones- they have cellphones as you put it, then how come they didn't use them. how come they never use their cellphones at these incidents. and, aren't there people in Butler who use twitter or other social media. i haven't seen a tweet yet from anyone at the rally itself. agree about Sandy Hook. my hunch is you and i are in agreement about all these "events."

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The World (and the Churches, I might add) has been completely fake and ghey for a LONG time- way before 1776. Satanic Pederasts have been running the papacy and the world for a very long time, and have been slowly, patiently rolling out the agenda, which is really very simple: A One World Slave State. Just look at all of history over the last 500 years and it becomes crystal clear; (I should write: Vatican Memory Hole. It would put Don's research to shame.)

And once the proverbial worm has turned, you can look at Sheeple history and now entirely understand it. All those coincidences that were not coincidences.

I am clueless how they actually put together the Stage productions, but they always seem to go off without a hitch. And now, with the dawn of AI, I cannot even be sure anything on the net is real. (I might be writing to a chatbot, a shill, a troll- don't mean to insult you... it's just the way things are.)

The Net is the Crown Jewel of Operation Mockingbird- shills and trolls and now AI create layers of reality and meanwhile people have no horse sense, and no longer evaluate the world around them.

And that is why I really no longer follow these "events". Once you know the truth, you don't have to.

Regards in the Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

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So they are all in on it. You are a product of the WEF/Billderberg/Gates-Klinton Foundation efforts to sow disinformation - the very thing they charge the Trump supporters with. Bullets were flying - and I hardly think that Trump signed on to that. There are horrible evil narratives and horrible evil people = especially in our government. What has happened to our country, its government and our people's unwillingness to ignore the bait and figure it out for themselves. I know - just look at the Epstein extortion ring, the Israeli lobby (AIPAC) control over our congress, the rampant control of Xionists over our corporations and you have the answer. Cut Israelhell off. Join the battle against that genocidal/apartheid country. The sole country that is based on apartheid publicly.

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You might recall that Trump was actually president for four years.

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Yeah, same thoughts here.. not that they couldn’t ‘make-up’ a missing chunk of ear.

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sludge blood from the clot shot. ? rubber ear comprised of amyloid misfolded proteins? the jab were safe and effetive, for just this kind of event / sarcasm

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I was thinking about red food coloring in corn syrup.

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or Red Heifer. also July 14 2024 was 6 days short of the 80th anniversary of the attempt on hitler's life 20th July 1944 . And both cases, got away by a whisker. (or it is all fake anyhow).

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Yes, but Trump didn't stage the event himself! Like all such staged events, it was done by his ((puppet masters)) and ((the PTB)) to push yet another ridiculous narrative (and thus whether for his "benefit" or not ultimately doesn't matter). Trump is just an(other) actor in these charades, as clearly indicated by the photo of the "event." (Although, admittedly, his "performance" is better than the SS people around him who are clearly graduates of the "Expression-free Do-nothing School of Acting," with branches in NYC and DC.)

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(liked) believe it or not some Q-anon-ers are saying Trump did a "positive psyop," in order to "wake people up." at least a couple at my church who are Q types, told me this.

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Spot on Rob ... as Barnett says, "If the State wanted Trump dead, Trump would be dead ...


~~ j ~~

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Barnett really exposes the absurdity of the entire event. Thanks for that link.

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Totally over the target. Yes, at this point, the whole political landscape is fake and ghey. They just have a few good actors to say all the right things- like Massey from Kentucky- to keep the half awake in the game.

What if they held an election and nobody voted?

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Great comment, Wolf. Reminds me to order the t-shirts ...

"Stop voting. It's killing you."

~~ j ~~

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I agree.

Bear with me: One of my thoughts after this event happened was that this is a Freemason staging of the Antichrist's "head wound" mentioned in Rev. 13:3: "And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast."

As in: They did this event on purpose -- however they pulled it off and for whatever reasons -- but also to "fulfill" the prophecy in a ham-fisted way. It will be "fulfilled" again, maybe more than once with more than one person, until the final actual prophetic fulfillment. Trump is not the Antichrist dictator prophesied in Revelation (he's too old, among other things), but he is a type of savior for his Freemason buddies, and he is a "type" of the future Antichrist. This event is a precursor, testing the masses and also foreshadowing the real future event.

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This ☝️

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Excellent, michigan.rob

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I do not normally podcast about current events, but this one is different. This is a summation of the facts publicly known about the Trump Attempted Assassination 3 days out:


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I listened to your podcast. Good analysis. Trump and Biden are just two wings of the same birds. From that perspective, it makes perfect sense that the story is constantly changing and evolving. The point is to gaslight the sheeple to the point where they don't know what to believe while meanwhile they build the narrative. That is how they roll. (They did the same thing with the Kennedy assassination, although the pace was not as quick. The Lee Harvey Oswald Shooting, then the revelations of his background, then the Zapruder film, then the Ferry shooting, then the Garrison investigation, then the movie JFK were all a series of Deep State Deep Fakes to hide what I think is the ultimate truth- that JFK was rubbed out in a Masonic Ritual, and meanwhile all the disinfo was a beta test to see how the sheeple react. Same thing here. Only I think the ultimate primary goal is to galvanize the Trump crowd. It appears Trump will roll in as a Demigod.

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Thank you for the feedback. Yes, the divine intervention, God-driven narrative is gaining track really quickly. This is like market testing to see which groups buy what story so they can craft the most demographically appealing narrative. I do not know which parts are real, but having intelligent conversation about this helps us come to reasonable conclusions. Now there is evidence of 2-3 total shooters, from people on the ground investigating, and the FBI are quickly closing off the area because the evidence on the ground does not sync with the official lone Wolf narrative.

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Two or three shooters? I am skeptical any shots were actually fired at Trump. And there are, as far as I know, zero videos or pictures posted on social media, no accounts of eyewitnesses... nothing. The lamestream media has no pictures on the scene of the fireman who was shot... nothing. Just exactly who are the "people on the ground investigating"?

This whole thing is a dog-and-pony show to the third power.

And yes, they do plenty of "market testing". That is what the 2020 plandemiic was all about- seeing how the sheeple react in different demographic areas, and seeing how stupid a narrative they can push.

I expect the same thing here.

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“Questions and answers on the Trump assassination attempt, where he missed death by less than an inch:

The patsy assassin has been identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania. What were his politics, and who were the demonic, ruthless, psychopaths, that motivated him to do this? There is no way in hell the assassin is allowed to be in the very best location to shoot from, for at least five minutes, with a visible rifle in his hands. No fucking way. And, the assassin got off ten shots before the Secret Service snipers finally got around to shoot him. It seems like his job was over, and he was then killed to forever silence him. Who were the Secret Service snipers who finally killed the assassin, and what are their politics and background? By the way, could they have possibly left Trump standing on stage any longer after this assassination attempt? One thing is perfectly clear, the Secret Service were given stand down orders, just like they were for the JFK assassination. In 1992, I worked for Jerry Brown when he ran for the Democratic nomination for President, Jerry knew this and didn’t trust them, so he never used the Secret Service. In many places across the United States, I along with select others acted as his protection. I’ve written an in-depth article about this I will publish in the future, included will be the time I stopped his assassination outside the back entrance of Studio 54 in Manhattan. The Secret Service are now run by DHS. Jewish Alejandro Mayorkas is the Secretary of Homeland Security, So, this stand down order must have be given from the them. This means the DHS were in on this assassination. It looks like the Jewish oligarchy really want to start a civil war.”

Mark R. Elsis

Man Saw The Shooter With Rifle Minutes Before He Fired And Tried To Warn Police And Secret Service (4:29)


Another Eyewitness Told Police Twice About The Assassin On The Roof And Was Ignored (2:11)


How The Hell Did Rally Attendees See The Assassin And Rifle Before Secret Service And Police? (0:15)


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Mark, I attended the legendary Jerry Brown for President concert in 1975, with the Eagles, Jackson Browne, and Linda Ronstadt. I really liked him at the time. Don't know what happened to him. The same thing as happened to all the Democrats, I guess. I'd love to hear more stories about your time with him. That must have been a fascinating job. Thanks!

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Dear Donald - Perhaps one day we can chat, perhaps over Skype. I have a wonderful story with Don Henley. - Mark

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I'd like that, Mark. Thanks!

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Don Henley of the Eagles and his pizzagate episode.

""All night long, all night long.""

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Well, I think the girls were 15 or something. That wasn't looked upon the same way back then. Lots and lots of songs about sixteen year old girls. But Henley of course suffered no consequences. All the rock stars slept with underage girls, and no one suggested they be prosecuted. I think at least one of Henley's 15 year olds was arrested. I covered this case in "Survival of the Richest." Thanks, Peter.

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by those harsher standards, a 17 year old gets you labelled a pedophile in some US states.

sure, old enough to bleed , old enough to breed.

( bad old joke, but I do have farm animals here)

the F-Troop actress was 15.

whilst you are there , thru rense.com


McArthur, Tom (July 14, 2024). "Thomas Matthew Crooks: What we know about Donald Trump shooting suspect". BBC News. Archived from the original on July 14, 2024.

there. three names, and the world is in order now. new world order or old world order.

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I heard he starred in a Black Rock commerical, if that helps.

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yes, supposedly, that's been going all around. crisis actors need to work too.

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and is a jew to boot.

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im not too convinced of this patsy, and he's dead anyway conveniently.

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an earesistable drama

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I ear you. Nomination for the Golden Lobe Award.

I always knew Trump was at heart a lobalist.

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Wish I'd thought of that, SPQR70AD. Thanks!

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you got a lot of good lines in your article

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Thanks, SPQR70AD!

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Don will you take another shot at writing a second article about the assassination? or is it to ear-ly?

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Lol SPQR70AD. I'm sure I will write more about it. Thanks.

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There is reference to Thomas Matthew Crooks having an award for Math and Science.

Hence his name anagrams to 'Mock math swot shot ear'.


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A great pun.

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boomer humor. oy vey.

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I hate to admit this, but within 2 minutes I texted my friend and said, Dude this is a deep fake hoax. It makes no sense. Just another crappy Hollywood staged event. It’s gonna take allot to convince me otherwise. 😖

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I just assume an event is fake until proven otherwise, Abraham. They lie about everything. Thanks.

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"I just assume an event is fake until proven otherwise, Abraham. They lie about everything. Thanks."

As I said in another comment, a false flag is hard to pull off in a venue like this. One example is the fifty-year-old firefighter who died of a head wound. Everyone at the fire station would have to be in on the caper along with his family and neighbors. And that is only one example.

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They kill a few real people in false flags to get an emotional response going. Not sure what this event is, lots of conflicting information. This is a summation of the facts publicly known about the Trump Attempted Assassination 3 days out, that I made:


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Believe as you will.

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Thanks. That is a default position really.

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Yes, it is.

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Yeah, but the Trump Sheeple will eat this up like custard cream pie, and will follow their hero through the valley of death and the bowels of hell.

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Right on, White Wolf.

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Too perfect. Like a Hollywood movie.

He raises a defiant fist to the sky and shouts "Freeeeeeduuuuummm!" I mean, "Fight! Fight! Fight!"

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Same here. Everyone gets tired of me and my pessimism but I know when something is rotten!

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Check out the video ad by Blackstone with Crooks. Note the guy with him. Looks like Violets, the first alleged shooter. Also on Gab a photo of a criminal individual with a history of causing trouble at Trump Rallies is shown as well as the photo of the alleged dead perp. Strong match, to include ear gauge scars/ear gauges. I am convinced we are not getting a straight story anywhere.

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It wouldn't surprise me if both were actors, Celt. But Violets isn't being mentioned by very many. He's already been tossed down the memory hole. Thanks.

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You've got that right. The Alternative Media is now a sea of shills, trolls, and disinfo- Operation Mockingbird has clearly taken over.

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Donald, the Hollow Man who did not object to 574 riots in 2020 proclaimed, "It's time to put Trump in a bullseye." Bidenistas have no path to victory but massive fraud and the Epstein gambit. The Secret Service director (a woman) is operating on the priority of 30% women agents--and she hired one who could not re-holster her weapon (oh, and that agent came up to Trump's navel--important when blocking kneecap shots). The shooter isn't exceptional--ask Steve Scalise. The drumbeat of violence acts on the weak links first--no conspiracy required. The Trump Secret Service detail is minimal--additional assets were requested and denied--and now the regime that can't shoot straight denies it denied. The FBI that claimed the laptop was Russian disinformation, that couldn't find the DNC/Kamala Harris bomber, that couldn't find who brought the cocaine into the White House, who spends its time chasing praying grandmothers, Catholics, and school board parents assures us there will be a thorough investigation. But first it needs a new building and to be absolved for its gestapo raid on a political opponent during which it staged scandalous photos with cover sheets it brought to the scene. If there is a false flag it is an entire administration vowing to get to the bottom of it--when they're already there.

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I guess it is somewhat comforting to know that the totally corrupt FBI is also mindlessly incompetent, Phil. Thanks.

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Evil is not widespread. Alinsky dedicated Reveille for Radicals to Lucifer and I only know two of Saul's acolytes, Hillary and Obama. The Devil Made Me Do It was not allowed at Nuremberg. Fortunately the countersnipers didn't issue a sternly worded letter thus forcing any follow-on wannabes to ponder whether they "feel lucky".

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No, they are very few, Phil, but unfortunately they tend to have power. Thanks.

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What is widespread is not so much malice as absolute cowardice within the political ranks. It's keep your head down so you can keep your job. Don't get noticed so you're the last eaten by the alligator. The same was true in Stalin's Russia, which appears to have been a Bankster Beta Test for the Upcoming Real McCoy.

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Excellent questions and suppositions. It indeed does look like a staged photo right down to Trump's fist looking like he is waving the flag by it's cable. IMO a high velocity bullet through ones ear would probably cause extreme pain from the supersonic sound wave, and having your flesh torn. The sound wave alone would have caused numerous symptoms on a 78 year old. Like you, having lived the JFK assassination, and witnessing the multitude of Make it happen, Let it happen events of the last 60 years I am quite sceptical of any media or government official statements. Why the shift of attention? What devious acts by government are being ignored while we look toward the sound of gunfire?!!

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Yes, that American flag was certainly strategically placed for the photo, wasn't it, Just? Thanks.

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it wasn't there at the rally like that at the rally.

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ringing in the ears

ringing in the ears

we shall come rejoicing

ringing in the ears.

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not sure even what I mean by it. except if Trump does not have tinnitus, I smell a rat (I have had it 20 years since an assault).

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Several decades ago, a friend and I drove our boat up into this back bay while fishing

Little did we know it was close to a shooting range and apparently the bunker? hill? that was supposed to contain the rounds was not quite high enough

Needless to say we quickly got the hell outta there after hearing the whizzing and feeling the air as the rounds flew over our heads — very powerful

You could really feel in the air just how powerful these rounds were

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This smells fishy. Something’s rotten in Denmark, or rather, America. Maybe this was an ‘inside job’ done outside??

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Well, as usual the official account is implausible, Jason. Thanks.

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Your darn tutin' it is fishy. But what isn't these days?

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There were a few unexplainable.....1) Why did the 2-black uniformed Police not shoot the supposed gunman, who was in their sights for minutes before the shots from the factory roof were fired? Rumor says they were told by Secret Service to hold fire. Next...looking at the crowd behind Trump....they are acting very strangely and some are not acting like anything happened. Who got wounded behind Trump? I would like to see the ear wound. If the shooter was using a .223 AR-15 the velocity of that round would have ripped Trump's ear off or most of it anyway. And there was very little blood. I HATE to say it but I smell something is staged. I do not think Trump would knowingly make a sacrificial lamb out of people.

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Yep, that gunman on the roof, seen by witnesses who alerted the police to no avail, seems to be the big issue here. You have to explain that, and I don't see how they can. Thanks, Pete!

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What, you expected something clear cut and real? You should know by now.

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I was hoping you would weigh in on this, Donald. I referenced your Trumpstein theory in the following thread where I presented my own hypothesis:


Here is my Conspiracy Cassandra hot take:

I can’t help wondering if yesterday’s assassination attempt is the first act in a play, where the next act will involve a Trump supporter successfully assassinating Biden, having been serenely plotted by strategists like those in this “Network” scene:


It’s a win-win-win for the cruelites:

1) They get rid of Biden without the political cost of losing face.

2) Biden becomes a martyr who can no longer be criticized and can be used to serve the greater cause.

3) The DNC can replace him with their preferred puppet.

4) They can still rig the election without it looking suspicious.

5) The Trump supporter (and by association, Trump) are vilified as far-right–wing fascist extremists, justifying a ramp-up in the War on Domestic Terrorism.

6) The media make out like bandits on the entertainment value of the unfolding play.

Perhaps we can foil the plot if so many people see this prediction, they know they won’t be able to get away with it.



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I appreciate that, Margaret Anna. Your theory is as good as any. I have no idea what they intend on doing. I only know it won't work to the benefit of the People. Thanks!

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if only the interest and commentary generated by the event mined bitcoins for the People.

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Makes sense . Why would a Red hat guy shoot his main man? All Republicans are killers and must be disarmed in the rhetoric?

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He was not a red hat guy, he gave $$ to some leftist/progressive cause(s), & registered ®️ so he could vote against DJT (PA is a closed primary state, nothing going on on the Dim side). Give it up: Big picture Hitlery/Obama/ Biden crime families & whoever are pulling their strings, desperately need to take DJT out as Biden has shown himself incapable of wiping his own ass, & they can’t believably rig the election again. DJT as POTUS again and they are all going to jail or worse (Dr. Jill will have to wipe Joe’s ass). They are on Plan N+1, and don’t have that many more in their quiver. People’s are awake and alert and will not believe any BS. The communities where Trump rallies are held will do their own primary and secondary screening of the venues and surrounding areas, they will have their own drones scanning the area. They will coordinate with the SS, & local & state authorities, but they are not going to trust the DHS or the SS hierarchy, knowing now what a fuster cluck they made of this goat rodeo & that the CIA was in/instigating the Kennedy assassinations & MLK likely.

That’s just my thoughts.

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Good analysis. Best I've seen yet. We'll just have to wait and see if this is the proverbial trigger. Back in April we all thought Iran Theatre was going to lead to something big. It fizzled.

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i didn't think there was going to be anything big happening back in april over Iran, tbh.

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As long as it ends in that ugly civil war they've been hankering for I'm sure the MSM will be happy.

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I assume it must be possible for a real bullet to damage the cartilage of a man's upper ear while leaving the rest of his head unscathed though I'm not sure how. (I do not have a gun license though I support the Second.) Trump's medical records are not being shared with the public. His large bandage makes sense because he needs to avoid infection which could lead to cauliflower ear.

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A peculiar item that jump out at me. Seems the biggest story came from the man the BBC interviewed. I was curious when I heard it where he was from (English Accent). It just seems odd that the BBC would be at a Trump rally in the middle of nowhere. No offense to you fine folks of PA. Idk maybe that’s not abnormal but thought it was out of place for some reason.

And damn, High Schools have a rifle team? How shitty do you have to be to get cut from that team? Maybe he was holding a grudge over that lol?

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Good points, Luke. Was this that big of a rally for the BBC to send a reporter to cover it? Thanks.

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...by golly, I'll show 'em I should not have been cut!

Like that?

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More stuff coming out seems to verify an assassination attempt and not a false flag. Mkultra maybe but more digging before we find that out.

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MKU should always be disproven before moving on. Am wondering about blackmail as well.

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Kid reminds me of Adam Lanza.

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I thought that as well, James. Thanks.

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Mkultra poor soul.

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who never existed. there was only one son, ryan.

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I knew you would have the best Analysis, Don.

More questions than answers as per usual..

I suspect, though that they have created the monster martyr… He must be the chosen one and as long as he’s going to help us,attain, some kind of his version of a New World order and support for Israel. He will probably win.

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Thanks, Mary Ellen!

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His narrow escape is being accepted as evidence that he is indeed God's Chosen One. They already had a song about Trump on YouTube called The Chosen One where a Christian country singer praises DJT in messianic terms and splices photos and clips of him together with Biblical images commonly reserved for great heroes of the faith or Christ Himself.

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No doubt he has being worshiped

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Hi Don, I´ve already been looking for a possible comment from you - and here it is. When I first heard of it today (I don´t watch news or TV) my first thought was: something´s wrong here. So, thanks Don, for your assessment, and esp. for your humour. Despite all the craziness that´s going on, it actually made me laugh. Felt good. All the best to you from Germany.

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I really appreciate hearing from someone that far away, Michelle. Thank you!

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I´m really glad I found you, not so very long ago, as I was diving deeper into the JFK assassination. I listen to your shows, too (I Protest and AU) and have read Hidden History I, which I liked alot. Second book is on the way. I´m glad to have found a way to find out about what´s really going on in America and not having to rely on German alt media who are for the most part, still in favor of Trump. So, thank you, Don, for all your great work, honesty and caring.

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It's so gratifying to hear that, Michelle. Thanks!

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Don, I know this is off topic here but I don´t know how else to contact you: where can I find last Friday´s show ( I Protest) since I didn´t have a chance to watch it yet and it has been taken down from youtube and it isn´t on rokfin, either. Thanks so much :)

P.S. You´re "Hidden History 2" has arrived now and I´m looking forward to more lessons in real history :)

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All my shows are archived at americaunplugged.com, Michelle. Thanks!

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Thanks Don, but I can´t find your "I Protest" show from last Friday there, either. "

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liked. agree, parts of this article made me laugh. no one calls Don, Donald Anthony Jeffries.

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I think "attempted assassination" is akin to "attempted suicide." If you wanted it done, it would be done.

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Yep. I seriously doubt anyone, Squeaky Fromme or not, wanted to assassinate Gerald Ford. Thanks, Anti Communist.

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They couldn't take out Ford, Saturday Night Live would have folded!!🎯

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Yeah, how could they do without Chevy Chase's brilliant impersonation? To be fair to Chase, he is Rich Little compared to current SNL cast member Keenan Thompson. Just doesn't even make an effort. Thanks, Anti!

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