Donald, thanks for a great and honest article.

"And now Musk has lashed out and called a segment of the MAGA base “contemptible fools” for objecting to his familiar One Percenter contention that America needs “skilled” workers from other lands."

Musk is an inconsistent, goofy bastard, as is Trump. I voted for Trump in 2016, but in April 2017, I could see his deception coming out, and that was the last time I voted for him.

To me, Trump is a Deep State asset, as all presidents, to an increasing degree, have been since November 22nd, 1963.

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Thanks, Realist!

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I’ve found my home! I’ve suspected Trump is just another wicked globalist for a few years now, but very few agree or see it. What a show he’s put on! Academy Award-winning performance. The veneer is cracking now. The last white great hope is just another con. So, what now?

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"What a show he’s put on! Academy Award-winning performance."

Indeed, that is precisely what it was. The whole of the 2024 'election' extravaganza was a stageplay/screenplay complete with melodrama. Who will replace the braindead Biden, attempted 'assassination' (most likely faked), the manufactured ascension of Harris as the ne'er-do-well Trump opponent. The set-up was complete, and the only outcome was a Trump win. In fact, the elections over the last few years were choreographed.

The Deep State is in control, and they will not be denied.

"So, what now?"

Destroy the Deep State.

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Not sure about the 'attempted assassination'. How do you suggest it was faked? For an attempted assassination the MSM sure did a wonderful job of memory holing it, or was that the real play, the 3D chess play, ignore it to really fire up the followers... A heads we win, tails they lose play. Trump may very well be a Trojan horse, or he's a pragmatist that's attempting to appease the most people, the jury is still out. Even if there really is a uni-party, one side seems to move at a slower rate of destruction then the other, and I shudder to think of what the next 4 years would be like with Incompetent Kamala at the helm .......

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"How do you suggest it was faked?"

Do you ever watch movies? Do you think the actors are really shot? Movie directors have been using fake blood for many decades. When Trump fell behind the podium, it would be no problem for one of the many men who fell on him to apply fake blood. Show me the proof his ear was nicked. Have you seen a close-up of Trump's ear showing a nick?

"For an attempted assassination the MSM sure did a wonderful job of memory holing it, or was that the real play, the 3D chess play, ignore it to really fire up the followers..."

The MSM was just staying in character.

"Trump may very well be a Trojan horse, or he's a pragmatist that's attempting to appease the most people, the jury is still out."

The jury is not out for those of rationality and logic.

"Even if there really is a uni-party, one side seems to move at a slower rate of destruction then the other, and I shudder to think of what the next 4 years would be like with Incompetent Kamala at the helm ......."

There was never a chance that Harris would win...that was the point.

I admit that sometimes, being rational does not paint the picture we want.

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Nailed it! There was NEVER a chance that Harris (or Biden) was going to win this election. Trump was the designated winner for this election since even before the 2020 election, and probably since even before the 2016 election.

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And where were the Soros funded BLM and Antifa riots and fires in the streets after the Trump win? Its all Kabuki theater designed to disarm and neutralize We The People while the gangsters and thieves who now own America continue to plunder what is left while enslaving all humanity. We are in an existential war for our survival as a free people and Trump is clearly on the other side.

“Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.” — Matthew 7:15

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Trump did a good job manipulating the conservatives into taking the death shots first time around. Now as more of the base have been questioning "the $cience", no better guy to rerun the scam.

He signed the PREP Act I believe, so there is no accountability for the pharma pigs. This time he doesn't have to pretend to be a conservative, valuing our freedom and bill of rights. He can just be a good old globalist defending the military medical complex in their world war on nature. He'll probably come out as a true believer in global warming too, since that 'green' scam is also a world war on nature (CO2) and dovetails with the war on microbes. All of it requires world governance, digital ID, vax passes, and social credit scores.

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What, now, indeed.

I predict JUDGEMENT!

God will not save America, as we know it. America, as we know it, slaughtered 60 million unborn, embraced same sex marriage...which did not make a farce of marriage, (a gazillion divorces did that), sat and watched the military industrial complex slaughter countless people while chanting USA USA USA, and profiting along with it via stocks...

He will save His remnant.

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I agree with everything you've said! Eventually, Believe it or not, we will turn against Israel. But you probably already know this because the Bible predicts that all the nations and that means all will turn against her. I will not be here to see that either because I am dead or because the church has been raptured out. It appears that none of the Nations are worthy in any way. It's not just America. I had dear friends that were from South Korea and they told me that it was exactly the same in Korea as it is the United States and not to view them as a more moral people at all. These were devout Christians who returned to South Korea in order to try to find a way into North Korea to witness to others concerning the gospel. So I assume they know very well what they are talking about. I cannot think of a single nation unfazed by the ugly immorality of today. We can only watch and wait as the Lord told us to do.

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The US worships Israel. Zionism is preached from every evangelical pulpit in the US. The only US politician that did not take AIPAC money was Gaetz, and you saw what happened to him.

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Actually, Mr. Lucky, Thomas Massie also refused AIPAC's money, and kicked them out of his office. He lost his wife suddenly shortly after revealing this to Tucker Carlson. Thanks.

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You are right and I stand corrected. Gaetz and Massie refused to bend the knee to the Tribe. Apparently this may have resulted in the death of Massie's wife, as you have suggested. And........apparently Massie is opposing the renomination of Speaker Johnson, but few stand with him. The rest of the republicans are doing as Trumpstein has declared: "I support Speaker Johnson." As and aside, the Democrats, for all their insanity, are putt bulls, but the republicans are lap dogs.

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Israel's leadership has gone the way of all the other nations. Make of that what you will.

Bibi Netanyahu is to Israel what Justin Trudeau is to Canada.

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Agree. It is the true Jews…the sincere believers..who are being betrayed within and without. The synagogue of Satan, as Jesus calls it in the book of Revelation, calling most if not all of the shots in Israel. I, and I know little of world politics, even thought that it seemed just a little too convenient that we left behind all that military hardware in the reach of Israel’s enemies. A super-layered scheme is being played out. God alone can see through it all and will deal the deathblow to it. I leave it to Him and grieve for the innocent bystanders losing life, limb, and land in this “grand” scheme.

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I have a different thought on that. I believe that the US will have been destroyed.

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I don't necessarily agree the US will "be destroyed." I tend to believe the US will destroy itself from the inside. No invading army will be able to destroy us. Too many guns in this country. No, instead the US will continue its march toward madness and will commit suicide.

Then will the true remnants of the House of Israel rise up from the ashes, destroy what remains of the corrupted Gentile influence, and usher in the new millennium of peace under the governance of Jesus Christ.

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Yep…that’s the other thought out there. Either will work. But our immorality and the huge burst of Israel hatred are indicators that the “all” of all nations is in play.

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Of course the US will be destroyed . That's been the plan from day one. All nation states will be eliminated so the NWO can proceed with a one-world government...ruled by the Chabad Lubavitch Antichrist...from the rebuilt Third Temple in Jerusalem. Four perfect red heifers have been in Israhell since September of 2022. All they need to do now is drop a bomb on the Dome of the Rock. The "Rapture" was invented by the psy-op Scofield Bible. I wonder what Jesus will say to that despicable Texas rancher who worked so hard to breed a perfect red heifer? Maybe: "I never knew you."

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"we will turn against Israel."

I often become very concerned at what is considered "Israel" and what isn't considered "Israel."

The Kingdom of Israel originally consisted of 12 tribes. One of those tribes, the Tribe of Rueben, lost the birthright and the birthright then fell to the tribe of Joseph who had two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. About 700 years before the birth of Christ the northern Kingdom of Israel was destroyed and taken captive by the ancient Assyrian empire. The northern Kingdom consisted of 10 tribes of Israel, excluding Judah and Benjamin. These 10 tribes never returned to the land of Israel. It is theorized, but not proven, that these 10 tribes migrated north and became the Scythian people before migrating into northern Europe, Brittania and Scandinavia. These peoples ultimately migrated to North America and are responsible for creating the great white nations of the Earth, the nations that have had greater success at governing themselves and brought about the greatest technological advances to benefit mankind. Essentially, white people.

The southern Kingdom of Judah persisted a couple of centuries after the destruction of the northern Kingdom but they too were eventually destroyed and take captive by the ancient Babylonian empire. However, unlike the northern 10 tribes, Judah and Benjamin were permitted to return to their homeland. But in what condition did they return? What were these tribes like when they returned? What was their racial and ethnic composition? Nobody knows for sure.

We do know that at the time of Christ the term "Jew" referred more or less to people living in or from the area known as Judea and did not refer to a specific racial ethnicity. Judea was controlled by Rome at the time and was a mishmash of many cultures and as such was a difficult region for Rome to govern. The term "Jew" did not denote one specific race of people and the tribes of Judah and Benjamin have been literally bred out of existence.

So who is "Israel" today? Is it the remnants of the Tribes of Judah and Benjamin? Or, is "Israel" the remnants of ALL the tribes of Israel including Ephraim, Manasseh, Gad, Dan, Naphtali, Zebulun, Issachar, Levi, Simeon and others?

I argue that "Israel" is much more than just Jerusalem or the Jews (modern day Jews have more genetic ties to the Ashkenazi people located in the Ukraine regions of the planet than they do to the ancient tribe of Judah). Based upon the migration patterns of the lost 10 tribes of Israel I believe Israel to be much more than Jerusalem and the Jews. When Jesus Christ or Jehovah refers to the restoration of the House of Israel, he isn't referring just to the restoration of the Jews to Jerusalem. He is referring to the restoration of ALL of the House of Israel including all 12 tribes.

In short, I agree with you. I believe one day America and other nations consisting of the remnants of the House of Israel will turn against the Jews in Jerusalem and will restore that land to those to whom the land truly belongs (the House of Israel). Not the false Jews (Ashkenazis) pretending to be of the Tribe of Judah.

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The Creator does not take sides. We are given free will to make choices and learn from our mistakes.....or not.

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There is only His side like there is only one side to a rainbow.

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Trump once said AI meant we would need more skilled workers from abroad.

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And by replacing the natives there will be tenants for the freedom cities

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Damn I love your commentary!

YOU get it!

Thank God someone does = Truth in plain sight!

Thank you for your insights Don!

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I really appreciate the kind words, Renee. Thanks!

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And here I am still waiting for Trump to “lock her up”. The King of 180’s. W Nick Fuentes yet again.

Musk’s X meltdown has included getting ratio’d by an account with 300 followers and then banning him, removing jew Loomer’s blue check and purging at least a dozen prominent Groypers from X. Welcome back to Jack Dorsey’s Twitter.

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That reaction from Musk was just so juvenile- perhaps the most immature response I've ever seen from someone of his "breeding and distinction." Thanks, CK.

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Re::.muskrat..That's a very Jewish "response ..we expect no better from El--On Muskrat..is he moving to Mars soon?**Don't let the door hit you on the head on your way out El--On..and take your antichrist-Neural necklace and drugs with you**.*

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the response is a common jew response. Ugly, name calling and full of rage that someone could possibly disagree. Another factor is they never present facts or reason, just the above.

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And yet, here ya'll are, denigrating Jews with the most obscenely stupid and dishonest tropes imaginable, while complaining about *they* typically react.

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I refuse to react to your silly comment.

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Ketamine apparently. the guy gets as high a kite. he's also got an alt account, Adrian Dittmann. the guy is a walking carnival, every grifter's one man show.

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so much for X and free speech, eh? Although X was never about free speech anyway.

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True. All of those things said X is still better than Twitter. Trump is still better than Harris. And Musk falling prey to the Streisand Effect, and the Noticing continues. We’re getting some wins.

Financial never just go up, there are pullbacks. We are trending up, this is just a pullback. IMO we are in a “buy the dips” cycle. Zooming out I think we should be optimistic while at the same time not complacent...social media pressure matters and we need to keep pushing, keep moving that Overton Window.

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No discernible difference. My account is still suspended.

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X better than Twitter when? not better than twitter 2015-16-17-18. not even close. X is primarily premium accounts that you pay to have 'free speech,' so how is that free speech? these accounts are botted and promoted, some nobodies have half a million followers. it's a grift operation and put millions of people on the grift, where once, we said what we wanted and the content was creative and informative. of course we paid the ultimate price of getting suspended. Twitter was once great, while it lasted.

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Elon Musk is an evil, godless soul. He is also a leach upon the taxpayers. Most of his wealth, if not all of it, derives from Government contracts. He doesn't build wealth. He uses his knowledge and abilities to suck wealth from the taxpayers.

Elon Musk is the biggest sheister and fraud put upon us. He is evil. His intentions are not good. He has all the money, now he needs all the power.

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It's likely always been running in the background. Just needed to bait the trap.

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Hope they made sure her ghost was also locked inside a tight metal coffin or djinn bottle, though her fraternal twin stand-in is just as bad. (Ghosts can't pass through metals.)

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Trump is just another politician who has mastered the art of talking out of both sides of his mouth. This is a necessary skill if you plan on joining the most corrupt group of crooks, pedophiles and grifter's known as the U.S government. Trump talked a good talk on the campaign trail unfortunately, the hidden hand has told him how he's going to walk the walk and it isn't close to what he promised his MAGA base. People showed up in droves to vote for Trump, desperate for the change the Orange Man promised. Most won't admit to themselves they were conned. At least for a brief moment there was a chance things would get better. There is only one way out of the train wreck America has become and that involves Americans turning off the TV, lifting themselves out of their well worn easy chair, walking out to their shed and digging out their pitchforks. I won't be holding my breath. After all isn't the Super Bowl coming up?

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Much thanks for getting me up to date on the Political Theatre. So the Kennedy Bridegrooms are going discalced? That is so 13th Century. At any rate, for the life of me I don't know how you can put an ounce of hope in either Kennedy or Gaetz. These clowns ARE the Deep State. It's just Kabuki Theatre for the masses. (If Possible, this Wolf is even more Black-Pilled than even Lee Gaulman. At this point, nothing short of Peter and Paul and the Archangel Michael in the sky with Flaming Swords is going to save America and "Drain the Swamp".)

It's not so much Trumpenstein that gives me concern, but the Maga Hats that have been groomed over the last ten years or so. They have placed much faith in a recycled Real Estate Bankruptcy Tycoon in the back hip pocket of HymieTown who talks like a cross between an Appalachian Redneck and a New York Jamaican. Last time around, the Establishment succeeded in recycling him from a Pro-Abort Democrat to "The Greatest Pro-Life Republican Ever." This time around they are going to transform him from Professional Wrestling Loudmouth to Magnanimous Polished Statesman, or so it appears.

I am all in favor of abolishing medicare, medicaid, and etc and also social security and welfare. My only complaint will be if they do not abolish all the control structure as well. I would love to live in a world where a person does not need an "ID" to board a plane or a bus, where a "drivers licence" was nothing but a certificate of proficiency, and where cops rode bicycles or walked a beat. I would love to live in a world where security cameras were not monitoring every move and business run by proprietors who cared about both customers and the products they sell. I would love to live in a world where people actually had to work to make a living and the dysfunctional were cared for by the churches or shipped somewhere where banana trees grow in the frond yard and they can help themselves.

As bad as things might have been before the dawn of Socialism, that world is infinitely preferable to the zombified masses and sordid bureaucracies we have today. Maybe things like ice cream and root beer would be a real treat again, and water the everyday beverage. I could live with that, so long as the neighbors were people I could talk to and not plastered with tattoos and piercings from head to toe.

And I would love to live in a world where jails were for those who committed violent crimes and were otherwise social misfits, and cities were full of mothers who rocked the cradle at night. I know that such a world is coming, but not courtesy of The Donald or anybody in his administration.

Not even Santa could drain the swamp.

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I always value your thoughtful comments, WW. Thanks.

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when WW gets old and is handed a 400K medical bill his thinking might change

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What makes you so sure? People used to say that to me, and then I survived two life-threatening illnesses... completely on my own. I am my own doctor. Anyone who doesn't reject all medical-industial-complex "treatment"...and also does not avoid the hospital killing fields ..is doomed. If you caught someone in your kitchen poisoning your food...then you deserve to die if you ever let them willingly into your home again. No one was dying at home from Covid1984... but the hospitals were death zones. Stupid normies learned very fast, how willing the medical personnel were to kill for those bonuses. I've been watching the testimonies of their loved ones on the CHD bus. It is heart wrenching. Also, the entire blood supply is contaminated with spike protein. Receiving blood is the same as getting the Jonestown jabs.

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Death by Hospital- the number one killer in the US.

And I fear Don Jeffries' friend and co-author Chris Graves might be the latest victim.

A 400K Medicare Bill? For what?

I too have overcome some life threatening illnesses by just rest- and maybe some miracles- who knows. One thing is for sure- hell will freeze over before I walk into any "medical facility" under my own power.

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medicare?? you said you want it eliminated. apparently somehow you have not heard of the tens of millions ruined by medical bills. but then again you perform miracles coming back to life using household products and flintstone vitamins

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yeah yeah yeah

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Hope Chris Graves is doing well. I have not heard from him.

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Chris is alive, if not well. I'll be doing "I Protest" tomorrow at 5 pm eastern, and hopefully he'll be on, as well as three people who have been doing their best to help him. The system is utterly broken. Just a sad story. Thanks, WW.

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Is there some channel on Rumble that is hosting you, or should I check Twitter?

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I believe you are a very intelligent man. Your knowledge of the catholic church and it's theology is expert level. I have to disagree with you on Medicare. I have had two cataract surgeries, cartilage removed from both knees (cleanup), a hernia repair and one additional outpatient procedure I would prefer not to share. These were all wear and tear repairs, I am old and my body is wearing out. I am in very good health. I don't want us to return to the days where getting old meant being crippled. I am healthy and mobile. God bless you.

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And what price is that health? The abolition of medicare would not abolish doctors, nor the procedures that helped you. In the end, the abolition of medicare would actually improve medicine, by eliminating doctors who just milking the system, and not genuinely helping people.

In the old days hospitals were financed by benefactors who looked ahead to when they or their loved ones would need care, and routinely staffed by nurses and other professionals who were not in it for the money, but actually cared about people.

Medicare has ruined health care, because there are no longer any consequences for a lack of integrity and bad management. What happens is that those with virtue and integrity get disgusted and quit, leaving only the incompetents and the maladjusted.

This has not only happened in health care, but law enforcement, the military, and even fire departments.

In the final analysis, only Christian Charity is going to restore any semblance of civilization, and I see very little prospect for that happening anytime soon. God Help America.

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As our knowledge has increased medicine has become much more technical. To reach a diagnosis doctors will utilize blood tests, x-rays, MRIs, Cat Scans, endoscopies, colonoscopies, ultrasounds, and so on. The medical system can provide far better treatment today than it could 50 years ago. While some diagnosis don't require these tests (shingles for example) generally these tests are considered part of the standard of care. This level of care requires a significant infrastructure. Unfortunately, as you have noted, there are entities that attempt to exploit the system. Some of these entities are the insurance companies approving or disapproving tests and procedures. The nice thing about Medicare is that these entities are not involved in the approval process. If a doctor orders an MRI there is no company denying the test. Now if you sign up for a Medicare Advantage programs these companies make their money by denying these tests. Finally, I agree the best way to ensure your health is by exercise and a good diet. All the best.

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All the best to Ye too.

In the Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

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We had that world not very long ago. The long march was a success.

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Jan 3Edited

Indeed, the Long March has been successful in America, beyond the Frankfurt School's wildest dreams... and any other place where the majority have smart phones. The two most important qualities in a friend... integrity and authenticity...are so rare as to be almost extinct. Because of controlled media and education, the average American is an ice cream sundae of movies, pop music, video games and social media; with a topping of entitlement, attention seeking, and hyper-emotionalism. Scratch the superficial surface, and there seems to be no real person inside.

This superficial personality thing has even crept into the obituaries. I've been reading my local obituaries for 30 years. The age at death keeps getting younger and younger. It has been disturbing to me that the dead are described by what tv shows, movies, music and sports teams they liked. When I saw in 2020, how pretty much everyone fell for the scamdemic, it made me realize how much I had been wasting my time the last 30 years trying to wake people up. If they were dumb enough to fall for something as transparent as Covid1984...they certainly were not going to be interested in anything I had to say back in 1990. No more casting pearls before swine. I wish I'd known sooner.

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And I have to say you hit the nail on the head. And personally I blame the Hierarchy of the Catholic Church for the precipitous decline in morals and integrity. They are supposed to set the example, yet they are cowards, gourmands, and perverts. They destroyed religion, replacing the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with a Miserable Banquet. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom, and the Bogus Ordo Happy Meal and the Social Gospel is the Foundation of the New Sodom.

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Sure was.

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White Wolf, I enjoyed your comment.

I just came back from a two week vacation to Mexico. I spent many days sitting in a beach chair and watching the Mexican fishermen. What a calming and enjoyable spectacle that was to behold and I found myself in immense admiration of these men and their simple existences.

Each of them had a simple 20 foot boat. They'd meet their buddies on the beach, drink some coffee or tequila, eat a quick breakfast, converse and laugh a little. They'd then board their boats and disappear onto the ocean beyond. Throughout the day each would return in their boats to the same place on the beach where they had started and secure their boats.

They would then sit in their wave rocking boats and clean their fish, randomly tossing fish entrails, heads and fins to the hungry pelicans swarming the waters, eager for the tasty treat coming their way. These fishermen would sing in Spanish, banter back and forth with their buddies on the adjacent boat and then when the fish were processed, would hop back down into the water, release the boat and go out for more fish.

What really stood out to me was how happy these men were. They were content to just fish. They had ample friendship and human interaction. They weren't looking at their phones, at all. They weren't stressed by a schedule. And, ironically, they probably made little more than 5000 US dollars per year on which to live, but, they were happy. I admired the simplicity and purpose of their lives. I had little desire to leave that pleasant scene on a Mexican Playa and return to the fucking clown show we now know as the USA.

I miss Mexico.

Thanks for your words!

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Two winters that I spent driving around Mexico, I spent a month each trip in Acapulco. Every evening I would go to the grocery store and buy a few Pacificos, and a big slice of flan, and go sit on the beach all night and talk to the fishermen. They slept on the beach in their boats, but they were happy to stay up all night and chat. There were (and I hope, still are) open air dance clubs on the beach...so wherever one sat, one was entertained by the music genre called, in Mexico, "Tropical". The tourist launch that cruised Acapulco Bay each night, had a regular schedule, so one could guess the hour, as the festive vessel, strung with colored lights, slowly made it's way around the bay. One guy lived on the beach and rented beach chairs by day. He told me how happy he was, and what a great life he had. A lot of cats were hanging around, and I witnessed the strange sight of two cats playing on the beach, that were caught completely by surprise when a wave washed over them. It was very funny.

I can tell you, I met many, many people in Mexico that came home when they finally realized how much better life is down there. I was fortunate one night to be serenaded for hours by a fisherman with a guitar. He told me he hated his time in the US. He loved his happy, carefree life as a fisherman. The ones that come (these days... I can't speak for earlier time periods) are tricked in into believing by movies, social media etc. that happiness is in material goods, internet fame, likes and other such bs. However, these days there is no push to go home... because they are getting everything for free...and living much better than poor Americans on America's dime. In 2006, I met a Mariachi in Guadalajara. He was eking out a bare-bones living, as a street musician. He said: "When I lived in America, I had the money to buy whatever I wanted, but I was miserable. Now I'm poor but I'm happy". Authentic folks will always chose personal happiness over what others ARE BRIANWASHED into believing will make them happy. Now, my contact was pretty much with boomer age, gen-x age, and old people. Also, the folks I interacted with pretty much shared my views on religion, which always brings understanding. Those younger than that, are probably as screwed-up, ignorant, and superficial as American young folks (that I have so little in common with that I can't carry on a conversation with them) I stopped meeting authentic people some time ago. It is a rare thing to meet an authentic person these days. Acapulco was hit by Hurricane Otis (Oct. 2023) that was a directed-energy weapon (like Lahaina). My heart ached for those folks, watching the horrifying videos. I hope all the guys I knew made it, ok. I hope they're still fishing. Funny thing...both Lahaina and Acapulco are scheduled to become model NWO self-contained cities of the future. I'm sure Mexico's new Jewess president is all-in with this plan. Your comment stirred up some very happy memories for me. No matter what happens...good memories can't be destroyed.

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We can only hope there will be another Cristero Rebellion. And this time I hope they tell the Pope to go pound sand, like they should have told Dwight Morrow and Pius XI.

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Thanks for your comment, which I immensely enjoyed reading. I was afraid that such men did not exist any more. Other than the cleaning the fish part, I'll take that life in a New York Minute. Those fisherman probably ain't saints- at least most of 'em. They probably get drunk on Friday night and 'cuss at their wives and don't go to church on Sunday. But I doubt any of their boys want to be women or their girls are enrolled in the Pony Soccer League. And I'm sure most of the wives go to Church on Sunday- some of them even might shake their heads and wonder at Pope Frantic.

I do so miss having anybody to banter with, or even feel like bantering. Hopefully I can bail out of the clown show and make a run for the border.

Viva Cristo Rey.

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yeah methicans so happy 50 million came here

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Only commented on what I saw. Can't speak for the other 50 million.

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Golly, where would we be without sage anti-semetic bigots like you to pat yourself on the back for your self-perceived discernment in seeing what the unwashed masses can't?

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Gee, I didn't even mention the Joos or the Holohoax or the Gaza Genocide and I'm still antisemitic. I sure have talent.

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Yeah, I like that cartoon.

Musk needs to have his bags packed and shipped back to SA.

Where should we send Ramaswamy? Why not send him to help Ukraine?

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Yes, perhaps he can berate Ukraine's White soldiers for being lazy. Thanks, Lee.

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I vote sending Ramaswamy to Downtown Damascus so he can be a part of its liberation- if he survives the carpet bombing.

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Vivek the snake**

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As in Doc Strangelove, it would be nice if a lot of these people would just pull a Major Kong over a country of their own choosing, and ride secretly deweaponized dud bombs on down into some lost jungle or forest. Said this before, but never look at these people with anything more than cold, clinical, sterile, and detached loathing. If they do something good, put your gloves on and cross out one adjective.

Donald, in that pic of you up above, you bear more than a passing resemblance to portraits painted of Thomas Jefferson. Jeffries and Jefferson are most likely just derivatives of the same name. You're probably cousins.

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Well, Dee, I can honestly say that I've never heard that comparison before. Michael J. Fox- yes. Thomas Jefferson- not until now. But I'll take it as a compliment. Thanks!

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Dee, You are correct. Once you pointed that out...Donald does look a lot like Jefferson... especially around the eyes.

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Musk is an American citizen, as is Ramaswamy. How quaintly WW2 internment camp to suggest it.

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Musk was granted citizenship but espouses no American ideals. All he cares about is how much money he can suck out of the American economy. Ramaswamy is a first generation American of foreign citizens, that became citizens after Vivek was born. Ramaswamy is much like Musk, both view the USA as a big business venture to make themselves wealthy, whatever it takes, they will take advantage of just to enrich themselves. Trump erred big time bringing in those two men full of avarice.

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Trump didn’t err in selecting those guys. He had no say in the matter. All of his advisors and cabinet selections are chosen by his handlers, in fact some of them ARE his handlers. Bill Barr was for sure one of Trump’s handlers during his first term. I’m not sure about any of the others. I don’t think that Musk is a handler. He is far too low on the food chain to be considered a handler. He is basically just a gopher for the NWO. I think he probably injured some body parts in his desperate dash to get to the Capitol in time to grovel before Netanyahu when he addressed Congress a while back.

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Musk and Ramaswamy are SNAKES like Ilhan Omar.

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They may be worse than Ilhan, Lee. At least she doesn't seem to hide her agenda. You know what you're getting with her. Thanks.

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Excellent point, I agree.

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so was Ted Bundy and Richard Ramirez.

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Loved your attack on the counterfeiting operation of the Fed. The Fed is responsible for the redistribution of wealth to those favored clients of the government. It is unjust and unfair and is the ultimate tool of the money power. You are also correct to say “We are entitled to Social Security and Medicare, we were forced to pay a whole lot of money into the system.” The American people were scammed by a giant ponzi scheme by the fraudsters in the USG. The unfunded liabilities in Social Security and Medicare run into trillions and trillions of dollars and make the National Debt look like a hangnail by comparison. Yes, the American Empire of bases should be dismantled, all the troops should be brought home, all foreign aid eliminated, and the budget of the Department of Offense should be cut first. None of this, however, will make Social Security or Medicare solvent. It is unfair, it is unjust, but Social Security and Medicare cannot be saved. The USG will default on it obligations to those who paid into Social Security and Medicare in the same dishonest and conniving way they concocted the massive ponzi scam, by massive monetary inflation.

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I don't know if it can be saved, Ira. But they should at least try. Strict means testing. Taxing all income- not just the first $160,000. Thanks.

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Spot on. I never ever, not in a million years, thought it would still be there when I turned 62. Therefore I consider it all gravy. I've been getting it since 2022. I only get $446. per month. My big cost of living increase for 2025, will be $10.

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Great post, Donald. If nothing else, the entertainment value of the Trumpenstein Project is immeasurable and it will be darkly entertaining watching MAGA squirm trying to justify the 33rd Degree chess moves of their hero. Unfortunately, it's already started and I have rando MAGAs extolling the meritorious virtue of replacing American workers with Indians. Never mind that is a Bush II era program that was championed by Bill Gates. You know, our rehabilitated MAGA buddy.

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Thanks, Andrew!

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Yes, the Entertainment value of The Donald is priceless- and that is all this is, entertainment. As Steve Cunningham says, Politics is Show Business for Ugly People. (Although Miss Occasional Cortex does have just enough in all the right places. I don't know how the Casting Couch missed her.) Like 2016, Trump is promising the MAGA Hats the Moon and the Stars. This time I think he will come much closer to delivering. What with 2 trillion dollar budgets and a debt that is going to infinity and beyond something is either going to crack or the insanity will boldly go where no man has gone before. (Maybe BitCoin will save us? Talk about the Wall Street Equivalent of the Hail Mary Pass...)

With 2025, all options are on the table, up to and including the return of Elias the Prophet, as foretold by Malachi.

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Cortex is pleasant on the eyes, until she smiles, that is. Then the horse teeth come out and the shivers down the spine begin.

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It's the popes that send shivers down my spine, not the politicians.

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So comical to watch your comically illiterate and bigoted ilk preen and puff over your entirely self-perceived enlightenment and discernment about how you and the few other oracles can see what the unwashed rubes can't.

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Grammar isn't your strong suit, is it?

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Andrew, Andrew, let us not badger the afflicted.

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It doesn't matter who fills any political position if they follow the orders given them to carry out by those who placed them therein.

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Exactly. But what matters also is the fan club, and Trump has a much bigger one than what the Cackling Camel will ever dream of. Of course, now that she has finished her role, she can retire to a nice resort. I would suggest going overseas, however. Commifornia is slated to be transformed into a Bill Gates' Fruit Farm.

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That is PRECISELY why Trump was chosen to win this election. His cult followers will eagerly and blindly follow him as he implements all of the Agenda 2030 goals (CBDCs, biometric I.D.s, etc.), whereas they would resist those things if a Democrat (or even another Republican) was president. Just as he was selected in 2016 so that the Right wouldn’t resist the scamdemic tyranny. The NWO doesn’t need to be concerned about the Left, because they are dumb enough to go along with all of that nonsense without being manipulated. The Right is a little bit smarter, but still not smart enough to realize how they are being played. Most of them can’t even figure out that the ‘assassination attempt’ in Butler, PA was completely staged.

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I totally agree. They have been grooming the Maga Hats for 10 years for exactly that.

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That's the purpose of oaths of office and of taxpayers.

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What is that?

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666D Chess

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All positions of State are chosen by the Committee if 300.

Trump is a showman and received his notice with two MKUltra assassins.

The Swamp always drains the "republic?", now with 5th gen warfare.

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Those weren’t MKUltra assassins. They were MKUltra patsies, at least the one in Butler, PA. His rifle was empty. No one ever shot at or near Trump, although someone (but not the patsy) shot into the crowd to get the casualties that were necessary to make it more convincing, and to get the sheeple emotional enough to lose what little bit of cognitive ability they had to begin with, so that they would fall for the obvious hoax. I haven’t figured out the incident at the golf course yet, but some nutjob in the bushes, who never fired a shot, doesn’t constitute an assassination attempt. Trump has known his role, and has performed his role well, since at least 2015. No assassination attempts were necessary for anything.

But you are right about the Committee of 300. It is part of the NWO, which does, indeed, select all presidents, as well as most other important politicians. But the NWO is much bigger than just the Committee of 300. It includes many other secret societies and bloodline families at the upper hierarchical levels, and many organizations such as the CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, City of London, etc., at the middle hierarchical levels.

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Absolutely brilliant! These hard truths must be confronted honestly ( if one is truly principled).

Btw- " Greenberg. Not O'Malley"......... awesome!

Thanks Don

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Thanks, Robert!

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There are amazingly consistent results when one counts the times when the American people lose.

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You are exactly right, Kolokol. As James Forrestal said, before they pushed him out of a window at Bethesda Naval Hospital, if there wasn't a giant conspiracy, once in a while they'd make a mistake in our favor. Thanks.

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It's one of the reasons I offer for starting our nation over in The Public Weal and You. If memory serves me correctly, it was John Locke who wrote about the two party system in Parliament. They will steer their own courses as long as it provides the dichotomy needed to keep the "represented" in the dark. When the people "catch on", the two parties would then switch positions.

It was done the same way with the Tea Party movement. The GOP made it a "movement" to get it out of the way of their bi-corruption with the Democrats. The MAGA story is the same situation rebooted. The fact that it has been rebooted in only four years and not a generational stretch of ten years, proves two things to me from my view.

Item One: this confirms the majority of the people, are stupid and intellectually lazy for believing the 1787 system called "Federalism" is the only kind of government to have. They never lived in the post war 18th Century. They don't know about the government laid out from 1776. They don't know that the handful of pre-war wealthy members of the governing establishment who survived the revolution, knew when to spring the trap on returning the ship's course to the Parliamentary system with a twist or two.

Item Two: the expected reaction from the Senate, (which was only tested by one third and but for 3 or 4 seats, remained the same. A process, which you Don, have explored many times and yet the public finds such incredible facts as a treatment for insomnia) was to go back to the old way and use the MAGA gag as fuel for an extended ride into oblivion. However, I caution those politicos who take that road, yet again. I have heard the people on the Bongino show. Bongino himself has been warning the GOP, that the people won't stand for it anymore.

My money is on the Corrupted ones at this point. But I secretly root for the ones who will stand up and start over. I hope to live long enough to see it.

Yours in liberty,


ps for those who doubt me, then explain to me how Federalism is so great, that it got off the rails and claimed "political views" were part of that contract called the Constitution, when it came to allowing over 100 million babies in the US to be murdered in the very wombs they were growing in? You be the ones to tell the killed and the maimed in uniform that they were sacrificing themselves for a "Social Compact" Yeah, a "Compact"

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The Donald has sucked all the life out of populism. MAGA is all about him. No one in the populist movement will accept any other leader than the "Chosen One" because only celebrity billionaires can represent the common man it seems. They have no initiative or driving force from outside Washington now.

DJT is a giant eclipse that won't end.

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Absolutely right, RE. He was hired to tap into all that populist sentiment out there. And divide the country with his overblown personality. Thanks!

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I for one would like to see mar-a-lago torn down and the entire place paved over in cement and homeless encampments set up instead, and Trump exiled to India. he seems to really like the Indians a lot even as much as the jews.

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Astute as always, Vince. Thanks!

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Give that man a box of cookies!

Many thanks Don!

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When was Federalism ever on the rails?

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The way many people see Trump is the way many people saw Obama. Both are like blank slates onto which many people write their dreams.

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Don... Great as usual. Only quibble is cutting Gaetz any slack... Someone near and dear to me looked into his past when we moved to N. FL in 2018... He already had quite the reputation as a FL Man version of Hunter B. While a FSU student a young black man expired from ? in Matty's apartment (as it turned out)... Somehow the death wasn't noted and the body didn't turn up for several days - in another county nearly 200 miles away (near Jacksonville, a haven for especially helpful LEOs). Given your expertise at dealing with many "conspiracies", I am certain you can see similarities with this tale and many others with political connections. Remember, this IS Amerika, Inc.... Appreciate your work very much! Happy 2025 (I hope)!

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Wow. I hadn't heard that story, TnDoc. Thanks for sharing.

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Doesn't it sound like a typical day in Amerikan History?

His old man:


And, in Forbes...

"...Before the elder Gaetz, 73, moved into politics, he was a successful businessman who started his own company. After graduating from Concordia College in Minnesota, he worked as a hospital administrator in Wisconsin and Florida. In 1983, he cofounded hospice provider Vitas Healthcare with an ordained minister and registered nurse, and helped build it over the next two decades. In 2004, the company—touted as “the nation's largest provider of hospice services for patients with severe, life-limiting illnesses,” with more than 6,000 employees—was bought by Cincinnati plumbing business Roto-Rooter for $406 million..." from this one:


And, this:


Makes one proud to be Murrican!

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