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It's one of the reasons I offer for starting our nation over in The Public Weal and You. If memory serves me correctly, it was John Locke who wrote about the two party system in Parliament. They will steer their own courses as long as it provides the dichotomy needed to keep the "represented" in the dark. When the people "catch on", the …
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It's one of the reasons I offer for starting our nation over in The Public Weal and You. If memory serves me correctly, it was John Locke who wrote about the two party system in Parliament. They will steer their own courses as long as it provides the dichotomy needed to keep the "represented" in the dark. When the people "catch on", the two parties would then switch positions.
It was done the same way with the Tea Party movement. The GOP made it a "movement" to get it out of the way of their bi-corruption with the Democrats. The MAGA story is the same situation rebooted. The fact that it has been rebooted in only four years and not a generational stretch of ten years, proves two things to me from my view.
Item One: this confirms the majority of the people, are stupid and intellectually lazy for believing the 1787 system called "Federalism" is the only kind of government to have. They never lived in the post war 18th Century. They don't know about the government laid out from 1776. They don't know that the handful of pre-war wealthy members of the governing establishment who survived the revolution, knew when to spring the trap on returning the ship's course to the Parliamentary system with a twist or two.
Item Two: the expected reaction from the Senate, (which was only tested by one third and but for 3 or 4 seats, remained the same. A process, which you Don, have explored many times and yet the public finds such incredible facts as a treatment for insomnia) was to go back to the old way and use the MAGA gag as fuel for an extended ride into oblivion. However, I caution those politicos who take that road, yet again. I have heard the people on the Bongino show. Bongino himself has been warning the GOP, that the people won't stand for it anymore.
My money is on the Corrupted ones at this point. But I secretly root for the ones who will stand up and start over. I hope to live long enough to see it.
Yours in liberty,
ps for those who doubt me, then explain to me how Federalism is so great, that it got off the rails and claimed "political views" were part of that contract called the Constitution, when it came to allowing over 100 million babies in the US to be murdered in the very wombs they were growing in? You be the ones to tell the killed and the maimed in uniform that they were sacrificing themselves for a "Social Compact" Yeah, a "Compact"
The Donald has sucked all the life out of populism. MAGA is all about him. No one in the populist movement will accept any other leader than the "Chosen One" because only celebrity billionaires can represent the common man it seems. They have no initiative or driving force from outside Washington now.
DJT is a giant eclipse that won't end.
Absolutely right, RE. He was hired to tap into all that populist sentiment out there. And divide the country with his overblown personality. Thanks!
I for one would like to see mar-a-lago torn down and the entire place paved over in cement and homeless encampments set up instead, and Trump exiled to India. he seems to really like the Indians a lot even as much as the jews.
Astute as always, Vince. Thanks!
Give that man a box of cookies!
Many thanks Don!
When was Federalism ever on the rails?