Don... Wonderful review. Thanks for sharing. The assassination of the President was one of those pivotal moments in my own life. I was in the 9th grade at Webb School of Knoxville - out of place as a mere Ag Professor's child amongst all the wealthy and entitled (kids of doctors, lawyers, and local corporate moguls) - when we heard the PA announcement around noon on that November day that the President had been shot! Jolting and incomprehensible news. We were dismissed and allowed to wander in the Commons area (I suppose until buses could be summoned). Clueless, a bit dazed and mystified by such news, I happened to walk by my English teacher's room and peeked in to see him with his head down on his desk sobbing. A tragic scene. I remember it still. The end of the age of innocence, for sure.
I was born in South Texas after WWII and my father was certain that LBJ was involved as they had witnessed his ascendancy to power via fraud and vote manipulation (topped by burning of the court house containing all of the ballots for the election that placed him in the office). He was certainly not alone in his criminality - Nixon, Bush, J. Edna Hoover, Dulles, and assorted mob figures asuredly had their roles to play.
That one murder empowered and enabled the present Ruling Psychopathy to achieve complete takeover of the US and, in fact, all of the West. The good news is that these psychopaths appear to have finally overplayed their hand and are in decline. The bad news is that they still control the levers of power and will not go quietly into that great "goodnight". They plan to take millions of us with them in their insane power lust.
Bit by bit the lies are being exposed. Thanks to CV I along with many millions I suspect have been woken up to the Cabal of Diabolical Narcissists who have taken global control and been at the helm of this modern day Tower of Babel for centuries in their attempt to topple Christ the King. They will take the internet off us soon I think as too many of us are waking up with access to so many 'truth tellers'. Thanks for another tit bit of truth in exposing the hideous monstrous machinations of power these people weld. You took by breath away exposing LBJ's involvement in ........."fraud and vote manipulation (topped by burning of the court house containing all of the ballots for the election that placed him in the office)." I was a young girl in Australia when JBJ did a tour.... "ALL THE WAY WITH LBJ" as they had every school child out lining the roads to wave his cavalcade along. I despair at what the future holds for my grand children in a world where 'truth' and 'dignity' are nothing but confused and meaningless words.
The pain you have experienced from the shunning of your professional and focused research shines through your words with not a shred of self pity which is to your credit. Sad to say the Internet has totally eradicated you from the search engine for the book "The Hidden History of the JFK Assassination" by Lamar Waldron. Take this as a mark of great integrity that you are worthy of such attack by those who seek to destroy truth. Pages and pages of links to Waldron's book and reviews and not a single link to Donald Jeffries, sorry to say. It is no surprise that division and back biting divides your community as it does the alternative media now that is attempting to expose the criminality behind the 'Great Reset'. The spiteful nature of the human condition keeps us slaves to these powerful and murderous megalomaniacs. Forget the need for consolation by fame or glory that they seek always..... your integrity will be long rewarded. As a Catholic I wonder if you have delved into the infiltration of the Catholic Church? I believe that conspiracy leaves JFK's murder looking like child's play. Godbless you always.
I appreciate the kind words, Rose. For the record, I'm pretty sure my "Hidden History" has sold more copies than Waldron's, but of course I can't be certain. The search engines all use Google's algorithm, which revolves around censoring information that contradicts the official lies. Yes, I'm aware that the Catholic Church has been infiltrated. It certainly looks like Pope John Paul I was murdered. I miss being on the email list of Hutton Gibson- father of Mel and a brilliant religious scholar. Neither he nor Mel recognize Vatican II. Thanks!
Thank you for the reply. I was not awake until three years ago. I obviously missed a lot and probably owe thanks to HG and others for the work they did in the 'resistance' that is now bearing so much fruit. Hutton Gibson was a good friend of one of my 'spiritual advisors' who has kindly taken me under his wing as my go too brains trust in the Faith. I think HG inspired a whole generation of religious scholars here in Australia. It is so refreshing to find serious intellectual scholarship thriving in 'Tradition' and it feels a bit like a 'brush with fame' so to speak to discover you were in contact with him. My friend will be keen now to follow your posts I'm sure. If I am not mistaken he and HG together would rescue statuary and books in the great Iconoclastic destruction of the 70's driving hundreds of miles to 'rescue' these Holy items some of which adorn the chapel we pray together in now. HG obviously recognised the wolves in sheep's clothing from the start and we shall see more of his fruit come ripe soon in the work of his gifted son. Great to know you are of like mind that JP I was murdered. Happy Feast day for one of the great truth seekers..... St Pius X - ora pro nobis.
I appreciate your thoughtful reply, Rose. I have to confess that HG's thought process was often above me. I couldn't understand some of his writings, but I knew they were brilliant. Thanks.
ha ha .... I could same the same about my dear friend but I have the luxury of him being alive and being able to quiz him often. Godbless you and give you the Fortitude you need in this fight with the dEVIL. RX
Donald Jeffries is a bright light in what can be the darkness of the internet.
JFK's head was violently thrown back. That can only be from a bullet entering from the lower front. The physicians at Parkland Hospital testified that the back of his head was blown away which would be the result of a bullet entering from the front. A witness testified that she saw a bullet hole in the windshield at the hospital. Employees from Ford Motor Co testified that they repaired the limo windshield that had a single bullet hole in it. John Connolly testified that he smelled gunpowder, only possible if it came from sewer grate. It probably wasn't the only bullet to hit JFK that day but it was likely the kill shot.
Specie, you cite some of the most obvious evidence of conspiracy. Yes, all the Parkland medical personnel described a huge blowout in the back of JFK's head, which would only come from an exit, not an entrance wound. I don't have the room to cite all the evidence for shots from the front here. As Penn Jones used to say, the only way to believe the Warren Report is not to read it.
I'm a little late on the comment as I just discovered this article. Sorry if you and Jim DiEugenio didn't hit it off. He's sort of my go to researcher concerning the JFK assassination. I've read FB posts recently of folks getting discouraged that facts about the JFK assassination continue to be hidden by the government and the media so whats the use in continuing the effort. When I first started studying the JFK assassination it opened my eyes to what had really been going on in our government before and since JFK's presidency. Vietnam and Cuba didn't just pop up in the early 60s. JFK inherited it from the previous administration. The CIA and FBI didn't just go bad in the early 60s. The U.S. had been intervening in other countries affairs since Teddy Roosevelt. Your book "Hidden History" has been a big help in understanding what and why things have been happening they way they have since JFK's death. Keep up the good work.
I appreciate hearing from you, Craig. I have no real beef with Jim. He used to communicate with me, and a few years ago, I interviewed him as the guest host for Richard Syrett's Conspiracy Show. He and I agree that the establishment actually hates the Kennedys and continue to lie about them incessantly. I think since he became good friends with Oliver Stone that he might have left the little guys behind. Thanks!
Your expression of the frustration you have encountered in dealing with the JFK and 9/11 communities does not surprise me, altho it is a sad state of affairs. No doubt The Agency has their hand in this, as in their original "master work."
In regard to the JFK assassination, I recommend you review the work of Daniel Liszt, the "Dark Journalist." He has done amazing work in this regard, pulling together disparate sources to formulate a rather unique root cause -- the projected disclosure of our UFO file to the Russians, which according to Liszt, was the Number One determinant in the CIA's decision to terminate JFK.
While the above information may seem far fetched on the surface, Liszt provides countless details that tie the aerospace community and the CIA into this web that culminated in the JFK assassination. This was reputedly confirmed by E. Howard Hunt.
Why the UFO file? Because the information in it reveals that our military/industrial complex had solved the "anti-gravity" conundrum as well as using the energy of the aether (rather than chemical rockets) for propulsion by back engineering -- a discovery that would both revolutionize transportation, provide limitless inexpensive energy , and destroy the massive fortunes of the oil industry and the financiers who support them.
Further along these lines, there is no doubt in my mind that JFK Jr. was also assassinated for two reasons: one, he was planning on running for the U.S. Senate from New York, which would have cancelled Hillary Clinton's bid, her stepping stone to the Presidency. And two, of course, was that he publicly pledge to get to the bottom of his father's assassination should he ever become President, or at least find himself in a position of power to do so.
There was once a publication called "Media Bypass" which did a superb job of tying all of the JFK Jr. assassination plots together. Their conclusion was that it was the CIA with the help of the Mossad that did it thru an atmospheric bomb in the tail of John Jr.'s plane. The FBI was used afterwards to "neutralize" all the witnesses that either saw and or heard the explosion, including those who saw the plane drop like a rock.
You may or may not know, but the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper ran 3 photos on their front page of the U.S. Navy's retrieval of JFK Jr.'s plane from the ocean. (Note: the U.S. Navy had NO right or jurisdiction to do this!). The photos showed the plane being hoisted out of the ocean but the tail section of the plane had a large canvas tarp draped over it, with no explanation. There was absolutely no reason for this, other than to hide "something" -- like an explosion -- that had blown the tail control surface apart and made them inoperable.
Carry On -- and May the Light of Truth Shine upon your Path!
I appreciate the informative comment, LC. I was interviewed by Daniel Liszt back in 2015 I think. He loved "Hidden History," and told me how great the interview went. He never aired it anywhere online. I kept asking him about it- I feel uncomfortable with video of myself out there, that I haven't seen. He stopped answering me. I have no idea what that was about, but he didn't have the common courtesy to simply provide an explanation. I have done more interviews than I could possibly keep track of over the years. That is the only one that was inexplicably held back by the interviewer. Thanks.
Wow, I can relate to so much of what you wrote, Mr. Jeffries, and the JFK assassination is not even the main deception in my eyes, though it is definitely a big one. The pursuit of truth is what drives the genuine truth-seekers, and it is also why so many saboteurs interfere in that pursuit. When we live in a world of deception orchestrated by very rich, very powerful, and very dangerous people, truth and all who pursue it become the enemy of the "shadow state". You've experienced it, I've experienced it, and many other people who truly want to know the ugly truth have also experienced it. The JFK assassination was a conspiracy, and a psy-op, and one of a continuous line of deceptions and manipulations of the public that just keeps growing. There were bigger ones before it and after it, but every one of them serves the forces of evil to the detriment of the forces of good. It is the usual story of Good versus Evil, but unlike in the popular stories we are raised with, like The Odyssey or Snow White or Star Wars, in real life Evil is the consistent winner. Yes, all those stories we are raised with are just more deceptions and manipulations of the public to lead us away from the truth. Deception is broadcast, truth is censored. As the fictional Morpheus so correctly stated when revealing the ugly truth to Neo, "Welcome to the desert of the real."
I appreciate your thoughtful post, Chico. Yes, there are lot of other events, and I've written about them as well. But the JFK assassination remains my wheelhouse issue. The first cut is the deepest, as Cat Stevens wrote. Thanks!
i was 15 when this occured. i knew nothing of politics, but thought it was the mafia who killed him. since it was the CIA i wasnt too far from the truth. i live off the grid, never registered to vote when i turned 18. yes JFK jr was assainated, he was going to run for potus.
Wow. Even your reader comments to this piece are feeding the intrigue of it all. Your argument to the death of the American spirit on that day is a strong one.
Excellent, Don. Some outstanding esoteric research authors such as Michael Hoffman Jr. have pointed out the occult, metaphysical connection between the JFK assassination and the explosion of the Beatles as the biggest musical/entertainment act the world had ever seen which came right on its heels. Perhaps Jungian synchronicity. I was wondering if you ever heard of JFK assassination researcher Dr. Christopher Sharrett? He, with a group of others lobbied Congress for a new investigation of JFK's assassination in the 1970s. That's when I met him as he was the friend and colleague of a lead vocalist/lyricist of a rock n' roll band I was in back then. He would come to our gigs in NYC and photograph us. He also made a photographic presentation to staff of the House Select Committee on assassinations. I was in contact with him again briefly around 1990 and he told me that as far as the JFK assassination went, he was throwing in the towel. Totally disgusted, he said the truth will never come out. I told him that holds for many other events orchestrated by the Cryptocracy as well. He was a strange bird but OK, we had a short lived but cordial acquaintance.
I remember Christopher Sharrett well- he used to write articles for TCI. I wondered what happened to him. He isn't alone- others threw in the towel as well. It's frustrating to work hard to expose the truth, and then see people more persuaded by a slick piece of totally fake television. Thanks!
What I find most galling about the current moment, with its MAGA crowd and the like, is the rejection of the scientific method, along with science itself. Science, with its many disciplines, is a realm of which I've hardly partaken, but I understand basic principles. I know we must argue from evidence, and that we must know what constitutes evidence in argument and in adversarial process, principles actually preceding the rise of science. We know that before the scientific method prevailed, it was acceptable to believe that people rise from the dead, the one can cure the sick merely by touching them, and that a substance we now call mercury could be consumed to fight all sorts of ills. We are reverting to this world view, to the extent that we allow people to say that vaccines might harm people rather than help them, or that dinosaurs lived a few thousand years ago, or that global warming is a liberal myth. We might also encourage people to rethink the words "liberal" and "conservative," knowing that classical liberalism hardly exists, certainly not Adam Smith's appeal to the human being's innate moral sense (so he assumed), or Jefferson's (as compromised as he was) belief in a good society. The idea that one has a right to live, and that we must live in a society of mutual support, is often viewed as naive and laughable--you can live if you can pay for it. Conservatives are hardly represented, not those who believed in the protection of a body of law and care in spending money. What we now have, at least since the Reagan era, are very violent statist reactionaries, as Noam Chomsky termed them some years ago. They want violent and discriminatory state power minus any public programs. When they speak, they speak for private interest, not the public good. They are very anti-intellectual, and have played to that impulse for decades. Intellectuals are dangerous and should be shut up. John Milton addressed this in the seventeenth century. In expanding the franchise, Jackson, quite deliberately, privileged the howling mob and the Common Man--axes and guns were more useful than books. Today, the howling mob marches in Washington, declaring that Trump was cheated. Itis enough that they say so. Which is why I wish the media would take care when speaking of "conspiracy theory." Conspiracies do happen in history--like Reagan's long conspiracy with corporate interests, He like Trump, got rid of pesky regulations. But these real events aren't interesting to the current mob. What they deal in is hardly a theory of any kind. It is usually less than an assertion. It can't be tested. But we are asked to take this malarkey seriously, and indeed we must, although at the symptomatic rather than intellectual level. What we see in the streets this day is profoundly dangerous to any civilization. It is nihilism, along with a creed of absolute self-interest and individual correctness defined as "freedom." In his masterpiece SALO, filmmaker Pier Paolo Pasolini has his libertines say "we fascists are the only true anarchists." A decent definition of anarchism would argue with Pasolini, but he has a very good point.
You're welcome, Don. I found this comment by Sharrett from sometime in 2020. Herein, he says some very foolish things along with a few astute observations. He obviously is intelligent but like most people with a formal education, in particular those with Masters & Doctorates, he is brainwashed and mind manipulated without even realizing it. (BS Degree = Bullshit. MS Degree = More of the Same PHD Degree = Piled High Deeper) I think he would be about 74 now. Be well.
I can appreciate your homage to the researchers as well as the sadness of their shortcomings. I guess there's a part of us here in the alt media that still want to see the people that got us here finally get justice for the fortunes of time spent going through who knows what to find information back then. The energy at the end hit me the hardest though, no compromises when it comes to speaking the truth. That's how those people get justice.
I understand your perspective, Six. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any justice now on this lost and crumbling world. I will say that out of all those books written about the JFK assassination, I think the only conspiracy authors who really made much money from it were Mark Lane and David Lifton.
Such as in most art for the majority of humanity. The derivative affect of their work on the minds of those you have introduced their names to will make it rain truth instead of dollars someday or at least encourage the next generation to take up the responsibility. I think you do a fine job of doing what you can do in the now but what you publish and share is a fortune for people long after you and I.
I received this phone call in the mid 1990s: Hello, this is John Kennedy. That is how
JFK Jr addressed himself. Let there be no doubt he had an interest in his father's death. He was responding to a package I had sent him to his George magazine address.
I received a first release CIA doc, cited in several JFK works, that George de Mohrenschildt was a contributor of information to them, an operative. This Oswald best bud was not a harmless bon vivant.
I was in contact for a while with Harold Weisberg. He was one of the good guys. If anything, the rap on him was his writing was a bit dry. So it goes.
I likewise was connected to Mark Lane, via volunteering. He was controlled opposition, as is Oliver Stone...who called me after his movie JFK was in the can.
Several days later I get a call from Marina Oswald. I ask her how she got my number. She tells me Oliver Stone gave it to her, doubtless somewhere laughing his ass off. Sounding like Natasha the Russian spy she said, you know, investigating conspiracies can be dangerous business. And there the purpose of her call.
Aside: Last I heard Jim diEugenio and Stone are best buds. OK.
On John Barbour, a Hollywood career lifer...
Just as I know secrets of the matrix, his insider time there requires he too {as well as Stone}...and how it reflects on the assassination. And all you can hear is... {{{crickets}}}
And one parting non-shot...
A photographer in the crowd when Ruby shot Oswald: there was not one drop of blood. Go figure.
Very interesting, Michael. You certainly have had some intriguing connections. I will have a lot more on the curious life of George de Mohrenschildt, and much more on the assassination of JFK, Jr., in the upcoming "Hidden History 3," which has been sent to the publishers. Thanks!
Gear up for HH4. There will be a flood of secrets revealed. Even my modest amount will shock. I couldn't even presuppose what's coming when the DS/Deep State collapses.
You now move up to the front of the pack of expertise my good man. You have the bones for it now. You have the time on it. Your are a pure soul and not a fake one. Thank the good lord, we do have you and you sir, have many of us along side of you! Thank you Don!
Vince, if someone is ever ridiculous enough to give me a testimonial dinner, I want you to be one of the keynote speakers. You are far too kind, but I love hearing what you say! Thanks!
How about a lunch? LOL Well, I have something special to share with the lunch crowd about the Don Jeffries of the world, which ties into what we heard last night. eat lightly...perhaps some PT109 Hot menu...Peanut butter toasted bread!
Your work is gourmet thought provocation, soul searching and eye-widening.
Today the "community" of which you speak seems to be fixated on the minutia in their pet-theory-trajectory and there seems to be a grossly obvious inability to helicopter-up and see the big picture. How long has it been since a witness has "mysteriously" succumbed to the stoppage of his/her coronary function? There are a lot of very astute/brilliant researchers who seem to believe that when E. Howard Hunt and/or Willam King Harvey or or or died that all of the malfeasance, wet-work and re-tooling of our way of life suddenly just stopped. As if the "bad guys" learned their lessons, counted their winnings and retired into benign obscurity! Not likely. Yet brilliant minds play it safe pointing fingers at long-dead culprits or suspects and they pretend that somehow magically a spark will ignite a furor of righteousness and cause society to look backwards and rectify what we have lost as a nation because of the willing complacency, complicit silence and self-serving, self-promotion of words on paper---in a nation where the typical American reads FOUR books per year. When one looks at current events and sees the willful censorship, lying and misrepresentation being tolerated by the is reminded of the hoards of civilians on the island of Saipan, who willfully leaped off Marpi Point into oblivion because the "authorities" said it was the right thing to do. With every passing day, Orwell, Huxley, Rand and others appear to be prophetic and such "fictional" films as "the Road" "Brazil" "the Day" etc. all seem to be creeping up to our world on silent kitten paws and purring as the time approaches when the fiction is real and oh so many people are shocked, stunned and not just a little surprised.
I appreciate the kind words. Yes, the research community in general seems to think that powerful forces conspired to kill the president of the United States, and later the top Civil Rights Leader, and the president's brother, but other than that, and maybe Watergate and Iran-Contra, they are normally benevolent souls who have the best interests of the public at heart. That's another of my problems with this community- they refuse to look at 9/11 or any of the other obvious conspiracies and cover-ups. Now they love the CIA and the FBI. Thanks!
But---It is so safe to point accusatory fingers at dead people, when there are people guilty of crimes against humanity feeding at the top of the slop trough while letting no crumb fall to the floor for the proles.
Don... Wonderful review. Thanks for sharing. The assassination of the President was one of those pivotal moments in my own life. I was in the 9th grade at Webb School of Knoxville - out of place as a mere Ag Professor's child amongst all the wealthy and entitled (kids of doctors, lawyers, and local corporate moguls) - when we heard the PA announcement around noon on that November day that the President had been shot! Jolting and incomprehensible news. We were dismissed and allowed to wander in the Commons area (I suppose until buses could be summoned). Clueless, a bit dazed and mystified by such news, I happened to walk by my English teacher's room and peeked in to see him with his head down on his desk sobbing. A tragic scene. I remember it still. The end of the age of innocence, for sure.
I was born in South Texas after WWII and my father was certain that LBJ was involved as they had witnessed his ascendancy to power via fraud and vote manipulation (topped by burning of the court house containing all of the ballots for the election that placed him in the office). He was certainly not alone in his criminality - Nixon, Bush, J. Edna Hoover, Dulles, and assorted mob figures asuredly had their roles to play.
That one murder empowered and enabled the present Ruling Psychopathy to achieve complete takeover of the US and, in fact, all of the West. The good news is that these psychopaths appear to have finally overplayed their hand and are in decline. The bad news is that they still control the levers of power and will not go quietly into that great "goodnight". They plan to take millions of us with them in their insane power lust.
Bit by bit the lies are being exposed. Thanks to CV I along with many millions I suspect have been woken up to the Cabal of Diabolical Narcissists who have taken global control and been at the helm of this modern day Tower of Babel for centuries in their attempt to topple Christ the King. They will take the internet off us soon I think as too many of us are waking up with access to so many 'truth tellers'. Thanks for another tit bit of truth in exposing the hideous monstrous machinations of power these people weld. You took by breath away exposing LBJ's involvement in ........."fraud and vote manipulation (topped by burning of the court house containing all of the ballots for the election that placed him in the office)." I was a young girl in Australia when JBJ did a tour.... "ALL THE WAY WITH LBJ" as they had every school child out lining the roads to wave his cavalcade along. I despair at what the future holds for my grand children in a world where 'truth' and 'dignity' are nothing but confused and meaningless words.
The pain you have experienced from the shunning of your professional and focused research shines through your words with not a shred of self pity which is to your credit. Sad to say the Internet has totally eradicated you from the search engine for the book "The Hidden History of the JFK Assassination" by Lamar Waldron. Take this as a mark of great integrity that you are worthy of such attack by those who seek to destroy truth. Pages and pages of links to Waldron's book and reviews and not a single link to Donald Jeffries, sorry to say. It is no surprise that division and back biting divides your community as it does the alternative media now that is attempting to expose the criminality behind the 'Great Reset'. The spiteful nature of the human condition keeps us slaves to these powerful and murderous megalomaniacs. Forget the need for consolation by fame or glory that they seek always..... your integrity will be long rewarded. As a Catholic I wonder if you have delved into the infiltration of the Catholic Church? I believe that conspiracy leaves JFK's murder looking like child's play. Godbless you always.
I appreciate the kind words, Rose. For the record, I'm pretty sure my "Hidden History" has sold more copies than Waldron's, but of course I can't be certain. The search engines all use Google's algorithm, which revolves around censoring information that contradicts the official lies. Yes, I'm aware that the Catholic Church has been infiltrated. It certainly looks like Pope John Paul I was murdered. I miss being on the email list of Hutton Gibson- father of Mel and a brilliant religious scholar. Neither he nor Mel recognize Vatican II. Thanks!
Thank you for the reply. I was not awake until three years ago. I obviously missed a lot and probably owe thanks to HG and others for the work they did in the 'resistance' that is now bearing so much fruit. Hutton Gibson was a good friend of one of my 'spiritual advisors' who has kindly taken me under his wing as my go too brains trust in the Faith. I think HG inspired a whole generation of religious scholars here in Australia. It is so refreshing to find serious intellectual scholarship thriving in 'Tradition' and it feels a bit like a 'brush with fame' so to speak to discover you were in contact with him. My friend will be keen now to follow your posts I'm sure. If I am not mistaken he and HG together would rescue statuary and books in the great Iconoclastic destruction of the 70's driving hundreds of miles to 'rescue' these Holy items some of which adorn the chapel we pray together in now. HG obviously recognised the wolves in sheep's clothing from the start and we shall see more of his fruit come ripe soon in the work of his gifted son. Great to know you are of like mind that JP I was murdered. Happy Feast day for one of the great truth seekers..... St Pius X - ora pro nobis.
I appreciate your thoughtful reply, Rose. I have to confess that HG's thought process was often above me. I couldn't understand some of his writings, but I knew they were brilliant. Thanks.
ha ha .... I could same the same about my dear friend but I have the luxury of him being alive and being able to quiz him often. Godbless you and give you the Fortitude you need in this fight with the dEVIL. RX
2 young men in the sewer.
It looks like someone was in the sewer.
Donald Jeffries is a bright light in what can be the darkness of the internet.
JFK's head was violently thrown back. That can only be from a bullet entering from the lower front. The physicians at Parkland Hospital testified that the back of his head was blown away which would be the result of a bullet entering from the front. A witness testified that she saw a bullet hole in the windshield at the hospital. Employees from Ford Motor Co testified that they repaired the limo windshield that had a single bullet hole in it. John Connolly testified that he smelled gunpowder, only possible if it came from sewer grate. It probably wasn't the only bullet to hit JFK that day but it was likely the kill shot.
Specie, you cite some of the most obvious evidence of conspiracy. Yes, all the Parkland medical personnel described a huge blowout in the back of JFK's head, which would only come from an exit, not an entrance wound. I don't have the room to cite all the evidence for shots from the front here. As Penn Jones used to say, the only way to believe the Warren Report is not to read it.
Outstanding work as usual. I'm with you all the way.
Thanks for your support, Norman!
I'm a little late on the comment as I just discovered this article. Sorry if you and Jim DiEugenio didn't hit it off. He's sort of my go to researcher concerning the JFK assassination. I've read FB posts recently of folks getting discouraged that facts about the JFK assassination continue to be hidden by the government and the media so whats the use in continuing the effort. When I first started studying the JFK assassination it opened my eyes to what had really been going on in our government before and since JFK's presidency. Vietnam and Cuba didn't just pop up in the early 60s. JFK inherited it from the previous administration. The CIA and FBI didn't just go bad in the early 60s. The U.S. had been intervening in other countries affairs since Teddy Roosevelt. Your book "Hidden History" has been a big help in understanding what and why things have been happening they way they have since JFK's death. Keep up the good work.
I appreciate hearing from you, Craig. I have no real beef with Jim. He used to communicate with me, and a few years ago, I interviewed him as the guest host for Richard Syrett's Conspiracy Show. He and I agree that the establishment actually hates the Kennedys and continue to lie about them incessantly. I think since he became good friends with Oliver Stone that he might have left the little guys behind. Thanks!
Mr. Jeffries,
Your expression of the frustration you have encountered in dealing with the JFK and 9/11 communities does not surprise me, altho it is a sad state of affairs. No doubt The Agency has their hand in this, as in their original "master work."
In regard to the JFK assassination, I recommend you review the work of Daniel Liszt, the "Dark Journalist." He has done amazing work in this regard, pulling together disparate sources to formulate a rather unique root cause -- the projected disclosure of our UFO file to the Russians, which according to Liszt, was the Number One determinant in the CIA's decision to terminate JFK.
While the above information may seem far fetched on the surface, Liszt provides countless details that tie the aerospace community and the CIA into this web that culminated in the JFK assassination. This was reputedly confirmed by E. Howard Hunt.
Why the UFO file? Because the information in it reveals that our military/industrial complex had solved the "anti-gravity" conundrum as well as using the energy of the aether (rather than chemical rockets) for propulsion by back engineering -- a discovery that would both revolutionize transportation, provide limitless inexpensive energy , and destroy the massive fortunes of the oil industry and the financiers who support them.
Further along these lines, there is no doubt in my mind that JFK Jr. was also assassinated for two reasons: one, he was planning on running for the U.S. Senate from New York, which would have cancelled Hillary Clinton's bid, her stepping stone to the Presidency. And two, of course, was that he publicly pledge to get to the bottom of his father's assassination should he ever become President, or at least find himself in a position of power to do so.
There was once a publication called "Media Bypass" which did a superb job of tying all of the JFK Jr. assassination plots together. Their conclusion was that it was the CIA with the help of the Mossad that did it thru an atmospheric bomb in the tail of John Jr.'s plane. The FBI was used afterwards to "neutralize" all the witnesses that either saw and or heard the explosion, including those who saw the plane drop like a rock.
You may or may not know, but the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper ran 3 photos on their front page of the U.S. Navy's retrieval of JFK Jr.'s plane from the ocean. (Note: the U.S. Navy had NO right or jurisdiction to do this!). The photos showed the plane being hoisted out of the ocean but the tail section of the plane had a large canvas tarp draped over it, with no explanation. There was absolutely no reason for this, other than to hide "something" -- like an explosion -- that had blown the tail control surface apart and made them inoperable.
Carry On -- and May the Light of Truth Shine upon your Path!
I appreciate the informative comment, LC. I was interviewed by Daniel Liszt back in 2015 I think. He loved "Hidden History," and told me how great the interview went. He never aired it anywhere online. I kept asking him about it- I feel uncomfortable with video of myself out there, that I haven't seen. He stopped answering me. I have no idea what that was about, but he didn't have the common courtesy to simply provide an explanation. I have done more interviews than I could possibly keep track of over the years. That is the only one that was inexplicably held back by the interviewer. Thanks.
I just turned three. I often wonder what the US would be today if he would have had eight years as President. I’ll have to get your book.
Wow, I can relate to so much of what you wrote, Mr. Jeffries, and the JFK assassination is not even the main deception in my eyes, though it is definitely a big one. The pursuit of truth is what drives the genuine truth-seekers, and it is also why so many saboteurs interfere in that pursuit. When we live in a world of deception orchestrated by very rich, very powerful, and very dangerous people, truth and all who pursue it become the enemy of the "shadow state". You've experienced it, I've experienced it, and many other people who truly want to know the ugly truth have also experienced it. The JFK assassination was a conspiracy, and a psy-op, and one of a continuous line of deceptions and manipulations of the public that just keeps growing. There were bigger ones before it and after it, but every one of them serves the forces of evil to the detriment of the forces of good. It is the usual story of Good versus Evil, but unlike in the popular stories we are raised with, like The Odyssey or Snow White or Star Wars, in real life Evil is the consistent winner. Yes, all those stories we are raised with are just more deceptions and manipulations of the public to lead us away from the truth. Deception is broadcast, truth is censored. As the fictional Morpheus so correctly stated when revealing the ugly truth to Neo, "Welcome to the desert of the real."
I appreciate your thoughtful post, Chico. Yes, there are lot of other events, and I've written about them as well. But the JFK assassination remains my wheelhouse issue. The first cut is the deepest, as Cat Stevens wrote. Thanks!
i was 15 when this occured. i knew nothing of politics, but thought it was the mafia who killed him. since it was the CIA i wasnt too far from the truth. i live off the grid, never registered to vote when i turned 18. yes JFK jr was assainated, he was going to run for potus.
Wow. Even your reader comments to this piece are feeding the intrigue of it all. Your argument to the death of the American spirit on that day is a strong one.
Way to go Don! You must be doing something right!
Well, not everyone agrees with you, although most here seem to. Thanks!
Excellent, Don. Some outstanding esoteric research authors such as Michael Hoffman Jr. have pointed out the occult, metaphysical connection between the JFK assassination and the explosion of the Beatles as the biggest musical/entertainment act the world had ever seen which came right on its heels. Perhaps Jungian synchronicity. I was wondering if you ever heard of JFK assassination researcher Dr. Christopher Sharrett? He, with a group of others lobbied Congress for a new investigation of JFK's assassination in the 1970s. That's when I met him as he was the friend and colleague of a lead vocalist/lyricist of a rock n' roll band I was in back then. He would come to our gigs in NYC and photograph us. He also made a photographic presentation to staff of the House Select Committee on assassinations. I was in contact with him again briefly around 1990 and he told me that as far as the JFK assassination went, he was throwing in the towel. Totally disgusted, he said the truth will never come out. I told him that holds for many other events orchestrated by the Cryptocracy as well. He was a strange bird but OK, we had a short lived but cordial acquaintance.
I remember Christopher Sharrett well- he used to write articles for TCI. I wondered what happened to him. He isn't alone- others threw in the towel as well. It's frustrating to work hard to expose the truth, and then see people more persuaded by a slick piece of totally fake television. Thanks!
Christopher Sharrett
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What I find most galling about the current moment, with its MAGA crowd and the like, is the rejection of the scientific method, along with science itself. Science, with its many disciplines, is a realm of which I've hardly partaken, but I understand basic principles. I know we must argue from evidence, and that we must know what constitutes evidence in argument and in adversarial process, principles actually preceding the rise of science. We know that before the scientific method prevailed, it was acceptable to believe that people rise from the dead, the one can cure the sick merely by touching them, and that a substance we now call mercury could be consumed to fight all sorts of ills. We are reverting to this world view, to the extent that we allow people to say that vaccines might harm people rather than help them, or that dinosaurs lived a few thousand years ago, or that global warming is a liberal myth. We might also encourage people to rethink the words "liberal" and "conservative," knowing that classical liberalism hardly exists, certainly not Adam Smith's appeal to the human being's innate moral sense (so he assumed), or Jefferson's (as compromised as he was) belief in a good society. The idea that one has a right to live, and that we must live in a society of mutual support, is often viewed as naive and laughable--you can live if you can pay for it. Conservatives are hardly represented, not those who believed in the protection of a body of law and care in spending money. What we now have, at least since the Reagan era, are very violent statist reactionaries, as Noam Chomsky termed them some years ago. They want violent and discriminatory state power minus any public programs. When they speak, they speak for private interest, not the public good. They are very anti-intellectual, and have played to that impulse for decades. Intellectuals are dangerous and should be shut up. John Milton addressed this in the seventeenth century. In expanding the franchise, Jackson, quite deliberately, privileged the howling mob and the Common Man--axes and guns were more useful than books. Today, the howling mob marches in Washington, declaring that Trump was cheated. Itis enough that they say so. Which is why I wish the media would take care when speaking of "conspiracy theory." Conspiracies do happen in history--like Reagan's long conspiracy with corporate interests, He like Trump, got rid of pesky regulations. But these real events aren't interesting to the current mob. What they deal in is hardly a theory of any kind. It is usually less than an assertion. It can't be tested. But we are asked to take this malarkey seriously, and indeed we must, although at the symptomatic rather than intellectual level. What we see in the streets this day is profoundly dangerous to any civilization. It is nihilism, along with a creed of absolute self-interest and individual correctness defined as "freedom." In his masterpiece SALO, filmmaker Pier Paolo Pasolini has his libertines say "we fascists are the only true anarchists." A decent definition of anarchism would argue with Pasolini, but he has a very good point.
You're welcome, Don. I found this comment by Sharrett from sometime in 2020. Herein, he says some very foolish things along with a few astute observations. He obviously is intelligent but like most people with a formal education, in particular those with Masters & Doctorates, he is brainwashed and mind manipulated without even realizing it. (BS Degree = Bullshit. MS Degree = More of the Same PHD Degree = Piled High Deeper) I think he would be about 74 now. Be well.
I can appreciate your homage to the researchers as well as the sadness of their shortcomings. I guess there's a part of us here in the alt media that still want to see the people that got us here finally get justice for the fortunes of time spent going through who knows what to find information back then. The energy at the end hit me the hardest though, no compromises when it comes to speaking the truth. That's how those people get justice.
I understand your perspective, Six. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any justice now on this lost and crumbling world. I will say that out of all those books written about the JFK assassination, I think the only conspiracy authors who really made much money from it were Mark Lane and David Lifton.
Such as in most art for the majority of humanity. The derivative affect of their work on the minds of those you have introduced their names to will make it rain truth instead of dollars someday or at least encourage the next generation to take up the responsibility. I think you do a fine job of doing what you can do in the now but what you publish and share is a fortune for people long after you and I.
I received this phone call in the mid 1990s: Hello, this is John Kennedy. That is how
JFK Jr addressed himself. Let there be no doubt he had an interest in his father's death. He was responding to a package I had sent him to his George magazine address.
I received a first release CIA doc, cited in several JFK works, that George de Mohrenschildt was a contributor of information to them, an operative. This Oswald best bud was not a harmless bon vivant.
I was in contact for a while with Harold Weisberg. He was one of the good guys. If anything, the rap on him was his writing was a bit dry. So it goes.
I likewise was connected to Mark Lane, via volunteering. He was controlled opposition, as is Oliver Stone...who called me after his movie JFK was in the can.
Several days later I get a call from Marina Oswald. I ask her how she got my number. She tells me Oliver Stone gave it to her, doubtless somewhere laughing his ass off. Sounding like Natasha the Russian spy she said, you know, investigating conspiracies can be dangerous business. And there the purpose of her call.
Aside: Last I heard Jim diEugenio and Stone are best buds. OK.
On John Barbour, a Hollywood career lifer...
Just as I know secrets of the matrix, his insider time there requires he too {as well as Stone}...and how it reflects on the assassination. And all you can hear is... {{{crickets}}}
And one parting non-shot...
A photographer in the crowd when Ruby shot Oswald: there was not one drop of blood. Go figure.
Very interesting, Michael. You certainly have had some intriguing connections. I will have a lot more on the curious life of George de Mohrenschildt, and much more on the assassination of JFK, Jr., in the upcoming "Hidden History 3," which has been sent to the publishers. Thanks!
Gear up for HH4. There will be a flood of secrets revealed. Even my modest amount will shock. I couldn't even presuppose what's coming when the DS/Deep State collapses.
I'm now reading a conspiracy book by Ron Unz, Conspiracy Theories American Pravda.
Have you heard of him? I love your excellent work. Thanks.
I haven't heard of him. Who is the publisher? Thanks!
You now move up to the front of the pack of expertise my good man. You have the bones for it now. You have the time on it. Your are a pure soul and not a fake one. Thank the good lord, we do have you and you sir, have many of us along side of you! Thank you Don!
Vince, if someone is ever ridiculous enough to give me a testimonial dinner, I want you to be one of the keynote speakers. You are far too kind, but I love hearing what you say! Thanks!
How about a lunch? LOL Well, I have something special to share with the lunch crowd about the Don Jeffries of the world, which ties into what we heard last night. eat lightly...perhaps some PT109 Hot menu...Peanut butter toasted bread!
Your work is gourmet thought provocation, soul searching and eye-widening.
Today the "community" of which you speak seems to be fixated on the minutia in their pet-theory-trajectory and there seems to be a grossly obvious inability to helicopter-up and see the big picture. How long has it been since a witness has "mysteriously" succumbed to the stoppage of his/her coronary function? There are a lot of very astute/brilliant researchers who seem to believe that when E. Howard Hunt and/or Willam King Harvey or or or died that all of the malfeasance, wet-work and re-tooling of our way of life suddenly just stopped. As if the "bad guys" learned their lessons, counted their winnings and retired into benign obscurity! Not likely. Yet brilliant minds play it safe pointing fingers at long-dead culprits or suspects and they pretend that somehow magically a spark will ignite a furor of righteousness and cause society to look backwards and rectify what we have lost as a nation because of the willing complacency, complicit silence and self-serving, self-promotion of words on paper---in a nation where the typical American reads FOUR books per year. When one looks at current events and sees the willful censorship, lying and misrepresentation being tolerated by the is reminded of the hoards of civilians on the island of Saipan, who willfully leaped off Marpi Point into oblivion because the "authorities" said it was the right thing to do. With every passing day, Orwell, Huxley, Rand and others appear to be prophetic and such "fictional" films as "the Road" "Brazil" "the Day" etc. all seem to be creeping up to our world on silent kitten paws and purring as the time approaches when the fiction is real and oh so many people are shocked, stunned and not just a little surprised.
I appreciate the kind words. Yes, the research community in general seems to think that powerful forces conspired to kill the president of the United States, and later the top Civil Rights Leader, and the president's brother, but other than that, and maybe Watergate and Iran-Contra, they are normally benevolent souls who have the best interests of the public at heart. That's another of my problems with this community- they refuse to look at 9/11 or any of the other obvious conspiracies and cover-ups. Now they love the CIA and the FBI. Thanks!
But---It is so safe to point accusatory fingers at dead people, when there are people guilty of crimes against humanity feeding at the top of the slop trough while letting no crumb fall to the floor for the proles.