Nature dictates that the land belongs to whoever is strong enough to seize and hold it. With all respect, Don, I think it is erroneous to equate America with Israel in this regard. The pioneer/settlers who inhabited and formed the bedrock of the American nation wrested the land from the Indians without outside assistance. Atrocities were committed by both sides. Israel could have never committed genocide against the Palestinians and theft of their lands without massive U.S. aid, in the billions of dollars, military and otherwise. A big reason the whites conquered the American west as fast as they did was that they had the help of various Indian tribes, who served as scouts, trackers, and fighters for U.S. forces. They hated the other Indian tribes the U.S. was moving on more than they hated the white man and considered those other Indian tribes the greater enemy. Joe McCarthy was allowed his crusade against the commies in the U.S. government as long as he kept his mouth shut about the tribe that created and controlled communism. He complied. Women are mass raped in war because they are considered part of the plunder. In ancient times, soldiers would only fight if they were guaranteed a hefty share of the loser's wealth and property and that included females, as well as the taking of slaves who were sold for a hefty price. Only the National Socialist German military hung their soldiers for rape, not out of compassion for the victims but because it was considered an unforgivable breach of discipline. The System occasionally throws one of its political whores under the bus only because the asshole is slurping too loudly at the public trough of graft, bribes, and corruption. Plus they want the brain dead masses to think the System really works. Probably more than anything, the criminal outrage of asset forfeiture proves you can wipe your ass with the Bill of Rights (Wipes). Check out the court case, 1st National Bank of Montgomery vs. Jerome Daly 1968, in Minnesota. Daly the defendant, proved that the bank did not loan him actual money but created credit out of thin air, ergo he was not legally obligated to pay them back. Incredibly, the judge agreed with him and ruled in his favor. Soon thereafter this judge was found dead under suspicious circumstances and the cops of course deemed it a suicide. Predictably, that case has been consigned to the Orwellian Memory Hole and no court in the U.S. will acknowledge it Stare Decisis or as the earth shaking judicial precedent it is. Dynamite article, Don, thanks.

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We did not exactly "wrest the land from the Indians". We took it by connivery and a series of broken "treaties". The American "settlers" had utterly no respect for the property or the resources of the Indians.

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You are talking about official government complicity. I spoke of the settlers, boots on the ground, who wrested it with fire and blood. The Indians had no concept of property as was adhered to by the nations of the West, legal or otherwise. The Indians were no strangers to treachery and deceit either, whether among the various tribes or with the whites.

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You are correct the Indians were far, far from saints. But that does not justify what the settlers did, particularly in Ohio, the history of which I am most familiar. If the Settlers had merely started farming a plot of land, little tension would have ensued. But the settlers violated Indian burial grounds, slaughtered buffalo for no reason other than the enjoyment of killing, captured Indians and used them as slaves, and did other atrocious things too sundry to list here. Moreover, the Indians in Ohio had been crowded out of lands in Pennsylvania and New York, and just wanted to be left alone. By treaty with Washington, Ohio was to remain Indian, with the settlers moving into what is now Kentucky and West Virginia. So what the settlers were doing was essentially illegal, as well as immoral.

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Conceded. But we must differentiate between the Indians east of the Mississippi river and the Indians west of it, those tribes of the Great Plains. They were much more brutal, bestial, treacherous, and bellicose. The white settlers who crossed into the Great Plains were shocked by the magnitude of savagery from these Indians that they had to fight for survival against. Some of the tribes, such as the Kiowas, practiced cannibalism along with ritual torture of captives, including women and children. It would have been no great loss to the world if these sub-human, stone age savages were wiped off the face of the earth.

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Some were, some were not. The Apaches- absolutely. The Souix? hardly. The problem here is, that by the time Yankees crossed the Mississippi, the treachery had escalated in a vicious cycle several times. Indians avenged themselves of atrocities, sometimes on innocent whites. Then the whites did the same. Once you trigger a cycle of savagery, tis hard to keep score. Even at the beginning, the Mohawks were hardly civilized- far from it.

It is durned hard to say who committed the original sin. But what is clear is that history is far from what the "court historians" would have us believe.


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I meant for the most part, actually overwhelmingly so. And believe me, I am well aware of the savagery of some of the tribes of the east, like you mentioned, the Mohawks, and by extension the entire Iroquois Confederacy. Not to be redundant, but nature rules and the land belongs to the strongest who take it. Even if taken by deception, it can only be held by force and power. The degenerate white race has lost its will to live and is rapidly losing its lands to non-whites all over the West. Nature plays no favorites. You either fight and thrive or shrivel up and die. Regards to you.

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Good points from both of you. Thanks!

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They used to hang his picture in every schoolhouse in the land. His name was Abraham Lincoln and he understood that the South needed to remain in the Union, with over 700,000 dead to prove it and the Native Americans were thrown in for good measure. Needed white people to settle the West.

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Well reasoned points, Hereticdrummer. They were certainly different situations, and it is hard to tell who attacked who more when the settlers arrived in America. Thanks!

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You're welcome, Don, thanks again and be well.

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Excellent comments, Clarence. With all respect, I beg to differ on a few points. Germans may be the largest white ethnic group in the U.S. but I'm convinced that whites are no longer a majority here, just a plurality. The government lies about the census numbers, like they lie about everything else. Further, they classify many mixed race people as white. Hispanics are the largest ethnicity in the U.S., if you group them as a single unit. By the way, California, the most populous American state, is down to approx. 35% white. I do not think the natives of Central America, or the natives anywhere, natives being tantamount to stone age savages, built any pyramids. They were constructed by the white "gods" in the mists of antiquity. Their own myths state thusly.

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Outstanding. A brilliant quote from the Ultimate Avatar. In the early American colonies, there were almost as many Germans as there were English. When the U.S. was formed, it was only by the narrowest of margins that English was declared to be the official language of the new nation instead of German.

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What nature actually dictates is called homesteading and after that the defense of your justly obtained property. For more on this read my Stack.


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When two or more races with wildly divergent cultures, origins, and histories clash over the same piece of terra firma, the concept of "justly obtained property" becomes meaningless.

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

After reading about what so many soldiers have done during their "service", makes me wonder if there's a connection to how some 22 veterans commit suicide every day?

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I think you are over the target there. "The wages of sin is death."

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I believe so

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I do feel for all the young men who enlist these days. Back in the '80's, I also thought the path to fame and fortune lay in the US military wearing a uniform respected all over the world. I joined the Air Force and went to basic training at Lackland in Texas. And then I came to see that I was essentially being brainwashed while surrounded by a bunch of infantile men and officers. Despite the humiliation I opted out. They told me i would never amount to anything and etc, but better to be a bum under a bridge than to represent a lie.

And then we went to war against Iraq in 1990 and I was sickened. All that carnage and destruction because Saddam invaded and subdued a rinky-dink little country with hardly firing a shot and what... we could not negotiate a settlement. No, we send in the those men to commit atrocities that haunt them the rest of their lives. And some, no longer to live with it... perish in their own self-loathing, rather than seek repentance. And all the while both church and state act as though the current system is virtuous and upright.

What horrors surely await these self-righteous blowhards.

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Great title and essay! I love to see the truth about the lies we are told. I would only quibble:

"German-Americans and Italian-Americans were also sent to camps. And all of them had billions of dollars worth of property- homes and businesses- confiscated by the U.S. government... We did that, not Hitler."

We did that? The assumption that we, the common people, really are the government is a government trap IMHO. “We” are the ruled, they are the rulers. Equating government = state = people is a word trick that leftists have used since Marx, to equate government ownership with "public ownership". The U.S. government rulers would like us to believe that we are the government, but we're not. The people in the U.S. government should be blamed for their crimes, not the American people whom they rule.

BTW just ordered a copy of Bullyocracy and am looking forward to reading it. I am trying to break the habit of equating the U.S. government with America. I don’t want to be blamed for what the U.S. government bullies do

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"We" refers not merely to the leaders who gave the orders but all the people that followed and executed them: county sheriffs, enlisted soldiers, bailiffs, judges and other gov't officials who looked the other way... You seem to be forgetting the famous tirade of Pope Felix: "Not to speak the Truth is to suppress it; not to oppose error is to approve of it."

Even today, a lot of people who work in the financial racket, the medical racket, the insurance racket, the legal racket, and the gov't bureaucratic racket need to take a LONG HARD look in the mirror and ask a simple question: "Am I part of the problem?"

That also includes all you guys delivering the packages for Amazon...

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I would also include the media racket. The media seems to have been deputized by government to accuse and begin the punishment of anyone who opposes the government.

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Yes, I forgot that one. Indeed, after 2020, I don't know how those schmucks sleep at night.

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White Wolf: I'm no fan of Bezos but he is a good businessman. Folks who deliver Amazon packages are not doing evil. It's the free market. There is a willing buyer and seller. No crime involved.

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I suppose those who clean the toilets for Jeff Bezos are not exactly doing evil either, per se. It is just that, in light of the fact that Amazon is nothing more than a subsidized military operation, and never was a profitable business venture on any level...

Amazon is dastardly and dirty. Amazon practically forced me to buy something because cancelling an order I accidentally placed was taking so many hoops to jump through I just tossed in the towel and conceded the $10 I spent.

But more to the point- Amazon has put hundreds of small businesses under because nobody can compete with their subsidized prices.

(Most of the truck drivers probably don't know this, I'll concede.)

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Well said, WW.

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White Wolf: I've never had trouble cancelling an order with Amazon. Though Whole Foods cancelled my food delivery order last Friday. They couldn't find any drivers is my guess.

Amazon survives on cheap US Mail delivery. That's the biggest subsidy for Bezos. Privatize US Mail.

If I remember right, UPS offered to buy the Postal Service years ago. But of course the government didn't want to give up the power to spy on all of our mail or censor it which they've done in the past.

The postal workers in our town tell me that the mail is now almost all packages.

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My guess is that the US Postal Service, Amazon, and UPS are just three arms of the same Beast. At this point, it is hard to tell- but easy to guess- how interconnected everything is. Basically, I think UPS has cornered the Overnight Delivery Market. In terms of Volume, that is definitely their bread and butter. I used to live in Kentucky just downstream from the huge UPS hub in Louisville and every night, one after the other, every 90 seconds, a jet was on approach. And then, 6 hours later, in the morning, the takeoffs began.

I think the UPS offering to buy the Postal Service was just a stunt. I don't know what UPS would want with the postal service.

Most of the volume at the Postal Service is Junk Mail, plain and simple. And the junk mail is subsidized- it has to be. I used to work for a small magazine in Kansas City, and I know all about mailing and printing costs, which were astronomical back then.

Quite frankly, all of the Catholic organizations are subsidized rackets. I still get mail from the "Sudan relief Fund". My dad gave them a check years ago. I don't think one penny ever made it to Afrika.

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WW: The USPS is a government racket. Those are the worst kind. At least UPS and FedEx and other shippers, compete with each other.

The junk mail should NOT be subsidized. Another Government program that drives me nuts.

The USPS has banned publications in the past for opposing WWI, WWII, the Civil War etc.

I don't trust 90% of the charities.

I think UPS just wanted the buildings owned by the USPS and the right to carry first class mail.

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Let's talk about the 150,000 delivery trucks that they ordered right before the covid hoax.

Interesting to live in a world where one of the bastards is somehow pure.

Have you given much thought about the Hollywood actor who was supposed to be in control of the CIA asset?

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Frank; Your comment is full of pronouns and a lack of names. I have no idea what you are talking about.

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Your assertion that Ronald Reagan was Herbert Walker Bush's master.

Now, back to the delivery trucks before you forget about Jeff Bezos

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Frank: I never said RR was HWB's master. So what about the delivery trucks? How many mushrooms did you eat tonight?

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You are correct, Rightful Freedom. We- the American public- had nothing to with any of that, or anything else our corrupt government has ever done. Unless we are guilty by association in voting 96% of them back into office every election. But that requires that they actually count the votes. Thanks!

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Strange. Another Yom Kippur surprise attack, just after the national EBS test

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Yes, and I was totally unaware until Sunday. I suppose WW3 will be over two days before I even know it began.

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In the last few months Israel has been divided by factions and civil unrest. They were perceived as weak and indecisive. Then Hamas pounced. Look at America today. I see many parallels

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Israel has been divided by factions and unrest for years. Two years ago the government of Netanyahu was given just weeks to survive, and here they still are. In the meantime, here is a gallery of photos from Oct 4th... "‘Largest in the History of Resistance in Gaza’: Palestinian Islamic Jihad Unveils New Weapons in Military Parade"... what follows is multiple rocket launchers... 50 calibre machine guns... 20-foot-long missiles. Why was it not blown off the map? So, how did the IDF miss THAT?

So, no... not buying that.

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Gone are the days of leaders like DavidGreen(Ben Gurion) Moshe Dayan and Golda Meir( the toughest female Prime Minister in history).

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Nah, rather gone are the days when politicians could act decent. Ben Gurion was a Royal Scumbag, as was his sidekick, Menachem Begin. They were just much better at keeping their pasts secret, and re-inventing themselves.

I'll be waiting come Judgment Day to see what Golda had in her closet. bet some doozies there.

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Nice to see someone with a sense of history. Most Americans would give me a blank stare while making their football bets. Stay safe

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Oct 8, 2023·edited Oct 8, 2023

Spot on, WW.

I am not buying that this was a "surprise attack". IMO, this is some globalist plan. An October Surprise 2023, has been talked in the conspiracy world, for months now.

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Oct 7, 2023·edited Oct 8, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

What a horrific inventory...and no one can say it like Donald. I've been to Appomattox Court House, but did not know about the bad behavior there at surrender. It certainly was not included on any of the plaques.

Gone With The Wind is one of my favorite films. They give a mild interpretation of Union looting and arson in that movie. I keep wondering what the PTB are going to do about that film. On the one hand, it is politically incorrect on steroids. On the other hand, it is too historically important in film history to give it the Robert E. Lee-statue-treatment. So far the only solution for them, is to ignore the film and hope no one brings it up. Nobody but Donald and I watch eighty-year-old movies anyway.

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Donald didn't state the half of it. I could detail what they did to the Indians and the Spanish missionaries in Florida- St Petersburg, specifically- in 1818, and later to parts of Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisianna. They practically stole Texas, and the Alamo is not what people think- not by a long shot. Then there was the San Patricio Battalion. Good reading that. And California. The list just goes on, and on, and on.

They had to burn Mexico to the ground in 1848. Otherwise, the sons of all those women they raped would have come north looking for vengeance.

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Oct 8, 2023·edited Oct 8, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Yep, I learned about the San Patricio Battalion some years ago. Being very keen on both Mexican and American history, I was surprised it had slipped by me up until then. Certainly not something normie history would want known.

I find it very interesting that gold was "discovered" a mere eight days after the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed. No coinkydink, that. They had big plans for the Golden West.

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I'm sure the Gold was "discovered" by Lewis and Clarke, or their spies. And I'm sure that Jefferson and Adams were scheming about that gold while the Spanish Main was still traversing the backbone of the Rockies.

Here's some more "coinkydinks" for ya: Some 20 years before the American invasion, California was practically isolated from the rest of Mexico, causing a flight from the Indian missions, rather than strengthening the frontiers. One would think the Spanish and Mexicans would have learned from the debacle of Florida?

The same thing applies to Texas. You would think the Mexicans would not have let a Yankee within 20 miles of the border line.

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I couldn't include everything, WW. We have quite the history here. Thanks.

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I hear you loud and clear, Don. I could devote at least 500 pages just to what happened in Florida from about 1790 to 1820. All the stealthy incursions into Spanish territory at the behest of Washington, and then blaming the blowback on the "Red Savages". Not that the Spanish seemed genuinely interested in peace either. It was just an ever-escalating mess until the Colonials decided to end it once and for all.

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WW: The local Mexicans in our town all know and love and honor the San Patricios. Americans of course, have not a clue.

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You have quite a good crop of Mexicans there. I would love to meet some of them.

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Oct 8, 2023·edited Oct 8, 2023

WW, that town sounds like a strange anomaly to me. I have many, many Mexican friends...most born in Mexico (Michoacan) and some born here. I've never met even one who had heard of the San Patricio Battalion. Most are clueless about the Mexican-American War ... although a few have a vague concept of "America stole our land". I wonder if that town has a secret school to teach Mexicans a bit of history... in the few spare moments they're not engaged in something they consider important. The elder males tend to sit in groups in malls to talk...like they do in the zocalos of their home towns...because the US does not have public plazas. They discuss what they think is important...but never history.

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His Mexicans are from a Southern Providence that was the hotbed of the Cristero revolt. They know their history, and they know all about Yankee Imperialism. Many of the Cristeros probably took their inspiration from the San Patricio Battalion. Fighting to the death is preferable to living under Freemasonic rule, so far as a blue-blooded Spanish Catholic is concerned.

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Oct 8, 2023·edited Oct 8, 2023

I have to disagree with you. Most of my friends are from Michoacan, and I have spent a huge amount of time in that state. To put it bluntly, I think Timmy googled: San Patricio Battalion, and embroidered his comment.

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White Wolf: The Mexicans in our town almost all come from the State of Michoacan. They are fleeing the crime and drug cartels there.

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Lol, you may be right, Kris. Thanks!

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Kris; The Jimmy Stewart movie "Shenandoah":


is a better depiction of Union Army raping and pillaging.

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“At least we changed the name of the Wa. Redskins.” Sent me to the floor laughing. I’m getting a beer now and finish reading. Genius.

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Mike Huggins: I read that many Indians want the name to remain the Washington Redskins. I'm certainly not upset at the name Minnesota Vikings.

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No Indian group ever complained. As always, the pressure came from the usual White social justice warriors.

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Thanks, Brother!

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What did they change the name to? I have not watched football for 30 years.

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WW: Washington Commanders. Perfect. LOL!

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I call them the Washington Commies for short. Very fitting.

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I don't know. I think the Washington Hot Air or the Washington Swamp Creatures might be more apropos. And I suppose they could do something special for Halloween.

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WW: Washington Pedos (might have to be Speedos) is appropriate, too. Or maybe the Washington Wasps.

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Dear Donald,I'm not surprise about all the thief's,war crimes etc Americans did in all the wars,thats what every soldier do in all wars in the world from centuries ago. Rape is a VIP thing to do ,soldiers enjoy that a lot .From my humble point of view , America is not a continent, it's an island, because the mentality over there . I was surprised when living there, how little they know about history from other countries,all the education is very self centered. That's why they can kill so freely in all the wars they promote,because detachment,they never heard about any of those oversea stinky countries who don't eat burgers.

USA was created as an experiment,and people there don't realize they live in a fantasy Disney world where crime is everywhere but Micky Mouse is real.

Cops can kill anyone only for sneezing in front of them, but you heard only one mantra everywhere " USA,USA,USA, " Bruce Springsteen song " Born in the USA' was talking about the big lie people live over there.

This is not an attack to your country,which I love, but a sad cry for all the people in the world who live in a big freaking lie about their,countries, politics, etc and they die without still knowing their life was a lie. So just to end,I pray everybody to wake up , to see the ugly lies ,and to béguin working togethers with this beautiful new Consciousness looking towards the future. May God/dress bless America and the whole world too.

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Great points, Kiran. Maybe one day we'll hear the social justice warriors complain about this lurid tradition, of including women as trophies of the victors. Thanks.

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May God help the whole world🙏🙏🙏

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Sadly, Don... Penance will be imposed by history where Amerika, Inc., will be recorded as the late Empire of Grift.

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I think penance is going to be imposed a heck of lot sooner than many think. When Germany reached this state in 1943, it did not last that much longer. When Austria Hungary reached this state in 1912, their lifespan was measured in years as well.

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PS: If you want to talk about land being robbed, how about the invasion of Ireland by Oliver Cromwell. The American Indians got off easy compared to the Irish. The Indians weren't sent off as slaves to another continent. Cromwell killed half the Irish, enslaved at least 50k and sent them to the American colonies. He stole all the land and the Irish weren't allowed to vote, hold office, or be anything but serfs on the land.

The American Indians wouldn't put up with that. I respect them for it.

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Cromwell was horrible. I've never understood why the greatest author in the English language imo, Charles Dickens, worshiped him. Thanks, Timmy!

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Well said Donald. Have little to add, except, having worked for Steve, he stole most from Xerox Parc, while Gates (actually his evil Mother) stole most from IBM, their flavor of DOS, to be specific!

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I don't think either Steve or Gates could tie their shoelaces. They were just the faces of a series of swindles that rehypothecated business investments.

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WW: Read their biographies. Gates could code. Jobs could not. But Jobs was a genius at design and putting together a good team. Gates was good at marketing.

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Well, I could code too. But I do love Gate's pedigree. C'mon, that guy need not have worked a day in his life. He could have shined his sports cars in mommy's garage and gone out scoping babes all day. For a man with hormones that seems infinitely preferable to writing code.

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White Wolf: I lived in Seattle and the Puget Sound Area from 1975-2000. Folks in Seattle hate Bill Gates' guts. I used to ride my old Schwinn all over Seattle. Sometimes I'd ride down Greenwood Avenue and go by the manned entry gate for the Highlands. The armed guard keeps out the riff raff.

There is a golf course inside the gate right at the entrance. It was the first gated community in the area and all the old money of Seattle lives there including the Gates family. The homes are beautiful and built in the early 1900s. You can look it up on a search engine.

Bill Gates started out okay. He had drive and ambition. But something happened along the way. That's why his wife Melinda left him.

The famous meeting Bill Gates had with Dr. Fauci in Gates' study was the beginning of the Covid Con.

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I don't think Gates started out okay. The researchers I have read think mom and pa underwrote him every inch of the way.

Bill would have been much better off in the long run if he had gone to school and learned how to fix engines.

But his father must have been a megalomanical narcissist too so I guess that explains a lot.

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

WW, well we do know the Bill Gate's father was a big muckymuck (Chinook jargon word) at Planned Parenthood. Gates Jr imbibed genocide with his mother's milk. The whole boy-genius-becomes-richest-man-on-earth was a cover story to create the Gates Foundation, which would be a cover for globalist genocide.

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WW: I meant that folks in Seattle liked Gates at the beginning when he started Microsoft in Redmond, WA. Lots of jobs and prosperity for the Puget Sound area at first. Then things got ugly.

Gates and his parents would sit around the dinner table and talk about eugenics and how there were too many people on the planet. So reducing world population was fed into Bill's mind at an early age.

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Thanks, Anti Communist!

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Anti Communist: Xerox Parc gave the technology away. Idiots. Bill Gates' mother was on the board of a Seattle charity (United Way I believe). So was the CEO of IBM. Gates' mother asked the CEO of IBM to do her a favor and send his IBM software engineers down to New Mexico to help out her son Bill with his struggling computer software startup.

The rest is history.

Hell, maybe Gates' Mom and the CEO of IBM were having an affair. That would be funny.

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You are so over the target there.

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

I have seen more war footage from Israel in two days than I have seen from Ukraine in almost two years. Am I missing something?

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Other than the time spent watching the crafted narrative, probably not.

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Your posts touch me deeply.

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Thanks, Nancy!

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Thank you Mr. Jefferies for this excellent expose of American treasonous war crimes, et al.

I did not know of a lot of these crimes against humanity were committed by American soldiers whether Civil War, Vietnam or Gulf War and Iraq - I am very disappointed - But I will certainly save this essay to regurgle at the next cowardly braggart soldier I hear , especially the spec ops cowards that supposedly are the best trained and took out multiple foreign govts but can’t seem to reclaim America from the Mexi cartels or the Criminals in D.C. - without orders first.

God please have mercy on this now very lost nation…

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You need to read Hidden History Volume II. While the atrocities of "Sherman's March" are fairly widely known, what Sheridan did to Virginia and what Abraham Lincoln did as a whole are not. Just be sure you are sitting down.

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WW: Phil Sheridan was also in charge of destroying the Sioux.

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Why does that not surprise me at all. Too bad he did not meet Custer's end. He was far more deserving.

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White Wolf: Gen. Phil Sheridan always put a Colonel in charge of the troops doing the dirty work in Montana and the Dakotas.

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Thanks, Awaken! I will have more detailed revelations in the upcoming "The American Memory Hole."

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And we rape, steal, plunder and murder singing Israel Berlin's song God Bless America. Thanks Don, great article.

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Thanks, Mike!

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Oct 8, 2023·edited Oct 8, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

One of my favorite Vietnam stories:

My boss at Kenmore Air Harbor seaplane base on Lake Washington, Mac, was an aircraft mechanic in the Air Force. He was in Vietnam for a year in the war.

He told me many stories but this one was about the Army grunt who wanted to go home early is a good one. All the soldiers had to stay a year, the Marines had to stay 16 months if I remember right.

So this soldier used a 50 caliber machine gun to kill a water buffalo. The guy obliterated the thing. Nothing left but the horns.

This was a big no-no. Kill all the gooks you want but you don't kill the water buffaloes. The rice farmers use them as tractors.

The Army had to pay the farmer $7,000 in compensation.

The soldier was sent back to the states and given a dishonorable discharge.

But he was OUT!

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That is sort of a mixed bag there. Back in the day, a dishonorable discharge was quite a piece of baggage, virtually eliminating any possibility of a well-paying job. You will be resigned to a life of bussing tables or cleaning the toilets at the dispensary.

I think I might have preferred getting lost in the forest for quite a few months and then showing back at base towards the end of the enlistment, and spending the last month or so in the brig.

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White Wolf: This was back in the analog era. There were no computers. The former soldier could just never mention his dishonorable discharge.

Or he could have worked for an employer who was against the war.

There were more options back in the analog days. It was easier to disappear and re-invent yourself.

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I was from the Analog Days. While there were no computers, there were still bureaucrats. You could probably keep the information buried initially, but it was going to come out sooner or later, and possibly even make headlines in the local rag if you were a lawyer or a teacher. Before the '80's, a dishonorable discharge was pretty close to pond scum.

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WW: I live in South Dakota in the early 70s. We hippies all lived in a big old two story farmhouse out on Bluff Road near Vermillion. One of us was on the lam from the draft. We all had some issues (we grew up in Lincoln, Nebraska.)

Maybe it was because we moved to another state, but we never had any trouble.

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Der Commanders

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