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What, now, indeed.
I predict JUDGEMENT!
God will not save America, as we know it. America, as we know it, slaughtered 60 million unborn, embraced same sex marriage...which did not make a farce of marriage, (a gazillion divorces did that), sat and watched the military industrial complex slaughter countless people while chanting USA USA USA,…
© 2025 Donald Jeffries
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What, now, indeed.
I predict JUDGEMENT!
God will not save America, as we know it. America, as we know it, slaughtered 60 million unborn, embraced same sex marriage...which did not make a farce of marriage, (a gazillion divorces did that), sat and watched the military industrial complex slaughter countless people while chanting USA USA USA, and profiting along with it via stocks...
He will save His remnant.
I agree with everything you've said! Eventually, Believe it or not, we will turn against Israel. But you probably already know this because the Bible predicts that all the nations and that means all will turn against her. I will not be here to see that either because I am dead or because the church has been raptured out. It appears that none of the Nations are worthy in any way. It's not just America. I had dear friends that were from South Korea and they told me that it was exactly the same in Korea as it is the United States and not to view them as a more moral people at all. These were devout Christians who returned to South Korea in order to try to find a way into North Korea to witness to others concerning the gospel. So I assume they know very well what they are talking about. I cannot think of a single nation unfazed by the ugly immorality of today. We can only watch and wait as the Lord told us to do.
The US worships Israel. Zionism is preached from every evangelical pulpit in the US. The only US politician that did not take AIPAC money was Gaetz, and you saw what happened to him.
Actually, Mr. Lucky, Thomas Massie also refused AIPAC's money, and kicked them out of his office. He lost his wife suddenly shortly after revealing this to Tucker Carlson. Thanks.
You are right and I stand corrected. Gaetz and Massie refused to bend the knee to the Tribe. Apparently this may have resulted in the death of Massie's wife, as you have suggested. And........apparently Massie is opposing the renomination of Speaker Johnson, but few stand with him. The rest of the republicans are doing as Trumpstein has declared: "I support Speaker Johnson." As and aside, the Democrats, for all their insanity, are putt bulls, but the republicans are lap dogs.
Israel's leadership has gone the way of all the other nations. Make of that what you will.
Bibi Netanyahu is to Israel what Justin Trudeau is to Canada.
Agree. It is the true Jews…the sincere believers..who are being betrayed within and without. The synagogue of Satan, as Jesus calls it in the book of Revelation, calling most if not all of the shots in Israel. I, and I know little of world politics, even thought that it seemed just a little too convenient that we left behind all that military hardware in the reach of Israel’s enemies. A super-layered scheme is being played out. God alone can see through it all and will deal the deathblow to it. I leave it to Him and grieve for the innocent bystanders losing life, limb, and land in this “grand” scheme.
I have a different thought on that. I believe that the US will have been destroyed.
I don't necessarily agree the US will "be destroyed." I tend to believe the US will destroy itself from the inside. No invading army will be able to destroy us. Too many guns in this country. No, instead the US will continue its march toward madness and will commit suicide.
Then will the true remnants of the House of Israel rise up from the ashes, destroy what remains of the corrupted Gentile influence, and usher in the new millennium of peace under the governance of Jesus Christ.
Yep…that’s the other thought out there. Either will work. But our immorality and the huge burst of Israel hatred are indicators that the “all” of all nations is in play.
Of course the US will be destroyed . That's been the plan from day one. All nation states will be eliminated so the NWO can proceed with a one-world government...ruled by the Chabad Lubavitch Antichrist...from the rebuilt Third Temple in Jerusalem. Four perfect red heifers have been in Israhell since September of 2022. All they need to do now is drop a bomb on the Dome of the Rock. The "Rapture" was invented by the psy-op Scofield Bible. I wonder what Jesus will say to that despicable Texas rancher who worked so hard to breed a perfect red heifer? Maybe: "I never knew you."
I have never understood the enthusiasm that Christian show for rebuilding the Third Temple except of course that they think this will hurry Christ's return in some way. It is a temple that declares to the world that Christ was not sufficient and that his sacrifice is of no use for the remission of sins. And of course we know the Antichrist will declare that he is God from there. Why people cooperate in these things who call themselves Christians is beyond me. My poor mother gave a lot of money to Israel out of her mere pittance that she received throughout her years. She considered it to be God's work.
No man knoweth the hour of the coming of the son of Man.
Anyone who professes to be know or to be able to quicken the time of that coming is false.
They are enthusiastic about the rise of the Antichrist for that same reason.
"we will turn against Israel."
I often become very concerned at what is considered "Israel" and what isn't considered "Israel."
The Kingdom of Israel originally consisted of 12 tribes. One of those tribes, the Tribe of Rueben, lost the birthright and the birthright then fell to the tribe of Joseph who had two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. About 700 years before the birth of Christ the northern Kingdom of Israel was destroyed and taken captive by the ancient Assyrian empire. The northern Kingdom consisted of 10 tribes of Israel, excluding Judah and Benjamin. These 10 tribes never returned to the land of Israel. It is theorized, but not proven, that these 10 tribes migrated north and became the Scythian people before migrating into northern Europe, Brittania and Scandinavia. These peoples ultimately migrated to North America and are responsible for creating the great white nations of the Earth, the nations that have had greater success at governing themselves and brought about the greatest technological advances to benefit mankind. Essentially, white people.
The southern Kingdom of Judah persisted a couple of centuries after the destruction of the northern Kingdom but they too were eventually destroyed and take captive by the ancient Babylonian empire. However, unlike the northern 10 tribes, Judah and Benjamin were permitted to return to their homeland. But in what condition did they return? What were these tribes like when they returned? What was their racial and ethnic composition? Nobody knows for sure.
We do know that at the time of Christ the term "Jew" referred more or less to people living in or from the area known as Judea and did not refer to a specific racial ethnicity. Judea was controlled by Rome at the time and was a mishmash of many cultures and as such was a difficult region for Rome to govern. The term "Jew" did not denote one specific race of people and the tribes of Judah and Benjamin have been literally bred out of existence.
So who is "Israel" today? Is it the remnants of the Tribes of Judah and Benjamin? Or, is "Israel" the remnants of ALL the tribes of Israel including Ephraim, Manasseh, Gad, Dan, Naphtali, Zebulun, Issachar, Levi, Simeon and others?
I argue that "Israel" is much more than just Jerusalem or the Jews (modern day Jews have more genetic ties to the Ashkenazi people located in the Ukraine regions of the planet than they do to the ancient tribe of Judah). Based upon the migration patterns of the lost 10 tribes of Israel I believe Israel to be much more than Jerusalem and the Jews. When Jesus Christ or Jehovah refers to the restoration of the House of Israel, he isn't referring just to the restoration of the Jews to Jerusalem. He is referring to the restoration of ALL of the House of Israel including all 12 tribes.
In short, I agree with you. I believe one day America and other nations consisting of the remnants of the House of Israel will turn against the Jews in Jerusalem and will restore that land to those to whom the land truly belongs (the House of Israel). Not the false Jews (Ashkenazis) pretending to be of the Tribe of Judah.
The Creator does not take sides. We are given free will to make choices and learn from our mistakes.....or not.
There is only His side like there is only one side to a rainbow.