I think that even large companies like Budweiser don't give a fuck if they lose business by promoting satanic, woke, perversions is that monopoly capitalism is even more pervasive and in control than aware people realize. If one could trace and follow tortured legal, money, and corporate trails, they would discover that entities like Bla…
I think that even large companies like Budweiser don't give a fuck if they lose business by promoting satanic, woke, perversions is that monopoly capitalism is even more pervasive and in control than aware people realize. If one could trace and follow tortured legal, money, and corporate trails, they would discover that entities like Blackrock & Vanguard, with assets in the trillions and linked to daddy Rothschild, own and control everything of any consequence on this planet. So let Budweiser or whatever lose millions in sales from an angry public. Budweiser is just a pimple on their ass and they can make up that cheddar in countless other ways. As long as evil is pushed and Goyim society is ripped asunder, it's well worth it to them. The Dalai Lama, the Pope, and all other heads of organized religion and their sycophants are scum and about as spiritually elevated as a 10 buck a throw crack whore in Camden, Zoo Jersey. The Kardashians, Cardi B, and all the celebrities of the kosher entertainment matrix are transsexual, androgynes. That's why they are placed where they are by the usual suspects, much like the politicians. It obviously has nothing to do with talent, intelligence, or ability. They are given their moment in the sun and then discarded like yesterday's trash, which is what they are. Kardashian's big ass is the result of silicon and fat cell injections along with latex body suits and special underwear heavily padded at the buttocks and hips. Totally fake, like he/she is, like they all fucking are, like this reality is. Trump's idiotic business decisions put him almost 3 billion in debt in the early 90s. Some Yid stepped him and bailed his sorry ass out in conjunction with over 20 banks. The shadowy figures behind this have owned him ever since. This is the degenerate actor who is going to save America. Just more Yid theater and mass distraction. By the way, when Babe Ruth played baseball, his secret nickname among the other players was, "The Nigger". Ruth, an orphan, was a mulatto. Naturally the press at that time went through great pains to conceal this fact from his legions of adoring white fans. Hilarious to realize that Hank Aaron did not break a white man's all time home run record like the politically correct press screeched, it belonged to a lighter shade of his tribe. Thanks for another great one, Don.
Yep. If they cared about profits, then all these corporations that infuriated their customer base and supposedly lost a lot of money, would have rectified their mistakes. There are more important agendas that profits for these satanic plutocrats. I have heard rumors about Ruth, but if he really was part Black, don't you think the entire mainstream media would be celebrating that now, and claiming him as their own? Thanks.
That's an excellent point, Don, but I think it's more important to the Yid-masters and their mouthpieces to bray like jackasses in a pepper patch about how a black man broke a white man's long standing record in America's national pastime. (Even though he wasn't a white man.) Great for promoting miscegenation. If you want to crack up, check out photos of the "Bambino" (should be "Niggerino") and observe his flared negroidal nostrils.
I think that even large companies like Budweiser don't give a fuck if they lose business by promoting satanic, woke, perversions is that monopoly capitalism is even more pervasive and in control than aware people realize. If one could trace and follow tortured legal, money, and corporate trails, they would discover that entities like Blackrock & Vanguard, with assets in the trillions and linked to daddy Rothschild, own and control everything of any consequence on this planet. So let Budweiser or whatever lose millions in sales from an angry public. Budweiser is just a pimple on their ass and they can make up that cheddar in countless other ways. As long as evil is pushed and Goyim society is ripped asunder, it's well worth it to them. The Dalai Lama, the Pope, and all other heads of organized religion and their sycophants are scum and about as spiritually elevated as a 10 buck a throw crack whore in Camden, Zoo Jersey. The Kardashians, Cardi B, and all the celebrities of the kosher entertainment matrix are transsexual, androgynes. That's why they are placed where they are by the usual suspects, much like the politicians. It obviously has nothing to do with talent, intelligence, or ability. They are given their moment in the sun and then discarded like yesterday's trash, which is what they are. Kardashian's big ass is the result of silicon and fat cell injections along with latex body suits and special underwear heavily padded at the buttocks and hips. Totally fake, like he/she is, like they all fucking are, like this reality is. Trump's idiotic business decisions put him almost 3 billion in debt in the early 90s. Some Yid stepped him and bailed his sorry ass out in conjunction with over 20 banks. The shadowy figures behind this have owned him ever since. This is the degenerate actor who is going to save America. Just more Yid theater and mass distraction. By the way, when Babe Ruth played baseball, his secret nickname among the other players was, "The Nigger". Ruth, an orphan, was a mulatto. Naturally the press at that time went through great pains to conceal this fact from his legions of adoring white fans. Hilarious to realize that Hank Aaron did not break a white man's all time home run record like the politically correct press screeched, it belonged to a lighter shade of his tribe. Thanks for another great one, Don.
Yep. If they cared about profits, then all these corporations that infuriated their customer base and supposedly lost a lot of money, would have rectified their mistakes. There are more important agendas that profits for these satanic plutocrats. I have heard rumors about Ruth, but if he really was part Black, don't you think the entire mainstream media would be celebrating that now, and claiming him as their own? Thanks.
That's an excellent point, Don, but I think it's more important to the Yid-masters and their mouthpieces to bray like jackasses in a pepper patch about how a black man broke a white man's long standing record in America's national pastime. (Even though he wasn't a white man.) Great for promoting miscegenation. If you want to crack up, check out photos of the "Bambino" (should be "Niggerino") and observe his flared negroidal nostrils.