We hear increasing talk about the “Great Replacement” theory. What began on White Nationalist forums has gone mainstream. It basically holds that there is a long term agenda to decrease the White population, if not force them into extinction. The few who dare to question the wisdom of this are predictably smeared as “racist.”
In 1965, a bunch of our political “representatives,” led by Congressman Emanuel Cellar, and Senators Jacob Javits and Edward Kennedy, passed one of the most damaging pieces of legislation in American history. The Immigration and Nationality Act turned U.S. immigration policy on its ear. Before this, the law required more than 90 percent of immigrants to come from European countries. After this, 90 plus percent of immigration was mandated to come from non-European countries. That’s a polite way of saying we went from desiring White immigrants to nonwhite immigrants. The Act changed the literal complexion of the population.
It seems pretty strange, at least to me, for a bunch of White guys to decide that they want to make their country less White. A lot less White. No other culture has ever done anything remotely similar to it. Can we picture the Chinese deciding to make China less Chinese? By permitting 90 plus percent non-Asian immigration? Or Japan? Or Korea? Any Arab country declaring that they want to make things less Arabic? Race is a central, homogenous component of every society on Earth. Except in America, and increasingly in all other formerly White dominated countries. Recently, it was reported that London now has a majority nonwhite population.
I was born in 1956. From the time I was a child, during the Civil Rights movement, the concerns of Black Americans were always front and center in the public arena. There wasn’t a single “racist” reporter on any television station. Now, most of the adults I knew, including my parents, would certainly be considered “racist” by today’s standards. They would grumble about Black rioting, and were repulsed by openly anti-White leaders like H. Rap Brown and Stokely Carmichael. But the “White Supremacist” establishment wasn’t repulsed by the most radical Black leaders. The Black Panthers and other outfits were infiltrated by undercover government assets.
The seeming “White Supremacist” American population voted overwhelmingly for crude Lyndon Johnson in 1964, over the first alt-right type presidential candidate Barry Goldwater. LBJ went on to go far beyond JFK’s sensible Civil Rights legislation, to craft a “Great Society” that included Affirmative Action, which openly discriminated against White males, and still is a key official and unofficial ingredient of our rigged economy. It was astounding that most Americans passively accepted the premise that stopping discrimination required discrimination. The “Equal Opportunity Employer” pledge became mandatory for every business in the country.
Basically, long held prejudices were eliminated, at the point of a figurative bayonet. But you can’t legislate human nature, and thus many resented the new kind of favoritism, which targeted poor and working class Whites, especially males. Lots of bigoted jokes and comments were made in private. At least then. I haven’t heard any “racist” remarks, even in private, for decades now. They’ve even made the utterance of the most infamous anti-Black racial slur a veritable crime. Saying it can get you immediately fired from any job. At least if you’re White. If you’re Black, you can say it all you want. Some rappers have made millions from its gratuitous use.
Think about that for a moment. A word that has essentially been outlawed. For some people. But is perfectly proper to use, and even celebrate, for other people. I don’t like that word, and have no need to utter it. But no word should get you fired. Okay, maybe if you tell the big boss to fuck off. We are all prejudiced. Black people can be openly hateful towards Whites, and it’s all cool. It’s somehow not “racist.” They can also mock and even physically assault Asians, and it gets blamed on Whites, who aren’t involved as attacker or victim.
I get tired of writing about this stuff. I am not any kind of White Nationalist. But I am White, and I have White children. I care about their future. I don’t want them to be second-class citizens. I don’t want them held responsible for things they never did. I don’t want them discriminated against by our tyrannical government, or the consolidated corporations that are basically a part of it. We all discriminate in some way. In what we eat. Who we choose to associate with. Where we choose to live. Well, except for the eating part, Whites cannot discriminate in their friends and especially their romantic interests. We’re very close in not being able to live where we want.
Back in the late 1990s, I was at a Little Caesar’s pizza place with my then small children. I witnessed a young Black guy pushing, very loudly, for a cute White employee to give him her phone number. She clearly wasn’t interested, but he was tenacious. Eventually he left, and his father came into the place, and begged the girl for her phone number. All the while, a typically cucked White manager trembled in the background, refusing to help this poor young girl. Eventually, the girl wrote down a number and gave it to the aggressive father. To this day, I hope it was the wrong number. That is exactly the kind of behavior that is tolerated and enabled by Whites.
As a licensed realtor, every two years I have to take eight hours of continuing education. The majority of this “education” is the reiteration, for the zillionth time, that you cannot racially discriminate in your real estate business. Why any White realtor would refuse to sell to a nonwhite person, or list their home, is beyond my comprehension. I think we all want commissions. If it happens, it’s so rare as to practically not measure statistically. Like White on Black rape, for instance. Hollywood has a different perspective, but White men raping Black women is very much a nonexistent crime.
In 1968, Eldridge Cleaver wrote a book called Soul on Ice. In it, he bragged about how many White women he had raped in his “activist” career. And had the audacity to claim it was done not for sexual gratification, but as a political statement. White feminists absolutely ignored this reprehensible confession to a life of violent crime. Decades later, when the nonwhite “migrants” being shipped into only White countries began raping European women, the White women there not only didn’t protest, but actually said they understood. I guess it was a political statement. Eldridge Cleaver set the precedent. Or a “sexual emergency,” as some migrant claimed after raping a boy.
I have seen Black entitlement since I first started working in the 1970s. You know, back when “White Supremacists” ruled the land, and Blacks were supposedly being lynched on a regular basis. Blacks were promoted over more qualified Whites even then. White managers and directors coddled them, and permitted them to do things that Whites were punished for. The only hint of White “racism” that I ever saw was the occasional whispered joke, when no nonwhites were around. I don’t know what things were like in the 1930s and 1940s. I’ll assume that many Whites were racist then, and Blacks were discriminated against. But I never saw any evidence of it.
Let’s suppose the White Nationalists are right, and there is a sinister agenda to eliminate Whites from the equation. By any measure, all empirical evidence supports this “conspiracy theory.” My generation, the Baby Boomers, began having less babies than previous generations of Whites. Many people in my large family never had children. Most didn’t want them. The young Boomer girls, especially, absorbed the nonstop propaganda exceedingly well. Cats and dogs were promoted as surrogate children, and many a maternal instinct was channeled towards them. Legalized abortion made things much easier for the conspirators, if there is a conspiracy.
I’ve lost track of the number of Boomer females I’ve met whose favorite book just happened to be To Kill a Mockingbird. There’s a reason why the White child who advocates so strongly for the wrongly accused Black man was a girl. Many loved the movie starring Gregory Peck as well, and think it was based on a true story, which it wasn’t. It was one of countless Hollywood productions pushing the theme that American Whites were being hateful and unreasonable towards Blacks, who were invariably portrayed as intelligent, harmless, and full of wisdom. Beginning in the 1960s, the theme of interracial romance was explored often onscreen. Think Jim Brown and Raquel Welch.
Now, of course, the interracial theme is so constant that seeing a same race couple in any film or television show seems almost unnatural. Why would this mantra be pushed so persistently? Okay, you want integration. You want all races to get along. All reasonable people support that. But, considering that it goes hand in hand with other themes, such as Blacks unduly in positions of authority and almost never portrayed as criminals, and White males so often seen as villainous or hopelessly incompetent, it triggers more questions. If elite conspirators wanted to eradicate Whites, for whatever reason, wouldn’t they promote interracial romance?
What we didn’t have back in the 1970s was very many virulently anti-White White people. Self-haters, they call them, if they’re a Black or a Jew. If they’re just White, they don’t call them anything. They don’t even seem to notice that they are White themselves. Some reporter really should say, “But you are White. Are you including yourself in this mass condemnation? Will you be giving everything you own to a person of color?” I’ve wondered if these “Woke” Whites hate their White children, if they have them. Do they hate their entire White families? I know they all love Bill Clinton, but he was declared to be the first Black president, so who knows?
I don’t watch sports much any more. Like every other part of America 2.0, they are entirely objectionable. And rigged. And like the Blacks who don’t support NASCAR or the NHL, I need to be able to relate to the players. I need to see some who look like me. A “White girl,” as she has been consistently referred to, Caitlin Clark, dominated the recent NCAA women’s basketball tournament. This caused a lot of resentment among the Black players who dominate the sport. One Black in particular, Angel Reese of LSU, was so butthurt that she taunted Clark at the end of the game, and continued to do so afterwards.
Reese’s bad sportsmanship was not unusual for Black athletes. And her ridiculous claim that people didn’t like her because she was “too ghetto” and “too hood” was supported by virtually the entire sports “journalism” community. As Black entitlement always is. Jason Whitlock, one of the most eminently reasonable commentators in America 2.0, who happens to be Black, did a sound analysis of the lunacy on his excellent “Fearless” podcast. The “White Supremacist” establishment always enabled Black entitlement and Black anti-White hatred when I was a kid. You know they unanimously support it now.
Whites, by swallowing decades worth of poisonous programming from a criminal media, complied with the message. They had less kids than any other race. They became the only people on Earth that never supports their own race. Watch how unified Blacks become on any issue involving race. They always support their own race. Whites will not do it, no matter how obvious it is that another White is being wronged, or the victim of a great injustice. At best, they remain silent. Which, according to our odious cultural overlords, is one of the billion or more examples of “racism” on their part.
Whites, especially males, have become intimidated and subservient. They have learned not to argue with angry and unreasonable Blacks. They know that the White leaders, and certainly the nonwhite leaders, are always going to side with any Black over any White. Well, maybe not the former Kanye West over say, Hillary Clinton. But you have to be a special kind of anti-White White to rise to that level of privilege. It’s hard not to get sucked in and become bigoted yourself. I do hate the corrupt system that produces these kinds of racial outrages. I am passionately prejudiced against the system-fueled Ghetto Culture, with its loud ebonics and woeful ignorance.
But very few Whites are prejudiced against Ghetto Culture, which has for all intents and purposes supplanted any real culture in this country. They love the most ludicrous clowns imaginable, like Snoop Dog. What an unimaginative, toddleresque name. Or Ice Tea. I love to drink ice tea, so I really resent that one. Most of the Black celebrities have no discernable talent, and ridiculous, incomplete “names.” Cardi B. Lil’Romeo. Lizzo. Beyonce. Rhianna. Where did all the Louis Amstrongs and Smokey Robinsons go? What’s left of the music business, like what’s left of the sports world, is utterly dominated by Black performers. Few Whites are now allowed to be “stars.”
I don’t see how anyone can look at a movie, or a television show, made within the last few years, and not be slapped in the face by a cold reality. Blacks are about 12 percent of the population. They appear to make up the vast majority of all actors in online, television, and print advertising. They are wildly overrepresented in films. And yet the constant refrain is that they are still being held back by “White Supremacy.” Geez, how far does a total nontalent like the billionaire Oprah think she could have gone in America, if she wasn’t subjected to “racism?” There has never been a White female president or vice-president in this country.
Kamala Harris is one of the endless poster children for Black Entitlement in the USA. Even by Affirmative Action standards, she is laughably unqualified for any public office, let alone the vice-presidency. If she isn’t the first female president, it will be Michelle Obama (I know, insert joke here), or some other Black female. There may be a Black transgender president before a White woman becomes the chief executive. But few White women appear to have noticed, let alone become frustrated or upset about it. When Oprah, who was made into an incomprehensible star because so many White women adored her, supported Obama over Hillary, White women didn’t blink. Oprah’s race came first, not her gender. But she was good at saying, “You go, girl!”
I know I’m trying to swim against the current here. A really, really strong current. There is no way to point all these undeniable truths out without being called a “racist.” Fortunately, I have no job to be cancelled from now, so I can be a bit bolder. I don’t hate Black people, or any race of people. That would be generalizing, something classical liberals like myself used to preach against. Today’s “Woke” Left generalizes all the time about White people. They condemn the entire White race as strongly as any KKK leader ever condemned Blacks or Jews. And unlike the KKK or other traditional “haters,” most of them are self-haters. It’s their own race they despise.
Politicians like Bill Clinton, and more recently Joe Biden, have gleefully announced before enthusiastic crowds that soon, Whites will be a minority in this country. Jimmy Fallon, a few years back, made the same joyous revelation on his pathetic talk show. The loudest cheers in all those audiences were from White people, who in fact made up almost everyone in the crowd. Can you imagine any other race of people, who have ever existed, who would be overjoyed at their own extinction? While this Banana Republic is still run largely by Whites, the average White person has become a whipping boy, for government, business, the law, and the decadent culture.
The Democrats are overtly anti-White in everything they say and do. The Republicans are castigated as “racists” and “White Supremacists.” In reality, they are largely cucks who virtue signal in a different way. For instance, in nominating an inarticulate Herschel Walker for the Senate. Just because he was Black. The number one “racist” in America, is of course, Donald Trump. A man who never referred to White people in four years as president. A man who rescued a Black rapper from Sweden. A man who didn’t pardon Assange and Snowden, but did pardon the president of Death Row Records. And is now willingly walking into a courtroom with a judge named Juan.
Ask yourself why “migrants” aren’t ever shipped to an Asian country. Or an Arabic country. Why do only White nations have to experience the joys of diversity? Do you think illegal immigrants would be welcomed by both the Left and Right leadership so openly, even to the point of giving them healthcare and other benefits our own poorest citizens can’t get, if they weren’t nonwhite? No virtue signalers ever decry China’s open racism against Blacks, or urge them to become multicultural. That’s only for formerly White societies. They hate middle-class suburbs, one of America’s greatest treasures, because they’re “too White.” They don’t want anything to be “too White,” except for their own wealthy, gated communities.
Now I’ve been fortunate in my life. I managed to rise to a middle-class existence, despite being a community college dropout. My primary skill has always been critical analysis, from a decidedly unconventional perspective. Needless to say, the corporate world is not looking for anyone like me. I’ve been able to get six books published, with three more coming out this year (two very soon), and have built a platform where I hear regularly from people all over the world, who enjoy my work. So the Great Replacement hasn’t really impacted me personally. But it has held down millions of decent and valuable people, especially the ones who don’t approve of it.
I don’t think I’m better than anybody else in the world. My skin color doesn’t make me proud. But it doesn’t make me ashamed either. None of us have anything to do with the way we’re born. We should all treat each other fairly and with respect. Any country that blows its own horn as much as America always has, certainly ought to treat all its citizens equally under the law, and give them all the same opportunities in life. Race has no place in American life or law, as John F. Kennedy told us sixty years ago. Unfortunately, race is the defining factor in America 2.0. I will never be silent while any group of people are discriminated against.
White lives matter. All lives matter. All life is sacred. Those are such self-evident truths that they don’t need any further explanation, no matter what every deluded celebrity says to the contrary. The same White Harvard graduate that goes apoplectic when some violent predator beast, or some unknown insect, becomes an endangered species, applauds over the inexorable extinction of White human beings. Trying to reason with such lunacy is impossible. They say Hitler wanted to exterminate a particular group of people. Isn’t that exactly what our entire society is trying to do to Whites? Don’t stay complacent in the face of the Great Replacement.
You are being too magnanimous here, Don. Regarding the disastrous 1965 immigration legislation, " ... a bunch of white guys"? They were two Jews and one degenerate Shabbos Goy. Most people erroneously think Jews are white because most of them have white skin. Skin pigmentation is the least significant racial difference. Jews are in essence Asiatics. I had an ex friend, former band mate from NYC who was Jew on his father's side. Growing up in Manhattan, he told me some of his Jewish classmates would invite him to their homes after school. He was invariably repulsed by the experience. As he put it, "Man, it creeped me out being in those places. Not white man's stuff at all. It was like being in fucking Asia." In the U.S., no racially conscious white at any level of, or in any branch of government is remotely close to the reigns of state power. By long standing cold calculation, whites have been dispossessed, subjugated, and are well into the annihilation stage by a plethora of means. Anti discrimination is laughable as the inability to discriminate is a sure sign of feeble-mindedness. Many of those idiotic white sluts in Europe (and they have their counterparts here) would hold up signs saying, "I'd rather be raped than racist." Well bitches, you certainly have been getting your wishes fulfilled. Though difficult to define and so often bereft of tangible consequences, the term "racist" tags one as being more reprehensible than a murderer. Orwellian word play in action. Interracial romance is heavily promoted by the Tribe. Many major network TV commercials show a black man in bed with a white woman while their mongrel children prance happily around. The George Floyd psy-op of several years ago was contrived to send a message. No one, including cops, can use force against violent, black criminals. Just smile, bend over, spread'em, and take it where the sun don't shine whitey. A certain Turkic-mongol tribe masking behind a gutter religion has designated you for the dust bins of history. Can't wait for your new books, Don. Be well and keep punching.
Please keep swimming against the current, Donald! You speak for so many of us who don't have a public forum...but we CAN share! Great post