Sep 18, 2022Liked by Donald Jeffries

Nice stunt but totally ineffective and actually a Maga Virtue Signal of sorts for DeSantis, I assume he's making a play to grab power from Trump either forcefully or wait him out and take over as Maga 2.0 leader. Either way, he feels like a wolf in sheep's clothing to me.

But i'm so tired of hearing about hypocrisy. It's irrelevant and a cope. Hypocrisy, and every other stupid label (racist, homophobe, conspiracy theorist, etc) only works in one direction.. The powerful get to decide what labels mean. If I'm king, I don't care what you call me. But what I call you DOES matter because i have power.

The problem with trying to convince anyone that X group is Y label is that people know instinctively who has the power. Whites are out (and have been for decades). Constitution is out. Republic is out. Capitalism is out. Justice is out. Fair trade is out. The reason? Because those who held those ideals are out. They're no longer in power. The masses are followers and just go with the flow. If the powerful say Black Lives Matter, they go along with it. They may not even like it or believe in it, but they follow the powerful because they're powerless. It's hard to be a dissident. There's a price to pay.

So DeSantis or Trump or anyone else can say whatever they want to try and sucker the heritage Americans who still think the 1950's or 1980's can make a comeback, but it's never going to work. Because we don't have the power. And even heros like Huey Long who had quite the following, couldn't grab the power. Masses are irrelevant. The proles will never have power and the worse you treat them, the more compliant they become. The thing about bread & circuses is a lie. The Roman rulers didn't need to keep their masses entertained and fed to appease them. They could have just as easily starved them out, but there was prestige in throwing out food and free entertainment. It was a show of POWER. Not the other way around.

We complain about Republicucks, but they're part of the show. They know who has power and they're going to stay on the friends list. Same with AOC. She and her weirdo friends could have probably grabbed some power, but nope. She bowed and kissed the ring of that 80 year old day drinker Peolosi.

So what to do? Withdraw and wait it out. Pray the madness gets much worse for it's really our salvation. Power corrupts right? Well corruption destroys. So let those in power destroy it all and quickly. Become friends with someone powerful who aligns with your beliefs. Help them take power. Then we get to decide what labels to throw around. Who is a degenerate, who is corrupt, who is a race betrayer, who is greedy, who can stay and who needs to go. It's how power works in reality.

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Of course, the Republicucks are part of the show. And considering no one in a position of power will take control of the southern border, and stop what is an invasion by any definition, a stunt like this may be the best we can hope for. Thanks.

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Sep 18, 2022Liked by Donald Jeffries

Spot on article - especially how liberals (I, too, used to be one) have become the party of hypocrites...

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Thanks, John!

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Once we passed the 1980s it became far too late to do anything about non-white immigration, both legal and illegal, when you factor in their birthrates juxtaposed to whites. Further, the dumbed down, deracinated, emasculated white "men" do not have the kehones to do anything about it. With all respect, Don, I knew Trump was lying when he promised to stop illegal immigration. Scumerica has long been targeted by the Cryptocracy for complete racial destruction. More illegals actually entered the U.S. under Trump than under the reign of Bwack Obongo. They all lie, about everything. That's why these sons and daughters of pox riddled whores are placed as mouth pieces and enforcers above us. A few years back, J.K. Rowling, the super rich creator of the totally lame Harry Potter books, was braying like a jackass in a pepper patch that England should completely open its borders to any immigrants from anywhere that want in. A male reporter publicly offered to pay for the transportation of around 200 of these featherless bipeds to her mega million dollar estate. He pointed out that aside from the mansion she lives in, her property is laced with cottages for them to reside in and she could easily afford to feed them and provide them with any necessary medical care. It goes without saying that the scumbag, hypocritical bitch clammed up and refused to respond to this man's more than generous offer.

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Sep 18, 2022Liked by Donald Jeffries

DT closed the border during covid. before that he stopped the flow using "remain in mexico" law. he deported several gangs but not enough. he did accept 10,000 syrian men who were left in louisiana. i would deport 50 million except elderly if i were in charge. wont ever happen.

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Please provide a source for Donald Trump ever closing the border. He certainly threatened to, promised to. He tweeted about it, but essentially did nothing while in office. He deported fewer illegals than wide open borders advocate Obama. Thanks.

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read about remain in mexico policy. there were shelters built because migrants were under tents in the rain. there is MX/central amer news & MX independent reporters. this is what i saw. DT closed the border during covid. in his 1st year there were 3 planes a week landing in MX city w/returning migrants, as oppossed to 1 a week w/BO. (everyone BO deported was let back into the US about a year later, deporting was random). in addition, DT threatened to cut off aid to Cent amer, if they didnt accept the gang members back.

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I knew about Trump, too, but it was worth a shot to vote for him. You never know- it was feasible that this billionaire didn't really support all the madness, but went along for his own significant financial gains. I agree, the horse left the barn on this issue a long time ago. But we can at least appreciate a political stunt that exposed hypocrisy and provided some laughs. Thanks.

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It was immediately obvious Trump was/is a phony by his appointments. Instead of draining the swamp, he swamped the drain. All of those motherf_ckers were the usual System sycophants. Voting is a waste of time, unless it transpires in a small town wherein by doing so you can effectuate real change, but just locally. It voting could provoke positive change for the people at the state or federal level, the Controllers would do away with it overnight. It's just a weapon of mass distraction. Be well.

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DT started a conversation which needed to happen. the potus who ruined things was reagan.

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They all ruined things. They are all lying scum. Conversations are completely meaningless at this point and will do nothing to save us from the impending apocalypse and genocide against our race and true culture. Only Ragnarok will and the rebirth that ensues.

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since the UN is in control there is nothing anyone can do. DT brought the migrant problem out in the open. no politican can change things. US is no longer a european country.

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Anyone with two brain cells to rub together and whose head was not buried in the sand would know there is and has been a lethal immigration problem. Just because the sock puppet political whores deliberately exacerbate this problem at the behest of their wire pullers does not mean it is not, "out in the open." Scumerica is a third world, Bolshevik, Talmudic, totalitarian police state dictatorship. You can wipe your ass with the Constitution along with the red, white, and blue masonic dish rag.

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We have become the world's wealthiest Banana Republic. Thanks.

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Donald Jeffries

I live in Vail, Colorado. Mexican kids became the majority in Eagle County's schools in 2007.

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I didn't know that. Well, then maybe they could be shipped directly to the ski lodge. Thanks.

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Donald Jeffries

the UN is in charge of the border crossings. they make sure everyone comes across. then they hand it over to the cartels. when JB was elected all troops left MX southern border. same w/the borders in the cent amer countries. many people were trying to break in w/violence. UN global law: police cant touch a migrant. these caravans are planned way in advance. yes there was a temp surge in 2018 during DT time. pelosi was down here.

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Bingo Don!

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Thank you, Vince!

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Sep 18, 2022Liked by Donald Jeffries

Good luck on Noory's snoozefest. He likes to read his computer while you're talking, so he can then pretend to make a salient point (that he has just googled because he won't be bothered to even read the Table of Contents of your book in preparation for the interview). And then when he makes his trivial comment you will realize he hasn't heard the last three things you said. Because he was googling. He hung up on an old guy once who had had an interesting experience with Nikola Tesla. Couldn't hold him over the break you know. And now we'll never know the story because the guy is likely dead.

I sure miss Art Bell. At least Jeff Rense listens and you can tell he's not distracted by the google most of the time. Usually he's fighting his computer or his network connection or his video player too much to be absorbed by them. I don't know why he doesn't download those videos ahead of time---they have apps for that. :-)

Sorry for the OT Donald.

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Richard Syrett was the guest host. He stayed awake during the entire interview. Thanks.

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Sep 19, 2022Liked by Donald Jeffries

Nice, you got lucky. Maybe I can find the interview in a rerun.

Thanks, I enjoy listening.

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Sep 18, 2022Liked by Donald Jeffries

Seems like Martha's white extremist crowd was taken aback with its own medicine. Liberals don't like having their putrid agendas thrown in their own faces.

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They are quintessential virtue signalers. Lecture the unwashed masses on their perceived shortcomings, but live their life according to entirely different standards. Thanks.

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That's the best we can hope for from politics at this point; decent entertainment. Thanks.

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Sep 18, 2022Liked by Donald Jeffries

Yes, this should be done every day all day. And why the National Guard isn't on the border in Arizona and Texas is really beyond me. What in the hell would the Feds do about it?

I suspect these cuck governors love being able to shirk responsibility by blaming it on the Feds. It's a win-win.

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We are in this situation because Republicans- claiming to be sane about illegal immigrants- have refused to act when they had the power, or even protest effectively when they didn't. They shunned Pat Buchanan, because he actually wanted to do something about the problem. And they shunned Trump, too, until he demonstrated that he was all tweet and no action. Thanks.

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I voted for Pat twice. Wrote him in the second time. I did the same for Ross Perot.

The only person I've voted for that has won has been DJT.

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