I've come to the realization that they pride themselves on stupidity and arrogance. They can't see the malignant character of their oppressors because they have the same malignant traits and thus no dichotomy. You only meet the "man behind the curtain" after meeting the Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Lion - or brains, heart, and balls - and they have a severe deficit in at least one. Usually, it's all three.
The Sheeple have what I have come to term "Ostrich Syndrome". They don't want to see the Truth, because the truth would set them free, and they don't want to be free. They love their safe space.
Yes. And they LOVE the drama as long as it's not them or concerns them. Plus., they get to "feel good" with superficial sympathy after reading/watching manipulated media. Their actions, however, reveal them to truly not give a shit. They're totally selfish.
The problem is that the lions will also have their bank accounts cancelled and their lights will be out too. They will just be more likely to survive because LIONS eat sheep.
This Wolf pretty much came pre-cancelled. The day the banks started requiring "ID" was the day I closed my account. The day they opened up "cyber-banking" was the day I knew I would never get another one.
As Anne Barnhardt would say: "If you cannot sit in front of it and defend it with an AK-47, YOU DON'T OWN IT."
I disagree. They don't want to see the truth because the truth is torture. And they can't handle that. Seeing what the world and people really are is a soul-crushing pain. It also means being alone in the herd.
I suspect most of us who see the truth have been social outsiders for at least a good chunk of our lives. You might get some interesting readings at the eye of a hurricane, but you'll never fully understand the storm if you've never seen it from the outside looking in.
Heck, the only reason I ever saw the truth of the world may have been a character flaw: when told I "can either be happy or be right," I usually respond that I'm happiest *when* I'm (proven) right. 😄
The point being - I don't specifically look for answers that make anyone feel good, not even myself. I'd love to see the world differently, but self-delusion was never a 'strength' of mine.
That is exactly what I was saying. (I guess I just did not say it well.) Moses encountered the same thing from the Israelites in the desert who mourned because they no longer had "the fleshpots of Egypt".
And yes, once awake, there is no going back to sleep. The only path forward is to totally embraced the Truth and the Cross. Otherwise you are the instrument of your own destruction.
Yes indeed. The Prophet Samuel pointed out all the pitfalls of having a Throne Beside the Altar. But God does work in truly mysterious ways. "Behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and shalt bring forth a son; and thou shalt call his name Jesus. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the most High; and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of David his father; and he shall reign in the house of Jacob for ever. And of his kingdom there shall be no end."
Good observation. When pointing something out to two people or more, they often look at each other before responding. Group-think is so much easier. Pain aversion. Comply or feel pain!
"They don't want to see the truth because the truth is torture." This is so right. Cognitive dissonance fixes that torture for them. I have been a social outsider since Junior high which was 1969. I was the guy who questioned the "teacher" and was RIGHT all the time.
Me too. Teachers and adults of all kinds hated me for pointing out they were wrong. Looking back in every dispute...time has proven me correct in all of those disputes. A big one was, dropping the bombs that ended WWII. Japan had already surrendered. I'm a lion too...Leo rising.
I am not a Leo, I am of the House of Reynolds. No matter what month you are born in, if you are a Reynolds your family crest bespeaks of your spirit. A RAMPANT LION with the words on the crest...JUS MEUM TUEBOR. I wonder how many folks look that up. It means I WILL DEFEND MY RIGHT TO FREEDOM. And when I am defending my rights, I am defending everyone else's too. That crest describes my very being. Oh and as for my zodiac sign, I'm a Gemini.
I would have liked to have had a family crest. You scored a fine one. Your sun is in Gemini, but do you know your rising sign?
In 1972, my science teacher informed us we must prick our fingers to test our blood for type. There was no way I was going to harm myself, just because a teacher told me to do it... and I told him that. He was enraged, but I did not learn how much, until a year later. He bided his time, and even though he was not my home room teacher, he had me moved from the only home room I ever liked, to one I hated. When I protested and said he had no right, he replied that people did things all the time that they had no right to do, and it was better I learned it early. Of course my parent (custodial, at that time) supported the teacher 100 percent. Now that I have a lifetime of experience, I can understand that there was no way a middle-aged man could take that kind of insubordination from a 12-year-old girl, and not have felt a terrible ego sting. Fast forward 50 years, and grown adults did not have the courage to say NO! to being jabbed. It is clear to me now, that all my painful life experiences were just some form of spritual boot camp, for the times we are in now.
Being alone in the herd is not something that is easy, it is the things the sheeple employ to blindly ignore the herder, the wolf and slaughter house that keeps them safe in their minds and makes us loathe them so, for us seeing all of this is truth, and it is a lonely walk for me. Hopefully not for you Steve. Take care
Definitely a lonely walk when so many people are blind to the totalitarian uniparty selling them out. Always looking for the next "savior." RFK Jr? Ron DeSantis? Vivek? (Nope, nope, and nice try but still nope). Wife somehow thinks Nikki Haley is a good idea. Because she wants to "win." Win what? She still does not fully understand. She seem to clearly understand that the current regime is downright awful, then somehow picks... the person MOST HEAVILY TIED to it in the entire (controlled) "opposition" party. And while she's not a genius, she's well above average, and of good character. If even SHE can't see the truth, even when I spell it out for her... I wonder, what hope is there for the world?
A quote I hate but rings so true, “there is no voting our way out of this mess”. We must realize the nation-state we live in destined to fail, and none do, or they yearn for totalitarianism to control everything, sheeple.
Your wife sounds more engaged than mine, but still they are women. I love her but she stays out of politics because I have taught her to. She is good at so many important things. RFK, Desantis, Vivek or whomever anyone names will not fix anything. The size of our government is so large that it must fail, not “it cannot fail.” I think you truly understand this based on the few things I have seen you write . Have you tried the good citizen substack? If not please do, it’s good for much of the same as here, and just as much to make you spit your drink on your keyboard with a wonderful laugh. Stay in touch my friend, and good luck.
Except the safe place, which is in reality their IGNORANCE which is extremely DEADLY. Just like the ignorance of the 12 year old boy who managed to get a pistol out of his dad's "safe" and shoot himself. If the dad had taught him right he would still be alive.
Right over the target. Willful ignorance is culpable ignorance. Truth matters, and Truth is Sacred. Those who prefer to believe all the fairy tails about the Big Bang, Evolution, The 6 Million slain by those Evil Nazis, Modernism, and etc will have the blood being shed by the Satanists even now in Gaza) on their hands. There is no Country of Switzerland in the Spiritual Warfare. If we are not for Christ, we are Antichrist.
There are videos that claim over hundreds of thousands of years, corrupting DNA leading to just those traits you note, have been deliberately inserted into human DNA to facilitate Deep State NWO rule.
I have no expertise, it's just a vid I saw on YouTube.It names the Sumerian Gods, the Annunaki, as the perpetrators and says the first main genetic project was creating the Black Slave race, and stating that they were genetically engineered to have high tolerance for heat and humidity and to die young.
Again, not my statements, just a video on YouTube...
I don't want to debate it or defend it, just report it .
Most sheeple would throw us aware ones under the bus in a heartbeat to curry favor with power. The famous cowboy lawyer, Gerry Spence, said that the 5 largest insurance companies have assets in the trillions and the political leverage that always accompanies such wealth. He fought insurance companies for much of his career. The Kefauver hearings were held in the U.S. Senate, 1950 & 51, to determine to what extent organized crime crossed state lines. Kefauver was grilling a mob boss who was subpoenaed to testify, asking him, "So this is a racket? You were involved in that racket? Would you consider this enterprise you were engaged in a racket?" etc. etc. Finally in exasperation the mob guy practically yelled, "For Chrissakes, senator! Everything is a racket!" He was too discreet to point out that the senator and all the rest of Congress are among the biggest racketeers of all. Dr. Richard Day, a high level medical officer of the Rockefeller Institute at a lecture in 1969 said they could cure any cancer but they keep the procedures under wraps for the oligarchs. The herd must be culled. The money printers, the real rulers of this earth, can create money for anything without taxation, which is just to control and impoverish the people. Case in point: During the Great Depression, when allegedly no money was available (for the common man), two mega million dollar bridges were constructed in California. The people involved in the project had no problem getting access to the funds. "They", like wizards, make lucre out of thin air and it's all nice and legal. For them, that is. Voting is a joke. If an owner of a large department store changed his manager and some lower and middle level employees, exactly how that would change the day to day operations of the store with regard to the public is how much the operation of America is changed by elections that change a president and some clowns in Congress. Simply put, not at all. Disease is designer fashion. People die of Diabetes at a rate of 7 to 1 over those who die of breast cancer yet breast cancer research gets literally 10 times the funding of diabetic research. Another racket. The fads & trends the sheeple follow are created and signaled to them by the Cryptocracy's media organs. On hearing truth, the sheeple switch off and reject automatically, like a computer program. Most are truly unreachable. The Founding Fathers ordained this Constitution for themselves and their posterity, which ain't us. The Pavlovian reaction of the sheeple to anti-capitalism, no matter how well grounded, is to bleat, "Communist!" They are too dense to even begin to see that capitalism and communism are not adversaries but lovers. "I drink to make other people more interesting." At least in this Kali Yuga, the masses are asses and always will be. That aside, I'm moved by your faith, Don, against all odds. Thanks for this provocative piece.
Good stuff, Heretic. I also appreciate your regular references to the Kali Yuga -- the final age (Iron Age) of the four-age cycle of human existence (known as the Manvantara). The Kali Yuga (some say we're in the last stages of it) is of course characterized by cultural, spiritual, even physical dissolution and disintegration, an inevitable period in which offenses must need come (but woe, of course, unto those by whom the offense cometh).
One note. Diabetes is just as big a racket as cancer. To cure diabetes is, in fact, even simpler -- just stop eating sugar. The American (and now global) diet is absolutely loaded with sugar and literally millions of people in places where sugar was once not so readily consumable (e.g., Thailand, where I live) are "stricken" with diabetes and, due to ignorance, rush off to the hospital thinking they have some kind of "disease." Another pathetic charade that the sheeple fall for.
An old Chinese gentlemen I worked with back in the 1980s used to tell me that "China got a lot of secrets, man." One of these secrets was to eat boiled chicken with lemon to cure diabetes. Regardless, my guess is that diabetes is very rare in China, Japan, Korea, etc. It's a Western thing. Thanks, Rob!
As Japan and Korea have become more "westernized" in their diets, diabetes has become much more prevalent. The main issue is the victim is an ADDICT and has an almost impossible time to try and not eat something with sugar. I know...I have the issue. The fatty liver caused by the sugar needs to cure itself and it won't do so with sugar input.
Thank you, michigan.rob That is another thing the vast majority doesn't realize. Time is cyclical, not linear. The ability to convey and recognize wisdom, truth, beauty, courage etc. never changes, and this ability is lost during the Iron Age. You are spot on about Diabetes. Some years ago I read that Diabetes, regardless of how severe, has never failed to be cured if the sufferer goes on a strict vegan diet and of course avoids sugar. The naturopath who wrote the article gave example after example of this. Also, your liver produces insulin to convert fat into energy. However, insulin is needed to counteract the deleterious effects of sugar. So the Liver expends its insulin supply on people who consume copious amounts of sweets leaving none to convert the body's fat into energy. That's why heavy sugar eaters are tired and burnt out all of the time.
Not technically correct, factually correct as you just admitted. Your earlier comment contained the statement that insulin is produced by the liver. I find it easier to simply admit to an incorrect statement than to try to evade it, but that's just me.
It wasn't incorrect. Even though the pancreas makes it, the liver discharges it, which is equivalent to producing it for the body's requirements. Incidentally, I was quoting/paraphrasing a doctor well versed in naturopathy and he said it is the liver, for the same reasons aforementioned. I suggest you go split hairs with him.
Diabetes can be cured with a diet rich in red meat and non starchy vegetables. A friend of mine was told by his Doctor he was looking at amputations as his diabetes was so severe. He went on the above diet plus a regimen of fasting. In two weeks without drugs his blood sugar was in normal ranges. That was almost 10 years ago and he is still healthy at 65.
As my wife is diabetic he sent me a copy of the book he used. It is called The Diabetes Code. by Dr. Jason Fung. I hope this helps. I am still trying to convince my wife to try it but for some reason she is reluctant. Strange for someone so vehemently opposed to Flu snd Covid shots. At any rate I keep trying.
Saw a very convincing video years ago of a doctor (naturopath, I think) who stated that diabetes was entirely related to diet and could be "cured" within six weeks via a strict protein diet. He seemed to scoff, like I do at most things Western, at the idea that it was a "disease" that required medical treatment (drugs and the like).
It is, so many so-called diseases are directly related to diet. More than that, it's the toxins in our food, air, and water. This civilization is actually a syphyllization. "They" kill us one way or another.
The "Medical/Legal/Insurance Racket." Truly, one of the strongest cartels on earth. They have more money than the charlatans of the Pentagon's military complex.
My entire life has been spent avoiding the White Coats like the plague. Now that I have no choice I can see how the Plandemic has put many doctors into retirement or caused many to leave. Our health care system has run off the tracks and no one seems to care but those who need help. How many people died because elective surgeries were canceled with no further notice? The two week stay at home then everything will get back to normal never happened and it looks like it was never intended too. Now with Turbo Cancers hitting the scene and increases in every other type of illness sick people are put on months or even years waiting list. And that's just for the first Specialist visit, then come all the test and procedures required before any real treatment can happen. I predict a slow but steady kill off into the next 5-10 years. Hopefully the crematories can keep up. Or will we "own nothing and be happy" eating 'Soylent Green'? Those who are unfortunate enough to still be alive. This will also cause a migration back to the cities that have been converted or created as Smart or 15 minute utopias. Oh yeah, all the self sufficient off grid people will be moving back one way or another.
When I was a very young child my mom took us in for our vaxxinations. That night I hallucinated that the doctor was removing my body parts and replacing it with oil and straw.
I always thought the hallucination was true. I never forgot that event.
Must have been around five years old. If parents only knew what can go on in the fragile mind of their own children.
Here for your records is a transcript of the complete rant by that sage of the ages!
But there’s a reason. There’s a reason. There’s a reason for this, there’s a reason education SUCKS, and it’s the same reason it will never, ever, EVER be fixed.
It’s never going to get any better, don’t look for it, be happy with what you’ve got.
Because the owners, the owners of this country don't want that. I'm talking about the real owners now, the BIG owners! The Wealthy… the REAL owners! The big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions.
Forget the politicians. They are irrelevant. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice! You have OWNERS! They OWN YOU. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought, and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. They got you by the balls.
They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying, lobbying, to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else, but I'll tell you what they don’t want:
They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. that's against their interests.
That's right. They don’t want people who are smart enough to sit around a kitchen table and think about how badly they’re getting f&$#%d by a system that threw them overboard 30 f&@&@%$g years ago. They don’t want that!
You know what they want? They want obedient workers. Obedient workers, people who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork. And just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shitty jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it, and now they’re coming for your Social Security money. They want your retirement money. They want it back so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street, and you know something? They’ll get it. They’ll get it all from you sooner or later cause they own this f@&@%g place! It's a big club, and you ain’t in it! You, and I, are not in the big club.
By the way, it's the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe. All day long beating you over the head with their media telling you what to believe, what to think and what to buy. The table has tilted folks. The game is rigged and nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care! Good honest hard-working people; white collar, blue collar it doesn’t matter what color shirt you have on. Good honest hard-working people continue, these are people of modest means, continue to elect these rich cock suckers who don’t give a f%@k about you….they don’t give a f@%k about you… they don’t give a F@&K about you.
They don’t care about you at all… at all… AT ALL. And nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care. that's what the owners count on. The fact that Americans will probably remain willfully ignorant of the big red, white and blue d@&k that's being jammed up their a%@$#*s everyday, because the owners of this country know the truth.
It's called the American Dream,because you have to be asleep to believe it. ~ George Carlin
If George was alive today he would be gas lighted shadow band all his bank accounts and credit cards cancelled and he'd probably looking at some bogus Fed charges that would tie him up in court battles that would drag on for years and eventually bankrupt him. He would be labeled a Climate denier and a Domestic Terrorist on a No Fly List. And he would be called the Greatest threat to our Democracy. Off with his head! That's what telling the truth today will get you if not locked up without bail, lawyer and a trial.
"Eustace Clarence Mullins Jr. was an American white supremacist, antisemitic conspiracy theorist, propagandist, Holocaust denier, and writer." Definitely my kind of guy. And yes, I wish I would have read his books when they first came out. I would have been brought up to speed a lot sooner.
But God has his ways, and the fact that I came to the same conclusions independently, makes those conclusions all the more powerful.
When I first saw the first part of your response in my notifications I thought...well you can only imagine. I see you read the BS that wackypedia has listed for the late Eustace. The list is stretched beyond reality! But hey, they have to say ANYONE that goes against their one world communist system either fills that whole list or maybe fills one that is longer! Ever read the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion? There was a spot in there that floored me one day when it was brought to my attention about some current affairs. It has to be totally coincidental I'm sure!
Protocol 10. second to last paragraph: "But you yourselves perfectly well know that to produce the possibility of the expression of such wishes by all the nations it is indispensable to trouble all countries the people's relations with their governments so as to utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, AND THEN THIS IS IN ALL CAPITOL LETTERS!!!! BY THE INOCULATION OF DISEASES, by want, so that the Goyim see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.
I listed all the BS about Eustace Mullins just to demonstrate that adage that if you are getting flack, you are over the target (even if you are a shill. They have to give shills flack to. It helps the credibility.)
"The Learned Protocols of the Elders of Zion" seems to me to be a Deep-State/Deep-Church-deep-fake.
Sure, they give away a lot of the game to newbies, and contain much valuable information. But there is nothing in them about the True Goals of the Satanists, which is to distort Salvation History, divert all Human Endeavor to purely natural means, and efface- if not eliminate- the Great Work of the Redemption by the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
And the way have Catholics currently divided over the antics of Pope Frantic... well, one has to give these people their due. Our Lady of Fatima worked the greatest miracle since Moses parted the waters of the Red Sea yet she is hardly talked about.
"Don't you see all those roads and fields full of people, crying because they have nothing to eat" little Jacinta asked her older cousin after consulting about a vision she had, and St Sr Lucia had to tell her to keep mum because that is part of the secret. But little blabbermouth Jacinta, just like she gave away the initial apparition to her mother, which was ultimately the reason why 70,000 people saw the "Miracle of the Sun", gives the whole diabolical plan away.
Yes, they want us on the reservation, so they can pull the proverbial plug and make us slaves. And for over a century they have declared total war on the sustainable household- in the old days it used to be derided as "subsistence farming"... we have to get rid of all those Third World subsistence farmers who block the March of Progress. (Such was my public school indoctrination.)- fatherhood in particular, parental authority in general, and the Deposit of Faith.
And that is why I say "Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!!"
Did you ever READ "The Learned Protocols of the Elders of Zion"? As for the deep state? Henry Ford gave away a free copy with every sale of his Model T. Was the deep state that entrenched that far back? I don't think so. And I've read the protocols and either it is the most coincidental book in existence or SOMEONE is following the precepts to the TEE. I mean that statement about the inoculations is actually all capital letters in the book. And when you look at the complete paragraph isn't that exactly what is going on right now? Supposedly the book is faked by some anti-semite who was looking at the money he could make. Well if it's fake, you sure could fool me because if you read it you can't say that something is amiss when one precept after another is seen going on around the world as if on some kind of time schedule.
I think our only hope, at least in the USA is getting the first 13 words of the 2nd amendment back in force and effect.
I don't buy that bit about all pols being the same, or that Trump did nothing different.
That's Drooler Nonsense. Trump pulled us out of the Climate Change accord and spelled out clearly enough for the Drooliest Drooler to understand, and they still ranted against it.
Then he pulled us out of the WHO, thereby insuring they could not even launch their insane power grab under his watch.
He did that and much more, while hamstrung with traitorous military, Obama Resistance Fighters, two bogus impeachments and Covid.
To me, his administration is proof positive that it is not all the same, or even vaguely close, to China Joe.
Trump did exactly as he was told and played the personality he was groomed for. Look at his past and tell me he wasn't part of the system. Sure he made all the talking points we wanted to hear but what did he actually accomplish that made any lasting difference? Trumps greatest achievement and this will be his historical contribution as Commander in Chief 'Warp Speed'. Elections have been rigged since the early 90's and Trump was put in office just like the Clinton's, Bush's and Biden. Just wait till he is re-elected only to lead this country into it's final days.
Trump was hood winked by those he trusted like Fauci. He, like many people today, still believes in the Medical Mafia as if they were the arbiters of all medical truth. Sad to say in the least as they really are the death merchants more so than the military industrial complex.
I can't believe you said that. Did you read Jeffries 'The Trumpenstein Project'? I've given up on those who still consider Trump their hero and continue making excuses for him. Mr Jeffries sums it up perfectly in the 'Trupenstein Project':
The Trump Project has succeeded in killing any hope of an independent political movement, outside of the phony left-right paradigm. All political discourse now is filtered through the prism of Trump’s outlandish personality, and how one reacts to it. And most Americans have responded predictably to the programming, and fall in faithfully into either the “love” or “hate” category.
We have gone from a president that the most absurd “conspiracy theorists” believe may have been created in a lab- Barack “no real personal history” Obama, to a character right out of WWE central casting, manufactured to get the maximum amount of cheers and hisses. A perfect leader for our burgeoning Idiocracy.
I thought you might agree. What do you think of the new triangle of deception? Tucker, Jones and Musk? They are being promoted as the new darlings of Truth and Justice. It's just mind numbing.
Trump was goaded into a lot of what you say with the haters as usual all over the place. Remember the hysteria at that time. I don’t want to be friends with him, but I like what he did and does. He is certainly a FAR better candidate than JB or the “VP” both of which are, I don’t even have the words how terrible they are.
VICKI: I don't vote. I even had my name taken off of the voter rolls at the County. I don't like any of the politicians except Thomas Massie and Rand Paul. Mike Lee is okay, too. But that's about it.
I think Trump is a distraction. He's part of the circus to keep people from revolting.
I have to give you 21 likes, but it will only give me the ability to give you one. You sir are on the same page as I am to the TEE!!! Maybe we are brothers! Following...
I vividly recall when it first sunk in for me, how stupid the average American was, in 1980. The National Park Service announced that the feral donkeys in Grand Canyon were destroying the canyon environment, and they were to be shot. There was a huge hullabaloo because the brilliant public thought the park service was going to kill the park mules that carry tourists to the river. I remember being disgusted by this stupidness, but soon I was noticing this kind of inability to comprehend reality was a national trait. Add to that, no working memory past last week for most folks, and you have what we have today. Even when truth is finally revealed by the msm, the event is long forgotten...or most likely, the person who you argued with is now denying they were on the wrong side of history. A huge number of people are now saying they saw through 9-11 at the time...and I'm not buying it. I sure didn't know anyone besides myself who disbelieved the msm propaganda...and I'm talking YEARS afterwards. Some say they: "woke up but went back to sleep". Imho, either you wake up, or you don't.
I spent exactly 30 years trying to "wake people up"...but I'm in retirement now. When I saw how almost everyone fell for the scamdemic psy-op...it slapped me in the face...how I had been engaging in a huge waste of my time, the past 30 years. Out of hundreds of people I had talked to, only two didn't take the Jonestown jab, and thanked me for saving their lives. In my experience, most people have a difficult time parsing out the reality that surrounds them, even when they're getting 100 percent of the truth. Throw in a worldwide conspiracy that has been brainwashing them for decades, and they are hopeless. I often wonder how the average stupid American can make it through their daily tasks without going off the rails. They seem too stupid to get anything done correctly.
I must disagree with you Donald, about the driving thing. Those who pause ten seconds when the light turns green are the smart ones. I can't tell you how many times lately I've seen someone fail to stop on a red. Every time I'm crossing a street on foot, I proceed as if the driver will not stop for the red...and almost always I'm right...and my pause has just saved myself from injury or death. I've always felt insurance was extortion, and I've driven most of the last 40 years without it...because I just didn't have the money to pay for it . I've never had an uninsured accident. I drove three years on a suspended license (for no insurance) and never got caught. How did I manage this? By driving super cautiously, and under the speed limit. There is a kid in a nearby town who is alive today because of my cautious driving. The speed limit was 15 mph, I was going less than 10 mph when he shot out on a skateboard from between two parked cars. Even after slamming on the brakes, I would have hit him at the speed limit. People drive like they are going to a fire, for what benefit? They risk their lives running stop lights...or going through yellows...to get home a minute sooner? This is a terrible risk/benefit choice. You risk permanent injury, death, the ruin of your car, increased insurance...for what? ...getting to your destination five minutes earlier? It doesn't even work. I usually catch up with these impatient drivers, who I witness doing dangerous things, several lights down the road. I WANT to be in the slow lane, and I pull over for tailgaters, if it is safe to do so. I don't want anything to do with people who refuse to use critical thinking while driving. I trust no one...and I especially don't trust other drivers to obey traffic laws...in particular, stopping at red lights. If you DO trust they will stop... sooner or later you will be hit by a red light runner. I have had insurance for the past three years, though...but my extreme caution behind the wheel is a habit I will always have.
I just remembered...there was one accident I was in. Two pot smoking idiots turned left in front of me. Even going 15 miles under the speed limit, I hit their van broadside. The strangest thing happened...my car bounced off the van, spun 360 degrees in the middle of the road...and came to rest on a side street. The only damage to both vehicles, was my smashed rearview mirror (not sure how that happened). These stoned imbiciles tried to say it was my fault that I hit them when they turned left into their driveway right across oncoming traffic. We were both happy to just let it go. Me, because of no insurance, and they because they were stoned. No cops came ...thank goodness.
You are so spot on, Kris. I drove without insurance and a license for 15 years. I finally got caught in Rice County Kansas, not because I was doing anything illegal, but because I had arrived early for our pilgrimage march to the cross of Juan Padilla and I was just walking along the road, and the sheriff was curious. My mistake was telling him my car was parked up the road in the parking area, and I was just walking back to it. He went and ran my plate, and was waiting when I arrived. He then impounded my car when I told him I had no insurance. (My car was out of state, and the plate was not obviously expired.)
Rice County did me a favor. That was in 2005 when the drivers really started to become insane not just in the big cities, but in the country as well.
I recall one time in Texas I was on a back road. The speed limit was 55. I was doing 65. And the locals were passing me like I was a Sunday driver.
Yes, when I walk my dog, I always assume the worst. I stay well off the road, and go into a field whenever a car is coming.
Most people run their whole lives like they are going to a fire. They panic at the drop of a hat.
Never volunteer information to a cop. After I lost my license for no insurance, I started making phony insurance papers. They fooled every cop that ever stopped me...and they fish. I once was stopped at 2 am driving to work in the slow lane, on a four lane road, with no other car in sight. The cop said my slow driving might impede other drivers. Actually, he thought I driving under the limit because I had something to hide. He looked like a fool. But the creeping police state made me realize I could not get away with phony insurance papers for much longer. Now they run your plate and can see if you have insurance.
Wow- you were quite the rebel genius, Kris. I had to pay the uninsured motorists fee for 2 years back in the late '70s after my DWI arrest. I was a pathfinder- one of the first to have to go to ASAP, as MADD was monitoring the courtrooms to make sure they threw the book at young, non-NFL players like me. Thanks!
Actually Donald, It was living in poverty most of my adult life that has made me so crafty. My mind was always working on some problem I had to solve without money. As you have stated so many times ...they do this to the unwashed masses in America...keeping us stressed and busy following unnecessary rules, and broke paying neverending fees. I noticed myself becoming soft, the few times in my life when I had a lump of money land in my life. My survival instinct became toned down, as well my problem solving ideas. I consider it a gift, now that things are easier. I think of myself as a wiley old coyote, who has escaped death and calamity so many times, that I know I can handle whatever comes my way. One of the finest compliments I ever received was : "you're the most successful poor person I have ever met".
That is a great compliment, Kris. I appreciate you sharing so much of your personal life here. Clearly it helped forge your great strength of character. Thanks.
I offer comments in the spirit of information sharing, which perhaps may help others along the path. I hope they are taken in that spirit...rather than self-aggrandizement.
Just for the record my dog has not had a "license", I am not a resident at any address, and I have not filed any taxes since 2005. Please don't turn me in.
You certainly had more ingenuity than I did. I used to have two license plates- a Missouri one for East of the Mississippi, and a Pennsylvania one for West of the Mississippi. The Pennsylvania one was particularly good because in the old days they did not have those stupid paper plates but used to give you a plate with a little "T" for "temporary" sticker until you got your registration sticker. The average out-of-state cop was not going to figure that one out.
You mistake was driving under the speed limit. I always drove with the flow of traffic. Number one rule under Stalin- do not be a standout. Be in the crowd and hide in plain sight.
The cops these days are really nothing more than extensions of the "fusion center" they are in constant contact with. (Most cop shops do not even have a local dispatch anymore- when you dial 911 you call might as well be going to India. The last time I had 911 on the phone the lady had no idea where the location was, even though the accident was on a main highway just outside of a pretty large town. I asked where she was located and she would not tell me. Apparently, even the locations of the fusion centers are Top Secret.)
The minute you say "no" to their requests you can almost see their brains go haywire. Then, when you start asking them why they have "made contact" (always use their lingo when possible- it makes them even more nervous because suddenly they realize they are dealing with a thinking person...). In all cases so far, they have cleared the area like a bat out of hell. (The bottom line is that being a real criminal cultivates paranoia. The greatest fear of the criminal is being caught.)
At this point if any cop wants to get nasty and pull a gun on me and try to intimidate my attitude is "go ahead and pull the trigger and make my day. Everything I am looking forward to is up above and that is my express ticket. Meanwhile I know what "compliance" gets me- probably a ride to the local lockup where they will probably think I am part of a plot to topple the local syndicate. They will not believe a word I say but will believe all the slanders I know are on my "permanent record" about being mentally deranged (because I questioned the official story of 911) and having "illegal nonresident status (whatever that means) and etc.
The way they roll is they want to convince you that you are a criminal- the worst in the world- because you do not "co-operate with the system".
Back in the good old days the cops used to be trained to hide the police state. "Oh, we don't keep records in computers..." they used to say in the 1980's. Funny how now I can see a list of every "police contact" from 1978 (the year I got a driver's license- did not get one until college) to 1990 (the year I tossed my license in the trash).
You know a cop is lying the minute their lips start moving.
Yep, I know all about the "grey man" strategy. I've used it all my life. The great thing about it is, the older you get, the better it works...because old folks just naturally fade into the woodwork.
Actually, driving under the speed limit was the best strategy for me. I avoided countless uninsured accidents, and was only pulled over for slow driving a few times, and never received a citation in those cases. My phony papers worked on EVERY cop...although if caught at forgery, the price paid would have been much higher.
I always enjoy your comments. You are definitely one of the most perceptive people out there, with a wide range of experiences.
As for me, I was always a very careful driver too once I ditched the insurance. I would not recommend driving uninsured for everybody. If you are married with children you could lose a lot in a vindictive lawsuit so you might need the liability there if you have a sheeple job. I also mainly used the car for long trips- over fifty miles, or if I was hauling, say, 10 bags of cement. My bike was for the shorter trips. I used to have a little yellow Ford Festiva (got that, CIA shills- note on my past history) (Actually, the only thing "Ford" about that car was the label. It was built at the Kia motor plant, had a Japanese tranny, a Fiat engine, German Drive train and bearings..) that I put 200,000 miles on, rebuilt the engine and transmission, and then drove another 50,000 miles before being finally caught as detailed above. (There was a mistake in the shop manual. When I put the Tranny back together (in those days when you said tranny, everybody knew you were talking about a transmission... these days...) 3rd gear did not work, because the slot rail was backwards, so I had to go from second to fourth. I figured it would be a great deterrent against theft because anybody going through the gears the first time would hear this clunk in third, the car would either stall or coast, and he would be dead on the road, as happened to me the first time, until I was able to jam the thing into reverse, and then back into first, and then into fourth and finally, fifth.
I immensely enjoyed that car, and it was "culture shock" for a time being deprived of it. But I have since learned you can go just as far on a bike just not as fast, and, on the whole, campgrounds are way safer than motels. (Half the people in a campground have guns. If the cops ever tried their antics in a campground I guarantee "civil war" would break out. Unfortunately, the whole campground culture is an endangered species. Last time I was at a campground the whackadoodles were in full force and full control, and we are not talking a state or national park- places I avoid like the plague.
But in my mid '60's I am finally slowing down. I can only walk 20 miles now as opposed to 50, and the joints get sore just winding up a long extension cord. I am ready for a self-propelled lawn mower, and have to spend more time resting. But then again most of me does not want to see 2025, let alone 2030.
Bicycle has been my main mode of transportation for 30 years. As careful as I am, I was struck by a car in 2007...a young girl on a cell phone. Luckily, I fell with the bike between me and the car. My bike was destroyed, but I escaped with cuts and bruises. My guardian angel works overtime.
the scamdemic and clot shots were the new 911 litmus test. and the straw that broke this camels hope for humanity's back. Ghandi said he would rather have a less efficient Indian system than the British one. he was silent on not being able to have any system that was not out to kill you anyways. Did he believe in Anti Civilisation? great idea, someone should try it sometime. they did, on 6 billion jabbed. we shall see how safe (for the perps) and effective( in culling the sheep) and efficient (in excess deaths and sterility) is was.
Well, there is at least one thing we don't have in common, Kris. I would never doubt you. My experience has been different, but just as frustrating. Maybe I am driving too fast, although my Prius really limits any ability to speed with its lack of pickup. Either way, it's clear that far too many people are playing games with others on the road. Thanks!
Kris: I always hesitate at stop signs (four way stops are the worst) and stop lights here in Northern California. Half or more of the drivers are on one drug or another. And I drive at 55-60 on the freeway. I don't care. People can pass me. I'm not burning more gas or stressing my vehicle's old engine to make the bastards happy.
I'll probably never get the answer to this, but it's worth a try. There is something that has happened to me many times that is extremely perplexing. I'm driving in the slow lane on a four lane highway. The fast lane is clear as far as the eye can see. A driver barrels up behind me in the slow lane...and then proceeds to tailgate me in the slow lane, for miles. It is not because they plan to make a right turn up ahead...I am always watching for this., and it doesn't happen. I just can't understand why anyone would do this. The only thing I can think of is, many people are made miserable by their families and co-workers. They feel they can't express their angst to the party they are angry with, so they bully inocent people who cross their path. If anyone can think of another reason, please let me know. I would like to solve this mystery.
There is no excuse for that, Kris. But my experience, conversely, has been to be stuck in the left lane, behind someone going too slow. And then often, if you get a chance to pass them, they will speed up. Some control freaks like to slow others down, while some resent being slowed down. Whenever any of these dangerous shenanigans are going on, our proud police officers, normally drooling over the next traffic citation, are nowhere to be found. I've never seen an aggressive driver stopped in action by one of our wonderful public servants. Thanks!
I think we are seeing two sides of the same coin...angry, hostile folks who who take out their personal frustrations behind the wheel, by trying to control other drivers. You see the ones trying to control by going slow and blocking your passing...and I see the ones going fast, and trying to control by tailgating and flashing their lights. No, I am not going to move into the fast lane, so some bully can pass me because they are too lazy to change lanes. It can't hurt anyone to pause for a couple of seconds after the light turns green, and make SURE the oncoming traffic is actually going to stop for the red. It just may save your life
I think that's exactly right, Kris. Different types of sociopathic behavior. I should take your advice and slow down, although I really don't think I drive fast. I actually can't, even it I wanted to, because I drive a Prius. Thanks.
On the freeway I usually drive on cruise control (weather permitting). Often when I change lanes to pass a slower vehicle they inexplicably speed up. You have two choices. You can speed up to get past them or slow down and get in behind them. Invariably if you get in behind them they will again slow down. As I am on cruise my speed is stable. My conclusion is that far too many people on the highway should not be driving. Same thing never go through a green light without looking both ways first. It is surprising how many people blatantly run red lights. Maybe thy are the Walter Mittie's of life living out their fantasies of power behind the wheel.
What I described usually happens to me on a clear highway with low traffic volume. Even on cruise control, a good driver would be looking ahead, notice a "slow" vehicle (in my case, going the speed limit) in the slow lane, and still have plenty of time to get over into the fast lane without disengaging their cruise control. People drive on autopilot, just like they go through life. People are chronically late due to poor planning and not allowing enough time for their activities. I had a camping buddy who used to be like that. Finally I said to him: "I'm tired of setting up tents in the dark. You need to manage your time better, or I will not go camping with you again".
I"m right behind you and was wondering if you could just pull clear over to the right so I can get by. It just takes so much energy on my part to turn the wheel to go around, and I would have to signal, and accelerate, you know, and all the stuff to accomplish that sort of thing so can you just move out of the way? LOL
It's like it's the same kind of person who can't lead or take initiative because they're too chickenshit but have no problem criticizing those who do. It's like, "go faster!" when they could easily have gone faster on their own had they not been a passive-aggressive pussy. Just a thought.
Matt, that makes more sense than anything else. I read all the "agony aunt" columns online...just for fun, and to remind myself how grateful I am that I don't have inter-personal problems like these folks. Almost all of the queries are from people asking this stranger, for permission to do something (rid their lives of someone, etc). I think it's because most modern people simply do not want to take responsibility for their choices. This explains the huge uptake of the Jonestown jab.
I've driven to Central America four times, and the drivers in Mexico are not that different from here. I drove sans insurance in Mexico, as well as the U.S.
I've driven in rush hour traffic in perhaps the three worst driving cities; London, Nairobi and Mexico City. In my opinion, merry old England wins the prize for dangerous drivers. This came as an utter shock to me, because I find English people to be the most helpful and kindest to travelers. It's bizarre to witness cars racing through picturesque little villages, as of it were the Grand Prix, and see pedestrians leaping to safety. When I rented a car there, I was involved in a fender-bender, and was also the sole witness to a fatal crash. On a level (wet) road a SUV flipped, and the driver went flying out the windshield into the woods. A plumber on his way to work stopped, (called their 911 on his cell) and I asked him why English folk drive so crazy. He admitted to me that while on vacation in the States, he had received a speeding ticket, right off the bat, for driving what he felt was "normal".
Now that is what I experienced driving in Mexico. I personally witnessed a fatal roll over accident one Sunday morning which left a memory I will never forget. But the roads are littered with crosses marking the deaths from car accidents and every once in a while you will see a make shift shine on the side of the road where people leave flowers and lite candles. The burned out skeletons of cars and trucks are left to rust away if they are down an embankment where it is costly to salvage. Once I drove past a head on collision that happened just days prior between a simi truck and a passenger bus, it was not pretty.
It was kind of a joke for us gringos to notice how the Mexicans were always in manana mode until they got behind the steering wheel and then they were always late to their funeral. Traffic signs were there just as a suggestion and not to be taken seriously. 4 way stops were like Russian Roulette with nobody ever really stopping. I did quite a few miles down there on many different trips all over Mexico and Baja. Even did a trip down to Belize and Guatemala one time.
Mexico is a great and wonderful country full of good hearted people, just different in many ways. Once you're there for a while and get over the culture shock you learn how to trough all your cares to the wind when you get behind the wheel and then it gets real interesting. Not safe or secure but you soon realize those are just figments of the imagination and have nothing to do with reality. I actually believe there is much more freedom down there because they don't have the Police State we have here, sure there are some muy malo hombres but where don't they exist?
Bruce Shaver: It's the Montezuma's Revenge that I can't handle. Had enough of that every day in Belem, Brazil for six months in 1990. My intestines can't take it anymore. LOL.
I have lots of funny stories about my many bouts with traveler's tummy...my desperate search for a private bush/tree, while riding a Vespa on the island of Zanzibar (no matter how rural the road, Zanzibar roads always have a steady stream of pedestrians)... bedridden in Guatemala and being tortured by the only English language tv channel (CNN) but far to weak to get up and change the channel...but the worst was in the town of Tequila in 2005. I spent 24 hours laying on the bathroom floor, losing electrolytes from both ends. I really believe it would have killed me...but by the greatest of good fortune...I had a bag of limes and a jar of sea salt. Once an hour I forced myself to my feet, squeezed a lime into a glass with water, and added a large pinch of sea salt. I was very weak for three days.
You are the sheeple we’re talking about in your super safe driving habits. Thank you for keeping is all on our toes. I’m still wondering all those that are alive today because of you. God bless.
A very honest and affecting essay. Yes, this people vs. sheeple is a painful dilemma ... and reality... for populists. But there is nothing like the simple, straightforward gesture of sincere respect towards another person to inspire them to be the best they can be. And that is the best we can do.
Donald-you and me are carrying around like George Carlin used to say, a little free-floating hostility. You can't help it living in this Insane Asylum world we now live in. It is tough not to be hard on the sheeple that we come in contact with, but remember we are lied to from the cradle to the grave. When you get out of high school in this country you are totally clueless on who controls things and how the world really works. You just become a schlepper, as the Jews say. Sending your child off to the Public Fool (School) System should be considered child abuse. Who was it that said (In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act. And the people driving around on the freeway these days on your bumper that's not a fun experience. Most people nowadays are so far in debt they are running around like rats in a wheel trying to pay for the things that they think they own. (Ramblings from a Boomer)
I hear you, Jack. That's why Substack is so cathartic for me. It helps to dispel all that free-floating hostility that you can't help but have when living in the world's wealthiest Banana Republic. Thanks!
We’ll all be judged by how we practiced the golden rule. We have to look for angels in everyone, even when they act like devils. We have to hold out hope they will change or wake up. The sun shines on the good and the bad. I love those old movies too.
I don’t know. You do a pretty good job in my opinion. Keep giving to the poor at stop lights. I do the same along with a tiny book of Bible verses. But yeah, we’re all sinners and fall short of the glory of God. Thanks for all your great writings. If I get to heaven, I expect to see you there.
That's very nice to hear, Annette. I did try standup at a few open mic nights when I was very young. I guess it went okay. I just try to see the humor in everything. Laugh so we don't cry. Thank you!
Two corollaries: The traffic is always moving faster in the other lane beside you. The light will always turn red just before you think you are going to get past it.
And why is it when I am ready to check out I always pick the slowest lane? I try to warn those who come behind me but they just laugh until they realize hours later, I was right.
I'm sure you and Sam would have had a hell of a time together too. I have only recently come across your work but from what I have seen and heard your work really stands above the rest. I can't even imagine the hours of research you have put into your writing and to put it all together in a comprehensive way is a gift many writers never accomplish. I'm not blowing smoke up your ass either bro, you really should be proud of you talent. I look forward to reading more of your books.
You have a point, Timmy. But for many blue collar workers, especially, time is absolutely critical. With authoritarian rules in place at virtually every workplace, getting behind a series of texters or distracted drivers, causing you to miss lights because of their inattention, might be enough to make you late enough to get written up. If you run into a huge backup because of a tractor overturning on the freeway or something, most employers now will just scoff and say "that's no excuse." I admit to being impatient on the road when there is no need to be. I shouldn't ever be a hurry. I need to work on that- maybe a New Year's resolution. But for those trying to get to work, or perhaps pick up their young children after practice, it's very frustrating when people hold you up needlessly. As I mentioned in another reply, both the aggressive tailgaters and the lethargic plodders who make a bee line for the left lane, seem to enjoy frustrating people. Thanks.
Seems like the car in the left lane going just the speed limit and no more is always a Tesla making their point to conserve oil and limit your carbon foot print to save the planet while promoting abortion and population control in Africa. Got love the logic.
DJ: I agree with you about commuters. I don't drive during commuter hours. I did enough of that driving to work from Edmonds, WA to Renton, WA. That commute on I-5 is pure hell.
Sheeple vs People ...Sheeple 90+% People 10% or less from what I have observed.. Bread and Circuses. Sheeple only care about who won the game, what star is doing what or with whom. What are the Kardashians wearing. BTW I used to call sheeple lemmings.
The majority of people's main goal in life is self preservation. What separates them is at what point will they sell their souls for security. What we have in this country is a major stupidity problem. Read the polls and the majority is unhappy with our leaders. Read comments and most don't care much for the rich yet most Congressmen are very rich compared to the working poor. That said on every election there is a 90+% return rate to Congress. That folks is sheer stupidity. I suppose I have always been an Anarchist but even if I weren't with the majority, when it comes to politics, can't seem to understand that you can't get change by doing the same thing over and over. We the people select rapists, pedophiles, drug addicts, vegetables and a couple totally insane to be our leaders. I didn't mention corrupt because finding someone that isn't is to big a task for my little brain.
Mr. Jeffries, I agree with you about Dicken's Christmas Carol. The very best story!
Sheeple is a fine word, but I find that most sheeple find everyone else to be sheeple. As someone who spends much time reading the thoughts of others, I can testify that conservatives enjoy reporting liberals as sheeple. And liberals laugh heartily at what sheeple the deplorables are.
They probably do, Retired Librarian. I can picture most people on the road, for instance, shouting at all the "idiots" around them, even when they may be the worst driver out there. Thank you!
I suspect the Sheeple don't cause most of the trouble; they don't do much at all except accede and pay taxes. The opponents of the town clerk the Realtors appointed mayor in my town get 85% support in preelection polls, but she wins by 51-54%. An earlier candidate mysteriously "committed suicide" just before the election. No noise or protest about any of this.
While Utah has the reputation of the rudest drivers in the nation, only a few stoned texters miss lights. OTOH, thieving and vandalizing meth heads (the developers' wrecking ball) run rampant. Ritalin seems to have set the stage for this. They pushed it when we registered my son for Kindergarten.
Don't answer cold calls. At most, call them back. (Most are "not in service".) When I did this spam calls dropped from 8 per day to 4.
I think the Sheeple cause the problems because of their inaction. Their inability to think critically. Remember, we started calling them sheep because of what Orwell wrote about them in "Animal House," where they bleated out the elite jargon. Thanks, SaHiB!
If "We The People" weren't censored and shadow-banned at every turn in every medium, you'd find-out that WE ARE the largest block of citizens in America.
Also, but harder to achieve, an honest media for just a few months would make "US" the clear majority.
Hence, knowing those two things, I still have some hope.
I would disagree with you sir. If we were the largest block of citizens in America I would have meet one of ya'll from time to time but the reality is just the opposite and I rarely meet anyone I can converse with.
I think you're right, Myriad Mike. I still think we're outnumbered, but certainly if we stuck together in a coordinated effort, we would be much more effective. As someone impacted by the shadow ban across all social media, I can testify to how impactful this is on your ability to garner support for anti-establishment perspectives. Thanks!
My father who was a devout Christian left school around grade eight to work on his father's farm taught me one very important lesson and that is to speak the truth always and to seek the truth which meant be open to diverse and informed viewpoints. And this high regard for truth came from the Bible: “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32. And it seemed growing up 1950s and 1960s, most people spoke their mind and to do otherwise was considered cowardly and in fact evil.. But something changed through the 1970s and just got a lot worth until today, people do not just lie from time to time but commonly espouse a narrative that is totally untrue on almost every major subject. For example, as a research scientist in the field of earth science for over 35 years, I found myself attacked by colleagues and administrators for challenging the so-called Anthropogenic Global Warming (ADW) "theory" and exposing the UN's IPCC which was never about science but the corruption of science. So when the "pandemic" was declared and "safe and effective" COVID shots were rolled out, I spent about 500 hours researching all aspects of the COVID "pandemic" and as a result refused to take these lethal injections and advised others not to take them. The ostracization by family, friends, neighbors and colleagues for challenging the COVID narrative has shaken my faith in humanity. At least I now understand how the Bolsheviks exterminated some 60 million Russians according to Solzhenitsyn and there was no shortage it would seem of Stalin's willing executioners. So now we find ourselves living a world of lies as far as the eye can see. Some examples include Biden was elected president in a fair election; Congress represents the people; the DoJ is concerned with true justice and natural law; all wars by the West are waged to protect democracy; carbon dioxide the gas of life is a pollutant that drives global warming and a climatic crisis; John Kennedy was assassinated by a single bullet fired by Lee Harvey Oswald; the Twin Towers were brought down by ramming planes highjacked by Islamic terrorists armed to the teeth with box cutters into the towers; the war in the Ukraine was caused by Russia and not by the crazed NeoCons who orchestrated and funded the 2014 coup; a free and democratic Ukraine led by a modern version of Winston Churchill is winning the war; the genocide of over 15,000 civilians, half of whom are children, in the Gaza war constitutes Israeli self defense; the privately owned Fed that has created trillions of dollars out of thin air causing major debt and inflation is working in the best interests of the American people; the FBI is not the Gestapo but a well run domestic police service; the CIA and FBI do not spy on Americans or anyone else; Big Pharma and the Medical Industrial Complex is about saving lives; the COVID shots are safe and effective despite the 17 million deaths worldwide; the main stream media is a fountain of truth and knowledge that sustains democracy; schools and universities are not engaged in indoctrination but teaching basic math and science....and the list goes on and on and on. Russia refers to America as the Empire of Lies and this Empire of Lies extends throughout the western world including where I live, Ottawa in Canada.
The insurance and medical industry in this country are both an amazing mess. I've worked closely in both for 30 years now. At least the insurance industry is fairly uniform in extracting exorbitant fees, whereas in the medical industry payment for the exact same services can vary from a couple hundred dollars (medicare) to thousands of dollars (payment from a liability insurance claim)
I've come to the realization that they pride themselves on stupidity and arrogance. They can't see the malignant character of their oppressors because they have the same malignant traits and thus no dichotomy. You only meet the "man behind the curtain" after meeting the Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Lion - or brains, heart, and balls - and they have a severe deficit in at least one. Usually, it's all three.
The Sheeple have what I have come to term "Ostrich Syndrome". They don't want to see the Truth, because the truth would set them free, and they don't want to be free. They love their safe space.
Yes. And they LOVE the drama as long as it's not them or concerns them. Plus., they get to "feel good" with superficial sympathy after reading/watching manipulated media. Their actions, however, reveal them to truly not give a shit. They're totally selfish.
The Sheeple think it does not concern them. They will learn the hard way when the lights go out and their bank accounts are cancelled.
The problem is that the lions will also have their bank accounts cancelled and their lights will be out too. They will just be more likely to survive because LIONS eat sheep.
This Wolf pretty much came pre-cancelled. The day the banks started requiring "ID" was the day I closed my account. The day they opened up "cyber-banking" was the day I knew I would never get another one.
As Anne Barnhardt would say: "If you cannot sit in front of it and defend it with an AK-47, YOU DON'T OWN IT."
I'm a sheepl that has been shorn of its wool ,but at least I know all the names of the many variant Yrusses
I disagree. They don't want to see the truth because the truth is torture. And they can't handle that. Seeing what the world and people really are is a soul-crushing pain. It also means being alone in the herd.
I suspect most of us who see the truth have been social outsiders for at least a good chunk of our lives. You might get some interesting readings at the eye of a hurricane, but you'll never fully understand the storm if you've never seen it from the outside looking in.
Heck, the only reason I ever saw the truth of the world may have been a character flaw: when told I "can either be happy or be right," I usually respond that I'm happiest *when* I'm (proven) right. 😄
The point being - I don't specifically look for answers that make anyone feel good, not even myself. I'd love to see the world differently, but self-delusion was never a 'strength' of mine.
That is exactly what I was saying. (I guess I just did not say it well.) Moses encountered the same thing from the Israelites in the desert who mourned because they no longer had "the fleshpots of Egypt".
And yes, once awake, there is no going back to sleep. The only path forward is to totally embraced the Truth and the Cross. Otherwise you are the instrument of your own destruction.
And the Israelites just had to have a king no matter how much a king would be to their detriment as Samuel pointed out.
Yes indeed. The Prophet Samuel pointed out all the pitfalls of having a Throne Beside the Altar. But God does work in truly mysterious ways. "Behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and shalt bring forth a son; and thou shalt call his name Jesus. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the most High; and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of David his father; and he shall reign in the house of Jacob for ever. And of his kingdom there shall be no end."
Even today humanity proposes, and God disposes.
Good observation. When pointing something out to two people or more, they often look at each other before responding. Group-think is so much easier. Pain aversion. Comply or feel pain!
"They don't want to see the truth because the truth is torture." This is so right. Cognitive dissonance fixes that torture for them. I have been a social outsider since Junior high which was 1969. I was the guy who questioned the "teacher" and was RIGHT all the time.
Me too. Teachers and adults of all kinds hated me for pointing out they were wrong. Looking back in every dispute...time has proven me correct in all of those disputes. A big one was, dropping the bombs that ended WWII. Japan had already surrendered. I'm a lion too...Leo rising.
We have that in common, too, Kris. I'm a Leo.
I took note of that when you wrote about your birthday concert celebration.
How can I get a copy of every one of your books autographed by you? I read some of the summaries on Amazon and have to say...WOW! Great job!
I am not a Leo, I am of the House of Reynolds. No matter what month you are born in, if you are a Reynolds your family crest bespeaks of your spirit. A RAMPANT LION with the words on the crest...JUS MEUM TUEBOR. I wonder how many folks look that up. It means I WILL DEFEND MY RIGHT TO FREEDOM. And when I am defending my rights, I am defending everyone else's too. That crest describes my very being. Oh and as for my zodiac sign, I'm a Gemini.
I would have liked to have had a family crest. You scored a fine one. Your sun is in Gemini, but do you know your rising sign?
In 1972, my science teacher informed us we must prick our fingers to test our blood for type. There was no way I was going to harm myself, just because a teacher told me to do it... and I told him that. He was enraged, but I did not learn how much, until a year later. He bided his time, and even though he was not my home room teacher, he had me moved from the only home room I ever liked, to one I hated. When I protested and said he had no right, he replied that people did things all the time that they had no right to do, and it was better I learned it early. Of course my parent (custodial, at that time) supported the teacher 100 percent. Now that I have a lifetime of experience, I can understand that there was no way a middle-aged man could take that kind of insubordination from a 12-year-old girl, and not have felt a terrible ego sting. Fast forward 50 years, and grown adults did not have the courage to say NO! to being jabbed. It is clear to me now, that all my painful life experiences were just some form of spritual boot camp, for the times we are in now.
Being alone in the herd is not something that is easy, it is the things the sheeple employ to blindly ignore the herder, the wolf and slaughter house that keeps them safe in their minds and makes us loathe them so, for us seeing all of this is truth, and it is a lonely walk for me. Hopefully not for you Steve. Take care
Definitely a lonely walk when so many people are blind to the totalitarian uniparty selling them out. Always looking for the next "savior." RFK Jr? Ron DeSantis? Vivek? (Nope, nope, and nice try but still nope). Wife somehow thinks Nikki Haley is a good idea. Because she wants to "win." Win what? She still does not fully understand. She seem to clearly understand that the current regime is downright awful, then somehow picks... the person MOST HEAVILY TIED to it in the entire (controlled) "opposition" party. And while she's not a genius, she's well above average, and of good character. If even SHE can't see the truth, even when I spell it out for her... I wonder, what hope is there for the world?
A quote I hate but rings so true, “there is no voting our way out of this mess”. We must realize the nation-state we live in destined to fail, and none do, or they yearn for totalitarianism to control everything, sheeple.
Your wife sounds more engaged than mine, but still they are women. I love her but she stays out of politics because I have taught her to. She is good at so many important things. RFK, Desantis, Vivek or whomever anyone names will not fix anything. The size of our government is so large that it must fail, not “it cannot fail.” I think you truly understand this based on the few things I have seen you write . Have you tried the good citizen substack? If not please do, it’s good for much of the same as here, and just as much to make you spit your drink on your keyboard with a wonderful laugh. Stay in touch my friend, and good luck.
Except the safe place, which is in reality their IGNORANCE which is extremely DEADLY. Just like the ignorance of the 12 year old boy who managed to get a pistol out of his dad's "safe" and shoot himself. If the dad had taught him right he would still be alive.
Right over the target. Willful ignorance is culpable ignorance. Truth matters, and Truth is Sacred. Those who prefer to believe all the fairy tails about the Big Bang, Evolution, The 6 Million slain by those Evil Nazis, Modernism, and etc will have the blood being shed by the Satanists even now in Gaza) on their hands. There is no Country of Switzerland in the Spiritual Warfare. If we are not for Christ, we are Antichrist.
Like many non-Sheeple as well, they are experts at the art of deflection. Thanks!
There are videos that claim over hundreds of thousands of years, corrupting DNA leading to just those traits you note, have been deliberately inserted into human DNA to facilitate Deep State NWO rule.
I have no expertise, it's just a vid I saw on YouTube.It names the Sumerian Gods, the Annunaki, as the perpetrators and says the first main genetic project was creating the Black Slave race, and stating that they were genetically engineered to have high tolerance for heat and humidity and to die young.
Again, not my statements, just a video on YouTube...
I don't want to debate it or defend it, just report it .
DNA is fake and Ghey. For one thing, the number of "nucleotides" is mere billions. But it would take a trillion just to make a dog's coat of hair.
Most sheeple would throw us aware ones under the bus in a heartbeat to curry favor with power. The famous cowboy lawyer, Gerry Spence, said that the 5 largest insurance companies have assets in the trillions and the political leverage that always accompanies such wealth. He fought insurance companies for much of his career. The Kefauver hearings were held in the U.S. Senate, 1950 & 51, to determine to what extent organized crime crossed state lines. Kefauver was grilling a mob boss who was subpoenaed to testify, asking him, "So this is a racket? You were involved in that racket? Would you consider this enterprise you were engaged in a racket?" etc. etc. Finally in exasperation the mob guy practically yelled, "For Chrissakes, senator! Everything is a racket!" He was too discreet to point out that the senator and all the rest of Congress are among the biggest racketeers of all. Dr. Richard Day, a high level medical officer of the Rockefeller Institute at a lecture in 1969 said they could cure any cancer but they keep the procedures under wraps for the oligarchs. The herd must be culled. The money printers, the real rulers of this earth, can create money for anything without taxation, which is just to control and impoverish the people. Case in point: During the Great Depression, when allegedly no money was available (for the common man), two mega million dollar bridges were constructed in California. The people involved in the project had no problem getting access to the funds. "They", like wizards, make lucre out of thin air and it's all nice and legal. For them, that is. Voting is a joke. If an owner of a large department store changed his manager and some lower and middle level employees, exactly how that would change the day to day operations of the store with regard to the public is how much the operation of America is changed by elections that change a president and some clowns in Congress. Simply put, not at all. Disease is designer fashion. People die of Diabetes at a rate of 7 to 1 over those who die of breast cancer yet breast cancer research gets literally 10 times the funding of diabetic research. Another racket. The fads & trends the sheeple follow are created and signaled to them by the Cryptocracy's media organs. On hearing truth, the sheeple switch off and reject automatically, like a computer program. Most are truly unreachable. The Founding Fathers ordained this Constitution for themselves and their posterity, which ain't us. The Pavlovian reaction of the sheeple to anti-capitalism, no matter how well grounded, is to bleat, "Communist!" They are too dense to even begin to see that capitalism and communism are not adversaries but lovers. "I drink to make other people more interesting." At least in this Kali Yuga, the masses are asses and always will be. That aside, I'm moved by your faith, Don, against all odds. Thanks for this provocative piece.
Thanks, Hereticdrummer!
Good stuff, Heretic. I also appreciate your regular references to the Kali Yuga -- the final age (Iron Age) of the four-age cycle of human existence (known as the Manvantara). The Kali Yuga (some say we're in the last stages of it) is of course characterized by cultural, spiritual, even physical dissolution and disintegration, an inevitable period in which offenses must need come (but woe, of course, unto those by whom the offense cometh).
One note. Diabetes is just as big a racket as cancer. To cure diabetes is, in fact, even simpler -- just stop eating sugar. The American (and now global) diet is absolutely loaded with sugar and literally millions of people in places where sugar was once not so readily consumable (e.g., Thailand, where I live) are "stricken" with diabetes and, due to ignorance, rush off to the hospital thinking they have some kind of "disease." Another pathetic charade that the sheeple fall for.
An old Chinese gentlemen I worked with back in the 1980s used to tell me that "China got a lot of secrets, man." One of these secrets was to eat boiled chicken with lemon to cure diabetes. Regardless, my guess is that diabetes is very rare in China, Japan, Korea, etc. It's a Western thing. Thanks, Rob!
As Japan and Korea have become more "westernized" in their diets, diabetes has become much more prevalent. The main issue is the victim is an ADDICT and has an almost impossible time to try and not eat something with sugar. I know...I have the issue. The fatty liver caused by the sugar needs to cure itself and it won't do so with sugar input.
Thank you, michigan.rob That is another thing the vast majority doesn't realize. Time is cyclical, not linear. The ability to convey and recognize wisdom, truth, beauty, courage etc. never changes, and this ability is lost during the Iron Age. You are spot on about Diabetes. Some years ago I read that Diabetes, regardless of how severe, has never failed to be cured if the sufferer goes on a strict vegan diet and of course avoids sugar. The naturopath who wrote the article gave example after example of this. Also, your liver produces insulin to convert fat into energy. However, insulin is needed to counteract the deleterious effects of sugar. So the Liver expends its insulin supply on people who consume copious amounts of sweets leaving none to convert the body's fat into energy. That's why heavy sugar eaters are tired and burnt out all of the time.
And here I was, thinking that my pancreas was producing insulin. It seems that either you or I have gotten some bad info somewhere.
Technically you are right, Ed. But the insulin flows from the pancreas to the liver and from there discharged to where it is needed.
Not technically correct, factually correct as you just admitted. Your earlier comment contained the statement that insulin is produced by the liver. I find it easier to simply admit to an incorrect statement than to try to evade it, but that's just me.
It wasn't incorrect. Even though the pancreas makes it, the liver discharges it, which is equivalent to producing it for the body's requirements. Incidentally, I was quoting/paraphrasing a doctor well versed in naturopathy and he said it is the liver, for the same reasons aforementioned. I suggest you go split hairs with him.
Diabetes can be cured with a diet rich in red meat and non starchy vegetables. A friend of mine was told by his Doctor he was looking at amputations as his diabetes was so severe. He went on the above diet plus a regimen of fasting. In two weeks without drugs his blood sugar was in normal ranges. That was almost 10 years ago and he is still healthy at 65.
Tell me more. Substack needs to get a message app going on it.
As my wife is diabetic he sent me a copy of the book he used. It is called The Diabetes Code. by Dr. Jason Fung. I hope this helps. I am still trying to convince my wife to try it but for some reason she is reluctant. Strange for someone so vehemently opposed to Flu snd Covid shots. At any rate I keep trying.
Saw a very convincing video years ago of a doctor (naturopath, I think) who stated that diabetes was entirely related to diet and could be "cured" within six weeks via a strict protein diet. He seemed to scoff, like I do at most things Western, at the idea that it was a "disease" that required medical treatment (drugs and the like).
It is, so many so-called diseases are directly related to diet. More than that, it's the toxins in our food, air, and water. This civilization is actually a syphyllization. "They" kill us one way or another.
You would enjoy my "Toxicology vs Virology" post! Check it out.
Thank you, I most definitely will.
Back in the day I called it the "medical/legal/insurance Racket". They have always had each others' backs.
The "Medical/Legal/Insurance Racket." Truly, one of the strongest cartels on earth. They have more money than the charlatans of the Pentagon's military complex.
Before the NWO/Crown, in Ireland a physician had no right to bill a patient he had not completely cured.
No cure, no pay, no exceptions.
I like that idea, John. Boy, we'd have a lot of broke doctors here under that kind or rule, wouldn't we? Thanks!
My entire life has been spent avoiding the White Coats like the plague. Now that I have no choice I can see how the Plandemic has put many doctors into retirement or caused many to leave. Our health care system has run off the tracks and no one seems to care but those who need help. How many people died because elective surgeries were canceled with no further notice? The two week stay at home then everything will get back to normal never happened and it looks like it was never intended too. Now with Turbo Cancers hitting the scene and increases in every other type of illness sick people are put on months or even years waiting list. And that's just for the first Specialist visit, then come all the test and procedures required before any real treatment can happen. I predict a slow but steady kill off into the next 5-10 years. Hopefully the crematories can keep up. Or will we "own nothing and be happy" eating 'Soylent Green'? Those who are unfortunate enough to still be alive. This will also cause a migration back to the cities that have been converted or created as Smart or 15 minute utopias. Oh yeah, all the self sufficient off grid people will be moving back one way or another.
That was before medicine became a money maker. For all that's said about Rockefeller he had a keen ability to hedge the market.
Oils ain't oils (they are) and Pharmaceuticals aren't Pharmaceuticals (they are oils)
When I was a very young child my mom took us in for our vaxxinations. That night I hallucinated that the doctor was removing my body parts and replacing it with oil and straw.
I always thought the hallucination was true. I never forgot that event.
Must have been around five years old. If parents only knew what can go on in the fragile mind of their own children.
At this point I don't think it's the money that matters. It's how many souls they can sacrifice to moloch.
Yes, money doesn't matter to those who can create it at will.
Right! "The Federal Government, with the cooperation of the Federal Reserve, has the inherent power to create money--almost any amount of it."
~ The National Debt, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, p. 8
ALMOST? Why only ALMOST? What keeps them from creating ALL they want? You? Me? Your dog? A full moon?
It's a big club and you ain't in it. Carlin.
And how!
Here for your records is a transcript of the complete rant by that sage of the ages!
But there’s a reason. There’s a reason. There’s a reason for this, there’s a reason education SUCKS, and it’s the same reason it will never, ever, EVER be fixed.
It’s never going to get any better, don’t look for it, be happy with what you’ve got.
Because the owners, the owners of this country don't want that. I'm talking about the real owners now, the BIG owners! The Wealthy… the REAL owners! The big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions.
Forget the politicians. They are irrelevant. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice! You have OWNERS! They OWN YOU. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought, and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. They got you by the balls.
They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying, lobbying, to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else, but I'll tell you what they don’t want:
They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. that's against their interests.
That's right. They don’t want people who are smart enough to sit around a kitchen table and think about how badly they’re getting f&$#%d by a system that threw them overboard 30 f&@&@%$g years ago. They don’t want that!
You know what they want? They want obedient workers. Obedient workers, people who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork. And just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shitty jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it, and now they’re coming for your Social Security money. They want your retirement money. They want it back so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street, and you know something? They’ll get it. They’ll get it all from you sooner or later cause they own this f@&@%g place! It's a big club, and you ain’t in it! You, and I, are not in the big club.
By the way, it's the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe. All day long beating you over the head with their media telling you what to believe, what to think and what to buy. The table has tilted folks. The game is rigged and nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care! Good honest hard-working people; white collar, blue collar it doesn’t matter what color shirt you have on. Good honest hard-working people continue, these are people of modest means, continue to elect these rich cock suckers who don’t give a f%@k about you….they don’t give a f@%k about you… they don’t give a F@&K about you.
They don’t care about you at all… at all… AT ALL. And nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care. that's what the owners count on. The fact that Americans will probably remain willfully ignorant of the big red, white and blue d@&k that's being jammed up their a%@$#*s everyday, because the owners of this country know the truth.
It's called the American Dream,because you have to be asleep to believe it. ~ George Carlin
If George was alive today he would be gas lighted shadow band all his bank accounts and credit cards cancelled and he'd probably looking at some bogus Fed charges that would tie him up in court battles that would drag on for years and eventually bankrupt him. He would be labeled a Climate denier and a Domestic Terrorist on a No Fly List. And he would be called the Greatest threat to our Democracy. Off with his head! That's what telling the truth today will get you if not locked up without bail, lawyer and a trial.
Doctors are Ba££led
After reading Eustace Mullins' Murder By Injection, the story of the medical conpiracy against America, back in 1988, I have since called them the "Medical Mafia". https://www.amazon.com/Murder-Injection-Eustace-Clarence-Mullins/dp/1911417002
"Eustace Clarence Mullins Jr. was an American white supremacist, antisemitic conspiracy theorist, propagandist, Holocaust denier, and writer." Definitely my kind of guy. And yes, I wish I would have read his books when they first came out. I would have been brought up to speed a lot sooner.
But God has his ways, and the fact that I came to the same conclusions independently, makes those conclusions all the more powerful.
When I first saw the first part of your response in my notifications I thought...well you can only imagine. I see you read the BS that wackypedia has listed for the late Eustace. The list is stretched beyond reality! But hey, they have to say ANYONE that goes against their one world communist system either fills that whole list or maybe fills one that is longer! Ever read the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion? There was a spot in there that floored me one day when it was brought to my attention about some current affairs. It has to be totally coincidental I'm sure!
Protocol 10. second to last paragraph: "But you yourselves perfectly well know that to produce the possibility of the expression of such wishes by all the nations it is indispensable to trouble all countries the people's relations with their governments so as to utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, AND THEN THIS IS IN ALL CAPITOL LETTERS!!!! BY THE INOCULATION OF DISEASES, by want, so that the Goyim see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.
NAAAAAAA....no conspiracies there!!
I listed all the BS about Eustace Mullins just to demonstrate that adage that if you are getting flack, you are over the target (even if you are a shill. They have to give shills flack to. It helps the credibility.)
"The Learned Protocols of the Elders of Zion" seems to me to be a Deep-State/Deep-Church-deep-fake.
Sure, they give away a lot of the game to newbies, and contain much valuable information. But there is nothing in them about the True Goals of the Satanists, which is to distort Salvation History, divert all Human Endeavor to purely natural means, and efface- if not eliminate- the Great Work of the Redemption by the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
And the way have Catholics currently divided over the antics of Pope Frantic... well, one has to give these people their due. Our Lady of Fatima worked the greatest miracle since Moses parted the waters of the Red Sea yet she is hardly talked about.
"Don't you see all those roads and fields full of people, crying because they have nothing to eat" little Jacinta asked her older cousin after consulting about a vision she had, and St Sr Lucia had to tell her to keep mum because that is part of the secret. But little blabbermouth Jacinta, just like she gave away the initial apparition to her mother, which was ultimately the reason why 70,000 people saw the "Miracle of the Sun", gives the whole diabolical plan away.
Yes, they want us on the reservation, so they can pull the proverbial plug and make us slaves. And for over a century they have declared total war on the sustainable household- in the old days it used to be derided as "subsistence farming"... we have to get rid of all those Third World subsistence farmers who block the March of Progress. (Such was my public school indoctrination.)- fatherhood in particular, parental authority in general, and the Deposit of Faith.
And that is why I say "Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!!"
Did you ever READ "The Learned Protocols of the Elders of Zion"? As for the deep state? Henry Ford gave away a free copy with every sale of his Model T. Was the deep state that entrenched that far back? I don't think so. And I've read the protocols and either it is the most coincidental book in existence or SOMEONE is following the precepts to the TEE. I mean that statement about the inoculations is actually all capital letters in the book. And when you look at the complete paragraph isn't that exactly what is going on right now? Supposedly the book is faked by some anti-semite who was looking at the money he could make. Well if it's fake, you sure could fool me because if you read it you can't say that something is amiss when one precept after another is seen going on around the world as if on some kind of time schedule.
I think our only hope, at least in the USA is getting the first 13 words of the 2nd amendment back in force and effect.
I don't buy that bit about all pols being the same, or that Trump did nothing different.
That's Drooler Nonsense. Trump pulled us out of the Climate Change accord and spelled out clearly enough for the Drooliest Drooler to understand, and they still ranted against it.
Then he pulled us out of the WHO, thereby insuring they could not even launch their insane power grab under his watch.
He did that and much more, while hamstrung with traitorous military, Obama Resistance Fighters, two bogus impeachments and Covid.
To me, his administration is proof positive that it is not all the same, or even vaguely close, to China Joe.
Trump did exactly as he was told and played the personality he was groomed for. Look at his past and tell me he wasn't part of the system. Sure he made all the talking points we wanted to hear but what did he actually accomplish that made any lasting difference? Trumps greatest achievement and this will be his historical contribution as Commander in Chief 'Warp Speed'. Elections have been rigged since the early 90's and Trump was put in office just like the Clinton's, Bush's and Biden. Just wait till he is re-elected only to lead this country into it's final days.
Read my past articles on what I call the Trumpenstein Project for my views on this. Thanks.
Trump was hood winked by those he trusted like Fauci. He, like many people today, still believes in the Medical Mafia as if they were the arbiters of all medical truth. Sad to say in the least as they really are the death merchants more so than the military industrial complex.
I can't believe you said that. Did you read Jeffries 'The Trumpenstein Project'? I've given up on those who still consider Trump their hero and continue making excuses for him. Mr Jeffries sums it up perfectly in the 'Trupenstein Project':
The Trump Project has succeeded in killing any hope of an independent political movement, outside of the phony left-right paradigm. All political discourse now is filtered through the prism of Trump’s outlandish personality, and how one reacts to it. And most Americans have responded predictably to the programming, and fall in faithfully into either the “love” or “hate” category.
We have gone from a president that the most absurd “conspiracy theorists” believe may have been created in a lab- Barack “no real personal history” Obama, to a character right out of WWE central casting, manufactured to get the maximum amount of cheers and hisses. A perfect leader for our burgeoning Idiocracy.
I couldn't have summed it up any better, CaptB. Thanks!
I thought you might agree. What do you think of the new triangle of deception? Tucker, Jones and Musk? They are being promoted as the new darlings of Truth and Justice. It's just mind numbing.
pre poo'd underwear autographed, or scribbled, or for the kiddies, nibbled, on by Joe
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j__vQsqf3gg ...
Don't give them any ideas, Peter!
Ich Bin Ein JudenKopfArtz, Nicht Deine Hamburger (JFK,
Ich Bin Ein Hamberger, which is a donut) hole in the middle, of the forehead I suppose , Ich Werden Ein Hamberger, future tense.
John: What you point out about Trump is true, but his support of Fauci and the lockdowns trumps all of the good that he did.
Sorry, Trump can go to hell IMO.
Trump was goaded into a lot of what you say with the haters as usual all over the place. Remember the hysteria at that time. I don’t want to be friends with him, but I like what he did and does. He is certainly a FAR better candidate than JB or the “VP” both of which are, I don’t even have the words how terrible they are.
VICKI: I don't vote. I even had my name taken off of the voter rolls at the County. I don't like any of the politicians except Thomas Massie and Rand Paul. Mike Lee is okay, too. But that's about it.
I think Trump is a distraction. He's part of the circus to keep people from revolting.
And he still brags about the jabs
Reasons Not To Support Trump
I have to give you 21 likes, but it will only give me the ability to give you one. You sir are on the same page as I am to the TEE!!! Maybe we are brothers! Following...
Thank you, Courageous Lion. Salutations and best regards.
Come Shiloh! I hope he have a good security detail.
I vividly recall when it first sunk in for me, how stupid the average American was, in 1980. The National Park Service announced that the feral donkeys in Grand Canyon were destroying the canyon environment, and they were to be shot. There was a huge hullabaloo because the brilliant public thought the park service was going to kill the park mules that carry tourists to the river. I remember being disgusted by this stupidness, but soon I was noticing this kind of inability to comprehend reality was a national trait. Add to that, no working memory past last week for most folks, and you have what we have today. Even when truth is finally revealed by the msm, the event is long forgotten...or most likely, the person who you argued with is now denying they were on the wrong side of history. A huge number of people are now saying they saw through 9-11 at the time...and I'm not buying it. I sure didn't know anyone besides myself who disbelieved the msm propaganda...and I'm talking YEARS afterwards. Some say they: "woke up but went back to sleep". Imho, either you wake up, or you don't.
I spent exactly 30 years trying to "wake people up"...but I'm in retirement now. When I saw how almost everyone fell for the scamdemic psy-op...it slapped me in the face...how I had been engaging in a huge waste of my time, the past 30 years. Out of hundreds of people I had talked to, only two didn't take the Jonestown jab, and thanked me for saving their lives. In my experience, most people have a difficult time parsing out the reality that surrounds them, even when they're getting 100 percent of the truth. Throw in a worldwide conspiracy that has been brainwashing them for decades, and they are hopeless. I often wonder how the average stupid American can make it through their daily tasks without going off the rails. They seem too stupid to get anything done correctly.
I must disagree with you Donald, about the driving thing. Those who pause ten seconds when the light turns green are the smart ones. I can't tell you how many times lately I've seen someone fail to stop on a red. Every time I'm crossing a street on foot, I proceed as if the driver will not stop for the red...and almost always I'm right...and my pause has just saved myself from injury or death. I've always felt insurance was extortion, and I've driven most of the last 40 years without it...because I just didn't have the money to pay for it . I've never had an uninsured accident. I drove three years on a suspended license (for no insurance) and never got caught. How did I manage this? By driving super cautiously, and under the speed limit. There is a kid in a nearby town who is alive today because of my cautious driving. The speed limit was 15 mph, I was going less than 10 mph when he shot out on a skateboard from between two parked cars. Even after slamming on the brakes, I would have hit him at the speed limit. People drive like they are going to a fire, for what benefit? They risk their lives running stop lights...or going through yellows...to get home a minute sooner? This is a terrible risk/benefit choice. You risk permanent injury, death, the ruin of your car, increased insurance...for what? ...getting to your destination five minutes earlier? It doesn't even work. I usually catch up with these impatient drivers, who I witness doing dangerous things, several lights down the road. I WANT to be in the slow lane, and I pull over for tailgaters, if it is safe to do so. I don't want anything to do with people who refuse to use critical thinking while driving. I trust no one...and I especially don't trust other drivers to obey traffic laws...in particular, stopping at red lights. If you DO trust they will stop... sooner or later you will be hit by a red light runner. I have had insurance for the past three years, though...but my extreme caution behind the wheel is a habit I will always have.
I just remembered...there was one accident I was in. Two pot smoking idiots turned left in front of me. Even going 15 miles under the speed limit, I hit their van broadside. The strangest thing happened...my car bounced off the van, spun 360 degrees in the middle of the road...and came to rest on a side street. The only damage to both vehicles, was my smashed rearview mirror (not sure how that happened). These stoned imbiciles tried to say it was my fault that I hit them when they turned left into their driveway right across oncoming traffic. We were both happy to just let it go. Me, because of no insurance, and they because they were stoned. No cops came ...thank goodness.
You are so spot on, Kris. I drove without insurance and a license for 15 years. I finally got caught in Rice County Kansas, not because I was doing anything illegal, but because I had arrived early for our pilgrimage march to the cross of Juan Padilla and I was just walking along the road, and the sheriff was curious. My mistake was telling him my car was parked up the road in the parking area, and I was just walking back to it. He went and ran my plate, and was waiting when I arrived. He then impounded my car when I told him I had no insurance. (My car was out of state, and the plate was not obviously expired.)
Rice County did me a favor. That was in 2005 when the drivers really started to become insane not just in the big cities, but in the country as well.
I recall one time in Texas I was on a back road. The speed limit was 55. I was doing 65. And the locals were passing me like I was a Sunday driver.
Yes, when I walk my dog, I always assume the worst. I stay well off the road, and go into a field whenever a car is coming.
Most people run their whole lives like they are going to a fire. They panic at the drop of a hat.
They are going to have a very bad end.
Never volunteer information to a cop. After I lost my license for no insurance, I started making phony insurance papers. They fooled every cop that ever stopped me...and they fish. I once was stopped at 2 am driving to work in the slow lane, on a four lane road, with no other car in sight. The cop said my slow driving might impede other drivers. Actually, he thought I driving under the limit because I had something to hide. He looked like a fool. But the creeping police state made me realize I could not get away with phony insurance papers for much longer. Now they run your plate and can see if you have insurance.
Wow- you were quite the rebel genius, Kris. I had to pay the uninsured motorists fee for 2 years back in the late '70s after my DWI arrest. I was a pathfinder- one of the first to have to go to ASAP, as MADD was monitoring the courtrooms to make sure they threw the book at young, non-NFL players like me. Thanks!
Actually Donald, It was living in poverty most of my adult life that has made me so crafty. My mind was always working on some problem I had to solve without money. As you have stated so many times ...they do this to the unwashed masses in America...keeping us stressed and busy following unnecessary rules, and broke paying neverending fees. I noticed myself becoming soft, the few times in my life when I had a lump of money land in my life. My survival instinct became toned down, as well my problem solving ideas. I consider it a gift, now that things are easier. I think of myself as a wiley old coyote, who has escaped death and calamity so many times, that I know I can handle whatever comes my way. One of the finest compliments I ever received was : "you're the most successful poor person I have ever met".
That is a great compliment, Kris. I appreciate you sharing so much of your personal life here. Clearly it helped forge your great strength of character. Thanks.
I offer comments in the spirit of information sharing, which perhaps may help others along the path. I hope they are taken in that spirit...rather than self-aggrandizement.
Just for the record my dog has not had a "license", I am not a resident at any address, and I have not filed any taxes since 2005. Please don't turn me in.
You certainly had more ingenuity than I did. I used to have two license plates- a Missouri one for East of the Mississippi, and a Pennsylvania one for West of the Mississippi. The Pennsylvania one was particularly good because in the old days they did not have those stupid paper plates but used to give you a plate with a little "T" for "temporary" sticker until you got your registration sticker. The average out-of-state cop was not going to figure that one out.
You mistake was driving under the speed limit. I always drove with the flow of traffic. Number one rule under Stalin- do not be a standout. Be in the crowd and hide in plain sight.
The cops these days are really nothing more than extensions of the "fusion center" they are in constant contact with. (Most cop shops do not even have a local dispatch anymore- when you dial 911 you call might as well be going to India. The last time I had 911 on the phone the lady had no idea where the location was, even though the accident was on a main highway just outside of a pretty large town. I asked where she was located and she would not tell me. Apparently, even the locations of the fusion centers are Top Secret.)
The minute you say "no" to their requests you can almost see their brains go haywire. Then, when you start asking them why they have "made contact" (always use their lingo when possible- it makes them even more nervous because suddenly they realize they are dealing with a thinking person...). In all cases so far, they have cleared the area like a bat out of hell. (The bottom line is that being a real criminal cultivates paranoia. The greatest fear of the criminal is being caught.)
At this point if any cop wants to get nasty and pull a gun on me and try to intimidate my attitude is "go ahead and pull the trigger and make my day. Everything I am looking forward to is up above and that is my express ticket. Meanwhile I know what "compliance" gets me- probably a ride to the local lockup where they will probably think I am part of a plot to topple the local syndicate. They will not believe a word I say but will believe all the slanders I know are on my "permanent record" about being mentally deranged (because I questioned the official story of 911) and having "illegal nonresident status (whatever that means) and etc.
The way they roll is they want to convince you that you are a criminal- the worst in the world- because you do not "co-operate with the system".
Back in the good old days the cops used to be trained to hide the police state. "Oh, we don't keep records in computers..." they used to say in the 1980's. Funny how now I can see a list of every "police contact" from 1978 (the year I got a driver's license- did not get one until college) to 1990 (the year I tossed my license in the trash).
You know a cop is lying the minute their lips start moving.
Yep, I know all about the "grey man" strategy. I've used it all my life. The great thing about it is, the older you get, the better it works...because old folks just naturally fade into the woodwork.
Actually, driving under the speed limit was the best strategy for me. I avoided countless uninsured accidents, and was only pulled over for slow driving a few times, and never received a citation in those cases. My phony papers worked on EVERY cop...although if caught at forgery, the price paid would have been much higher.
I always enjoy your comments. You are definitely one of the most perceptive people out there, with a wide range of experiences.
As for me, I was always a very careful driver too once I ditched the insurance. I would not recommend driving uninsured for everybody. If you are married with children you could lose a lot in a vindictive lawsuit so you might need the liability there if you have a sheeple job. I also mainly used the car for long trips- over fifty miles, or if I was hauling, say, 10 bags of cement. My bike was for the shorter trips. I used to have a little yellow Ford Festiva (got that, CIA shills- note on my past history) (Actually, the only thing "Ford" about that car was the label. It was built at the Kia motor plant, had a Japanese tranny, a Fiat engine, German Drive train and bearings..) that I put 200,000 miles on, rebuilt the engine and transmission, and then drove another 50,000 miles before being finally caught as detailed above. (There was a mistake in the shop manual. When I put the Tranny back together (in those days when you said tranny, everybody knew you were talking about a transmission... these days...) 3rd gear did not work, because the slot rail was backwards, so I had to go from second to fourth. I figured it would be a great deterrent against theft because anybody going through the gears the first time would hear this clunk in third, the car would either stall or coast, and he would be dead on the road, as happened to me the first time, until I was able to jam the thing into reverse, and then back into first, and then into fourth and finally, fifth.
I immensely enjoyed that car, and it was "culture shock" for a time being deprived of it. But I have since learned you can go just as far on a bike just not as fast, and, on the whole, campgrounds are way safer than motels. (Half the people in a campground have guns. If the cops ever tried their antics in a campground I guarantee "civil war" would break out. Unfortunately, the whole campground culture is an endangered species. Last time I was at a campground the whackadoodles were in full force and full control, and we are not talking a state or national park- places I avoid like the plague.
But in my mid '60's I am finally slowing down. I can only walk 20 miles now as opposed to 50, and the joints get sore just winding up a long extension cord. I am ready for a self-propelled lawn mower, and have to spend more time resting. But then again most of me does not want to see 2025, let alone 2030.
Just have to see what the Good God has in store.
Bicycle has been my main mode of transportation for 30 years. As careful as I am, I was struck by a car in 2007...a young girl on a cell phone. Luckily, I fell with the bike between me and the car. My bike was destroyed, but I escaped with cuts and bruises. My guardian angel works overtime.
Spot on Kris. A few years ago somebody sent me a video called "Red Light Runners." Completely changed how I drive through all intersections. ~~ j ~~
the scamdemic and clot shots were the new 911 litmus test. and the straw that broke this camels hope for humanity's back. Ghandi said he would rather have a less efficient Indian system than the British one. he was silent on not being able to have any system that was not out to kill you anyways. Did he believe in Anti Civilisation? great idea, someone should try it sometime. they did, on 6 billion jabbed. we shall see how safe (for the perps) and effective( in culling the sheep) and efficient (in excess deaths and sterility) is was.
Well, there is at least one thing we don't have in common, Kris. I would never doubt you. My experience has been different, but just as frustrating. Maybe I am driving too fast, although my Prius really limits any ability to speed with its lack of pickup. Either way, it's clear that far too many people are playing games with others on the road. Thanks!
Kris: I always hesitate at stop signs (four way stops are the worst) and stop lights here in Northern California. Half or more of the drivers are on one drug or another. And I drive at 55-60 on the freeway. I don't care. People can pass me. I'm not burning more gas or stressing my vehicle's old engine to make the bastards happy.
I'll probably never get the answer to this, but it's worth a try. There is something that has happened to me many times that is extremely perplexing. I'm driving in the slow lane on a four lane highway. The fast lane is clear as far as the eye can see. A driver barrels up behind me in the slow lane...and then proceeds to tailgate me in the slow lane, for miles. It is not because they plan to make a right turn up ahead...I am always watching for this., and it doesn't happen. I just can't understand why anyone would do this. The only thing I can think of is, many people are made miserable by their families and co-workers. They feel they can't express their angst to the party they are angry with, so they bully inocent people who cross their path. If anyone can think of another reason, please let me know. I would like to solve this mystery.
There is no excuse for that, Kris. But my experience, conversely, has been to be stuck in the left lane, behind someone going too slow. And then often, if you get a chance to pass them, they will speed up. Some control freaks like to slow others down, while some resent being slowed down. Whenever any of these dangerous shenanigans are going on, our proud police officers, normally drooling over the next traffic citation, are nowhere to be found. I've never seen an aggressive driver stopped in action by one of our wonderful public servants. Thanks!
I think we are seeing two sides of the same coin...angry, hostile folks who who take out their personal frustrations behind the wheel, by trying to control other drivers. You see the ones trying to control by going slow and blocking your passing...and I see the ones going fast, and trying to control by tailgating and flashing their lights. No, I am not going to move into the fast lane, so some bully can pass me because they are too lazy to change lanes. It can't hurt anyone to pause for a couple of seconds after the light turns green, and make SURE the oncoming traffic is actually going to stop for the red. It just may save your life
I think that's exactly right, Kris. Different types of sociopathic behavior. I should take your advice and slow down, although I really don't think I drive fast. I actually can't, even it I wanted to, because I drive a Prius. Thanks.
Absolutely! There is such a thing as being "Dead Right".
I can say that there were times I saw aggressive drivers pulled over. Every once in a while the cops still do some good.
Kris: This has happened to me a few times. The tailgater turns on his headlights, too. Your explanation is as good as any.
Yep, they flash their lights.
On the freeway I usually drive on cruise control (weather permitting). Often when I change lanes to pass a slower vehicle they inexplicably speed up. You have two choices. You can speed up to get past them or slow down and get in behind them. Invariably if you get in behind them they will again slow down. As I am on cruise my speed is stable. My conclusion is that far too many people on the highway should not be driving. Same thing never go through a green light without looking both ways first. It is surprising how many people blatantly run red lights. Maybe thy are the Walter Mittie's of life living out their fantasies of power behind the wheel.
What I described usually happens to me on a clear highway with low traffic volume. Even on cruise control, a good driver would be looking ahead, notice a "slow" vehicle (in my case, going the speed limit) in the slow lane, and still have plenty of time to get over into the fast lane without disengaging their cruise control. People drive on autopilot, just like they go through life. People are chronically late due to poor planning and not allowing enough time for their activities. I had a camping buddy who used to be like that. Finally I said to him: "I'm tired of setting up tents in the dark. You need to manage your time better, or I will not go camping with you again".
They’re followers. Or, they can’t believe you got in their way and expect you to change lanes.
I"m right behind you and was wondering if you could just pull clear over to the right so I can get by. It just takes so much energy on my part to turn the wheel to go around, and I would have to signal, and accelerate, you know, and all the stuff to accomplish that sort of thing so can you just move out of the way? LOL
It's like it's the same kind of person who can't lead or take initiative because they're too chickenshit but have no problem criticizing those who do. It's like, "go faster!" when they could easily have gone faster on their own had they not been a passive-aggressive pussy. Just a thought.
Matt, that makes more sense than anything else. I read all the "agony aunt" columns online...just for fun, and to remind myself how grateful I am that I don't have inter-personal problems like these folks. Almost all of the queries are from people asking this stranger, for permission to do something (rid their lives of someone, etc). I think it's because most modern people simply do not want to take responsibility for their choices. This explains the huge uptake of the Jonestown jab.
You would love driving in Mexico.
I've driven to Central America four times, and the drivers in Mexico are not that different from here. I drove sans insurance in Mexico, as well as the U.S.
Maybe not in the cities now that they have been over populated by illegals, hope I'm allowed to say that.
I've driven in rush hour traffic in perhaps the three worst driving cities; London, Nairobi and Mexico City. In my opinion, merry old England wins the prize for dangerous drivers. This came as an utter shock to me, because I find English people to be the most helpful and kindest to travelers. It's bizarre to witness cars racing through picturesque little villages, as of it were the Grand Prix, and see pedestrians leaping to safety. When I rented a car there, I was involved in a fender-bender, and was also the sole witness to a fatal crash. On a level (wet) road a SUV flipped, and the driver went flying out the windshield into the woods. A plumber on his way to work stopped, (called their 911 on his cell) and I asked him why English folk drive so crazy. He admitted to me that while on vacation in the States, he had received a speeding ticket, right off the bat, for driving what he felt was "normal".
Now that is what I experienced driving in Mexico. I personally witnessed a fatal roll over accident one Sunday morning which left a memory I will never forget. But the roads are littered with crosses marking the deaths from car accidents and every once in a while you will see a make shift shine on the side of the road where people leave flowers and lite candles. The burned out skeletons of cars and trucks are left to rust away if they are down an embankment where it is costly to salvage. Once I drove past a head on collision that happened just days prior between a simi truck and a passenger bus, it was not pretty.
It was kind of a joke for us gringos to notice how the Mexicans were always in manana mode until they got behind the steering wheel and then they were always late to their funeral. Traffic signs were there just as a suggestion and not to be taken seriously. 4 way stops were like Russian Roulette with nobody ever really stopping. I did quite a few miles down there on many different trips all over Mexico and Baja. Even did a trip down to Belize and Guatemala one time.
Bruce Shaver: I will NEVER go to Mexico.
Mexico is a great and wonderful country full of good hearted people, just different in many ways. Once you're there for a while and get over the culture shock you learn how to trough all your cares to the wind when you get behind the wheel and then it gets real interesting. Not safe or secure but you soon realize those are just figments of the imagination and have nothing to do with reality. I actually believe there is much more freedom down there because they don't have the Police State we have here, sure there are some muy malo hombres but where don't they exist?
There is way more personal freedom in Mexico.
Isn't that a shameful indictment of the Third World monstrosity we've allowed to be built here? Thanks, Kris!
There was much more freedom down there during the Lock Downs then here but of course the big cities are always the worse where ever you are.
Bruce Shaver: It's the Montezuma's Revenge that I can't handle. Had enough of that every day in Belem, Brazil for six months in 1990. My intestines can't take it anymore. LOL.
I have lots of funny stories about my many bouts with traveler's tummy...my desperate search for a private bush/tree, while riding a Vespa on the island of Zanzibar (no matter how rural the road, Zanzibar roads always have a steady stream of pedestrians)... bedridden in Guatemala and being tortured by the only English language tv channel (CNN) but far to weak to get up and change the channel...but the worst was in the town of Tequila in 2005. I spent 24 hours laying on the bathroom floor, losing electrolytes from both ends. I really believe it would have killed me...but by the greatest of good fortune...I had a bag of limes and a jar of sea salt. Once an hour I forced myself to my feet, squeezed a lime into a glass with water, and added a large pinch of sea salt. I was very weak for three days.
I get it, been there done that but it was in the US not south of the border.
You are the sheeple we’re talking about in your super safe driving habits. Thank you for keeping is all on our toes. I’m still wondering all those that are alive today because of you. God bless.
A very honest and affecting essay. Yes, this people vs. sheeple is a painful dilemma ... and reality... for populists. But there is nothing like the simple, straightforward gesture of sincere respect towards another person to inspire them to be the best they can be. And that is the best we can do.
Beautifully put, Theresa. Thanks!
God bless you for your inspiration. We all need that support and reassurance to spread good vibes and give of ourselves each and every day.
Donald-you and me are carrying around like George Carlin used to say, a little free-floating hostility. You can't help it living in this Insane Asylum world we now live in. It is tough not to be hard on the sheeple that we come in contact with, but remember we are lied to from the cradle to the grave. When you get out of high school in this country you are totally clueless on who controls things and how the world really works. You just become a schlepper, as the Jews say. Sending your child off to the Public Fool (School) System should be considered child abuse. Who was it that said (In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act. And the people driving around on the freeway these days on your bumper that's not a fun experience. Most people nowadays are so far in debt they are running around like rats in a wheel trying to pay for the things that they think they own. (Ramblings from a Boomer)
I hear you, Jack. That's why Substack is so cathartic for me. It helps to dispel all that free-floating hostility that you can't help but have when living in the world's wealthiest Banana Republic. Thanks!
The Public "Fool" System. Stealin' it!
We’ll all be judged by how we practiced the golden rule. We have to look for angels in everyone, even when they act like devils. We have to hold out hope they will change or wake up. The sun shines on the good and the bad. I love those old movies too.
None of us will fare too well in that case, Mark. How many people (let alone sheeple) even try to practice the Golden Rule? Thanks!
I don’t know. You do a pretty good job in my opinion. Keep giving to the poor at stop lights. I do the same along with a tiny book of Bible verses. But yeah, we’re all sinners and fall short of the glory of God. Thanks for all your great writings. If I get to heaven, I expect to see you there.
I appreciate hearing that, Mark, but I don't meet my own expectations most of the time. Thanks!
Me neither.
Mark Young. I follow the Golden Rule. I ignore "them" and want them to ignore me.
You have the acute insights of a superb stand up comedian. The analogy of the slow driver in front with the fast driver behind is priceless!
That's very nice to hear, Annette. I did try standup at a few open mic nights when I was very young. I guess it went okay. I just try to see the humor in everything. Laugh so we don't cry. Thank you!
The stage is not for everyone. You write great satire that often makes me laugh, and you're right, we really need that!
maybe on your plays final scene you will cry laughing (is that a trope?)
Two corollaries: The traffic is always moving faster in the other lane beside you. The light will always turn red just before you think you are going to get past it.
Murphy's law. Everyone sees the truth in it. Thanks, WW.
I prefer Kilgalen's Law. Kilgalen was Murphy's cousin. His law simply states:
Murphy was an optimist.
And why is it when I am ready to check out I always pick the slowest lane? I try to warn those who come behind me but they just laugh until they realize hours later, I was right.
Whoever this Murphy guy was, we really should know more about him. Thanks, Bruce.
Wasn't he Samuel Clemens protege?
That I have never heard, although I'm sure Clemens would have loved him. Thanks, Bruce.
I'm sure you and Sam would have had a hell of a time together too. I have only recently come across your work but from what I have seen and heard your work really stands above the rest. I can't even imagine the hours of research you have put into your writing and to put it all together in a comprehensive way is a gift many writers never accomplish. I'm not blowing smoke up your ass either bro, you really should be proud of you talent. I look forward to reading more of your books.
Annette: What's the hurry? Same old shit where your going as where you've been.
You have a point, Timmy. But for many blue collar workers, especially, time is absolutely critical. With authoritarian rules in place at virtually every workplace, getting behind a series of texters or distracted drivers, causing you to miss lights because of their inattention, might be enough to make you late enough to get written up. If you run into a huge backup because of a tractor overturning on the freeway or something, most employers now will just scoff and say "that's no excuse." I admit to being impatient on the road when there is no need to be. I shouldn't ever be a hurry. I need to work on that- maybe a New Year's resolution. But for those trying to get to work, or perhaps pick up their young children after practice, it's very frustrating when people hold you up needlessly. As I mentioned in another reply, both the aggressive tailgaters and the lethargic plodders who make a bee line for the left lane, seem to enjoy frustrating people. Thanks.
Seems like the car in the left lane going just the speed limit and no more is always a Tesla making their point to conserve oil and limit your carbon foot print to save the planet while promoting abortion and population control in Africa. Got love the logic.
DJ: I agree with you about commuters. I don't drive during commuter hours. I did enough of that driving to work from Edmonds, WA to Renton, WA. That commute on I-5 is pure hell.
Sheeple vs People ...Sheeple 90+% People 10% or less from what I have observed.. Bread and Circuses. Sheeple only care about who won the game, what star is doing what or with whom. What are the Kardashians wearing. BTW I used to call sheeple lemmings.
Just like the Proles in "1984," Nancy. Thanks!
The majority of people's main goal in life is self preservation. What separates them is at what point will they sell their souls for security. What we have in this country is a major stupidity problem. Read the polls and the majority is unhappy with our leaders. Read comments and most don't care much for the rich yet most Congressmen are very rich compared to the working poor. That said on every election there is a 90+% return rate to Congress. That folks is sheer stupidity. I suppose I have always been an Anarchist but even if I weren't with the majority, when it comes to politics, can't seem to understand that you can't get change by doing the same thing over and over. We the people select rapists, pedophiles, drug addicts, vegetables and a couple totally insane to be our leaders. I didn't mention corrupt because finding someone that isn't is to big a task for my little brain.
You know I'm with you, Robert. Thanks!
Mr. Jeffries, I agree with you about Dicken's Christmas Carol. The very best story!
Sheeple is a fine word, but I find that most sheeple find everyone else to be sheeple. As someone who spends much time reading the thoughts of others, I can testify that conservatives enjoy reporting liberals as sheeple. And liberals laugh heartily at what sheeple the deplorables are.
Thank you for another fine article!
They probably do, Retired Librarian. I can picture most people on the road, for instance, shouting at all the "idiots" around them, even when they may be the worst driver out there. Thank you!
I suspect the Sheeple don't cause most of the trouble; they don't do much at all except accede and pay taxes. The opponents of the town clerk the Realtors appointed mayor in my town get 85% support in preelection polls, but she wins by 51-54%. An earlier candidate mysteriously "committed suicide" just before the election. No noise or protest about any of this.
While Utah has the reputation of the rudest drivers in the nation, only a few stoned texters miss lights. OTOH, thieving and vandalizing meth heads (the developers' wrecking ball) run rampant. Ritalin seems to have set the stage for this. They pushed it when we registered my son for Kindergarten.
Don't answer cold calls. At most, call them back. (Most are "not in service".) When I did this spam calls dropped from 8 per day to 4.
I look forward to your Jeff Rense visit tonight.
I think the Sheeple cause the problems because of their inaction. Their inability to think critically. Remember, we started calling them sheep because of what Orwell wrote about them in "Animal House," where they bleated out the elite jargon. Thanks, SaHiB!
was it Charlotte Iserbyte, The Dumbing Down of America
new sequel suggestion, The Dumbering Downer of America . Dumb and Dumber, Part 1 and Part , whatever the number that comes after 1.
Voting in America...Tweedledee or Tweedledum ...
Humpty Dumpty didn't fall...he was pushed!
The Tweedledee vs. Tweedledum analogy was first popularized by the great Huey Long. Thanks, liam!
High popalirum and Low popahirum
I didn't realize that...very cool!
If "We The People" weren't censored and shadow-banned at every turn in every medium, you'd find-out that WE ARE the largest block of citizens in America.
Also, but harder to achieve, an honest media for just a few months would make "US" the clear majority.
Hence, knowing those two things, I still have some hope.
Victory is achievable.
I would disagree with you sir. If we were the largest block of citizens in America I would have meet one of ya'll from time to time but the reality is just the opposite and I rarely meet anyone I can converse with.
Conversely, and yes, I agree / jesting
I think you're right, Myriad Mike. I still think we're outnumbered, but certainly if we stuck together in a coordinated effort, we would be much more effective. As someone impacted by the shadow ban across all social media, I can testify to how impactful this is on your ability to garner support for anti-establishment perspectives. Thanks!
You are profoundly underestimating the power of human stupidity.
My father who was a devout Christian left school around grade eight to work on his father's farm taught me one very important lesson and that is to speak the truth always and to seek the truth which meant be open to diverse and informed viewpoints. And this high regard for truth came from the Bible: “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32. And it seemed growing up 1950s and 1960s, most people spoke their mind and to do otherwise was considered cowardly and in fact evil.. But something changed through the 1970s and just got a lot worth until today, people do not just lie from time to time but commonly espouse a narrative that is totally untrue on almost every major subject. For example, as a research scientist in the field of earth science for over 35 years, I found myself attacked by colleagues and administrators for challenging the so-called Anthropogenic Global Warming (ADW) "theory" and exposing the UN's IPCC which was never about science but the corruption of science. So when the "pandemic" was declared and "safe and effective" COVID shots were rolled out, I spent about 500 hours researching all aspects of the COVID "pandemic" and as a result refused to take these lethal injections and advised others not to take them. The ostracization by family, friends, neighbors and colleagues for challenging the COVID narrative has shaken my faith in humanity. At least I now understand how the Bolsheviks exterminated some 60 million Russians according to Solzhenitsyn and there was no shortage it would seem of Stalin's willing executioners. So now we find ourselves living a world of lies as far as the eye can see. Some examples include Biden was elected president in a fair election; Congress represents the people; the DoJ is concerned with true justice and natural law; all wars by the West are waged to protect democracy; carbon dioxide the gas of life is a pollutant that drives global warming and a climatic crisis; John Kennedy was assassinated by a single bullet fired by Lee Harvey Oswald; the Twin Towers were brought down by ramming planes highjacked by Islamic terrorists armed to the teeth with box cutters into the towers; the war in the Ukraine was caused by Russia and not by the crazed NeoCons who orchestrated and funded the 2014 coup; a free and democratic Ukraine led by a modern version of Winston Churchill is winning the war; the genocide of over 15,000 civilians, half of whom are children, in the Gaza war constitutes Israeli self defense; the privately owned Fed that has created trillions of dollars out of thin air causing major debt and inflation is working in the best interests of the American people; the FBI is not the Gestapo but a well run domestic police service; the CIA and FBI do not spy on Americans or anyone else; Big Pharma and the Medical Industrial Complex is about saving lives; the COVID shots are safe and effective despite the 17 million deaths worldwide; the main stream media is a fountain of truth and knowledge that sustains democracy; schools and universities are not engaged in indoctrination but teaching basic math and science....and the list goes on and on and on. Russia refers to America as the Empire of Lies and this Empire of Lies extends throughout the western world including where I live, Ottawa in Canada.
Very well said, Wayne. Thanks!
1984 one of my favorite books. Gave it as a Pollyanna gift at my book club last year and no one had ever read it much less heard of it. Proles
The insurance and medical industry in this country are both an amazing mess. I've worked closely in both for 30 years now. At least the insurance industry is fairly uniform in extracting exorbitant fees, whereas in the medical industry payment for the exact same services can vary from a couple hundred dollars (medicare) to thousands of dollars (payment from a liability insurance claim)