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What blows me away is all these super rich famous people, like Michael Landon and Patrick Swayze, who lost their lives to "Cancer". I see this all the time in the obits. So and so died from Cancer. No, they died from the treatment of Cancer. With ALL their money, they couldn't find the natural way to heal themselves? Patrick looked like an old, old man when he passed. Extremely sad. The obits should read that these people were murdered because they had Cancer. Healthcare is Deathcare.

I watch a lot of these real cop arrests on YT and they are so quick to whip out their guns and shoot down someone. Sure, some of it is legit, but these perps act so deranged, like a rabid dog. So many fine folks are going off the deep end and I think its because of all the polluted food, air and water. Besides the over-consumption of drugs and alcohol.

Speaking of Medicare, which I now have, they won't cover the costs for me to see a holistic doctor. Why not? They are licensed. They have a college degree. Why can't any natural supplements be also covered? All these effing women out there screaming "my body, my choice", somehow that doesn't apply to people who really care about their health and bodies?

Our tax dollars are going towards these constantly obese, sickly, mentally deranged fine folks we now have to deal with in our society. Including those who are so sexually confused. And I am not going to call these idiots them, they, it or whatever. You're a him/her, he/she. If I was a parent and had a child who was confused, their blood would be drawn to see how much testosterone or estrogen is in their blood. Maybe start there. Stop jabbing your babies, Folks. Take away their idiot laptops and cell phones and get them outside to play, like normal children used to.

One of my nephews was on Ritalin and his doctor upped his dosage. He had thoughts of suicide. He is now off that crap. He has serious anger problems caused by a drug/alcohol induced father and a stupid mother, my sister. They both had bad cocaine habits back in the day. Its no wonder her two kids are lazy mofos. I just stay away. You never know what will set off the one with anger issues. Neither can hold down a job so live with Mommy who pays their way in life. I told her, when you get too old to support them anymore, they'll throw your ass to the curb in a heartbeat. Yep, another one with that deer in the headlights look. I am not the Savior of the World and I've pretty much run out of breath and energy to talk to them anymore. Do as Thou Wilt.

Another reason for me to get the hell out of Dodge. I see way too many crazies out there now. You can't even look at someone before they explode into a blood curdling rage. People dress like they just got out of bed. Most can't even bathe. If you don't have any sel-respect, you're sure as hell are not going to respect anyone else.

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Thanks for sharing your valued perspective, Fran.

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I did receive a ton of likes on that one, Don. Maybe one day I will break down and write articles. lol

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A fantastic rant. Fran. I hope you're not paying one penny extra to Medicare. They automatically enroll one in the "free" hospitalization (I certainly won't be using mine), but paying them ANYTHING is a waste.

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Its sinful for older folks to have to pay so much for Medicare, can't get the proper care, then they give millions to all these illegal invaders. I receive letters how Medicare wants to send over someone to my house just to have an "assessment". No way in hell. I know where this will lead (meaning take jabs, or else). I don't play threats. That letter always goes into the garbage. All this forced medical coverage is total BS. The holistic doctor I do speak to I have to pay out of pocket.

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And it's an awful deal! You are getting money back that you paid into the system, and they're still charging you a monthly fee. And only covering 80%, which is nothing for anything big in our sinfully expensive system. Thanks, Fran.

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What kills me is taxing the crap out of me for my Social Security while all these Invaders get their stuff for free. No Charge! Washington is a Criminal Cabal. Bring back Al Capone and he'd probably straighten them out!

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You are surprised Medi-Don't-Care will not fund holistic health. Seriously? It's all of a feather with "Warp Speed". The goal of the whole medical racket is to "watp speed" you into a coffin the minute you turn 65, right after the Jews who run the nursing home have separated you from every last nickel of any inheritance you can bequeath your children.

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LOL - like I don't know that; like I haven't known that for years. I've seen what my mother went thru and along with others. I know what good nursing homes cost.

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Fran: Patrick Swayze was a lifetime smoker. Those cigarettes killed three of my best friends at the age of 49.

Sure, I drink light beer and my liver suffers but the liver can and does heal itself. The lungs and heart don't.

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I smoked too. Now just vape. Yea, I know. Not the best choice, but coughing up phlegm is gone. Patrick smoked quite a bit I believe. Sorry to hear you lost friends due to smoking. My oldest sister had heart surgery and she smokes those "natural" Indian cigarettes thinking they are healthy. Let her have more heart surgery. I am done with talking to her about it.

I drink maybe one or two Corona's a week (it was my joke a couple of years ago with all this covid crap, I'd tell people that, Yea, I have the Corona. Corona Extra). Thats all my body can handle. Back in the day, I was a real party girl. The body now says, You're restricted, Honey!

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Only you can determine to quit smoking, or anything else.No vape, pills, gum, patches. When you decide to get serious you can do it . Mind over matter. I can't stand the smell of smoke after 25 years of being smoke free.

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When I'm ready. I don't like smoke either, its an addiction. It smells up my house and car then you have to worry about hot ashes burning your skin, furniture, or clothes. I did quit eating my Reeses' peanut butter cups, Dark Chocolate. That one was hard. And I no longer buy ice cream.

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Addiction is difficult. It requires mental toughness which one must develop on their own. Personally I don't believe any of the previous crutches do anything except develop more dependencies. Cold Turkey reality is you can do it if you truly desire. Good luck the benefits of health are enormous compared to black lung.

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Thank you! Hope you have a Wonderful Weekend!

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Great "rant," Fran. I feel ya...I too feel out of energy and breath to talk about any of this anymore -- and I do write articles! LOL!

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Perhaps I rant too much, but with everything awful going on and our lives being flushed down the toilet, I feel I need to speak out. A lifetime of experiences, good and bad, didn't get me this far for nothing. If I can wake up a few people and they pay it forwards, then thats a good thing. I totally believe in the domino effect. Our failure from the murderous and thieving politicians are not going to do a thing except steal more money, lie to our faces, and waste tax dollars on all this farcical in-fighting. I am so sick of it all.

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Yes, I hear you, Fran. I carry weariness with me from years of working on Sep 11 truth. To closed minds, deaf ears, and blind eyes.

This current crime came about, in part IMO, because people in America bought the Sep 11 bullshit story, gladly supported the same government whose official story revealed stunning criminal negligence and malfeasance, willingly gave up their 4th Amendment protections to be "safe," while millions more simply thought that what happened in D.C., PA, and NYC had nothing to do with them.

This time around, at least, so many, many more people have "noticed" and are fighting back. I appreciate that, but to me? Our current circumstances evolved over decades? All symptomatic. We had a chance in the early 2000's to reveal what this place had become, but the majority booted it -- and here we are.

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911 was a Litmus test. they mostly failed it. then took the jabs, another litmus test closer to home. there are repurcussions for militant ignorance.

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Yes, exactly. From an American standpoint, Sep 11 was a litmus test. In contrast to this government and military destroying others in far away places, about which most Americans know nothing or ignore, that crime happened 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆...to them. Yet they still "failed." No outrage at their own country's failure as proudly detailed by the official story. No. Credulity and obedience toward the absurd and the freedom-destroying.

So. Then the Covid® operation. Another absurd, freedom-destroying official story...and the exact same response, for all intents and purposes. Except...this time...Americans aided and abetted the initial crime by committing others against themselves and their fellow Americans. Over a respiratory infection.

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Couldn't agree more. I have siblings that won't even try to look at the "lone gunman angle" of the JFK assassination, that it was impossible for the bullshit story that was planted in all the obedient minds. I'll take the opinions and examples presented by sharp shooters, how I have seen the photos of Kennedy being hit from the front, plus what makes sense to me. Besides those that heard 3 or more shots. Like believing that piece of crap lunar module that "supposedly" landed on the moon. A five year old could have built something better using Legos.

Arguing with a friend's husband, I told him from Day 1 after 9-11 that it was no airliner that hit the Pentagon. I thought this engineer was going to blow a rod! The hole would have been much bigger, plus where were all the parts, bodies? And one of the supposed high jackers' ID happened to just "fall" onto the pavement, in clean 100% condition? Everyone is wearing their Dunce hats these days.

I pretty much give up trying to convince anyone of anything anymore. Blinded by whats happening on X or Fakebook or Instagram, their lives must be a sorry mess. The only people who really understand whats going on is those I speak with in small town America.

Why do you think they pushed all these jabs onto the American Sheep? I still see people walking around with those blue paper diapers on their faces. Breathing all those chemicals in those masks. These Illegal Invaders are not forced to do a thing - yet. But their stupid little hinders are on the chopping block next. They don't care about this country, at all, nor understand the history or even care to.

Yes, here we are. Most believe the next president is going to fix the problems. That isn't ever going to happen. It just gets worse. Until one day, it'll all blow up. Can't wait.

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Re the JFK assassination, I tell the story in one of my posts about the day my father sat me down to talk about it. It was the day after the NYTimes published the "Warren Report." My father proceeded to explain to me in terms his girl could understand how all of it was impossible, and that yes, people tell lies and then other people print them...

"I thought this engineer was going to blow a rod!" LOL! That's funny, Fran. Thank you for the chuckle on that one. Speaking of engineers, I've got one of those in my family, too. Asked him, given that NIST confirmed the 20 second drop to Earth of both WTC Towers, a basic question.

Setting up my question, I said that since the Towers each had 110 floors -- and even if it were possible for a one-second per floor drop -- that's over a minute and half for the Tower to drop. So, I queried, "What physical conditions do you think had to be in place that day that would enable a 20-second drop for both Towers?" Answer?

He "Pfft'ed" ...and walked away. Without answering.

As for why they pushed this junk on people, I don't know, Fran. Another lesson in blind obedience, to prove (yet again) the cowardice of the majority, to kill and or sicken, to reduce reproductive capacity? All of the above?

As you say, everyone is wearing -- and has been for a long time -- their Dunce hats these days. My hubs says the same thing as you -- it's gonna blow. It's gotta blow -- and he can't wait. He too, as am I -- and you -- is exhausted by it all.

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I was 8 yrs. old when JFK was murdered, then I knew when RJK was shot, he was done. It scared me to the core of my soul, being in only 8th grade. Everything felt cold inside of me. My father always said LBJ was involved. Sure, amongst many others. I wish Dad was still alive, boy, could we have a conversation! The funeral was one of the saddest things I've witnessed as a young child.

When LHO said he was a patsy, I knew he was telling the truth. Just his body language and the way he said it. Its funny how you just know things when you're young, yet have no understanding of what it is you know. Gut instinct.

Its great if being educated by a college takes you somewhere really grand in life, but I find most of those types of brainwashed folks have absolutely no common sense. And they can never think outside the box, even if you show them facts. Very closed minded people.

I've had arguments with family about 9-11, telling them to go watch demo experts take down buildings with explosives. The production and results are exactly the same! Buildings on fire usually fall to one side or another, they don't usually fall into themselves. Those fires from airplane fuel isn't hot enough to take down those steel supports and I agree, those floors would not have dropped so quickly like they did without explosives. Especially when numerous people heard explosions. This topic I've tried to bring up and I get poo-pooed, called a nutjob. You know, the entire gambit. My family is extremely quick to label you without even taking into consideration what you're telling them. Without putting on that thinking cap. The only caps they wear are the ones with the propeller on the top.

Same folks who took those jabs, now their sweating over what they did. I warned them, emailing multiple articles to at least read. They hit "delete". Bada bing, bada boom. I no longer even waste my time. Whats the point. I am a Quack. Funny how when I end up right, they NEVER tell me they were wrong. Never apologizing to me. And never asking me to discuss or share further information so they can learn more. One listens to the other and so on. I am only the dumb middle sister who hasn't a clue. Ignore her and she'll go away.

This is why I love to visit small towns and talk to strangers; get a feel what life is like and would I fit in. I've met so many who are the kindest, the most generous who expect nothing other than a Thank you. Its surprising to me that many of these small town "hicks" are very wise to whats going on. I just love these people. Salt of the earth!

Yep, it'll all blow up. I am not going to help those that didn't listen. I've been stocking up on pkgs. of dried and freeze-dried foods. Food will be worth more than gold when the SHTF. Our near future is going to get very interesting, indeed.

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I was five when JFK was murdered. I remember virtually nothing about it -- except that I couldn't go to kindergarten. The snippet I do remember is sitting on the living room floor in front of the TV with the funeral on. Why do I remember that? Because the most important person in the world to me -- my mother -- kept crying. As I sat on the floor, she was upstairs in our little house...crying. That's what I remember about JFK's murder. It made my mother cry.

With this history, including RFK, Jr. and MLK, Jr., and then Philadelphia followed by Waco, my evolution began toward the conviction that that thing in D.C. and its satellite offices in all 50 states are nothing but organized crime. "Government" is for the worst among us -- with rare exception. It attracts the worst and then brings out the worst in them.

Sep 11 happened and the official story told us so many absurdities. Jet fuel making the world's strongest buildings fall down and go boom is a "surface level" absurdity about our physical world. The speed of their "collapse" is another. You'd think -- you would think -- that the blatant absurdity of just these two pieces of that story would be obvious and enough to sway people to action regardless of education level. The deeper layers of the story's absurdities and flat-out impossibilities?

The criminal negligence and malfeasance it spells out? You'd think those would cause "Americans" some real concern...but no. They prefer to ignore or ridicule 𝒚𝒐𝒖. Or me and the thousands and thousands around the country who banged their heads against the wall for years -- trying to point out the 𝒐𝒃𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔. All while cheering the murder of innocents in faraway places that had nothing whatsoever to do with the crime -- and while happily relinquishing their 4th Amendment protections in order to be "safe."

So. When whispers of the "COVID" operation started circulating, it was so G-damned 𝒐𝒃𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔. Yet after those years in Sep 11 truth, I knew what the mob would do -- and I knew there was no stopping them. The stampede had started. No suggesting that every single freakin' aspect of the official story was such utter bullshit -- and besides, boys and girls of America -- these scumbags have no lawful authority whatsoever 𝒂𝒕 𝒂𝒍𝒍 to tell you you have to stay home, or to shut businesses, to destroy in order to save.

A couple of weeks ago, as I started to wake up from sleep, the words, "This had to happen" popped into my head. I think that's right. It seems that the majority can only learn the hard way. Adherence to age-old virtues such as courage and fortitude and reliance on common sense appear non-existent. I look out at the world as if watching a movie. I know the ending and know nothing can be done to change it. It has to happen before a new beginning can begin.

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I too remember when John Kennedy was murdered. I was 4 years old and my mother and aunt were sitting at the kitchen table crying. The tv was on with the president lying in state at the Capitol rotunda. It made me feel bad that they were crying, so I suggested they change the channel and put on cartoons. I thought that would make them feel better.

Little did I know I was watching history and the end of Kennedys’ vision of World Peace, which would have come to fruition after the 1964 elections.

The evil that killed him and that vision is still in control today.

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Sweet, skanderbeer. I can just see a sweet little child trying to make things better, trying to help someone stop crying. Very sweet. Seems we remember that terrible time because our older loved ones were crying.

You're absolutely right re the evil that killed JFK. Alive and well, emboldened.

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Very well written, so I thank you. With the influx of all these illegal invaders, another large stampede is here. This country may be turning into one huge shooting gallery; its going on now with cops gunning down anyone they think is a threat along with all the gangbangers. But one doesn't dare say anything because you just may be eliminated. They force upon us all these Smart appliances which I do not want in my home. Agent wrote a very good article about Smart meters; I would have never thought, but it made perfect sense to me. So in the end, they'll try and take us out, one way or another. They have a lot of tricks up their sleeves. But you're correct. It all has to go down before a new beginning can happen. History just keeps repeating itself. The records are removed or burned, we have nothing to learn from as they change those records to suit their needs. And nothing truthful is taught to the young in our schools either.

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Thank you, Fran.

"And nothing truthful is taught to the young in our schools either." The profundity of that statement -- because it's absolutely true and has been going on for ages, it seems.

What does it mean for our own understanding of the world? Our frame of reference for the past and its impact on our conduct today? "Policy" built on fraud? Historical lies framing out behavior toward and belief about others? Based on a set up??

The implications are profound. It's why I hang a question mark on everything.

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(butting in) cousin of mine came here in my third world rural abode once, 2019. Retired, he was a management level civil engineer with a large city utility. told him about architects and engineers for 911 truth (I notice their web page was defunct recently). he went through the usual rapid motions of mock, denial, deafness, anger. had he looked it up , just the dustification and no 107 pancakes, he might not have gone to his death with turbo cancer still mocking conpiracy theorists. Once just has to wash ones hands like Pontious Pilate, only so much on can do.

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I worked for years on 9/11 Truth. Boston 9/11 Truth is still a well-organized group, going strong. A man who became a friend of mine co-founded it. (BTW, I checked the website and it is still up.)

Your cousin, as you know, reflects the vast majority. After years of pounding my head -- and getting pounded -- I gradually let go. Exhausted by it all. So, when the Covid® operation was getting launched, I knew instantly it was yet another operation. I knew, too, exactly how "the mob" would react.

This time, though, I did as Pilate did. Made a comment here and there about an "operation" to eyes glazed over...and began preparing in my mind. Knowing full well "15 days" meant no such thing, but did mean wreckage, hubs and I began our conversations about how we'd address -- depending on just how bad things were sure to get. Try "waking people up?" Nah. There is no stopping those with rings in their noses once they get stampeding. Just gotta get outta their way...

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I used to watch a lot of those cop videos on JooToob too, and they made my blood boil. But then I asked- why is JooToob allowing all of these "copwatcher" videos to be posted? After all, say something against the wonderful quaccines and you get cancelled in a New York second. Obviously, it is all part of the psyop. I would recommend tuning out the videos. They are calculated to make people mad at the cops and the system. We know it is dysfunctional. We don't need it in our face every day.

Moreover, some of those guys, like Freedman, are Operation Mockingbird to the hilt!

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I like to keep myself informed where it proves to me the level of evil and how its overtaking people's weak pathetic minds. Have to watch what I say on YT as I've been threatened twice now that I'll be kicked off. It sickens me to read the commenters cheering on these cops, which not are all murderous, but many are. Wait until the cops show up at their front doors for some asinine reason with guns drawn.

Like Gerald Celente says: WWIII will be a nuclear war, and WWIV will be fought with sticks and stones.

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