A good number of people in power seem to be Narcissistic Sociopaths. Drawn to control and violence with no remorse whatsoever & born that way.

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Jul 10, 2023
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But was John List, for example, born that way? From what I've read, there were no signs of a mass murderer before he annihilated his entire family. And then no more signs when he went on to start a new family. I see cases all the time of people without a criminal record, considered respectable by their communities, who suddenly commit the most horrendous crimes.

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Jul 10, 2023
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That's still the old bleeding heart in me- nurture over nature. I admired Father Flanagan of Boys Town's adage that "there is no such thing as a bad boy." But then I read "The Franklin Scandal," and Boys Town appears to have been connected. Searching for that sliver of hope. Thanks!

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I think Susan Smith was driven by lust for a man who didn't want children, but Andrea Yates was driven to post-partum depression and psychosis by having so many young children and a husband who wouldn't help her and insisted she keep having babies and then refused to give her any help. It would take a very psychologically damaged woman to do that, she wasn't a cold-calculating murderer like Hillary Clinton.

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Her husband was a real piece of work. He was actually giddy at the funeral for his five children. Upbeat, as if nothing had happened. Just surreal. Thanks.

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I love the way you slip the harsh realities of the ClintonFlukkers into so much..."how's the weather there today? As cold as Hillary's tit" LOL

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LOL...I have an issue.

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"This shit RIGHT here is why I suicide people." --HRC

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Thanks for the upgrade and kind comment, Timmy75!

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Or ... "as cold as Hillary's heart." Or ... as cold as Hillary's ... (dealer's choice here;-) Many thanks to DJ for this work of art, possibly his best ever. ~~ j ~~

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Thanks, J. Lee!

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Jul 10, 2023Edited
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You're an asshole. You don't know me. You know nothing about me. You are an arrogant narcissistic vicious TROLL and there is no EXCUSE for your cruelty. I am not advocating ANYTHING. I am saying there are social democracies that actually function and take care of humans basic needs. I am hardly a LEFTIST. Don't waste my time with your insulting comments.

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Like many Leftists, you attack reality with the same passion I embrace it.

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Cindy Sheehan: Have you seen the movie "American Made" starring Tom Cruise as Barry Seal the pilot who flew weapons and drugs out of Arkansas for the CIA and drug cartels?

Do you think the Clintons killed Barry Seal?

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I wrote about the death of Barry Seal in "Hidden History," Timmy. There was another unnatural death connected to his as well. The Cruise movie was pretty good, but only scratched the surface. Thanks.

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At that point in time, The Clintons were under the protection and tutelage of GHW Bush. They later graduated to positions where they were able to order the deaths of a lot of people. adding to their "Clinton Dead Bodies List" (as it was compiled and published by the FReeper Alamo Girl, in the late 1990s) that they started while Bill was governor of Arkansas.

I think that if Clinton arranged the murder of Seal, he was doing so at the behest of GHW Bush, but it's more likely that Seal's murder was the doing of federal actors, since Oliver North was the one who outed Seal as a double agent of the Medellin Cartel and the US federal agencies such as the DEA. A federal judge ordered Seal's subjection to a work release program that made him go out in public with no protection at all so that he could be killed by cartel sicarios.

I saw that film and it struck me as a limited hangout creation of a Hollywood studio acting under orders of the US intelligence apparatus.

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I covered the Clinton Body Count extensively in "Hidden History." I became friends with Linda Haydon Ives, courageous mother of Kevin Ives, one of the "boys on the tracks." Since my book was published, many more entries in the Clinton Body Count have been added. I'll talk about them in the next book, "Hidden History: American Memory Hole." Thanks.

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No, I haven't seen the movie, but I will check it out.

I will let you know after I see the money, but I think they were deeply involved in that and it's certainly possible that they killed him.

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Cindy S: The movie producers and writers had to kinda play the movie for laughs as otherwise the CIA and others might have been upset. Bill Clinton does factor in the movie, but only on the phone and off camera.

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"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools; who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind. Haters of God, despiteful proud boasters; without understanding, and without natural affection..." -- Romans 1

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RFK was a hypocrite like all blue bloods are. How many blacks lived within a 5 mile radius of his mansion? I'm not talking about the caramel colored, glib tongued, jew coached and owned Oreo cookies so prevalent on TV. I mean hard core, street niggas, the ones who would cut your throat without hesitation for 5 bucks and gleefully rape a white woman in broad daylight. Answer; Zero. South Africa not exactly a paradise? Don, that is incredible understatement. It is the antithesis of a paradise, a dystopian hell. Women there, particularly white women, are raped openly with crowds around doing nothing but encouraging the rapist(s) and that includes the police. It has long been open season on whites with them being murdered, tortured, raped and robbed with impunity for the black perpetrators. The country has become basically dysfunctional with crime, corruption, filth and violence ubiquitous. The same path the U.S. speedily treads, along with the entire West. Apartheid was and is the only answer for the preservation of the white race and to avoid all out race war. But the ruling class obviously has other plans. Even though Ape-braham Lincoln was the catalyst for the totalitarian nightmare we are enmeshed in today, the U.S. never was a constitutional republic in anything but cosmetic form. Ferdinand Lundberg wrote an excellent book, "Cracks in the Constitution" wherein he documented how the government has always done what it wanted both in foreign and domestic policy, regardless of how unconstitutional. They either circumvented it or smashed right through it. So called serial killers are a creation of the Cryptocracy to terrorize and manipulate the masses into accepting more draconian, liberty crushing laws. A close examination of their crimes invariable leads to the conclusion that there were multiple perpetrators but this inconvenient fact is always obfuscated by the System. The most corrupt entity in recorded history, the U.S. legal industry, is complicit in this monstrous scam up to their filthy necks. I would not be at all surprised if Jeff Epstein was spirited out of jail by the Mossad in conjunction with their U.S. Intel puppets and he is now basking in the sun on a Tel Aviv beach slurping a bottle of Mogan David wine with a 7 year old goyim shiksa on his lap. Other than the first part wherein I articulated my disagreement, this is a great piece Don and I thank you.

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I strive to be kind, Hereticdrummer. Yes, South Africa is a nightmare. And no one is suggesting "migrants" or "political exiles" from there be welcomed into our country, least of all Republicucks. I wonder why? Lundberg's "The Rich and the Super Rich" was influential in my thinking when I wrote "Survival of the Richest." Thanks!

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I understand and respect that, Don. However, let us never fall into the trap of being kind to our enemies who wish us serious harm and in fact are doing just that. I have something else in mind for them that has nothing to do with kindness. I read, "The Rich and the Super Rich" by Lundberg in early 1973 just prior to enlisting in, "The Suck" (U.S. Navy) and it made a great impression on me. Thanks again, Don, and be well.

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Yes, JFK, RFK and Teddy Kennedy all were examples of the worst of America, not the best.

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A bit of sardonic levity: In the mid 1980s there was a punk rock band called, "The Dead Kennedys". Their self produced, 45 RPM Single was titled, "Too Drunk to Fuck." The cover was a picture of a disheveled bum nodded out on the bar in a seedy tavern, a drained bottle of rotgut whiskey next to his head with the glass tipped over.

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Jul 11, 2023
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I never saw them but I'll take your word for it.

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I saw them in Kensington pa. Had to fight my way out

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now I feel really happy and hopeful - not!

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I hope I didn't bring you down too much, Alanna. Thanks.

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On a happier counter-balancing note, my sister and brother-in-law were married for 62 years, before her death in '17. My b.i.l. joined her in '18. They raised 6 children, starting in a single-wide 1950's trailer with the first 4. They weathered many down times and all the good. as well. Their love and commitment was apparently bottomless.

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I appreciate the feel-good story, Martin. There are good things happening out there. They just get lost in the overall negative shuffle. Thanks!

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Yeah, human kindness is everywhere actually ....


Rock on DJ,

~~ j ~~

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I've been "married" to the same man since I was 21. In Aug I will be closer to 55 than 50🤣.

I do fall into that category that you mentioned though, of not bothering to legally marry, Donald . 😜

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Martin Thorne: My wife's parents were the same way. So were mine. It appears that those days are over. Very sad.

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I don't think that they have any serious thoughts or concerns about God. Most people that I know don't seem to be interested in looking for God or the truth. And they aren't bad people, just think why worry about things they think aren't possible to know. Or just don't care. Excellent article again Donald.

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Thanks, Norman!

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I agree. I don’t think people even think about judgement when they die. I know only a couple of people who understand that we will all be judged, no matter how “good” we think we are.

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I really appreciate this article. Captures so many of my thoughts in a meaningful way. This touched my soul. Thank you so much.

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Thank you, Steshu!

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Deep and disturbing. And I can’t forget the snake I accidentally ran over or having to put my beloved dog down (was it too soon?). Even the kindest of humans puzzle me, the twisted ones are beyond my understanding.

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I can't seem to get out of black pilled mode, Nancy. Thanks.

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Nancy Lynn: I feel the same way as you. "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions."

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Herding oppressed masses has always made herding feral cats look easy.

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And herding English teachers is like herding cats....which is why dogs are still and always the best people on earth....

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I've known dogs that would make most humans look stupid.

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Don't take much of a dog to make most humans look stupid ;-)

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The breeds that have always been the smartest are still the smartest, something that can no longer be said about humans.

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Part of me keeps saying; "you can't just go on drinking like this.", while the better part of me keeps saying; "yeah, like I'm going to listen to some incoherent drunk who talks to himself, right?"

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Lol. Thanks!

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Don, I ask your opinion on the case of Madison Cawththorne. He was a freshman Congressman who publicly spoke of being invited to drug and alcohol fueled orgies in The District of Cesspools. After he made these revelations He was defeated in his run for reelection. Any thoughts?

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That was strange. On the surface, he sounded better than just about anyone else in Congress. Then they came up with these bizarre recordings, where he seemed to be alluding to gay sex. And, of course, he's in a wheelchair which would seemingly limit him sexually if not make it impossible. I believe he was defeated in his primary. As I mention over and over again, almost none of these clowns lose their bids for reelection. Why him? And after the initial stories about the parties he attended, nothing else. Thanks, Gregory.

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Gregory: Years ago I looked into missing children data in the USA. 30,000 children go missing in the USA every year (it's probably more).

Guess which area of the country had the highest missing children per capita?

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Many people do believe they are pleasing satan when they commit horrendous acts of evil. Usually the belief is entwined with a promise from satan to reward them in a specific way. I really don't know how many people, probably millions, but i only know of a handful, who were promised they would be in charge of a legion of demons when they died. Donald,unforgiveness is not an option. We have to do it. Hope you are well❤❤

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MM: PS: The Lord's Prayer originally was about forgiving debts. The bankers didn't like that phrase so changed it to trespasses. As if King James and the bankers gave a damn about private property.

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Maryann Manley: IMO, and I think it is in the Bible, only God can forgive sin.

Forgiveness isn't my job and not in my makeup.

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I am, thanks, Maryann.

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A complete lack of conscience or remorse is the hallmark of a psychopath. At minimum, they don't care about injuring or destroying others for their personal gain. They will crush you like a bug, and feel nothing more than if you were a bug. At their worst, they derive pleasure from injuring or destroying others.

Now we have come to discover that psychopaths have a detectably different brain structure from non-psychopaths. A particular type on non-invasive test can provide this information.

There should be an international law requiring all applicants for positions of power to undergo this test. Politicians, military leaders, CEO's and other corporate positions of great power.

All we have to do is eliminate all the psychopaths standing in the way of this proposed international law, and we are home free.

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"All we have to do is eliminate all the psychopaths standing in the way of this proposed international law, and we are home free."

Good one, Grim. That's like saying, "How to be a millionaire: First, get a million dollars"

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I really enjoyed this article, partly due to the sympathy I feel for the subject matter along with the analytical insights.

May I offer two thoughts to ponder which this article has brought forth for your consideration...

If one accepts the metaphysical concept of a Holy Guardian Angel, must not one also accept -- based upon our functioning Universe of yin/yang, positive/negative elements -- the concept of an Unholy Guardian Devil? After all, intuitive painters have for centuries included this "dark other" on their canvases, along with the Guardian Angel, as co-equal counterparts accompanying mankind's incarnation on this planet. This concept of The Dark Other is hardly new...

Just as one may impart the guidance and wisdom of a spiritual co-traveler on a karmic journey towards ultimate enlightenment and unification with the Godhead, then the counterpart to that scenario is the bad council and negative advice emerging, primarily, from the cultivation of the Seven Deadly Sins advocated by this Negative Entity. One can envision the conscious mind, balancing the scales of Positive Choice versus Negative Consequence upon the fulcrum of Will, wherein the individual shall inevitably make a decision that either advances or retards their Karmic progress.

Or to put it simply, the concept of The Holy Guardian Angel provides the necessary framework for its opposite.

Second, regarding the Old and New Testament, I (and others) have come to the conclusion that the "God" of the Old Testament is Satan, and certainly not the Father of The Christ of the New Testament. On what grounds do I made this assertion?

On simple historical fact that anyone with an Old and New Testament -- a Bible -- can prove to themselves. Think about how the "God" of the Old Testament is portrayed -- wrathful, vengeful, spiteful, malicious... dare I say evil? He encourages blood sacrifice, child sacrifice, oversees incest, fornication, rape, pillage, and advocates the murder and genocide of entire peoples, (including women and children) while also promoting slavery and theft. This "God" then supposedly picks the most thick-necked, stubborn, spiteful, idolatrous, selfish and avaricious tribe of people as the receptacle for the incarnation of his Son, a tribe of people who are repeatedly and easily led astray by any "bright, shiny object." A perfect reflection of his "perfection'? Hardly....

Now think of the God portrayed in the New Testament. He is dignified, refined, balanced, tempered, even-handed, loving. He is, quite simply, the direct OPPOSITE of that entity who appears in the Old Testament.

Are we then to presume that God evolves and improves with age? If so, then "God" was not perfect to begin with, and so how could that entity be considered God? How could the "jealous" God of the Old Testament now be seen as the loving, balanced, magisterial spirit rather than the spiteful, hateful protagonist that constantly egged on his Chosen People to rape, murder, plunder and destroy "his" other creations?

Of course, it makes no sense. That is, it makes no sense until one realizes that the God of the Old Testament is actually Satan; and the "God" of the New Testament --The God of LOVE -- is the Creator of All and our true progenitor, the direct opposite of the "god" portrayed in the Old Testament.


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I appreciate the kind words, LCVincent. I think you're describing what the Christian Identity movement believes. Thanks.

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Had to laugh. Was watching old rerun of The Waltons. Did you know the actor who played Grandpa Walton, Will Geer was a radical Homosexual Communist who was the lover of Harry Hay? To think that the audience of the early seventies was ignorant of this is hilarious

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Why hilarious? That show was one of the bright spots in a miserable childhood. Sad to know that the perverts couldn't even stay away from that.

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Yep, and granny Walton was a lesbian. I learned those two facts a couple of years ago. It bothered me because I liked that show.

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Yes, think of the odds of that. Thanks.

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