If I could ask a favor; could you please "like" my posts when you comment on them? I always get lots more comments than likes. Just trying to get all the numbers up. Thanks!

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I gotcha! As a former practicing defense lawyer, btw, I am disgusted by what has become of our legal system.

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Thanks, Erik!

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I refer to it as Night Court or The Godfather Meets High School Musical, including to judges. I no longer desire to be an attorney.

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Except his conviction on all counts isn't funny, but deeply sad.

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I do not think that the general population is truly aware of just how many erroneous imprisonments we have had in this country. It is all sad. Anyone who speaks against the establishment simply gets reamed, in myriad ways. It has been going on for a very long time. Gulags? We got ‘‘em right here in the good old USA.

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We certainly do, Elizabeth. I'd write a book about that, but I know few would read it. So I'll be incorporating something about it in the upcoming "American Memory Hole," and also perhaps in a future book. Thanks.

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Thank the "Patriot Act" for no 1st Amendment, Repeal the damn thing!

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We have undergone a financial coup. I would advise looking at Catherine Austin-Fitts’ material. She went through similar legal harassment after leaving the HW Bush administration. My brother-in-law is tight with the Bush family. Look at The Going Direct Reset material when G7 bankers met in Jackson Hole in August of 2019. We are so not in Kansas anymore.

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Sir, I have a hard enough time prying people away from their phones or televisions to read a book that could save their life. We are so far beyond that method of recourse. That might have worked had a lot of us risen up in 2002. First, I shifted my mindset and no longer grant illegitimate clowns any authority over me, second, I learned how to defend myself, literally and legally. I defended myself in night court for a decade. I am literally Colorado’s most expensive piece of taxpayer a**. It is not anything I am excited about. At some point, collectively, we must stop looking to criminals to govern or save us. That’s what I learned since I left “the club”…the one Carlin refers to…the one that no one in their right mind or at least anyone with a conscience WANTS to belong to. That “club” is like the freaking Hotel California…one can check out any time they want but one can never leave. I did…just barely. They do not work for “us”.

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Also, if you have children, I would get the book Protecting Your Child From The Child Protection System by Beth Alison Maloney, attorney and mother. That system has morphed into something absolutely insane and people’s children are being taken via COS, medical kidnapping, etc. A Montana couple lost custody of their child because they were not proponents of transitioning. A doctor in PA was falsely reporting parents, too. It is all about surviving the shitshow at this point. Don’t get jabs. Since I recently went at it with a local Congressman, only to find out he could not care less about the jab injuries, International Health Regulations, the WHO treaty, or any other thing that pertained to the folks who reside within his district, I am going to believe that we must right our local worlds ourselves. Not that I do not love getting in their faces…I have learned to love to do that. I was never a good butt kisser.

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Psycho prisons too.

Doesn't make today one iota less sad.

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At this point, any emotion I have is reserved for those who have lost loved ones or must take care of those injured by “Operation Warp Speed”. I have no emotional or physical investment in those who participated in it. I withdrew my allegiance when I left over a decade ago. Everyone else is free to be invested in some way, though.

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I hear you.

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Especially now they have convicted him.

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It is deeply sad.

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But there is an upside.

Trump's fundraising site crashed within moments of the verdict.

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After 2020, I'm not sure that matters. The 2024 outcome may well have already been decided by those that ran the 2020 Color Revolution. When it comes to trump, I think Ike summed it up: Never let yourself be persuaded that any one Great Man, any one leader, is necessary to the salvation of America. When America consists of one leader and 158 million followers, it will no longer be America.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

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Especially if one is a non-repentive Vax Daddy.

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Something to look into regarding likes? At this point I am blocked from "likes" on Substack. This has been for several days now. Bothe free and paid sites. I've contacted substack.com/support, about this, they respond promptly, but nothing they suggest has worked. My guess is they've done some sort of upgrade and this is an unexpected consequence? Others have commented that they are in the same predicament.

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I appreciate you letting me know, Boatswain. That's an odd blip, and I wonder if it effects all Substacks. Thanks!

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No matter which Substack I'm reading I am unable to like any comments or the main posting. This applies to the ones I've paid for like yours, no pun intended, and the ones I'm on for free. I've tried all the suggestions from substack.com/support, nothing has reversed this situation.

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That is bizarre, Boatswain. That must be something Substack controls. Thanks.

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Tell people to enable javascript in their content blockers (adblockers)

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I replied to Boatswain Mate on this topic. I think it's browser and OS-related vs. Substack.

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I have read this type of not being able to like on a few substack sites.

Offguardian is having the same problem.

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It appears that many are having this issue, Judith. Thanks!

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I've just liked you so it works for me.

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Tell people to enable javascript for the site. Most content blockers, adblockers, security aps disable it by default. Once I did that everything worked.

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it's affecting all the substacks i subscribe to, in that i can like the substack but cannot like the comments.

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I heard that you if hit the like button once and then refresh the page, the like should be there. I don't have that issue, but I've heard this works, that the like just isn't showing up the first time....

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THANKS! Tried it but then a like appeared here? No success on other sites.

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I read that it may be browser specific. I use Firefox and have no problems at all. I think Brave might be a culprit, if memory serves.

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It's browser and OS specific. If you're on a PC (That's all I use.) and have Brave as your browser with an operating system less than Win 10 (like me...I use Win 8.1), you will have this problem.

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I had to dump Windows last year and went to Ubuntu. I can't tell you how happy I am getting rid of that garbage. Win 10 updates caused multiple data losses until I finally researched and did the deed.

Never look back!


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Just subscribed to your site, will try your suggestions. But when it comes to IT, I'm very much still a Boatswain Mate! THANKS, agani!

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I use Brave and have no problem recording a like.

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If you're a PC user using Brave and your OS is Win 10 or later, you will have no problem. Anything less than Win 10 with Brave will cause this type of annoyance.

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I've had the same experience, but I think it's a browser and operating system issue vs. Substack. I've been using Brave for years. They notified users recently that using anything less than Win 10 could result in "issues." My OS is Win 8.1. Using Brave, I can "Like" a post, but I cannot "Like" a comment. I'd say that's an "issue."

So, for Substack, I use Firefox. I can "Like" both posts and comments.

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this is happening to me too. i can like a substack, but can't like a commenters post to the substack. for the record, i liked your comment.

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You shouldn't have to remind people. Folks just don't get it about shadow-banning...and the huge effort it takes to even make a dent in that shadow-banning. I quit in frustration. But I know, Donald..this is your livelihood.

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I feel awkward doing it, but it gets a bit frustrating when I see something like 15 people have commented, with only one like. I notice that I get more comments than most Substacks, but the likes always lag behind. Thanks, Kris.

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When I hit like I get a message regarding Donald Jeffries, Something went wrong

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The "Like Button" on this Stone Age Chrome Book is broken. It only works half the time. But the comments are based off the old ASCI script, and yes, way, way back there in the Internet, good 'ol DOS (Disk operating Sytem, for those of you born after the dawn of the 21st Century) is still grinding away... At any rate, as long as the churning continues...

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Thanks for the reminder, DJ. I confess to forgetting about the "like" click. Perhaps if it said "Love" I would remember it better, at least in your case anyway. I do Love your courage, freedom fighting and encyclopedic memory, which qualify you easily as a national treasure.

Thanks for another biting commentary, which is a figurative dagger in the hearts of these evil miscreants. Nobody calls them on their steaming bullshite quite like you.

The First Amendment ain't the only thing on the ropes. We all on the ropes now, brother. Makes me wanna mount a bullhorn on my truck and drive around screaming, "Stop Voting! It's killing you!"

And thanks for making the case yet again that Secession and Nullification are the Only Peaceful Options in this government-off-the-chain nightmare. I refer your readers back to one of your

masterpieces from 5 months ago ...


Like Dylan said, "Ain't no use jivin', ain't no use jokin', everything is broken." He sure got that right ... the only thing I would add is "Ain't no use votin'."

Restacking your latest gem,

~~ j ~~


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Your very kind words mean more than any "like" click, J. Lee. But I appreciate the "like," too. Dylan also said "The pump don't work cause the vandals took the handles." I am so grateful for your support. Thanks!

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I'm the opposite I usually just like substack posts rarely comment. Feed that algo, it's only a click and every one counts. To what degree, that idk.

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Whoa, hey, I think there's one or two of my funny comments still unliked/unread/unfathomed! in the Jeffries Substack hopper somewhere. Not that it matters for me. I have all the likes I need. Got one from the man upstairs-- yep, my landlord!

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Trump is convicted on all counts.

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Those in power appear to be using all means to keep Trump from regaining the 'presidency.' I say appear because in light of his subservience to the wishes of the Deep State during his first term and his apparent intention to continue in a possible second term...I say it is a charade—controlled opposition.

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Yep. It's the Trumpenstein Project. Thanks, Realist.

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No one is talking about the missing trillions, FASAB 56 which took the budget dark, the people dropping like flies or injured from the jab, CBDCs on the horizon, the horrendous harassment small farmers are dealing with, the fact that we have a whole lot of “new faces” in town who most obviously are not from around here (my polite way of saying illegal aliens). This is theater. I agree with you. There is no one from the political class who was going to help put us together again. I know because I was born into all that and a lot are psychopaths or somewhere in that spectrum or deeply compromised as is illustrated in Whitney Webb’s books, or Gary Webb or Nick Bryant books.

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Gary Webb was murdered for writing the truth. Both Whitney and Nick have been on my podcast. Thanks, Elizabeth.

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I’m not exactly “cocktail party conversation-worthy” anymore.

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You'd fit in fine if I ever give another cocktail party, Elizabeth.

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I would like chocolate milk in my Baccarat crystal glass, though ha! Oh hell, straight out of the bottle is fine for me now, who am I kidding!

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Thank you for making me laugh! I so seriously needed that! I appreciate that more than you can ever know!

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Who among us is, these days?

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I’m quite certain he was. He is heroic in my book as are Nick Bryant and Whitney Webb. I am fond of Dr. Robert Yoho who wrote Butchered by Healthcare and Cassandra’s Memo.

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SPOT ON! I'd have clicked on like but I'm blocked. "Warp Speed" and the rest of trump's response to the Covid Hysteria has forever ruined my confidence in him.

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And there's your 4(or higher)D chess! Why did Paul Craig Roberts take so long to give up on him, when Trumpenstein could have averted nearly the entire morass merely by appointing him chief of staff?

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PCR was on my show a few months back. I think he still supports him. Thanks, SaHiB.

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Wow. I guess Trump's comment did it. He was still supporting him when I had him on my show. Thanks, SaHiB.

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Wow, I had no idea Roberts could be such a complete 'tard.

Avoid Armegeddon?

Not going to happen, the countdown began 76 years and 16 days ago and prophecy is being fulfilled at a break neck pace.

The Strange Bedfellows Iran, China and Russia aligning is one, Germany re-arning us another example.

When the dust settles, the Fakestinians will be another failed enterprise of evil, Egypt and Jordan will be desolate wilderness and the world will be run from Jerusalem and having accomplished all this, the world will know He is God.

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I still admire him, but found him to be a bit ornery. You never know what type of personalities are behind the writing. Thanks, John.

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Astounding how dipshits cheer on their own demise by the very group genociding gentiles.

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The very group prepetrating Genocide and proudly proclaiming it are the descendants of migrant workers posing as Fakestinians.

" First the Saturday People, then the Sunday People".

" Death to America, Death to the Great Satan" Death to Israel, Death to the Little Satan"..

And clueless droolers cheer on the Fakestinian Scam and it's UN perps, knowing the whole time the evil that is the UN.

Breathtaking idiocy.

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Someone hasn’t researched what the ADL and AIPAC funds. Trannies, child mutilation to chop off body parts, abortion, porn in schools/libraries, open borders (not for Israel though), only whitey is racist, enslavement via their currency debasing central banks, vaccines (Israel is on the DoD contract for the CONvid weapon), treatments via poison pills rather than cures because that’s not profitable. And let’s see who the real Semites are and who the actual antisemites are. Ashkenazis are not Semites. Time for an education rather what sociopathic history contorters indoctrinate you with.


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The world will be run from Jerusalem? What??

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Best concise summary I have seen.

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The persecution of Trumpowitz is pure theater and another weapon of mass distraction for the masses that are asses. The more he is hounded, the more his brain dead followers rally to support him, conveniently forgetting his lies, hypocrisy, and deceptions. Got to keep the illusion of two opposing sides intact. The great game. The U.S. legal system/racket is possibly the most evil entity in recorded history. The guy that yelled, "Your mother should have swallowed" to Robert Deniro meant that if she took his father's ejaculation in her mouth instead of her vagina, he would have never been conceived and thus born. I don't know about Deniro's mother, but his father did a lot of swallowing, inter alia. A self proclaimed bisexual, he wound up leaving her with Deniro and his siblings to live with his homo lover when he went completely fagot. Maybe that's why Deniro has always had a predilection for ugly, black, Trannys. In this digitized cyber age, online "executives" make huge salaries with perks up the ass and do absolutely nothing. Like the old song title goes, "Nice Work If You Can Get It." The Synarchy has so softened the heads and spines of the herds of Goyim that they'll accept pretty much any degradation and absurdity, as long as they can keep thumb-fucking their I-phones. Samuel Alito is the scum of the earth. Before that black robed asshole was elevated to the Nine Swine (U.S. Supreme Court), he was a panel judge for the 3rd Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals. NJ is in the 3rd circuit. Back when I was in the trenches as a pro se litigant, Alito smirkingly said in an interview, "We don't even read the motions and briefs of pro se litigants." It is because of slime like him that pro se litigants are treated in court like a species of life ten rungs lower than your average cockroach and are consistently railroaded. As far as the superiority of the negro baseball player goes, I was a center fielder on my hometown's little league team, which was composed of White ethnics. A game was set up for us to play an all black team from the city adjacent to us, which had a sizeable black population. Everyone thought we'd be killed, everyone except me and my teammates. We slaughtered them, 26 to 3, a damn football score. The only reason they scored those three runs was because near the end of the game, our manager took pity on them and pulled our pitcher, replacing him with our shortstop. The alleged superior athletic prowess of the Black is a contrived, kosher myth, like his alleged superiority in the bedroom is used as crude Hebraic propaganda to entice White lasses into their simian embraces. Thank you, Don, for this stunning shot to the solar plexus.

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I didn't know that about Alito, Hereticdrummer. I don't know why it surprises me. It really says something when he, along with Clarence Thomas, are the best we have on the Supreme Court. There are many anecdotal accounts of all White high school football teams beating all Black ones, so your baseball experience makes perfect sense. That's where I really differ from the typical conservative, who believes in the myth of Black athletic superiority. As I keep threatening to do, if I ever write that book about sports, people will be amazed at the lies and distortions promulgated by "journalists." Thanks, my friend!

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Thanks Don, it's the same with fighting prowess. We had a lot of Blacks in my High School, and some of them were very tough. But the indisputably 3 toughest guys were White. Guy Wolfe (half German & half Italian) Jack Lowry (Irish) & Pete Tamburini (all Italian). No Black or group of Blacks messed with them. They were good guys, tragically all three died quite young. Con-artist-servatives are just as detestable as the Leftists in the control cage they purport to oppose. They worship money and power and the Tribe has that in abundance. I hope that book about sports happens, I scarf up everything you write. Be well, Bro.

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The only redeeming quality of the Sports Journalists is it does not echo beyond the gambling halls of Las Vegas. If a husband wants to throw his hard-earned (or perhaps even ill-begotten) money at the racketeers the only thing the wife and kids are going to do is check in at the homeless shelter. But when the Mainstream Journalists distort history then Biden turns the Homeless Shelter into Fema Camp, and the Mossad gets to sell all the Vital Organs to the Satanists after the Medics have done their work.

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LIKED. it's theatre i agree. then i think the big shot jews who run the american show have set him up with all the worst paid off judges and blacks who are run by the THEM anyway. since the verdict came in a bunch of these billionaire jews are "donating" millions to his rescue fund. if they install him somehow he's going to owe them a lot of favors, like the Third Temple in jerusalem. end times here we come.

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Liberal Democrat, Conservative Republican, reverse the adjectives, the moderates of both parties, one and all dance to the tune of their Hebraic overlords. When you own both prizefighters in a title match, you don't care who wins because the real winner is you. And believe me, these perverted, criminal, deracinated imbeciles called politicians are as owned as stockyard animals.

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LIKED. agree

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While the Trump apple may have fewer worms than the others, unless he avows to never go along with another fake pandemic, I cannot give my full support to him. What happens if he somehow gets back into the DC Swamp and in 2025, as promised by the demonic gates, another fake pandemic is started? Will he go along with fauci buzzing sweet nothings in his ear? No thanks. Trump is still too much of a loose cannon.

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As I've said, Crixcyon, the best we can hope for is the entertainment value from the meltdown of the media, in the event of a Trump victory. Thanks.

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I am hoping for the day that people will join me in stopping the lesser of two evils idiocy that has captured us. I've been trying for decades, so I have little hope. Frankly, "entertainment" is not what we need.

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So, Biden then.

Brilliant plan.

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Simpleton thinking.

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My dad passed today. Korean War Vet. The don’t make men like him anymore 96 years

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I'm so sorry to hear that, Gregory. But 96 is a pretty good run. Thanks.

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Remember those who fought in the forgotten war. Their like will never be seen again. Great Britain and Germany are now considering the draft. Look upon this current generation and tell me how that will work out

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The one saving grace from the feminization of young males is that they are likely to be less willing, and certainly less able, to wage war. They may have to come up with AI soldiers to wage their pointless conflicts. Thanks, Gregory.

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it's why they're importing all the mexicans, africans and other assorteds. cannon fodder. the soy boys don't need to fight with an army of mercenary illegal aliens. isn't that how Rome fell though?

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How it will work out is we will lose WW3 just as planned and scripted for the NWO agenda to be completed.

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Their lives were simple compared to today. No UN mandate should dictate our action

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you must be pro war cause I hope nobody wants to fight any more unless their country is under attack

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I’m not pro war. I just feel that we could not prevail against the Russians on their turf

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US could not prevail in vietnam iraq and afghanistan. cant even beat the houthis. when you are fighting people on their turf they got nowhere to go and all US soldiers or other armies want to do is go home

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Ron Paul said we could protect the nation with a few submarines, paraphrased. I wonder how we dismiss the Articles "No Standing Army" original intent. I guess we see the founding as uniform, but there were very competing interests at the founding too.

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Thank you for your service to our Nation Donald. What you have to say is important to our republic not democracy

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I appreciate hearing that, Gregory. Thank you.

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yes the men today are not dumb enough to die for jew billionaires. nothing against your father he did not know any better no internet then

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I don't know if they're any smarter, SPQR70AD, or if they've just lost all their testosterone, but whatever the reason, I agree that it's always good when the young don't want to fight in wars.

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yes it is a little of both. they always want to divert your attention to external manufactured enemies to hide the fact the real enemies the bolshevik jews are inside the country

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My Father and his Brother repelled Chinese wave attacks with the venerable BAR. They fought without any ideological reservations. Men of that caliber are rare if not gone now

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you could not change the barrel on a BAR and if used during human wave attacks. within 15 minutes barrel would melt down. even the 1919 browning machine guns barrel could not be changed a gigantic flaw. even the semi auto MI garand the wooden handguard would catch fire. only artillery and airstrikes could break up those charges

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I only know what I was told by their stories

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Trump was right about one thing when he said, There not after me, they're after You. His hands are pretty much as dirty as the rest of the scum. Since his Op. Warpspeed didn't kill as many people (yet) as they planned, I'm sure that will be on the agenda his next Presidency.

Here in Milwaukee we have a bunch of Park N Rides. Two of them are loaded with homeless people. Its so bad that the buses that are supposed to arrive to pick up passengers to take downtown, refuse to even enter the parking lot. Since I haven't been near either of the locations, I had no idea of how bad things were. They are sleeping in tents even under the downtown bridges as well. It still shocks me how we have so much money for other countries than our own people. Of course, we all know its money laundering.

I wonder what Trump's plan is for the homeless. He still hasn't said how he will get rid of all the Invaders. My bet is he'll just pardon them all. He never did "lock her up", now did he?

Like one person I listen to states, when you have nothing left to lose, you lose it.

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They are after us, Fran, but Trump is in on it. They will use the awful precedents being set in these sham prosecutions of Trump and Alex Jones, to shut down real dissenters. Thanks.

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My bet is he gets his base riled up to “do something” about the illegals and homeless and will implement digital ID to ensure the actual citizens are enslaved while the illegals do as they please and unleash hell on we the people since it could very well be a military invasion in disguise. It’s always create the crisis and implement the prearranged solution to further the NWO agenda.

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Its why Trump wants the military and cops on his side. I am not going to vote for him again, twice was enough for me. I'd rather he went away. Was hoping for a better choice for the Libertarians, but when I saw who they chose, No Thanks. We had one Tooty Fruity Fairy President, I don't want another.

The military invasion is already here. Yes in the illegals, but I keep hearing how the Chinese have their own base here. I wouldn't doubt if that was true.

The Republicans will do nothing as usual. The only one I really like is Jim Jordan. Even my own Senator Ron Johnson is all in for support of Israel.

Basically, they're all Traitors. Trump wanted to indict Assange and made sure he was put to death. Thats a big No for me. People don't seem to know he let in as many illegals as BHO along with pushing this nutty Space Force. That'll be a new tactic to target humans (think of the Maui fires and etc.). These people are so disgusting, I don't want to be near any of them. Trump has been groomed since the 80s. He has more than hinted his run for Presidency on Oprah's show.

I work with a fella that stated voting for someone other than Trump is a vote for Biden. So he's picking the lesser of two evils. I see no difference.

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Yes there is no political solution. Never has been and never will be. I think it’s always been an illusion as all members of congress sign a pledge to Israel else their campaigns are defunded and they are ousted. When I was young I thought the NWO was a crazy crackpot theory and now it is plainly evident. All presidents further their zionist masters NWO agenda or they don’t get installed. People think they have a choice when both sides leads to the same destruction. What I learned by the time CONvjd rolled in is whenever we see politicians passing unconstitutional laws and implementing executive orders and making nonsensical decisions then ask yourself one question. It will all make sense when you ask “what would I do if I were intentionally destroying a nation for one world communist government?” And it’s the zionist Star of Moloch crowd behind the agenda because much of the alt media is controlled opposition. You can talk any truth you want but start bringing up the Jews then you’re banned and ousted. Alex “neverjew” Jones is a classic example. They tell you some truth but shill for their masters to hide who is behind the agenda so the people can’t organize and don’t know who their enemy is. Any alt media person/outlet pushing Trump is either stupid or a controlled opposition shill. Check out Katherine Watt Bailywick News on how our government legalized genocide via bioweapon type “not so safe and effective” products. How many people bother to read the laws and executive orders to see what their government is actually doing? Well she has and it’s proof they all are in on it and have been for a long time. I can’t believe I spent an entire life thinking we were the good guys when it was our own DoD who contracted out the weapon. The DoD is in the warfare business and this time it’s literally war against their own citizens. The pragmatic simple explanation is we’re on the verge of bankruptcy as a nation and this is a quiet way of culling so the central bankers maintain wealth and power at the expense of severe depopulation. War is also another way…make up fake enemies and draft people into the depopulation meat grinder. Over 600k have been slaughtered in Ukraine via this method. Everything we see is planned and scripted.

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I can't argue with you, Right. Thanks.

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Totally agree. Everything we've been taught has been a lie. They take out anyone who won't follow the plan. I knew something was up when Trump met with Kissinger. I thought, here we go. I don't understand why we bow to Israel.

I was watching an old movie from 1946, The Best Years of Our Lives with Ray Teal in a brief part of it. There was a very short comment he made about how our government is basically a bunch of radicals in Washington, always pushing war. Interesting comment, its at the 2 hr. 15 minute mark. For a movie that was made after WWII, I thought, Wow, someone high up in the production of that movie had something important to say.

So, yes, those that know who are still around I really value their opinions.

I am also sick of the supposed "alt media". Butt kissers for Trump. I am not falling for it.

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Hollywood is owned and controlled by this same group. The Sea Eye A works with them always telling you the truth and the plan via predictive programming. They also keep citizens in the dark and indoctrinated as well with the holohoax scam that several have investigated and have proven it was propaganda and a lie to garner victimhood status to further their agenda and still to this day receive lots of money via reparations. In Germany if you question this narrative you are put on trial and are not allowed a defense and can’t submit any evidence at all! Rest assured when you can’t debate a subject it is propaganda. You can search up this subject on bitchute snd find a number of folks who destroy the official narrative. They had swimming pools, theater stages, post offices, nurserys for kids, etc. That doesn’t fit the official narrative however and we know who covers that up. Germany was invaded for one reason and that was because he kicked out their central bank that hyperinflated the currency and caused massive poverty and job loss. 5 yrs later they were thriving and that risked their power structure and control over us which is fractional reserve banking usury. Most don’t know central banks are privately owned and aren’t needed. We can print our own currency interest free backed with gold and would not have debased it so hard nor would we have 35 trillion in debt that we can’t and never will repay. This is the primary motive behind the NWO is the financial sovereignty of the U.S. is going to fail as all currencies and societies topple and a large reason is their central bank enslavement system. As such WE will pay the price while the very few .001 percent remain very wealthy and maintain control and power. The Dodd-Frank Act legalizes the theft of our bank accounts (bail in) to pay for the next financial collapse. I even went to my bank to ask and confirm that data. Also, read The Great Taking book as it is free online. It proves all our tradable securities like 401k, stocks, bonds…any tradable instrument can and will be seized for the privately owned FED and all other Rothschild central banks can win while they impoverish us all. These are the 2 things IMO that get us to our knees and beg for a new system as Klaus Schwab says “we will be poor but happy.” If you are poor and starving you can’t resist communism. Yeah technocratic control with communism that enslaves us does not sound like happiness but I doubt I will make it for long as I will not comply. CONvid and the vax made it so many could not work or eat at a restaurant unless they took a jab. That’s how they force compliance. Next time it will be everyone required or you can’t work, can’t travel, can’t shop for groceries, nothing. Even those who know it’s a depopulation agenda will cave just to keep from starving. Our unioarty made genocide legal too and I was floored when I found this out. I just thought they were intentionally breaking the law and since all were in on it who will hold them accountable? You can read how this was possible at Katherine Watt’s Bailywick News substack. By the end of 2030 this nation will be unrecognizable.

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It was an interesting comment in this movie because Ray Teal had added, We were fighting the wrong enemy. Predictive programming or not, for that year right after the war, it really caught my attention . Its exactly the same as whats going on today.

Thanks for your recommendations. I will have to check them out. I also appreciate your lengthy comment.

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Israel is so capricious I don't believe they have any nuclear weapons. They may be able to activate some of ours and the world would blame us. "By deceit we shall wage war".

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Jordan just voted "Yea" on that abomination, House Bill 6090. Which, of course, makes him a complete traitorous piece of shit. I guess he must prefer the company...to unalienable rights.

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Interesting. Thanks for letting me know. Can't wait to see what traitor Trump will pick for VP.

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Sorry for the foul language, Fran. It's just that these traitors surround us.

You're right re Trump's VP pick. That he even hinted that Haley could be part of his administration? WTH is with him? Is that "hint" about bringing in a psychopath, an insider, a swamp creature, part of a larger strategy that lies beyond us mere plebes?

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No worries about the language. I get equally frustrated with whats going on.

Trump must be making "deals" with the Republicans so they back him. He has and never will have any intention of draining any Swamp. If a candidate was serious about their intentions, they wouldn't bloviate about it constantly.

When he ran in 2016, I often wondered why he didn't run as an Independent since his comments were so out of the norm. Our government is nothing short of being extremely macabre. But so many other nations are going thru such awful things as well. At least some of the others have citizens that stand up and fight back. Our people are too far brainwashed. Lazy too.

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his base never does anything, and alex jones ('who's in on it') has called for peace and calm as if they ever do anything anyway. they did go to dc for jan 6 though, which is seared into their minds, rightfully that riled upness is a very dangerous thing to undertake. LIKED your post, substack won't let me like.

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These show trials are scripted productions staffed straight out of CIA central casting. This of course implies that Trump, Alex Jones, et. al. are in on it.


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As you probably know, Kevin, that is my theory. That's why I call it the Trumpenstein Project. Thanks.

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They ARE all in on it. That murdering bastard still to this day pushes that poison on we the people. If you don’t play ball with the agenda then you are not selected to be installed. There is no political solution under this current system. Regardless of who you vote for you always vote for a Zionist who furthers their one world communist government agenda.

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You may be on the right side of history, but you are on the wrong side of reality.

Zionism is the central theme of the Bible and it isn't going any other why.

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"Zionism is the central theme of the CORRUPT SCOFIELD Bible and it isn't going any other why."

There. Fixed it for you. Now fix your theology.

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very good reply to mr jewish guy John pretending to be a goy.

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Let’s see who God’s chosen actually are shall we? You’re an embarrassment to the truth movement as you believe the father of the vaccine responsible for millions deceased is somehow our savior and is innocent. Anyone who sticks up for Trump or Biden is either blinded by stupidity or is a shill. Perhaps The Ephoch Times is more suited to your taste as you can comment away with endless dumb fucks still praising Trump all while thinking they are getting the alt media truth from that shill site. Did you take dose number 9 yet?


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"These show trials are scripted productions staffed straight out of CIA central casting. This of course implies that Trump, Alex Jones, et. al. are in on it."

Exactly, see my post of a few minutes ago.

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I love your clear, no nonsense, direct, trenchant and truthful evaluations. You are the best.

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I really appreciate your kind words, Gwaihir. Thanks!

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I had just graduated with a degree in English Lit back in 1975. I ended up working in a medical warehouse sitting in a tiny chair counting in stock all day. The series, Roots, came on a year or so later, and (this is in the South) all the White people were so careful to correctly pronounce "Kunte Kinte" like Africans would do it, cutting off the last vowels in violation of all southern speech. ( I called him "Koontah Kincade" and would get a kick out of their patient corrections.)

But that is when I knew that the end had started, all the Whites trying to sound African. I think it indeed did. This world-wide medical company also allowed EEOC people (always black) to walk about to see how many blacks were in important jobs. If they did not approve, we did not get government contracts. I left the whole sorry bunch after 2 years.

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I appreciate you sharing that, James. It's amazing that the author of "Roots," Alex Haley, had to settle a plagiarism lawsuit against him, but it didn't effect his or the book's reputation. It was just one of countless examples of weaponized racial pandering which have occurred during my lifetime. Each designed to anger Blacks, and make them think that present-day Whites were still somehow holding them down. I saw it in my own blue collar workplace. I was working with many Blacks at the time. But we still had the freedom to kid each other. I remember that "Kunte Kinte" because a derisive name that all of us used at one time or another. Today, that would be probably be instant grounds for dismissal. Thanks!

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Don, let’s focus on something less fake and more important. Yes we know it shines a light on the corrupt legal system, but if a person doesn’t know our legal system is completely upside down by now…… well then they are as big as problem as the system itself. All town/city/county/state sponsored governments are corrupt and should be dismantled, end of conversation. Any person who participates in such nonsense is a psychopath and should be treated accordingly, end of conversation.

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You'd think everyone would know by now, Eveohtse. Thanks.

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Don, as a registered Independent I’m not a fan of Trump or the Democrats, but I had no idea that Judge Merchan’s wife works for Letitia James. Add that to his daughter’s situation – it’s just outrageous. They can’t even give the appearance of fairness.

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They aren't even trying any more, Sheila. They know they can get away with it. Thanks.

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Excellent once again.

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Thanks, Norman!

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yes, excellent Don, and it made me laugh in various places.

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Thanks, Kyra!

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I have lost all interest in what happens east of the Appalachian Mountains. As far as I'm concerned, the Yankees can go to Hell.

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How can I "like" your articles?? The like button doesn't work!!!

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Wow. This may be a phenomenon that is happening to many. Not sure why that would be, but thanks for letting me know, Konrad.

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Don, how do you view the post election state of the fracas?

Seems inevitable that were we encounter a substantial amount of irate folks either side the coin lands, because little do they know there is all but one coin in the pocket

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I don't see how it can be pretty either way, jwslaw. The country is so polarized over Trump, and neither side is going to accept the results of an election under such a rigged system. We know what will happen if Trump wins. Cities will burn. Chaos will prevail. But what will happen if Biden wins? Will Trump supporters even protest?

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There appears to be a non-trivial possibility Smokin’ Joe won’t make it to November.

He’s got as much baggage as the Orange Golem, and stutters and stumbles like the geriatric case he obviously is. Trump’s kangaroo court conviction doesn’t make him look any better.

The America us old farts remember is gone. Some sort of metamorphosis is in progress, and it doesn’t smell good at all. Reminds me of a burning tire.

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I think we will be smelling burning tires for a long time. I've waited decades for this grand finale. Glad it's finally here. The process can't be worse than the waiting...like pulling a rotten tooth.

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We can imagine it, predict it, but seeing it happen really hits home, Kris. Thanks.

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Its pretty clear now, they will install Trump to finish the job.

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Seems so, they are already bantering about post-verdict Civil War over on Twitter

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good question. given how January 6th turned out, I'd say it is rather unlikely as it seems the Trump supporters are not so willing to lose whatever they have, especially not in this day an age

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I can't really blame them, jwslaw. I've had enough of the J6 defendants on my podcast to understand how unjustly they've been treated. Nothing will change until the corrupt tyranny is confronted. But we saw what happened on January 6, when a fraction of those who should protest actually did, and have had their lives destroyed. Thanks.

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Exactly, I just don't know how this all ends?

My wife's friend said over the weekend that we need 'millions' of folks to band together and resist

And I do not see it taking any less!

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That is our only chance, jwslaw. A show of force, using our tremendous advantage in numbers. But it would indeed require millions. Thanks!

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The country is really set up for a false flag attack now.

The FIB has identified the white conservative MAGAs as the greatest threat to the nation, so a false flag attack killing 2 or 3 hundred would 'confirm' their prediction. It would look like a J6 2.0 event.

Then, if they appeal the Trump case and allow him to continue, the FIB could do an end around and stage a second FF retaliation against the MAGAs. They could trigger some real chaos.

They'll get their martial law and total police state.

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Agreed, had not recently thought of this angle, but they were cunning enough to make January 6th stick, so would not put it past 'em

I try not to think of January 6th -- was watching it all live on the computer at the office as it unfolded and not too sure I ever had such a sinking feeling -- just knew it was all downhill from there

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If they call a mistrial, they'll probably retry him until they get a conviction, jeopardy be damned.

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Yep. The laws are irrelevant here. Thanks, Vonu.

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