Concerning WW2, you are not even scratching the surface. Talk about the Rhine Meadows and Eisenhower starving one million Germans in open air concentration camps. Talk about Winston Churchill confiscating the rice from about half a million Indians and leaving them to die of starvation. Talk about the real casualties in the firebombing of Tokyo. 500,000 killed? Try tens times that. HALF the population of Japan was killed during the last year of the war. Every single Japanese I researched lost sons, daughters, and relatives during the war. The B-29's were worse than the B-17's. Flying above the ceiling of the Am65 Zero, they simply bombed Japan at will. It was worse than the B-52's carpet bombing of Hanoi. The US Invaded Greenland during the war, just as the British had invaded Iceland. Both invasions were because those countries favored the Nazis and the Allies were afraid the Germans would build submarine facilities there. Many Greenlanders suffered the same fate as the Aluets. (It seems to be official American policy. Yes, the bombing of Belgrade was satanic, and the casualty figures are probably a joke. (They were reported by the Soviets, so multiply those numbers by a hundred or perhaps even a thousand.) The USA also sent hundreds of thousands of unwilling Soviet prisoners of war in Germany back to Russia and certain imprisonment or death. And then there was the horrendous Allied Postwar occupation of Germany. Someday the story will be told of how many millions suffered and died under De Gaulle, Churchill, Truman, and Stalin. During the Battle of the Bulge some 50,000 German prisoners of war were summarily shot. Just before the D-Day landings some 50,000 allied troops were "accidently" shot in a live fire exercise in England, and the bodies secretly buried in a mass grave. Roosevelt was a butcher. He was 10X worse than Lincoln. He was hands down our worst president. He made America a commie police state. Everything that happened after WW2 was the logical outcome of his "policies".

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I did cover Operation Keelhaul in "Crimes and Cover-Ups," WW, as well as other Allied atrocities. There are so many. Thanks.

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His last name was actually Rosenfelt and was changed just like most of the zio crowd does to hide their background. Few know the communist Bolsheviks won the world wars.

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Thanks for the information. And, of course, not surprising. But it was not the Communist Bolsheviks who won both world wars. The winners were: #1. The Banksters. #2. Big Oil. #3. The top executives of the Military-Industrial Complex. #4. The Satanic-Pederasts who are behind virtually every institution of importance. (It boggles my mind how they captured the Vatican about 900 years ago without giving the game away.)

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Good comment. Sad how few people realize that Marxism and its offshoots were tools initiated and promoted by the mega rich of the time and "Communism" was intended for their benefit. Both the USSR and Red China were/are projects of the global banking and manufacturing mafia.

Bella Dodd's "School of Darkness" sheds a lot of light on the subject and it's both fascinating and improtant to note that Mao was a Yali.

“… men of wealth use the communist movement to bend workers to their will [and] I soon learned that the members exposed to the public were not the important Communists.”

-Bella Dodd, School of Darkness, Ch 6


“By about the year 2000 Communist China will be a “superpower” built by American technology and skill.”

Antony C. Sutton, American Secret Establishment published 1984


"In 1903, Yale Divinity School established a number of schools and hospitals throughout China that were collectively known as 'Yale in China.' It has since been shown that 'Yale in China' was an intelligence network whose purpose was to destroy the republican movement of Sun Yat-sen on behalf of the Anglo-American Establishment. The Anglo-American "Establishment" hated Sun, because he wanted to develop China. On the other hand, they loved the Chinese communists because they intended to keep China backward, and were committed to the production of drugs. . One of 'Yale in China's' most important students was Mao Zedong.

"During World War II, 'Yale in China' was a primary instrument used by the U.S. Establishment and its Office of Strategic Services (OSS) to install the Maoists into power.

'Yale in China' was run by OSS operative Reuben Holden, the husband of Bush's cousin, and also a member of Skull and Bones. "The Maoists made China into the world's largest opium producer.,

"'Yale in China' was also closely associated with the New York-based Union Theological Seminary, which has been a center for U.S. subversion of Asia According to Branton, they were literally wolves in sheeps clothing Every prominent radical leader operating in Korea today was trained at Union Theological. Union Theological was dominated for twenty years by Henry Sloane Coffin, a U.S. intelligence executive from the Sloane and Coffin families. He was a Skull and Bones member as were a dozen of his relatives.


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Thanks for the information. Bella Dodd leaves me a little Jaded. She had to have known that both Bishop Fulton Sheen- who had connections to High Finance- and especially Cardinal Spellman, who was definitely a pederast, if not a Satanist were in on it. Yet she lauded the one and ignored the other. Sun Yat-Zen and Mao Zedong were two wings of the same bird. The job of the former was to galvanize and enchant the Chinese wealthy class and having them looking east at Japan while Mao was financed by the Soviets to enlist the peasant class to his cause.

The message is always the same: For the "Bourgeoisie" the allure is building productive factories, hiring cheap labor, and making a fortune with some technical innovation begotten by the Banksters. For the Peasants it is you will no longer have to slave away at your plot of land but have a slice of the "means of production" a cushy desk job, and greater wealth. (They never ask who is going to milk the cows and take out the garbage...)

Divide and conquer... create and manipulate controlled opposition... it is how they roll.

In the Far East, you have the added complication that the British built the Japanese Empire so the Americans could demolish it during WW2, thus demoralizing that industrious and virtuous people. (And they got a gold heist to boot.)

And, yes, once you are at the bottom of the rabbit hole... or to put it another way, as Carl Sagan said of the astronomers... we struggled up the slopes of a daunting mountain with our mathematical equations and tedious observations, and when we reached the summit we found the theologians were sitting there the whole time...

So, similarly, "Conspiracy Theorists" grapple with facts, pour over government documents, sweat to discern the truth amid the lies and, after all that work, they begin to see... and suddenly realize that St John and Our Lord Jesus Christ told all things from the beginning.


Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!

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On the money!

Dr. DCA Hillman's book, "Original Sin: Ritual Child Rape and the Church", is worth a read. ...Depressing, but accurate look at the roots of "Christianity".

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Christianity has valid roots, and Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God. But He himself warned that the Abomination of Desolation was coming, and wondered if, when He returned, would He find faith?

Welcome to Chapter 13 of the Apocalypse.

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The A of D happened in 70 AD (CE).

God bless you and yours.

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The Destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple happened in 70 AD. But the Temple became a Desolation on Good Friday when Our Lord Jesus Christ died, and an abomination after Pentecost Sunday.

Our Lord does conflate His second coming in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke with the destruction of Jerusalem, but the two are obviously separate events.

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Does that mean that their descendants in Kiev are going to win?

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Ukraine is the former Khazaria so it’s just a depopulation agenda for the NWO and so they can get their ancient land back. Satanyahu is polish though and his father changed their last name to hide it. The ashkenazis are fake semites/jews. The irony is Israel is genociding the actual semites.

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If they force the Russians to defend themselves with a nuclear first strike, they may become part of that depopulation agenda, inadvertently.

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It will simply be the white Christian citizenry who pays the price not those in power pulling the puppet strings. All these nations are simply playing out their scripted roles for the one world communist/facsist/technoenslavement government agenda.

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No, they're real semites; people boasting of being famous. What irony? "Is(ha)RaEl" means powerful, evil woman.

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The "War in Ukraine" is a production of Satanic Pederasts, INC. This is as fake and ghey as "World War II". The more you research, the more you discover everything is pure theatre. If you want the true scoop, contemplate what St John wrote while on the Island of Patmos, and what the Prophet Daniel wrote while a Bureaucrat for the Babylonian Empire.

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Where is Satanic Pederasts, INC incorporated?

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probably the Vatican, with branches in London, Brussels, Washington DC, Manhattan, Peking, and Moscow.

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Is Peking anywhere near to Beijing?

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Where is the Vatican incorporated?

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Not a very deceptive name change; mostly just a translation.

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Jul 29Edited
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I’m unsure on the Bush name change but just like all politicians who become presidents via selection not election they are all zionists who further the NWO agenda regardless of party. Bush #1 was in Dallas the day of the JFK assassination which of course our government and Israel carried out. Then his POS son partners up with the Mossad decades later for 9/11. I can’t believe I used to believe voting mattered as they all are evil traitors so I no longer participate. Our government views we the people as the enemy so I don’t choose which evil rules over me and wishes me 6 ft under. If people haven’t figured it out after CONvid and the depopulation shots then they never will.

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Jul 29Edited
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After I held my nose and voted for the Shrub, I vowed never to vote again for any federal office candidate and have not. It is a criminal enterprise and always has been. The "anti-federalists" were not only correct but prescient.

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All my adult life I voted many times a day for me and my self .I will continue to vote me as the leader of MY LIFE . The ones voting and needing a leader should get a service dog to lead them ,he will serve them much better then any politician .

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The "American Revolution" was a staged production on both sides of the Atlantic. The United States has been nothing more than a Freemasonic Wind-Up toy to subvert Christendom. The center of the City of London is Blackfriars Abbey, the Deepest Part of the Deep State. Another Deep Part is the Belgian Castle, originator of the Dutch East India Company. (Currently Royal Dutch Shell.)

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Jul 30
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That was after they gave up brewing beer.

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Jul 29
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The Bush family moved to Texas from New England, not Europe.

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Scherf replacement of the Bush family.

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Jul 29
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Regarding Churchill, he also stopped Herbert Hoover and others from sending tons of food via relief transport to the Low Countries (Belgium, Netherlands, etc.) In other words, during WW2, he was so intent to starve out the Germans, that he actively blockaded food from the U.S., intended to feed civilians. The man was a psychotic war-monger.

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Churchill was on the same bus with Morganthau. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall while the "Morganthau Plan" was being hotly debated. It was interesting that it was ultimately vetoed by pressure from Joe Kennedy and etc. Was this just a ploy to get the Kennedy's perceived as "White Hats"? Or was it just that the Joos tried to go too far too fast, and got blowback?

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I go over the Morgenthau Plan in the upcoming book, WW. Just really diabolical. They wanted to "ethnically cleanse" all Germans. Thanks!

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I say this tongue in cheek, but I think the reason they vetoed the Morganthau Plan was because if all those Germans were reduced to farming, they would have perfected the sustainable household to such an extent that the AMish would have conquered the world. never underestimate German ingenuity.

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these people are demons. Who in their right mind would do all these crimes against humanity? That’s the only reason I can see that explains all the utter disregard for human life. I had no idea how truly evil our military history really was and is. This is heavy reading but explains everything. Thank you for highlighting these criminals and enlightening me about just how evil our war mongers are. I don’t see good things happening in our country. Only so much they can take! Unbelievable.

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This is just the tip of the iceberg, Deborah. The book will have lots more details. Thanks!

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I am looking forward to reading it!

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Thanks, Deborah!

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Tell that to the families of the Battan death march

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Nobody said the Japanese were saints. But, at any rate, if you care to believe Wikipedia, "from 5,000 to 18,000 Filipino deaths and 500 to 650 American deaths during the march..."

So the Horrid "Bataan Death March" did not even reach the amount of casualties when a Russian Submarine torpedoed a German Ocean Liner evacuating civilians from Gdansk (Danzig). The Wilhelm Gustloff was clearly marked as a Hospital Ship and was packed to the gills with 25,000 or more people. All but 150 perished.

Meanwhile, the casualty figures are similar to what the Americans did on Okinawa.

At any rate, trying to justify what the Americans did because of what was done to the Americans is to place us in the same moral class as "Dem Evil Nazis".

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Good comment there! Interesting how so many are so well versed on the crimes of the other guys. SMDH!

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What I’ve learned is everything is a lie that we’ve been told. There is not a subject I’ve researched that ended up being what the official narrative states. The history (HIS-story) books are the exact opposite of the truth to keep the sheep in line as if citizens knew the truth they would revolt yesterday.

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Yep. I don't know of one official narrative, for any significant event, that isn't a lie. Thanks, Right!

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Right on, Donald. Unfortunately (or "fortunately," depending on how you look at this), this would also have to include the "atomic bombs" dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. There's a fair amount of research out there now exposing the "bomb" as a hoax, where Hiroshima and Nagasaki were instead said to be fire-bombed, given the many still-standing structures post-bombing (which doesn't mean, of course, that 1000s weren't killed by these "lesser" bombings, just to say that no "atomic bomb" had been, and still hasn't been, developed, unlike what we were told). Besides Miles Mathis (yes, I know, he's an annoying handful at times), there are others who've investigated this apparent "myth" of a nuclear program. Was just looking for some information that I reviewed years ago by another independent researcher on this topic and, of course, now I can't locate it. But there are these:



and of course...Miles (one of several that he posted):


p.s. Despite the possibility that there's no nuke program, I am in no way defending the US military and its evil acts over the last 100+ years. Quite the contrary. In fact, I was earlier going to write a comment saying how much I have long detested that institution, where nearly all of the genocidal events of the 20th and 21st centuries have prominently featured the US military, including the most recent Convid psyop (i.e., death via vaxx via fake virus), which was clearly run by the DOD in cooperation with global nations -- see, e.g., 2019 Military World Games (which, of all places, was held in Wuhan, China) and their Satanic opening ceremony signaling the diabolical scheme they were about to unleash on the world.

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I'm aware that some awake people think nuclear weapons are a hoax, Rob. Who knows? At this point, it's hard to trust the reality of anything they say. Thanks!

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Despite the fact that I'm a vet, I also despise the institution and understand why early Americans warned against standing armies.

What most folks do not seem to realize is how horrible the military hierarchy is regarding the troopies and I'm not only referring to the well known Tuskegee experiment, but to the many other examples of complete disregard for the troops and the law such as the anthrax vax mandates (totally immoral and illegal) and the exposure to the various toxic chemicals dumped on the people and land of Vietnam (completely diabolical).

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Well said, Rob. When I was in elementary school they showed us films of an alleged atomic blast. You could see a cameraman with his camera on a tripod filming it. If that was a real atomic blast, both the camera and the cameraman, as well as whoever was filming him, would have been disintegrated. Also, most people don't realize that a blast from conventional explosives will create a mushroom cloud.

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Exactly right on all scores, there, HD. Mushroom clouds are a regular feature of good 'ol everyday bombs, but we've been made to think they (or at least the supposed "big" ones) are synonymous with atomic/nuclear weapons. (These aren't your grandfather's bombs, I guess.) And, yes, what's up with the filming of the filming? Is it for the making of a "behind the scenes" production, Hollywood style? That alone, imo, makes the whole "event" suspicious.

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There's more, Rob. Some months ago I watched a video/podcast where a gentleman was being interviewed on this very subject. This man, who surely is deceased by now, was a top notch researcher and scientist, post World War Two. He was commissioned by the U.S. government to go to the bombed out ruins in Germany and Japan and write detailed reports on the damages for reconstruction evaluation. To his shock, he said the ruins at Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan, two cities allegedly atomic bombed, were absolutely no different than the ruins of the German cities destroyed by conventional explosives. In particular, the radiation readings from all of the locations were virtually identical. How can this be if atomic weapons were used in Japan? Further, where the atomic bombs allegedly struck the grounds there was no significant hole or crater as there should have been. Almost immediately, post war, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were rebuilt and in less than 2 years, Japanese people were living there again. We were taught that an area hit by atomic or nuclear weapons would be inhabitable for centuries because of the radiation. So how explain this blatant anomaly? The atom was conceived by ancient Greek philosophers as the smallest particle in all matter, so small it cannot be broken down further, the foundational building block of everything that exists. But quantum physics has proven this theory false as apparently, there is no smallest unit, things go down to infinity. No one has ever seen an atom, not even under the strongest electron microscopes. So how can it be split to create fission and a bomb? Additionally, quantum physics asserts that at that level it is all waves and wave function. How do you split a wave? We are lied to by the System and its sycophants about everything of any significance.

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Yes, atomic bombs are fake and ghey. Atoms and molecules are simply constructions of matrix algebra.

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Excellent, Heretic. If you have the name and/or link of the guy who was interviewed, feel free to send along. I'm still trying to locate the research I had on all this that included similar findings as those you mention -- i.e., showing that H and N were fire bombed by conventional weapons. (Have scoured both my old and new pcs for that research and it all seems to have gone "poof," as if hit by an atomic bomb.)

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Just remembered a significant source on a closely related topic to this is Galen Winsor. Very interesting guy who had direct experience with and exposure to everything said to be "radioactive" and otherwise harmful, but which he debunks as nonsense:


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I'd be careful here. He (and Mathis) may be whitewashing or downplaying the dangers of ionizing radiation. In like fashion doctors are well known to downplay the dangers of the toxins they mindlessly, recklessly really, advise in spades.

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I have come to the same conclusion. I will purchase and read Mr. Jeffries newest book regardless as I would rather know the truth even though every bit of it has been very painful.

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Thanks, Elizabeth!

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You nailed it and it's amazing and depressing how people still parrot the propaganda as if they're some kind of authority.

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See above quote of Napoleon.

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American Memory hole sounds fascinating. Just wished you priced it at half the amount so I could justify purchasing it on top of subscribing to your Substack. Old guy on a pension.

Anyway, it took me years to realize that all the narratives of the media are lies and more years to realize that all official narratives of American history are lies.

Once I got to the truth of what America has done, it has been hard to get saddened by the death of the empire.

In fact, I would be more of a White Nationalist if Whites weren't promoting and trying to enforce every insane and culturally destructive Jewish idea on the rest of the world.

I welcome the Chinese and Russian led multipolar world.

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I don't have anything to do with the prices of my books, Al. I think all books cost too much. I always suggest to people that they ask their library to purchase it for their collection. I get a sale, and you can check it out and read it. Thanks!

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I think it is going to be increasingly more important to own physical books. Quite a few books I bought for a nominal fee are going for close to five grand or more because types of information are being suppressed. For example, a book about Thomas Townsend Brown who is linked to work on anti-gravitics for black projects is now selling for $4,995. Two years ago it was $30 at Thriftbooks. I have other books that are no longer in print but contain invaluable information or they now sell for so much that they are unaffordable. I’d rather spend money on books than what passes for entertainment in America currently.

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This..." I’d rather spend money on books than what passes for entertainment in America currently."

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I'm not sure I would trust those book prices.

Anyone can ask 5 grand for a book, and who knows? Someone might pay it,,,, that

or it becomes part of an insurance scam like so much artwork. My childhood paintings and early scribblings could be worth millions. Then there is the money laundering. So much of our economy, probably over half, is from illegal activity.

(Not talkin about raw milk or homemade cheese and butter either)

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I don’t trust anything from Amazon. That is what Amazon is charging.

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Yes. My library system has been very good about purchasing Donald's books. Also, there is something called Inter-Library Loans. I've never found a library that would not try to get s book one requested.

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Thanks, Kris!

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I can't wait for American Memory Hole. I'll send you my copy when I am done as I won't be lugging it to my bugout location.

The Chinese and Russians are in on it, too. There are only two poles- Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Antichrist. Regards.

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Thanks, WW!

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China and probably Russia (certainly the USSR was) are projects of the global mafia just as is the USA. Most countries seem to be subsidiaries of the same in one way or another.

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Have had your book on order for some time, Don. Thanks for your hard work on this. Amerika the Indefensible.

I have tried to think of something positive that our nation has done for Humankind during my 70+ years on earth and I am at a complete loss. From its very inception, the country has pursued Empire based on blood and destruction - all the while waving those flag-wrapped crosses.

It is so sad that the masses continue to be enthralled by the myths of Amerikan Exceptionalism that all of our politicians promote. Watching the latest chapters of the Trumpenstein and Bidenstein Projects play out has been really nauseating.

One tidbit about the WWII Allied war in the East that I found fascinating was the fire-bombing of Wuhan (fentanyl factories and bioweapon labs today). An important RR hub for the Japanese during their occupation of China, Curtis LeMay, killed tens of thousands of inncoent civilian refugees sheltering there. He learned his bombing skills at the knee of Bomber Harris and spent the rest of his days dropping incendiaries on innocents abroad - one evil sonofabitch.

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I appreciate that, TnDoc. Bomber Harris was as reprehensible as LeMay. He refused to ever apologize for the mass carnage at Dresden. Thanks.

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Interesting tidbit there!

Another little known tidbit is the importance of control of the opium trade as a factor in the war on Japan. Japanese militarists, who I think were probably funded by the global drug mafiosi, not only ran around assassinating Japanese leaders who were "antiwar," also attempted to fund their warlike aims by cultivating poppies in Manchukuo (now Manchuria) while claiming to want to wean the population of China from the use of the poison.

Opium and no doubt other population enslaving toxins were significant factors in the rise of the British East India Company and one of its probable agents, the US of A. One huge set of clues in my way of thinking at least, are the various flags of the 2 entities. (Betsy Ross my tush!!!:


I have no t checked to see if the link still works.

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I liked a BBC series titled "Taboo" written by Chips Hardy and starring his son, Tom Hardy, about one man's fight against the crown and "The honorable east india" as its officers called it. Commoners in the story referred to that company as "the Beast with a million eyes".

Alexander Hamilton wanted to model the US government on the EIC and the Bank of London. Hamilton was a scumbag of the first order. Whatever the failings on his part, Aaron Burr did humanity a great service when he met Hamilton on the field of honor and lit his ass up.

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I highly recommend the book: The Last Kings of Shanghai, by Jonathan Kaufman (a Jew). This is an impeccably researched book about how Jewish dynasties (the Sassoons etc) went to China (some by way of London) and controlled China (mostly through the Opium Trade) for hundreds of years before WWII. These Jewish families WERE the British East India Company. When Britain was the world super-power, it was Jewish families in control. The Royals believe they are descendants of King David. Charles was circumcised by a Jewish mohel. Need I say more?

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The Jews got their toehold in China back in the days of Marco Polo. Marco Polo was in reality an agent of the Genoese/Venetiens/Jewish-Controlled-Vatican to look for a route to the cinnamon forests of Borneo, and the spices of India. He basically failed, and, when the Muslims closed off the land routes- the Crusades were fought to secure the spice routes, by the way, and when the Last Crusades failed and the Muslims cut off all land access, that is when the Jews migrated from the Eastern Mediiterranean (I can never spell that word) to SPain and Portugal and began financing explorations around the coast of Afrika and across the Atlantic- Chris Columbus was of Jewish Blood. Spain and Portugal were Jewish Operations until they decided to transfer headquarters to Belgium (The Dutch East India Company) and the City of London (The British East India Company.) The Opening of the British Grand Lodge in 1717 was the coming out party. Meanwhile they had already subverted France by 1689 and a century later they would have the European coming-out-party on the tennis courts of Versailles, in 1789. Meanwhile Adam Weishaupt was the Coming-Out-Party for the occultic branch in 1776. Concurrently they conceived their grand design of a Freemasonic Empire and its "Manifest Destiny" to control the entire North American Continent in 1776. (And everybody was in on it, including the French King and Pope Pius VI.) By 1812 the "History of the World" was completely fake and ghey. The last REAL WAR was fought by the Cristeros of Mexico 1926-1929, but very few people know the glorious history of how a group of Mexican Peasants angered at the closing of their churches- a notoriously bad mistake by US Puppet Calles- almost beat the New World Order, until they were betrayed by Pius XI.

If I survive and collect a few more volumes, I should be able to recount the real history of the world at least back to the tragic schism of 1054.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!

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And guess who financed the USA from the start...! We're still a colony of the global banking and trading mafia.

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Here's a better link. A real treasure trove!


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Fascinating. The flags explain a lot. The US flag is merely a derivative of the BEIC. This link would explain much of the US Empire's on-going piracy around the planet.

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War is evil. Murder is a sin. So is greed. I wish more people would wake up to the truth, but in having pre-ordered your book, now I will have the proof in my own hands to back up any future statements I will make. I can't say I'm proud to be an American as I do not support this horrid government.

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Thanks, Fran!

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Another thing that's pure evil is access to unearned wealth. It seems to pervert people even if they were not perverts from birth.

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Exactly. Lying is a sin too. The Devil loves these people. One day, he'll come calling coz God won't.

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anybody tells you the US was against communists is a retarded liar. US fought WWII to save the communists allowed them to take over China refused to help mexico when the communists took it over in the 20's. would not help Spain so Hitler went in and saved Spain from the communists. abandoned the Cubans at the bay of pigs. strangled south africa and rhodesia so communist cannibals could take it over. destroyed Sen Joe Mc carthy. communists took down Nixon being he took down the communist alger hiss

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You will love the section on Joe McCarthy in "American Memory Hole," SPQR70AD. He has been unfairly maligned, and was in fact a real American hero. Thanks.

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DJ you know Joe volunteered for 12 combat missions on a bomber and the bolshevik jew media has been tearing him up to this day lying about his record. I say they killed him

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I talked more about that in "Crimes and Cover-Ups," SPQR70AD. He went into Bethesda Naval Hospital- the same place where his friend James Forrestal was pushed out of a window a few years earlier- with some kind of knee issue. Died two days later. No autopsy. Only 48 years old. So I agree with you.

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Clinton & Co. bombed Yugoslavia on Pascha (Orthodox Easter) 1999, too.

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Yes, he did, CSJ. I wrote about that in "Crimes and Cover-Ups." Thanks. Note- originally had the wrong book lol.

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You probably already know that the firebombing of Dresden occured around and on Valentine's Day as well.

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Yes, Dresden was covered in "Crimes and Cover-Ups" as well, Geoff. Thanks.

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Dear Donald

I would like to promote your book on https://EarthNewspaper.com. Is there another link or website to buy your book beside Amazon (who I don't like for their censorship), or the link on this page that goes to Amazon?

Thank you


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I appreciate that, Mark. Sure, it's everywhere- Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, all the usual places. Or you can buy from the publisher, Skyhorse. Thanks!

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Dear Donald

Placed image near the top of EarthNewspaper.com right column and linked it to: https://www.skyhorsepublishing.com/9781510781948/american-memory-hole

Keep up the great work


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That's great, Mark. Thanks!

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Fascinating. And once seen, one can never un-see the massive deceptions and BS pile-ons.

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Thanks, Leara!

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Wow, I started waking up in March 2018! But almost every day I continue to learn things about my country that shock me and disappoint me!

Thank you for seeking truth and sharing the hard truth!

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Thanks, YellowRose!

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Wow for sure! I started waking up when I went to Vietnam in 1969 and despite having read thousands of books, and many thousands of essays, articles, and comments, I'm still learning!

I wish I had read Smedley Butler's "War is a Racket" before I got on the big jet...

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I imagine so many started waking up who actually served in that horrible UNNECESSARY war manufactured by evil men, just like every other war. I think and pray that our young men and women today will absolutely refuse to be forced to fight another war for the satanic cabal and the military industrial complex!

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Thank you for your willingness to fight for your country during the Vietnam War!

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That's what I thought at the time, but it soon became very apparent that the Vietnamese folks were not our enemy and that we were duped and used for some evil purposes.

I still cannot believe what those pigs sent us to do to those people. I hope Kissinger (for one) is doing a slow roast in the lowest pit possible with no chance for parole.

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I’m quite sure he is. Very evil man. I’m 78. Ex husband was Navy officer and we were stationed on Guam when the war was ending in 1970. Im so sorry you went through that. God bless you v

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I am always fascinated by the odd collection of facts and " coincidences" that you write about. It is quite enlightening to realize just about everything you thought was true turns out to be a complete fabrication and propaganda piece. Please keep up your valuable work.

Scott Shiell

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Thanks, Scott!

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Napoleon Bonaparte supposedly once said that "History is a set of lies agreed upon."

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There are many quotes like that regarding history, RB. I cited several of them in both "Hidden History" and "Crimes and Cover-Ups." Thanks!

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Napoleon was understating the obvious.

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I agree with you about everything being a lie. However, history isn't "HIS-story". In FRENCH it is "histoire" and the word "his" does not exist in French. https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=history HIS-story is a feminist invention to discredit men - White men in particular - while they promoted the myth of non-White women being double victims.

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In German it's Geschichte.

Nothing whatsoever to do with "his" story., more like a narrative of the past.

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Don, your work, your writing, and your honesty are nothing short of breathtaking. You truly inspire me every day to do what I can to be on the right side of history. What you do is simply heroic, and I've been looking forward to this title for awhile now! It will be well worth the wait. -Varin

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I really appreciate your kind words, Varin. Thanks!

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By now most people should be aware of the mass rape of German women by the Mongol troops of Bolshevik Russia when they rolled over and occupied Germany at the war's end. ("Ravishing the Women of Conquered Europe" by Prof. Austin J. App). What they probably don't know is that American troops mass raped German women, and French and Italian ones as well, the fact that those two nations were our allies notwithstanding. Further, American service men mass raped Japanese and Okinawan females. In all of these unfortunate nations, girls as young as 12 and woman as old as 60 were violated, no female was spared. In Germany , many of the women were literally raped to death, expiring as the 50th sub-human mounted them. Naturally, no Soviet soldier was ever taken to account for these atrocities, but with the exception of a rapist here and there getting torched by the military authorities for his crime, the vast majority of American servicemen got away with it as most reported cases were swept under the rug. Real evidence of the superiority of the purveyors of, "Liberty, Equality, & Fraternity" over German National Socialism, Italian Fascism, and Japanese Imperial Shintoism. (The German military immediately executed any soldier convicted of rape by firing squad.) I closely scrutinized many photos of Judith Campbell Exner at different ages and am convinced "she" had the "T" virus. ("T" is for Tranny). Fantastic article, Don, thank you. I can't wait for the release of your new book. It looks like a revisionist masterpiece. I'm getting a copy for my niece's husband as well, he is a school teacher. He can definitely use the lessons therein.

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Emmett Till's father was executed in Europe for allegedly raping a European woman. Now, I'm against the death penalty because they've gotten it wrong so many times. You can apologize to someone falsely incarcerated for 20 years...but how do you apologize to a dead man? Anyway, interesting factoid.

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Wow, Kris. I had never heard this. Thanks for the information.

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yes, that is the ever aching question regarding the death penalty that I never could get past, especially after learning of so many egregious errors and over-reaching prosecutions ---not to mention, the continual erosion of constitutional rights by the big boy court.

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That is interesting. Not to be redundant, but the American military did prosecute rapists in the ranks but very few and far between. It was just to put on a show that they were doing something about it when they really weren't. Till's father being a negro definitely was a large factor in him getting "capped." It was around that time, in the immediate aftermath of World War Two (The war of white genocide) that the American military desegregated the troops. The prime mover and shaker behind this was the hideous, Jew, communist, Tranny, "1st Lady", Eleanor Roosenfelt. I basically agree with you about the death penalty, not only for your valid reason but also because no rich person has ever been sentenced to death in the U.S., regardless of how abominable their crimes. It is a class/caste system. However certain crimes call for the death penalty. I would stipulate that before such draconian measures are enacted, the convictions must not be, "beyond a reasonable doubt" but the evidence so overwhelming and indisputable that the crime committed by that individual was beyond any doubt whatsoever.

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Was this the Emmett Louis Till who was hung in Mississippi in 1955 by a lynching squad?

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This is most interesting. And might reveal a further motive for the mob. Meanwhile, I wonder if this was more widespread and systemic back in those days.

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I appreciate that, Hereticdrummer. Thanks!

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You're more than welcome, Don. Just keep writing!

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As the war criminal Churchill said after the war '' History will be kind to me ,for I will write it . '' Donald Jeffries reviles as much as he dares in writing .If one could have a one on one conversation ,he would have much more to say ,that is still hidden from the public ,but exists in the mind of many like him .

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Thanks, joe.

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