Western Civ is in a full blown crisis mode. It’s “leaders” hate both themselves & their own native populations. Think that’s the reason why we’re seeing The Replacement Theory in action. “Leaders” is of course the last thing these people are. They’re hacks, cucks, & eunuchs; especially the latter in all but physicality. How did we get here? Good question, think it in part in the rise of feminism & fallout from the “sexual revolution” in the 1960’s. Mores became dated, “old fashioned” & too “rigid” for the new class of “tune in, turn on, & drop out”. And we’re witness to all the fallout of this: later Hollywood used to make nothing but testosterone-laden pix like “Bullitt”(1968), “The Seven-Ups”(1973), & “Cross of Iron”(1977) . A guy like Steve McQueen for example, wouldn’t let a guy like Brad Pitt (or Timothee Chalamet, for that matter) take out his garbage let alone walk on his property. Neither would The Duke. Or Gary Cooper. Or Lee Marvin (World War II Marine @ 17yrs old & wounded on Saipan). Now Hollywood fare falls apart @ the box office quicker than the latest Boeing aircraft. Audiences have largely “tuned in, turned on, & dropped out” of going to the cinema because there hasn’t been an original thought in LaLa Land for @ least the past 20yrs & who wants to be preached to/heckled/have their face rubbed in smut? Add to that beyond stupid storylines where a 90lb woman throws around 200lb+ guys like their cans of beans.
I’m in the biz. This can continue only for so long. Current fare isn’t drawing eyes nor $$. Like the “leaders” of western govts the “elites” in the entertainment industry despise the ticket-buying audience. Thankfully there is Independent Film; that’s where the change will come (& grow) like Angel Studios, for example. A great film starts with a great story; the industry @ large has tied itself down with so many insipid self-defeating bean-counting rules & woke screeds it’s more pinned than Gulliver ever was in the Land of Lilliput. And I’m not here simply pontificating, I’m doing my part to move the independent ball down the field. But it’s important to note if you want change then get involved somehow: help produce projects/donate/help/spread the word for independent filmmakers because no one is an island. We can make a difference by standing together.
🙌🥳…I was born in 1963, and boy, oh boy, you GET IT! I look at men now (and women), and say, WTF happened?! I definitely feel like I do not belong here.
Born in 64. I don’t warp tv anymore I watch the insp western channel. Linda Evan’s in the big valley had to no the hottest woman on tv at the time. What have we now? Fat black women and dykes talking about their armpits and pubes. F Joe biden
I feel you on that. Who wants to fit in with this madness? We have a county commissioner who stated to the press, “men wearing dresses is no different than women wearing pants” while wearing a t-shirt with a cross surrounded by a rainbow printed on it under his suit jacket. He said he “identifies as an aesthete”, which I had to look up as I had no clue what that is. Honestly, I spend my spare time with animals now because they are not confusing.
I totally understand Elizabeth! I was forced to retire after 23 years, no CONvid compliance. Now I go to the ocean everyday and feed the birds, and the squirrels. I’ve been doing this for a couple years. They’re absolutely precious and so beautiful!
I’m so happy that you get to do that now! I love to get up very early and listen to the birds sing. It’s free and it feeds my very soul. Nature is the thing that makes sense to me. I see God in nature and wholesomeness. So glad you did not comply!
I used to determine the overhead rate for federally sponsored research. This is an area I know something about. I wear a t-shirt that reads “I’m Already Naturally Immune To BS” where I now work…which is a job where I don’t have to hurt people for money. Nothing glamorous anymore. You did the right thing. Which is never easy these days. Excellent job.
Seriously, not complying likely saved your life. I’m not kidding. Good for you for finding a way to stick it out. Good job. I am seeing a lot of illnesses and death where I live. My roommate’s parents were both dead within 6 months of receiving the jab & were very healthy prior to the rollout. Embolisms, rapid onset dementia, etc. We are not lab rats. Good for you!
“I Enjoy Being A Girl”…the song I literally sing now when asked what my pronouns are as a stupid question deserves an equally ridiculous response. I’m not kidding. It’s an old song Doris Day sang, I believe.
It seems anti feminist (and please if you think what lies in the definition of that word includes only Bella Abzug or Gloria Steinem please stop right now, thanks.)
Feminism - for want of a better term - is having some control of yourself and your body -as an individual. It is not anti-male, nor does it render men anything other than men.
I am for equal rights for all. I used to be a feminist. I think toxic feminism did a lot to destroy the family. And now, ironically, transgenderism is in direct conflict with feminism. See what's happening to J.K. Rowling for example. The answer to women being shackled to their pantries, and having little recourse when their mate abused them, isn't to say a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle. There has to be a middle ground somewhere. Women shouldn't be forced to endure being housewives, and cooking and cleaning. But they shouldn't be ashamed of it, either, and the traditional role of a housewife shouldn't be demonized. The nuclear family is the foundation of civilization.
Yep. The foundation of the change was getting so many White girls to accept the conditioning. To almost be repelled at the suggestion they should have children. You can see this in the hysterical responses to Harrison Buttker's very tame comments. Thanks, Bard.
Tell me (if you don’t mind) you consider yourself an alpha (in what appears to be defined these days as a card carrying member of the NRA, anti-abortion? (Maybe even anti birth control?)
I learned about Tavistock about 8 years ago. My father was a VP for Capitol Records in the days of the Beatles and such. I have learned that everything I was taught was a lie. It’s refreshing to encounter someone who knows about Tavistock and how the music/entertainment industry was used for social engineering.
Yes indeed. We have been cleverly socially engineered through the media and the education system for decades. What is so sad is that most people still don't recognize it. Daniel Estulin wrote a great book on Tavistock, and the book Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon by Dave McGowan was an eye opener too.
Dave McGowan was great. As you may know, I've been compared to him by several people. I'm very flattered by that. He and I had just started communicating with each other when he developed a Jack Ruby-style galloping cancer. He died on November 22, of all dates. Thanks, Annette!
I'll be back on Daniel Estulin's show to promote "American Memory Hole," when we get close to the release date in August. He's also writing a blurb. Great guy. Thanks, Bard.
I have the book on Tavistock but was unaware of Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon. I’ll get a copy. Thank you. I’m pretty certain my father was involved in “weird stuff” in Hollywood. It’s not exactly a wholesome place. Perhaps I will find some answers in the book. You are correct about most people not recognizing how we’ve been manipulated. It’s like being in a dystopian nightmare.
"Weird Scenes" is a wonderful look into some of the musical artists many of us loved, Elizabeth. You can also check out his great work on the Boston Bombing, 9/11, the Lincoln assassination, and the supposed moon flights online still. Thanks.
Weird Scenes is about the rock scene in the 60's in and around Laurel Canyon, and how contrived it all was. So many of the leading members of these bands were the children of high ranking military and intelligence officers. Overlooking the Canyon was a CIA installation called Lookout Mountain equipped with sound stages and the like. I think you will find the book interesting. I'm currently listening to Chaos, Charles Manson, the CIA and the Secret history of the Sixties by Tom O'Neill. Another good one.
Teddy likely refers to Theodore Adorno who was Frankfurt School not Tavistock. The Paul Is Dead theory latches onto him because of John Coleman's Committee of 300 book. Adorno was a post-Marxist, German speaking Jew, like all the Frankfurters, who promoted atonal music as his New Left contribution to the destruction of traditional gentile culture.
"Teddy" couldn't possibly have written a slew of successful pop songs or any colloquial English lyrics. Tavistock, the offspring org of Fabian socialists, would have had their own stable of British songwriters to draw upon. Lennon/McCartney songs were mostly ghostwritten. The Beatles job was to sing and play live. I believe Mike Williams, Thomas Uharriet et al. are over the target but not every bomb hits the mark.
Mike Williams was on my show once, Billy. He also contributed to the book I co-wrote on the Paul is Dead phenomenon, "From Strawberry Fields to Abbey Road." Thanks.
The only Beatle my father really spoke of was George Harrison and it was with fondness. Having read about Tavistock, though, I am not sure what to believe about stories he told me. I had not heard about the Teddy rumor. It could well be. I’ve seen all the photos of “famous” people, famous musicians he knew and such. It’s hard for me to be impressed by all that because I have seen first hand the destruction that the Hollywood lifestyle brought, as well as the political lifestyle…to so many people and it continues to this day so I stay away from it. I just want to be a regular person.
I read Mr. McGowan’s information on Laurel Canyon last night. I sensed there was something very wrong but…whoa….so, is the cult/occult aspect common knowledge in California? I did a consulting project for USC and visited my father but I never lived there.
Trumpenstein. Interesting you should mention this. We now have a Zionist Uniparty in control that, (in addition to endless war and ethnic hatred), creates and imposes cultural rot in the form of Black Entertainment. In our collapsing rustbelt town, for example, all of the summer entertainment venues feature black "artists." As if I'm driving to Monroe, MI to hear some soulless rancid nigger music like "Ludacris", or some fat turd twerking in spandex. It's all so tiresome.
Pop culture surveys demonstrate these absurdities all the time. Laughably, we are obligated to believe Hendrix was the greatest guitarist, Aretha had the greatest voice, Denzel is best actor, Tiger is the "goat." It's all BS that cucked , white cowards have succumbed to.
Incidentally, boxing's heavyweight champion had traditionally been a pretty big deal in America 1.0. However, the predominance of white, heavyweight champs over the last 20+ years has been relegated to a footnote. The undisputed HW championship was fought last week between 2 paleskins. Nobody seemed to notice.
Keep up the gutsy commentary. It it sorely needed.
Great points, Robert. Yes, the White worship of Hendrix was always excessive. I went over what the acts at Woodstock were paid in "On Borrowed Fame." Hendrix was paid more than any of the White acts, most of whom were more successful recording artists. Yes, boxing disappeared when the Russians started dominating. And the only undefeated heavyweight champion in history, Rocky Marciano, is never mentioned among the greatest heavyweights. I wonder why? Thanks!
Led Zepplin greatest band not the rubber lipped faggot mick jagers band. 90% of action movies show white women in the lead roles. beating up white guys (never a groid) shooting people blowing things up and a 28 year women is ALWAYS the boss of all the male cops and they all bow to her. even CIA bosses are groid women. in a cop movie the 28 year old chief never sleeps eats or goes home. on the job 24/7 while her male counterparts tell her to rest. in a shootout no one but her hits a guy with almost every shot
It's all a matter of personal taste, SPQR70AD. I have a few Led Zeppellin LPs, but it was hard to enjoy a band whose leader, Jimmy Page, worshiped Aleister Crowley. Thanks.
yes you are correct but Led Zeppelin played blues like nobody else. their blues album was unreal. they had a wider range then the stones but the stones were very good.
DJ you must have seen the live version of sympathy for the devil when rubber lips came out dressed like the devil. Yes I think Page bought crowleys castle
I work for a casino in Delaware. We had a customer who was a man but wore a dress. He asked me if I liked his dress. I replied it doesn’t do a thing for you
Last month I was in a state park loading my bicycle to return home, when I heard a voice behind me say: "nice bike". I turned around to see a young man in a colorful, ruffley short skirt. I managed to force out a "thanks" in my state of shock (and by now I should not have been shocked).
Thank God somebody wrote something funny, you totally cracked me up! I’m laughing now, which is good BECAUSE THIS SUBJECT MAKES ME CRY. Like a phone call in the middle of the night telling you “ grandpa died” and you really cared about him and what he meant to you. Yep grandpa’s dead. This article was his obituary. Is old ones were his children. All there is now is his memory. Writing is visiting his grave on Memorial Day.
I don't have a tv, but I am forced into witnessing this Black take-over of all culture, if I go online, get my mail (ad mailers) or even LISTEN to podcasts ,(Black voices on the ads). Lately I find myself getting really riled about this...not at Black folk, but at the Jews who are erasing us. We ARE an endangered species. Around 100 years ago, Whites were about 25% of world population. Now we are 5.5. This did not just happen by chance.
I don't go to public events anymore, but if I did, the only event I feel I could be safe from this crap, would be a rodeo far from a city. The Tygh Valley All-Indian Rodeo (longstanding traditional Oregon rodeo) was a lot of fun back in the eighties. I just googled to see if it's still around. I could find nothing but vintage photos for sale. Flushed down the memory hole, probably due to lack of Black buckaroos. American Indians are the genuine missing group from pop-culture...never mentioned unless it's to claim mass murder victims of Indian boarding schools. Funny thing, my (now deceased) best friend's mom LOVED her boarding school...and went to work there as an adult. They even named a room at the school in her honor.
I loved The Wonderful World of Color as a child. I looked forward to Sunday night all week. Recently I was surprised to find online an episode I had never seen about a wandering seal. When the seal shows up at a summer camp in California, I was gobsmacked to see a camp with zero diversity. The fact that this screamed out at me, shows that even pop-culture drop-outs like myself, have had our brains scrambled. It made me look online for Pollyanna and The Parent Trap, just to be able to watch an all-White cast. Btw Donald, Tony is right...you ARE a national treasure.
I appreciate the kind words, Kris. Yes, the Black voiceovers for every product now are nauseating. They purposefully find those with distinct Ebonics accents, because otherwise, how would you know? Those Disney films seem like they were made on another planet now, Kris. I had a huge crush on lovely young Hayley Mills as a little boy. For what it's worth, she's been in a relationship (not sure if they're married or not) with a guy from India for many years. Thanks!
A former boyfriend confided in me that he had a huge crush on Hayley Mills, as well. I think a lot of little boys born in the fifties did. She starred in the 1967 film : Pretty Polly, filmed in Singapore, in which her love interest was an Indian man.
LBJ turned country downward after JFK, who was finessing the Civil rights issues, while recognizing a positive relationship to "all" countries.
FDR had the same policy exploding the immigration of Zionists from Eastern Europe into the Country to help his election numbers. An excellent book: The Iron Curtain Over America by John Beaty. Also includes the 100 agencies created by Proclamation. This might have been a turning point when the Supreme Court failed to act.
1) The Very Special People are responsible for this, as the White Christian Male is their age-old, sworn enemy.
2) In football, we're now seeing the takeover of the QB position by blacks. There are exceptions to every rule, but, in general, they don't possess the intelligence or mental discipline to learn and master a playbook. All they can do is run around. This may work in high school and college, but when you make the pros, every guy on the defense was one of the fastest guys on his high school and college team. This is why black QBs like Patrick Mahomes (admittedly a championship QB) and Lamar Jackson are injured so much - they leave the pocket and expose themselves to big hits while running around in the open field.
Also, there was that controversy a few years ago when the Arizona Cardinals had a clause in black QB Kyler Murray's contract that he "must know the playbook." Isn't that one of the unspoken prerequisites of the QB job? The fact that the team needed to put it in the contract was deemed "racist," but is indicative of what's going on with black QBs not knowing or caring to know the playbook.
Those with ears to hear and eyes to see know what’s going “down” here. The slime balls in control have pushed this agenda for decades. I used to pay attention to sports. I absolutely loved baseball. My team has always been the Tigers but when they put the card board cut outs in the stands during Covid and the players were wearing masks in the dugout I realized something was terribly wrong. Other than NHL, baseball was the closest white sport.
I loved the early Beatles, then learned they were actually the precursor to the Monkees. Lennon and McCartney never wrote those tunes. Like everything else It’s more of the same mind control manipulation. All of it.
I just now asked my wife if she thought I was an alpha male. Without hesitation she nodded in the affirmative. Lol. I suspected I might be. My heroes are all dead. Men like Dave Crockett, Jim Bowie, William Travis and all those men who told Santa Anna to F…..k himself at the Alamo. Men like Robert E. Lee, Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson, Nathan Bedford Forrest, these were alpha males you didn’t want to mess with. When I think of men like Stonewall Jackson, who at 38 years old commanded the Stonewall Brigade and struck fear in any Union General he faced. Utterly amazing! I was in my first year of sobriety at 38!
Where I live here in Northern rural Michigan I hang with men of honesty, integrity and not saints mind you. But when the SHTF these are people who’ll have your back. We know what’s happened and we know who done it. I suggest you all get ready.
That's the big question concerning everything, Dennis. Why? Why do those who conspire against us continue to do so, when they've achieved all the power and riches anyone could want? All I can do is observe and comment. There is no question that there is a massive anti- White agenda, which is being pushed by every powerful institution in America. As a White person, with a White wife and White kids, how can I not object to that? Thanks.
Its a mystery to me why anyone would be wondering why. All one has to do is watch a few of those crazy rabbi videos, where they gleefully proclaim all White people need to be eliminated. Step two, realize who it is that has a stranglehold on all communications all across the world. Ahh...2+2=4. No mystery here.
Where is the Alpha male? Your question is so on point. As some same over the target. It might be you, Donald. You kind of fit the bill. Don't you? Sounds like maybe you are asking what is an Alpha male? I'm asking and considering now as well, an answer. You give examples from the past. And you compare what is proffered today. None quite fit with what you expect any more. So, what is an Alpha male? A leader? A trail blazer? What?
Go back then to the original Alpha. The one that started in a void of nothing. And spoke. Thus, creating the heavens, the earth, and all that dwell within. Now consider your own life. How it suddenly changed. You're out in front now. Just you now. Everything you had depended on, all your ideas of how things were. All gone. Ruined, so to speak. You didn't waste time, though. You could see worse ahead. You had your hobbies and your writings that you picked up and rolled with. I, only one among your audience, am glad that you did. You've been like a rock, my friend. Keep it up. I would be okay if you decided to take a vacation for a week, or two maybe. Heck, take a month off if you want. You deserve it.
Well, Paul, I hardly fit the profile of a classical alpha male. But I do speak my mind, and as Robert F. Kennedy was fond of saying, intellectual courage is more important than physical courage. Thanks!
Major League Baseball in the U.S. is dominated by Hispanics. They come from countries where it is warm or hot year round and they play baseball all year from the time they can walk. Most of America has 4 seasons so the athletic kids here gravitate from baseball to football to basketball to hockey while the Hispanic kids stay focused on baseball all of the time. That's why they are the best baseball players. Congruent with these psychotic times, I think short people should file a class action lawsuit against the NBA for discrimination. How many short guys play professional basketball? I remember when Centers were 6' 5" at tallest. Now, that is small for a point guard. In the 1940s, George Mikan of the Depaul Demons college team at 6' 10" towered above every Center he played against. There are 6' 10" guards now. Like the title of the Kink's album, "Celluloid Heroes", the cult of celebrity is not what it seems. What we get about these people are carefully scripted narratives put forth by the entertainment industry's billion dollar promotion, marketing, and public relations machine. Years ago I read a section of a memoir by Bill Wyman, bassist of the Rolling Stones. He said he had sex with many Groupies who had also bedded lead singer, Mick Jagger. (A common practice among Rock stars). Every one of them revealed in pillow talk how disappointed they were with Jagger's "performance" in the sack. They thought they were going to experience orgasmic ecstasy with a sex god. The actual experience was 180 degrees opposite. And of course in that perverted, demonic realm, Trannys are ubiquitous. To paraphrase a line from the Kink's song, "Hollywood Boulevard", "People who changed their gender for fortune and fame ... " I saw the Kinks live at the Fillmore East in NY City as well as Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young, Moby Grape, Janis Joplin with Big Brother & The Holding Company, The Grateful Dead, and many others. At best some were mediocre and many of the acts outright sucked. I am not bragging when I truthfully say that I was in Rock N' Roll bands in my mid-teens that could smoke them. I was to learn years later how contrived, fake, and fixed the music business is (along with everything else). These "artists" had studio musicians play on their records and professional song writers penning their tunes. We got cardboard cutouts, basically. In this digitized age, it's even more fake as computer simulations replace real players. Thank you, Don, this was a blast!
I would argue that they aren't the best baseball players in a generalized way, Hereticdrummer, any more than Blacks are naturally better than Whites at football and basketball. Something like 95% of college baseball players are White Americans. College baseball is played at a much higher level than anything the Dominican Republic can come up with, even with the money MLB puts into countries like that, in a desperate effort to make MLB less White. I think the sports world, like the entertainment world, is full of Affirmative Action hires. Why would they be any different from the rest of society? I'd imagine that Mick Jagger couldn't care less what any groupie thought of his sexual prowess. I'd guess that every sexual encounter with a rock star was of the wham-bam-thank-you-mam variety. Thanks, my friend!
Good points, DJ. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough. Hispanic ball players are not naturally better than Whites. I conveyed that they get better because they play it year round in their temperate, native countries while Whites only play it part of the year. Innate talent considered, if you practice a musical instrument 3 months out of the year, you will not be as skilled at it as someone who practices it 12 months. Not just in the sports world, the Controllers are endeavoring to make everything non-White, most of all the world itself. And many of the luminaries of the sports world are groomed for those roles at a young age because of bloodline, secret society connections, as in every field and realm. They are tested early to determine where their talents lie and where above the masses they should be placed for veneration. Good observation on rock stars and sex. John Lennon's roadies said that one of their responsibilities was to pick out the prettiest teen girls from the screaming audience and bring them backstage to the Beatle's dressing room after the show. Lennon would simply take them, put them up against the wall, pull their skirts or dresses up and their panties down, and wham, bam, thank you mam them. Back then girls didn't wear pants, only skirts and dresses, which made it very convenient for him, and the many other rock stars who most certainly did the same. The Beatles handlers spent a lot of money buying off the parents of those girls who got, "knocked up", in every country they toured in. No problem, they had plenty of "cheddar" to spare. In today's dollars, the Beatles psy-op generated billions. Thanks again, Don, for a great one.
We're on the same page, my friend. Yes, many of the rock acts hired a friend to scout the audience for them, knowing what kind of girls they liked. And unlike for the public at large, age wasn't a concern. The rock stars banged many an underage girl, without any fear of being prosecuted. I went over this glaring double standard in "Survival of the Richest." Thanks!
Recall Bill Wyman of the Stones was plowing Mandy Smith when she was 13 as Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin was doing to Lori Mattix, also 13 years old. Both men indulging in sex with minors with impunity. There must be countless more examples. There are one set of rules for "Them", and quite another for us. Keep punching, Bro.
Yep. Openly. As I noted in "Survival of the Richest," either sex with underage girls is a terrible crime and the man should be severely punished, or it's no big deal. You can't have it both ways. But in this country (and this world), the double standard is ironclad. Thanks!
I've known girls in my life who very willingly had sexual intercourse as young as 12. I'm not saying females that age are always hot to trot, but you have to take such things on a case by case basis, made much more difficult by the fact that there exists a gray area between consent and coercion. As a rule of thumb, if you are rich and famous, or even only one of those, though they often go hand-in-hand, consent without coercion is much easier to come by. Consent for sex by a young or "underage" girl, regardless of her reasons and of the statutory requirement on the matter, should negate any criminal charges. That may seem radical but that is my view. We don't need the tyrannical scumfucks of Big Brother telling us how old you must be in order to be able to consent to physical intimacy. Thank you, Don.
As far as an actor that provides white alpha male depictions in a positive light, there is Jason Statham. Even though he is aging, he can still play a convincing action role. Perhaps not high art. But his wins can be gratifying. If he has ever played the cuck, I'm unaware.
Trump certainly sells himself as an alpha. He isn't. To me he comes off as always petty and that is a distinctly feminine trait. Beyond that, I can't perceive any consistency of action other than to be a stooge of the Likudniks. And he is the opposite of a role model. Narcissist, liar, bully, inarticulate, unwise, traitorous. And of course, the sad, desperate multitudes that have been taken in by his sophistry are never able to acknowledge his utter failure as an alpha, his penchant for becoming a helpless victim at crunch time. (contrivavirus, blm terror campaign, collusion hoax, border wall, national debt, troop withdrawals, NATO exit, election integrity, invisible concerning j6 political prisoners, an exhaustive list would require a book but you get the point) Instead they have the ready string of excuses to paper over his policy schizophrenia and the endless streams of contradictions that flow out of him. His presidency amounted to a botched abortion. I don't recall any other public figure in my lifetime that was so consistently powerless while in power. Alpha indeed.
Even though my article was totally about the crazy crowd and had literally nothing to do with Trump, she felt that my use of "trumpy orange" qualified me as having TDS and "signed off" ... completely missing my point. Wanted to tell her to not let the doorknob hit her in the arse. T'would surely be laughable if if weren't so sad.
I guess playful attempts at humor really are offensive to those with a Congenital Absence of Humor.
Gutsy piece, DJ, great thanks for once again saying what nobody else will. ~~ j ~~
Perry Mason holds up really well, Aelred. I'm surprised they let a show that focuses on innocent until proven guilty be shown today. Juries should be required to watch it. Thanks!
Western Civ is in a full blown crisis mode. It’s “leaders” hate both themselves & their own native populations. Think that’s the reason why we’re seeing The Replacement Theory in action. “Leaders” is of course the last thing these people are. They’re hacks, cucks, & eunuchs; especially the latter in all but physicality. How did we get here? Good question, think it in part in the rise of feminism & fallout from the “sexual revolution” in the 1960’s. Mores became dated, “old fashioned” & too “rigid” for the new class of “tune in, turn on, & drop out”. And we’re witness to all the fallout of this: later Hollywood used to make nothing but testosterone-laden pix like “Bullitt”(1968), “The Seven-Ups”(1973), & “Cross of Iron”(1977) . A guy like Steve McQueen for example, wouldn’t let a guy like Brad Pitt (or Timothee Chalamet, for that matter) take out his garbage let alone walk on his property. Neither would The Duke. Or Gary Cooper. Or Lee Marvin (World War II Marine @ 17yrs old & wounded on Saipan). Now Hollywood fare falls apart @ the box office quicker than the latest Boeing aircraft. Audiences have largely “tuned in, turned on, & dropped out” of going to the cinema because there hasn’t been an original thought in LaLa Land for @ least the past 20yrs & who wants to be preached to/heckled/have their face rubbed in smut? Add to that beyond stupid storylines where a 90lb woman throws around 200lb+ guys like their cans of beans.
I’m in the biz. This can continue only for so long. Current fare isn’t drawing eyes nor $$. Like the “leaders” of western govts the “elites” in the entertainment industry despise the ticket-buying audience. Thankfully there is Independent Film; that’s where the change will come (& grow) like Angel Studios, for example. A great film starts with a great story; the industry @ large has tied itself down with so many insipid self-defeating bean-counting rules & woke screeds it’s more pinned than Gulliver ever was in the Land of Lilliput. And I’m not here simply pontificating, I’m doing my part to move the independent ball down the field. But it’s important to note if you want change then get involved somehow: help produce projects/donate/help/spread the word for independent filmmakers because no one is an island. We can make a difference by standing together.
🙌🥳…I was born in 1963, and boy, oh boy, you GET IT! I look at men now (and women), and say, WTF happened?! I definitely feel like I do not belong here.
Born in 64. I don’t warp tv anymore I watch the insp western channel. Linda Evan’s in the big valley had to no the hottest woman on tv at the time. What have we now? Fat black women and dykes talking about their armpits and pubes. F Joe biden
Big Valley…I remember well! And the men were hot as hell! Michael Landon was a cutie. They all were! Linda Evan’s…Audra…
I loved The Rockford Files too! James Garner looked like my dad😉.
If I may brag. My dad looked like Cheyenne (Clint Walker).
I feel you on that. Who wants to fit in with this madness? We have a county commissioner who stated to the press, “men wearing dresses is no different than women wearing pants” while wearing a t-shirt with a cross surrounded by a rainbow printed on it under his suit jacket. He said he “identifies as an aesthete”, which I had to look up as I had no clue what that is. Honestly, I spend my spare time with animals now because they are not confusing.
I totally understand Elizabeth! I was forced to retire after 23 years, no CONvid compliance. Now I go to the ocean everyday and feed the birds, and the squirrels. I’ve been doing this for a couple years. They’re absolutely precious and so beautiful!
People, for the most part, are sound asleep.
Nature is the great equalizer, from God/Creator!
I’m so happy that you get to do that now! I love to get up very early and listen to the birds sing. It’s free and it feeds my very soul. Nature is the thing that makes sense to me. I see God in nature and wholesomeness. So glad you did not comply!
Nor did I & sat on the sidelines for 2yrs because no jab = no auditions. Thankfully my Mgr (who’s high profile) did not cut me from her roster.
I used to determine the overhead rate for federally sponsored research. This is an area I know something about. I wear a t-shirt that reads “I’m Already Naturally Immune To BS” where I now work…which is a job where I don’t have to hurt people for money. Nothing glamorous anymore. You did the right thing. Which is never easy these days. Excellent job.
Seriously, not complying likely saved your life. I’m not kidding. Good for you for finding a way to stick it out. Good job. I am seeing a lot of illnesses and death where I live. My roommate’s parents were both dead within 6 months of receiving the jab & were very healthy prior to the rollout. Embolisms, rapid onset dementia, etc. We are not lab rats. Good for you!
“I Enjoy Being A Girl”…the song I literally sing now when asked what my pronouns are as a stupid question deserves an equally ridiculous response. I’m not kidding. It’s an old song Doris Day sang, I believe.
Never met a woman beaten by her husband I’m guessing
My sister was abused for decades. Known plenty of them. What does that have to do with this subject?
It seems anti feminist (and please if you think what lies in the definition of that word includes only Bella Abzug or Gloria Steinem please stop right now, thanks.)
Feminism - for want of a better term - is having some control of yourself and your body -as an individual. It is not anti-male, nor does it render men anything other than men.
I am for equal rights for all. I used to be a feminist. I think toxic feminism did a lot to destroy the family. And now, ironically, transgenderism is in direct conflict with feminism. See what's happening to J.K. Rowling for example. The answer to women being shackled to their pantries, and having little recourse when their mate abused them, isn't to say a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle. There has to be a middle ground somewhere. Women shouldn't be forced to endure being housewives, and cooking and cleaning. But they shouldn't be ashamed of it, either, and the traditional role of a housewife shouldn't be demonized. The nuclear family is the foundation of civilization.
You would have guessed wrong but assume whatever you like.
Great analysis, Dutch. Thanks!
How about the late great James Arness?
If they can ruin Star Wars, there is no limit.
Independent films, absolutely. The only originality these days.
Older than you.
Steve McQueen was fun but even then playing a cartoon of himself, sorry. So did John Wayne. Role model? Nope.
Real men in film back then? Humphrey Bogart, all day, every day. Robert Ryan (who was purportedly gay btw), Robert Mitchum (omg) Kirk Douglas,
Jean Paul Belmondo. The flawed Marlon Brando.
Lee Marvin, Burt Lancaster. Phew.
Not the guys you listed.
That's when Tavistock needed a large military.
We were all brainwashed.
We boomers are a part of the overpopulation now.
Just take the clot shot for the Federal Reserve and Social Security.
Do it for the Gipper.
I'll have more about the Gipper's real record in my upcoming "American Memory Hole," Bard. Thanks!
"Do it for the Gipper." Stupid cocksucker, lol.
Glad you understand satire.
Birth control was the key.
No kids, no family.
Safe and effective.
Mind control by mass media did the rest.
We were politically sterilized.
Even protest was scripted.
Tom Hayden, a deep state operative. All you need is love?
Nuclear family under siege
Yep. The foundation of the change was getting so many White girls to accept the conditioning. To almost be repelled at the suggestion they should have children. You can see this in the hysterical responses to Harrison Buttker's very tame comments. Thanks, Bard.
I’m guessing you’re not married.
Been married for 39 years.
That is a great legacy Donald.
God bless that marriage
I beat that my 15 years, married a soldier.
Tell me (if you don’t mind) you consider yourself an alpha (in what appears to be defined these days as a card carrying member of the NRA, anti-abortion? (Maybe even anti birth control?)
I learned about Tavistock about 8 years ago. My father was a VP for Capitol Records in the days of the Beatles and such. I have learned that everything I was taught was a lie. It’s refreshing to encounter someone who knows about Tavistock and how the music/entertainment industry was used for social engineering.
Wow. Interesting, Elizabeth. He must have told you some great stories. Thanks.
Yes indeed. We have been cleverly socially engineered through the media and the education system for decades. What is so sad is that most people still don't recognize it. Daniel Estulin wrote a great book on Tavistock, and the book Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon by Dave McGowan was an eye opener too.
Dave McGowan was great. As you may know, I've been compared to him by several people. I'm very flattered by that. He and I had just started communicating with each other when he developed a Jack Ruby-style galloping cancer. He died on November 22, of all dates. Thanks, Annette!
Read both this year
Just the index in the Estulin book is a "trip".
I'll be back on Daniel Estulin's show to promote "American Memory Hole," when we get close to the release date in August. He's also writing a blurb. Great guy. Thanks, Bard.
I have the book on Tavistock but was unaware of Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon. I’ll get a copy. Thank you. I’m pretty certain my father was involved in “weird stuff” in Hollywood. It’s not exactly a wholesome place. Perhaps I will find some answers in the book. You are correct about most people not recognizing how we’ve been manipulated. It’s like being in a dystopian nightmare.
"Weird Scenes" is a wonderful look into some of the musical artists many of us loved, Elizabeth. You can also check out his great work on the Boston Bombing, 9/11, the Lincoln assassination, and the supposed moon flights online still. Thanks.
Weird Scenes is about the rock scene in the 60's in and around Laurel Canyon, and how contrived it all was. So many of the leading members of these bands were the children of high ranking military and intelligence officers. Overlooking the Canyon was a CIA installation called Lookout Mountain equipped with sound stages and the like. I think you will find the book interesting. I'm currently listening to Chaos, Charles Manson, the CIA and the Secret history of the Sixties by Tom O'Neill. Another good one.
Always happy to supply a link: https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/
(Dave McGowan's repository) So sad he isn't around to give us his take on these times.
I wish more people knew about neurotechnology, that’s for sure.
Thank you Elizabeth,
Glad to hear about your father. Always wondered if Paul McCartney died early in a car crash and replaced by a look alike.
Rumors abound that one different person wrote all of the Beatle songs named Teddy.
I met Sid Bernstein, the agent who booked the Beatles into Shea Stadium when I worked in a nightclub called Tramps in Gramercy Park.
Teddy likely refers to Theodore Adorno who was Frankfurt School not Tavistock. The Paul Is Dead theory latches onto him because of John Coleman's Committee of 300 book. Adorno was a post-Marxist, German speaking Jew, like all the Frankfurters, who promoted atonal music as his New Left contribution to the destruction of traditional gentile culture.
"Teddy" couldn't possibly have written a slew of successful pop songs or any colloquial English lyrics. Tavistock, the offspring org of Fabian socialists, would have had their own stable of British songwriters to draw upon. Lennon/McCartney songs were mostly ghostwritten. The Beatles job was to sing and play live. I believe Mike Williams, Thomas Uharriet et al. are over the target but not every bomb hits the mark.
Mike Williams was on my show once, Billy. He also contributed to the book I co-wrote on the Paul is Dead phenomenon, "From Strawberry Fields to Abbey Road." Thanks.
Thank you for clarifying that. I appreciate it.
The only Beatle my father really spoke of was George Harrison and it was with fondness. Having read about Tavistock, though, I am not sure what to believe about stories he told me. I had not heard about the Teddy rumor. It could well be. I’ve seen all the photos of “famous” people, famous musicians he knew and such. It’s hard for me to be impressed by all that because I have seen first hand the destruction that the Hollywood lifestyle brought, as well as the political lifestyle…to so many people and it continues to this day so I stay away from it. I just want to be a regular person.
Thanks Elizabeth.
I agree.
EMI Records was very big too.
They were funded by British Intelligence.
It was a big rabbit hole. I had Margaret Mead for Anthropology.
She and her husband Gregory Bateson were doing social engineering too for the deep state
I read Mr. McGowan’s information on Laurel Canyon last night. I sensed there was something very wrong but…whoa….so, is the cult/occult aspect common knowledge in California? I did a consulting project for USC and visited my father but I never lived there.
How old are you? I’m guessing not old enough to remember Viêt Nam.
I'm surprised to hear Tucker say that, Aelred. Thanks.
Why would you listen to Tucker Carlson discuss anything but frozen dinners and his cargo pants.
Tucker Carlson is a CIA Dis-Info Shill impersonating an educated boomer.
Trumpenstein. Interesting you should mention this. We now have a Zionist Uniparty in control that, (in addition to endless war and ethnic hatred), creates and imposes cultural rot in the form of Black Entertainment. In our collapsing rustbelt town, for example, all of the summer entertainment venues feature black "artists." As if I'm driving to Monroe, MI to hear some soulless rancid nigger music like "Ludacris", or some fat turd twerking in spandex. It's all so tiresome.
We do have a Zionist Uniparty, H. William. Although we don't need the gratuitous racial slur. Thanks.
BTW, thanks for not reporting me to the kikes.
"..some fat turd twerking in spandex." You gotta admit that is funny.
Locally we now have a Taylor Swift "coverband".
Never heard one of her songs.
Venue: Monroe, Louisiana Motel 6 lounge. (no swimming pool)
The "Country Music" has become pretty soulless too at this point.
Pop culture surveys demonstrate these absurdities all the time. Laughably, we are obligated to believe Hendrix was the greatest guitarist, Aretha had the greatest voice, Denzel is best actor, Tiger is the "goat." It's all BS that cucked , white cowards have succumbed to.
Incidentally, boxing's heavyweight champion had traditionally been a pretty big deal in America 1.0. However, the predominance of white, heavyweight champs over the last 20+ years has been relegated to a footnote. The undisputed HW championship was fought last week between 2 paleskins. Nobody seemed to notice.
Keep up the gutsy commentary. It it sorely needed.
Great points, Robert. Yes, the White worship of Hendrix was always excessive. I went over what the acts at Woodstock were paid in "On Borrowed Fame." Hendrix was paid more than any of the White acts, most of whom were more successful recording artists. Yes, boxing disappeared when the Russians started dominating. And the only undefeated heavyweight champion in history, Rocky Marciano, is never mentioned among the greatest heavyweights. I wonder why? Thanks!
Led Zepplin greatest band not the rubber lipped faggot mick jagers band. 90% of action movies show white women in the lead roles. beating up white guys (never a groid) shooting people blowing things up and a 28 year women is ALWAYS the boss of all the male cops and they all bow to her. even CIA bosses are groid women. in a cop movie the 28 year old chief never sleeps eats or goes home. on the job 24/7 while her male counterparts tell her to rest. in a shootout no one but her hits a guy with almost every shot
It's all a matter of personal taste, SPQR70AD. I have a few Led Zeppellin LPs, but it was hard to enjoy a band whose leader, Jimmy Page, worshiped Aleister Crowley. Thanks.
yes you are correct but Led Zeppelin played blues like nobody else. their blues album was unreal. they had a wider range then the stones but the stones were very good.
DJ you must have seen the live version of sympathy for the devil when rubber lips came out dressed like the devil. Yes I think Page bought crowleys castle
I work for a casino in Delaware. We had a customer who was a man but wore a dress. He asked me if I liked his dress. I replied it doesn’t do a thing for you
Last month I was in a state park loading my bicycle to return home, when I heard a voice behind me say: "nice bike". I turned around to see a young man in a colorful, ruffley short skirt. I managed to force out a "thanks" in my state of shock (and by now I should not have been shocked).
Thank God somebody wrote something funny, you totally cracked me up! I’m laughing now, which is good BECAUSE THIS SUBJECT MAKES ME CRY. Like a phone call in the middle of the night telling you “ grandpa died” and you really cared about him and what he meant to you. Yep grandpa’s dead. This article was his obituary. Is old ones were his children. All there is now is his memory. Writing is visiting his grave on Memorial Day.
I don't have a tv, but I am forced into witnessing this Black take-over of all culture, if I go online, get my mail (ad mailers) or even LISTEN to podcasts ,(Black voices on the ads). Lately I find myself getting really riled about this...not at Black folk, but at the Jews who are erasing us. We ARE an endangered species. Around 100 years ago, Whites were about 25% of world population. Now we are 5.5. This did not just happen by chance.
I don't go to public events anymore, but if I did, the only event I feel I could be safe from this crap, would be a rodeo far from a city. The Tygh Valley All-Indian Rodeo (longstanding traditional Oregon rodeo) was a lot of fun back in the eighties. I just googled to see if it's still around. I could find nothing but vintage photos for sale. Flushed down the memory hole, probably due to lack of Black buckaroos. American Indians are the genuine missing group from pop-culture...never mentioned unless it's to claim mass murder victims of Indian boarding schools. Funny thing, my (now deceased) best friend's mom LOVED her boarding school...and went to work there as an adult. They even named a room at the school in her honor.
I loved The Wonderful World of Color as a child. I looked forward to Sunday night all week. Recently I was surprised to find online an episode I had never seen about a wandering seal. When the seal shows up at a summer camp in California, I was gobsmacked to see a camp with zero diversity. The fact that this screamed out at me, shows that even pop-culture drop-outs like myself, have had our brains scrambled. It made me look online for Pollyanna and The Parent Trap, just to be able to watch an all-White cast. Btw Donald, Tony is right...you ARE a national treasure.
I appreciate the kind words, Kris. Yes, the Black voiceovers for every product now are nauseating. They purposefully find those with distinct Ebonics accents, because otherwise, how would you know? Those Disney films seem like they were made on another planet now, Kris. I had a huge crush on lovely young Hayley Mills as a little boy. For what it's worth, she's been in a relationship (not sure if they're married or not) with a guy from India for many years. Thanks!
A former boyfriend confided in me that he had a huge crush on Hayley Mills, as well. I think a lot of little boys born in the fifties did. She starred in the 1967 film : Pretty Polly, filmed in Singapore, in which her love interest was an Indian man.
As usual you're right on the money Don. Thanks for another great piece of writing.
Thanks, Smoke!
Divide and Conquer Donald.
LBJ turned country downward after JFK, who was finessing the Civil rights issues, while recognizing a positive relationship to "all" countries.
FDR had the same policy exploding the immigration of Zionists from Eastern Europe into the Country to help his election numbers. An excellent book: The Iron Curtain Over America by John Beaty. Also includes the 100 agencies created by Proclamation. This might have been a turning point when the Supreme Court failed to act.
I agree, Bard. Thanks.
And it's link to the Nazis? Against the good Jews in Germany.
Am I Correct Na= National Socialist Party
ZI = Zionism, ergo NAZI.
Kazarians based their Talamud on the Babylonians who were pretty demonic. Until then they had no religion.
FDR opened the flood gates to their migration into the US to get their vote.
I suspect that this was the foundation for the Red Scare, Hollywood Black List, McCarthyism, etc.
1) The Very Special People are responsible for this, as the White Christian Male is their age-old, sworn enemy.
2) In football, we're now seeing the takeover of the QB position by blacks. There are exceptions to every rule, but, in general, they don't possess the intelligence or mental discipline to learn and master a playbook. All they can do is run around. This may work in high school and college, but when you make the pros, every guy on the defense was one of the fastest guys on his high school and college team. This is why black QBs like Patrick Mahomes (admittedly a championship QB) and Lamar Jackson are injured so much - they leave the pocket and expose themselves to big hits while running around in the open field.
Also, there was that controversy a few years ago when the Arizona Cardinals had a clause in black QB Kyler Murray's contract that he "must know the playbook." Isn't that one of the unspoken prerequisites of the QB job? The fact that the team needed to put it in the contract was deemed "racist," but is indicative of what's going on with black QBs not knowing or caring to know the playbook.
Yep, the push for Black QBs by the media is now overbearing, Chucky. Thanks.
One thing you don’t get into Don is why?
Those with ears to hear and eyes to see know what’s going “down” here. The slime balls in control have pushed this agenda for decades. I used to pay attention to sports. I absolutely loved baseball. My team has always been the Tigers but when they put the card board cut outs in the stands during Covid and the players were wearing masks in the dugout I realized something was terribly wrong. Other than NHL, baseball was the closest white sport.
I loved the early Beatles, then learned they were actually the precursor to the Monkees. Lennon and McCartney never wrote those tunes. Like everything else It’s more of the same mind control manipulation. All of it.
I just now asked my wife if she thought I was an alpha male. Without hesitation she nodded in the affirmative. Lol. I suspected I might be. My heroes are all dead. Men like Dave Crockett, Jim Bowie, William Travis and all those men who told Santa Anna to F…..k himself at the Alamo. Men like Robert E. Lee, Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson, Nathan Bedford Forrest, these were alpha males you didn’t want to mess with. When I think of men like Stonewall Jackson, who at 38 years old commanded the Stonewall Brigade and struck fear in any Union General he faced. Utterly amazing! I was in my first year of sobriety at 38!
Where I live here in Northern rural Michigan I hang with men of honesty, integrity and not saints mind you. But when the SHTF these are people who’ll have your back. We know what’s happened and we know who done it. I suggest you all get ready.
That's the big question concerning everything, Dennis. Why? Why do those who conspire against us continue to do so, when they've achieved all the power and riches anyone could want? All I can do is observe and comment. There is no question that there is a massive anti- White agenda, which is being pushed by every powerful institution in America. As a White person, with a White wife and White kids, how can I not object to that? Thanks.
Its a mystery to me why anyone would be wondering why. All one has to do is watch a few of those crazy rabbi videos, where they gleefully proclaim all White people need to be eliminated. Step two, realize who it is that has a stranglehold on all communications all across the world. Ahh...2+2=4. No mystery here.
Where is the Alpha male? Your question is so on point. As some same over the target. It might be you, Donald. You kind of fit the bill. Don't you? Sounds like maybe you are asking what is an Alpha male? I'm asking and considering now as well, an answer. You give examples from the past. And you compare what is proffered today. None quite fit with what you expect any more. So, what is an Alpha male? A leader? A trail blazer? What?
Go back then to the original Alpha. The one that started in a void of nothing. And spoke. Thus, creating the heavens, the earth, and all that dwell within. Now consider your own life. How it suddenly changed. You're out in front now. Just you now. Everything you had depended on, all your ideas of how things were. All gone. Ruined, so to speak. You didn't waste time, though. You could see worse ahead. You had your hobbies and your writings that you picked up and rolled with. I, only one among your audience, am glad that you did. You've been like a rock, my friend. Keep it up. I would be okay if you decided to take a vacation for a week, or two maybe. Heck, take a month off if you want. You deserve it.
Well, Paul, I hardly fit the profile of a classical alpha male. But I do speak my mind, and as Robert F. Kennedy was fond of saying, intellectual courage is more important than physical courage. Thanks!
Not sure which is more important, but Wally Cox telling off Hulk Hogan demonstrates greater courage than Hulk Hogan physically intimidating Wally Cox.
Yes. Cox was best friends with Marlon Brando, by the way. Thanks, Mike.
I did not know. Thank you.
Underdog and the Godfather ride again!
Major League Baseball in the U.S. is dominated by Hispanics. They come from countries where it is warm or hot year round and they play baseball all year from the time they can walk. Most of America has 4 seasons so the athletic kids here gravitate from baseball to football to basketball to hockey while the Hispanic kids stay focused on baseball all of the time. That's why they are the best baseball players. Congruent with these psychotic times, I think short people should file a class action lawsuit against the NBA for discrimination. How many short guys play professional basketball? I remember when Centers were 6' 5" at tallest. Now, that is small for a point guard. In the 1940s, George Mikan of the Depaul Demons college team at 6' 10" towered above every Center he played against. There are 6' 10" guards now. Like the title of the Kink's album, "Celluloid Heroes", the cult of celebrity is not what it seems. What we get about these people are carefully scripted narratives put forth by the entertainment industry's billion dollar promotion, marketing, and public relations machine. Years ago I read a section of a memoir by Bill Wyman, bassist of the Rolling Stones. He said he had sex with many Groupies who had also bedded lead singer, Mick Jagger. (A common practice among Rock stars). Every one of them revealed in pillow talk how disappointed they were with Jagger's "performance" in the sack. They thought they were going to experience orgasmic ecstasy with a sex god. The actual experience was 180 degrees opposite. And of course in that perverted, demonic realm, Trannys are ubiquitous. To paraphrase a line from the Kink's song, "Hollywood Boulevard", "People who changed their gender for fortune and fame ... " I saw the Kinks live at the Fillmore East in NY City as well as Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young, Moby Grape, Janis Joplin with Big Brother & The Holding Company, The Grateful Dead, and many others. At best some were mediocre and many of the acts outright sucked. I am not bragging when I truthfully say that I was in Rock N' Roll bands in my mid-teens that could smoke them. I was to learn years later how contrived, fake, and fixed the music business is (along with everything else). These "artists" had studio musicians play on their records and professional song writers penning their tunes. We got cardboard cutouts, basically. In this digitized age, it's even more fake as computer simulations replace real players. Thank you, Don, this was a blast!
I would argue that they aren't the best baseball players in a generalized way, Hereticdrummer, any more than Blacks are naturally better than Whites at football and basketball. Something like 95% of college baseball players are White Americans. College baseball is played at a much higher level than anything the Dominican Republic can come up with, even with the money MLB puts into countries like that, in a desperate effort to make MLB less White. I think the sports world, like the entertainment world, is full of Affirmative Action hires. Why would they be any different from the rest of society? I'd imagine that Mick Jagger couldn't care less what any groupie thought of his sexual prowess. I'd guess that every sexual encounter with a rock star was of the wham-bam-thank-you-mam variety. Thanks, my friend!
Good points, DJ. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough. Hispanic ball players are not naturally better than Whites. I conveyed that they get better because they play it year round in their temperate, native countries while Whites only play it part of the year. Innate talent considered, if you practice a musical instrument 3 months out of the year, you will not be as skilled at it as someone who practices it 12 months. Not just in the sports world, the Controllers are endeavoring to make everything non-White, most of all the world itself. And many of the luminaries of the sports world are groomed for those roles at a young age because of bloodline, secret society connections, as in every field and realm. They are tested early to determine where their talents lie and where above the masses they should be placed for veneration. Good observation on rock stars and sex. John Lennon's roadies said that one of their responsibilities was to pick out the prettiest teen girls from the screaming audience and bring them backstage to the Beatle's dressing room after the show. Lennon would simply take them, put them up against the wall, pull their skirts or dresses up and their panties down, and wham, bam, thank you mam them. Back then girls didn't wear pants, only skirts and dresses, which made it very convenient for him, and the many other rock stars who most certainly did the same. The Beatles handlers spent a lot of money buying off the parents of those girls who got, "knocked up", in every country they toured in. No problem, they had plenty of "cheddar" to spare. In today's dollars, the Beatles psy-op generated billions. Thanks again, Don, for a great one.
We're on the same page, my friend. Yes, many of the rock acts hired a friend to scout the audience for them, knowing what kind of girls they liked. And unlike for the public at large, age wasn't a concern. The rock stars banged many an underage girl, without any fear of being prosecuted. I went over this glaring double standard in "Survival of the Richest." Thanks!
Recall Bill Wyman of the Stones was plowing Mandy Smith when she was 13 as Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin was doing to Lori Mattix, also 13 years old. Both men indulging in sex with minors with impunity. There must be countless more examples. There are one set of rules for "Them", and quite another for us. Keep punching, Bro.
Yep. Openly. As I noted in "Survival of the Richest," either sex with underage girls is a terrible crime and the man should be severely punished, or it's no big deal. You can't have it both ways. But in this country (and this world), the double standard is ironclad. Thanks!
I've known girls in my life who very willingly had sexual intercourse as young as 12. I'm not saying females that age are always hot to trot, but you have to take such things on a case by case basis, made much more difficult by the fact that there exists a gray area between consent and coercion. As a rule of thumb, if you are rich and famous, or even only one of those, though they often go hand-in-hand, consent without coercion is much easier to come by. Consent for sex by a young or "underage" girl, regardless of her reasons and of the statutory requirement on the matter, should negate any criminal charges. That may seem radical but that is my view. We don't need the tyrannical scumfucks of Big Brother telling us how old you must be in order to be able to consent to physical intimacy. Thank you, Don.
As far as an actor that provides white alpha male depictions in a positive light, there is Jason Statham. Even though he is aging, he can still play a convincing action role. Perhaps not high art. But his wins can be gratifying. If he has ever played the cuck, I'm unaware.
Trump certainly sells himself as an alpha. He isn't. To me he comes off as always petty and that is a distinctly feminine trait. Beyond that, I can't perceive any consistency of action other than to be a stooge of the Likudniks. And he is the opposite of a role model. Narcissist, liar, bully, inarticulate, unwise, traitorous. And of course, the sad, desperate multitudes that have been taken in by his sophistry are never able to acknowledge his utter failure as an alpha, his penchant for becoming a helpless victim at crunch time. (contrivavirus, blm terror campaign, collusion hoax, border wall, national debt, troop withdrawals, NATO exit, election integrity, invisible concerning j6 political prisoners, an exhaustive list would require a book but you get the point) Instead they have the ready string of excuses to paper over his policy schizophrenia and the endless streams of contradictions that flow out of him. His presidency amounted to a botched abortion. I don't recall any other public figure in my lifetime that was so consistently powerless while in power. Alpha indeed.
Nice assessment of Trumpenstein, Jody. Thanks.
And just to put a cherry on top ... Orange is the new Black.
My recent essay about the "Go Topless" madness here in Bolivar triggered a Trumpy Karen ...
Even though my article was totally about the crazy crowd and had literally nothing to do with Trump, she felt that my use of "trumpy orange" qualified me as having TDS and "signed off" ... completely missing my point. Wanted to tell her to not let the doorknob hit her in the arse. T'would surely be laughable if if weren't so sad.
I guess playful attempts at humor really are offensive to those with a Congenital Absence of Humor.
Gutsy piece, DJ, great thanks for once again saying what nobody else will. ~~ j ~~
PS: Does anybody know why he is so orange?
Great stuff, J. Lee. I think his orangeness is part of the whole Trumpenstein Project. Thanks.
How about Barbra Stanwick in The Big Valley? The hottest grey haired woman in tv history
The very young Barbara Stanwyck was really something. I love watching her in those pre-code talkies. Just an incredible actress. Thanks, Gregory.
Perry Mason holds up really well, Aelred. I'm surprised they let a show that focuses on innocent until proven guilty be shown today. Juries should be required to watch it. Thanks!