American Memory hole sounds fascinating. Just wished you priced it at half the amount so I could justify purchasing it on top of subscribing to your Substack. Old guy on a pension.
Anyway, it took me years to realize that all the narratives of the media are lies and more years to realize that all official narratives of American history ar…
American Memory hole sounds fascinating. Just wished you priced it at half the amount so I could justify purchasing it on top of subscribing to your Substack. Old guy on a pension.
Anyway, it took me years to realize that all the narratives of the media are lies and more years to realize that all official narratives of American history are lies.
Once I got to the truth of what America has done, it has been hard to get saddened by the death of the empire.
In fact, I would be more of a White Nationalist if Whites weren't promoting and trying to enforce every insane and culturally destructive Jewish idea on the rest of the world.
I welcome the Chinese and Russian led multipolar world.
I don't have anything to do with the prices of my books, Al. I think all books cost too much. I always suggest to people that they ask their library to purchase it for their collection. I get a sale, and you can check it out and read it. Thanks!
I think it is going to be increasingly more important to own physical books. Quite a few books I bought for a nominal fee are going for close to five grand or more because types of information are being suppressed. For example, a book about Thomas Townsend Brown who is linked to work on anti-gravitics for black projects is now selling for $4,995. Two years ago it was $30 at Thriftbooks. I have other books that are no longer in print but contain invaluable information or they now sell for so much that they are unaffordable. I’d rather spend money on books than what passes for entertainment in America currently.
Anyone can ask 5 grand for a book, and who knows? Someone might pay it,,,, that
or it becomes part of an insurance scam like so much artwork. My childhood paintings and early scribblings could be worth millions. Then there is the money laundering. So much of our economy, probably over half, is from illegal activity.
(Not talkin about raw milk or homemade cheese and butter either)
Yes. My library system has been very good about purchasing Donald's books. Also, there is something called Inter-Library Loans. I've never found a library that would not try to get s book one requested.
China and probably Russia (certainly the USSR was) are projects of the global mafia just as is the USA. Most countries seem to be subsidiaries of the same in one way or another.
American Memory hole sounds fascinating. Just wished you priced it at half the amount so I could justify purchasing it on top of subscribing to your Substack. Old guy on a pension.
Anyway, it took me years to realize that all the narratives of the media are lies and more years to realize that all official narratives of American history are lies.
Once I got to the truth of what America has done, it has been hard to get saddened by the death of the empire.
In fact, I would be more of a White Nationalist if Whites weren't promoting and trying to enforce every insane and culturally destructive Jewish idea on the rest of the world.
I welcome the Chinese and Russian led multipolar world.
I don't have anything to do with the prices of my books, Al. I think all books cost too much. I always suggest to people that they ask their library to purchase it for their collection. I get a sale, and you can check it out and read it. Thanks!
I think it is going to be increasingly more important to own physical books. Quite a few books I bought for a nominal fee are going for close to five grand or more because types of information are being suppressed. For example, a book about Thomas Townsend Brown who is linked to work on anti-gravitics for black projects is now selling for $4,995. Two years ago it was $30 at Thriftbooks. I have other books that are no longer in print but contain invaluable information or they now sell for so much that they are unaffordable. I’d rather spend money on books than what passes for entertainment in America currently.
This..." I’d rather spend money on books than what passes for entertainment in America currently."
I'm not sure I would trust those book prices.
Anyone can ask 5 grand for a book, and who knows? Someone might pay it,,,, that
or it becomes part of an insurance scam like so much artwork. My childhood paintings and early scribblings could be worth millions. Then there is the money laundering. So much of our economy, probably over half, is from illegal activity.
(Not talkin about raw milk or homemade cheese and butter either)
I don’t trust anything from Amazon. That is what Amazon is charging.
Yes. My library system has been very good about purchasing Donald's books. Also, there is something called Inter-Library Loans. I've never found a library that would not try to get s book one requested.
Thanks, Kris!
I can't wait for American Memory Hole. I'll send you my copy when I am done as I won't be lugging it to my bugout location.
The Chinese and Russians are in on it, too. There are only two poles- Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Antichrist. Regards.
Thanks, WW!
China and probably Russia (certainly the USSR was) are projects of the global mafia just as is the USA. Most countries seem to be subsidiaries of the same in one way or another.