Donald, it's all very simple, because it's all about Satanism. Demons are androgynous entities, so they want people to worship demons, a cover up under the transgender new "doctrine". And yes, they go for the children, they know if they can corrupt a child soul, they got him probably forever and the future world will belong to the satanic forces. It's about corrupting peoples souls and spirits. People are so lost they don't even know who they are anymore, and believe whatever they are told. The fact they are teaching satanism at schools, is proof positive of what I'm saying is true. Save your soul dear brothers and sisters, and protect the kids, we need to understand this very well without any doubt. Pray to the Lord for help and protection.
You state that "it's all very simple", then go on to state; "it's all about Satanism. Demons are androgynous entities, so they want people to worship demons, a cover up under the transgender new "doctrine". And yes, they go for the children, they know if they can corrupt a child soul, they got him probably forever and the future world will belong to the satanic forces" Kindly point out the simplicity in all of that, if you would.
Timmy, simple means also obvious or easy. I point the obvious example of teaching satanism at schools, which is already happening legally. For those who want to see, it's easy to understand, but if you want to keep your eyes closed, then everything will be difficult and complicated to understand. Open your eyes Timmy, it's all out there very visible and obvious. I recommend u to read David Icke new book " The Trap", it's a gem.
This is being driven by money too. Lots of money to be made off of chopping bits off of young girls and boys and prescribing hormones and blockers. Rational, moral people ask if we should be harming young kids, even if it is scientifically possible. They ask questions. They see patients as individuals. I’ve reached the conclusion that we aren’t dealing with moral people in these situations. A lot of medical professionals just have their formula for how they deal with problems and they simply can’t handle it when a patient goes off-script. Everything goes back to the formula for a lot of doctors. I’ve noticed that a lot before Covid, but now the attitude seems super charged. I don’t care what people want to do when they hit 18, but how this is being promoted and encouraged in young kids is just sick.
I liked the point about how it’s not the dads who promoting this, but the moms. That’s just sick and sad for a lot of reasons.
I think that's largely because if dads were promoting this (independent of the mother), nearly everyone would agree that "that’s just sick and sad for a lot of reasons".
"It wasn't that long ago that if somebody was crazy, that was really something. Nowadays everybody's crazy." --Charles Manson in 1994 interview with Dianne Sawyer
business follows this line of research. scientists are working on growing babies in incubators. this began when they could fertilize in a dish. that should have been illegal. later on only billionares/trillionares will reproduce. the middle uppermiddle & lower class population will be trans, or sick from ongoing vaccinations. dads do go along w/transing, but not as much. in divorce cases the parent who objects loses custody.
They would like to take males out of the reproduction equation altogether. As the feminists used to say before being supplanted by mad transgenderism, a woman need a man like a fish needs a bicycle. Thanks.
very very scary developments, and yes I believe most have lost their minds. I am just glad not be a mother, would be in jail a long time ago. Very well written. Thank you
A very clear and concise description of the insanity that is destroying the moral fabric of social reality. The question is why is this happening? The ancient Romans as they increased their power and wealth became prisoners of their own perversions and twisted reality, and they were not the only civilization to fall into this downward spiral of self destructive debauchery.
Human perversion can take place at any level of human social, economic, educated level of society, but what makes it socially destructive to humanity, is when the power elites, politicians, educators, influencers and now media corporations embrace it, which begs the question, why is it so important to them to make what is abnormal, normal.
What is in it for them, maybe if everyone is now just like them they no longer need to hide. Insanity becomes the new sanity, perversion becomes the new sexual reality, there is only one place this can end and that is in total social anarchy.
Personally I have no objections to what people do to satisfy their sexual fantasies, as long as it is by mutual consent, and does not include children, and it is done behind closed doors. What I do object to is having other peoples sexual fantasies, or what they believe to be their sexual reality, shoved in my face, with the misbegotten idea that I have to except it.
Unfortunately, what I believe or want no longer matters, since the ruling elites in so many western democracies have made it clear where they stand, either because they support it as an intellectual ideal, or because they have similar inclinations. This anti democratic support for the minority sexual fantasists, against what the majority of the population would consider normal and acceptable will lead eventually to social anarchy.
Maybe it is what the worlds ruling elite wants, how much easier is it to control the masses, if the masses no longer know whether the are Arthur or Martha.
The Closing paragraph shows the Marxist Revolution has completed a "turn". In one paper, you've expressed the goals of every Sociologist since Marx and Durkheim and shown they've hit their targets, in the bullseye. Outstanding piece Don!
Don... Lest others think that I am somehow "anti-trans" or "anti-LBGTQ+" in some manner, I am not in the least. Both my kids happened to be gay (one deceased from PTSD and the other prospering). I have many patients from the LGBTQ+ community and I have always had a special place in my heart for these folks. Society and culture can be very judgemental and, frankly, persecutorial and hateful toward these souls. They are invariably saddled with a unique set of discriminations and traumas that 'straights" can never really understand or be forced to deal with. The maddening thing is how political opportunists have used this minority group as cannon fodder in their on-going wars against Humanity via division. Many in the LGBTQ+ community have been suckered into being victims serving the ends of the Ruling Psychopathy. I also have the distinction of having been excommunicated for refusing to pursue "church discipline" against my own children (hence, my issues with most "christian" denominations.
Romans chapter 1:18-28 describes all of this unfortunately and in untimely detail.
There's actually something quite sinister about this particular aberration that few know about.
It's alchemy. Not the turning of lead into gold, but it's true purpose, turning man into god. Apotheosis. That was always it's true aim, as the serpent hinted in the garden.
This is very esoteric and is at the heart of the babylonian/mystery religions, called Hermeticism or Kabbalah, Freemasonry, Theosophy, or Luciferianism. Lots of flavors of the same lolipop. In ancient times there were the eunichs who were symbolic of androgyny. Now it's transgenderism. But lets be clear, it's really about combining the sexes into one. The noted Baphomet is the ultimate transgendered ideal, neither or both, male and female.
Bottom line: The origins of this are demonic and truly anti-God. Just refuse to play the game. I will gladly go down with my principles and refuse to cater to this ultimate madness. I often rebuke people (politely) that use these nonsense terms and let them know its insane and just because society has chosen to indulge this craziness doesn't mean I will. The good news is it's a suicidal ideology. They won't be reproducing. They are literally a parasitic group. They will not last long. So save as many as you can by being truthful and bold. If we're martyred, so be it. A small light is brightest when it's dark.
words are important, there is no such thing as an "illegal immigrant". they are migrants, & they were invited (yes legal). people identify w/the word immigrant, they think of their grandparents. as for surgeons performing vagaplasties, philoplasties, double masectamies: if they refuse, they lose their license. if doctor refuses to prescribe hormones to teen, they lose license. planned parenthood will give a 13 yr old a script w/out parents consent. parents can lose thier child to the stateif they wont go along w/this. a mexican family lost their daughter, i have seen vids. she became a fake boy then committed suicide. cross sex hormones cause serious illness, a lifetime of medications & surgical do overs. DE transitioners are censorsed. the phritzer family rolled out these drugs in 2008. they bought obama his senate seat mid 2000's. the deal was that he would promote transgenderism when he became potus. then along came bruce. 11 page spread in "vanity fair".
I know you don't like this reference, but people who circumvent the immigration process are doing something illegal. I refuse to call them "undocumented workers," because that glamorizes the hideous agenda to replace American workers with the cheapest possible foreign labor. Thanks.
Always enjoy your prose. There is something inherently evil about wanting to brainwash and mutilate young children/teens. People go through phases as in life so I can only imagine what a male would feel like when he he snaps out of it and his peepee is no no longer there. However, these days the vast majority of Thai Ladyboys don't get snipped(lived in Thailand and East Asia for 22 years-married to a Thai) . Cheers.
Where living in such a chaotic and insane time in history that I will not be surprised if historians just kind of forget about this era. Though it is most likely to be filtered and manipulated in a way that does not represent any form of truth. "History would be a wonderful thing, if only it were true." I think Tolstoy said that one.
It's frustrating to watch all of it happen, as one thinks back to the sacrifice our ancestors or forebears have made, all thrown out for what? Pronouns? Social Media? Group-think?
Like George Carlin said, the meteor should come down now and take us out of our misery.
The root of this is Spiritual, always was, it's a war between good and evil, we know evil will win but the evil or satanic forces are still fighting the battle for the human soul, that's really what they want. People need to start believing in spiritual and invisible forces, because they are real.
Well said, Don, but you are being too magnanimous with these vermin. I would exterminate all of them, the transgender freaks and their psychopathic, perverted sycophants and promoters, just like I would a nest of cockroaches. The Tribe has long planned to shove this depravity down our collective throats. They always plan things well in advance. Their Covid scam was formulated over 20 years ago. Transgenders go back centuries and in many secret societies and cults the men routinely dress in drag. The Jew comedian Milton Berle did so on national TV in the 1950s. My father would go into a rage when he saw it. In that decade, when I was a single digit young whelp, I could see transgenders though I couldn't articulate the sick phenomenon very well because of my youth.. I thought the sex bomb brunette actress Jane Russell looked like a man (I called "her" James Russell) and the "female" black singer Dionne Warwick I called "Dionne Manwick". They were both men and Marilyn Monroe ("Manroe") was a tranny as well. You mentioned Playboy magazine. Ever notice that all of the bunnies have broad shoulders, large skulls, big square jaws, brow ridges between the eyes, very long arms, etc. etc., all physical male traits? These demented freaks have always been everywhere but they are particularly ubiquitous now. Again, this is no accident or coincidence. "Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad."
Yeah, the crossdressing thing in Hollywood has been around forever. I always found little entertaining about it. I am known for being magnanimous- that's just my nature. At some point, these evil forces may have to deal with lots of people with different temperaments than mine. Thanks.
Donald, it's all very simple, because it's all about Satanism. Demons are androgynous entities, so they want people to worship demons, a cover up under the transgender new "doctrine". And yes, they go for the children, they know if they can corrupt a child soul, they got him probably forever and the future world will belong to the satanic forces. It's about corrupting peoples souls and spirits. People are so lost they don't even know who they are anymore, and believe whatever they are told. The fact they are teaching satanism at schools, is proof positive of what I'm saying is true. Save your soul dear brothers and sisters, and protect the kids, we need to understand this very well without any doubt. Pray to the Lord for help and protection.
I can't argue with you. There is a dark element behind all this that certainly seems satanic. Thanks.
You state that "it's all very simple", then go on to state; "it's all about Satanism. Demons are androgynous entities, so they want people to worship demons, a cover up under the transgender new "doctrine". And yes, they go for the children, they know if they can corrupt a child soul, they got him probably forever and the future world will belong to the satanic forces" Kindly point out the simplicity in all of that, if you would.
Timmy, simple means also obvious or easy. I point the obvious example of teaching satanism at schools, which is already happening legally. For those who want to see, it's easy to understand, but if you want to keep your eyes closed, then everything will be difficult and complicated to understand. Open your eyes Timmy, it's all out there very visible and obvious. I recommend u to read David Icke new book " The Trap", it's a gem.
This is being driven by money too. Lots of money to be made off of chopping bits off of young girls and boys and prescribing hormones and blockers. Rational, moral people ask if we should be harming young kids, even if it is scientifically possible. They ask questions. They see patients as individuals. I’ve reached the conclusion that we aren’t dealing with moral people in these situations. A lot of medical professionals just have their formula for how they deal with problems and they simply can’t handle it when a patient goes off-script. Everything goes back to the formula for a lot of doctors. I’ve noticed that a lot before Covid, but now the attitude seems super charged. I don’t care what people want to do when they hit 18, but how this is being promoted and encouraged in young kids is just sick.
I liked the point about how it’s not the dads who promoting this, but the moms. That’s just sick and sad for a lot of reasons.
I think that's largely because if dads were promoting this (independent of the mother), nearly everyone would agree that "that’s just sick and sad for a lot of reasons".
"It wasn't that long ago that if somebody was crazy, that was really something. Nowadays everybody's crazy." --Charles Manson in 1994 interview with Dianne Sawyer
Yes, the fathers would be called out for it. The mothers are barely mentioned, let alone called out. Thanks.
business follows this line of research. scientists are working on growing babies in incubators. this began when they could fertilize in a dish. that should have been illegal. later on only billionares/trillionares will reproduce. the middle uppermiddle & lower class population will be trans, or sick from ongoing vaccinations. dads do go along w/transing, but not as much. in divorce cases the parent who objects loses custody.
They would like to take males out of the reproduction equation altogether. As the feminists used to say before being supplanted by mad transgenderism, a woman need a man like a fish needs a bicycle. Thanks.
There is a lot of illicit money to be made in the Medical Industrial Complex, which is more devoid of morality than the local crack dealer. Thanks.
very very scary developments, and yes I believe most have lost their minds. I am just glad not be a mother, would be in jail a long time ago. Very well written. Thank you
Thank you!
Gloria Steinem, that icon of feminism, was truly ahead of her time, both a mtf transgender and CIA operative.
It's all a psyop dating back from forever that's gone live.
I'm aware of the trannies posing as female celebrities theory. Rabbit holes everywhere. Thanks.
Tom Caine
A very clear and concise description of the insanity that is destroying the moral fabric of social reality. The question is why is this happening? The ancient Romans as they increased their power and wealth became prisoners of their own perversions and twisted reality, and they were not the only civilization to fall into this downward spiral of self destructive debauchery.
Human perversion can take place at any level of human social, economic, educated level of society, but what makes it socially destructive to humanity, is when the power elites, politicians, educators, influencers and now media corporations embrace it, which begs the question, why is it so important to them to make what is abnormal, normal.
What is in it for them, maybe if everyone is now just like them they no longer need to hide. Insanity becomes the new sanity, perversion becomes the new sexual reality, there is only one place this can end and that is in total social anarchy.
Personally I have no objections to what people do to satisfy their sexual fantasies, as long as it is by mutual consent, and does not include children, and it is done behind closed doors. What I do object to is having other peoples sexual fantasies, or what they believe to be their sexual reality, shoved in my face, with the misbegotten idea that I have to except it.
Unfortunately, what I believe or want no longer matters, since the ruling elites in so many western democracies have made it clear where they stand, either because they support it as an intellectual ideal, or because they have similar inclinations. This anti democratic support for the minority sexual fantasists, against what the majority of the population would consider normal and acceptable will lead eventually to social anarchy.
Maybe it is what the worlds ruling elite wants, how much easier is it to control the masses, if the masses no longer know whether the are Arthur or Martha.
Brilliantly stated. Thanks!
The Closing paragraph shows the Marxist Revolution has completed a "turn". In one paper, you've expressed the goals of every Sociologist since Marx and Durkheim and shown they've hit their targets, in the bullseye. Outstanding piece Don!
Thanks, Vince!
Excellent post, Don, but you had better be watching for high heel-wearing ninjas dressed in pink tutus assaulting your castle!
Lol. The world will soon fear America's mighty Woke Transgender military forces. Thanks!
Oh, stop it, YOU!
Don... Lest others think that I am somehow "anti-trans" or "anti-LBGTQ+" in some manner, I am not in the least. Both my kids happened to be gay (one deceased from PTSD and the other prospering). I have many patients from the LGBTQ+ community and I have always had a special place in my heart for these folks. Society and culture can be very judgemental and, frankly, persecutorial and hateful toward these souls. They are invariably saddled with a unique set of discriminations and traumas that 'straights" can never really understand or be forced to deal with. The maddening thing is how political opportunists have used this minority group as cannon fodder in their on-going wars against Humanity via division. Many in the LGBTQ+ community have been suckered into being victims serving the ends of the Ruling Psychopathy. I also have the distinction of having been excommunicated for refusing to pursue "church discipline" against my own children (hence, my issues with most "christian" denominations.
Being beaten to death with a powder puff is a slow, agonizing death indeed. Particularly if they wont STFU while doing it.
Death by powder puff- I like it! Thanks!
Indeed. I barely survived such a beating. :-)
Ducked behind a palm frond, did 'ja?
Romans chapter 1:18-28 describes all of this unfortunately and in untimely detail.
There's actually something quite sinister about this particular aberration that few know about.
It's alchemy. Not the turning of lead into gold, but it's true purpose, turning man into god. Apotheosis. That was always it's true aim, as the serpent hinted in the garden.
This is very esoteric and is at the heart of the babylonian/mystery religions, called Hermeticism or Kabbalah, Freemasonry, Theosophy, or Luciferianism. Lots of flavors of the same lolipop. In ancient times there were the eunichs who were symbolic of androgyny. Now it's transgenderism. But lets be clear, it's really about combining the sexes into one. The noted Baphomet is the ultimate transgendered ideal, neither or both, male and female.
Bottom line: The origins of this are demonic and truly anti-God. Just refuse to play the game. I will gladly go down with my principles and refuse to cater to this ultimate madness. I often rebuke people (politely) that use these nonsense terms and let them know its insane and just because society has chosen to indulge this craziness doesn't mean I will. The good news is it's a suicidal ideology. They won't be reproducing. They are literally a parasitic group. They will not last long. So save as many as you can by being truthful and bold. If we're martyred, so be it. A small light is brightest when it's dark.
Yes, these are very dark forces. Embrace the light. Thanks.
American 2.0 cannot survive much longer. We are witnessing a death spiral..
Just imagine what America 3.0 might be like. Thanks.
words are important, there is no such thing as an "illegal immigrant". they are migrants, & they were invited (yes legal). people identify w/the word immigrant, they think of their grandparents. as for surgeons performing vagaplasties, philoplasties, double masectamies: if they refuse, they lose their license. if doctor refuses to prescribe hormones to teen, they lose license. planned parenthood will give a 13 yr old a script w/out parents consent. parents can lose thier child to the stateif they wont go along w/this. a mexican family lost their daughter, i have seen vids. she became a fake boy then committed suicide. cross sex hormones cause serious illness, a lifetime of medications & surgical do overs. DE transitioners are censorsed. the phritzer family rolled out these drugs in 2008. they bought obama his senate seat mid 2000's. the deal was that he would promote transgenderism when he became potus. then along came bruce. 11 page spread in "vanity fair".
I know you don't like this reference, but people who circumvent the immigration process are doing something illegal. I refuse to call them "undocumented workers," because that glamorizes the hideous agenda to replace American workers with the cheapest possible foreign labor. Thanks.
Always enjoy your prose. There is something inherently evil about wanting to brainwash and mutilate young children/teens. People go through phases as in life so I can only imagine what a male would feel like when he he snaps out of it and his peepee is no no longer there. However, these days the vast majority of Thai Ladyboys don't get snipped(lived in Thailand and East Asia for 22 years-married to a Thai) . Cheers.
Inherently evil is right. Thanks!
Excellent article Donald. You mentioned Ed Wood. How did he die?
Ed Wood died pretty young-of a supposed heart attack at only fifty four. He was mired in desperate poverty. Thanks.
Where living in such a chaotic and insane time in history that I will not be surprised if historians just kind of forget about this era. Though it is most likely to be filtered and manipulated in a way that does not represent any form of truth. "History would be a wonderful thing, if only it were true." I think Tolstoy said that one.
It's frustrating to watch all of it happen, as one thinks back to the sacrifice our ancestors or forebears have made, all thrown out for what? Pronouns? Social Media? Group-think?
Like George Carlin said, the meteor should come down now and take us out of our misery.
The root of this is Spiritual, always was, it's a war between good and evil, we know evil will win but the evil or satanic forces are still fighting the battle for the human soul, that's really what they want. People need to start believing in spiritual and invisible forces, because they are real.
This is a spot on anaysis of the situation, and well written too. A pleasure to read, and I bearly read thru squat online these days lol.
Thanks, RuffinMuffin!
Well said, Don, but you are being too magnanimous with these vermin. I would exterminate all of them, the transgender freaks and their psychopathic, perverted sycophants and promoters, just like I would a nest of cockroaches. The Tribe has long planned to shove this depravity down our collective throats. They always plan things well in advance. Their Covid scam was formulated over 20 years ago. Transgenders go back centuries and in many secret societies and cults the men routinely dress in drag. The Jew comedian Milton Berle did so on national TV in the 1950s. My father would go into a rage when he saw it. In that decade, when I was a single digit young whelp, I could see transgenders though I couldn't articulate the sick phenomenon very well because of my youth.. I thought the sex bomb brunette actress Jane Russell looked like a man (I called "her" James Russell) and the "female" black singer Dionne Warwick I called "Dionne Manwick". They were both men and Marilyn Monroe ("Manroe") was a tranny as well. You mentioned Playboy magazine. Ever notice that all of the bunnies have broad shoulders, large skulls, big square jaws, brow ridges between the eyes, very long arms, etc. etc., all physical male traits? These demented freaks have always been everywhere but they are particularly ubiquitous now. Again, this is no accident or coincidence. "Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad."
Yeah, the crossdressing thing in Hollywood has been around forever. I always found little entertaining about it. I am known for being magnanimous- that's just my nature. At some point, these evil forces may have to deal with lots of people with different temperaments than mine. Thanks.