You are being too magnanimous here, Don. Regarding the disastrous 1965 immigration legislation, " ... a bunch of white guys"? They were two Jews and one degenerate Shabbos Goy. Most people erroneously think Jews are white because most of them have white skin. Skin pigmentation is the least significant racial difference. Jews are in essence Asiatics. I had an ex friend, former band mate from NYC who was Jew on his father's side. Growing up in Manhattan, he told me some of his Jewish classmates would invite him to their homes after school. He was invariably repulsed by the experience. As he put it, "Man, it creeped me out being in those places. Not white man's stuff at all. It was like being in fucking Asia." In the U.S., no racially conscious white at any level of, or in any branch of government is remotely close to the reigns of state power. By long standing cold calculation, whites have been dispossessed, subjugated, and are well into the annihilation stage by a plethora of means. Anti discrimination is laughable as the inability to discriminate is a sure sign of feeble-mindedness. Many of those idiotic white sluts in Europe (and they have their counterparts here) would hold up signs saying, "I'd rather be raped than racist." Well bitches, you certainly have been getting your wishes fulfilled. Though difficult to define and so often bereft of tangible consequences, the term "racist" tags one as being more reprehensible than a murderer. Orwellian word play in action. Interracial romance is heavily promoted by the Tribe. Many major network TV commercials show a black man in bed with a white woman while their mongrel children prance happily around. The George Floyd psy-op of several years ago was contrived to send a message. No one, including cops, can use force against violent, black criminals. Just smile, bend over, spread'em, and take it where the sun don't shine whitey. A certain Turkic-mongol tribe masking behind a gutter religion has designated you for the dust bins of history. Can't wait for your new books, Don. Be well and keep punching.

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I understand what you're saying, Hereticdrummer. Yes, many Jews (especially the powerful ones) don't think of themselves as White. This is a view that they share with most of those who are labeled as "anti-Semitic," ironically. They look White, and are considered White by the public at large. And there are huge numbers of half Jewish, or partially Jewish Americans now, including many of my cousins. Thanks.

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Very true, Don. It is interesting that one can be half Jew or one quarter Jew ancestry wise but never one half Catholic or one quarter Buddhist etc. At any rate, the Jews at the apex of the pyramid of power, and they monopolize it, a few token Goyim sycophants notwithstanding, have been and are promulgating, financing, directing, and effectuating all of the policies, laws, and propaganda that are anathema to the white race. Simply put, they are destroying us, a long term goal that they are not bashful about bragging on occasion. The blacks and other non whites are simply their battering ram. Stupid whitey is in a death dream trance.

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you can leave christianty, but jewish is DNA. meanwhile stop being scared, its not attractive.

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What is your factual sufficiency for that mendacity? I'm not in the least bit scared. Your syntax is atrocious.

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what is a syntax? what does mendacity mean? jewish IS dna, it also can be a religion.

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Syntax is the way phrases and clauses are structured correlating with grammar. A mendacity is a falsehood. The Jews are a race, the fact that they possess a religion that accepts converts notwithstanding.

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european jews generally have a range of semitic DNA. most jews were the first to do white flight. the poor ones left behind are attacked by blacks. (if they are orthodox).

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jews like chinese food, its a given. maybe this was a take out?

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Please keep swimming against the current, Donald! You speak for so many of us who don't have a public forum...but we CAN share! Great post

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I appreciate hearing that, FLSherri. Thanks!

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Your article reminds me of an episode in my earlier work history.

The owner of the company I worked for, for some reason, handed me the keys of his plush brand new

van. My job that day was to haul a load of materials from Rochester to the Twin Cities.

Everything was going fine until I hit a patch of black ice underneath an overpass on the freeway.

The van did a complete 360. It should have rolled over, being high profile,, or God only knows what,

I could have collided with the bridge pillars or other vehicles. But, I was pointing in the right direction

so all I had to do was keep on going. As soon as it was safe a guy pulled up next to me, gave me a

big thumbs up, and passed by.

I guess that's what our crazy society is going through now.

Either it straightens itself out or it doesn't.

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Let's hope, against all odds, that our society somehow straightens out. Thanks!

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Originally it made little difference where the immigrant came from if they could meet the requirements and pass the test, which most natural born Americans couldn't today.

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I was looking at a few Harvard Math tests, circa 1904. They required serious cerebral horsepower! Imagine today, given that math too is racissssss' any Prof who really wanted to test the multi-colored class, would lose tenure! Sadly, WE, have allowed this dysgenic West to form under our watch. I know I routinely worked 80 hour weeks for almost 20 years, I came home, kissed the kids, and barely had energy to tell the wife my day. So, my fault. A bit too focused on paying the bills, and uninterested in the political theater of the 90;s, aughts, and the post WTC coup.

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IMO, we should mandate that all public fool system curricula include TM2000-25.

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Aye, real, white citizens. ONLY. \o

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All too true. Thanks.

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Brilliance Donald, and directly over the squishy Bolshevik/Zionist target.

As the plight of those of us of Caucasian descent becomes more obvious, a fighting force of 10M, tactically trained, white militia, will show the emotional cretins in DC, what a true resurrection looks like. The USD (shekel fiat) will be prolapsed, as will all of the Leftists. Their hubris at the moment, will become our long needed, rivers of blood moment.

Hail Victory. And, truth.

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Thanks, Anti Communist!

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Couple of points. You mention NOT being a White Nationalist, while addressing all the reasons I am one. You also call out Hitler and the NSDAP for an "extermination" that never happened. Exclusion is not extermination, and many of the Bolsheviks Hitler housed separately, came here. And, they have assiduously poisoned and destroyed our wonderful, white, Goy, Christian culture. And, Javitts legislation, has reduced us from 91% to about 50% of the present nation. South Africa levels of chimp outs will accelerate this decline, not to mention the horror show that is the modern, breeding age, white woman. All, done by jews.

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I doubt all conventional history. I don't trust the establishment view on Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Bin Laden, Hussein, Putin, or any other foreign bogeyman. I simply said this is what he is commonly accused of. Thanks.

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Kudos to you on correctly spelling "bogeyman".

I hate the trend these days of spelling it boogeyman.

A boogeyman is someone who can really disco dance.

A bogeyman is an evil haunting specter.

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Lol. Well, I did score in something like the 97th percentile in Spelling (and English) on the SAT, back in the stone age. Still only went to community college, before dropping out. It's laughable to look at the grammatical skills of even Ivy League students today. I should keep a low profile, they have said that proper grammar is "racist." Thanks.

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Aye, and I concur. He may well have been 10% of the monster they claim, making their lack of focus on Stalin, Mao. Trotsky (Bronstein) et al all the more egregious. As you know so well, preaching and pleading for truth, among the unwashed madding crowd, is a dual thrust sword. You are of course admonished by the masters, for seeing their marionette strings, while the hoi poloi, screech like banshees when you rip the gauze from their eyes!

Still, I like to think, martyrdom is far better than a life in a velvet lined cell.

Hail Victory!

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All done by Jews that didn't survive, even if they were white.

Our wonderful, white, goy, Christian culture didn't survive Operation Paperclip's importation of war criminals.

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We did not survive the formation Of apartheid Israel, the importation of millions of communist jews, and Operation Keelhaul. Never forget the USS Liberty.

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I think of Trump's endorsement of the "vaccines" while beaming about Operation Warp Speed in a similar context to Israel's claim that they were improbable mistakes.

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Well said Vonu! As a normal, high integrity Goy, one of my greatest sources of pride is not having ever hurt someone to make a living. I have no idea how these "through deception, we wage war" assholes live with themselves. Hail Victory!

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"goy" is insult used by classless jews. dont call yourself that. dont even own it. its shetal talk.

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But here you all are to whine like little woke white girls, who can't find their safe space;

If you see or hear an orchestra, look for a conductor; When you find that conductor kill them;

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Bilbo, you and your alter-egos have long since grown annoying. If you continue to punch right, and belittle pro-whites, I have no choice but to suspect you and your verbose, alter-egos are Hasbarites. You have never liked a single one of my posts, and once called me the "low IQ Nazi" in the room. I could trade multi-syllabic barbs with you all day long; however, no sane person would call me "low IQ." Both Stanford-Binet and WAIS scores are 4 z-scores above the norm. So, find common ground, or be considered the enemy.

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why do you have to qualify your education level to comment to a stranger on the internet? its not a job application. in addition, i wouldnt brag about standford. its gotton creepy over the years (i assume you know this).

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Spot on, Donald. I too remember the whispered jokes...only to be told to someone you absolutely trusted...and NEVER in mixed company.

Thankfully, all those silly names you listed brought no mental pictures to mind. I loathe ghetto culture...and have made an extreme effort to seal my life off from it...and ALL pop-culture.

Anyone with a little research, who has eyes to see, and ears to hear...well, we know who is behind this vast cultural change. For anyone who does not know...read the story of the Golem of Prague.

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Thanks, Kris!

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kris, you love ghetto culture. the lower the better. (edited).

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On the contrary, I seem to be about the only White in America who actively condemns it.

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Looks like the troll has returned from vacation.

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considering the money you have spent on the ghettoboys, try to keep it real.

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Unfortunately, years of public school indoctrination reinforced by the media and bought politicians has done its damage. When I pointed out in a blog once that white people were the only ones not allowed to have their own organizations, schools, clubs, etc, I was called a racist piece of shit.

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I have pointed this out many times. You can't have one group encouraged to be irrationally proud of their skin color, and in fact to base their entire self-image on that, while another group is almost forbidden to mention race, unless it is to apologize for things they never did. Thanks.

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Cuck is a real thing, you know right??

Almost all whites in USA today are cucks, and the blacks know it;

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Well, a lot of them are, and you are right- most Blacks probably recognize that. Thanks.

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Perhaps before you like, you know the defn of the term 'cuck'

A cuck is a man who lets niggers rape his family and then say's, are you not going to rape me too?? :(

Woke is a cuck that has been sodomized, after many sessions they become 'woke cucks'

[ Sorry to offend some with the 'nigger' term, but I lifted it from Mark Twains, Tom Sawyer ]

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Do a little research troll. It was Huckleberry Finn, not Tom Sawyer.

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Try to make your points without using language that triggers people. I am fully aware of the definition of "cuck."

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I believe the word derives from the habits of the cuckoo bird; which lays eggs in

another bird's nest to let that bird do all the work of raising the young.

We could work that into a social commentary somehow.

It sounds like an too familiar strategy; let society raise my kids...

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Interesting. Thanks for sharing, Scott!

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Bilbo, you are crass. That's the province of jews. Methinks you are a Hasbarite or Talpiot wagey, sitting in a Tel Aviv tenement.

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Both my parents were raised on a Kibbutz, I guess that makes me 'chosen'

My parents raised me to HATE ZIONISM, just like 90% of all Jews, we all hate the faux nazi-zion jews who rule Israel GOV, and USA GOV, and UK gov, and most of the ZOG world

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My Nose Radar remains accurate. Even if you have some elements of a truth seeker, your DNA (like the scorpion and the frog story) will always make you suspect.

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always even one drop 1/16.

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So tell me about your Jew mother?? Do you like boiled dog?

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Straight back to crude.

My ancestry has hated jews for 18 generations, and wouldn't procreate with one of you even if you offered us billions. You, disgust us. Hail Victory.

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now you can have social acceptance from almost all sides, the UN, & the WEF, MSM. i suppose i dont have to name the jew.

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I do not subscribe to that mentality because I know I was created by God and will be judged according to my sins, not my skin color or gender.

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As Martin Luther King, who would be considered a White Supremacist if alive today, said- it's the content of one's character that counts. Thanks.

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I recommend a good book titled Defensive Racism by the late Edgar Steele, which discusses a lot of what you've written in your article plus a lot more, mainly advising white people how to live in an increasingly anti-white country.

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Watch Remarque88’s ‘Ode to the Censors’


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I suggest that you check out this link for a better understanding of what is happening in this regard.


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"The goal of abolishing the white race is, on its face, so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists...

Make no mistake about it: we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as 'the white race' is destroyed."

(Professor Noel Ignatiev: Harvard Magazine - September-October 2002)

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Wow- I remember that quote, and should have included it in my article, Anticriminals. Ignatiev is, of course, White. Yeah, I know....I would like someone to provide a quote from the KKK or any other White Supremacist group that is half as evil and hateful as this. Thanks!

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Noel was not white. He was a jew, that is a descendant of the khazars, hittites, mideonites, moabites and edomites.

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Sometimes our worse enemies are those of our skin color and racial ethnicity. I see friends in every ethnic group as well as enemies. I think more people are starting to slowly grasp this reality.

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I agree. I didn't mention that to advocate for some kind of blind racial solidarity. But it's obvious that the vast majority of Whites are too frightened to defend, or even support, other Whites, for fear that it will somehow look "racist." Thanks.

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Excellent article again Donald. Very well said. Keep up your excellent work.

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It's great to have your long time support, Norman. Thanks!

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Don, you've done a nice job of showing what kind of people Saul Alinsky trained in his work shops all those years, using Reveille For Radicals (from 1946) as his text book, before it was replaced by Rules for Radicals (1972). He was a Sociologist. This is what Sociology does. It destroys a culture and makes your enemy use your own rules against yourself. Excellent work sir!

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Yes, the book that the venerable Mr. Alinsky dedicated to....Lucifer. Thanks, my friend!

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