Absolutely. I noticed that about our last several sojourns to Atlantic City. Doesn't anybody attractive gamble? Same thing with malls- or what's left of them. They used to be the place to go for young men who wanted to "girl watch," as the now indelicate phrase described it. Thanks!
Absolutely. I noticed that about our last several sojourns to Atlantic City. Doesn't anybody attractive gamble? Same thing with malls- or what's left of them. They used to be the place to go for young men who wanted to "girl watch," as the now indelicate phrase described it. Thanks!
Absolutely. I noticed that about our last several sojourns to Atlantic City. Doesn't anybody attractive gamble? Same thing with malls- or what's left of them. They used to be the place to go for young men who wanted to "girl watch," as the now indelicate phrase described it. Thanks!