Endless, unnecessary, wars for the empire will be our undoing!

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The Endless, Unnecessary wars have already been our undoing. The Satanists are done with their USA Freemasonic Windup Toy, which they created in 1776 and have always controlled. The vast majority of us they fooled for a very long time.

The only thing that can save us is the Holy Rosary and Devotion to the Immaculate Heart. This crisis has no military or political solution. Only a Spiritual one.

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I agree with the first paragraph but your reliance on the 'Holy Rosary and Devotion to the Immaculate Heart' is misplaced.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart is the key and submit your prayers and requests direct to Him. Jesus's death and resurrection opened the way to the heavenly Father directly.

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You do not understand the Divine Economy or the Divine Dispensation. In the Apostle's Creed we say that "I believe in the Holy Ghost, The Holy Catholic Church, the Communion of the Saints, the Forgiveness of Saints, the Resurrection of the Body, and Life Everlasting Amen."

Protestants reject the Communion of Saints, protesting that we should not pray to "dead people", forgetting that Saint Paul referred to those who died in Christ as having "Fallen Asleep". And first in the Communion of Saints is Our Lady. She is God's Masterpiece, and He can hardly ignore anything she requests- as we saw at the Wedding of Cana. We do well to beg her intercession, and do everything to gain her favor.

She truly did appear at Fatima Portugal in 1917 with a message for the whole world. God worked an incredible miracle through her intercession- a miracle more impressive than the Parting of the Red Sea in the Book of Exodus.

Faithful recitation of the most Holy Rosary is what is going to save us in these calamitous times, when priest, altar, and throne have all become desolate.

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Such things are all foolishness. I do understand the divine economy which is why I wrote what I did. Catholicism and Protestantism are nothing but a distraction from the truth that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. He taught us to pray to the heavenly Father, not His earthly mother Mary who was the vessel by which He was born on this earth.

The praying to departed saints is paganism wrapped up in a veneer of holiness. Those who have fallen asleep are resting and should not be disturbed!

Relying on those departed or on a set of beads is ridiculous when you have the living God to communicate with. It is akin to talking to the cake one's wife has made and saying 'Please feed me!' She would not take too kindly to that and neither does God.

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For the record the prayer that Our Lord Jesus Christ taught the Apostles- the Our Father- heads off each decade of the Most Holy Rosary. So, yes, He who taught us to pray to the Heavenly Father, is reflected in the prayer given to us by His Heavenly Mother.

Also for the record, Our Lady, in the Gospel of Luke, first chapter, after being greeted by Elizabeth, recites her Magnificat, wherein she says that "Henceforth, all generations shall call me blessed". Also for the record, the first part of the "Hail Mary" is also from the Gospel of Luke. The very first part was first uttered by the Angel Gabriel. "Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women" The second part was uttered by Elizabeth: "Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb."

But don't take my word for it. Research what happened at Fatima Portugal in 1917. regards.

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What has that got to do with what I told you? Mary was not saying she should be entitled with a formal address by future generations, merely that people would consider her blessed to carry Jesus as a child.

The Roman Catholic Church is a corruption of what the church should be and has elevated Mary over both Jesus and the heavenly Father.

If you pray to Mary then you are disobeying God and Jesus's words. And that's for the record.

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Nov 17, 2023
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I want free speech here, but you need to tone down your comments. There is no need for profanity or personal attacks. You can still make your points.

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Nov 16, 2023
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"Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are death cults originating in the Middle East and totally alien to Europe and its peoples."

It is hard to square that sentence with the Gospel of St John.

I do wholeheartedly agree that the crucifiers of Our Lord Jesus Christ did not just fade away to disappear into the obscurity of history, but have rather burned with satanic hatred for Our Lord Jesus Christ, Truth Incarnate, as He declared many times. At first, the Synagogue of Satan (as it is referred to in the Gospels) persecuted Holy Mother Church openly. Failing that, they then hid behind the Roman Empire, which brutalized Christians in sporadic persecutions over three centuries. Then they decided on a totally new strategy after the Edict of Contantine (my jury is still out on his piety and authenticity) and decided to infiltrate and subvert Holy Mother Church from within, while all the while preserving an appearance of piety.

That was the work of centuries, and I think they finally succeeded in capturing Rome and the papacy some time in the 11th Century, with the last authentic attempt at reform being attempted by Pope Celestine V late in the 13th century. (Boniface VIII put the kabosh on that, going so far as to murdering his predecessor, who was forced into "Retirement" by a disenfranchised band of Cardinals... something unbeknownst to the vast majority of Catholics...)

For a long time after that, they kept up appearances, apparently deceiving even saints. But after 1776 the cracks definitely began to show. And then they secretly collaborated with the impious revolutionaries.

What is occurring today has been the work of centuries. In the words of Star Wars Emperor Palpitine: "In the End you finally Understand..."

Meanwhile, the Muslim Religion was created by the Apostate Jews. Mohammed was just a front man, a well-financed "prophet". I don't know about Damascus (Isaiah's Burden for Damascus has yet to be accomplished after three millennia) but they are definitely in Moscow and Tehran. All the world is a clown show, run by diabolical Satanists. Also, while Washington is definitely correct, and Brussels is also definitely in the top five, you forgot London (with its "Blackfriars") and the Vatican (Seat of the Antichrist).

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us! You are our only hope!

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Myriad Mike: The debt and the interest on the debt will cause the collapse of the dollar fiat currency and that, my friend, will be the end of the Empire.

Get ready!

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Yep, 100%, and much of that debt was for "wars" (the recurring revenue model for the MIC).

However, I am as ready as just about any human being can be! I'd say I'm in the top 0.0001% on the preparedness ladder.


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The debt and the interest on the debt is just a dog and pony show. What matters most is people are still invested in the system. People have got to be prepared to lose everything- including life itself- to preserve spiritual dignity, liberty, and peace of soul. As the Psalmist says: 'Tis better to lie at the threshhold to the house of God than dine in the houses of sinners...

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White Wolf: I don't want to try and survive in a place like the Wiemar Republic having to use a wheelbarrow of cash to buy a loaf of bread.

There are worse things than death.

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I could not agree more. I'm dying with my boots on. I am through with the fear and anxiety.

The sheeple flew their true colors in 2020. And they are going deserve what's coming. They were warned.

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White Wolf: Yes, the sheeple love O-Baaaaaahhhhhhma and all the rules and regulations. People are afraid to run their own lives or just too damned lazy.

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Nov 17, 2023
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War is anything but unnecessary for the MICIMATT complex.

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The thing is if we didn't spend so much wealth trying to steal wealth from others, we'd all be wealthier and healthier. That's why the wars are evil.

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Wars are evil because those in the MICIMATT complex make outrageous profits prosecuting them.

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"So how do we juxtapose these consistently laudable comments with RFK, Jr.’s reaction to Hamas attacking Israel?"

Well, because people have been dropping support, so now he's trying to pretend he's for peace (he's a fraud):

Gerald Celente


Ray McGovern


Hey, RFK Jr; here’s David Ben Gurion (look him up): “If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. They see but one thing: we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?” (Spoken to Nahum Goldman, fmr head of World Zionist Org (h/t Bruce Fein)


Bobby Jr blows it; actually brags that he has learned all about Palestine from Saudi princes; and demonstrates what a good learner he is. Incredibly naïve or shameless pandering? You be the judge. Start at minute 22:45 for the Bobby Jr performance that delights, to great applause, what seems to be a Zionist audience at “The Rubin Report”. (If your stomach can only tolerate 18 minutes of this “Profile in No Courage”, you can stop watching at minute 40:35.)

Scott Ritter: https://informationclearinghouse.blog/2023/10/25/bobby-kennedy-israel-and-the-hypocrisy-of-peace-and-diplomacy/

Ed Curtain: https://off-guardian.org/2023/11/12/an-epistle-to-robert-f-kennedy-jr/

Meanwhile, RFK Jr has been on twitter sucking up to big jew money, tweeting to a big Jew money guy that he supports anti-free speech on campus when it comes to "antisemitism," which now means opposition to genocide and the brutal slaughter of children and babies. And it seems like many on twitter suspect he's being blackmailed since he spent time with Epstein.

I'll vote for Michael Rectenwald--at least he's speaking out against the Great Reset.

Have you heard Robert Fraud Kennedy Jr say anything about the Great Reset while out campaigning? When I first heard that he was going to run for President, I thought that maybe it could be a good in that he could use his time on the campaign trail to wake people up to the Great Reset agenda and CVDCs, kind of like how Dr. Ron Paul used his time on the campaign trail to wake people up the privately controlled Federal Reserve. So, I was kind of expecting Kennedy to be talking about CBDCs and how that will turn us into slaves and speaking out against the covid tyranny we endured (like he did in his Berlin speech during the covid psyop), but instead, he seems to be running a normal campaign, talking about normal issues, as though we aren't in the middle of an on-going genocide and aren't on the verge of digital enslavement.

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It just stuns me that he would keep saying such contradictory things. He's very rational and clear-headed on most issues, especially compared to the other candidates. Thanks, Sandra.

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It should not stun you, Don. You have to stop thinking with the heart and use that head. Anybody that can get on the political has to be an insider. A man with real integrity would have been sickened by all the antics of the corporate ladder long before he got popular enough to consider politics...

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There is a bid difference between a Zionist and a Jew. Tarring all with same brush is what gets us into these debacles.

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There is a difference between a Zionist and a Jew. Not all Jews are Zionists though nearly all Jews support Jewish interests which are in direct conflict with white Christian western civilization.

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There might be some "Good Jews" out there. Like good cops, they are extremely hard to find.

Even the "Jews" demonstrating in the capitol building the other week were shilling for the "Con-servatives" ..

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RFK Jr is an obvious phony in my opinion.

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All of the people you mentioned- Ritter, Celente... - are shills themselves. I have seen shills attack each other before- it is what their respective audiences love. Also, it keeps the opposition controlled.

The Kennedys are the deepest darkest shills of them all, from Papa Joe down to Baby Bob. Many people have been taken in with the consummate acting- especially by JFK, who was saying all the right things before he got assassinated.

Most people have no idea how deep this is. As for me, I have seen nary a man with integrity in any level of gov't my whole life- just a bunch of bums that fooled me when I was young and dumb, and nobody to tell me better.

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beautiful post Sandra. all the kennedys hated white people. they should have shot JFK and RFK sooner. Ted kennedy was the worst of all and the old man Joe was the only good one

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I appreciate anyone who takes the time to comment on my work. You actually support the Kennedy assassinations? JFK and RFK were the first (and still only) politicians to visit the poorest people in America, the largely White population of Appalachia. Believe what you want, but you lost credibility by saying things like that.

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The Kennedys went along with integration. That's why I don't like them. I don't believe they should have been assasinated, however. Affirmative action has destroyed everything!

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Jim Crow and segregation was something that could not last. You can't have people living in your society who are not allowed to access parts of it. I don't know if integration could have worked a lot better, without all the powerful forces stirring up hate and trying to divide us, but supporting equals rights for all was the only moral position to take, in my view.

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I agree; equal rights under the law for all is essential but now we don't have equal treatment. Affirmative action didn't have to happen. Dumbing down everything to accommodate the lowest so that no one knows anything is a perfect way to destroy civilization.

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Absolutely. Affirmative Action has no place in a free economy, or a free country. Thanks.

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I don’t know Donald. If taking such a “moral position” as integration to the detriment of the country and it’s citizens, society and culture, in retrospect it looks as though we were fools to pretend it was “the right thing to do.”

It was bound to end this way with racial quotas, astronomical black on white criminality, special welfare programs for blacks, race riots, ruined and destroyed cities, the list goes on, etc

That’s not my idea of “moral” Donald and I know it’s not your idea of “moral” as well.

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I don't think it had to end with quotas, Affirmative Action, etc., Miami. We have never tried treating everyone equally under the law. Rich and poor, all races and religions. I would end all favoritism, and ban the mention of "race" on any forms. If I'd been an adult at the time, I probably would have already been awake, and thus distrustful of our odious leaders to handle something like Civil Rights correctly. Thanks.

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Integration of the public school system has been an obvious failure by any stretch of the imagination. It was a devious form of child abuse. My family supported George Wallace in 1968 and 1972. I would have supported him as well if I had been of legal age to vote.

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Don you are a smart guy and how did you miss the fact that JFK was ready to sign the immigration reform act that Ted kennedy championed but was shot? That bill was the most anti white bill ever passed. the first act of congress in 1790 was to pass a law saying only white europeans could come to america. that lasted until 1964 with the imm reform act. when you have a country 90% white and you are a politician you visit poor whites while RFK was stabbing them in the back with JFK and teds bill. JFK won a fixed election. he was a meth head and opium addict and always cheated on his wife. look up Dr feelgood who gave JFK his meth shots constantly

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SPQR70AD, you are dumb to dare equate the Mob (Joe Kennedy Sr., connection, not JFK himself, who benefitted from his dad's old friends, but had nothing to do with it) AND the corrupt-to-the-core LBJ (TX-24 electors in '60), with Illinois' 27 electors also needed to change the winner in '60 (303 JFK, 219 Nixon). Not one state or the other to lose, but both required for Nixon to win. Otherwise, JFK still wins even if he loses IL 27 electors; 276 JFK, 246 Nixon. Now, you can castigate JFK (as others love to gleefully do) for his womanizing and drug usage with Max Jacobson ("Dr. Feelgood") till the cows come home, but it never did one thing to negatively affect his public policy of peace and prosperity! He did need some injections legitimately to lessen the pain he had from his bad back, from his WW2 war injury. I was alive and old enough to remember how much better it was for the U.S. in 1961-63. Were you? Did LBJ, Nixon, Bush-41, Clinton, Bush-43, or Obama ever give us a more peaceful, more prosperous country? Heck, NO! You should be castigating them, not JFK or RFK! I will agree with you that TK was by far the worst brother, with his repeatedly taking advantage of women being violent against more than one (killed one, Mary Jo Kopechne in July '69) much worse than JFK (or RFK) ever treated their non-spouse lovers! I don't approve of his shabby treatment of Jackie either (are you always 100% faithful to your partner?), but after they lost baby Patrick in early-Aug. 1963, they became closer than ever. Sadly, they only had 3+ months remaining for their newfound closeness. I suppose you should be just as hard on those tens of millions of people today addicted to opioids because of the same desire to lessen their pain from a debilitating condition, or post-surgery. Maybe if you stopped being so full of one-sided hate, and started looking at the whole forest instead of a couple of trees, you might see how much better JFKs peace overtures, avoiding war 5 different times he could have sent troops to die in foreign wars, but did not. and his tighter financial limits on spending to avoid wasteful offensive armaments, and control of his war-hawking military chiefs were in crazily wanting war against both the USSR and Cuba; as in their Mar. 1962 Operation Northwoods outrageous plan to dress-up soldiers as Cubans and attack Miami, DC, and other cities, to blame it on Castro, so then they could illegally overthrow that sovereign nation's leader. JFKs magnificent June 10, 1963, Peace Speech at American University is the finest example of statesmanship and peaceful desire to avoid needless war in the past 100 years. Look at it on YouTube, and then tell me how "bad" a president he was. And he grew in office after also avoiding nuclear war in Oct. 1962, that could have killed you and/or your parents, so you wouldn't have been here today to criticize him on his personal actions that affected nobody but himself and his immediate family! I'll take that type of president any day over a loyal husband, but a dangerous war-hawking, corrupt and alcoholic, money-hungry scoundrel as his successor was (he also cheated on his wife) who murdered 58,000 young men in Vietnam (Mar. 8, 1965 landing in S. Vietnam), along with 2 million Vietnamese killed, that JFK was planning to withdraw the first 1,000 by Dec. 31, 1963, and almost all the 16,000 army advisors there (no combat troops on his time in office!) over the next two years! I'll bet you didn't know that key fact about his policy!

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the POS JFK won a fixed election and he hated white people like ted and rfk. he was ready to sign the suicidal immigration reform act the worst bill in history. he was a junkie. he had a nuke peace meeting with Khruschev in Europe and the russian knew of his addiction and knew dr feelgood had to shoot him up every 3 hours. so the russian kept postponing the meeting knowing after 3 shots they would have a negative effect. so when the meeting took place jfk was a drooling idiot slurring his words. so dont tell me his addictions did not affect policy.

remember marilyn monroe singing happy birthday to him and people thought she was drunk? she wasnt drunk but shot up by dr feelgood to many times and that is how jfk went into that meeting. no doubt in my mind rfk and jfk had marilyn killed they were both banging her and fbi director hoover had them on tape having sex with her. jfk was the one who sent troops to vietnam. he was the father of it. the only thing he did I liked was he was against israel getting nukes which led to him being shot. the only reason the US was so much better then is because it was over 90% white which the rotten irish scumbag kennedy klan did everything to change the US into a multi cult septic tank

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Didn't Joe try to stop WW2 (or something like that?). I think I was reading The Nameless War or something about Tyler Kent trying to stop the war and I thought Joe was mentioned. Maybe I'm wrong.

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Old Joe is one of the most unfairly maligned historical figures ever. Yes, he was not only part of the America First Committee trying to stop our involvement in WWII, he was also a WWI anti- war protester. Thanks.

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Wow, didn't know that about Joe being a WW1 anti-war protester, and didn't even know there was an America First Committee back then. As for him being maligned, yes, I've noticed a lot of Zionists smear him (actually happened earlier today on another substack).

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Yes he teamed up with Henry ford and Charles Lindberg against the wars saying the jews were behind starting both world wars. Henry ford predicted before WWI how the jews would start it and predicted WWII. the jews using the jewish mob Murder Inc to kill Linberg's little son and that was the end of him being an activist

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Thanks for the info. Was not aware that Joe teamed up with Ford and Lindberg in saying the Jews were behind starting both world wars. I knew Ford wrote his International Jew book and put it in each car that was sold. I just pulled it up on archive.org and started going through it. I Thought it was interesting that he noted that Genoa and Venice were known to be Jewish areas back in the day. I know there are some (Larouche people) who talk about the Venetian banker takeover of England in the 1600s and I've always wondered if these were actually Jewish banking families. I'm not aware of the older Jewish banking families, but it seems like the Rothschilds are the ones who became more powerful in the late 1700s until now.

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So, I have a question that I’ve wondered about for years. To date, through conversations with people and my own research I’ve still not found an answer. Here goes. I don’t understand why, of all the people and countries in the world, are we seemingly, on board with anything Israel says or does?? I honestly don’t get it. Politicians in the West are constantly heard saying, “I stand with Israel.” Why? I’m looking for a logical explanation, not conspiratorial.

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All nations with privately controlled central banks (like the Federal Reserve here in the US) are captured by the Jewish banking cartel out of the City of London. For more on this, watch Bill Still's The Money Masters, Aarron Russo's America: Freedom to Fascism, and Mike Rivero's All Wars are Bankers Wars. There's also a quick video on youtube you can find, just search for The International Banking scene, where a little truth slips out from Hollywood and it says the essence of banking is to get everyone, nations and individuals enslaved with debt.

As for how they own the whores in Congress--AIPAC. They are all owned by AIPAC. They know that if they don't go along with being pro-Israel, then AIPAC will primary them.

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Thanks Sandra. I have seen The Money Masters, very interesting indeed. I’ll have to check out the other two you mentioned. I’m reading up on AIPAC, makes sense! So, basically, money and power, as always. I appreciate you taking the time to further educate me!

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You might want to listen to Benjamin Freedman's speech from 1961 - he says the Zionists ruled over America like absolute monarchs (and this was back in 1961).


Freedman was an insider, assistant to Bernard Baruch (yesterday's Soros/Rothschild front man) and witnessed the behind-the-scenes intrigues that got America into WW1. Germany was winning the war, so the Zionists went to England and said you can still win this war if America comes in on your side. We can get America into the war if you give us Palestine. So, they got the Balfour Declaration and then went to work on Wilson. 116,000 American men died so the Zionists could get a piece of real estate. He also talks about what really happened in the lead up to WW2 and how Judea declared war on Germany. He subsequently broke with these people, married a Catholic woman, and spent the rest of his life and personal fortune trying to warn the American people about them.

(that's how much power they had over America--they were able to get us into a world war for their benefit)

And here's a quick book he wrote:

Benjamin Freedman Zionism The Hidden Tyranny


And Jack Bernstein was another loyal American Jew who also warned about the Zionists:

http://whale.to/b/bernstein1.html (his book, a quick read)

He warned that the Zionist would get us into another war in the Middle East and then the Zionist international bankers (who own the Federal Reserve) were going to collapse the economy on us.

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What I recall reading about the Jewish bankers was that the Christians had a prohibition against usury (charging interest on loans) while the Jews did not, so they came to dominate much of the banking industry. That might be a simplified version of events, but that might be a summary on why it fell to the Jews to be more in the banking industry than the Christians.

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Old man Joe was a crook!

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Please read what I've written about Joe Kennedy, Sr. The same court historians and state controlled media that lie about everything else have lied about him. He was a good man, far more honest than any I've researched in his financial class. He was antiwar, one of the first critics of the Federal Reserve, and perhaps the first critic of the CIA. All the negative material about him comes from either Mafia or CIA sources.

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I didn't know that; obviously, I've bought the propaganda about him. I stand corrected. Thanks for the enlightenment!

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Look for more about him. RFK, Jr.'s book "American Values" does a great job of defending him as well. Thanks.

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Don, i also thought his crime was more for bootlegging in Prohibition years, that would not have occurred at all without the crazies demanding an end to alcohol, that then gave artificially HUGE profits when the demand for alcohol went up while its supply plummeted. Any economist knowing supply and demand could have predicted that, and in the Depression years prior to television, there wasn't that much entertainment outside of radio, reading newspapers/magazines or going bowling, sports, and to the bars. When most of the bars went underground ("speakeasies") from 1920-1933, people became desperate to get ahold of it, causing the easy profits to be made by those who wanted to naturally protect their turf by violence; just as the modern War on (some) Drugs does since the 1970 Controlled Substances Act gave the same financial incentive for profiteers to guard their area, and frequently with guns. Will people ever learn to stop using government as their prime method of trying to control social/economic ways of peacefully using things (drinking, drugs, cigarettes, prostitution, etc.) that always set-up perverse and unintended negative consequences? Live and let live! In regards to Joe Kennedy, I believe the CIA had it out for him and his family since the 1950s, if not at their beginning in Sep. 1947, because of his anti-war, anti-regime change ideas the agency enjoyed doing overseas. They also were LBJs natural conservative allies, as were the Pentagon brass, anti-Castro Cubans, the Mob (with the agency, wanting revenge for the Atty. Gen. Robert Kennedy deporting them), and FBI Director Hoover, who JFK was going to forcibly retire by the law on Hoover's 70th on Jan. 1, 1965. After LBJ had JFK murdered, he not only changed JFK's Vietnam policy of disengagement (NSAM #273 on Tue. Nov. 26, 1963), he rewarded Hoover with a lifetime exemption to be FBI Director until his death--which was the case when Hoover finally died as Director, on May 2, 1972, at 77.

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Good points, Robert. The bootlegging myth was covered, along with all the other scurrilous allegations against old Joe, by RFK, Jr. is his book "American Values." He was the first to reveal that his grandfather had sat on a totally overlooked commission in the 1950s, which was examining the CIA, and became its most vocal critic. Thanks!

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what rich guy wasnt

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War is a three letter word for murder...all these nations who have not rallied for Palestine are our sworn enemies, they are the enemies of humanity...they are the enemies of life...no longer humans, now the time has come to separate the chafe from the wheat...The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

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"Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed." Mao Zedong

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Didn't he also proclaim something to the effect "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun"?

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He might have before his death in 1976.

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Yes, he did. That dogma has been Standard Operating Procedure for all gov'ts since 1776.

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liam: You are describing a typical American family.

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Yes, and how sad...

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In his 1871 letter to Giuseppe Mazzini, Albert Pike outlines the three world wars the Jewish-Masonic cabal has planned for the future. Once the masses have been totally demoralized and destroyed...they will accept a one-world leader...or so he believes . Watch for the razing to the ground, of the Dome of the Rock. Once the Jews have built their Third Temple, they will install their long awaited messiah, as total world leader...who will be the antichrist .

I felt so helpless after 9-11, being one of the tiny minority who saw right through it, but having no way to protest. This time, I have a Palestinian flag on my home. The whole world is watching this genocide, and this time people are actually speaking out. I never thought I would see this.

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Kris: I have my popcorn ready for the show.

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I have had my popcorn ready for a long time...

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White Wolf: I have to keep making new batches of popcorn as the show never stops.

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Nor will it, sadly, anytime soon.

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You are right over the target with Albert Pike's Letter. At any rate, let us just hope that those horrified- as I am- by the holocaust in Gaza will not become useful idiots for the "other side" but likewise see right through any false flag involving Iranians.

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Excellent article again.

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Thanks, Norman!

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Thanks Donald🌷I forgot to say that it always amaze me what a tight net the rich scoundrels are. When they have their meetings,G20, Bildeberg etc. I see them hugging each other like a happy family meeting, doesn't matter what country or race they are. While down here on the pyramid base,the majority,are always fighting and hating each other,republicans against democrats,blacks against whites and viceversa,men against women and viceversa etc etc. Always the duality down the pyramid,while on top they are unity,not for a good purpose for the world,but for them. That's their power.

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It's the duopoly- McDonald's or Burger King, Coke or Pepsi, Republican or Democrat, Target or Walmart, Sam's Club or Costco... All fake choices. All identical twins of each other. But designed to evoke conflict amid the unwashed sheeple.

Their power is not in unity, but, rather, in their pact with the devil, who now has his hour.

But God will have His day.

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I am currently reading Crimes and Cover-ups. Great book but difficult to digest. The cruelty of the Union Army was despicable.

After reading Larry Romanoff’s articles about how US troops behaved in the Middle East, I am appalled at the US’ behavior.

I know war is always tragic, but the US tends to inflict additional unnecessary pain on its victims.

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AnnekeB: All armies do what you describe. The veneer of civilization is thin indeed.

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Civilization has no veneer, only whitewash.

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White Wolf: Aye, people cover up their deepest secrets and feelings, perhaps even their true natures. "The veneer of civilization is thin." is an old cliche that people know so I used that.

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And the veneer no longer contains any plant matter, having become entirely petroleum.

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Vonu: ?

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As in vonulife from deltapress.com/store/p/vonulife

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Thanks, AnnekeB!

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Yes, Dresden!

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I covered the horrific atrocity that was Dresden in detail in my book "Crimes and Cover-Ups in American Politics: 1776-1963." Thanks.

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It isn't the US as much as it is the MICIMATT complex.

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Do you have links to Larry Romanoff's articles?

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https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/books/ he has a bunch of great books as free pdfs

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The US is just better than everybody else at hiding its barbarism. The prattle I listened to in the '70's was so hypocritcal the Pharisees must be green with envy.

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Americans will tire of war and violence only after it visits them as it has visited Gaza.

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I'm not sure about that, Vonu. They didn't tire long of it after the War Between the States took nearly a million lives, and left much of the south devastated. Thanks.

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Americans have never seen anything remotely similar to what Gazans are experiencing continuously now. Just remember that Lincoln was the primary cause of that devastation through treason we haven't seen the like of since, yet.

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I realize that. Maybe it would change them. Hopefully we'll never have to find out. Thanks.

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If we attack Iran, Russia may make Gaza look like a picnic.

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I agree. I weep for Gaza. And the Sheeple should take note that Gaza is the template for what their neighborhoods will soon look like, if they take all the gov't subsidies and handouts.

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Wow, I knew you were good DJ, but didn't know you were clairvoyant. Just wrote "Peace Now" a couple days ago ...


Fret not my friend, there are still many of us out here who want peace and are willing to fight for it. And thanks to the likes of you, DiLorenzo and Pace, the world is learning all about the Big Lincoln Lie. Do not despair, Rushmore may get that makeover yet ;-)

~~ j ~~

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We are on the same page, my friend. Thanks!

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Rushmore might get a makeover from the Kremlin.

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Or Beijing. Or some guys with kites ;-)

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Great article Don. I for one stand with you. It is disheartening how few of us there really are.

There will never be an end to war as long as the U.S. Hegemon exists. Their very survival depends on war. Personally, I still think that Israel was a CIA. MI-6 enclave that has now gone rogue and I don't give a sh-t who disagrees with me on this. After all I am still entitled to my opinion. As long as I draw breath I will never comply or submit to these evil ghouls.

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Thanks, Peter!

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I don't think Israel has gone rogue. This is all part of a plan, and I am sure the Oct 7th False Flag was planned years in advance. (Someone in the comments a few weeks ago mentioned seeing "Terrorists" on hang gliders on the cover of Economist Magazine some years back. Imagine that.

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thank you so much for this article. I will have to read it a couple more times, being a new american I only know a bit of its history and certainly don't know any of the peace promoters you named. I too was shocked to see Kennedy reverse track. Seems like he is all into the scheme already. Obeying the hidden hand that directs course in most if not all countries. And indeed, why is america's nose in most countries affairs but does not smell the stink in america? Why are people dying in the streets in the US while billions are given to countries that don't interest but a handful. And that handful usually has a lot of dirty laundry hanging out!

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Thanks, Ingrid!

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The world is run by Satanists with ulterior motives.

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I am reading books by David Icke, he states exactly that. His most recent one also demonizes the medical mafia, just like Dr Guylaine Lanctot did. They are ruining people's immune system from the moment of birth. No president has set a foot anywhere near prohibiting bigharma to lead the gang. Trump said he would forbid commercials for meds on tv, but it never got that far. The US is still the only country, I think where prescription drugs can be advertized and propaganda made.

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My jury is still out on David Icke. I just don't buy the Lizard People, but I agree with his research. I don't know whether he is an alternative media honeypot, or a useful idiot.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!

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I am reading another book and agree - the first one, I thought these lizards he was talking aboit were figurative, a way of speaking. But in the new one he seems serious about them. I have some visions of my own and prefer the tao te ching to the nag hammadi, of which he is so fond. His vision is too dark for me, I prefer to look on the bright side. Maybe he is not so pessimistic in real life, for his sake I hope so!

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War treatise. A good review of the horror and the insanity of war profiteering.

Perpetual war for perpetual profits. Smedley Butlers old quotes are spot on.


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Thanks, ursel!

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If only the wars were just for profits. But they are diabolical. These monsters lust after human suffering and human desolation. They are miserable at root and want plenty of company.

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SO true. No one talks peace anymore and you can see the bloodlust growing in the culture. In the 1980's I was in San Diego, sitting on the Mission Bay boardwalk on the ocean side. The walls were concrete, yet people flew up and down the boardwalk on bicycles, and rollerblades were interspersed among the walkers. Everyone was drinking beer too! It was amazing, coming from the East Coast with rules and rules and rules, but here it was just free. Then a hippie-type guy on blades ran into a huge guy, walking, drinking a beer. As the beer flew everywhere I expected an explosion, but instead, the hippie-guy said, "Hey, man, I'm so sorry, you okay?" And the giant with tattoos, said, "No problem, man, it's only beer, I'll just get another one!" And they patted each other on the back and went on their way. I can't even imagine that happening today.

Hate radiates everywhere. And hate allows the war drums to bang louder while the war hawks circle their prey.

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That's quite a colorful description, Cindy. Different times indeed. Thanks!

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Yes, I recall the '80's too. Plenty of liberals then, but at least they were legitimate. They were largely ignorant of ways and means, and their eternal destiny. They thought the purpose of life was just to have fun. But they were good at living and allowing to live. They held no grudges. Not like today's rabid liberals who seem to glory in abortion just for its own sake...

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I know. The liberals back then were live and let live. Now many have become the new fascists who worship baby slaughter. It all feels so upside down.

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Exactly, Cindy. My mother, who was no conventional liberal, used that expression, "Live and let live" constantly. Thanks!

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Something for you to consider. Who are the people conducting these polls? Never forget that most people are like sheep. They will agree with anything if they think the majority are in favour. Were you consulted on any of these poll? I know I wasn't. This is the reason I have never affiliated myself with a political party. I reserve the right to disagree with anybody over anything. The ability to think critically must be our greatest asset. When you read a headline analyze it very carefully. Some truth instead of all of the truth is a great tool for misdirection.

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The best way of analysis is to ask: What be the motive? For the top, it is pure murder and suffering. For the middle, it is voyeurisms, profit, and fame. For the bottom, it is usually about money.

These poor sheeple. They run around like rats trying to make a buck when soon the money will be worthless and they will be on the proverbial chopping block one way or another.

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The American People are so clueless its painful, we are lied to from the cradle to the grave. One of the last things I said to my last remaining Uncle who died at 92 last August was, the American people don't even know who the enemy is, we both agreed. He was telling me about these Satanic Seedline false Jews 25 years ago and I thought he was crazier than I was, he was right. They are behind everything. People should read Titus 1:14 about 500 times until it sinks in-STOP BELIEVING JEWISH FABLES.--- By the way I was 69 years old before it really sank in that the real reason for JFKs assassination was, he signed executive order 11110 which I don't think has ever been rescinded according to Title 3, United States Code, Section 301 dated January 26, 1998. He was no longer doing business with the Federal Reserve. He had 4 billion dollars in United States Notes printed up in 2 and 5 dollar denominations. 10- and 20-dollar United States Notes were never circulated but were being printed by the Treasury Department when Kennedy was assassinated. They were printed up in June and Kennedy was assassinated on November 22 1963. LBJ took over as president and it was back to doing business with the Federal reserve------ I took the info from a great two page article out of a Magazine called Free American Magazine September 2008 JFK Vs The Federal Reserve.

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The only problem with the theory that JFK was assassinated over executive order 11110 is that the assassination of JFK was planned at least 2 years in advance.

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You are correct about that, there were other factors involved. Kennedy wanted all troops out of

Vietnam by 1965, and Executive order 11110 would have destroyed the control and profits of the private Federal Reserve Bank. I heard Kennedy wanted to combine the two criminal agencies together the C.I.A. and the F.B.I.---Lincoln who I am not a fan of, issued the "GREENBACK" dollar to finance the Civil War and played a deadly game with the International Bankers, he ended up dead. Andrew Jackson who they tried to assassinate twice because of the banking interests. On his tombstone is inscribed I killed the bank, it took over 70 years after him to get the Federal Reserve System going. Executive order 11110 was probably the nail in

the coffin for Kennedy.

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The band played waltzing Matilda

Wonderful song about the realities of war.


Mark Twain’s “The War Prayer”:


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