Well, I hope I don't come off as a digital pan handler. I have set up a paid option here, and many people have been kind enough to switch to that. I don't have a pay wall, so you get the same stuff for free. I am a full time writer now, and certainly couldn't live off my book royalties. I don't know about anyone else on Substack. I was just making the general point that most of us aren't independently wealthy, like the professional "journalists" feeding us all nonstop disinformation. I think we need to support the alternative platforms that are out there, while we still can. That doesn't necessarily mean monetarily. People can show support by becoming listeners, spreading the word, writing book reviews (or even easier, just giving books that are a threat to the corrupt order five stars on Amazon and elsewhere), become followers on Twitter and Facebook, etc.
I wrote for a site back in 2000. They paid me 10 cents per view. My subscribers didn’t pay anything. In order to get paid you had to have X amount of subscribers can’t remember how many. And then they knocked down some buildings and those sites went away. I haven’t looked into how to make money on S but I’d be willing to pay 10 cents for Donald’s post that I just read but maybe S could as well.
I appreciate that, Mike. Paid subscribers here can either pay $5 a month, or $50 a year. A few people have opted to become lifetime subscribers, for $200, and they receive a signed copy of "Bullyocracy." Thanks.
don is an author of several books. he is semi retired, & finishing another book. i suppose he spends much time writting, that is a logical conclusion. (also 2 podcasts). i should not be answering for him.
Well, I hope I don't come off as a digital pan handler. I have set up a paid option here, and many people have been kind enough to switch to that. I don't have a pay wall, so you get the same stuff for free. I am a full time writer now, and certainly couldn't live off my book royalties. I don't know about anyone else on Substack. I was just making the general point that most of us aren't independently wealthy, like the professional "journalists" feeding us all nonstop disinformation. I think we need to support the alternative platforms that are out there, while we still can. That doesn't necessarily mean monetarily. People can show support by becoming listeners, spreading the word, writing book reviews (or even easier, just giving books that are a threat to the corrupt order five stars on Amazon and elsewhere), become followers on Twitter and Facebook, etc.
I wrote for a site back in 2000. They paid me 10 cents per view. My subscribers didn’t pay anything. In order to get paid you had to have X amount of subscribers can’t remember how many. And then they knocked down some buildings and those sites went away. I haven’t looked into how to make money on S but I’d be willing to pay 10 cents for Donald’s post that I just read but maybe S could as well.
I appreciate that, Mike. Paid subscribers here can either pay $5 a month, or $50 a year. A few people have opted to become lifetime subscribers, for $200, and they receive a signed copy of "Bullyocracy." Thanks.
Good points. We may well end up having to go back to a bartering system if they digitalize the currency and tie it to a social credit score. Thanks.
Agree. See my garden. I've been growing for awhile. https://michaelhuggins50.substack.com/p/one-minute-war-break-then-back-to
don is an author of several books. he is semi retired, & finishing another book. i suppose he spends much time writting, that is a logical conclusion. (also 2 podcasts). i should not be answering for him.
That's true, Laura. My life is now pretty much exclusively devoted to writing and doing podcasts, or whatever platform will have me. Thanks.