You know something, Mr. Jeffries? I am literally repulsed by what has become of American culture. I now tend to enjoy animals more than most humans. That said, I rather wish you were my neighbor as I think I could actually have a good conversation with you. Seriously, thank you for calling it like you see it with no BS. No one I personally know even blinks an eye at the fact that children are literally being mutilated via transgender surgery, and I am surrounded by folks who call themselves Christians thus your essay was especially meaningful. This was just so good.

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That's so nice to hear, Elizabeth. I'd love to be your neighbor, too! I'd still like to hear more details of your earlier life among the upper crust. If you feel like sharing more, email me at authorjeffries@gmail.com. Thanks!

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I will contemplate how to put it in words. Even I don’t believe it all sometimes. I definitely was not cut out for Life In the Fast Lane. I distinctly recall thinking, “I have to get off the fence”. I’ll think about how to convey in writing what it was like. I do have my soul in tact. Had I stayed in that group, I am convinced that part of me would be dead. Talk soon.

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( Cathy O'Brien said that despite all she (and her masked at 2yo daughter 'born in captivity' ) went through, her soul was still intact. )

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when I hear candy asses in the US crying victim I get sick. want to see real victims? look at Gaza

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Certainly true, SPQR70AD. But there are many real victims here, as I described in the article. More than all the "candy asses" put together. Thanks.

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remember first world problems do not compare to third world problems. in the third world on their best day is still a day in a hell of crushing poverty. on the worst day in the first world you are still in the US with food clean water transportation parks concerts disney world etc

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Although what is happening in Gaza,and other geography's are real time atrocities, I cannot deny there are many victims within the America and our neighboring Canada. Being able to see to "the ends of the earth" does nothing to alleviate the suffering caused by autocracies overwhelming and erasing autonomy. If we look at the murders over there, we are at liberty to ignore the murders that are taking place here? I know even if I don't ask for fame or fortune or publication, I still have to wonder when asking for justice became unreasonable.

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Good point, Clyde. Yes, what is happening to the people in Gaza is tragic. But you can find tragedy all over America. Look at the people in North Carolina, still struggling, and receiving little assistance, from the effects of Hurricane Helene. Thanks.

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I suppose one could argue over whether the hurricane was natural or not, but that bombing to smithereens in Gaza is NOT nature.

Sure, there is bad stuff happening here (but in comparison to Gaza?) Really?

Just the scale of numbers of dead would be a staggering difference. And in the case of Gaza, could and should have been avoided.

The hurricane?

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Remember they started it in Gaza, the people there will not give up Hamas and the atrocities committed by them is what caused it. It's very complicated but our problems at home at least make more sense and could be handled better. I am hoping this administration will restore some law and order. That's is reason we voted for Trump and Vance and I hope the haters will cooperate to make our country better, instead of shooting themselves in the foot thus affecting the rest of us. Golden rule comes to mind.

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they started it? after 60 years of getting bombed starved houses bulldozed no airport allowed no sea port allowed not allowed to leave Gaza every 2 years get bombed with 1000's killed they finally fought back. are you serious?

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How can anyone be so wrong-headed about a situation? Who started it? The Palestinians?

The brainwashing is complete for you VICKI.

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Asking for justice became unreasonable especially after 1973 in this country. When the unborn lose justice, it does not take long for that attitude to infect the entire political food chain.

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take off the murders by knee grow and latrino gangs shooting each other which is by choice and the murder rate is very low. also we are enabling the slaughter in Gaza. when it is over there will be over 200K dead in Gaza almost 10% of the population. 10% in the US would be 35 million dead in one year. do you see my point. 1st world problems dont add up 3rd world problems

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Already in Gaza half a million have been killed. The statistics on the Lamestream media are laughable.

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I gotta say that the carnage going on in Gaza has no equivalent in America. Not even close.

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There are and always have been a lot of places to look, the most notable for me was the Holocaust and then Oct 7 in Israel and so many more places === the victims of other wars and the victims in cities just being there (wrong place, wrong time) ...there have always been victims but your description of them today is just beyond mind boggling. I see the girls with nose rings, and the other methods in which they deface themselves and can hardly stand to look at them. Yet; society demands they be hired because they are "equal". Lack of kindness and manners makes me hate to leave my home and deal with traffic and people. Who said "No problem" was an answer to everything? An "educated" expert on tv today spoke of "him and me" when describing something he's recently experienced. But does that differ from me and him? It is truly exhausting to deal with most people in society today. This is one of your very best pieces of work yet.

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Great points, Vicki. Thanks!

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so ignoring the 70 million killed in WWII and ONLY focusing on the holler cost which has been disproved makes you a jew. admit it and say you dont care about anybody else dying by the tens of millions to show your jewish compassion. if you aint a jew you might as well be

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I totally agree. But the Candy Asses are going to have it handed to them right soon.

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I don't know why DJ is disparaging the term "snowflake".

It was a very common East coast term, "flake", to describe someone who is untrustworthy.

I added the "snow" in "flake" to describe the modern phenomenon of the young man or woman who melts down without their safe space and teddy bear. (and how special they are). For God's sake the men of 1941 or the 1917 didn't need a teddy bear or safe space when drafted. It's the same with all hard jobs learned at an age where work is expected. It's not a bullying term, it's a factual description. Our country is not in good psychological condition. I'll bet 95% of all roofers in America these days are immigrants from Mexico. OUR kids are too special for the job, and for most other labor and skill intensive work.

I stand by the term SNOWFLAKE.

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You misunderstood me, Scott. Obviously, there are lots of "snowflakes" out there. My point was that conservatives especially tend to dismiss concerns about jobs paying enough, benefits being cut, etc., by just calling those complaining "snowflakes." After the 2016 election, all those college students who needed "safe spaces" and were actually given crayons, certainly qualify as "snowflakes." Thanks.

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It's practically impossible to define 'liberal' and 'conservative', since they're labels.

I'm not sure what the difference is between a heartless conservative and any other heartless person. The relevant logical fallacy is "the no true Scotsman' fallacy. There is no model Scotsman, therefore no 'true' Scotsmen.

Of course the fallacy goes too far, because if there are no true Scotsmen, then there would be no Scotsmen. We have the same problem with identifying a true Christian, or a true American, or a true man.... a true man must also have a feminine (empathetic) side . We could call it our liberal side. When this Yin Yang psychic balance is over-weighted to one side, then we can see neurotic

behaviors. lack of empathy is a dysfunction, not a 'conservative' trait.

I think Jesus represents the empathy which we have inside us, but too often gets walled off and dammed up.

Thanks for the opportunity to express my existentialist pov on your slate! LOL!

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The biggest "victims" are the ruling class of semites that use a faked genocide to shame themselves into power positions and ultra-wealth.

As for Hunter, he was just having some fun...


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Yeah, I could certainly have mentioned the victim mentality that is so common among Jews, Abuse. Especially those related to people who were in Nazi concentration camps. Thanks.

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Inappropriate Zyklon B showers that , worse of all, never happened. See Schindler's list.

Merry Christmas to all the jews, may you all catch up and ride on the peace train, instead of the gravey train * . 2000 years of being a victim and table turning in the temple is enough.

Favourite of Lenny Bruce (very jewish).

They killed Jesus cause he would not become a doctor.

Unlike that Silverman Woman (yeh, and I'd do it again if he came back).

his was sooo funny. and anti semitic. doctors and lawyers and genocidists and such.

* new show, That's how we became the gravy bunch. It's a story about a jew named Levy... oh shod it.

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Dec 6Edited

Never heard that Bruce quip before ...it made me laugh...thanks.

Zyklon B gas was used at the US-Mexico border during the fifties, to fumigate those crossing the border for work. It was used at the German work camps to get rid of lice...THAT is why they were sent to the showers naked. Typhus claimed many lives at the camps...which is spread by lice. Yes, there were delousing chambers...but the gas didn't kill anyone. My own father was a prisoner at a German work camp. He escaped three times. After the third escape, they didn't even bother to bring him back. The camps were bad...but no worse than the US camps for Japanese, German and Italian United States CITIZENS. The starvation at the end of WWII in Europe, was mainly caused by US bombers, destroying the rail lines that supplied the camps with food.

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I do not think now that there were zyklon b showers even. Schindler's list got that much right. water came out. Microwaves were being used increasingly in Germany, they pulled them off the eastern front towards the end to use in camps, because they needed the labor more.

Bruce doubled it up with "it was just a party, that got out of hand"

yeh, party at Barrabas tonight, like Churchill with Baruch when Wall St Crashed (ring side seat, like Dancing Israeli's) "What a day" he said coming out of there. what a dick.

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I think there are 6 of them left. The rest are larpers, huckstering us for shekels and total power.

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Dec 5Edited

Think of how many "Holocaust survivor" memoirs have been revealed as total fabrications. And that ridiculous qoate by the imposter, the fake Eli Weisel (the real guy's former bunkmate says the real Eli is dead) where he says: "Some stories are true that never happened". Wow, was that presient, or what? This seems to have become the default belief of our sick society.

Then there is Viktor Frankl, and his book about his time at Auschwitz, that seemed to kick-start the entire "Holocaust memoir" genre. The problem is when those pesky folks who insist on the truth went digging...it turns out that Frankl only spent a few days at Auschwitz (and only at the transport depot- aka train station) before being sent to another work camp. These folks were born to kvetch...it seems to be in their DNA...while abusing the entire world.

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agree Kris, great comment. "some stories are true that never happened," is a reminder of that fraud Weisel. some stories are true that never happened is what the holocaust industry is based on. we dare not question the mythos.

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And why was Anne Frank's diary partly written in ballpoint pen, which were not in use until 1951? Why did Meyer Levin sue Anne Frank's father...and ultimately win $50,000., for plagiarism?

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(liked!). well, that was made up too. i did not know the jew Meyer Levin sued Anne Frank's father, but i guess once again, another jew cashed in.

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as of last count there are 859,564,723 quad trillion holler for cost survivors with new victims found every day

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I could write a book on the Holohoax. What is sad is that many people act as though the issue is not important- particularly Traditional Catholics. They dismiss it as, probably true, but a "conspiracy theory" that gets us discredited, because we won't have the support of "Rabbis for Life" or whatever.

Yeah, the fact that these lies have blackballed millions of Germans, thousands of true heroes, and are used to discredit courageous people- no, that's not important. The fact that the whole thing is a monstrous lie- that's not important. What is important is we all just get along and not rock the boat...

That phrase can be written as the Epitaph on a lot of their tombstones, and on the collective tombstone of this generation.

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not particularly good show, but a new (almost) last man on earth, Earth Abides.. the woman ( a bit of Camala type, sloshed like a newt) "just because my heart is beating , doesn't mean I am alive".

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I don't have any shekels left. I traded them to this guy named Jack for three Lima beans.

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I traded mine with a man named Levy, for three giants. He told me they would arrive in the mail before he leaves for Israel.

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Hope you got that package certified with deep tracking.

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they all have deep tracking. it's free.

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I was just going to post the same statement about the foreskin chewers and the fable of the hall of cost. they are the world champions of victimhood while being the richest and most protected species on earth

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The Jews have been the victims of their own malfeasance. One day they will understand the source of their victimhood and solve it.

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they would cease to be jews if they did

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That's fine with me. The world does not need the type of "Jews" that they are.

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most, if not all, of the Abrahamic jews are dead....modern day jews are actually ashkenazi kazars who co-opted the jewish thing....

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Modern Jewry is a hodge-podge of deluded men who either missed the boat two millennia ago or are in fact just pretending to be Jews and using their "religion" for fun and profit. And a great fringe benefit is it is wonderful to be an "untouchable".

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True enough. "Semite" means "one boasting of his fame". It has nothing to do with Melchizedek, Noah's eldest son, and the language family he allegedly promulgated.

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I didn’t realize that when I am called an antisemite that I am against boasting of his fame. I thought it was just some unhinged hatred of jews or something.

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One victim is the nuclear family disappearing that provides material and emotional support, encouraged by theTavistock drug trade and "entertainment".

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Two. When they convinced mothers that having a bigger house, and buying a bunch of crap to fill that house, and then fill the two car garage, and then stick the rest in storage which have millions of storage containers,(in 1968 there was not even one in America.) that in order to get all that they would just have to stick their precious newborn with a bunch of strangers all day for 10 or 11 hours(think about how early they would have to get them in and how late when you are talking about travel time, and taking time for lunch) they could immediately start doing propaganda and psyops on them.

What a great trade!!!

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Oh my gosh….BEST COMMENT EVER! a I left my fancy career to be a stay-at-home mother. Best decision I ever made.

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me too! I literally couldn’t understand the mother who wanted to go back to work and put their kids in daycare! especially because in the north east daycare was so expensive!

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Exactly! People were paying $800 to put in a baby and a toddler years ago so how much could the woman have made? Most women do not make more than $800 in a week. I don’t understand these women who don’t have a nurturing bone in their body.

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We can never get the TIME back with our children and they grow so fast. There is no price tag on time with our children.I honestly cannot think of one material thing I could possess that would be worth it.

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I worked the graveyard shift when my children were young. Thus, they saw a lot more of me than is the case with most fathers. I also never traveled for work, so I was always there. Coached all their teams, volunteered in their schools, etc. I couldn't get enough of them. And still, the time flew, through adolescence and now into adulthood. I can only imagine how fast childhood goes for fathers who have to travel a lot, and can't spend that kind of time with their kids.

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Thank You, too.

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God Bless you for your choice. If more women made that same choice, this country would be a much better place.

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Oh, thank you for that. I had a really “good job” but once I held my daughter, everything inside of me changed in that moment in ways I have no vocabulary to describe. She was the first being I ever felt a true rush of love for. I had every intention of returning to work until I held her. Then all bets were off!

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I suppose most people define "a really good job" as one that pays all the bills in suburbia and allows them to have an extra nice set of wheels and a junket twice a year or so. I know lonely single men who built massive houses with their retirement package and pine away in the hell they have created for themselves.

For a long time I have told people that your 401K and Roth IRA will not comfort you around your death bed like nine or ten well-raised siblings will when the time comes around.

The woman who disregards God's command and injunction (as well as loving advice) to be fertile and multiply is preparing for herself a lonely world surrounded by superficial friends who will abandon her at the drop of a proverbial hat.

It is the children of mothers like you that I hope, all other things being equal, who will one day run the world.

But the battle is going to be long, long, and all uphill.

For this country I do think it is far too late.

Regards in the Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

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This is horrible situation where mothers are leaving their kids to stay out all day would’ve been changed a long time ago if they didn’t censor people’s remarks. You will see more and more people complaining about this. Generation Z was stuck in daycare and they don’t believe in it at all. Especially the men. They saw their fathers becoming less of men because they weren’t treated great when they came home, but they had to worry about feeding the kids and getting the chores done, so it was never any bargained for men to have to work a little less because they had to work at home anyway.

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There are very few survivors from Generation Z. Hopefully they will discover the Godly world that is being prepared for them. First, I fear, we must survive the Reign of the Antichrist. But then will come the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart, and a Great Era of Peace.

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Thank you, my friends! There were always people who thought like me and the rest of these caring ladies but anytime I ever try to say anything in a magazine comment or anything I was censored. I’m sure I would still be censored on many types of media, but on Substack, you can finally say what you want.

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Social Media is a dumpster fire. For the Love of God find a good church and a good priest- and they are truly rare at this point!!!- and raise your children in peace and security and Holy Poverty.

Everything in this world will be dust and ashes. Only our courage and virtue will endure in our prayers and works.

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Thank you.

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Good point, Sharon. Thanks!

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Absolutely, Bard. But there is also far too much dysfunction within the modern nuclear family. Thanks.

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I think it has been done deliberately. It is a lot more difficult to control/rule a strong family unit. A traditional family.

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yep, listen to the Day tapes, all by design

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Some time ago, I photocopied a transcript of the Day Tapes, and have been handing out copies ever since. It's amazing how most of what Day said in 1969, has come to pass.

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Do you have a digital copy to share

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You nailed the whole agenda. Bravo.

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And how. And that is the whole point of Hellywood.

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The only way to sustain Social Security and give it to illegals is to: 1) Raise the age 2) Kill millions with a poison jab and take them off the books.

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Well, there's means testing. And taxing all income, not just the first $150,000 or whatever it is now. Obviously, illegals should never get Social Security. Thanks, Liber8or.

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Nah, the way to sustain Social Security is to keep printing money until a slice of pizza costs $20 and a piece of Pumpkin Pie is $12. That way we can all become millionaires even as we are reduced to eating rice and beans. The deficits might be in the tens of trillions, but spending will be in the hundreds of billions.

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Yet again, Mr. Jeffries, you have hit this one out of the ball park. Couldn't write this any better.

"Even Hollywood starlets are often not attractive any longer. Beauty used to be one of the strongest assets a person could have." Just look at Whoopee Goldberg. That thing is not only UGLY, it is FUGLY.

A few months ago I was watching a large Pay Per View event for the WWE. Yes, I like pro wrestling. Weird but entertaining. Anyway, the WWE likes to bring in the latest, most popular, stars of the music industry even though they don't produce any thing that has any similarity to music (usually just bad poetry with a bass beat, but I digress). Anyway, at this particular PPV event they brought in a country music / rap / hip hop hybrid music star under the bedazzling name of "Jelly Roll." I could not believe what I was watching. This "Jelly Roll" character was a massive white human whale. I'd say 400 pounds. He wore all black clothing that looked like the oil soaked rags I use to clean up the oil that leaks from my 1968 Camaro. The clothing was loose and sloppy, designed to hide the man's enormous cellulose deposits. His face and hands were garnished with unrecognizeable tattoos and strange piercings. His chin and jaw were covered by a matted beard that hadn't been trimmed or brushed or probably even washed for weeks. His skin was pale white, almost like he just came from a leper colony. On his head rested a random baseball cap turned backwards as one would see on an illiterate 12 year old street rapper. Not only was this "Jelly Roll's" appearance revolting, his music stunk. The man couldn't hold a tune or a note. The part of his performance that sickened me the most wasn't so much his fat sloggered gyrations around the stage or his inane mumblings into the saliva and bacteria soaked microphone, it was the people in the audience. They were reveling in this dude's performance. THEY LOVED HIM!!!!

Another time I was in Subway ordering a sandwich and the helper on the other side of the counter was a large, obese teenage girl who, based upon her physical movements and the manner in which she postured herself, was a total loser. Probably came from a broken family, abused as a child by uncaring parents or day care workers. It was obvious. However, obesity wasn't her only problem. As my gaze moved up towards her face what I saw was bizarre and down right freakishly pathetic. In her mouth she had four large rings (probably the diameter of a quarter dollar). Two rings on her top lip. Two rings on her bottom lip. Each ring positioned at the far side of both lips. Each ring had a chain connected to a large stud in her tongue. The young woman couldn't close her mouth due to the large rings and as she took my order she was constantly using her studded tongue to flick the chain from the large tongue stud. I watched intently waiting to see a dribble of slobber fall from her mouth into the lettuce but to her credit she maintained it well. Her nose included a bull ring extending from that little piece of cartilage that separates the nostrils. Her face and arms were adorned with tattoos of roses, dragons and lots of graffiti-like text that I was not able to identify. Her hair was down to her ears, greasy, and colored bluish purple. Never before in my life did my heart pity another human being the way I did this poor girl. What was it that happened in that poor soul's life to make her think it wise to mutilate and deface herself in such a manner? I can't even imagine.

My third tale of victimhood includes a visit to the local Walmart. Donald, I love women. I really do. Women are God's ultimate creation. Seeing a beautiful, well kept, physically in shape woman who has some self pride never gets old with me (especially because such sightings are becoming more and more rare in America 2.0). It seems in the Walmarts of the world these days women have lost any desire to look good, to attract the opposite sex, or even cover their fat laden bodies. As I approached a check out stand what stood before me was a sight I cannot ever unsee. Standing in line before me was a short, round, obese woman, probably in her 20s who it seemed on this find day decided to wear the smallest, tightest clothing as possible to the store. I think it was a firm "fuck you" to the rest of us. She was wearing cut-off "daisy duke" denim shorts that were cut off all the way up to her crotch exposing her massive cottage cheese induced cellulose laden thighs for all to see. But it gets better. On her upper half she was wearing a very small black tank top. Her arms, as big as my thighs, were bulging like limp sausages from the shoulder holes. Her massive flabby love handles oozing out over her "daisy duke" short pants and her massive mammary glands nearly falling out of her ill fitting tank top top. Never before in my life did I want to tap someone on the shoulder and ask her "when you looked in the mirror this morning did you say to yourself 'damn, I look good?" Or, did she show her sexy skimpy outfit to her loser boyfriend who looked at her and said "damn baby, you look so fine!" I remember asking my wife "why" a woman would do this to herself. Her response? "Because she just doesn't care anymore."

I recently attended a football game of a midwest NFL team. NFL football games are nothing more than an excuse for people to drink lots of booze and act like total fools. I don't drink alcohol so when I attend these things I have to endure all the idiot drunk fans. Anyway, behind me were two couples, fans of the opposing team. Drunk off their asses. The interesting thing i noticed was who the foulest, most obnoxious ones turned out to be. It was the women. Every other word that came out of the women's mouths were "F" this or "F" that or "we are going to kick your Effing asses." Their husbands or boyfriends, strangely enough, were quite polite and I didn't hear them utter one profanity during the entire game. One of the woman managed to spill stinky beer all over my team jacket. I hate drunk people. Drunk women I hate even more.

We are victims of ourselves, Donald. Victims of our choices. We cannot control what happens to us in most cases but we can control how we respond. Unfortunately, people choose to just give up.

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I appreciate the kind words, Cankerpuss, and for you sharing such a colorful description of life in America 2.0. Thanks!

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I was a long comment, sorry about that. Your essay kind of set me off a little more than usual. I see this stuff everyday and I live a fairly conservative western US state.

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Dec 6Edited

You certainly have a flare for description, Cankerpuss Reading your comment was revolting...yet, like viewing a gory auto accident, one can't stop reading. Maybe one day you will just stop torturing yourself, and stay home. If one goes out in public these days...one can't avoid these horrifying sights

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Ha. Good point. Going out on public these days is better than watching television. On TV all you see is perfect people. Out in the public we get the real world and as gross and disgusting as it is, it is NOT boring.

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Not to worry, the biggest victim on the planet is gates who is a victim because he was not born a God, and he plans to eliminate over 7 billion other victims.

I really have no clue what virtual signaling is nor do I care one iota about the social media actors or their plight. True, there is real misfortune everywhere you look. However, many so called victims set themselves up to become victimized.

Maybe one must begin to question everything as there are predators of all makes and models lurking all around us. We are being marketed to death by ads, beggars, thieves and a whole lot of lazy and dishonest thugs.

I know being in my 70's I have made horrendous errors and mistakes. Been conned and bullied and often lost in a swirl of depression. Possibly what saved me somewhat was never hitting the bottle or going the way of using drugs. Now I almost detest anyone trying to tell me what to do, what to think or who to be or who to accept.

But my life long woes are nothing compared to others. I am relatively healthy, never been bombed or shot at and never been in prison or gone days without food. All I see is the people at the top are stealing whatever they can from everyone else and those at the bottom suffer the most. The people with the most power are some of the scummiest people on earth and that is the sad part of our existence.

But even they will die and that gives me some satisfaction.

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Good points, Crixcyon. Thanks.

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I suppose not the greatest comedian in the world, but a tad refreshing to hear it 'out there' nonetheless


"There are still people trapped in the concept that there is no conspiracy."

" gates says he wants to depopulate the planet"

"oh that is just a conspiracy theory

"no, he said it and he means it, and he has power to do it"

" no, that is just a conspiracy theory. :

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Love your post, Crixcyon. I am a teetotaler. I refuse alcohol. Alcohol is the scourge of our society.

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try telling that to my liver, my liver is a victim too.

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This was stellar. I hope and literally pray that Americans remember the people in North Carolina, all those effected by Helene this Christmas season.

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Thanks, Elizabeth!

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Capitalism, the mother bitch that spawned communism, is a predatory, rapacious, deracinated, culture-less, evil system in which more and more wealth accumulates in fewer and fewer hands victimizing us all and leaving ever greater numbers of people destitute. It is a creation of the Tribe. Check out, "The Jews and Modern Capitalism" (1911) by Werner Sombart. Standing up to bullies was a rite of passage for young males in former eras. I truly know how difficult it is but consider the alternative. I think this earth was designed and encoded to promote violence, pain, suffering and misery, all essential components of victim-hood. There are entities that feast off of the negative energy all of this invokes like vampires feed off of blood. "I think we're being farmed." - Charles Hoy Fort. Many years ago I read an article by a Black preacher who said that all blacks in America should get on their knees and be thankful for slavery, because if their ancestors were not brought here as slaves, none of them would be here and as bad as many of them have it, they are infinitely better off than they would have been in Africa. I agree with him but if I could have spoken to that preacher, I would have told him there's as much chance of that happening as finding a virgin in a whorehouse. No one could put victims in such an eloquent perspective as you have, Don, thank you.

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I always appreciate your astute thoughts, Hereticdrummer. As you may or may not know, Charles Fort is one of my favorite writers. Thanks!

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I didn't know, Don. That's Jungian synchronicity for you. You're welcome, thanks again, and keep punching!

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Capitalism unleashes one of humanity's greatest weaknesses. Greed.

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Great piece! As always.

It's a pity that more people don't understand the basic premise that declaring yourself as a "victim" is the most un-empowering, emasculating, personal disarmament option available! As the saying goes- "Life is about 10% of what happens to you, and 90% about how you respond to it". The excessive (and largely fake) compassion in our culture, has led to this ridiculous "race toward victimhood", and all of this nonsense that we see, daily.

As I often explain to people- "go ahead and declare yourself a victim, claim weakness, and place all of the responsibility for your success, or lack thereof, off onto others, and people like me, will be stepping on you for your entire life, because you have unilaterally chosen to be a doormat; Enjoy!"

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Thanks, Myriad!

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Too many times I have heard people remark about cops in a negative manner (my neighbor). Yet they will be the first to call them and invite the system into their lives. I have ZERO sympathy for them. My neighbor got a dose about how much I loathe it and what I think of the people who resort to it.

His own grandmother called DCF on him. We are in Florida and she is in Ohio. He said to me “you know how it is.” Big mistake and I shot back “The fuck I do, what that woman did should be a death sentence but since I know you won’t do that you need to cut her out of your life like a cancer. I like him and believe underneath there’s a really good heart. I also know for a fact he doesn’t abuse his children.

I was a Very Late Bloomer Don. A lot of my misery was self chosen. However, I NEVER blamed someone else for my woes. I had to move back in with my parents when I was in my early 30’s. I had NOTHING to my name. My credit was ruined. Such humiliation and I am lucky they agreed to it.

After 2 years I left got an apartment and never looked back. Have a beautiful house here in CFL. Am actually unemployed at them moment but not sweating it. I sorta engineered it in fact. I could probably last 2 years out of work if I had to. My credit score is now over 800+. I am NOT boasting and I only mention it to tell you how I got there; I don’t use credit aside from a couple cards for points. I always pay them off immediately NO GAMES, because you won’t win. The only thing I owe on is my house. Am in my late 40’s now.

Here’s the thing, I stayed at my last job 3 years. I stayed too long but had my reasons. I felt some loyalty because they hired me early 22 with no vax. Very hard to get a gig at a tech company back then. I also liked the people and it’s hard to put a price on that. I have had some time to reflect and I understood the real reason I stayed; it’s because I didn’t give a shit about finding something better. After 2020 I literally had no hope we were heading for anything but hell.

Well I would like to tell you I have a sliver of optimism now. I believe the worm is starting to turn after decades of a slow decline into madness. Of course the last several years have been a rapid descent.

Joe Rogan and Mike Benz had a podcast this week. I highly recommend it. Rogan (who i don’t listen to much) confirms why all I saw was black after 2020. After the election fraud and the mass censorship campaign 20-22 we were all fucked. The fork in the road came later in 22 when Musk bought Twitter. Mike Benz confirmed. Benz is like a data dump. You should have a pen and paper whenever you listen to him. He’s in the know and it’s great to see Rogan’s huge platform carpet bombing the masses with red pills. That is the ONLY way we continue to fix things without all dying a gruesome death. I got into the prepping thing in 2020. Took me some time but I learned that it is NOT a viable solution (collapse, CW, etc). That leads to the Deagle Report on steroids.

The only way is to work things out within the existing system. We are not cut out to survive something akin to Yugoslavia in the 90’s. Not a chance! 😳

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I appreciate your well reasoned perspective, Luke. Thanks for sharing your story!

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Dec 5Edited

I can't count the times I have read news stories of families pissing and moaning about how the cops shot their husband, brother, or son...and it always turns out that an idiot family member was the one who called the cops. For most clueless Americans their first wake-up call is when they become victimized by the system for the first time. Up until then, in most cases they were believers and cheerleaders for our corrupt system. Indeed, any family member who gets you involved with the system IS a cancer, that needs to be ruthlessly excised from one's life. For peace, health and well-being, one must cut away from this dangerous system. Avoid contact with all authority. They are only there to promote our corrupt system.

I just found out from a friend that he spent two months in jail, because of a trumped-up drunk driving he was charged with. He was not going to cop to the charge when he was innocent...and had no money for bail. He was acquitted. They had no proof he had even been driving, because his car was parked. He was at the backdoor of a house (at night) trying to get the attention of the homeowner...who freaked out and called the cops. I asked him how he could be so stupid as to do something like that. One must be PROACTIVE to avoid being victimized by the system. Don't ever do stupid things that can be misinterpreted by normies.

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Thanks Donald, always love your wit sir!

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More than half a century ago, while I was still a child, I recall hearing a number of older people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia: Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.

Since then I have spent well-nigh fifty years working on the history of our Revolution; in the process I have read hundreds of books, collected hundreds of personal testimonies, and have already contributed eight volumes of my own toward the effort of clearing away the rubble left by that upheaval. But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous Revolution that swallowed up some sixty million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat: Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.

- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

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That's a great quote, Wdg. Thanks!

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Victimhood was unfortunately normalised, legitimised and given a huge kickstart around 50 years ago by a movement that most people agreed with at the time, men included, because it sounded so reasonable - feminism. Who could honestly disagree with giving equal rights to women? The disingenuous claim that it was a 'conspiracy by men' however was where I believe they went wrong.

And so it looks again like the CIA's popularization of that term is behind yet another of our social ills. The 'secret services' like MI6, Mossad and CIA are probably some of the most unaccountable 'bullies' out there because they operate freely with false legitimacy behind the skirts of ’democracy'.

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That was the beginning of the dismantling of the nuclear family. Take women out of the homes, have the children raised by uncaring day care workers, emasculate the male and neuter the father's authority. The rest is history.

Few there be that seem to understand this. Satan, if you believe in such an entity, was brilliant when he began attacking our women.

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Bestowing victimhood upon various"special" groups hastens the balkanization of any society. This is precisely the goal of the progressives/ bolshevists who have infected our society. Organizing these various blocs against the white "patriarchy" is their way of seizing power/ control without having to physically fight for it( i.e. they don't want to get their asses kicked). A certain group, which thrives on victimization, organize and lead the way in this ugly battle.

My only disagreement with this piece is that, knowing how insane US foreign policy actually is, I would only classify conscripted soldiers ( thankfully zero at this time) as true victims. Thanks Don

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Good point, Robert. I suppose the volunteers know what they're signing up for. Thanks!

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Good one. We are a land of people that have been (mostly, willingly) been turned into consumers and harvested. We have allowed this trade off from self sufficiency, which is often vey hard, to comfort, which just cost money. So in exchange for strip mining us, we are now "safe" in all areas of our lives. Risk is forbidden as is the need for personal responsibility. I drive seniors, disabled and special needs folks for the County I live in which is quite prosperous and we can afford to provide this service thanks to voters. I tell you Donald, it is a sad lot I see all day every day. Breaks your heart, But the truth is, 90% of my riders need this service because of poor choices made in the past. Low education attainment, drinking, drugs, smoking, bad marriages, broken families, illegitimate children and so on ad nauseum. They are alone in trailers and apartments some in old broken down houses but most do not participate in the American dream of property ownership. They are the chaff of the financialization harvesting process. I'm often confused on how I feel about them but at this point in my life (68) I only have Christian kindness left to give as my energy for rage has abated. Thanks for helping us think about these issues with clarity and purpose. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

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You are doing God's work helping others, Big. Yes, bad choices certainly are obvious in some of these cases. Thank you for the kind words!

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A true,”tour de force,” Don! Such compelling reading I had forgotten who the author was! This could possibly be because I identified with some of it especially being bullied as a child, yet refuse to capitalize on the misery of it. You covered many angles of it.

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Thanks, Tov!

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