Great article, Don. In the 80s one of the bands I played in had a bassist whose family was from eastern Europe (Yugoslavia I think) when it was under the Iron Curtain of the USSR. He told me his father lost everything and risked his and his family's lives to get them to America. One day while his father was driving him somewhere, they got into a gridlock because of a police roadblock/checkpoint. He said his dad could not contain his rage, yelling that he left at great peril a communist country to get to America only to find out that America was a communist country as well. I told him it was indeed, and of course it is much more Bolshevik/totalitarian now. About 35 or more years ago, Princeton U. made it into the NCAA tournament. It was highly unusual for an Ivy League school to be good enough for this, which determines the number one college basketball team in the U.S. I forget which round it was but it was near the finals. Princeton had an all white team. They were playing Georgetown from Washington D.C. and they were all black. Georgetown was heavily favored and they had a significant size advantage. Yet astonishingly, late in the game, with teamwork, great shooting, passing, ball handling and defense, Princeton was winning. It would have been one of the greatest college basketball upsets of all time. "They" would not allow that to happen. Spurious foul after foul was called on the Princeton players, some for just lightly brushing against a Georgetown man. Very soon several of the best Princeton players had fouled out of the game and that combined with all the free throws Georgetown got as a result of those bullshit fouls, Georgetown won the game in the final minutes by a close margin. Those politically correct, scumfuck bastards will never allow whites to beat blacks, in sports or anything else.
Great anecdote, Hereticdrummer. I think the situation you described in Princeton-Georgetown has happened countless times over the decades, pretty much always with the same result. And always with lots of help from the officials. Thanks!
Thank you, Don. Here are two more anecdotes. In 1959 I was center fielder on my Little League baseball team. My hometown in NJ was mostly white ethnic, Italians being the plurality with Irish, Slavs, Greeks etc. Most of our fathers were World War Two veterans and were factory and construction workers, mechanics, truck drivers etc., very blue collar. My town was adjacent to a small city with a sizeable black population. The black Little League team there challenged us to a pre-season game. Our manager accepted. The older white guys in our neighborhood were busting our chops, saying how the game was going to be a joke with us getting our asses kicked by the blacks. It did turn out to be a joke. We destroyed the black team 23 to 3, no exaggeration. We had a good squad making the World Series that year. We got whipped but we made it there. It was a combination of our team being very good and the blacks being atrocious. The only reason they scored 3 runs was because our manager pulled our pitcher in the last inning (the game was shortened to 7 innings because it was such a slaughter) and put in a kid on the bench who never pitched before. We actually pitied them and allowed them to score a few runs. Fast forward to me as a young adult. I was watching an interview with black, 12 time all-star, hall of fame basketball player, Oscar Robertson, "The Big O" of the long defunct Cincinnati Royals. Even though this was long before the Woke and politically correct insanity, the white interviewer was gushing about the natural, athletic superiority of blacks over whites. Robertson cut him abruptly off saying, "That is bunk! For every black you can show me that is a natural athlete, I'll show you ten blacks who can't even walk without tripping over their own feet!" An honest man. We can't go into the cultural and intelligence differences. After all, race, like gender, is just a social construct.
Pareto's law (principle) works with everything. It is usually an excellent guidepost and framework for making decisions and estimations. We do have the option of exiting the Internet. I survived without it for over 50 years. Big tech can't control what they don't see and know.
We may not have any other option if they wind up controlling it with some kind of FCC tyranny. It would be great if we could form real life bonds with like minded individuals. That's why I've suggested forming John Doe clubs. Thanks.
take a walk around the neighborhood w/out phone. i dont own a cell. when i am out i am offline. everyone else is scrolling typing screamng into the speakerphone. most are on social networks. they hold these gadgets like pacifers.
I actually do walk everyday around my neighborhood. I see a fair amount of people, but few seem interested in stopping and talking. Most are usually walking their dog (as I am often as well). Thanks.
Don, I feel an odd sort of kinship with you through your writing. There’s something special about being the last of the analogs. We have a unique perspective, and have lived an arc that will never be seen again. We’ve lived two distinct lives, in two very different worlds.
We are barely hanging on to our first amendment and most seem to be fine with it. I’ve challenged my liberal blue friends and they are silent. I think the level of mind control is far greater than we understand. People don’t realize that they can use and do use your favorite sporting event to mind F you so it kind of feeds itself and grows. If people threw their TV away a noticeable difference would happen after only one week. After we win this war we really need to examine their tools and pathways to capture the human mind and destroy it / THEM. Well written.
I gave up cable news before it was the cool thing to do. My anxiety levels went way down. It really disturbs me how many people still seem to hang on every word that comes out of these organizations (media/tech) regarding Covid and the Ukraine situation. I gave up Facebook at the start of the Ukraine mess because it was just disturbing how many people were still in love with their mask profile pic and now getting into posting Ukrainian flags. My brother’s been in the army for a long time, I know what an escalation of hostilities means if NATO was to be truly involved in fighting. I really don’t want him sent to another war zone for stupid reasons that have nothing to do with defending America. A bunch of sickos are leading us in that direction and still we see people posting and flying those flags in real life as if an increase in hostilities won’t affect their lives. (It’s obvious a huge chunk of our population missed the Cold War). It’s just sick that there’s not a significant antiwar movement out there. And there’s such a lack of critical thinking. I’m convinced the West is bribing Zelenski with something really good to keep up with the show/war. I haven’t spent the past 20 years hating Russians. Most normal people haven’t, yet, the media and political classes have been obsessed with this goal and they look so ridiculous. ‘Everyone I don’t like is a Russian agent’ is a meme for a reason.
The only TV news I ever watch is Tucker Carlson, and that's not any kind of traditional news program. I don't know how anyone stomachs the likes of CNN or MSNBC. They could air those networks nonstop at Guantanamo Bay as a new means of torture. Thanks.
I'm with you, Mike. If we could form more real life bonds, that would help. But people- and I include myself- are just so plugged into the online world. Thanks.
In the UK the "let us read all your traffic" because online pedophiles was preceded by "let us read all your traffic" because terrorists.
Getting old Hungarian ladies x-rayed at airports for bombs worked, people put up with it, why not try it with emails? Online it didn't work, people laughed at being called a terrorist if they objected to giving up their freedoms. With pedos it almost passed, you don't want to be suspect for voicing an objection, but there were still enough brave people in tech (cca. 2011) to put up a resistance.
Meanwhile, as a Hungarian I'm well aware that 12-13 year old Gypsy girls are routinely trafficked to Switzerland and god knows where else in the West to be prostitutes. That could be very easily stopped, without putting a CCTV camera into every citizen's home, if that was the goal.
Finally found this email. Been meaning to post that I found the info about the dark web on start search. I just typed in dark web (start search) to learn about the pros and cons of the dark web. Yandex is another search engine to get some unbiased search results.
Some of us know that the Thor browser from the Tor Project website is how you connect to the dark web.. I wouldn't download it anywhere else. Having a VPN, malware software and anti-virus software are must have items to have installed on a computer before accessing the dark web. I saw some "safe" site listings re research on some of the pages I looked at from my start search listings.
For starters, I would do further research on the"recommended" VPN providers instead of depending on someone else's assessments. I think Dave Hodges and Lisa Haven use the same VPN provider. I can't think of the name of the companies. Discounts are offered from registering through Dave or Lisa. Also I would use a computer for the dark web with nothing on the hard drive besides network security and system operating software. I would probably transfer my web site files to a flash drive or CD to upload files to a web server. That would eliminate the ransomeware problems. Having an offline, non-internet computer is a good idea anyway. Also, I don't believe I would make any type of financial transactions or purchases on the dark web. I'd save that for the regular internet. Hope this helps. It's not as complicated as it may seem to use and be safe on the dark web.
I meant to put as the search engine I used. My query was dark web information. Think I typed start search. Yandex is a Russian search engine for those who may not know. Duck duck go is a Google clone in my opinion. I would also make sure that a web hosting service would host my dark web web site before I made a financial commitment with them. If the dark web hosting can only be found on the dark web. I would also request web site hosting payments be made outside the dark web environment. Otherwise I would strongly consider free web hosting.
I saw you on American unplugged the other day. BRV said two things that blew me away. One was that he doesn’t vote. And the second was that JB actually won the 2020 and no voter fraud. I was a supporter of 45 till the lockdown and shots but now not so much or neutral. But that fact that millions of people still support the guy I’m not participating in any divisive rhetoric. It is absolutely imperative that we win back the house and senate next month. Then we can begin to weed out the Rinos and dump 45. People that say on one hand they don’t vote because of the corruption and say on the other hand there was no corruption in 2020 - JB really won are not too bright. We must participate in elections and fight to clean them up. There is no other way out of this mess we’ve gotten ourselves into.
Me, too. He seems like a freethinker, which is admittedly easier for high profile Blacks than anyone else in our authoritarian society. Blacks, in fact, may be the last people left with any semblance of free speech.
I am familiar with those platforms. I have an account at Odysee, maybe at Rumble, have to start using them. Is different than, which airs a lot of old television shows? Not sure who Jeremy Kauffman is. Thanks.
Crazy times for sure Donald. Have you ever considered or put any content on the dark web? People from 2 email lists I'm on put mirror versions of their sites on the dark web over a year ago! The only reason I've never visited the dot onion domains is because I don't have home internet service. Don't want to visit the dark web on a cell phone. I hear that it's wise to have a VPN and super security on a computer before visiting the dark web.
The semi-remote area I live in is monopolized by a satellite internet company! Currently I have to even settle for VOIP service to have home phone service. The house I live in actually has a land line telephone connection setup. My only choice for home internet is wifi, if I can even get that. No dial-up, DSL or broadband internet for my neck of the woods here even in 2022. I say all of this to demonstrate that segments of the population I believe are intentionally being denied the home internet service of their choice. It's not like we all live 100+ miles from civilization in this scenario. An ISP provider no more than 50 miles from my doorstep offers DSL service to areas hundreds of miles away from me. But not my area. Having said all of that. Censorship works on the receiving end of information as well.
Back to the dark web. I hear that it's a safe haven for dissidents. And a person can surf anonymously to post and view uncensored information. I also hear that tyrants and censors have no control over it.
i mentioned the intellectual darkweb to donald several months ago. it was dave rubin who told his audience about this. you need special software. i dont know much about the deep web. also donald has to go on RUMBLE. he will reach many people that way. everyone is on it, even youtubers. i suscribe to several rumble channels thru email. help don w/this.
I'll have to research the dark web further. I do know that you have to download the onion browser to connect to the dark web. Is that the software you're talking about? I'm not sure whether you can connect with a typical web browser. It's probably necessary to get a hosting service that allows webmasters to run dot onion domains too.
You right about rumble. There are other alternative social media video sites I've been on. I've only found one alternative, free speech hosting community that include non-video content. Here's the catch. For what they charge to host one web site with higher costs for more bandwidth. I can host unlimited data, unlimited emails, and unlimited sites on a server in North Carolina for less than $20 a month! The catch with going that route is possible censorship and limited web site traffic. This was a legitimate company when I used them in 2003.
Lots of freedom lovers are on bitchute too. I forgot about Donald Trump's truth social. I don't bother with Twitter or Facebook. I only use YouTube to see what I care about on there that they haven't scrubbed yet. Brian Shilhavey (healthimpact news) is on minds, bitchute, mewe, telegram and odessey.
i am the offical nag. i will send another email tonite or morning as well. dont bother w/paying for freespeech, rumble is free & growing. the dark web requires special software.
I'll have to find that site where I learned what I did about the dark web and send you a link. Another thing to is your domain name will need to be around 20+ characters and numbers. Brian Shilhavey at has a dot onion site up and running. Mike Adams at has a dot onion site that's been up for about a year or more. Brian's dot onion has been up since last year I think. Been up most of this year for sure. I'll look up those dark web links I learn a little about this year and get back to you soon.
It has never been more obvious that we need to remove our fingers from keyboards, and return to the method our ancestors used when jews had ruined their nation. Hail Victory.
Well, I hope I don't come off as a digital pan handler. I have set up a paid option here, and many people have been kind enough to switch to that. I don't have a pay wall, so you get the same stuff for free. I am a full time writer now, and certainly couldn't live off my book royalties. I don't know about anyone else on Substack. I was just making the general point that most of us aren't independently wealthy, like the professional "journalists" feeding us all nonstop disinformation. I think we need to support the alternative platforms that are out there, while we still can. That doesn't necessarily mean monetarily. People can show support by becoming listeners, spreading the word, writing book reviews (or even easier, just giving books that are a threat to the corrupt order five stars on Amazon and elsewhere), become followers on Twitter and Facebook, etc.
I wrote for a site back in 2000. They paid me 10 cents per view. My subscribers didn’t pay anything. In order to get paid you had to have X amount of subscribers can’t remember how many. And then they knocked down some buildings and those sites went away. I haven’t looked into how to make money on S but I’d be willing to pay 10 cents for Donald’s post that I just read but maybe S could as well.
I appreciate that, Mike. Paid subscribers here can either pay $5 a month, or $50 a year. A few people have opted to become lifetime subscribers, for $200, and they receive a signed copy of "Bullyocracy." Thanks.
don is an author of several books. he is semi retired, & finishing another book. i suppose he spends much time writting, that is a logical conclusion. (also 2 podcasts). i should not be answering for him.
i stopped travel after 2/09. 2 yrs later they introduced scans & enhanced patdowns. i dont own a cell phone or an Ipad. people love travel even if they dont have too. people love cell phones, vaxes, & authority in general. they are waitig for the chip. im off the grid.
Yes, Laura, I agree that people have become unduly enamored with travel, just for the sake of it. I admire you not having these modern means of control. Thanks.
the travelers complain, they must like abuse. i made 14 R/T MX to NY/boston 2003-09. learned after 2 awful experiencs how to orchestrate. when to depart, what days to fly. when to call airline office (11pm they are not busy). i had many points & made upgrades to business class. i learned how to deal w/the connecting flights. way back in the mid 60's i flew 1st class in europe from spain to france. this was after taking a 3rd class train 24 hr trip. at 18 i said fk this hippy stuff. what are they thinkng. now the average person has those big ugly knapsacks & the economy class plane is like a 3rd class train or greyhound. ok ill go on to say most average people generally are sloth. self hating robots attached to electrical devices.
I certainly agree with your boycott suggestion. We actually need to boycott as many elements of this criminal society as possible. I'm well aware that censorship is only going to get worse, unless enough people (including some prominent ones) complain. That's not happening. Thanks.
Great article, Don. In the 80s one of the bands I played in had a bassist whose family was from eastern Europe (Yugoslavia I think) when it was under the Iron Curtain of the USSR. He told me his father lost everything and risked his and his family's lives to get them to America. One day while his father was driving him somewhere, they got into a gridlock because of a police roadblock/checkpoint. He said his dad could not contain his rage, yelling that he left at great peril a communist country to get to America only to find out that America was a communist country as well. I told him it was indeed, and of course it is much more Bolshevik/totalitarian now. About 35 or more years ago, Princeton U. made it into the NCAA tournament. It was highly unusual for an Ivy League school to be good enough for this, which determines the number one college basketball team in the U.S. I forget which round it was but it was near the finals. Princeton had an all white team. They were playing Georgetown from Washington D.C. and they were all black. Georgetown was heavily favored and they had a significant size advantage. Yet astonishingly, late in the game, with teamwork, great shooting, passing, ball handling and defense, Princeton was winning. It would have been one of the greatest college basketball upsets of all time. "They" would not allow that to happen. Spurious foul after foul was called on the Princeton players, some for just lightly brushing against a Georgetown man. Very soon several of the best Princeton players had fouled out of the game and that combined with all the free throws Georgetown got as a result of those bullshit fouls, Georgetown won the game in the final minutes by a close margin. Those politically correct, scumfuck bastards will never allow whites to beat blacks, in sports or anything else.
I mention sports in my post above you and I read your post after.
Great anecdote, Hereticdrummer. I think the situation you described in Princeton-Georgetown has happened countless times over the decades, pretty much always with the same result. And always with lots of help from the officials. Thanks!
Thank you, Don. Here are two more anecdotes. In 1959 I was center fielder on my Little League baseball team. My hometown in NJ was mostly white ethnic, Italians being the plurality with Irish, Slavs, Greeks etc. Most of our fathers were World War Two veterans and were factory and construction workers, mechanics, truck drivers etc., very blue collar. My town was adjacent to a small city with a sizeable black population. The black Little League team there challenged us to a pre-season game. Our manager accepted. The older white guys in our neighborhood were busting our chops, saying how the game was going to be a joke with us getting our asses kicked by the blacks. It did turn out to be a joke. We destroyed the black team 23 to 3, no exaggeration. We had a good squad making the World Series that year. We got whipped but we made it there. It was a combination of our team being very good and the blacks being atrocious. The only reason they scored 3 runs was because our manager pulled our pitcher in the last inning (the game was shortened to 7 innings because it was such a slaughter) and put in a kid on the bench who never pitched before. We actually pitied them and allowed them to score a few runs. Fast forward to me as a young adult. I was watching an interview with black, 12 time all-star, hall of fame basketball player, Oscar Robertson, "The Big O" of the long defunct Cincinnati Royals. Even though this was long before the Woke and politically correct insanity, the white interviewer was gushing about the natural, athletic superiority of blacks over whites. Robertson cut him abruptly off saying, "That is bunk! For every black you can show me that is a natural athlete, I'll show you ten blacks who can't even walk without tripping over their own feet!" An honest man. We can't go into the cultural and intelligence differences. After all, race, like gender, is just a social construct.
Those scumfucks are predominately jewish. Pattern recognition, once was the titular head, of White Humanity.
"Some call it communism. I call it Judaism" - Rabbi Stephen Wise
Pareto's law (principle) works with everything. It is usually an excellent guidepost and framework for making decisions and estimations. We do have the option of exiting the Internet. I survived without it for over 50 years. Big tech can't control what they don't see and know.
We may not have any other option if they wind up controlling it with some kind of FCC tyranny. It would be great if we could form real life bonds with like minded individuals. That's why I've suggested forming John Doe clubs. Thanks.
My father died on 11/11/11. He never owned a computer. He built things and used his mind.
He was probably wiser than the rest of us. The Matrix has certainly sucked me in. I am online most of the time. Thanks.
take a walk around the neighborhood w/out phone. i dont own a cell. when i am out i am offline. everyone else is scrolling typing screamng into the speakerphone. most are on social networks. they hold these gadgets like pacifers.
I actually do walk everyday around my neighborhood. I see a fair amount of people, but few seem interested in stopping and talking. Most are usually walking their dog (as I am often as well). Thanks.
Excellent commentary, Don. Thanks for your voice.
Thanks as always, Dr. Robert!
Don, I feel an odd sort of kinship with you through your writing. There’s something special about being the last of the analogs. We have a unique perspective, and have lived an arc that will never be seen again. We’ve lived two distinct lives, in two very different worlds.
Last of the analogs- I like that. Has the ring of a book title to it. Thanks!
We are barely hanging on to our first amendment and most seem to be fine with it. I’ve challenged my liberal blue friends and they are silent. I think the level of mind control is far greater than we understand. People don’t realize that they can use and do use your favorite sporting event to mind F you so it kind of feeds itself and grows. If people threw their TV away a noticeable difference would happen after only one week. After we win this war we really need to examine their tools and pathways to capture the human mind and destroy it / THEM. Well written.
I gave up cable news before it was the cool thing to do. My anxiety levels went way down. It really disturbs me how many people still seem to hang on every word that comes out of these organizations (media/tech) regarding Covid and the Ukraine situation. I gave up Facebook at the start of the Ukraine mess because it was just disturbing how many people were still in love with their mask profile pic and now getting into posting Ukrainian flags. My brother’s been in the army for a long time, I know what an escalation of hostilities means if NATO was to be truly involved in fighting. I really don’t want him sent to another war zone for stupid reasons that have nothing to do with defending America. A bunch of sickos are leading us in that direction and still we see people posting and flying those flags in real life as if an increase in hostilities won’t affect their lives. (It’s obvious a huge chunk of our population missed the Cold War). It’s just sick that there’s not a significant antiwar movement out there. And there’s such a lack of critical thinking. I’m convinced the West is bribing Zelenski with something really good to keep up with the show/war. I haven’t spent the past 20 years hating Russians. Most normal people haven’t, yet, the media and political classes have been obsessed with this goal and they look so ridiculous. ‘Everyone I don’t like is a Russian agent’ is a meme for a reason.
The only TV news I ever watch is Tucker Carlson, and that's not any kind of traditional news program. I don't know how anyone stomachs the likes of CNN or MSNBC. They could air those networks nonstop at Guantanamo Bay as a new means of torture. Thanks.
in sophicated NYC, people wanted to boycott the "russian tea room". in universities, books by russian authors are banned. my grandfather was russian.
It is beyond ridiculous.
There's a YouTube channel where they ask Russians if they hate Americans, or they ask them if they think Russia should nuke the US. Amazing responses.
I'm assuming the Russians weren't as hateful towards us as we are to them? Thanks.
muh russa is tired. been around since the 1950's. the russacard has expired.
I'm with you, Mike. If we could form more real life bonds, that would help. But people- and I include myself- are just so plugged into the online world. Thanks.
the same garbage on TVis on the internet. same MSM/netflicks bs. i dont own a TV but i can listen to the crap.
In the UK the "let us read all your traffic" because online pedophiles was preceded by "let us read all your traffic" because terrorists.
Getting old Hungarian ladies x-rayed at airports for bombs worked, people put up with it, why not try it with emails? Online it didn't work, people laughed at being called a terrorist if they objected to giving up their freedoms. With pedos it almost passed, you don't want to be suspect for voicing an objection, but there were still enough brave people in tech (cca. 2011) to put up a resistance.
Meanwhile, as a Hungarian I'm well aware that 12-13 year old Gypsy girls are routinely trafficked to Switzerland and god knows where else in the West to be prostitutes. That could be very easily stopped, without putting a CCTV camera into every citizen's home, if that was the goal.
Yes, none of these draconian security measures seems to "protect" us from whatever threat they claim is there. Thanks for the UK perspective!
I'm back in Hungary, thankfully. No police shows up if I comment on the internet.
Finally found this email. Been meaning to post that I found the info about the dark web on start search. I just typed in dark web (start search) to learn about the pros and cons of the dark web. Yandex is another search engine to get some unbiased search results.
Some of us know that the Thor browser from the Tor Project website is how you connect to the dark web.. I wouldn't download it anywhere else. Having a VPN, malware software and anti-virus software are must have items to have installed on a computer before accessing the dark web. I saw some "safe" site listings re research on some of the pages I looked at from my start search listings.
For starters, I would do further research on the"recommended" VPN providers instead of depending on someone else's assessments. I think Dave Hodges and Lisa Haven use the same VPN provider. I can't think of the name of the companies. Discounts are offered from registering through Dave or Lisa. Also I would use a computer for the dark web with nothing on the hard drive besides network security and system operating software. I would probably transfer my web site files to a flash drive or CD to upload files to a web server. That would eliminate the ransomeware problems. Having an offline, non-internet computer is a good idea anyway. Also, I don't believe I would make any type of financial transactions or purchases on the dark web. I'd save that for the regular internet. Hope this helps. It's not as complicated as it may seem to use and be safe on the dark web.
Thanks, Mary!
I meant to put as the search engine I used. My query was dark web information. Think I typed start search. Yandex is a Russian search engine for those who may not know. Duck duck go is a Google clone in my opinion. I would also make sure that a web hosting service would host my dark web web site before I made a financial commitment with them. If the dark web hosting can only be found on the dark web. I would also request web site hosting payments be made outside the dark web environment. Otherwise I would strongly consider free web hosting.
I'm familiar with both Start Page and Yandex. Duck Duck Go uses Google's algorithms, so it's pretty useless. Thanks.
I saw you on American unplugged the other day. BRV said two things that blew me away. One was that he doesn’t vote. And the second was that JB actually won the 2020 and no voter fraud. I was a supporter of 45 till the lockdown and shots but now not so much or neutral. But that fact that millions of people still support the guy I’m not participating in any divisive rhetoric. It is absolutely imperative that we win back the house and senate next month. Then we can begin to weed out the Rinos and dump 45. People that say on one hand they don’t vote because of the corruption and say on the other hand there was no corruption in 2020 - JB really won are not too bright. We must participate in elections and fight to clean them up. There is no other way out of this mess we’ve gotten ourselves into.
Yes, we obviously don't agree on everything. There is no reason to trust any part of this corrupt system.
Thanks for your work Don. It’s sad more people don’t see it
I appreciate that, Greg. Thanks!
I am now a big fan of Kyrie,,, even though my conspiratorial tendencies cause me to suspect the sporting events too. Keep it flat!
Me, too. He seems like a freethinker, which is admittedly easier for high profile Blacks than anyone else in our authoritarian society. Blacks, in fact, may be the last people left with any semblance of free speech.
untill they have a mysterious death......or in jail for a crime they didnt do.
Or until they threaten to pull his contract. He was somehow allowed to push back on the jab but not on the FE truth. - Fuentes
Odysee -Jeremy Kauffman
Gettr - impressive streaming tools
I am familiar with those platforms. I have an account at Odysee, maybe at Rumble, have to start using them. Is different than, which airs a lot of old television shows? Not sure who Jeremy Kauffman is. Thanks.
Crazy times for sure Donald. Have you ever considered or put any content on the dark web? People from 2 email lists I'm on put mirror versions of their sites on the dark web over a year ago! The only reason I've never visited the dot onion domains is because I don't have home internet service. Don't want to visit the dark web on a cell phone. I hear that it's wise to have a VPN and super security on a computer before visiting the dark web.
The semi-remote area I live in is monopolized by a satellite internet company! Currently I have to even settle for VOIP service to have home phone service. The house I live in actually has a land line telephone connection setup. My only choice for home internet is wifi, if I can even get that. No dial-up, DSL or broadband internet for my neck of the woods here even in 2022. I say all of this to demonstrate that segments of the population I believe are intentionally being denied the home internet service of their choice. It's not like we all live 100+ miles from civilization in this scenario. An ISP provider no more than 50 miles from my doorstep offers DSL service to areas hundreds of miles away from me. But not my area. Having said all of that. Censorship works on the receiving end of information as well.
Back to the dark web. I hear that it's a safe haven for dissidents. And a person can surf anonymously to post and view uncensored information. I also hear that tyrants and censors have no control over it.
i mentioned the intellectual darkweb to donald several months ago. it was dave rubin who told his audience about this. you need special software. i dont know much about the deep web. also donald has to go on RUMBLE. he will reach many people that way. everyone is on it, even youtubers. i suscribe to several rumble channels thru email. help don w/this.
I'll have to research the dark web further. I do know that you have to download the onion browser to connect to the dark web. Is that the software you're talking about? I'm not sure whether you can connect with a typical web browser. It's probably necessary to get a hosting service that allows webmasters to run dot onion domains too.
You right about rumble. There are other alternative social media video sites I've been on. I've only found one alternative, free speech hosting community that include non-video content. Here's the catch. For what they charge to host one web site with higher costs for more bandwidth. I can host unlimited data, unlimited emails, and unlimited sites on a server in North Carolina for less than $20 a month! The catch with going that route is possible censorship and limited web site traffic. This was a legitimate company when I used them in 2003.
Keep holding my feet to the fire, Laura. I need to get my Rumble account going. Thanks.
Lots of freedom lovers are on bitchute too. I forgot about Donald Trump's truth social. I don't bother with Twitter or Facebook. I only use YouTube to see what I care about on there that they haven't scrubbed yet. Brian Shilhavey (healthimpact news) is on minds, bitchute, mewe, telegram and odessey.
i am the offical nag. i will send another email tonite or morning as well. dont bother w/paying for freespeech, rumble is free & growing. the dark web requires special software.
I have tried to find out more about the dark web, but usually wind up confused. If anyone can hold my hand and walk me there, I'm interested. Thanks!
I'll have to find that site where I learned what I did about the dark web and send you a link. Another thing to is your domain name will need to be around 20+ characters and numbers. Brian Shilhavey at has a dot onion site up and running. Mike Adams at has a dot onion site that's been up for about a year or more. Brian's dot onion has been up since last year I think. Been up most of this year for sure. I'll look up those dark web links I learn a little about this year and get back to you soon.
It has never been more obvious that we need to remove our fingers from keyboards, and return to the method our ancestors used when jews had ruined their nation. Hail Victory.
Thanks, J.R.!
Well, I hope I don't come off as a digital pan handler. I have set up a paid option here, and many people have been kind enough to switch to that. I don't have a pay wall, so you get the same stuff for free. I am a full time writer now, and certainly couldn't live off my book royalties. I don't know about anyone else on Substack. I was just making the general point that most of us aren't independently wealthy, like the professional "journalists" feeding us all nonstop disinformation. I think we need to support the alternative platforms that are out there, while we still can. That doesn't necessarily mean monetarily. People can show support by becoming listeners, spreading the word, writing book reviews (or even easier, just giving books that are a threat to the corrupt order five stars on Amazon and elsewhere), become followers on Twitter and Facebook, etc.
I wrote for a site back in 2000. They paid me 10 cents per view. My subscribers didn’t pay anything. In order to get paid you had to have X amount of subscribers can’t remember how many. And then they knocked down some buildings and those sites went away. I haven’t looked into how to make money on S but I’d be willing to pay 10 cents for Donald’s post that I just read but maybe S could as well.
I appreciate that, Mike. Paid subscribers here can either pay $5 a month, or $50 a year. A few people have opted to become lifetime subscribers, for $200, and they receive a signed copy of "Bullyocracy." Thanks.
Good points. We may well end up having to go back to a bartering system if they digitalize the currency and tie it to a social credit score. Thanks.
Agree. See my garden. I've been growing for awhile.
don is an author of several books. he is semi retired, & finishing another book. i suppose he spends much time writting, that is a logical conclusion. (also 2 podcasts). i should not be answering for him.
That's true, Laura. My life is now pretty much exclusively devoted to writing and doing podcasts, or whatever platform will have me. Thanks.
i stopped travel after 2/09. 2 yrs later they introduced scans & enhanced patdowns. i dont own a cell phone or an Ipad. people love travel even if they dont have too. people love cell phones, vaxes, & authority in general. they are waitig for the chip. im off the grid.
Yes, Laura, I agree that people have become unduly enamored with travel, just for the sake of it. I admire you not having these modern means of control. Thanks.
the travelers complain, they must like abuse. i made 14 R/T MX to NY/boston 2003-09. learned after 2 awful experiencs how to orchestrate. when to depart, what days to fly. when to call airline office (11pm they are not busy). i had many points & made upgrades to business class. i learned how to deal w/the connecting flights. way back in the mid 60's i flew 1st class in europe from spain to france. this was after taking a 3rd class train 24 hr trip. at 18 i said fk this hippy stuff. what are they thinkng. now the average person has those big ugly knapsacks & the economy class plane is like a 3rd class train or greyhound. ok ill go on to say most average people generally are sloth. self hating robots attached to electrical devices.
I certainly agree with your boycott suggestion. We actually need to boycott as many elements of this criminal society as possible. I'm well aware that censorship is only going to get worse, unless enough people (including some prominent ones) complain. That's not happening. Thanks.
commentators do complain but it doesnt change things. seems only a few get to say the unspeakable on a large scale.