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His last name was actually Rosenfelt and was changed just like most of the zio crowd does to hide their background. Few know the communist Bolsheviks won the world wars.

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Thanks for the information. And, of course, not surprising. But it was not the Communist Bolsheviks who won both world wars. The winners were: #1. The Banksters. #2. Big Oil. #3. The top executives of the Military-Industrial Complex. #4. The Satanic-Pederasts who are behind virtually every institution of importance. (It boggles my mind how they captured the Vatican about 900 years ago without giving the game away.)

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Good comment. Sad how few people realize that Marxism and its offshoots were tools initiated and promoted by the mega rich of the time and "Communism" was intended for their benefit. Both the USSR and Red China were/are projects of the global banking and manufacturing mafia.

Bella Dodd's "School of Darkness" sheds a lot of light on the subject and it's both fascinating and improtant to note that Mao was a Yali.

“… men of wealth use the communist movement to bend workers to their will [and] I soon learned that the members exposed to the public were not the important Communists.”

-Bella Dodd, School of Darkness, Ch 6


“By about the year 2000 Communist China will be a “superpower” built by American technology and skill.”

Antony C. Sutton, American Secret Establishment published 1984


"In 1903, Yale Divinity School established a number of schools and hospitals throughout China that were collectively known as 'Yale in China.' It has since been shown that 'Yale in China' was an intelligence network whose purpose was to destroy the republican movement of Sun Yat-sen on behalf of the Anglo-American Establishment. The Anglo-American "Establishment" hated Sun, because he wanted to develop China. On the other hand, they loved the Chinese communists because they intended to keep China backward, and were committed to the production of drugs. . One of 'Yale in China's' most important students was Mao Zedong.

"During World War II, 'Yale in China' was a primary instrument used by the U.S. Establishment and its Office of Strategic Services (OSS) to install the Maoists into power.

'Yale in China' was run by OSS operative Reuben Holden, the husband of Bush's cousin, and also a member of Skull and Bones. "The Maoists made China into the world's largest opium producer.,

"'Yale in China' was also closely associated with the New York-based Union Theological Seminary, which has been a center for U.S. subversion of Asia According to Branton, they were literally wolves in sheeps clothing Every prominent radical leader operating in Korea today was trained at Union Theological. Union Theological was dominated for twenty years by Henry Sloane Coffin, a U.S. intelligence executive from the Sloane and Coffin families. He was a Skull and Bones member as were a dozen of his relatives.


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Thanks for the information. Bella Dodd leaves me a little Jaded. She had to have known that both Bishop Fulton Sheen- who had connections to High Finance- and especially Cardinal Spellman, who was definitely a pederast, if not a Satanist were in on it. Yet she lauded the one and ignored the other. Sun Yat-Zen and Mao Zedong were two wings of the same bird. The job of the former was to galvanize and enchant the Chinese wealthy class and having them looking east at Japan while Mao was financed by the Soviets to enlist the peasant class to his cause.

The message is always the same: For the "Bourgeoisie" the allure is building productive factories, hiring cheap labor, and making a fortune with some technical innovation begotten by the Banksters. For the Peasants it is you will no longer have to slave away at your plot of land but have a slice of the "means of production" a cushy desk job, and greater wealth. (They never ask who is going to milk the cows and take out the garbage...)

Divide and conquer... create and manipulate controlled opposition... it is how they roll.

In the Far East, you have the added complication that the British built the Japanese Empire so the Americans could demolish it during WW2, thus demoralizing that industrious and virtuous people. (And they got a gold heist to boot.)

And, yes, once you are at the bottom of the rabbit hole... or to put it another way, as Carl Sagan said of the astronomers... we struggled up the slopes of a daunting mountain with our mathematical equations and tedious observations, and when we reached the summit we found the theologians were sitting there the whole time...

So, similarly, "Conspiracy Theorists" grapple with facts, pour over government documents, sweat to discern the truth amid the lies and, after all that work, they begin to see... and suddenly realize that St John and Our Lord Jesus Christ told all things from the beginning.


Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!

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On the money!

Dr. DCA Hillman's book, "Original Sin: Ritual Child Rape and the Church", is worth a read. ...Depressing, but accurate look at the roots of "Christianity".

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Christianity has valid roots, and Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God. But He himself warned that the Abomination of Desolation was coming, and wondered if, when He returned, would He find faith?

Welcome to Chapter 13 of the Apocalypse.

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The A of D happened in 70 AD (CE).

God bless you and yours.

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The Destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple happened in 70 AD. But the Temple became a Desolation on Good Friday when Our Lord Jesus Christ died, and an abomination after Pentecost Sunday.

Our Lord does conflate His second coming in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke with the destruction of Jerusalem, but the two are obviously separate events.

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It was the great Bible teacher Chuck Missler that pointed out that to the Jew prophecy is not just one occurrence but a pattern of occurrences that occur over and over in history until reaching a culminating point with the big bang! There are multiple prototypes of the Antichrist and at least one prototype of the abomination of desolation. These are training sessions to prepare us for what is coming.

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Does that mean that their descendants in Kiev are going to win?

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Ukraine is the former Khazaria so it’s just a depopulation agenda for the NWO and so they can get their ancient land back. Satanyahu is polish though and his father changed their last name to hide it. The ashkenazis are fake semites/jews. The irony is Israel is genociding the actual semites.

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If they force the Russians to defend themselves with a nuclear first strike, they may become part of that depopulation agenda, inadvertently.

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It will simply be the white Christian citizenry who pays the price not those in power pulling the puppet strings. All these nations are simply playing out their scripted roles for the one world communist/facsist/technoenslavement government agenda.

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No, they're real semites; people boasting of being famous. What irony? "Is(ha)RaEl" means powerful, evil woman.

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The "War in Ukraine" is a production of Satanic Pederasts, INC. This is as fake and ghey as "World War II". The more you research, the more you discover everything is pure theatre. If you want the true scoop, contemplate what St John wrote while on the Island of Patmos, and what the Prophet Daniel wrote while a Bureaucrat for the Babylonian Empire.

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Where is Satanic Pederasts, INC incorporated?

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probably the Vatican, with branches in London, Brussels, Washington DC, Manhattan, Peking, and Moscow.

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Is Peking anywhere near to Beijing?

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Peking is Beijing.

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Sounds pretty ducky to me.

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Where is the Vatican incorporated?

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In Rome

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Which American state's secretary of state is located in Rome?

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Not a very deceptive name change; mostly just a translation.

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Jul 29Edited
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I’m unsure on the Bush name change but just like all politicians who become presidents via selection not election they are all zionists who further the NWO agenda regardless of party. Bush #1 was in Dallas the day of the JFK assassination which of course our government and Israel carried out. Then his POS son partners up with the Mossad decades later for 9/11. I can’t believe I used to believe voting mattered as they all are evil traitors so I no longer participate. Our government views we the people as the enemy so I don’t choose which evil rules over me and wishes me 6 ft under. If people haven’t figured it out after CONvid and the depopulation shots then they never will.

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Jul 29Edited
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After I held my nose and voted for the Shrub, I vowed never to vote again for any federal office candidate and have not. It is a criminal enterprise and always has been. The "anti-federalists" were not only correct but prescient.

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All my adult life I voted many times a day for me and my self .I will continue to vote me as the leader of MY LIFE . The ones voting and needing a leader should get a service dog to lead them ,he will serve them much better then any politician .

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The "American Revolution" was a staged production on both sides of the Atlantic. The United States has been nothing more than a Freemasonic Wind-Up toy to subvert Christendom. The center of the City of London is Blackfriars Abbey, the Deepest Part of the Deep State. Another Deep Part is the Belgian Castle, originator of the Dutch East India Company. (Currently Royal Dutch Shell.)

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Jul 30
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The City of London only came into being about 1649 or so. While Henry VIII was probably in on it, the center of Jooish activity was definitely the Vatican. It had much more political power in the 13th Century than what it does now. Pope Boniface VIII, who murdered his saintly predecessor Celestine V, wrote Unam Sanctum to fortify the supreme political power of the popes. This power would become hidden after the so-called Protestant Reformation, which in actuality was fomented to divide Christendom into two poles- The Ultramontanes and the Modernists, while the True Monastic Christians slowly perished in the process. What was obvious in the 13th century is still the fundamental political landscape- everything since the "Reformation" has just been to obfuscate the process.

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That was after they gave up brewing beer.

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Jul 29
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The Bush family moved to Texas from New England, not Europe.

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Scherf replacement of the Bush family.

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Jul 29
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When Columbus landed in America, no one welcomed him to Haiti.

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Jul 30Edited
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The Vikings beat them all.

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