We live in a world where seemingly every one plays the victim, at least occasionally. You can see this all over social media, where people reveal their private lives in shocking detail, and paint themselves as the victims of some kind of injustice or unfairness. Others enable this mindset with supportive comments.
Now, there are some truly heartbreaking tales of woe on social media. People who are genuinely struggling, and seem to have no family members who care enough to help. They aren’t virtue signaling. They’re relegated to posting their personal PayPal, or Venmo, or GoFundMe accounts, in what amounts to digital begging. I know too many of these people. I’m pretty sure that no matter how many times they ask, few people actually send them money. These are real victims, of a rigged marketplace, of too many vaccines which put them somewhere on the autism “spectrum,” of families who are too selfish to put up with their eccentricities. Too disappointed in their inability to be self-sufficient. “My parents kicked me out of the house the day I turned eighteen! And I’m glad they did!” The favorite Biblical verse of many devout Christians is “the Lord helps those who help themselves.” Only, that’s not in the Bible.
I’ve written a lot about family dysfunction, especially in our crumbling America 2.0. So many problems could be resolved, so many struggling people could be healed, by family members simply hugging them harder and truly loving them. Understanding that it is indeed a “cold, cruel world,” as my dear Mother used to tell me. If you can’t count on your family when you’re down and out, then who can you count on? Anyone who is eking by on Social Security disability, or some other government program, is most decidedly a victim. Either a victim of some physical malady which renders them unable to work, or an emotional/mental issue that prevents them from fitting in at any workplace. And, too often, a victim of parents, children, siblings, or other family members, who are too “busy with their lives” to provide guidance. Too “busy” sometimes even to have them over for Thanksgiving or Christmas. But it’s easier to just call them a “loser,” or the new favorite, “snowflake.”
There are other kinds of victims. Think of all the victims of our corrupt legal system. Framed by planted evidence. Out of control police. In the wrong place at the wrong time. Victims of a public defender that will spend an average of five minutes with them. Victims of an unprincipled prosecutor interested in “winning,” not justice. Victims of unbelievably stupid juries, who pay no attention to the concept of presumed innocence. How many prisoners, some serving decades behind bars, have been freed by DNA evidence in recent years? Is there a higher form of victimhood than being incarcerated, losing your freedom, for a crime you didn’t commit? How about all the victims shot and killed by police, for egregious offenses like a busted tail light or jaywalking? Or shot by police when a family member unwisely called them to resolve a dispute? Remember, never, ever call the police.
Every whistleblower is a victim. They are never celebrated, and usually even the public is against them. For attempting to expose corruption, they are targeted for retaliation. Yet I don’t hear Julian Assange or Edward Snowden trying to play the victim card, which they have every right to do. You’d think that Bradley/Chelsea Manning should be able to work his/her transgenderism into the equation, and become some kind of a victim. Not for courageous whistleblowing, perhaps, but for simply being a transwoman. Can incels claim victimhood? To be fair, they’re being denied sex by seemingly all females. Or are the females the victims of socially awkward but aggressive and horny incels? If the sex dolls become as popular as some incels expect, will they become defined as victims? After all, they’ll be getting no respect, and are only literal, universal sex objects.
I wrote a book about some of the saddest victims in our society. Bullyocracy: How the Social Hierarchy Enables Bullies to Rule Schools, Workplaces, and Society at Large details how all of our institutions value and support bullying. While lip service is paid to their status as victims, in reality schools, workplaces, private groups, and the government don’t in fact treat them as victims. Usually. With the transgender craze (largely insignificant when I wrote the book), this may have changed. Certainly, anyone looking crossways at a “transitioned” individual is going to be seen as victimizing them. I cited cases of middle age adults still waking up screaming at night, having struggled through adulthood without being able to form a relationship, over the trauma they experienced at the hands of bullies when they were children. Every person involved in each of those instances should feel absolute shame over it.
All soldiers are victims. Sure, the sheeple mindlessly thank them for their service, but they always face the prospect of being shipped into some godforsaken part of the world, where they’ll be given strict guidelines on what they can and can’t do. And, of course, the specter of World War III is ever present. They certainly don’t want to join the millions of other young men, killed for no logical reason, in our countless wars. Cannon fodder for the bankers who create and finance these senseless conflicts. Your family may get a cool posthumous medal, and the neighbors will pay homage to the soldier’s memory, but the dead victim won’t get to enjoy that. Now the ones that survive may be considered living heroes, so it’s a great deal for them. Plus, you’ll get that handy no money down real estate benefit. You’ll have inadequate health care, but then so do most of the civilians.
How about all the victims of the Medical Industrial Complex? They are, at best, the third leading cause of death in this country after all. How about victims of unfair job termination, which happened to me in 2018? Or being “cancelled” from your job because of something you posted on social media? Not death threats, not slanderous things about your employer. Political opinions that aren’t tolerated in America 2.0. And that makes you largely unemployable, because all businesses operate under the same “Woke” guidelines. Victims of unethical mechanics, ripped off simply because they don’t know anything about cars. Victims of scams and Ponzi schemes. Just because you’re naive or gullible, it doesn’t make you less of a victim. Victims of rape or robbery. Especially with rape, left scarred forever. Even worse, children who were sexually assaulted, usually by friends or family, and struggle to lead normal lives.
So we are a society of victims. At one point or another, all of us have been victimized. Betrayed by a significant other or spouse. Stabbed in the back by friends. Loans never paid back. For myself and other Realtors, helping family members with their real estate transactions, only to have them use another agent, who gets the commission. Passed over for a job promotion, in favor of someone less qualified (DEI or not). Swindled by unscrupulous sharks in any business. I once lost $8,000 when a disarmingly friendly female financial “expert” was transferring some of my 401K, and neglected to tell me about a huge service fee. I tried in vain to get out of the deal, but the company didn’t care, my employer didn’t care, and no lawyer cared. It seemed cut and dry that she had not provided adequate disclosure, but the rotten system always wins. And so she got her lucrative commission. Think of how easy it is to swindle those who haven’t written ten fantastic books.
But while all of us must contend with the “dog eat dog” nature of our world, in recent years we’ve seen a meteoric rise in “victims” who have been victimized by nothing, and are instead virtue signaling in search of fame and fortune. Certainly, the whole “racism” crowd alone wastes the time of everyone with their endless claims of victimhood. Black celebrities worth millions comparing themselves to their sharecropper ancestors. Holding Blacks accountable for their behavior, like everyone else, compared to being ordered to the back of the bus. Rep. Jasmine Crockett, perhaps the most ridiculous of all the loud, Black “representatives” in Congress, recently chastised her White colleagues for appropriating the word “oppressed,” yelling that they hadn’t been “dragged all the way across an ocean.” Crockett makes $174,000 annually. No one ever dragged her, or any living Black, across an ocean.
Now, the transgender crowd has climbed aboard the victimhood bandwagon. They blather on about being denied their “rights,” without delineating what those rights are. Unfortunately, they have the right, in every state of the union as far as I know, to get an irresponsible ghoul of a doctor to perform “gender reassignment surgery.” In other words, mutilate them sexually. Make them far more likely to commit suicide. As for the “rights” of supposedly transgender youth, this includes giving puberty blockers to prepubescents. We think of those who sexually assault prepubescents as the scum of the earth. And yet we laud those who sexually mutilate prepubescents. It is arguable that being sexually abused by a pedophile is less damaging than being sexually mutilated by a fine, upstanding medical practitioner. Ironically, many of us see those who “transition” as some of the saddest victims in our society.
When you look around, especially at “Woke” Leftist rallies, you’ll see some pretty pathetic victims. Victims of diabolical cultural programming, that caused them to gain weight, cut their hair short and/or dye it a bizarre color, get tattoos that would make the pirates of yore blush, and now more frequently a nose ring, front and center. Lost souls, walking advertisements for the new, debased Madison Avenue. Existing to be as annoying as possible. Seemingly looking to repel, and not attract fellow human beings. Of course, these victims of toxic conditioning can be seen anywhere. You’ll run into them at restaurants and stores. Walmart is always full of them. People used to try to look as good as they could. Not now. They eagerly claim victimhood status, but attribute it to the patriarchy. Which hasn’t existed in decades. In other words, they blame men. For wanting to be with them. Bring on the 4B movement, baby!
So this is a strange situation we find ourselves in. A nation of real victims, but even more fake victims. A country with fewer mental institutions and more mental patients. Lunatics roaming the streets. Some lunatics attaining positions of power. All of them claiming victimhood status. Not for being plagued by mental illness, but for some imaginary slight, usually at the hands of the equally imaginary “White Supremacists.” Crazies like the wealthy actor Jussie Smollett, who invented a “hate crime” that any preschooler could have seen through. And now, his conviction has been overturned by the Illinois Supreme Court. Smollett had been sentenced to a whole 150 days in jail, but it is impossible to determine if he ever served any time. He will now be unquestionably emboldened to perpetrate future hate crime hoaxes.
Was the recently pardoned Hunter Biden a victim? After all, he was raised by Joe Biden, a noted child hair sniffer. Daddy Biden has two adult children with drug addiction problems. And he took inappropriate showers with one of them, the daughter who also became promiscuous because of it. If only her father wasn’t a “Woke” hero, she could really make some hay out of her victimhood. But victims in her situation, with powerful, protected fathers, aren’t allowed to elicit public sympathy for even very real abuse. Be quiet, Ashley, or we’ll throw you behind bars for thirty days, like we did the poor woman who found your journal in a halfway house. Matt Gaetz is a real victim, of an extortion attempt that included a nonexistent 17 year old female “victim." You can read all the details in the story I wrote, which will appear in the upcoming issue of American Free Press.
Untold numbers of human beings are victimized at birth. In the worst cases, by birth defects or lifelong mental or physical disabilities. Realistically speaking, anyone born to a poor family is far more likely to wind up in prison, or dead before their time. Poverty automatically bestows true victimhood status. Certainly some rise above it, but they’ll always be haunted by their less than desirable childhood. Unattractive physical features used to put someone behind the eight ball in life. The ugly are victims of cruel genetics. However, with the recent transgender craze, this may no longer apply. Even Hollywood starlets are often not attractive any longer. Beauty used to be one of the strongest assets a person could have. I’m not sure society can define beauty any longer, just like it can’t define what a woman is. While the beautiful are unlikely to ever be victims, they no longer are always lauded and favored.
At the heart of this is the corruption of all our institutions, and the dysfunction now rampant in most families. A willingness to frame knowingly innocent individuals. An unwillingness to give aid, comfort and shelter to even the closest family members in need. A celebration of “tough love.” So many of those I hear from are real victims. Of something or someone. The stories are heart wrenching. It’s a wonder they can focus on my work, and find time to say kind things about it. With the holiday season upon us, let’s hope that those who created victims of employees, patients, customers, or family members, will find the better angels of their nature, to quote one of Lincoln’s more powerful bits of prose. Don’t give to some dishonest big charity. Give to those who should personally mean something special to you. Peace on earth. Good will to men, women, and transgenders. God bless us, everyone.
You know something, Mr. Jeffries? I am literally repulsed by what has become of American culture. I now tend to enjoy animals more than most humans. That said, I rather wish you were my neighbor as I think I could actually have a good conversation with you. Seriously, thank you for calling it like you see it with no BS. No one I personally know even blinks an eye at the fact that children are literally being mutilated via transgender surgery, and I am surrounded by folks who call themselves Christians thus your essay was especially meaningful. This was just so good.
when I hear candy asses in the US crying victim I get sick. want to see real victims? look at Gaza